Question on Suicide


Padawan Learner
Does a soul go to the 5th density after a suicide?

Its a question that has bothered me, because two months ago, a one time friend committed suicide. He had left a five page letter to his current wife telling her why. It was just very sad.......

Would the 4th Density STS feed off of the misery he was going thru?
Hi Dick, I'm not certain that anyone here can really answer these questions, but I'll give my input from my current perspective.

Dick said:
    Does a soul go to the 5th density after a suicide?

    Its a question that has bothered me, because two months ago, a one time friend committed suicide. He had left a five page letter to his current wife telling her why. It was just very sad.......

As far as I understand, after death, the soul 'goes' to 5D for contemplation.  Of course, there are many factors that might influence this, including the presence of a soul in the first place, but that gets into a rather complex discussion of soul development and even the hypothetical 'second death' of those without an individuated soul.  This is covered in the Wave and Adventure series to some extent as well as other articles on

It's rather a complex topic, to say the least.

dick said:
  Would the 4th Density STS feed off of the misery he was going thru?

Considering that, from what we understand, 4D STS feeds on negative emotions, it would certainly follow that they would feed on his.  That's simply rather how things 'go' here on 3D STS planet Earth.  The other thing to consider is that they would also feed on your pain about it.  We ARE food.

Apologies for not having 'better' - (more 'happy') answers, but this is my current understanding. Others might have more input.
Complex, but interesting........any sites where I might read more on this subject? and the Wave and Adventure series.

Dick said:
Complex, but interesting........any sites where I might read more on this subject?
Dick said:
Does a soul go to the 5th density after a suicide?

Its a question that has bothered me, because two months ago, a one time friend committed suicide. He had left a five page letter to his current wife telling her why. It was just very sad.......

Would the 4th Density STS feed off of the misery he was going thru?
Apart from what Anart has already said, in the book "The Life Beyond the Veil", where a couple of 5D dudes describe the other side, it seems clear that the soul (if a person has one, like Anart said: complex issue) goes to a "zone" in 5D to which it most resonates. If the person had a dark life, or was constantly abused and used, he/she will go to a zone where that situation continues. Not because of some judgment, or anything like that, but simply because that's where he/she would fit best. This is one of the reasons you will want to focus on cleaning the machine while alive, because when you die the state you were in will pretty much decide your starting point (IF you have a soul that will continue in the first place).
Dick said:
Does a soul go to the 5th density after a suicide?

As we understand things at present, that is most likely; assuming you are talking about an individuated soul. There are other aspects to the problem, however, such as being "earthbound" and possibly that an individual does not have an individuated soul, but is merely a fragment of a larger soul complex.

Dick said:
Its a question that has bothered me, because two months ago, a one time friend committed suicide. He had left a five page letter to his current wife telling her why. It was just very sad.......

Yes, such situations are very sad. And without knowing specifics, it is difficult to even speculate intelligently. The Universe and all within it does not follow a narrow set of "black and white" rules. It is not unlawful either. It is just so vast and diverse and many faceted that we need to consider that the comfortable hard and fast rules that human beings like to cling to simply may not apply. Just as each individual human being is unique and different, so may the rules that apply to them be unique and different in spiritual terms.

Dick said:
Would the 4th Density STS feed off of the misery he was going thru?

As we understand it thus far, the misery he was going through while in the body could indeed have been "food" for hyperdimensional beings.

Among the saddest cases I have witnessed as a hypnotherapist are the ones where an individual is deeply religious and dies without an inkling of what is on the "other side" and then become lost and wandering souls, imprisoned by their own errors of belief.
I had mentioned him being a one time friend, in fact he was one of my best friends. One day he left his wife and children(teenagers) and started living with another lady, who spent most of her free time with the bottle, which he seemed to be doing more of.

From the day he left, he wouldn't talk to me anymore, I'd try and start a conversation, when I seen him, but he avoided me every chance he got. When he finally took his life, it was at his previous home, in the garage, carbon monoxide posioning. I also mentioned he wrote a five page letter to his current wife which was not very complimentary, from what I understand.

One of the reasons this bothers me, is that my father, and a couple other friends committed suicide.

So its quite possible, an STS or bad guy took up residence with them, and fed off the misery, and possibly, in fact helped them in there act? I know this question might sound black and white to a certain degree, but small meaningful steps in understanding are better than none at all.
Dick said:
I had mentioned him being a one time friend, in fact he was one of my best friends. One day he left his wife and children(teenagers) and started living with another lady, who spent most of her free time with the bottle, which he seemed to be doing more of.

This kind of behavior might even signal chemical imbalances in his body.

From the day he left, he wouldn't talk to me anymore, I'd try and start a conversation, when I seen him, but he avoided me every chance he got. When he finally took his life, it was at his previous home, in the garage, carbon monoxide posioning. I also mentioned he wrote a five page letter to his current wife which was not very complimentary, from what I understand.

Some of these clues tend to indicate a soul in struggle for lack of knowledge. If certain behaviors were triggered by chemical imbalances or health issues (antibiotics can permit overgrowth of candida which can then lead to mood disorders and a craving for alcohol that is almost impossible to combat if you do not deal with the candida and other health problems), this could create a powerful "war within" causing enormous suffering as a person is compelled by forces they do not understand to do things that they really do not want to do. That brings guilt and then shame and so on.

One of the reasons this bothers me, is that my father, and a couple other friends committed suicide.

Well, each case would have to be considered individually. But the above scenario is quite common.

So its quite possible, an STS or bad guy took up residence with them, and fed off the misery, and possibly, in fact helped them in there act? I know this question might sound black and white to a certain degree, but small meaningful steps in understanding are better than none at all.

It is far more likely that the general set-up of our world "took hold." The amount of suffering that results from simple ignorance is staggering. I know, I've experienced it and fought my way out of ignorance to discover the cause and meaning of it all.

If you read some of our sticky health threads you will discover the amazing variety of mental problems that can be caused by simply physical problems that, with a modicum of real care and concern on the part of our system, could have been solved. But the system is set up based on greed so finding out what really makes people sick and preventing illness is NOT the priority.

Candidiasis in various manifestations is currently epidemic as is heavy metal toxicity. These things, alone, as underlying causes of mental problems, are likely at the root of many suicides.

Of course, that does not negate the fact that the STS system feeds on this energy of pain and suffering. You might even say that the system we live with in our world - social and religious and so on - was designed just for that reason.
Thanks for the information Laura, as usual you've touched on a few points that were evident with him.

He was overweight, that he was constantly battling, he also had depression issues about his appearance. I believe he did take medication for his depression, which were compounded by taking large doses of alcohol.

So the chemical imbalance is a strong possibility. I'll read more on the candidiasis.

Personally, I've noticed, since learning more from the C's, your books, and this forum, more of a calm has come over me mentally. Like I have said before, it was almost like a kick the stomach to start with. Please to everyone, just be patient with my over-simplified questions.
The 'Cs' have said "all is lessons", and I have come to think (can't use the word "believe" in this forum... :rolleyes:) that suicide represents the soul's equivalent of dropping out of school. However, unlike dropping out of high school, where you can probably get a job at McDonalds, when you choose to not carry a learning experience to its completion, you simply get to experience the lesson again.

I couldn't even speculate what really happened to your friend, but like Laura said, perhaps he became aware of things that he was not prepared to handle. This awareness may have even been "subconscious".

Its sad when it comes to such extreme choices, but each individual is responsible for their own learning, and sometimes that path to enlightenment is bumpy. Like the humorous T-shirt says: "The road to enlightenment is long and difficult so bring snacks and a magazine." I hope this doesn't seem trite, but perhaps your friend just got to a point where he had to metaphorically sit down and "distract himself with a magazine".
Suicide linked to brain changes

The brains of people who commit suicide are chemically different to those who die from other causes, a Canadian study has suggested. Researchers analysed brain tissue from 20 dead people and, in those who killed themselves, they found a higher rate of a process that affects behaviour.

Writing in Biological Psychiatry, they said it appeared environmental factors played a part in the changes. And they said the discovery opened up a new avenue of research.

The researchers, from the University of Western Ontario, Carleton University and University of Ottawa, analysed tissue from 10 people who had a serious depressive disorder and had committed suicide and 10 who had died suddenly from other causes, such as a heart attack.

They found that the DNA in the suicide group was being chemically modified by a process normally involved in regulating cell development, called methylation.

It is methylation which shuts down the unwanted genes in a cell - so the necessary genes are expressed to make a cell a skin cell rather than, for example, a heart cell.

The rate of methylation in the suicide brains was almost 10 times that of the other group, and the gene that was being shut down was a chemical message receptor that plays a major role in regulating behaviour.

In the paper, the researchers suggest this reprogramming could contribute to the "protracted and recurrent nature of major depressive disorder".

Previous research has suggested that changes to the methylation process can be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors called epigenetics.

Modifications 'shape life'

Dr Michael Poulter, who led the research, said: "The whole idea that the genome is so malleable in the brain is surprising, because brain cells don't divide.

"You get dealt your neurons at the start of life, so the idea that there are still epigenetic mechanisms going on is pretty unusual."

He said the findings of the study opened up a new avenue of research and potential therapies for depression and suicidal tendencies.

John Krystal, the editor of Biological Psychiatry, said: "This is exciting new evidence that genetic and environmental factors may interact to produce specific and long-lasting modifications in brain circuits.

"Further, these modifications may shape the course of one's life in extremely important ways, including increasing the risk for major depressive disorder and perhaps suicide."
Writing in Biological Psychiatry, they said it appeared environmental factors played a part in the changes. And they said the discovery opened up a new avenue of research.

The researchers, from the University of Western Ontario, Carleton University and University of Ottawa, analysed tissue from 10 people who had a serious depressive disorder and had committed suicide and 10 who had died suddenly from other causes, such as a heart attack.

They found that the DNA in the suicide group was being chemically modified by a process normally involved in regulating cell development, called methylation.

Could there be a correlation to this? (Emphasis is mine)

Arthur M. Evangelista, former FDA Investigator]The three toxic ingredients of Aspartame are methanol (wood alcohol), and phenylalanine and aspartic acid; both the latter are amino acid isolates. . .

Amino acids also play a key role in neurotransmission, solute concentration and balance (especially in areas of the brain), cellular calcium pump (gate) effectors, production and expenditure of ATP (the cell's energy stores), and are involved in overall body nerve cell conduction systems.

The amino acids that are released into the blood stream are competitive. This means that the various types of amino acids compete for attachment sites on enzymes and cell structures. It is this competition, which restricts any one type of amino acid from becoming too dominant and causing an imbalance in the normal ratio of the different circulating or cellular amino acids.

The enzymes, which are located throughout the body, including the brain and nerve cells, are responsible for ensuring that the amino acids gets to their proper end destination to be utilized by the body tissues.

Many key factors, including food additive excitotoxins and environmental poisons, play a role in nervous system degeneration. Collected evidence and accumulated non-industry funded research leaves no doubt that the powerful excitotoxin, aspartame and its breakdown products, have a central or predominant role in creating or exacerbating neurodegenerative or neurocarcinogenic diseases. . .

Additionally, fetal alcohol syndrome can be mimicked through the methanol components of aspartame, and is a direct result from the maternal ingestion of aspartame.

Other disorders of fetal neurotoxin exposure will show up after birth, in the form of patho-physiologically induced learning and behavior disorders, attention deficit disorders, and the potential of DNA structural mutagenisis from formaldahyde concentrations, adducts, and the accompanying excitotoxic damage.[/quote]

The full article can be found here:

[quote author=Dick]. . .my over-simplified questions.[/quote]

Simple questions are often the most sincere.
The changes in brain cells make a lot of sense. He had just received his Masters degree in business, 6 days before he committed suicide.

The other friend of mine that committed suicide, a few years back, had gone to the store to buy a carton of cigarettes. Why buy a carton if it was premeditated, just buy a pack. Why finished your Masters degree? Its like they were on the edge for a period of time, then something insurmountable, in there mind, happened for them to carry out the deed.

Again thanks for the feedback.
i've wondered about the same things, Dick.

9 years ago tomorrow, my girlfriend commited suicide by drinking anti-freeze while i was half a world away.
she had tried before (i knew her) and she had talked about doing it (she suffered from bouts of depression). i tried hard to get her to see the joy and purpose of life, but i failed.

it initially devastated me to the point where i thought of doing it myself, but the thing that kept me from acting on it was the thought that i couldn't do that to my parents and my sister*, who would be completely destroyed by that. after a few months i snapped out of it.

if i think back now on how this episode has affected my life, i can almost only see positive things, as absurd as that sounds.
her suicide forced me to confront issues of life and death which i had not even remotely thought about before. it turned me into a stronger and more aware person.
i believe the seed of my 'seeking the truth' was planted then.

i sometimes wonder if she has re-incarnated again (i assume she was a souled being, but that might be my bias) to watch the greatest show on earth at this crucial point in history. or maybe she is in a much worse state than she was here in 3D - she was raised in ireland in some sense-forsaken part where people are ultra-religious. she wasn't religious herself, but sometimes it's hard to gauge how much damage such an environment does to a child.

for my life i can totally see that it had to be this way, it made me who i am today and i am quite happy with the direction my life has taken since then.
i am very thankful to her that she sacrificed her life in order to get mine on track and i assume that it was the main reason the universe had the two of us meet.

as for her - i think there was some serious karmic debt accumulating in her family (as it often does with outwardly 'moral' and 'religious' people).

as a final note of solace - people who commit suicide want to do it. it is their decision and their free will. to me that makes it easier to accept.

*as an interesting counterpoint - her suicide note surprised me by its complete lack of consideration for other people that were close to her.
rs said:
The 'Cs' have said "all is lessons", and I have come to think (can't use the word "believe" in this forum... :rolleyes:) that suicide represents the soul's equivalent of dropping out of school....

That may be true in many cases, but my reading of the Cassiopaea and Ra material suggests that it doesn't necessarily apply in all cases.

In Session 941107 the C's had this to say about suicide in general:

Q: (L) What happens to people who commit suicide?
A: Varies according to circumstance.
Q: (L) In a general sense, is there some negative karma
involved in committing suicide?
A: There can be negative karma involved with many things.

In Session 69, the Ra material had this to say:

The death, if natural, would undoubtedly be the more harmonious;
the death by murder being confused and the entity needing some time/space
in which to get its bearings, so to speak; the death by suicide causing the
necessity for much healing work and, shall we say, the making of a dedication
to the third-density for the renewed opportunity of learning the lessons set by
the Higher Self.

Laura herself discovered that she had committed suicide during her previous life in a Nazi concentration camp (see Session 950105). The C's also told her that in this life she had been "programmed to commit suicide" by STS forces, in order to stop her from pursuing the work she does now (see Session 950211). In Session 020914, they mention "programming" again in relation to suicide:

Q: (L) Alright, we have our first question that I want to
get out of the way before we go into any other things
and it's a question for a member of our group D**
whose son committed suicide last year (2001) just a
few days before the 9-11 thing when everything and
everybody was "going off" all over the country...
A: He was subjected to mind programming due to his
fathers work in military.
Q: (L) Was his father aware of this?
A: He was also subject.
Q: (L) In what way was he a subject?
A: He was utilized mainly to deal with the son so as to
make him available.
Q: (L) Anything else about this?
A: He must not feel responsible. Many such cases
exist outside of the military. His son was selected due
to bloodline. The reason for failure was due to
strength of resistance.
Q: (L) So, in other words, they couldn't control the
son, is that what you're saying?
A: More or less.
Q: (L) So he wasn't stimulated to commit suicide to
hurt D?
A: No
Q: (L) Was he programmed to do something that was in
conflict with something inside him?
A: Mainly. His FRV was not conducive to such controls.
Q: (J) Was his act of suicide kind of like a final form of
defense against the mind control, like he knew it on a
subconscious level; or was it that they had him commit
suicide because they realized they had failed and they
just said "kill yourself;" or did he do it as a way of
A: It was more resistance.

The C's also discussed the suicide of Don Elkins, one of the creators of the Ra material, in Sessions 990724 and 000817 respectively:

Q:...Don Elkins DID, however, commit suicide. Can you
tell us why?
A: Suicide is a chosen pathway for the purpose of close
realization of shutting off the noise.
Q: What noise did he want to shut off?
A: It is a figure of speech.
Q: I would like to understand. Here, these folks had this
marvelous contact with Ra...
A: Contact with Ra does not preclude the possibility of
Q: Why did Ra not convey to him the information necessary
to understand that he was under attack, and what kind of
attack it was, and how to deal with it?
A: The questions were not asked.
Q: Why were the questions not asked that would have
protected him?
A: "Love and Light."
Q: So, because they were so focused on the love and light
A: There is no positivity without negativity.

Q: ... He did suggest that Don Elkins committed
suicide because that was his pre- incarnative plan. Is suicide
possibly part of a plan made before incarnation?
A: It is one of many choices available.
Q: In Don's case, was it his plan to commit suicide at that
point, or did he commit suicide because he was under such
extreme attack?
A: Well, his suicide was his choice
Q: Was it his choice before he incarnated? Was it mapped
into this incarnation?
A: It is a choice open to all.
Q: (A) I would like to know what was his reasoning. How did
he justify this choice to himself?
A: It was an escape.
Q: An escape from what?
A: Displeasure.
Q: Displeasure from whom? Himself or others?
A: Many things.
Q: What did this displeasure relate to?
A: Not important!
Q: Did he feel this displeasure from Carla?
A: See previous response.
Q: What was important about what was in his mind?
A: When one feels displeasure, one sometimes chooses to
Q: So it was HIM who was feeling displeasure. Did he have
no pleasure in life? Was everything bleak and dark because of
the information they were bringing through?
A: Laura, it is not necessary for you to probe further into this.

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