Writing in Biological Psychiatry, they said it appeared environmental factors played a part in the changes. And they said the discovery opened up a new avenue of research.
The researchers, from the University of Western Ontario, Carleton University and University of Ottawa, analysed tissue from 10 people who had a serious depressive disorder and had committed suicide and 10 who had died suddenly from other causes, such as a heart attack.
They found that the DNA in the suicide group was being chemically modified by a process normally involved in regulating cell development, called methylation.
Could there be a correlation to this? (Emphasis is mine)
Arthur M. Evangelista, former FDA Investigator]The three toxic ingredients of Aspartame are
methanol (wood alcohol), and phenylalanine and aspartic acid; both the latter are amino acid isolates. . .
Amino acids also play a key role in neurotransmission, solute concentration and balance (especially in areas of the brain), cellular calcium pump (gate) effectors, production and expenditure of ATP (the cell's energy stores), and are involved in overall body nerve cell conduction systems.
The amino acids that are released into the blood stream are competitive. This means that the various types of amino acids
compete for attachment sites on enzymes and cell structures. It is this competition, which restricts any one type of amino acid from becoming too dominant and causing an imbalance in the normal ratio of the different circulating or cellular amino acids.
The enzymes, which are located throughout the body, including the brain and nerve cells, are responsible for ensuring that the amino acids gets to their proper end destination to be utilized by the body tissues.
Many key factors, including food additive excitotoxins and environmental poisons, play a role in nervous system degeneration. Collected evidence and accumulated non-industry funded research leaves no doubt that the powerful excitotoxin, aspartame and its breakdown products,
have a central or predominant role in creating or exacerbating neurodegenerative or neurocarcinogenic diseases. . .
Additionally, fetal alcohol syndrome can be mimicked t
hrough the methanol components of aspartame, and is a direct result from the maternal ingestion of aspartame.
Other disorders of fetal neurotoxin exposure will show up after birth, in the form of patho-physiologically induced learning and behavior disorders, attention deficit disorders, and the potential of DNA structural mutagenisis from formaldahyde concentrations, adducts, and the accompanying excitotoxic damage.[/quote]
The full article can be found here: http://www.wnho.net/aspartame_brain_damage.htm
[quote author=Dick]. . .my over-simplified questions.[/quote]
Simple questions are often the most sincere.