"Puzzling People" by Thomas Sheridan - a puzzling person

Wow, what a thread. Such an example of schizoidal psychopath, ;) he claims war, he claims to feel sick, takes a shower and then says he's from the guetto like a rude guy. All he tries is to produce fear as always, but I ask myself, what would he do when he faces a bigger psychopath that will make his knees bend; I had a friend like him, talking this and that about how capable he was until he meet someone that was to be afraid of.

If he has fans, as lot of pathological people has, god bless them because they are gonna have a taste of his fruits, and I bet they taste bad.

Oh, and guardian online detective abilities are awesome o_O, she always find these kind of things, like with the last guy with the anonymous forum problem.
Wow that last Thomas Sheridan video is pretty creepy. It's not what he's saying but how he's saying it. His eyes are darting around like crazy paranoid (maybe even guilty looking?) and his rate of speech is extra fast. He looks hurried in some manner of desperation and it's odd. Kinda like the look a fugitive has when he's running from the cops. Except when you've been exposed on the Internet, there's no tuning back because that information is ubiquitous and always haunting you. It's very uncomfortable to watch. It's sad to see this taking a nose five for the worst because I really believed in TS for a long while and thought man if this guy's a fraud then I don't know who's right! But hey... Guess we re back to square zero again.
I guess he's reading this forum... He quickly posted "THIS VIDEO IS 2 YEARS OLD!!!" on that latest video. Oh thank goodness you cleared that up for us Thomas. For a second we thought you were coincidentally talking about smear campaigns because you've been exposed on the web. But since the video's 2 years old, its probably just a coincidence that he looks flustered, vengeful, and like an outright disaster in that video. Just one problem. No one believes that it's 2 years old! It was made last night in his basement when he can't sleep at night due to his tarnished reputation from scamming abused victims. What a caricature he has become. Truly sad this is.
Guardian said:
Foxx said:
Perceval said:
Kniall just commented that the modicum of truth in this BS from Sheridan is that the "award-winning Hollywood director" could possibly be Alexander Davidis. Given his recent strange behavior in deleting the Sheridan article from his FB group, I wouldn't be surprised if they were in contact and engaging in an exchange of narcissistic bullshit with each other.

I personally think that this is extremely likely.

So maybe we should ask him? I prefer the direct approach :)

Hey Alexander, are you going to direct a movie for a guy who thinks S & M porn and calling women the "C" word is funny?

If he's not reading this thread (which I doubt) I'll message him on Facebook.

No Guardian, I am not. I have no contact with Sheridan now and I had no contact with him since last winter, nor do I care what he sees or doesn't see on my group-wall, that has been deleted since.
hubub said:
I guess he's reading this forum... He quickly posted "THIS VIDEO IS 2 YEARS OLD!!!" on that latest video.

Yeh , i watched the other night with no sound as i cant bare to hear his voice , and had to laugh at the 2 years old video claim which is there throughout the video.
Fifth Way said:
Guardian said:
So maybe we should ask him? I prefer the direct approach :)

Hey Alexander, are you going to direct a movie for a guy who thinks S & M porn and calling women the "C" word is funny?

If he's not reading this thread (which I doubt) I'll message him on Facebook.

No Guardian, I am not. I have no contact with Sheridan now and I had no contact with him since last winter, nor do I care what he sees or doesn't see on my group-wall, that has been deleted since.

Good to know, and I would like to note that when I asked you on Facebook, you said the same thing. :)

Mod's note: fixed quote tag
hubub said:
I guess he's reading this forum... He quickly posted "THIS VIDEO IS 2 YEARS OLD!!!" on that latest video. Oh thank goodness you cleared that up for us Thomas. For a second we thought you were coincidentally talking about smear campaigns because you've been exposed on the web. But since the video's 2 years old, its probably just a coincidence that he looks flustered, vengeful, and like an outright disaster in that video. Just one problem. No one believes that it's 2 years old! It was made last night in his basement when he can't sleep at night due to his tarnished reputation from scamming abused victims. What a caricature he has become. Truly sad this is.

I got confused and then realised after posting the video that it was two years' old. He took down his videos and re uploaded them with 'comments disabled'. He could have put 'comment subjected to moderation' but he's too much of a coward over receiving negative comments. He does remind me of a cat with ears flattened.
hubub said:
I guess he's reading this forum... He quickly posted "THIS VIDEO IS 2 YEARS OLD!!!" on that latest video. Oh thank goodness you cleared that up for us Thomas. For a second we thought you were coincidentally talking about smear campaigns because you've been exposed on the web. But since the video's 2 years old, its probably just a coincidence that he looks flustered, vengeful, and like an outright disaster in that video. Just one problem. No one believes that it's 2 years old! It was made last night in his basement when he can't sleep at night due to his tarnished reputation from scamming abused victims. What a caricature he has become. Truly sad this is.

You can be pretty sure he checks in here regularly to see how the "smear campaign" is going against him. He's been lurking here for a few years now. I find it interesting that he starts talking about useful idiots about a minute into the video given that the original title of this thread was asking if he was a useful idiot... At this stage, I don't think he's either a psychopath or a useful idiot. Idiot maybe, but useful? Maybe to himself.
I'm not sure if he's a psychopath (although you never know for sure), but he certainly started exhibiting some highly psychopathic traits (narcissism, grandiosity, super fragile ego, inability to be criticized/exposed, abusive, starting a witchhunt after saying he doesn't support witchhunts etc.) after becoming "so called famous" (he acts like he's Jesus or something now but he's not even as well known as some C grade youtube celebs lol) so as far as I'm concerned I would treat him the same way I would a psychopath: no contact.
Well, he's sure busy getting his minions to crawl amazon to trash any reviews I've written of any books whatsoever! Talk about weirdos!
Laura said:
Well, he's sure busy getting his minions to crawl amazon to trash any reviews I've written of any books whatsoever! Talk about weirdos!

I bet half of the trashings come from Sockpuppets :D
hubub said:
I'm not sure if he's a psychopath (although you never know for sure), but he certainly started exhibiting some highly psychopathic traits (narcissism, grandiosity, super fragile ego, inability to be criticized/exposed, abusive, starting a witchhunt after saying he doesn't support witchhunts etc.) after becoming "so called famous" (he acts like he's Jesus or something now but he's not even as well known as some C grade youtube celebs lol) so as far as I'm concerned I would treat him the same way I would a psychopath: no contact.

Personally I think he's just a bit of a pratt. We're all ponerised to some degree but that doesn't make us all psychopaths or proto-psychopaths.

He certainly started a witch hunt against his Facebook friends starting with those who didn't praise every bit of art work of his. He has this attitude that we are either for or against him.
Chirpy said:
hubub said:
I'm not sure if he's a psychopath (although you never know for sure), but he certainly started exhibiting some highly psychopathic traits (narcissism, grandiosity, super fragile ego, inability to be criticized/exposed, abusive, starting a witchhunt after saying he doesn't support witchhunts etc.) after becoming "so called famous" (he acts like he's Jesus or something now but he's not even as well known as some C grade youtube celebs lol) so as far as I'm concerned I would treat him the same way I would a psychopath: no contact.

Personally I think he's just a bit of a pratt.

I think that's definite, but there is more to it. If you really take a look at his long-term behavior, it's quite obvious, from my perspective at least, that a pathology is present. Exactly which one is difficult to determine, of course, (though a cluster B personality disorder is a cluster B personality disorder, and the damage to those around such a person is the same no matter 'which one' it is).

chirpy said:
We're all ponerised to some degree but that doesn't make us all psychopaths or proto-psychopaths.

Of course not, but how many of 'us', as you put it, really behave the way he's behaving? Very few. It's a really slippery slope when you start normalizing pathological behavior by saying things like "we're all ponerized to some degree" - because the reality is that there ARE pathologies that are clearly differentiated from your garden variety ponerization and it's really important to be able to discern those (your survival may depend on it at some point).
I agree with anart. We are force fed things to attempt to make us ponerized- and tools like facebook HAVE made people a lot more narcissistic and grandiose. However, I cannot put myself or others who may be 5 or 10% ponerized (by society and that too very aware of it and attempting to resist those sources) on the same level as someone like Thomas Sheridan who is 70-80% ponerized (probably by birth). No "normal" person acts like Sheridan. He has serious issues. The rest of us are a lot more sane!
hubub said:
I agree with anart. We are force fed things to attempt to make us ponerized- and tools like facebook HAVE made people a lot more narcissistic and grandiose. However, I cannot put myself or others who may be 5 or 10% ponerized (by society and that too very aware of it and attempting to resist those sources) on the same level as someone like Thomas Sheridan who is 70-80% ponerized (probably by birth). No "normal" person acts like Sheridan. He has serious issues. The rest of us are a lot more sane!

Concerning ponerization, it might be helpful to understand what the term "ponerized" means (from enpsychopedia.org):

Ponerization, from ancient Greek poneros ("evil"), is a term created by Dr. Andrzej M. Łobaczewski as part of ponerology, the scientific study of macrosocial evil. Ponerization is the influence of pathological people on individuals and groups whereby they develop acceptance of pathological reasoning and other pathological characteristics.

On the individual scale it can be described as transpersonification, where people susceptible due to a psychological weakness or more severe pathology of their own assimilate the psychology of other pathological people. People not themselves characteropathic or psychopathic may be affected so as to lose the ability to distinguish between healthy and pathological actions and reasoning, accepting paramoralistic and paralogistic justifications and doctrines.

On the group scale it consists of either the formation of or the infection of a group with pathological people, resulting in a ponerogenic union (that is, a group that contributes to the formation and development of evil).

Primary ponerization (which gives rise to primary ponerogenic unions) involves the forming and development of a group where pathological individuals are active from the beginning. It creates groups that are overtly deviant as is the case with organized crime, and they are generally rejected by society.

Secondary ponerization (which gives rise to secondary ponerogenic unions) is the process where pathological individuals infiltrate a group of normal people and gradually take over its ideology and leadership for their own purposes. The group is eventually divided into two distinct parts – the pathological individuals that have risen to the top and the people below. Such a group, if circumstances are opportune for its leaders, may eventually come to power in society and transform it into a pathocracy.

Society becomes more vulnerable to ponerization during periods of hysterization, where widespread conversive thinking increases susceptibility to ponerization.

Based on the definition above, one is not born ponerized, as suggested by hubub, but rather may become so if they are susceptible to the influence of pathological people. Also, by creating a scale/degree or division between us (more sane) and them (more pathological) does a great disservice to objective Truth and the vision, mission, and method of this forum.

See the "Forum Guidelines": http://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=9553.msg69187#msg69187 for further insight.

hubub said:
However, I cannot put myself or others who may be ... ponerized ...

Considering this statement, it may be helpful to understand the meaning of "conversive thinking" aka information selection and substitution (from enpsychopedia.org):

Information selection and substitution refers to a category (also known as conversive psychological phenomena or conversive thinking) of largely subconscious processes that distort a person's thinking and conclusions. These processes may serve to "protect" the individual from uncomfortable realizations, for example by automatically suppressing and replacing premises on which a (new and erroneous) conclusion is then based.

Unconscious psychological processes outstrip conscious reasoning, both in time and in scope, which makes many psychological phenomena possible: including those generally described as conversive, such as subconscious blocking out of conclusions, the selection, and, also, substitution of seemingly uncomfortable premises. [...]

Our subconscious may carry the roots of human genius within, but its operation is not perfect; sometimes it is reminiscent of a blind computer, especially whenever we allow it to be cluttered with anxiously rejected material. This explains why conscious monitoring, even at the price of courageously accepting disintegrative states, is likewise necessary to our nature, not to mention our individual and social good. [...]

We should point out that the erroneous thought processes described herein also, as a rule, violate the laws of logic with characteristic treachery. Educating people in the art of proper reasoning can thus serve to counteract such tendencies; it has a hallowed age-old tradition which seems to have been insufficiently effective for centuries. As an example: according to the laws of logic, a question containing an erroneous or unconfirmed suggestion has no answer. Nevertheless, not only does operating with such questions become epidemic among people with a tendency to conversion thinking, and a source of terror when used by psychopathical individuals; it also occurs among people who think normally, or even those who have studied logic. – Andrew Lobaczewski, Political Ponerology
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