Q source / Qanon

There are definitely egos getting intertwined with Q. Both in being convinced that it's real, or that it's fake. In thinking you know more than others, either way. I experience it myself even trying to observe and walk the line, and work to keep it in check.

IMO, it has reached the level where even if somehow it is eventually proven to be a complete, entertainment only based LARP, it has earned a level of respect to at least be seen through to the end. There may be more important things to spend time digging into, but also dismissing everything out of hand because it came from Q, or is related to Q, is not advisable either. It's an unavoidable part of the media, political, and cultural landscape, for better or worse (we WILL find out, eventually), much more so than it was when this thread was started.
It's an unavoidable part of the media, political, and cultural landscape

Really? Unless you go looking for it, it's more or less non-existent. A fringe of the fringe conspiracy theory that is replete with all of the usual subjectivity, projection and pattern recognition run amok, not to mention a good dose of self-evident nonsense. IMO, you understate the situation significantly when you say "there may be more important things to spend time digging into". But each to their own, as they say.
Really? Unless you go looking for it, it's more or less non-existent. A fringe of the fringe conspiracy theory that is replete with all of the usual subjectivity, projection and pattern recognition run amok, not to mention a good dose of self-evident nonsense. IMO, you understate the situation significantly when you say "there may be more important things to spend time digging into". But each to their own, as they say.
I might be overstating things a bit. If one is looking, it can be seen being covered in quite a few places. If one is not looking, or perhaps looking not to look, it can still be fairly easily ignored. Go to any of the Q post collector sites (qanon.pub etc.) and type "sample" in the search. Currently it brings up 18 hits. Some of these are links to other clearly coordinated news subjects but if you look at the ones from May 14, June 19, June 24, August 1, 2, & 3, August 16 and September 12 you can see Q's ego on display listing all the pages of links to MSM and not-so-MSM outlets covering the Q phenomenon. This is quite the change since January, when this thread was started and only Caitlin Johnstone and a few other notables were devoting any time to trashing it. It may be a silly waste of time and/or PsyOp (the position of the MSM, Jonstone still, maybe?, Jack Posobiec and Alex Jones) but that in and of itself is somehow newsworthy by the standards being applied.
CuriosCat said: reply 258
"I've moved within the shamanic circles (particularly the Ayahuasca community) and was trained as a shaman myself, so I dare venture to say that I have a semblance of at least some degree of insider knowledge, experience as well as the discernment necessary to 'appreciate' who said 'authors' are looked up to as a point of reference or 'authority'."

Hi, CuriosCat. You, who have been trained in shamanism, why, if shamanism exists as a way of knowing secrets, in which do you differ from the members of the "secret" societies, which are supposed to guard secrets?
Rather than coming at the whole Q movement from one angle or another, how about coming at it from a detached observing yet neutral perspective? Detachment is a very effective approach in as much as it allows us to stay connected to what is happening w/o being sucked into the vortex of one energy or another (however, or in whichever way that might express itself). Why is it so difficult for people to embrace that possibility and granting ourselves the permission to hold the mental space/scope to keep reading what the Q team share w/o taking sides? Again, the 'split' is within Self when we are not able to just look at something w/o feeling the urge to "label" it as 'this' or 'that', the classic 'either/or' approach instead of contemplating the possibility that there might be something much more to this that we are not able to see because our own prejudices, our own preconceived notions make us turn away before we have looked at why we prefer to just shrug it off, claiming it to be yet another mass mind control attempt by a 'larp' or "4 chan" internet geek(s)". Which, as it were, just shows that those who claim this to be so have actually not done any further research because they assume they know what the Q movement is. The Q movement - when we observe what has been unfolding since this whole thing started back in late October last year has become a worldwide phenomenon even though it started in the US. Then again, it would make sense because the US' geopolitcal role is key to unravelling the 'swamp'. What was previously never ever even talked about, suddenly has made its way into a part of the populace's consciousness that would not have been thought possible to the same extent as a result of the Q movement's reverberations. A kind of ripple effect of people asking different and, more importantly, deeper questions: the rise and awareness of how much our system (worldwide, since the whole 'swamp' is a global network of interconnected shadow gov't groups) has been at this for the last few hundred years - and, this is strictly speaking on a 3D 'The Matrix' level. It doesn't even touch on the extraplanetary influence that has been pulling the strings of the 'foot soldiers' on earth who do the bidding of their true 'masters'.

What the 'critics/wannabe debunkers', of which there are plenty, especially in the MSM (which ought one to at least make one wonder why?) of the Q movement who have not really gotten in more depth with the information that has been released, do consistently overlook is the timeliness of the 'drops' with real life events - the fore telling (not to be confused with forecasting). The 'coincidences' of what is taking place on the world global political stage are too many to make the Q team a group internet 4 chan geeks. The insider knowledge and accuracy, timeliness, the synchronicities have gotten to a level where trying to still insist that the Q movement is nothing but hot air and hype or 'hopium' are an argument that holds less and less water when faced with the consistency of accuracy and the overlapping of what the Q team shares in advance and what is then happening on the political platform across the planet.

I read and listen to the Q decoders because I like to understand what the Q team say and if there is one thing that is key in all of this, it is context. Context (much more than content, as I learned a long time ago) is what makes all the difference. If one does not have the right context, content is meaningless and void of significance. Hence, my curiosity and continued interest in reading the Q drops is, that the real life 're'-actions of the political and media outlets (which, as most of us here know, are cozy bed fellows with the Deep State/shadow govt's across the planet) are a fascinating mirror of what the Q team is sharing in advance prior to things actually manifesting in "3D". And rather than outright dismissing the Q information as a larpy 4 chan nonsensical, OTT hyped up conspiracy 'theory', I prefer to keep an open mind and learn from what the Q team, the decoders and particluarly, some of the most brilliant minds this movement has brought forward. One of the most important aspects is that this is part of the information war that is raging at this moment. It is a battle that is a sign of our times, who has the 'upper' hand - which, so far, has been the established 'order' of those who take their "news updates" from the afore-mentioned media sources that have no interest in having the world at large know what is truly going on behind the scenes.

I am of the opinion that that which we think we know will always be much much smaller than what there really is to know. And, more importantly, there is always more because there is no end to what we can learn (or find out). Whether that is useful or helpful to us, depends on where we find ourselves on our own individual journey and path, which changes as we change. To maintain a false sense of knowledge (or 'know-it-all) over true insight is what keeps us from expanding our consciousness, our awareness, our understanding of the complexity of how this world with all its darkness, flaws, its brilliance and its phenomenal beauty actually works and if there is anything the Q movement has achieved, it is that many people who hitherto never had even been aware to how deep the corruption goes, have been brought to a deeper level of realising how important knowing this is because it is part of growing up - not just spiritually but reclaiming our humanity. We cannot be considered spiritually mature and demand sovereignty if we do not have the full picture of the web of deceit that has been woven around us since time immemorial. We can only do so once we accept and embrace that we have let this happen by turning away and pretending that none of this matters, that it is not real and that it doesn't concern us. That is exactly what the dark forces have been counting on and knew how to use that (willful and deliberate) obliviousness against us, thus further keeping us entrenched and trapped in ways that are absolutely horrifying yet unnecessary.

The awakening to this part of our earthly existence is part of growing up spiritually and taking responsibility for ouselves as human beings and fully consciously developed planetary beings at that, instead of continuing the same old "head in the sand" approach by outright refusing to give any credence to something that is too inconceivable for us to even consider. The Q movement is, whether we prefer it to be otherwise or not, part of this. We cannot heal or change what we do not see or are not aware of. The healing of the planet's psyche needs to happen from a place of full awareness. And rather than repeating the Q team's slogan "Dark to Light" I stick with mine which is "Truth to Light". Without the truth being exposed and visible to all of us, we cannot heal, we cannot grow, we do not understand because we have no context.
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Rather than coming at the whole Q movement from one angle or another, how about coming at it from a detached observing yet neutral perspective? Detachment is a very effective approach in as much as it allows us to stay connected to what is happening w/o being sucked into the vortex of one energy or another (however, or in whichever way that might express itself). Why is it so difficult for people to embrace that possibility and granting ourselves the permission to hold the mental space/scope to keep reading what the Q team share w/o taking sides? Again, the 'split' is within Self when we are not able to just look at something w/o feeling the urge to "label" it as 'this' or 'that', the classic 'either/or' approach instead of contemplating the possibility that there might be something much more to this that we are not able to see because our own prejudices, our own preconceived notions make us turn away before we have looked at why we prefer to just shrug it off, claiming it to be yet another mass mind control attempt by a 'larp' or "4 chan" internet geek(s)". Which, as it were, just shows that those who claim this to be so have actually not done any further research because they assume they know what the Q movement is. The Q movement - when we observe what has been unfolding since this whole thing started back in late October last year has become a worldwide phenomenon even though it started in the US. Then again, it would make sense because the US' geopolitcal role is key to unravelling the 'swamp'. What was previously never ever even talked about, suddenly has made its way into a part of the populace's consciousness that would not have been thought possible to the same extent as a result of the Q movement's reverberations. A kind of ripple effect of people asking different and, more importantly, deeper questions: the rise and awareness of how much our system (worldwide, since the whole 'swamp' is a global network of interconnected shadow gov't groups) has been at this for the last few hundred years - and, this is strictly speaking on a 3D 'The Matrix' level. It doesn't even touch on the extraplanetary influence that has been pulling the strings of the 'foot soldiers' on earth who do the bidding of their true 'masters'.

What the 'critics/wannabe debunkers', of which there are plenty, especially in the MSM (which ought one to at least make one wonder why?) of the Q movement who have not really gotten in more depth with the information that has been released, do consistently overlook is the timeliness of the 'drops' with real life events - the fore telling (not to be confused with forecasting). The 'coincidences' of what is taking place on the world global political stage are too many to make the Q team a group internet 4 chan geeks. The insider knowledge and accuracy, timeliness, the synchronicities have gotten to a level where trying to still insist that the Q movement is nothing but hot air and hype or 'hopium' are an argument that holds less and less water when faced with the consistency of accuracy and the overlapping of what the Q team shares in advance and what is then happening on the political platform across the planet.

I read and listen to the Q decoders because I like to understand what the Q team say and if there is one thing that is key in all of this, it is context. Context (much more than content, as I learned a long time ago) is what makes all the difference. If one does not have the right context, content is meaningless and void of significance. Hence, my curiosity and continued interest in reading the Q drops is, that the real life 're'-actions of the political and media outlets (which, as most of us here know, are cozy bed fellows with the Deep State/shadow govt's across the planet) are a fascinating mirror of what the Q team is sharing in advance prior to things actually manifesting in "3D". And rather than outright dismissing the Q information as a larpy 4 chan nonsensical, OTT hyped up conspiracy 'theory', I prefer to keep an open mind and learn from what the Q team, the decoders and particluarly, some of the most brilliant minds this movement has brought forward. One of the most important aspects is that this is part of the information war that is raging at this moment. It is a battle that is a sign of our times, who has the 'upper' hand - which, so far, has been the established 'order' of those who take their "news updates" from the afore-mentioned media sources that have no interest in having the world at large know what is truly going on behind the scenes.

I am of the opinion that that which we think we know will always be much much smaller than what there really is to know. And, more importantly, there is always more because there is no end to what we can learn (or find out). Whether that is useful or helpful to us, depends on where we find ourselves on our own individual journey and path, which changes as we change. To maintain a false sense of knowledge (or 'know-it-all) over true insight is what keeps us from expanding our consciousness, our awareness, our understanding of the complexity of how this world with all its darkness, flaws, its brilliance and its phenomenal beauty actually works and if there is anything the Q movement has achieved, it is that many people who hitherto never had even been aware to how deep the corruption goes, have been brought to a deeper level of realising how important knowing this is because it is part of growing up - not just spiritually but reclaiming our humanity. We cannot be considered spiritually mature and demand sovereignty if we do not have the full picture of the web of deceit that has been woven around us since time immemorial. We can only do so once we accept and embrace that we have let this happen by turning away and pretending that none of this matters, that it is not real and that it doesn't concern us. That is exactly what the dark forces have been counting on and knew how to use that (willful and deliberate) obliviousness against us, thus further keeping us entrenched and trapped in ways that are absolutely horrifying yet unnecessary.

The awakening to this part of our earthly existence is part of growing up spiritually and taking responsibility for ouselves as human beings and fully consciously developed planetary beings at that, instead of continuing the same old "head in the sand" approach by outright refusing to give any credence to something that is too inconceivable for us to even consider. The Q movement is, whether we prefer it to be otherwise or not, part of this. We cannot heal or change what we do not see or are not aware of. The healing of the planet's psyche needs to happen from a place of full awareness. And rather than repeating the Q team's slogan "Dark to Light" I stick with mine which is "Truth to Light". Without the truth being exposed and visible to all of us, we cannot heal, we cannot grow, we do not understand because we have no context.

Indeed having an open mind, avoiding to label and being free of prejudice is the way to go.

But you do exactly the opposite when you encounter someone who disagrees with you. You label him close minded while developing your own prejudiced ideas about Q and astrology.
But you do exactly the opposite when you encounter someone who disagrees with you. You label him close minded while developing your own prejudiced ideas about Q and astrology.[/QUOTE]

That is your interpretation. How you read me is not my issue, it is a reflection of your assumption. ;-)
But you do exactly the opposite when you encounter someone who disagrees with you. You label him close minded while developing your own prejudiced ideas about Q and astrology.

That is your interpretation. How you read me is not my issue, it is a reflection of your assumption. ;-)

You sound like a postmodernist, for whom everything is relative. You seem to discard the usefulness of separating truth from lies that is based on learned experience, thereby rendering experience largely useless. 'Everything goes' in your world, it seems, and what you believe is merely what you WANT to believe. That is true for most people, but it is not the approach we generally advocate on this forum. Beliefs are to be challenged, subjected to inquiry etc. and the individual 'truth seeker' is expected to put aside his 'sacred cows' in deference to something that more closely approximates objective reality, or even an expanded reality, rather than a reduced one.

No one is stopping you from believing in Q, but equally, no one is required to pussyfoot around your beliefs.
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April 27, 2018
Q post #1128
Lisa Page, attorney with the FBI's Office of the General Counsel - cooperating witness [power removed].

May 4, 2018
Q post #1316
Bruce Ohr, Associate Deputy Attorney General – Demoted 2x - cooperating witness [power removed]

September 17, 2018
On the Larry O'Connor Show on WMAL. John Solomon confirms Lisa Page & Bruce Ohr have been cooperating witnesses.
You sound like a postmodernist, for whom everything is relative.
Context changes. The broader your context (or, frame of reference), the bigger the variance factor will be. If you look at something from up close, it will be very different than when you look at something from an eagle's view point. That does make me post 'modernist' (labels, anyone?) according to you? As I have said in one of my earlier posts, most individuals seem to be incapable of holding two divergent viewpoints at the same time because that stretches the boundaries of what they think is possible while utterly dismissing the fact that it is not 'either'/or but 'and'. Water can be hard and yet soft at the same time.

You seem to discard the usefulness of separating truth from lies that is based on learned experience, thereby rendering experience largely useless.

You seem to know me and my life experience very well. How interesting. Please do tell me about myself! Maybe I can learn something about my life from you?

'Everything goes' in your world, it seems, and what you believe is merely what you WANT to believe.

Hmm... BeLIEfs are subject to change. If I were to fit your perception of me, I would maybe walk around and say "the earth is flat". Remember that era? Ah yes, right, that was some 600 years ago and people were prosecuted and executed for saying the opposite. Of course, that was not to be considered a "wanting to believe whatever they wanted to believe". It was punished by death. And of course, the flat earthers have experienced a resurgence of late. The commonly held beLIEf now, of course, and the globally held consensus is that our planet is round (or, should that be referred to as 'oval'? Which term or label would you prefer I use so it suits your preference of terminology?)

That is true for most people, but it is not the approach we generally advocate on this forum. Beliefs are to be challenged, subjected to inquiry etc. and the individual 'truth seeker' is expected to put aside his 'sacred cows' in favor of something that more closely approximates objective reality.

As Stuart Wilde used to say: your sacred cows should be turned into dog meat.

No one is stopping you from believing in Q, but equally, no one is required to pussyfoot around your beliefs.
Thank you for sharing your most peculiar peceptions and assumptions of who I am or what I beLIEve. As you asked me to, I have challenged your assumptions.

Have a nice day.
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You seem to know me and my life experience very well. How interesting. Please do tell me about myself! Maybe I can learn something about my life from you?

The disingenuous nature of your comments seems clear when you respond to a comment about you that is based on what you have written, and where I preface it with "you seem", with:

"You seem to know me and my life experience very well."

This appears to be a deliberately obtuse and evasive response. There is nothing in my comment that even remotely suggests that I pretend to know "very well" you and your "life experience". OBVIOUSLY I don't, and you and you life experience is not the subject matter here, OBVIOUSLY. What IS the subject matter is the words you have written and my interpretation of them, which you have provided no good reason for me to revise, quite the contrary.

The commonly held beLIEf now, of course, and the globally held consensus is that our planet is round (or, should that be referred to as 'oval'? Which term or label would you prefer I use so it suits your preference of terminology?)

So you're a flat-earther. Why am I not surprised, you really should have said so before now.
April 27, 2018
Q post #1128
Lisa Page, attorney with the FBI's Office of the General Counsel - cooperating witness [power removed].

May 4, 2018
Q post #1316
Bruce Ohr, Associate Deputy Attorney General – Demoted 2x - cooperating witness [power removed]

September 17, 2018
On the Larry O'Connor Show on WMAL. John Solomon confirms Lisa Page & Bruce Ohr have been cooperating witnesses.


The hammer fell on Strzok and Page in December 2017, when their texts were exposed. What happened afterwards, as each development unfolded, was reasonably predictable to anyone paying attention. You don't need insider knowledge to guess correctly (a few times out of hundreds).

And what is 'cooperating witness' supposed to mean in this context? I know it's a legal term, but what 'Q' wants you to want it to mean - 'cooperating with the good guys in the system to git the bad guys in the system' - is part of due process that simply does not play out in Washington DC like it might play out with minor crimes in lower courts.

The hammer fell on Strzok and Page in December 2017, when their texts were exposed. What happened afterwards, as each development unfolded, was reasonably predictable to anyone paying attention. You don't need insider knowledge to guess correctly (a few times out of hundreds).

And what is 'cooperating witness' supposed to mean in this context? I know it's a legal term, but what 'Q' wants you to want it to mean - 'cooperating with the good guys in the system to git the bad guys in the system' - is part of due process that simply does not play out in Washington DC like it might play out with minor crimes in lower courts.

Not only that, but this is an example of the outright lies that are peddled around the "Q" stuff. It was well and publicly known LONG before 2 days ago that both Page and Ohr were cooperating witnesses! How many clear examples of Q BS do we need before we decide that it's all BS? If people want to "have fun", then by all means fire away, just don't promote it as something other than that.
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To maintain a false sense of knowledge (or 'know-it-all) over true insight is what keeps us from expanding our consciousness, our awareness, our understanding of the complexity of how this world with all its darkness, flaws, its brilliance and its phenomenal beauty actually works and if there is anything the Q movement has achieved, it is that many people who hitherto never had even been aware to how deep the corruption goes, have been brought to a deeper level of realising how important knowing this is because it is part of growing up - not just spiritually but reclaiming our humanity. We cannot be considered spiritually mature and demand sovereignty if we do not have the full picture of the web of deceit that has been woven around us since time immemorial. We can only do so once we accept and embrace that we have let this happen by turning away and pretending that none of this matters, that it is not real and that it doesn't concern us. That is exactly what the dark forces have been counting on and knew how to use that (willful and deliberate) obliviousness against us, thus further keeping us entrenched and trapped in ways that are absolutely horrifying yet unnecessary.
CouriousCat, I couldn't agree more. IMO the Q affair is just another thread of the web of deceit we are subjected to. Do we believe/trust Q or not? That's not the point at all. Remember, they're after our souls!
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