"Puzzling People" by Thomas Sheridan - a puzzling person

Laura said:
Ummm... didn't Sheridan himself claim to have cancer?

He also stated that his wife has had cancer. This is a FB status that he posted (and promptly removed) a few weeks ago and which triggered me to finally defriend and block him.

Thomas Sheridan The gas thing is every one who knows me is what a devoted and loving husband I am. I absolutely adore my wife and I remained with her through her cancer and other problems. I used to write the Unki posts to cheer her up - an insane animal like Laura cannot understand love. She moves from one welfare check to the next.
4 minutes ago · Like

I'm not sure if his wife actually had cancer, but who uses that to garner sympathy and show what a great person they are? And writing those misogynistic Unki posts to cheer her up?! Now that's just creepy.

I wish I had taken a screen shot of this post. :headbash:
cassandra said:
I took a long weekend to Blighty (Britain). Some friends and our kids went to Cambridge on the 26th. To my great surprise
I saw posters advertising Thomas Sheridan, renowned author and public speaker, giving a presentation on "Transcending Toxic People in Our Psychopathic Society", Sunday September 9, 4PM, admission 5 pounds at the Romsey Labour Club.

There are two newspapers for Romsey I found online which I think are also physical papers. Is it worth communicating with them either by a posting online if they have an online letters page , or via a phone call?

Communicating with the labour party rep for the area may also be a possibility to consider.

The newspapers are here.


cassandra said:
Rightyho, and I'll try to get hold of the rep, or someone else tomorrow.

That would be good. I have sent information and link to article via one of those contact forms here -http://romsey.cambridgelabour.org.uk/
If I we had the time and resources, it would be very useful to do some research into this guy, like on the ground research in Ireland, to try and find out the truth about whether or not his wife (if he even has one) and he actually had cancer.
I found this. Dunno know if you are aware of, so in any case:

What annoyed me through those talks between John and the two Thomas is the ego that was taking all the place!
I don't think Thomas Sheridan was talking about the ET as predators/psychopaths before Lash.
John Lash wasn't even comparing the greys to psychopaths one year ago. His discourse has changed. As he was pushing people to the revolution in his russian revolution podcast with Malone; he then changed his point of view. Reading the forum telestai.org he pretended to never read? Lies.
How many women Lash took in the shade as muses, to then contradict himself, just to have something new to say?
This man is always contradicting himself and play with women, making false promises just to get their money.
He's just a gigolo and I hope it won't take a month for this to be discovered.
He claims that psychopaths um and er a lot when he ums and ers a lot in a Liverpool accent.
I'm very surprised by the accusations against Lash. I am reading "Not in His image" at the moment and it is a really well researched and logical book.
abeofarrell said:
I'm very surprised by the accusations against Lash. I am reading "Not in His image" at the moment and it is a really well researched and logical book.

I am too darling. I will find again the gnostic forum where they say that he plagiarized them for this book. I can't find it anymore but I will go on searching.
Many members that lived him, after two forums closed (good to eliminate the traces...) have been plagiarized. Even myself.
I guess he kept all the datas from the last forum either.
Above all, he never distributed members's mails to each other, that way he could play his game behind the curtain. Which is really suspicious.
Now there is only gaiaspora where no comments are visible. Why so much secrecy for a person that wants to kill the psychopaths? He knows what's coming, that's why.

The fact is that lsd, ayahuasca, mushrooms... and alcohol seem to make him ignorant of what is coming from his own mind from other sources. Would it be other books or humans. He drinks everyday as Sheridan the same, apparently. Maybe why he is so contradictory and promise issue that never arrive.
In the very beginning of february, he said: "In the next three or six months, I'm going to specify and define, in crystal clear terms, the procedual ethics of rite action. So those of you would want undertake it, who feel completely confident in doing so, you will understand that it is a new ethic. It is an ethic with teeth. It is an ethics that bites. An ethics that kills. There can be no pacific ethics on this planet. I swear to you, She didn't design it that way. She did not design us on a vegetarian planet."
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=naqr4cr1y6Y&feature=related (28'34)
So yes, in two days, we would reach those 6 months. I know personally noone would have this rite.

He can tell you that he discovers something "alone", but this is just what you could have said to him the day before!
By the way, if you have a serious link that proves what happened to the gnostics, I take it... A lot of his work is embroidery and bla bla for craving sex.

Sorry to be so crude. And I force noone to believe me. People just need to listen to some podcasts in order to catch his tremendous amount of egoistic manoeuvres. Or maybe meet him in real. This is the best. It is easy, just pretend you are a gorgeous animal and you want to fuck, he would run to make you come... Invite him on Skype: ambergane. You would be well placed to discover it all by yourself.

A lot of people don't want to interview him anymore and Thomas Malone that was interviewing him for more than one year stopped too. Because he was waiting for this rite, John was telling to deliver during so many "next talk"... always adding new ideas he never developed... As the mantis, or else the fact women are not made for being pregnant... Listen to Time Monk radio of april and see how people can't put his work at question at all. Read the comments on this talk also.

No, a person that is rejecting another just because one is not having the same cult, what is it? Because yes what John Lash is developping is a "cult", based on hinduism... So killing Jesus to reintegrate the terrible dakinis, what is it?
A man that consecrates himself the Maine Terton and rejects any, I say any, contradiction to what he's spreading, pretending we have to be careful about the predators, what is it?
I have only one word for that: manipulation.
And while I was reading what people wrote here about Thomas S. I could have replaced his name by the one of Lash.
May it open to a recognition about all those faked authors that are making money on other's backs.

Not in his image has good parts indeed. It doesn't mean the man is good. And by the way if many people recognized themselves in this book, this is maybe because they knew already what he was talking about. Because it was alredy discussed in houses and forums...
But as he is, as Yaldabaoth, the "only one and the first" that does that book, he thinks he is the lamb of the apocalypse. And this, let me tell you, seriously. He thinks the world is hanged to him. And this, also seriously...

Thank you for this valuable lead. I appreciate your effort. I will forward on this information to others whom I know also read his books. I hope more information regarding him comes up.


Manille said:
I found this. Dunno know if you are aware of, so in any case:

Yeah, that's Deborah Harvey aka "Mrs Grimm" aka "Kate Saunders" and she appears to be totally besotted with Sheridan. Evidently she didn't learn her lesson with "Steve" :rolleyes:
abeofarrell said:

Thank you for this valuable lead. I appreciate your effort. I will forward on this information to others whom I know also read his books. I hope more information regarding him comes up.



You are welcome.
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