Recommended books in Spanish - Libros recomendados en español

"In an Unspoken Voice" in spanish??? :wow: :wow:

Wowww, thanks Gaby... It is my time ;)

However, “El precio del estrés” I fail to find it .. It is "descatalogado" or "agotado". :cry: :cry:
Orange Scorpion said:
"In an Unspoken Voice" in spanish??? :wow: :wow:

Wowww, thanks Gaby... It is my time ;)

However, “El precio del estrés” I fail to find it .. It is "descatalogado" or "agotado". :cry: :cry:


I remember someone got it from


I don't know German, but they might still have some copies there :)
I don't know German, but they might still have some copies there :)

Alas, I checked for you. Currently not available according to this notice:

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You're invited to be notified via E-mail as soon as it is available again. Just click on Senden Sie mir eine E-mail and fill out the form when you would like to be notified.

No luck for the moment, though.
¡Hola! solo quiero decir que he encontrado en español, ademas de los ya mencionados en este hilo, algunos libros mas de la lista recomendada aqui:,33092.0.html

Solo utilizando el buscador de google podran encontrarlos, yo hice el pedido en una libreria mexicana, pero tambien estan en Amazon y casa del libro.

- Conversaciones cruciales Patterson, Kerry.

- Como ganar amigos e influir en las personas
Carnegie, Dale

-La ciudad antigua,
Coulanges, Fustel De

Feliz lectura :)

Hi! I just want to say that I found in Spanish, in addition to those already mentioned in this thread, some books more than the recommended list here: http: //,33092.0.html

Only using google search engine will be able to find them, I made the request in a Mexican library, but also are on Amazon and Book House.

- Crucial Conversations Patterson, Kerry.

- How to win friends and influence people
Carnegie, Dale

-The Ancient city,
Coulanges, Fustel De

happy reading :)
riclapaz said:
¡Hola! solo quiero decir que he encontrado en español, ademas de los ya mencionados en este hilo, algunos libros mas de la lista recomendada aqui:,33092.0.html

Solo utilizando el buscador de google podran encontrarlos, yo hice el pedido en una libreria mexicana, pero tambien estan en Amazon y casa del libro.

- Conversaciones cruciales Patterson, Kerry.

- Como ganar amigos e influir en las personas
Carnegie, Dale

-La ciudad antigua,
Coulanges, Fustel De

Feliz lectura :)

Hi! I just want to say that I found in Spanish, in addition to those already mentioned in this thread, some books more than the recommended list here: http: //,33092.0.html

Only using google search engine will be able to find them, I made the request in a Mexican library, but also are on Amazon and Book House.

- Crucial Conversations Patterson, Kerry.

- How to win friends and influence people
Carnegie, Dale

-The Ancient city,
Coulanges, Fustel De

happy reading :)

riclapaz thanks for the update, I did not know Crucial Conversations was translated
Gary Taube's research is available in Spanish:

Cómo engordamos y qué hacer al respecto

It's promoted as the Duncan diet, but that is not the case. The book is a summary of the diet research regarding on why we get fat.
Do not know if this is good placed here, please move it if needed.

Hi all, after reading the thread of the book "when the body says no" Gabor Mate, start a search for some themes that help me understand a little more about the connection between body and stress; book Gabor Mate I have not read since the Spanish version is discontinued by the distributor in bookstores, so I found a little book by author Alice Miller, whose title in Spanish is "The body never lies", I would like to share some excerpts that I find very important points:

The author touches a sensitive point which is the fourth commandment "Honor thy father and thy mother" this is what the author says about it:

[quote author=Alice Miller El cuerpo nunca miente]
Experience has taught me that my body is the source of all vital information that opened the way to a better autonomy and self-awareness. only when I admitted the emotions that so long had locked in my body and I could feel them I was gradually freeing my past. The real feelings can not be forced. They are there and always arise for some reason, although this can remain hidden from our perception. I can not make me love my parents, even to respect when my body refuses to do so for reasons the same well known, however, when I try to fulfill the fourth commandment get stressed me, as I do whenever I demand to me same impossible. Under this stress I have lived almost all my life. Try to create me good feelings and try to ignore the bad to live with moral and value system that I had actually accepted, to be loved as a daughter. But do not turn and finally had to admit that he could not force a love that was not there.

I think the picture may be even more disastrous, if we add the topic of psychopathy, coupled with the issue of organic Portales, being handled by hyperdimensional beings to drain energy.

Then he says:
[quote author=Alice Miller El cuerpo nunca miente]
You need to know that forced love can be a source of much pain. Who, since childhood, have received their parents want love without a commandment tells you to. Love can not come to fulfill a commandment.

The love of parents for their children, even begins even in utero, studies of how emotions affect the mother to the fetus somehow, with this in mind, the love of a mother for a child is natural, even instinctive, sometimes a situation that seems unimportant can make for life to a child.
Some people did not have parents who expressed their love when they needed her affection, understanding, attention, affection, the causes can be several, I think with the help of a professional therapist (not dogmatized with religion.moral) you can accept these emotions and try to live a full life.
Peer pressure is very strong, if someone speaks ill of their parents, once it is identified as a person who judges, criticizes, in short it is classified as a bad person, but only the person who lived these experiences really knows hell it's your life.
There are also parents who accept and apologize to your children for the harm they did, of course that the relationship could become cordial, kind, loving. I think when the damage has been great is best to put away. Many parents do not know a way to help their children simply because they did not they were given, this is where an asset enters, communication, if parents are really understanding the damage they caused, dialogarlo peacefully with their children, help restore the bond of trust and together work.

Throughout this theme each case is unique and decisions are based on the circumstances in each particular case are living.

if someone is going through a similar situation or a family member or friend, this book can help you
Hi all, I wonder if anyone has any recommendation of a book dealing with the subject of karma, in Spanish, is a confusing topic for me, thanks in advance. :huh:
I can't find "el precio del estrés" (When the body says no) not even in the link Gaby provided. Do somebody has a copy of that book or knows where to find it?
irjO said:
I can't find "el precio del estrés" (When the body says no) not even in the link Gaby provided. Do somebody has a copy of that book or knows where to find it?

It's in English, on

I couldn't find any Spanish version, unfortunately.

But it's here:

On other Amazon sites, it seems to be unavailable at the moment.
Hello irjO, it's funny, I have several months trying to get the book Gabor Mate, the price of stress, in all libraries is discontinued by the distributor, last week, I found a library I think this in Uruguay, if I'm not mistaken, I am in touch via imail, apparently if they have available, and can do international shipping, I'm a little skeptical even tell me that I can pay with paypal, if all goes well, I will keep you updated here, so that other interested parties can acquire, or it could scan, or make a copy and send it, I hope everything goes well with this library.
riclapaz said:
Hello irjO, it's funny, I have several months trying to get the book Gabor Mate, the price of stress, in all libraries is discontinued by the distributor, last week, I found a library I think this in Uruguay, if I'm not mistaken, I am in touch via imail, apparently if they have available, and can do international shipping, I'm a little skeptical even tell me that I can pay with paypal, if all goes well, I will keep you updated here, so that other interested parties can acquire, or it could scan, or make a copy and send it, I hope everything goes well with this library.

Chu said:
But it's here:

On other Amazon sites, it seems to be unavailable at the moment.

Thanks Chu! is in spanish that I'm interest the most but as you said is almost imposible to find it, its kinda of weird actually

ricaplaz if you find info about it with that library post it in here! I am very interest on it! thanks :)
irjO said:
riclapaz said:
Hello irjO, it's funny, I have several months trying to get the book Gabor Mate, the price of stress, in all libraries is discontinued by the distributor, last week, I found a library I think this in Uruguay, if I'm not mistaken, I am in touch via imail, apparently if they have available, and can do international shipping, I'm a little skeptical even tell me that I can pay with paypal, if all goes well, I will keep you updated here, so that other interested parties can acquire, or it could scan, or make a copy and send it, I hope everything goes well with this library.

Chu said:
But it's here:

On other Amazon sites, it seems to be unavailable at the moment.

Thanks Chu! is in spanish that I'm interest the most but as you said is almost imposible to find it, its kinda of weird actually

ricaplaz if you find info about it with that library post it in here! I am very interest on it! thanks :)

Find it in Colombia -- I think _, in stock it seems

Also here, but it does not specify if they have it in stock or not _

9 in stock it says here: _, double price, though.

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