Q source / Qanon

These days it's quite hard figure out if something said is true or not, but if you first have to figure out what is actually being said in the first place then you probably don't even have a chance (Or you know it beforehand and just recognize it, then taking it as revelation). If Q would just say want it wants to say and what it can say, without all the mystery, it would be far less interesting for most people, and at the same time it would have maybe more value. And no, I don't think that applies in the same way for the C's, or for cropcircles etc. The C's comments are embedded in a discussion instead of a monologue and also in a step by step process of learning and exploration, with strong emphasis on coherence and continuation. And there is also the physical and time limitations of using the ouija board. About the cropcircles someone said to me why - if they are real - they don't just write clear messages for us to be readable and understandable. I think there are several reasons: Requiring some curiosity and openness from the subject. Allowing rejection. The multidimensional nature of the information. The limitations of our languages (and minds), you can't teach Chinese by using Latin. Q on the other hand is a rather mundane source from within our own level, so all the mist is just decoration. There might be some value in triggering interest and 'research' on some level or for some kind of people, but it's definitely not for me.
Again, as with the flat earth theory, I don't know what makes them do so. I observe it and watch where this is going because it is certainly highly interesting and worth watching.

Wasting time on such obvious nonsense like this is "highly interesting and worth watching" only if you don't have more important things to do. Most members of this Forum are busy people and don't waste their time on nonsense.
:lol: You crack me up! You DO realise, yes, that that was a trap? It proves my point that you project what you believe about me. What I say and mean is not what you read. Very amusing.

Most of your responses are a waste of my time. But you just exposed how you seem to think you can conclude who I am by my replies.

So you set traps now? How very honest of you. So if what I read is not what you mean, then can you explain what you meant by the following:

CuriousCat said:
The commonly held beLIEf now, of course, and the globally held consensus is that our planet is round (or, should that be referred to as 'oval'?

You wrote that the "commonly held beLIEf" - suggesting you meant, "the commonly held lie" - is that our planet is round. So you were saying that the idea that our planet is round is a lie. Hence the deduction that you're a flat earther. But according to you, you did that as a "trap", as a way to 'expose' that I "project what I believe about you". But my conclusion wasn't the result of any belief on my part, but words that YOU wrote. Then again, since you admitted that you deliberately lie in what you write, then that's the result we'd expect.

You seem to have a problem with what you perceive as people "deciding who you are" by way of the words you write here. It's as if you don't want to be associated with what you write when people don't receive what you write in the way you want/expect them to. When that happens, you deny that what you wrote is what you meant and accuse others of daring to "decide what you mean". That's a fairly crass manipulation tactic.

If what you write and what you mean do not match up, it's probably a good idea for you to resolve that discrepancy before posting anything more here.
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Laura said:
Rhythmik said:
An anon just asked Q if a plane hit the Pentagon - Q said "yes".

This goes against what 99% of the Truthers/conspiracy folk believe, but IIRC wasn't that corroborated by the C's? (missile then plane?
As I recall, they said it was some type of special missile dressed up to look like a plane.
Curious Cat said:
Thus, the process of unravelling - however which way and by whoever this may come about - ought not be completely brushed aside nor ought it be totally ridiculed. What we need at this moment in time is maybe not what we want or what we were used to but obviously, on a cosmic and planetary level, the times call for a global shift in consciousness of what and where we are going as a people, as one group of many that exist in this huge galaxy. As flawed and problematic the Q movement is, it obviously has its place and its purpose, otherwise it wouldn't have even been able to grow so big and have so many around the world become part of the Q movement. Again, whether that is 'good' or 'bad' is realtive. Is it helpful? Is it useful? I think so. Certainly, it has its place in bringing people together and allowing themselves to go places they would most likely never have considered previously. If nothing else, the energy of the movement brings with it a heightened willingness to become part of the 'taking responsibility' for our own process and the reality we are co-creating. Something tells me that many people have been waiting for something of this nature to happen - they needed a 'bandwaggon' they could jump on because many were frustrated with the way things were. For whatever reason someone may join that movement, everyone has their very own agenda and motivation for doing so. Again, as with the flat earth theory, I don't know what makes them do so. I observe it and watch where this is going because it is certainly highly interesting and worth watching.
I see your point here, and I share a slight "morbid curiosity" about where it is going, but based on historical precedents I have a pretty good idea of where it leads. Other than the external savior thing, which is my biggest issue with it, there are a couple of things I find questionable about Q. I don't agree with some of his geopolitical conclusions (North Korea and Iran); I almost get the impression that if Bush was still president, Q would be largely supportive of his foreign policy. Also his writing style is kind of atrocious, there is very little actual meat to his info drops, he just dangles alluring carrots in front of his readers which are occluded by his characteristic mystique and prods them to make up some kind of meaning for it while divulging seemingly as little solid information as possible. Usually people who do this are either being intentionally obscure to push some kind of agenda, or the depth of their knowledge is rather shallow and they're hoping no one notices.

Due to this:
Siberia said:
Wasting time on such obvious nonsense like this is "highly interesting and worth watching" only if you don't have more important things to do. Most members of this Forum are busy people and don't waste their time on nonsense.
we have moved on to cleaner sources of information which make their points in a straightforward manner that is clearly understandable to the average person instead of having to waste so much energy on faux easter egg hunts obscured by layers of interpretation. We prefer to deal with sources that have a high density of information in order to be able to efficiently formulate ideas and get things accomplished in a reasonable amount of time. Q has a rather low density of information, and if you could put him on a graph, I think he is less efficient for processing truth. Why would one choose a less efficient engine over a more efficient one?

Therefore, the only value I can see in Q for this forum, as it stands, is as a possible case study in COINTELPRO. There are certainly SOME things I think Q says that are right on the money, and he may be a ramp for some to something better as I have stated previously, but I think most have simply become enamored of his mystique and will be steered in a mostly harmless direction (Deep State Faction A vs Deep State Faction B) instead of really waking up. Based on the symptoms exhibited by the movement, that is the most likely outcome predicted by historical precedent. We will see if something else intercedes and they start to converge with us, but based on the points made above, if you value constantly moving toward a more truthful view of reality, there is really no reason to be involved with it other than casually observing it from a great distance. If that does not appeal to you, I think we have a fundamentally different value structure, and there is no way we can really communicate without endlessly dancing in circles around one another in a vacuum of relativism.
I think it's also possible that 'Q' was started by someone who is now doing 'Q decoding', getting many followers on e.g. YouTube and Twitter.

Another thing is, that Q by his/her postings, having many readers, can steer the discussion on social media quite powerfully, it seems.
Our thoughts are often not even our own. Our beliefs are influenced on a daily basis by that which we are exposed to. Our parameters are 'stuck' in often outdated criteria that actually do nothing to help us move to another level of awareness and grasping the complexity of our own existence within the greater context. Our consciousness is extremely malleable and we have to be prepared to not ever take any 'truths' for granted or, by contrast, insist that they are immutably 'correct', right' or 'disproven beyond any shadow of a doubt'. To have a need to hold onto often oudated belief systems that are neither useful or helpful and that do not serve us, is a fatal inclination and often, tragically, the grid of reference with which we move through our world and our lives often sabotaging the very expansion and growth we secretly yearn for. A lot of our belief systems are unconscious, or, if they were held up in the light of our full awareness, would actually make us do a doubletake, and, if so inclined, make us re-evaluate what we hold 'dear'.

I don't disagree, but I think there has to be enough 'solid ground' to stand on. You might enjoy reading Jordan Peterson's 'Maps of Meaning' In that work he explores the archetype of the hero which each individual on a quest for knowledge/truth should embody. The known is structured reality, the father. The unknown, which is far greater is the great mother, chaos, the underworld. The known must be periodically updated lest it become stale, tyrannical. The hero (individual) must travel to the unknown for vital information to update the known periodically. But still he/she must have some structure from which to work. Too much chaos is destabilizing.

What I do see coming out of this movement, watching the timely unfolding of events in concordance with the Q information that is being shared, is a renewed energy of the 'sheeple' getting involved, becoming interested in what is happening on the geo-political and even extraplanetary level.

That's a good point and may be a good thing. The main concern is that the 'sheeple' will not grasp that someone else is not going to save them and handle the mess we're in.
Ant22, you do not to read me, yes? Please feel free to ignore my posts. :-)

Do you not read An22 or understand any of the reasons this forum exists? Without any effort to do the suggested reading I doubt you will find anything useful.

For an additional understanding of why Q is most likely just another COINTELPRO a good start would be How to Spot COINTELPRO Agents.

For someone who didn't even know that we often use Cs to reference the Cassiopaeans I doubt any references to the Cs will mean much either but here is one where energy and time were mentioned (different situation but the same concept):

Session October 7 1997-Archived said:
Q: So, it is a waste of time to try?

A: Not only a waste of time, a waste of energy. Energy is far more

important because it DOES exist and time does not.

Personally, I think the energy could be spent much better elsewhere than deciperhing cryptic Q messages as others have tried to express in various ways.
What I do see coming out of this movement, watching the timely unfolding of events in concordance with the Q information that is being shared, is a renewed energy of the 'sheeple' getting involved, becoming interested in what is happening on the geo-political and even extraplanetary level.

That's a good point and may be a good thing. The main concern is that the 'sheeple' will not grasp that someone else is not going to save them and handle the mess we're in.

I doubt Qanon has a very big impact on 'the sheeple'. Just check out Google Trends comparing search trends for "QAnon (Blue line) vs Stormy Daniels (Red Line)":


QAnon barely even registers. Or what about "Q (Blue) vs NFL (Red)":


Again, we see what's on people's minds, and it doesn't look like a "Great Awakening".
Like Rythmik says, I find it very odd that people are put into 'categories' of having to "beLIEve" in something in order for it to have value. Just as I wouldn't insist on saying 'aliens are real' does that exclude the very possibility of them actually being real? Questioning without rejecting what we do not know seems, as I have intimated in my earlier posts: I can listen to someone without having to agree with what they say. That is how I learn. Just because I am aware of those who seem to believe that the earth is flat (which I don't) doesn't mean that I do not try to consider why they would prefer to hold that point of view. Do I agree with them? No. Absolutely not. On some level, in their space of awareness and their level of consciousness that is what they 'see'. I do not know nor do I claim to know how they came to that conclusion, I just think it's a curious development and it makes me wonder why they have such a need to attach themselves to that premise.

And do you leave your wondering there? Open-ended? Or do you draw any conclusions, even tentative ones?

It is the same with the Q movement. If I were attached to it (i.e., insist) that I have to be 'right' that "Q is nothing but BS (...)" then I position myself and my ability to look at something that I think I 'understand' (...) whereas the possibilities of what I could learn (also called playing with ideas, the inifinite field of possibilities and potential - and, to take that idea further - the infinite number of universes that exist beyond our immediate ability to see or perceive that which we cannot even contemplate). I close myself off to that which is accessible to me by flat out refusing to admit that I haven't got a bloody clue. None of us do. To claim otherwise seems to me rather childish, and also, desperate in having something to hold onto as a way of defining what and who we are, what is still 'out there' that we do not know of, and have never even thought possible.

Like I said before, in your world, everything is essentially relative and boils down to: 'we can't know anything for sure, so why try'. There is no attainable truth, everything is a 'maybe' and therefore essentially unmanifested. What a pointless life. You completely miss the point that the primary task of human life is to sort the real from the false, the truth from the lie, to the greatest extent possible and CHOOSE. In the above paragraph, you make the nonsensical comparison between practical truths learned from hard-won experience with the abstract idea of "infinite number of universes". They are CLEARLY not the same. You argue that we should all embrace the 'fact' that "we haven't got a bloody clue" about anything, so why even try. Just allow everything to 'be', no effort, no due diligence, no discernment, accept everything, open ourselves to everything and see what sticks, like crap to fan.

It is so much more than just the "Q" issue. The debate whether Q is BS or not, whether they are real or just a larp is not really what matters in this context (of this forum - which I had hoped, had a bit of a more open-minded consciousness and willingenss to go past a certain set of belief systems). Belief systems need to be questioned on a regular basis - especially our own - because we need to push the boundaries that define us by going past them.

Oh, I thought we were discussing the veracity or otherwise of 'Q'. You've argued quite strongly here for 'Q' being legit, but now it's not even relevant. So what's your agenda? Oh wait...I think I see it coming:

A few years ago, I came across a consciousness 'figure' who wrote a book that I find very fitting within this context. The book has the very succinct title "Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself". I worked with his approach for a number of years and it changed my life and what I believed or thought to believe to a considerable degree. One of the main reasons I volunteered at Eceti is that I wanted to challenge myself - get out of my comfort zone and push my own envelope. That is the only way you can find out what makes you. I also was in Ecuador for a month, having to deal with circumstances I never expected and discovering new qualities within myself I never knew were there. It was very very difficult and challenging and yet I came home with a new sense of Self that I would never have gained if it would not have been for these extremely difficult experiences.

So you hooked up with a group that aims to "help with public awareness of the E.T reality and to assist people with connecting to positive otherworldly beings." And how is that working out? Did you meet any nice aliens yet?

Our thoughts are often not even our own. Our beliefs are influenced on a daily basis by that which we are exposed to. Our parameters are 'stuck' in often outdated criteria that actually do nothing to help us move to another level of awareness and grasping the complexity of our own existence within the greater context.

So what is the yardstick for knowing when we have "moved to another level of awareness"? I mean, if we do that, can we not just be accused of still being "stuck in outdated criteria"? What is "outdated criteria" for you anyway? Is it anything that anyone says that you don't like? I can imagine that you can justify calling anyone and anything they say "outdated" simply by telling the person to think of the "infinite number of universes" and when they realized that they can't grok that idea, you point out that this means that "they haven't got a bloody clue what they're talking about" and they should just accept everything as possible, no truth, no lies, just navel gaze your way to lalaland.

Our consciousness is extremely malleable and we have to be prepared to not ever take any 'truths' for granted or, by contrast, insist that they are immutably 'correct', right' or 'disproven beyond any shadow of a doubt'.

People come on forums and troll and spew nonsense. This is an undeniable truth that is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.

To have a need to hold onto often oudated belief systems that are neither useful or helpful and that do not serve us, is a fatal inclination and often, tragically, the grid of reference with which we move through our world and our lives often sabotaging the very expansion and growth we secretly yearn for.

Do please tell us how we know when our belief system is "outdated". That's the one thing that is missing from your spiel.

A good example of this is Rupert Sheldrake's banned YT video on the "Science of Delusion" as well as his earlier work on the morphogenetic field - the invisible interconnectedness of all that is and exists - even if we cannot 'see' those links with our naked eye. Just as I do not need to believe in electricity or vibration does not exclude my being subject to experience its effects. The Q movement, with all its flaws, its problems and challenges is a sign of our times.

Yeah, it's a psyops. But wait, what does Q have to do with Rupert Sheldrake and morphogenetic fields? I hope everyone sees how this curious cat makes associations between things that, in reality, do not exist.

The Law of Unintended Consequences stipulates that good intentions only take us that far. Whether the Q movement will genuinely benefit humanity is as a whole remains to be seen.

No, it doesn't remain to be seen whether the Q movement will genuinely benefit humanity as a whole. Long before that, we have to have some evidence that 'Q' is anything but a fairly crass BS operation, that has not produced ONE piece of evidence that it is what it claims to be.

What I do see coming out of this movement, watching the timely unfolding of events in concordance with the Q information that is being shared, is a renewed energy of the 'sheeple' getting involved, becoming interested in what is happening on the geo-political and even extraplanetary level.

There's no evidence that the 'Q movement' is producing renewed energy among 'the sheeple' in understanding events on the actual geopolitical level. There is evidence that it is producing energy for 'Q' and its drip drip of cryptic crap. Then again, that's not surprising, there's a sucker born every minute.

The Q team's Q&A session of 20th September opened up one of the most suppressed queries that those who, are at least half-awake, was confirmed. The fact that anyone worth their salt would insist that we are alone, was countered by the Q team's response with 'no'.

Aha, so now we get to the real reason for your interest in 'Q'. Now that 'Q' has spent enough time attracting a bunch of fans, it has entered the new age alien woo woo arena, and with the shocking 'confirmation' that 'we are not alone'. :rolleyes:

It seems to me at least that this will reinvigorate and, for better or worse, open up those people's minds who hitherto were absolutely on another level of contemplation of whether we are alone or not; to at least consider that there is so much more to our planet's role than what mainstream media and science would prefer us to beLIEve.

Yeah, it's great to see more people joining the "I want to believe" gang. I mean, the global UFO community as it has evolved over the past 70 years is such a fine example of truth and objectivity...:rolleyes:

The risks of disclosure for those who are utterly and completely incapable of even contemplating this w/o going into a kind of knee-jerk reaction by labelling them as demons or whatever else their vocabulary of reference will come up with, ought not be totally dismissed because fear is such a fundamental part of what holds humanity back.

I totally agree, we should all embrace the demons from space.

Thus, the process of unravelling - however which way and by whoever this may come about - ought not be completely brushed aside nor ought it be totally ridiculed.

I beg to differ.

What we need at this moment in time is maybe not what we want or what we were used to but obviously, on a cosmic and planetary level, the times call for a global shift in consciousness of what and where we are going as a people, as one group of many that exist in this huge galaxy.

Ah yes, the old "global shift in consciousness". You're reading from a REALLY old new age word salad book here.

As flawed and problematic the Q movement is, it obviously has its place and its purpose, otherwise it wouldn't have even been able to grow so big and have so many around the world become part of the Q movement.

Really? When something gains a lot of public attention, it means it's valid? Because I was reading an article the other day about how sex doll purchases have skyrocketed. So that has to be good, right? Otherwise, "it wouldn't have even been able to grow so big and have so many around the world become part of the SD movement".

Again, whether that is 'good' or 'bad' is realtive.

There ya go again with the postmodernist BS. I'm really starting to think that postmodernism was invented by aliens.

Is it helpful? Is it useful? I think so. Certainly, it has its place in bringing people together and allowing themselves to go places they would most likely never have considered previously.

Yeah, like New Age Disney World.

If nothing else, the energy of the movement brings with it a heightened willingness to become part of the 'taking responsibility' for our own process and the reality we are co-creating.

There's a new age COINTELPRO movement for just about everyone.

Something tells me that many people have been waiting for something of this nature to happen - they needed a 'bandwaggon' they could jump on because many were frustrated with the way things were.

Indeed, and the term "jump on the bandwagon" has such a positive connotation in the English language. History show that it always works out well when a large number of people jump on a bandwagon.

For whatever reason someone may join that movement, everyone has their very own agenda and motivation for doing so. Again, as with the flat earth theory, I don't know what makes them do so. I observe it and watch where this is going because it is certainly highly interesting and worth watching.

Yeah, in a macabre sort of way. I just really don't appreciate cheerleaders for such "bandwagons". They're much more deserving of criticism than the people they manipulated to get on the wagon.
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Personally, I think the energy could be spent much better elsewhere than deciperhing cryptic Q messages as others have tried to express in various ways.

I don't think the point is just to decipher Q messages, that's just the 'gateway drug', to get people in the door. Now that 'Q' has revealed that 'we are not alone' this curious cat and Q and his 'team' are probably planning to drop the "bombshell" that it isn't Donald Trump that's gonna save us, the 'good aliens' are.
I doubt Qanon has a very big impact on 'the sheeple'. Just check out Google Trends comparing search trends for "QAnon (Blue line) vs Stormy Daniels (Red Line)":

Yeah, I was kind of wondering about that. Truth is, if it wasn't for this forum, I doubt I would even know about Qanon.
Catching up this thread and thinking about CuriousCat's posts and other responses reminded me of article 'Michael Topper on Stalking' Micheal Topper on Stalking - by Laura Knight-Jadczyk

Who knows who is really behind Q (4chan troll types, professional organized psyop (Cointelpro), etc), but it does seem to have possibly stirred up a new source of food/energy for the 4D STS pyramid even if the people behind it don't realize it. Given the cryptic nature of the postings, the 'taste' of the belief I've seen from some people who started following it and talking about it, the questionable level of useful information that is given and that it is conveniently open ended for people to fill in the blanks and spend energy on trying to figure out, the possible direction Q might take and take its followers (UFO's and possible New Age future direction, follow and support Trump in attacking Iran because it is part of the deep state, etc), the likely outcome of giving people a false sense of hope and dependence on something outside of themselves to save them, as well as that the system in the US as it is is even salvageable without some kind of cleansing, and not really directing and helping in a concrete way with the search for truth it just seems like a convenient set up to direct and harness energy. FWIW
I don't think the point is just to decipher Q messages, that's just the 'gateway drug', to get people in the door. Now that 'Q' has revealed that 'we are not alone' this curious cat and Q and his 'team' are probably planning to drop the "bombshell" that it isn't Donald Trump that's gonna save us, the 'good aliens' are.

I see the deciphering as a "gateway" too. And CuriousCat's point does indicate at least some may be ready for Q to announce a "good aliens" will save us message. My point was and still is the deciphering energy for me could be spent elsewhere.

Thanks for the energy you used to counter what you consider lies with truth.
The skeptics may be correct but so far the only source that accurately predicted the surprise NK turnaround has been Q.

If (I know big if) Iran goes through a peaceful regime change or 180 policy shift similar to NK then that will be a big sign.
As much as Q followers want to "trust the plan", many will not put up with a blatant neocon/neolib-style attack on Iran and bloody regime change, even if it is Trump apparently directing it and Q supporting it.

But I do see and share some of these concerns.
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