Revamp of The Wave - feedback and suggestions welcome

Great work on cover 3, Stuart and JohnnyRadar! I really like it. It looks as though we are going to have a really strong set of images, thematically linked throughout the series. excellent!
I like it too -- I can't wait to see what you guys come up with for subsequent volumes of The Wave!
FWIW, I, too, did not realize that this was a helix above the spine, but it could just be me. .

I DO like the cover, though. You guys are doing a great job.

I'm with Shijing and can't wait to see what other creations you come up with for covers.
Well done Stuart and JohnnyRadar, each cover get visually better and better from my perspective, extremely creative work. Onwards and upwards!
Megapode said:
Wow, you guys just get better with each project. I have one suggestion or comment. Is there any way to make the image of the person more androgynous?

I was thinking a little more androgynous would be good as well - if possible, but otherwise, I like it!
Deedlet said:
Okay guys here are some more options. Now, I know the Wave title for the first pic is a little too big, but I was playing around with the font size (exampled in the last pic)

Personally I didn't like the second pic all that much-- too skelloteny for me so I made the first one which i like the best. Except for the font size... which I can fix if you guys like the idea.




All feedback welcome!!

Hey Deedlet,

These images are much better than the previous one. That's a nice progress. Well done.

Something is missing in this one. Maybe it's the background? maybe it's a bit too empty in the background... "The Wave" on the right is bit weird too, i think, maybe it would better on the top?

I like the fonts of "Stripped to the bone" and "Laura Knight-Jadczyk".

Also, i think the character may need a bit of retouching.

And i like the blue effect on pic 2, "shooting out" from the head.

Well, just my two cents.
Hello All,

Stuart and I would like to share our final cover spreads for the first 3 Wave books... A little sneak peak, so to speak. :) It's been an honor... Thank you all for the feedback and suggestions!




edit: barcodes are blurred just in case of possible shenanigans...
Make me want to buy the whole series again with these gorgeous covers! Awesome job guys. :clap:
Vulcan59 said:
Make me want to buy the whole series again with these gorgeous covers! Awesome job guys. :clap:

Me too -- I hope to someday! Good job you guys, and these look really slick.
Shijing said:
Vulcan59 said:
Make me want to buy the whole series again with these gorgeous covers! Awesome job guys. :clap:

Me too -- I hope to someday! Good job you guys, and these look really slick.

Same here! GREAT covers!
It also looks very consistent, as in the books clearly being part of one and the same series.
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