"Puzzling People" by Thomas Sheridan - a puzzling person

Guardian said:
Robin said:
So, I shall keep "jumping" and learning, "jumping" and learning! :)

I apologize for interrupting yawl's very intelligent conversation with a newsflash about Thomas Sheridan's penis obsession. I just had such an "EWWWWWW" moment, I needed to share.

Regardless of which words yawl decide are best to use to describe him...I'm just going with "GROSS" :barf:

Yeah, well, I'm not about to believe anything he says about his penis or butt until there's been some vertical and lateral data about that. Could be one of those instances where the truth is divisive :lol:
Jones said:
Yeah, well, I'm not about to believe anything he says about his penis or butt until there's been some vertical and lateral data about that. Could be one of those instances where the truth is divisive :lol:

Oh yeah! In my experience, the more they talk about it, the smaller it actually is. Well if this rule holds true for Sheridan, he's got a bump on his butt.

I have never seen anything like this...and I've seen a LOT ! This goes wayyyyyy beyond the average obsession with a favorite body part. He waves his member around like it's a winning lottery ticket.

What's really getting to me is how some woman encourage him and fawn all over him. I know it's not logical, but I read some of their posts and I feel embarrassed to be female. Sheridan not only admits, but BRAGS that he's a drunkard, adulterer, womanizer, narsisist, and doesn't bath very often, and these women just sit there and stroke his epic sized ego.

Where is their self respect, dignity, sense of smell?
It just gets worse and worse. Thomas Sheridan has forever ruined Irish sonnets for me. :barf:

From: spambuster2000unkifu...@hotmail.com (Unki Family Values)
Subject: Re: Sonnet Wars - The Final Coitus
Date: 1998/08/26
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Unki Family Values
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Newsgroups: soc.culture.irish
From: spambuster2000unkifunki@hotmail.com (Unki Family Values)
Date: 1998/08/26
Subject: Re: Sonnet Wars - The Final Coitus

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No more arseing around:

Oh Carrie let me shag you for a thousand days
Then give it to you in a thousand ways
and when I finish shagging you make me breakfast in bed
Perhaps a blow-jow or a hand job instead
I'm not fussy
I just want your pussy

unki - alright I win
Here's an easy way to think about the combination of category and spectrum/scale:

There are people who are born without the "organ" for conscience/abstraction. BUT they do have genetic connections to their creaturely origins. They can be very emotional and attached to animals and attached to their families though, if you observe carefully over time, you'll notice that this care and concern somehow stops when abstractions come into the picture. They can't understand psychological pain, though they can express a lot of sympathy for things they can SEE, like physical injury, or cruelty to animals. They have a hard time grokking the suffering of people at a distance or who are denoted as being very different for them. Their sympathy is very "tribal", so to say, and limited, though, as mentioned, they can be VERY emotional, usually for themselves.

So, that would be at the low end of the "no conscience scale" with psychopaths at the far end and all kinds of gradations in between:

OP<-----------------------------------------------------> Psychopaths

Then, there are the people with the genetic potential for conscience. At the low end you might find people who are very much like psychopaths only they are "made that way" by abuse, physical injury at any point in their lives, drug induced brain dysfunction, etc. These would be Charateropaths of various sorts. The "seed" of conscience they might have more or less never sprouted and grew, or if it did, it was stunted and twisted or "died on the vine."

At the high end of this scale are individuals with fully developed empathy and consciousness.

There are all kinds of gradations in between.

Characteropath<-----------------------------------------> Empath

Now, as noted, while it might seem that a characteropath is a psychopath, there WILL be differences in that in the characteropath, you will find something of an emotional nature AND an ability to deal with abstractions - they can be smarter than psychopaths. So you can see that the two lines can NOT be connected like this:

OP<------------->psychopath = Characteropath<---------------------> Empath

The reason is because of that factor: the lack of the genetic potential for the "organ" of conscience. Plus, if you put characteropaths and psychopaths side by side, there ARE differences and sometimes it can take some time of observation and experience to be able to tell the two apart.
Laura said:
Here's an easy way to think about the combination of category and spectrum/scale:
The reason is because of that factor: the lack of the genetic potential for the "organ" of conscience. Plus, if you put characteropaths and psychopaths side by side, there ARE differences and sometimes it can take some time of observation and experience to be able to tell the two apart.

How does sociopathy relate to characteropathy?
clerck de bonk said:
Laura said:
Here's an easy way to think about the combination of category and spectrum/scale:
The reason is because of that factor: the lack of the genetic potential for the "organ" of conscience. Plus, if you put characteropaths and psychopaths side by side, there ARE differences and sometimes it can take some time of observation and experience to be able to tell the two apart.

How does sociopathy relate to characteropathy?

The term "sociopath" was dreamed up to replace psychopath since a "sociopath" has socially visible anti-social behaviors. A psychopath may not have immediately visible anti-social behavior though generally, over time, you can get a broad picture that demonstrates definitely anti-social trends. But they can be very covert and difficult to detect. Like the "pitiful manipulator" type with absolutely no conscience who feels secret glee at getting people to do everything for them. Yes, over time, you can see how their behavior hurts others and hurts society, but they are so "pitiful" and never "mean any harm" that it is hard to call them anti-social. So, with the term "sociopath" or Anti-social personality disorder, these types escape the nomological net altogether even if they are totally Machiavellian inside.

Characteropaths can be charming, spell-binding, charismatic and might be very loyal and caring towards their "selected" following - as long as that following continues to admire them and behave sychophantically. The instant that disagreement comes in, they can turn as cold and cruel as a sharpened icicle. They can also be very intelligent. They can be ideologically inspired like a Catholic inquisitor who believes in what he is doing. Because they DO believe in what they are doing and this can remain consistent which is not the case with a psychopath who doesn't have the capacity to believe anything and one thing they adhere to today, can be gone tomorrow as needs and circumstances change.

Which is more dangerous: the psychopath or the characteropath? Hard to say. The psychopath will destroy you instrumentally - you are in the way of something they want immediately and forget you if they have a new want, need, or target. But the characteropath will destroy you if you threaten something longer term because they do have the capacity to abstractly consider future and "over there".

In short, sociopath can apply to any one of them, or other personality disorders if the individual is unable to control their anti-social actions, that is, they are visibly and noticeably anti-social, that is, acting against others in society in a harmful way.

But then, that term could apply to any normal person who is damaged, injured, confused, ponerized, or at war with society because of some hurt or perceived hurt. That's what makes it a dangerous term to use interchangeably with "psychopath". It catches a lot of people who are NOT psychopathic in the net.
Their sympathy is very "tribal", so to say, and limited, though, as mentioned, they can be VERY emotional, usually for themselves.

This is what really gets me and others who have been victimized by them. When we think of psychopath and the definition, and the way it's been portrayed in popular culture, we think of a cold hearted person who literally wears it on his/her face. But geez these people are such good actors, AND they get truly emotional over things so you might be fooled by thinking "oh well psychopaths don't have emotions so this guy must be alright".. noo!! We must realize that these people exhibit emotional behavior- but it's all part of their grand scheme of deception and manipulation.

Characteropaths can be charming, spell-binding, charismatic and might be very loyal and caring towards their "selected" following - as long as that following continues to admire them and behave sychophantically.

This is what allows for abuse and the cycle of abuse. Victims desperately want that phase back when they were "love bombed" and will do anything to get it. hmm.. this description above also sounds like Thomas no?

Between psychopaths and charateropaths, how much would this make up in the larger population in terms of percentage? 10%?
Guardian said:
Between his "giant dong" and his "alabaster buttocks" I NEED BRAIN BLEACH!
At least it's not his alabaster dong and his giant buttocks. Would necessitate even more bleach.

Shades of Rasputin. As unwashed as they come, by all accounts, yet a favourite squeeze of the highly bathed. Rank gross.
As for saying "oh psychopaths love themselves... they think they're perfect!" That's completely wrong. They feel empty inside and they HATE themselves, and everyone around them. If they loved themselves truly, they would have the capacity to love others also, but they hate themselves and their lives and if anyone is telling you that they think they are perfect, THEY are narcissistic deceivers who want to paint a heroic picture of psychopaths because they are one themselves.
Hello hubhub,
we cannot know if psychopaths love or hate themselves. Also, imagining that if they love themselves they would automatically love others is another quality we tend to project on them. All we know is how they interact with others, i.e. their lack of empathy, wearing a sanity mask, and the destructive influence they have on others. We know that they do not consider themselves as deficient or abnormal, for them they are normal and the others are weak weirdos to take advantage of. However, that does not imply any qualities of love or hate as we might understand it. OSIT.
To Laura: Thanks for Your answer.

hubub said:
As for saying "oh psychopaths love themselves... they think they're perfect!" That's completely wrong. They feel empty inside and they HATE themselves, and everyone around them. If they loved themselves truly, they would have the capacity to love others also, but they hate themselves and their lives and if anyone is telling you that they think they are perfect, THEY are narcissistic deceivers who want to paint a heroic picture of psychopaths because they are one themselves.

Hubub, have You read Political Ponerology yet? Or any of the other recommended books on psychopathology?
There's a lot of opinion in Your writings...
Be said:
Guardian said:
Between his "giant dong" and his "alabaster buttocks" I NEED BRAIN BLEACH!
At least it's not his alabaster dong and his giant buttocks. Would necessitate even more bleach.

:lol: :lol: You're right, it could always be worse.

I have dealt with some really nasty people over the years, and I mean REALLY NASTY ...but this guy takes the cake. He clearly stated his goal was to "rule" this Irish newsgroup, and he pretty much did it by spewing such filth that anyone who didn't enjoy that type of thing was driven off.

At one point he was actually honest about his lack of a conscience, admitted that he was a "borderline sociopath" and appeared to be following/copying Sam Varkin's path. However, years later, he appears to realize that people are wising up to pathology, and that being honest about his nature wasn't going to get him very far, so he claims it was all a "joke" He was just "having fun" verbally abusing people and "pretending" to be a sociopath.

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It didn't matter what serious topic someone would try to start, Sheridan would jump right in and redirect the conversation to himself by bombarding the poster with the vilest profanity you can imagine.

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This is also probably the longest "white paper" I've compiled on a person in decades. I tug on one little string, and another wall to wall carpet starts to unravel. As I go through the years of his posts, I can see him developing and refining his "technique" for harvesting a following of women who're programed to accept/enjoy abuse. That's the saddest part of all this, the women who are so horribly damaged they accept his filth and abuse like it's normal. :cry:
Guardian, have you got links to those? It will be nice to be able to post them in the comments when resharing the sott article on Facebook...
Oh.... .my..... gawd! I knew he was revoltin' but I didn't realize it was THAT repulsive!
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