Recommended books in Spanish - Libros recomendados en español

Me han regalado este libro hace apenas una semana y hay que pedirlo en las librerías (vivo en España). Es de la editorial Estaciones y es de 1992. Incluso los bordes de las hojas son amarillentas. :) Y sí, estoy en plena lectura y es muy bueno. Es un prisma interesante con el que mira el cristianismo Jacob Needleman.

I have given this book just last week and must be ordered in bookstores (I live in Spain). It is the publisher Estaciones and 1992. Even the edges of the pages are yellowish. :) And yes, I am in full reading and is very good.It is a prism that looks interesting to Christianity Jacob Needleman.

Looking Spanish books on mythology, but not really know what books are in Spanish worthwhile. Now I have "The Hero with a Thousand Faces", but would cover more. Any suggestions?

I recently read "Without Conscience" Robert Hare, and I would recommend is very good, clear and concise. It Paidós publisher. Also in Spanish is the book of Vicente Garrido, an expert on psychopathy, but not remember the name, but knowing the author and can be searched.


Estoy buscando libros en español sobre mitología, pero no sé muy bien qué libros hay en español que valgan la pena. Ya tengo "El héroe de las mil caras", pero quisiera abarcar más. Alguna sugerencia?

Recientemente he leído "Sin Conciencia" de Robert Hare, y lo recomiendo, es muy bueno, claro y conciso. Es de la editorial Paidós. También en español está el libro de Vicente Garrido, también experto en psicopatía, pero no recuerdo el nombre, aunque sabiendo el autor ya se puede buscar.

Ouspensky's In Search of the Miraculous is available in Spanish: "En búsqueda de lo milagroso". I think almost all Ouspensky's books are available in Spanish (for example Posible evolución del hombre, Tertium Organum, etc) although we recommend only some of them. The main one is "En búsqueda de lo milagroso".

I have In Search of the Miraculous in Spanish but not by the title "En búsqueda de lo milagroso", it comes with the title "Fragmentos de Una Eseñanza Desconocida", 5a. Edición, Librería Hachelt S. A., Buenos also says that it is the only authorized version into spanish translated from the french one, I have the 1977 year edition, maybe there are newer editions with the title "En búsqueda de lo Milagroso"?...This book is beyond difficult to find at least in Mexico, I have one because a friend gave it to me; but I had not found another.

Added: I did a quick search on the web and find one in a well common known bookstore...too colorful cover for my liking :D
It seems that at least one book by John Keel is available in Spanish:


Spain: Remembering the Vilobí "Yeti"

By Javier Resines

Forty three years ago, on February 26, 1968, a curious encounter occurred in the Catalonian municipality of Vilobí del Penedés, a little over than sixty kilometers from Barcelona.

U.S. author and journalist John A. Keel (of Mothman fame) included it in his book Strange Creatures from Time and Space El Enigma de las Extrañas Criaturas), published in 1987 by Editorial Mitre. Keel describes the experiences of some frightened children as they observed a sort of large apelike being in the environs of this community. What seemed at first a figment of boyish imagination acquired credibility when the creature was also reported by several adults in what appeared to be a Bigfoot "mini-flap" in the area.

According to the Arriba newspaper in the next day's issue (27 Feb '68): "The animal drank water from a pond near the eyewitnesses' home. It fled, leaving a certain number of large footprints -- 40 centimeters long -- resembling those of a plantigrade. These footprints match those of the description offered by motorist Roberto Juver, who claimed having encountered an animal with a large, hairy body and long arms several days before near Hostalrich. It crossed the road in front of him, walking with a tired gait."

The newspaper reported that neither local zoos nor circuses had reported any missing animals that could have caused the confusion. A measure of panic permeated the area and massive searches were conducted, and were fruitless, as usual.
Unfortunately not available the translation into Spanish of The Sufi path of knowledge . On the other hand, one is available from the same author: William C. Chittick, Imaginal Worlds: Ibn al-Arabi and the Problem of Religious Diversity.


None "recommended books" of theme "diet and health" are in Spanish

“Ultra mind solution” from Mark Hyman not available in Spanish, but you can find another book by Mark Hyman in Spanish: “Ultrametabolismo”
I also found a book in Spanish on the paleodiet: “Paleodieta para deportistas” loren cordain y joel friel

The two books are in

Ninguno de los "libros recomendados" del tema "Dieta y Salud" están en español.

"Ultra solución de la mente" de Mark Hyman no está disponible en español, pero se puede encontrar otro libro de Mark Hyman en español: "Ultrametabolismo"
También encontré un libro en español sobre la paleodieta: "Paleodieta para Deportistas" Cordain loren y Friel joel.

Los dos libros están en
One of these days we'll have to talk the same lenguage, like a gut feeling.

I have not buyed some books because one fella told me that the book was lost in the way.
OrangeScorpion said:
None "recommended books" of theme "diet and health" are in Spanish

“Ultra mind solution” from Mark Hyman not available in Spanish, but you can find another book by Mark Hyman in Spanish: “Ultrametabolismo”
I also found a book in Spanish on the paleodiet: “Paleodieta para deportistas” loren cordain y joel friel

The two books are in

Ninguno de los "libros recomendados" del tema "Dieta y Salud" están en español.

"Ultra solución de la mente" de Mark Hyman no está disponible en español, pero se puede encontrar otro libro de Mark Hyman en español: "Ultrametabolismo"
También encontré un libro en español sobre la paleodieta: "Paleodieta para Deportistas" Cordain loren y Friel joel.

Los dos libros están en

I also found this book in : Alimentación sin gluten ni lácteos: recupere la salud perdida de Marion Kaplan.
A good number of the books by Lise Bourbeau can also be found in spanish.

  • Las 5 heridas que te impiden ser uno mismo.
  • Escucha tu cuerpo. Es tu mejor amigo en la tierra.
  • Obedece a tu cuerpo, amate.
OrangeScorpion said:
None "recommended books" of theme "diet and health" are in Spanish

“Ultra mind solution” from Mark Hyman not available in Spanish, but you can find another book by Mark Hyman in Spanish: “Ultrametabolismo”
I also found a book in Spanish on the paleodiet: “Paleodieta para deportistas” loren cordain y joel friel

The two books are in

Ninguno de los "libros recomendados" del tema "Dieta y Salud" están en español.

"Ultra solución de la mente" de Mark Hyman no está disponible en español, pero se puede encontrar otro libro de Mark Hyman en español: "Ultrametabolismo"
También encontré un libro en español sobre la paleodieta: "Paleodieta para Deportistas" Cordain loren y Friel joel.

Los dos libros están en

I was able to get a copy of "La Dieta Paleolítica - La Paleodieta" by Loren Cordain in México.
jhonny said:
I also found this book in : Alimentación sin gluten ni lácteos: recupere la salud perdida de Marion Kaplan.

Good! She seems to be quite good from what I've read. There are also some videos if you type her name on Google (in French, though). But she doesn't seem to know about the antinutrients in soy, for example, since she recommends it. So, if you read her books, make sure you check the research here first. What she says about gluten and dairy is pretty spot on as far as I can tell, but she is missing a lot of important details if you compare it with the information gathered here in this forum. It is still probably a good read if you are looking for some general knowledge about gluten and dairy.

Just my 2 cents.
He encontrado el libro de "La controversia de Sión" de Douglas Reed en español. Dejo un enlace para leerlo online, no creo que pase nada por recomendarlo aquí porque la página oficial del libro también lo ofrece.

I found the book "The Controversy of Zion" by Douglas Reed in Spanish. Leave a link to read it online, I do not miss anything by offering it here because of the book's official website also offers.
Good find! Also, there is "Thinking Fast and Slow" by Daniel Kahneman in Spanish:

Pensar rápido, pensar despacio

S. Phinney and J.S. Volek's low carb diet is also available (The New Atkins for You):

Nueva dieta atkins, la

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