SMM, thank you for recommendation.
I have learned a lot from "Inside the Criminal Mind" & "The Myth of the Out of Character Crime", knowledge that was very helpful in my working environment which is full of guys with criminal way of thinking. Since I knew some basic to explain to my self why they thinking or acting like criminals I could observe them more objectively (probably) and not feeling angry or sad because I have to witness they acts. And I even try to tease them:"Come on guys, you're just a petty criminals, stealing food, drinks and little bit of money from the man that owns a millions. If you're real men you should become hackers or professional criminals and steal some big money." And I'm aware that my teasing was just passive aggressive way to deal with them. But on the other hand, I do think that best way to learn about criminal mind of thinking is to be in that kind of environment. Not just about others, about my self.
IMO, my level of understanding of this subject is proportional with my level of restlessness about it. The more I learn and understand I have more peace in myself.
And yes, there is three books:
The Criminal Personality, Volume I: A Profile for Change
The Criminal Personality, Volume II: The Change Process
The Criminal Personality: The Drug User, Volume III
Yup, those are the ones. Thank you, Dakota.
If you do get a chance to read these, I recommend them.
I've been reading Volume I and II over the past week and they have offered a lot of insight. There are more case study excerpts in them like Leroy's from
Inside the Criminal Mind.
In my case particularly, they've given me a gut-wrenching visceral response. There's a mirror or window into my own experiences of which I will share on here, despite a fear it's noise. If it might help others learn, it's worth sharing.
Finding Samenow's (et al.) works has been like answered prayers for me, in some sense. The burning questions of is change (lasting change if free will and choice are engaged) possible and how does it take place have been addressed in great detail.
In the back of the first volume,
Chapter 8: Tactics Obstructing Effective Transactions, it refers to Clerkey's (
The Mask of Sanity and
The Caricature of Love) conclusion made in the 60's that change [of criminal thinking patterns from criminal to responsible] is not possible. Through their trial and error approach of the program, they observed that it was.
I wonder if Samenow did longitudinal follow up with successful candidates of the program?
Earlier this year, I started reading David Garland's
Culture of Control, which speaks more to the changing face of crime (cultural and sociological factors in late-modernitt i.e. 20th century). There's something in there that makes me think about the normalisation of thinking errors and systematic erosion of traditional community values and health during the 20th century that's contributed to how things are today. When he speaks about the increase in CCTVs, TVs and modern technology, I couldn't help but think of the effects such devices had and still have on health as a whole, from hormonal dysregulation to neurological. Not saying they are bad in and of themselves, though without awareness, they can impact our thinking, especially System 1. If you get a chance to have a look at
The Culture of Control, it's one worth looking at IMO.
I also started
The Righteous Mind. Yet to finish it. After reading more of Samenow (I haven't read
Inside the Criminal Mind yet, working up to it), I want to seize greater control over my variable reading speed (sometimes really fast, other times less so) and re-read Healing Developmental Trauma, finish The Righteous Mind, The Culture of Control and Inside the Criminal Mind.
Not to mention the books in the evolution series i.e. Darwin's Black Box, Evolution 2.0, and parapsychology i.e. First Sight and Strange Contagion. One step at a time.
Another question is if these change programs still run and how they're progressing as
The Criminal Personality volumes were written in the 70s.