Really weird "entity" videos

I scrolled and tried to find the actual video but they have a loooooooot of stuff, so I kind of got bored, maybe someone with a TikTok account can do a search or something?

I also found their YouTube channel “El Payaso de Toledo” and watched a couple of clips from that channel, and yeah most likely it’s fake! Since many of his or their videos have the same theme. However, I couldn’t find this specific video on their channel. And I scrolled like crazy on their videos too although on Youtube, haven’t check TikTok.
Looked their TikTok and yes they have a lot of stuff, although they focus more on like graveyards spirits, witches and things like that (all fake obviously), but that particular video I shared, is not on their TikTok either (I could have missed it too), although their voices could be the same, they are really similar.

Also, would a person record a video that long? really… if I’m driving and I get to encounter something like that, the most I would do (if I get the courage) is to record a 5 to 10 seconds video to show as proof to however I will ask for assistance and then leave the area ASAP!
Here is the post:
Could be a window faller? No idea.
Now, in a situation like this I wouldn’t just record but call for assistance if I see someone being attack by something. But again people could have different mentalities, so I don’t know about this one.
Looks like this...

I don't see him as if it's attacking him, the guy seems to be comfortable lying down with his - it looks like a pet, though.
the replies to the video are somewhat along the lines of "no one witnessing that would be so polite".. which is kind of true.
The one whom tape it seems to know about the animals in the region, if it was that strange and attacking he would backtracked quickly.
The giant golden-crowned flying fox is an specie of Philipines. Perhaps searching for videos in philipinian.
Found it!

it wasn't payasos de Toledo it was Hulk Productions! there's a longer video and it looks scripted and acted out, better resolution and a costume is visible. And you can even see the boots of the demon lol.

Take a look!

Funny that on X they have even recruited Jaime Maussan lol xD
I found this video on instagram, tried to upload it here but the format is not accepted so gave a link. Some dogs encircled some invisible entity behind some fence and are barking at it, at some moment you can see shoulder and head, and it hits dogs with something through the fence and three dogs just fly. Some said like it is gorilla, but gorilla does not have such a strenght and those are not small dogs, and the entity seems much bigger. I would better say a bigfoot if it is not edited and fake.

And I'm not even getting into the whole paranormal activity going on down there because I could write 3 pages more on all the stuff my partner and his family have witnessed

The above comment reminded me of this event that happened recently.

This photo went viral in Mexico and supposedly the woman is an entity, a ghost.

Screenshot_20240629-224353_TikTok Lite.jpg

The photo was taken from a video dated March 31, 2024 and the images clearly show a driver and a woman wearing an old dress, possibly from the revolutionary era, or a vintage wedding dress.

The woman has strange eyes, they look like empty sockets and an elongated jaw, she is sitting in the passenger seat.

The story of what happened spread in a WhatsApp group of truckers and from there to social networks. The story goes that the monitoring and security group of the Star logistic company that was transporting a shipment of the Marinela company in Monterrey, communicated with the trucker since through the security cameras of the cabin they noticed that a woman was traveling with him.

The monitoring department spoke to the truck operator to tell him that it was forbidden to carry anyone in the passenger seat, so they repeatedly dialed him to get the person next to him out of the truck, but he did not answer. When he finally answered the truck operator assured the monitoring that no one was traveling with him.

The trucking company has refused to make the video public or to make a statement or deny the incident.

Since this incident, other truck drivers and private car drivers have shared their experiences on the roads. Something strange is happening on Mexico's dark roads.​
I have no idea what was witnessed but coming from Columbia anything is possible
A Colombian resident posted a video on Reddit (see below) of a mysterious incident that he claims happened a few days ago in his unnamed hometown.

A mysterious object—whether it was an inanimate object or a living creature remains unclear—flew into the open door of a house at high speed and knocked down a man standing at the entrance. The impact was so strong that the man was thrown out and landed near the steps.

He sustained serious cuts from the fall and had to be taken to the hospital, where he received 24 stitches.

The incident was captured on a surveillance camera, and despite multiple viewings in slow motion, the nature of the fast-moving object remains completely unclear.

Skeptical internet users believe the description of the video is fictitious, suggesting the video simply shows the coincidental flight of an insect and a person falling out of the door.

Others are convinced that something strange genuinely happened. Firstly, the person is propelled out of the door with such force that it appears as if he was hit by a speeding car, and he falls in a way that suggests multiple broken bones.

Secondly, a couple of seconds before the mysterious object flies by, a white light flashes in the window of a parked car, suggesting a reflection of the flying object. This indicates it was not merely an insect flying in front of the camera.

One user reasonably noted that it would be preferable if the video were fake, as the alternative is unsettling. In the comments, the person who posted the video mentioned that the injured man claims he does not remember what hit him.

The author also noted that the house where this occurred is located about 400 meters from the road, meaning it could not have been an object like a wheel accidentally flying off a truck. Additionally, nothing unusual was found in the house after the incident.

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BY Jake Carter
Jake Carter is a researcher and a prolific writer who has been fascinated by science and the unexplained since childhood. He is always eager to share his findings and insights with the readers of, a website he created in 2013.
Could be a juvenile black bear with injured front paws. For comparison.

That’s is weird! But as the video points out, it seems the bear’s front paws are injured. So that would explain the behavior, but the “bear” on the picture doesn’t seem like a regular black bear since the walking bear on the video has different proportions, could be a brown bear and is just the angle of the image that makes it look weird, unfortunately there is no much footage to compare.
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