Recommended Reiki Master?

eoste said:
One thing I wonder, reading this thread and others about Reiki, is :

Who attuned Usui ?

It appears that Usui learned about reiki during meditation.
mkrnhr said:
eoste said:
One thing I wonder, reading this thread and others about Reiki, is :

Who attuned Usui ?

It appears that Usui learned about reiki during meditation.

Then, I wonder why somebody else might not be able to learn about reiki or something similar, through meditation or other way, without being attuned and following some masters lineage ?
eoste said:
Then, I wonder why somebody else might not be able to learn about reiki or something similar, through meditation or other way, without being attuned and following some masters lineage ?

I think it's the same thing as channeling (well, it is channeling)--one needs to be sufficiently purified first, dedicated, and asking. It's my understanding that receiving these powers took him a long time.
Foxx said:
eoste said:
Then, I wonder why somebody else might not be able to learn about reiki or something similar, through meditation or other way, without being attuned and following some masters lineage ?

I think it's the same thing as channeling (well, it is channeling)--one needs to be sufficiently purified first, dedicated, and asking. It's my understanding that receiving these powers took him a long time.

Definitely, it must a long time and dedication...
eoste said:
Then, I wonder why somebody else might not be able to learn about reiki or something similar, through meditation or other way, without being attuned and following some masters lineage ?
Maybe I'm ignorant, but I'm with you on this, eoste. I was attuned over two years ago by a narcissist and just got attuned again by her a couple weeks ago only because it was 'free' and I thought maybe I had had a distorted view of her a year ago when I was really sick and we lost contact. I had done commissioned artwork for her narcissistic son and asked for cash instead of the Level II since working for them was extremely tiresome. She refused my request for cash instead and I apologized after a half year since I had been really sick then and thought maybe it was just me, not her being narcissistic. Well, recently I decided that I wanted the Level II after all still and she said she would do it for me.

It was a good learning lesson to get Level II from this woman, because she gave me the Cho Ku Rei reversed although the drawing she had of it was the correct version. She said it could be used either way, but I disagree and think there has already been good discussion on that in the forum threads. She also told me I was suicidal, which is not true.

Oddly, after she attuned me I didn't want to look at her, because she looked really dark, old and scary. It was really weird, but in retrospect it reminded me of that time Laura mentioned seeing the people turn to wolves and sheep. So, she kept asking what spirit guide or angel (can't remember what she said) came to me when she called upon one and I didn't want to tell her that I had seen a snake (my totem animal). After some pressing I finally told her though.

After reflecting I know I saw the snake because I needed another bite of poison to figure all this mess out! All I could think about when she was attuning me was how much I wanted to eat the bacon I had waiting in my car. She had wanted me to 'eat light' and have no eggs or meat the day of the attunement so all I had was almonds and I was so hungry. On a side note, she also claims to be a health food professional, but asked me, "is an orange a carbohydrate?" when she tried to feed me one before the attunement and I explained I was eating low-carb and really just wanted some meat.

Come to find out her lineage looks too short, I think, and she refuses to mail me the Level II certificate since she says I am not healthy enough to receive it even though she did the attunement. She told me I had to continue getting Reiki attunements for her for $105 each so I could heal first. I won't ever be back to this woman, but would appreciate more informed Forum members having a look at the lineage she gave me if anyone feels so inclined:

Dr. Mikau Usui

Dr K Muralidharan

Dr Jyotika Jauhar (her)

I did research online for Muralidharan to find he claims this lineage

Lineages: Dr. M Usui, Hayashi,Hawayo Takata, India: Sarvesh Khanna

On Jyotika's page it says this is her lineage:

Master/Teacher/Healer of the original Usui System of Japan. She did her masters degree in Reiki Healing Arts with Dr. K. Muralidharan of India, and a second masters with Dr. William Rand of Reiki International, Michigan, U.S.A.

I see William Rand is on her list and thank you Foxx for mentioning that he reverses symbols! Everyone's input on these Reiki threads has helped me so much!

I read on James Deacon's page that the lineage we are to claim we received at Level I, so maybe that's why she didn't include Rand on the lineage..? However, I think Hayashi and Takata would have to be added to the list if Muralidharan claims them, right? Clearly there are holes in my lineage and I am confused.

So, back to me being with you, eoste. I remember writing about the idea of light/energy coming from my hands years ago and I did two paintings with women and light coming from their hands before I ever even heard of the word, 'Reiki.' I did a drawing of myself in the spring of 2006 and started a painting of my veterinarian friend in January 2009, but it wasn't until May 2009 that I learned my thoughts of having light/energy coming from the hands was an actual formal practice called 'Reiki.' To me it just made sense to get attuned after that and my friend recommended her aunt, Jyotika. Well, I didn't know about lineages back then and my understanding of narcissism was not what it is now, thanks to this forum.

So basically I don't understand why I would need to get attuned for something that is supposed to be "universal" energy. As for my attunements, I felt tingly in my hands and feet before even getting attuned and all I think I learned were some procedures I believe I could've learned online. I think I could've just started using the Level II symbols on James Deacon's page that Laura has agreed look accurate (or as accurate as we'll find). After this bad experience with my Reiki teacher I am now thinking about just continuing to practice with the three Level II symbols and then to start using the Level III symbol that's on Deacon's page without getting 'attuned' for it.

Well, these are just my current thoughts on it, but maybe I'm being ignorant or succumbing to wishful thinking. I just don't think there's any way of knowing for sure, but if I met someone like Laura or Aragorn in person maybe I would rethink some of this. I'm not asking for that, just reflecting... :/

Edit: grammar & clarity
Just for the record, here's what I've learned of Usui's background and his "training":

1865 Mikao Usui is born in Taniai Mura in the province of Gifu

1869 Starts his basic training in the cloister school of Tendai

1878 Starts the training of Yagyu Shinkage-ryu kenjutus (the combat training of samurais dating back to at least 1400) and aiki-jutsu (combat training without weapons). In the latter he receives the highest Menkyo Kaiden teachers degree at an exeptionally early age. In the Yagyu Shinkage-ryu there's a lot of influence from Zen-Buddhism and Japanese kigo energy training

188-1892 Usui studies Tendai- and Shingon buddhism and familiarizes himself with the esoteric exercises and original scriptures of both. For the rest of his life he maintains strong relations to the Tendai-buddhism

1908 Usui's and his wife's, Sadako first child is born. A boy, named Fuji (1908-1946)

1913 Second child, a girl is born - Toshiko

1918 On the side of other tasks, Usui starts a three year long meditation period (mezo). At this period he goes into a deep life crisis, where he thinks about the big questions of life, and has great concerns for the fate of humanity

1922 In March Usui begins a meditation period lasting 21 days at the mount Kumara. In the end of this meditation it is said that he reaches enlightenment (satori). Due to this, he gets the knowledge to do Reiki and how to transfer this skill to others. Reiki is Sensei Usui's personal style, in which all his studies and training synthesize into a whole (Kigo, Zen, Mezo, Tendai- and Shingon-buddhism). His first ideas of what to call this skill are 'Reiki-tendai' and 'Reiki-do', but later he settles for just Reiki

1922 In April Sensei Usui starts teaching Reiki and establishes the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai community. He also opens the first school of Reiki in Tokyo. The main goal of the school is to reach harmony and balance in life. Usui starts to transfer his teachings in three different stages: level I-shoden, level II-okuden and level III-shinbiden

Usui also teaches in cities where there are naval bases: Hiroshima, Kure and Saga. For this reason there are many naval officers among the first Reiki teachers

1923 There's a big earthquake in Tokyo, where many day and thousands are left homeless. Usui reaches fame by treating the injured together with his students

1926 Mikao Usui dies on the 9Th of March in sudden illness wile he is on a tour teaching. His students continue teaching according to the traditions of the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai, with the guidance of chairman admiral Jyuzaburo Ushida. This society continues to function even today

To the western world, Reiki was brought by these naval officers - mainly by Hawayo Takata [not a naval officer] (1900-1980) who was trained by Chujiro Hayashi (1878-1940). In the process, the important aspect of meditation and some other "preparation" techniques were omitted, and in a sense, the teaching got corrupted already at this stage.

My own teacher got his attunements and training first from this 'western lineage', but later he wanted to go to the source. So, after many years of consulting and persuading the original Japanese Reiki teachers through a Japanese diplomat he got invited to get some training at the original Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai. This was a real victory, since the old Japanese Reiki Senseis do not accept western students. He said that this was a true revelation, seeing and learning how much 'deeper' the practicing of Reiki is in it's original form - it's much more than just laying on of hands. He has also told many remarkable stories of the amazing thins these old 'Kigo-masters' can do, but that's another story.

On his trip, he also inquired about any original texts by Usui, but he learned that there doesn't exist one single piece of paper with Usui's original writings. So, all of the teachings that we have are transcribed by his students (like Ouspensky making notes about G:s teachings). If someone, or some book claims to include Usui's own writings, then you know it's not true!
Then I think the answer is yes, thinking you can just do reiki without attunement would be wishful thinking, considering the effort Usui went to apparently contact his higher self and directly learn of the powers. Then again, with the approach of the wave we can't say anything is impossible ;) .

It's a real shame that the teachings were corrupted so early, but I guess we've come to accept that general law tends to reach everyone and everything good in this world.

Sorry to hear about your terrible experience with that person Scarlet. Oh well, all there is is lessons :)
I did my three levels of Reiki with a master that claimed more or less the same, that the attunement "these days" was not really necessary, that it was more the catch to the big business of reiki that has surfaced everywhere.

His lineage seemed quite good (I never questioned or checked it to see if it was true) and here in Spain, he was a bit "hated" by the main reiki organisations because he was doing it for free sometimes, and he was mocking more or less publicly all the incredible high prices found everywhere else for what he described as a pony show of energy.

There is indeed plenty of dark shadows in this reiki light world :-)
Not to be entirely cynical here, but how difficult could it be to write up a lineage? For example, there is now enough information here in this thread for someone so inclined to write up a lineage. The information is 'out there', and it would not be too difficult to 'forge' or concoct a lineage. And how would anyone else check it out anyway?

So this still leaves it to one's own impression and perception of the integrity of the person purporting to be a Rieki master.
David Topi said:
I did my three levels of Reiki with a master that claimed more or less the same, that the attunement "these days" was not really necessary, that it was more the catch to the big business of reiki that has surfaced everywhere.

His lineage seemed quite good (I never questioned or checked it to see if it was true) and here in Spain, he was a bit "hated" by the main reiki organisations because he was doing it for free sometimes, and he was mocking more or less publicly all the incredible high prices found everywhere else for what he described as a pony show of energy.

There is indeed plenty of dark shadows in this reiki light world :-)

I'm not sure what you're trying to say here, but in any case, I don't think that there exists an absolute answer to the question of wether or not to pay for a Reiki course or treatment. In my perspective, it would depend on the situation, the person asking (and how they're asking), motivation, life situation, grade of illness etc. For example, from time to time I give Reiki to my friends and family members if they want me to. And this I do of course without asking anything in return. An attunement for free for a motivated person, who I'd know thoroughly, would from my standpoint not necessarily be a problem. After all, Reiki is supposed to help people.

But let's say you have started a Reiki 'clinic' trying to make a living, giving courses and treating clients. In this case, it would be reasonable of the Reiki teacher to ask for monetary compensation. As I see it, the clients would be paying for the time he puts into it and to give him food on the table, so that he can continue with his services. So from this perspective, I can understand the frustration of these other teachers you mentioned.

If my memory serves me right, Usui's instructions did include that payments should be made by people attending the Reiki courses. And as the levels rise, so should the price for the course do too. I could be wrong here, but I believe his justification was similar to Gurdjieff's, that people value the teachings more if they have to pay for it. Here's a quote from ISOTM:

In regard to his work in Moscow G. said that he had two groups unconnected with one another and occupied in different work, "according to the state of their preparation and their powers," as he expressed it. Each member of these groups paid a thousand roubles a year, and was able to work with him while pursuing his ordinary activities in life.

I said that in my opinion a thousand roubles a year might be too large a payment for many people without private means.
G. replied that no other arrangement was possible, because, owing to the very nature of the work, he could not have many pupils. At the same time, he did not desire and ought not—he emphasized this—to spend his own money on the organization of the work. His work was not, and could not be, of a charitable nature and his pupils themselves ought to find the means for the hire of apartments where they could meet; for carrying out experiments; and so on. Besides this, he added that observation showed that people who were weak in life proved themselves weak in the work.

"There are several aspects of this idea," said G. "The work of each person may involve expenses, traveling, and so on. If his life is so badly organized that a thousand roubles embarrasses him it would be better for him not to undertake this work. Suppose that, in the course of the year, his work requires him to go to Cairo or some other place. He must have the means to do so. Through our demand we find out whether he is able to work with us or not.

"Besides," G. continued, "I have far too little spare time to be able to sacrifice it on others without being certain even that it will do them good. I value my time very much because I need it for my own work and because I cannot and, as I said before, do not want to spend it unproductively. There is also another side to this," said G. "People do not value a thing if they do not pay for it." (ISOTM, pp. 19)

As to the getting an attunement or not. I'm sure many (if not all) of us have a natural capability to emit some sort of universal energy. I know people who have very 'strong hands', and they have not attended any courses or received any attunements (often this ability goes in the family). But for most of us, osit, getting an proper Reiki attunement will strengthen and "open up" the already existing abilities. And as I see it, the best part of Reiki courses is to learn the traditions of how to use it. I remember telling my teacher prior to my first course how I already experienced energy coming from my hands. His answer was: "This is a natural phenomena, but to call it Reiki would be false".
Aragorn said:
If my memory serves me right, Usui's instructions did include that payments should be made by people attending the Reiki courses. And as the levels rise, so should the price for the course do too. I could be wrong here, but I believe his justification was similar to Gurdjieff's, that people value the teachings more if they have to pay for it. Here's a quote from ISOTM:

And just to add to this, I recall him also not turning anyone genuine away due to lack of funds. So, of course, once again the context is necessary for the decision.
Aragorn said:
As to the getting an attunement or not. I'm sure many (if not all) of us have a natural capability to emit some sort of universal energy. I know people who have very 'strong hands', and they have not attended any courses or received any attunements (often this ability goes in the family). But for most of us, osit, getting an proper Reiki attunement will strengthen and "open up" the already existing abilities. And as I see it, the best part of Reiki courses is to learn the traditions of how to use it. I remember telling my teacher prior to my first course how I already experienced energy coming from my hands. His answer was: "This is a natural phenomena, but to call it Reiki would be false".

I have to agree with this statement. Healing hands, or the laying on of hands, is an ancient means of treatment. Even the Catholic church recognizes it and uses it in some of their ceremonies. I wouldn't assume this is the same thing, otherwise Reiki would never have caught on and would just have been considered another version of the same. I would also imagine Usui was well aware of the concept and was not reinventing the wheel, rather, creating something more powerful.

Having said that, there are many roads to the same destination, each with its own attributes. While some may be more direct, those less direct may have more scenery, sometimes more of a distraction, sometimes adding to the value of the journey.

I also have to agree with the concept of charging, both for training and treatment. An energy is being given and therefore requires reciprocation in some form to balance it out, be it through money or some other exchange.

I have suffered from nerve pain, both in my legs as well as my arms, and certainly understand wanting to find a solution. However, after nearly 20 years of surgical, pharmaceutical and alternative therapies from some of the alleged best in their respective fields, the most (and longest lasting) relief I have found was as a result of working on what we have learned here on this forum and taking it further into personal studies.

Learning how the nervous systems works, the role certain chemicals play (including supplements - magnesium, for example), how the pain cycle works, the chemicals chronic pain creates in the system, the role of mental health, diet and physical health (including how inflammation works), not to mention spiritual health, and other considerations, including the possibility that pain in this life might be required as a karmic offset for deeds in a previous life, all play a role in how I have dealt with my pain.

While I am by no means pain free, I have reduced my pain scores better than any therapy was ever able to do. I have also gotten rid of other ailments that added to the pain, including fibromyalgia and depression, and have almost beaten my rheumatoid arthritis.

I am doubtful any energy work will cure a neuropathy. But I believe a neuropathy can force a person to seek out knowledge that will, in the end, lead someone to learn how to heal themselves and, hopefully, make them more available to be in service of others.

Gonzo said:
I also have to agree with the concept of charging, both for training and treatment. An energy is being given and therefore requires reciprocation in some form to balance it out, be it through money or some other exchange.


I agree with this also, plus what Gurdjieff said that Aragorn mentioned. People value more what they pay for.

Of course, there is also "price gouging" within the reiki world.
Hi All,

I got traditional Reiki Ryoho II initiation two years ago. I didn't feel any sensations during the both initiations, however, I do feel at least some heat in my palms during Reiki treatment sessions (which is not bad :) ). The thing that worries me is Laura's story about her experience with corrupted Reiki teachers and C's confirmations that in such cases the damage to the body/mind/spirit complex is more likely to occur rather than positive effect.

I compared the symbols given to me by my teacher with the ones on Deacon's site. They look the same, however, there are two things that don't leave me alone:
1. The name of the 3rd symbol given to me doesn't match the name on Deacon's site. All those two years I was spelling it as Houm Shra Shry Shro Nama. I guess I couldn't just to create it in my head by my imagination and knowingly to replace the correct name with this one...
2. Though I was given three traditional symbols, however, when I asked him about the first symbol in Diana Stein teachings (the reversed one or two opposite symbols together), he said he doesn't see anything bad with applying these.

I'm just wondering if forum members could advise me a trusted traditional Reiki Teacher in the Baltic states region (I'm based in Lithuania), West Russia (Moscow, St. Petterburg, etc.) or at least Europe. I'd like to re-attune and go for the Master level.

Thanks everyone for the help.
Atomas said:
Hi All,

I got traditional Reiki Ryoho II initiation two years ago. I didn't feel any sensations during the both initiations, however, I do feel at least some heat in my palms during Reiki treatment sessions (which is not bad :) ). The thing that worries me is Laura's story about her experience with corrupted Reiki teachers and C's confirmations that in such cases the damage to the body/mind/spirit complex is more likely to occur rather than positive effect.

I compared the symbols given to me by my teacher with the ones on Deacon's site. They look the same, however, there are two things that don't leave me alone:
1. The name of the 3rd symbol given to me doesn't match the name on Deacon's site. All those two years I was spelling it as Houm Shra Shry Shro Nama. I guess I couldn't just to create it in my head by my imagination and knowingly to replace the correct name with this one...
2. Though I was given three traditional symbols, however, when I asked him about the first symbol in Diana Stein teachings (the reversed one or two opposite symbols together), he said he doesn't see anything bad with applying these.

I'm just wondering if forum members could advise me a trusted traditional Reiki Teacher in the Baltic states region (I'm based in Lithuania), West Russia (Moscow, St. Petterburg, etc.) or at least Europe. I'd like to re-attune and go for the Master level.

Thanks everyone for the help.

If you read through this thread you will see that you are unlikely to get a direct recommendation, we are simply too few and too dispersed globally as a group. However if you do the research yourself and find a teacher that looks up to standard, I'm sure some members with a deeper knowledge of reiki could take a look.
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