Recommended books in Spanish - Libros recomendados en español


FOTCM Member
Hi, in another thread, Psyche and I shared a list of the QFS recommended books on different subjects which can be found in Spanish. I have pasted it below for future reference, for anybody who would be looking for them. Unfortunately, not everything is available in Spanish, but we can keep this thread updated if we find more material. Do not hesitate to leave a link here if you find any of these books or others recommended in this forum, in Spanish:

Psyche said:
You'll find here some material available in Spanish:

Psyche said:
We have a health blog in Spanish:

The Ultra Simple diet and a brief synopsis on how to do it is here:

In addition to that, you'll find some of the books by Sherry Rogers in Spanish. For example, "Cansancio o intoxicación":

The Enzyme Factor by Hiromi Shinya is available in French and Spanish as well:

La enzima prodigiosa: Una Forma De Vida Sin Enfermarse

From the top 5 psychology books, there is Alice Miller in Spanish: El drama del niño dotado.

The translator team also did The Narcissistic Family and several other passages from the psychology books.

And here:

Ailén said:
You can find The Drama of the Gifted Child in Spanish

And a very interesting one is Women Who Run With Wolfs.

Oh, and Robert Hare's Without Conscience:

You can read summaries and reviews of a couple of the recommended books on narcissism and psychopathy in this blog:

Here is another recommended book which is available in Spanish: Memorias de un alemán by Sebastian Haffner.

The Shock Doctrine is also available in Spanish: "La doctrina del shock" by Naomi Klein.

Ouspensky's In Search of the Miraculous is available in Spanish: "En búsqueda de lo milagroso". I think almost all Ouspensky's books are available in Spanish (for example Posible evolución del hombre, Tertium Organum, etc) although we recommend only some of them. The main one is "En búsqueda de lo milagroso".

Gnosis by Boris Mouravieff is also available in Spanish, all three volumes.

All Gurdjieff's books are available in Spanish: "La vida es real solo cuando soy yo", "Relatos de Belzebú a su nieto", "Perspectivas de la vida real", "Mensajero Bien Venidero", "Encuentros con hombres notables".

There is also "Invierno cósmico" by Victor Clube.

Also Fulcanelli is available in Spanish: "Las moradas filosofales", "El misterio de las catedrales".

Some books by Mircea Eliade are available in Spanish.

Louise Hay, "Usted puede sanar su vida" is also interesting.

All of Castaneda's books are available in Spanish: "El lado activo del infinito", etc (we don't recommend all of them though).

Victor Ostrovsky's book: "Por el camino de la decepción" about Mossad is also available in Spanish.

I think there is something available in Spanish by Peter d'Adamo: Grupos sanguíneos y alimentación.

Do check the blogs suggested above. Don't forget

There might be more material, lets see if we can keep track of it.

Ailén said:
I don't have much to add to the list that Psyche gave you, except to let you know that The Narcissistic Family is being proofread and will soon be available in its entirety on this blog:

Following the same link, you will see excerpts in Spanish of The Myth of Sanity, Women Who Love Psychopaths, How to Spot a Dangerous Man, Predators: Pedophiles, Rapists and other Sex Offenders and others which haven't been translated yet.

For material on Political Ponerology, see here:

As to Laura's books, you can find them here:

La historia secreta del mundo
El 11-S: la verdad definitiva
La Onda, tomo I

They are also available on Amazon. Hopefully the next two volumes of The Wave, and High Strangeness will be available this year.
About Mircea Eliade's books can provide that "El mito del eterno retorno" and "Chamanismo y técnicas arcaicas del extasis" are in Spanish. Here in Spain l book on shamanism is not found in libraries today, must be asked and I understand practically exhausted, I own them for a few months ago on the internet and luckily found a library that even had to ask the publisher for that I send him home. Mention this because if someone wants to try and buy it, because again, it is hard to find.

If I remember most interesting books and I'll talk. Thanks Ailén and Psyche.
Hello everyone. I do not know if it's the place to discuss this, can the moderators delete if not applicable here. I want to clarify that I do not participate in any political tendency. So I checked page and I must say I felt deeply disappointed. I do not know how the page will be in English but in Spanish has a clearly political character to a very marked trend. By reading the information on the earthquake in my country I saw reviews and articles taken from the canal of Hugo Chávez (Telesur), a one-page ruling Socialists declared on its cover, and thus, a series of articles by members of the team more than inform, uninformed, and they analyzed situations that occurred in my city, or the manner in which they reported. In fact I seemed to be facing a political pamphlet. I thought I would find a page where you put aside the silly political divisions created by those with real power in this density, but it was not so. In short, I could say much more, but my little use of English limits me too much to express myself and I do not want you to misunderstand me.
No soy moderador ni mucho menos, pero estamos para ayudarnos,¿verdad? Para decir su opinión quizá debería haber creado un post nuevo.

En segundo lugar, en este foro podría haber escrito lo que quería decir en español y a continuación en inglés, para que se le entendiera mejor. Algunas veces se hace de esta manera.

I'm not administrator by any means, but we are to
help, right? To say your opinion might be
have created a new post.

Secondly, this forum could have written it
I wanted to say in Spanish and then in English,
to understand it better. Sometimes it makes
this way.
What articles are you referring to, dartho?

Following the example of, articles from all the media are published on Señales de los Tiempos, with comments when necessary. Perhaps you could explain what exactly you found to be disappointing?

Sott doesn't adhere to any political party either, but we do expose lies and fascists. For some, that could be called biased, but it is exposing pathocrats for what they are: psychopaths.
Eongar said:
No soy moderador ni mucho menos, pero estamos para ayudarnos,¿verdad? Para decir su opinión quizá debería haber creado un post nuevo.

Hello Eongar, and yes, So I started apologizing if it was not the right place.

And Ailen, thanks for answering. My observation was about articles on the earthquake in Chile that I found this surprising. I repeat, I have no political bias and I thought that in this blog either, but I found several reviews and news with a leftist political accent, which, personally, I was quite surprised. He gave me the impression given to understand that evil is found only on the far right of politics, when it is well known that it is everywhere (divide and conquer).
I mention some examples:
1 .-)
The info was taken from the magazine Tiempo Final ( which is left (the Communist Party socilaista, etc.). Http:// and the same nature.
2 .-)
Article written by Nikola Stolpkin in, and its page, called "Socialism or death!"
You think it will be target anyone who thinks that way?
3 .-)
Taken from, website where violence advocate ostensibly humanist movement as the struggle of the Basque guerrillas in Latin America, etc.., In summary , type the end justifies the means (extremist). They are a good source of information?

This is just one example, but annoying to read that cut down by their political beliefs do not describe what really happened in my country. I live in Concepcion, a town where the earthquake hit hard, so I have information first about what we live and suffer after the phenomenon, so it is painful to read in this blog just as you read in other media, say "official" , which are nothing more than pure disinformation used to make propaganda to its ideals and propaganda.

3 .-)
Taken from, website where violence advocate ostensibly humanist movement as the struggle of the Basque guerrillas in Latin America, etc.., In summary , type the end justifies the means (extremist). They are a good source of information?

This is just one example, but annoying to read that cut down by their political beliefs do not describe what really happened in my country. I live in Concepcion, a town where the earthquake hit hard, so I have information first about what we live and suffer after the phenomenon, so it is painful to read in this blog just as you read in other media, say "official" , which are nothing more than pure disinformation used to make propaganda to its ideals and propaganda.

In short, if we make a difference, we can not use media that, willy-nilly, are used by the bad guys of the movie to continue playing their game of divide and misinform. Neither the left of the political sector and the right have the truth on their side, nor are they saints or demons alone. In my country, and in Latin America have had the misfortune to see the fruits of both.

Well, that I can say for now. I hope you do not get me wrong and I have not misused the google translator. The truth is difficult to develop an idea in another language.

Hi Darthdo,

It will be externally considering if you support your opinions with data from the articles. Take in consideration other members who can't read the articles posted because they are in Spanish, so try to explain to them what is being said.

I don't have time now to go through the articles, is late here... But I opened the first article and noticed that the title (Economy threatened by the Shock Doctrine) was inspired in Naomi Klein's The Shock Doctrine: the Rise of Disaster Capitalism, a book that is highly recommend. is a site which often translates articles that are published on, reason why the Spanish editors always keep an eye on it. It usually has very good articles written by Spanish authors as well. A quick scan of the article raises no alarms, on the contrary. I wonder why it bothers you. Perhaps you can explain.

Lets put all sacred cows out to pasture and provide more data.

Do you read FWIW, from "Connecting the Dots: Cosmic Climate Change, Financial Terrorism":

The dust had barely settled by the time Chile's military, in keeping with the trend set by US and UN enforcers in Haiti, took control of the affected cities, imposed curfews and guarded businesses under the pretext of protecting them against "looting:"

There were the usual promises of swift action to arrest "looters" and criminal gangs taking deadly advantage of the absence of authority, but pray tell, what is the difference between a completely traumatized people suddenly bereft of the basic necessities of life breaking into grocery stores and other businesses in order to feed themselves and their families and base evildoers intent on profiting from anarchy and who makes the call?

Chile's popular outgoing president, Michelle Bachelet, was criticised for not implementing stricter controls and for initially denying international aid. World Bank president Robert B. Zoellick said "the Bank Group would draw on its considerable expertise in catastrophe management and reconstruction to support Chile in the aftermath of this earthquake." She was obviously aware that such "aid" comes at a high price. Michelle Bachelet's father, who was a supporter of Allende's, was tortured to death at the hands of Pinochet's army because he refused to go into exile following the 1973 coup. Bachelet and her mother were also imprisoned, interrogated and tortured, before being exiled to Australia. Bachelet was not allowed by the country's constitution to run for a second consecutive term, despite having 75% of the population's approval.


© Associated Press
Pinera: Chile's new Pinochet?

In January Chile voted billionaire Sebastian Pinera into office in a close contest. Pinera is the first right-wing leader of Chile since Pinochet's dictatorship ended in 1990. Some of his coalition members were actually member's of Pinochet's cabinet (his brother was actually Pinochet's Minister of Labor). He bragged that he "would create one million new jobs and crack down on delinquency and drug trafficking" and that "he would seek to privatize a part of Codelco, Chile's state-owned copper company and the world's largest copper producer".

Those familiar with Chile's recent history will know that America's Chicago School of Economics, led by the schizoidal "free-market" ideology of Milton Friedman, and working hand in glove with the CIA, overthrew Chile's democratic government and installed Pinochet's totalitarian regime. Naomi Klein's groundbreaking book, The Shock Doctrine: the Rise of Disaster Capitalism, has this to say about the privatization of Codelco:

The only thing that protected Chile from complete economic collapse in the early eighties was that Pinochet had never privatized Codelco, the state copper mine company nationalized by Allende. That one company generated 85 percent of Chile's export revenues, which meant that when the financial bubble burst, the state still had a steady source of funds. [pg. 104-105]

The one thing even Pinochet dared not attempt is now the "dream" of Pinera and the nightmare of the Chilean population, as it will bring an economy still marked by huge gap in inequalities between the parasitic elite and the normal population to ruins. Remember the World Bank's 'generous offer'? Klein's book reveals how the World Bank and the IMF, in times of crisis, capitalise upon the uncertainty brought on by traumatic events, whether natural or induced. Pinera is an "American man", according to British journalist, Mark Williams:

Pinera's father was a CIA informer in the 1960s, and his brother, Jose, is a high-flyer in the American Cato Institute - an organisation which claims to be non-partisan but, in fact, is an economic think-tank that is almost completely in the pocket of the Republican party, with policies of 'self-determination' and 'minimal governance' - code for 'no social welfare available' and 'don't tax the rich.'


© Daniel Garcia/AFP/Getty Images
Concepcion, Chile's second largest city: Is this a war zone or a disaster zone? Do Disaster Capitalists make that distinction?
Before he landed that job, Jose had been one of Pinochet's right-hand men. One of his 1980s reforms is a Chilean national pension scheme, closely aligned with US interests, which is so useless, employees paying into it would be better off tucking cash under the mattress - quite literally. Administration fees (payable to US interests) outstrip the rate interest accrues, so your cash actually evaporates once in the scheme.

Sebasian Pinera built his wealth by owning the biggest credit card company in Chile - an enterprise which would have had no future without the backing of US banking. However, CIA documents reveal that he did, in fact, have close ties with Pinochet and, in particular, with a peculiar banking scandal during the horrific Pinochet years.

It was Pinera who placed Talca Bank in administration, having (with his brother) created 80 fake companies to be its creditors. The badly-organised robbery failed and, so concerned were the Americans, that they instructed the CIA to swoop in and 'rescue' Pinera from Chile and keep him out of the way of investigation until the scandal blew over. The journalist who discovered the inconvenient CIA documents which tell the story has since had his life threatened for publishing them.

The installation of Pinera as a puppet president in Chile is better than sending in the cruise missiles. But Chileans should now check their wallets as Pinera's policies begin to siphon their taxes away into the rich's personal fortunes...

The US government can now rest assured that Chile will be under its thumb with Pinera getting comfortable in the Palacio de La Moneda. What we've seen happening in the aftermath of Haiti's murdering earthquake, where parasitic "free-market" loving US corporations stepped in to rebuild the island's economy in their own image, we see happening in Chile also. It's a recurring theme: Chile's Pablo Neruda, lamenting his country's betrayal in the late 60's, never lost hope and wrote in his poem, The Victorious People:

My heart's in this struggle.
My people will overcome.
These sorrows will be wrung like handkerchiefs
until all the tears shed on the desert's galleries,
on graves, on the steps of human martyrdom,
are squeezed dry.
But the victorious time's nearby.

Until we reach that time - because with knowledge, humanity and unity we will - the world will continue to feel the aftershocks of disaster capitalism in every corner...
Hi Psyche. I do not understand what you mean "Lets put all sacred cows out to pasture and Provide more data." I know I am not defending anyone or any position. Maybe you can believe I'm defending the right or Piñera, or militaries, but I have stressed several times that it is not (I voted for Bachelet, for example). So if you can clarify that comment I will appreciate it.

The article you mention and had read some time ago and I found very interesting and instructive, until it began to develop a whole theory about the military policy, Pinochet, Piñera and all the rest. In fact, many who read it, and that we are in the affected area, think the same way. For example, the picture of the tanks on the bridge is very biased, and wants to look like a situation that was not, as we were imposed on the military in the streets, when in fact he was asked by people screaming. I can say (and this was demonstrated), that although the people asking the military on the streets since the earthquake, they refused to leave until they were given the order by the government of the Concertación (Bachelet), and that was two days later. So ... It's different to write about something from afar to experience it directly on the site. With regard to the military all sectors of society, high, low and medium requested his intervention because the situation was unsustainable straight, with looting, pillaging and tremendous insecurity (from my house listening to the firing of guns who were robbing groups before the government gave the order to go outside the military). Many from outside the country (even from my country areas not affected by the earthquake) is not sized up what really is happening and brought out all the past histories of the period of the dictatorship, Pinochet, the military, the new government Piñera, etc., etc. And we, the truth, we were just worried about surviving and caring for our families, and the least of our concerns was the policy.

So I do not think it appropriate that a state of disaster and pain, people come to offer outdated political speeches, that we no longer interest us. Many people died because of a government (left, if we start talking about politics) that was more concerned not to sully its international image and do not call to order (when chaos reigned in the streets), who actually worry about the needs of its citizens.

My point, to synthesize and that there be no doubt, is to talk about certain political tendencies as better than others, which are presented as demonic (rightly in some cases) when it is known that they are all part of the game. In fact, that reminds me of the speech of many politicians in my country and other Latin Americans from the old school. It's a bit like the game that made us play between Catholics and Muslims. So I take out items strange websites or magazines that are of extreme left, for example, like repositories of truth in matters of policy. I do not know if I explained well. I say this because there is plenty of political discourse of this tendency in many articles of the page, giving me the impression that this is the "good" side, so to speak, when they are all part of the same set of those in power in the world. So, that of Naomi Klein's The Shock Doctrine: the Rise of Disaster Capitalism, was released almost forceps article to make it fit (in my opinion).

I could write pages and pages, but do not want to create some kind of controversy and I do not like talking about politics. I came to this forum to find answers and to discuss other topics.

So if anyone was offended by my opinion, I apologize because it was not my intention. I just wanted to present my point of view.
darthdo said:
Hi Psyche. I do not understand what you mean "Lets put all sacred cows out to pasture and Provide more data." I know I am not defending anyone or any position. Maybe you can believe I'm defending the right or Piñera, or militaries, but I have stressed several times that it is not (I voted for Bachelet, for example). So if you can clarify that comment I will appreciate it.

I'm not sure if this will help you understand, but I'll try anyway. Your statement here:

darthdo said:
I repeat, I have no political bias and I thought that in this blog either, but I found several reviews and news with a leftist political accent, which, personally, I was quite surprised.

is contradictory. If you have no political bias, then why are you so offended (surprised) by what you perceive to be a 'leftist' political slant? Your bias is showing. Because the articles you read did not align with your own political viewpoint, you are dissatisfied with them.

If you were not dissatisfied with them, you would not have written about it here. That is, perhaps, what Psyche means by 'let's put all sacred cows to pasture'.

dd said:
Many people died because of a government (left, if we start talking about politics) that was more concerned not to sully its international image and do not call to order (when chaos reigned in the streets), who actually worry about the needs of its citizens.

This, again, reveals your political bias.

dd said:
I could write pages and pages, but do not want to create some kind of controversy and I do not like talking about politics. I came to this forum to find answers and to discuss other topics.

As is often the case, those things we 'do not want to talk about' are those things that drive us most strongly. You have evidenced a significant political bias that has been 'offended' by what you read on the page - thus your posts. It might be quite beneficial for you to see that for what it is and admit it, then you can, perhaps, move forward. fwiw.
Anart, if you think that I prefer to believe that I was not clear enough in my answer. I have no political bias and I do not think my opinion is contradictory. If I spoke in the particular case on the left was because that was the case. If items have had a right bias I would have said the same thing, you understand? And again, I would not support any political and wondered why I mentioned in the articles drew the source of information about what happened in my country, because they are markedly from one trend. That's it.

I said:
Many people died Because of a government (left, if we start talking about politics) Not Concerned That was more to sully ITS international image and do not call to order (when Chaos Reign in the streets), Who Actually worry about the Needs of Its Citizens.

And you answered me (sorry, I do not do multi quotes)
This, again, Reveals Political your bias.

This is not effective, and I wanted to illustrate that mistakes do not belong in a wing of politics. I will repeat, I am talking about something that I lived, I was there. Do not assume something that is not effective. I consider myself politically independent, so my attention when I read something that is not.

"As Is Often the case, we Those Things 'Do not want to talk about' Are Those Things That Strongly drive us most."

I regret to say that it is not, if I returned to answer on this issue because it really has been said about my stuff that is not so.
I really would have liked to deal with it in Spanish because I think there is an error in emphasis in translation that may be causing misinterpretation.
darthdo said:
The article you mention and had read some time ago and I found very interesting and instructive, until it began to develop a whole theory about the military policy, Pinochet, Piñera and all the rest. In fact, many who read it, and that we are in the affected area, think the same way. For example, the picture of the tanks on the bridge is very biased, and wants to look like a situation that was not, as we were imposed on the military in the streets, when in fact he was asked by people screaming. I can say (and this was demonstrated), that although the people asking the military on the streets since the earthquake, they refused to leave until they were given the order by the government of the Concertación (Bachelet), and that was two days later. So ... It's different to write about something from afar to experience it directly on the site. With regard to the military all sectors of society, high, low and medium requested his intervention because the situation was unsustainable straight, with looting, pillaging and tremendous insecurity (from my house listening to the firing of guns who were robbing groups before the government gave the order to go outside the military). Many from outside the country (even from my country areas not affected by the earthquake) is not sized up what really is happening and brought out all the past histories of the period of the dictatorship, Pinochet, the military, the new government Piñera, etc., etc. And we, the truth, we were just worried about surviving and caring for our families, and the least of our concerns was the policy.

Hi Darthdo,

It seems to me that what you are describing here is "The Shock Doctrine", where citizens are so shocked in the aftermath of a disaster (either natural or induced) that they "applaud" the arrival of tanks and the military, to put one example. It is the much waited help and rescue which will put order to the chaotic situation. You say that the picture of the tanks in the article of Connecting the Dots is biased, trying to present a situation that was not, and because you were there, you know better. That people were screaming for this kind of help, and that it was not something that was imposed by the government. Fair enough, but what we are trying to do here is learning to "see the unseen." Let me see if I can explain myself.

The point is about providing knowledge which can protect when applied. I'm not trying to defend any political party or ideology. When I say that you seem to explain "The Shock Doctrine" in your post, I mean that you are reacting emotionally. When taking a defensive stance out of an emotional reaction, people often say with a "You don't know because you were not there", "how can you say that, you were not there". But consider for instance the information about Transmarginal Inhibition:

Transmarginal Inhibition, or TMI, is an organism's response to overwhelming stimuli. Ironically, the popular acronym TMI means too much information, which can be a common factor of transmarginal inhibition in today's culture.

[...] This last discovery has great relevance to understanding similar changes in behavior in human beings. Toward the end of a long period of some type of debilitation, people of very strong character have been known to make a dramatic change in their beliefs and/or convictions. When they recover, they then are known to remain true to their new beliefs for the rest of their lives. There are many case histories of people who experience various types of conversion - religious, political, etc - during times of war, in prison, or after having some prolonged terrifying experience such as shipwreck, plane crash, etc. [earthquake]

Much of human behavior is the result of conditioned patterns of responses that begin to form in infancy and childhood. These patterns of response to reality can persist almost unchanged, but in general, the healthy adult human has learned to adapt their programs to changes in their environment. Other human responses are due to study and learning; driving a car, for example. In the beginning, learning to drive and negotiate in traffic requires a great deal of attention. Later on, it becomes more automatic and the driver can navigate in busy city traffic while talking, eating, or doing any number of other activities. "Driving" has become an automatic program. But if the driver then travels into the country where there is little traffic, he is able to adapt to changing conditions and does this automatically.

So it is that an organism's brain is required to build ever more elaborate structures of both positive and negative conditioned responses - behavior patterns - to the changing conditions of the environment. Pavlov showed that the nervous system of a dog could develop extraordinary powers of discrimination automatically. A dog could be made to salivate in reaction to a tone of exactly 500 vibrations per minute, not 490 or 510.

Negative conditioned responses, such as anger or "fight or flight" reactions are generally controlled in civilized societies though it is occasionally necessary to activate them in response to changes in the environment such as threat or a life-or-death emergency.

The emotional attitudes and patterns of response are also conditioned in the human being though most people do not like to admit this. We learn as children to feel attraction or revulsion for certain things, people, events, and so on. Words such as "Catholic," or "Communist" can evoke instant emotional reactions that have no relation to any facts or data, but are simply programmed attitudes acquired by conditioning within the family and society.


Pavlov demonstrated that when Transmarginal Inhibition began to take over a dog, a condition similar to hysteria in a human manifested. The applications of these findings to human psychology suggest that for a "conversion" to be effective, it is necessary to work on the subject's emotions until s/he reaches an abnormal condition of fear, anger or exaltation. If such a state is maintained or intensified by any of various means, hysteria is the result. In a state of hysteria, a human being is abnormally suggestible and influences in the environment can cause one set of behavior patterns to be replaced by another without any need for persuasive indoctrination. In states of fear and excitement, normally sensible human beings will accept the most wildly improbably suggestions.

You can read the entire article in Spanish here:

As Laura said in that article, "Once you read this information, I think that you will agree with me that this is the process that has been used on the global masses for quite some time, with a peak of stress inducement on September 11, 2001."

But transmarginal inhibition is a psychological reaction which can happen in other contexts. Knowing the perils of this reality will help you to navigate it and to know yourself and others better. Perhaps it will be useful if you read with an open mind, to see how transmarginal inhibition is applied in other countries, i.e. the US or Haiti, where the US intervened with its military "help" after the earthquake. There might be Haitians who welcomed the military intervention of the US, but still there is more than meets the eye: (Spanish)

I'm not saying that the earthquake in Chile was induced, but it is an example of terrifying experience which can makes us emotionally vulnerable. Knowledge protects.

To clarify the expression "putting sacred cows out to pasture," it basically means to not identify with a personal belief.

If you can't express yourself properly, or you feel you've been misunderstood by others, go ahead and post in Spanish, then translate the post in English with an automatic translator. You'll have to edit the automatic translation to make it flow better.
Psyche said:
It seems to me that what you are describing here is "The Shock Doctrine", where citizens are so shocked in the aftermath of a disaster (either natural or induced) that they "applaud" the arrival of tanks and the military, to put one example. It is the much waited help and rescue which will put order to the chaotic situation.


darthdo said:
Anart, if you think that I prefer to believe that I was not clear enough in my answer. I have no political bias and I do not think my opinion is contradictory. If I spoke in the particular case on the left was because that was the case. If items have had a right bias I would have said the same thing, you understand? And again, I would not support any political and wondered why I mentioned in the articles drew the source of information about what happened in my country, because they are markedly from one trend. That's it.

I'll try to put your sacred cow into words:

"Political positions from the left and from the right are always both equally wrong."

But the fact is that they aren't. Neither nor Señales de los Tiempos support political parties; they support the truth. And the truth of the matter is that generally speaking and in principle left wing positions are concerned with the well being of the people, reject their oppresion and social and economic inequalities; while right wing positions want strong, authoritarian governments to control the masses in order to preserve tha status quo. In the words of wikipedia:

In politics, left-wing, leftist and the Left are generally used to describe support for social change with a view towards creating a more egalitarian society.

In politics, right-wing, rightist and the Right are generally used to describe support for a stratified society to promote or preserve social order or traditional values.

Now please tell me if both positions are equally wrong.

The deception is that in every country, many parties which call themselves 'leftists' really are not, except in name, because they will often behave as right-wingers. You could even say that the Communist regimes of Eastern Europe and the USSR of the last century were not leftist; in fact they were fascists holding a different flag. Insted of having an elite of capitalists allied to a strong authoritarian government (as in classic fascism), the elite simply called themselves 'The Party' or 'The State'. But for all intents and purposes they were fascists too.

For another example, Tony Blair, ex Prime Minister of the UK, came from the 'Labour' Party, which is supposedly the 'left wing' party in that country as opposed to the Tories, which are the conservative right-wingers. Yet Tony Blair behaved like an imperialist fascist.

So you are right that there is a deception going on with the opposition of 'left' and 'right' wing parties - except that it is not as you imagine it to be. You have made a sacred cow out of it and so you fail to see the subtleties of the situation, which is what our websites are trying to do.
Hello Windmill knight and thanks for answering. The truth is that when I was a youth I was on the left side, I went out to protest against the Pinochet regime and dictatorship. Unfortunately, I found myself at the end that all they cared about was the game of power and perpetuate it, leaving aside all his ideals. The same I can say right-wing parties, but with the difference that they hide less, apparently. At the end I think they are all part of the game and claim the same, but with a different speech. A left ideal scheme may be possible and desirable, but it is difficult to achieve on this plane of existence or third density. This is a bit what happens to all people with spiritual concerns and knowledge, who eventually fall seduced by speeches of the new era or delivered by guys like David Icke, Alex Jones, just to give an example.

And Psyche, very interesting article, I had not read. Although I must say that in the case that occurred here, unfortunately, such was the chaos that was experienced after the earthquake and disorder, the military was the most hand that had to impose some peace on the streets. It was unfortunate, but it did. But that's to say that the military was taking over again, there is much difference.

Regarding the conditioned responses, well, there is a long personal story about it, but I sincerely believe that in my own case would not apply for reasons too numerous to mention.
Well, about SOTT, I can not understand that take analysis of pages that praised the figure of Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez or Che Guevara, or the action of the guerrillas in Latin America, at all the blood that has flowed in streets for their actions, is just that.

Returning to the article you mention, it looks interesting, so I'll read it more carefully.
Greetings and thanks for your answers.
Psyche said:
Perhaps it will be useful if you read with an open mind, to see how transmarginal inhibition is applied in other countries, i.e. the US or Haiti, where the US intervened with its military "help" after the earthquake. There might be Haitians who welcomed the military intervention of the US, but still there is more than meets the eye

I agree with what Psyche and Windmill Knight said.

Just want to add a little detail. The first thing I tought was that the fact that you were there does not necessarily mean you know better than anyone else, when we know, for example, that there are thousands, if not millions, of people who saw the planes crushing into the WTC and still believe al-qaeda from the caves made it! As Psyche said, "but still there is more than meets the eye". I think that's an important thing to always have in mind when we see events like this one, and even more if you were present. That would be "putting sacred cows out to pasture". Just a tought.

Thanks Darthdo for reading SOTT and Señales de los Tiempos!
Admittedly, seeing things from the outside gets to be more objective, within our limitations. Indeed, perhaps the Being involved in something causes emotions and cloudy conditions, the ability to trial.

Es cierto, viendo las cosas desde fuera se consigue ser más objetivo, dentro de nuestras limitaciones. Es más, quizá el
hecho de estar implicados en algo provoca que las emociones y los condicionamientos nublen la capacidad de juicio.

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