"Puzzling People" by Thomas Sheridan - a puzzling person

Another thing I realised that in his second book Thomas Sheridan showed disdain for disabled people as if there was a greater than higher proportion of psychopaths among disabled people than able bodied people and that a huge proportion of them were faking it to get state benefits.
Chirpy said:
Another thing I realised that in his second book Thomas Sheridan showed disdain for disabled people as if there was a greater than higher proportion of psychopaths among disabled people than able bodied people and that a huge proportion of them were faking it to get state benefits.

Chirpy, could you please cite or direct me to the page or pages where T. Sheridan states this about disabled people. I purchased the book a while back and have not had the chance to read it. After the "events" of the past month, this book has dropped way down my reading list to read later as a possible glimpse into the pathological mind. Again, I would greatly appreciate it if you would direct me to the passages in the book that "shore up" your claim that T. Sheridan "showed disdain for disabled people". Thanks! :)
Chirpy said:
Another thing I realised that in his second book Thomas Sheridan showed disdain for disabled people as if there was a greater than higher proportion of psychopaths among disabled people than able bodied people and that a huge proportion of them were faking it to get state benefits.

Really? I don't have a copy of his second book, would you mind posting the relevant quotes, or even scans if you are able? That would help a lot as I just don't have fundage to waste on crappy books written by walking ego sacks.
on page 149 of defeated demons, there starts a piece entitled the 'disabled or "faking it" psychopath'. it says that some psychopaths will fake illness and disability to find enablers and get a free ride, then tells a story of a guy who claimed to have been with a psychopath who feigned disability to leech off him, basically.
Thank you Ixion. That's the page I read in 'Defeated Demons' that referred to disabled psychopaths. He was referring to psychopaths claiming benefits but never mentioned genuine claimants of disability benefits as a disclaimer.

"A psychopath is more likely to drink alcohol and drive, take daredevil risks, get beaten up in a fight, have severe migraines, suffer from AIDs and become addicted to drugs to a far greater degree than a normal person."

What about their victims too? Don't they catch AIDs from a psychopath, end up injured in a car crash because of a drunken psychopathic driver either as a passenger of said driver or because they were in the other car involved in the crash, get beaten up by psychopaths and get addicted to drugs sold to them by psychopathic drug dealers. This is inferring that the victims will be bestowed with good luck and karma for not being psychopaths. Having said this not all drug dealers are psychopaths as many of them go into dealing just to fund a drug taking habit or through lack of work. It's the big time dealers we need to look out for.

On page 150 it says: "Imagine you want a free ride - to be taken care of so you never have to work, avoiding all the responsibilities of the modern world in terms of feeding, clothing and housing yourself. Now consider if you were a psychopath and were either genuinely disabled to some degree, or worse, faking a disability. Imagine how much power this will give you over others, both personally or in a social context, not to mention abusing government disability payments and services."

This infers that even genuinely disabled people shouldn't claim disability benefits and should look for work instead while claiming unemployment benefit as if they were able bodied. They claim disability benefits because working full time would worsen their condition, they are not able to work efficiently for an employer because of their condition and because it's difficult to find work when you're disabled because of prejudice against disabled people and because most employers cannot afford to accommodate them with special adjustments. They need the extra money to pay for wheelchairs, crutches, taxi fares to hospital appointments and other aids to help them live a 'normal' life.

There are a small minority of disabled people who play up their symptoms to get more sympathy and benefits but there are many more who struggle on regardless and downplay their symptoms.
Thank you both for the info, it's sad, but I'm really not surprised. I have been scouring his posts looking for some sign of real empathy...nada. It really is "all about him"
Thank you ixion and Chirpy for your replies and citations. :)

For further clarification, here is the full passage from CH 5 in Defeated Demons:


When I first brought up the topic of the disabled psychopath, I was met with shock and amazement. The very idea of whether or not a disabled or handicapped has a real or overblown disabilty is an uncomfortable concept for most people. But we have all met them, and some have had their lives destroyed by taking care of them. Think of the Andy and Lou characters from TV series Little Britain.

A psychopath is more likely to drink alcohol and drive, take dare-devil risks, get beaten up in a fight, have severe migraines, suffer from AIDS and become addicted to drugs to a far greater degree than a normal person. Their pathology will not end once in the wheelchair or treatment clinic -- on the contrary -- it will provide them with an extra guilt leverage to maintain enablers. This is also why psychopaths fake cancer and will overplay real or imagined diseases, disorders and diabilities they may or may not have. Ironicall, their true disorder -- being a psychopath -- remains even more deeply masked under their 'handicap'.

Imagine you want a free ride -- to 'be taken care' of so you would never have to work, avoiding all the responsibilities of the modern world in terms of feeding, clothing and housing yourself. Now consider if you were a psychopath and were either genuinely disabled to some degree, or worse, faking a disability. Imagine how much power this would give you over others, both personally and in a social context, not to mention abusing government disability payments and services. Finding round-the-clock enablers would be extremely easy; your local social services/charity organizations may even provide you with a professional carer. All you have to do is nothing, except use guilt, sympathy and play on people's good nature to exploit them to your own ends.

Along with all the "imagining" going on in the preceding passage, I suppose Sheridan expects us to "imagine" from whence he sourced his information ... he sure has a lot to say, but with NO backing! :scared:
nicklebleu said:
Not trying to defend him, but it is a pity that someone who apparently grasped the concept of psychopathy and has written a book that apparently is read by a significant number of people has been vectored/ taken over by same. Or - as someone has suggested, he is a psychopath himself playing the "double reverse game".

No surprise... he is not the only one to act this way today. After all, they know our words would fall in the big mess of internet. One could prove that Thomas Sheridan or John Lash are writing their books in plagiarizing forums. But would it stop them to attract newbies always charmed by what they pretend to know, while they stole it? Moreover when the forums ask to be registered to be read...
John Lash is more intelligent: no FB, no twitter and he even stopped giving interviews since june, when he felt his points were about to be put in questions too much.
John always prepared his questions. Ask Time Monk Radio about: they had a quarrel after the last interview. Unless one has to deliver tons of dates, I don't understand why this man would need to prepare his questions. He might be aware of his subject...

I know the subject is Thomas Sheridan here, but they are so similar. John Lash seems more dangerous because he protects himself a lot. Which gives to the very interesting question: why?
As I read it here and there, if one has nothing to hide, one has nothing to fear...
I've so many things to say, that I don't know where to start... :rolleyes:
Chirpy said:
Thank you Ixion. That's the page I read in 'Defeated Demons' that referred to disabled psychopaths. He was referring to psychopaths claiming benefits but never mentioned genuine claimants of disability benefits as a disclaimer.

"A psychopath is more likely to drink alcohol and drive, take daredevil risks, get beaten up in a fight, have severe migraines, suffer from AIDs and become addicted to drugs to a far greater degree than a normal person."

This is just one his lists of how to spot a psychopath, all of them are ridiculous. He clearly has no real understanding of the topic.
Laura said:
Ummm... didn't Sheridan himself claim to have cancer?

he did. that certainly caught my attention, he mentions psychopaths faking cancer repeatedly in his radio talks, in one of them he says psychopaths are obsessed with cancer!
ixion said:
Laura said:
Ummm... didn't Sheridan himself claim to have cancer?

he did. that certainly caught my attention, he mentions psychopaths faking cancer repeatedly in his radio talks, in one of them he says psychopaths are obsessed with cancer!

He probably get's a kick out of passing such a blatant con off on his devotees. And it's probably not the only one.
I took a long weekend to Blighty (Britain). Some friends and our kids went to Cambridge on the 26th. To my great surprise
I saw posters advertising Thomas Sheridan, renowned author and public speaker, giving a presentation on "Transcending Toxic People in Our Psychopathic Society", Sunday September 9, 4PM, admission 5 pounds at the Romsey Labour Club.

I stupidly (it was a tiring day, but really!) did not tear the poster down, but I think I should call the club and warn them about this character, and give them the links provided by Guardian.

Any other thoughts?

BTW, my alarm bells went off just listening to one of the radio shows he was guest on. He was all over the shop, talking very rapidly about this and then that in a thick accent. Making claims all over the place. Could not bear to listen to him. Plus, in one of his video interviews, he looked unkept and seedy (he likes a drink or three), which also put me off.
Laura said:
Ummm... didn't Sheridan himself claim to have cancer?

He claimed to have "developed and survived" cancer in his intro post here on the forum (see: http://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php/topic,14541.msg113852.html#msg113852):

A few months after we broke up I developed cancer. Now here is where it gets really weird. Even though I survived the cancer. I kept thinking that the tumor was a composite of my father, the entity and my ex Fem-Soc. As in it was the same being out to get me. I know it sounds nuts but it was a constant feeling I had.
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