Review: Change Your Amma channeled by Cathy Chapman

MammaAmma as presented in the Punch Magazine, 1917:

mamadrama said:
Apparently, Cathy's method of channeling Amma changed in 05/06 after she had a severe attack of vertigo. Now Amma is on her left and she converses directly with her.
I wonder if channelling changes when people start to close off to the negative or 'not hear it'? Its like they close off to a way forward as they simply do not wish to go that way.
Laura said:
I think that what is needed is to concentrate on Chapman's so-called credentials. I notice that once listed, they have been accepted as true. What if they aren't? After all, that's the mistake we made with Vincent Bridges. His whole bio was so excellent that no one ever thought to question it. Who would make stuff like that up?

So, I suggest a paid background check of her educational credentials by a reputable investigation company. That's what we did on Bridges. It cost a little, but it was well worth it to have the hard data.
I went digging up on her a bit and found that she indeed got a doctorate in Mind/Body Psychology from the Union Institute and University in 1998 and a MA in Psychology from Stephen F. State University in 1976. The links are below:,%20Aa.

The second link also listed her previous degree as B.S., Lamar University, May, 1974. I couldn't verify her MA in Theology from the University of Notre Dame. For the three licenses that she claims to hold, I couldn't verify either, partly because the verification is separate for each state in the US and only a few put it online. So far so good. The only thing that bothers me is that her first name on the two links above is listed a bit differently (as Catherine and Cathy). I'm not an English speaker so I don't know if it is permissible to list different forms of first name in official documents like that.
Strangest thing about Union Institute, Stephen F. Austin State U, and Lamar is that all of them offer "degrees by mail." Not precisely diploma mills, but close. These kinds of schools are generally chosen by people who can't cut it for one reason or another in a more "standard" uni environment.

That's not a criticism, just an observation.

Someone I know - a doctor - couldn't pass the entrance exams for med school in any of the U.S. universities, so his father sent him to a med school in Mexico. Very expensive place and he got his degree and it was accepted in the U.S. (don't know how that works).

So, there are all kinds of ways to get degrees, it seems.
Laura said:
Strangest thing about Union Institute, Stephen F. Austin State U, and Lamar is that all of them offer "degrees by mail." Not precisely diploma mills, but close. These kinds of schools are generally chosen by people who can't cut it for one reason or another in a more "standard" uni environment.
I didn't notice this. Yes, it is very strange. Certainly not all degrees out of those places are low quality ones but when ALL of her degrees came from such places, one has to question why.
Several months ago I have read Cathy Chapman's book and got a free online daily exercise course. She sent me a one exercise to do everyday and about 3rd or 4th weeks later, she sent me a email to ask me 'did she owe me anything 'I replied 'no you don't owe me anything' . That was strange, why she ask such a question?

And about one week later she email to me said Emma wanted people to get together this coming Saturday to do DNA Encordment work through phone. I sign up for and the fee was $49.

And next day she sent me email saying other new age teacher is joining with her to do Archangel Michael's meditation. And again few hours later she sent another email and gave me more information about Saturday event.
That was strange feeling again, why she sent me a separate information instead all of it once. That night I was in the bed but woke up in middle of night wanted to check my online bank statements.

Then I found out that Cathy take out $49 dollars 3 times. Right away I email to her and told her that I thought the Saturday fee is $49. And because she took out 3 times from my checking ATM card, I am canceling everything and will call my bank to know that unauthorized money withdrawing activity.

Cathy sent me back email in 10 minutes later said it must be all mistake and she didn't do it, maybe I accidentally pressed the 2 more email information she sent me cause to activate somehow.
But I never did anything to that 2 email, because some kind of strange feeling made me cautious not to do anything. I just read and deleted it to trash. Anyway she refunded money. That is end of strange but true story.
Then I look for new book to read and found Laura's Amazing Grace and Wave books. When I joined Laura's Forum, I threw away every other new age books.
Now I am relaxed. And I am no longer imperativly look for other book to read. At last I found my true family.
Hi Kay Kim -- certainly many of us have had experiences with unsatisfying "teachers." From your other posts, it seems that you, like many of us, began examining source after source until discovering Laura's work.

About other books and resources, the C's have said, "All is of value if examined with an open mind and proper perspective." (Session 020223). Of course, this can mean that the value may be recognition of falsehood and misdirection! There are some other authors that may be useful to read if and when you choose. You are welcome to add to this New Age CoIntelPro board if you would like to review other books or sources that have not been covered here.
I have read lots new-age books in last 5 years but don't remember any special book to recall my memory.

And only one person I met that was Drunvalo, at his workshop and Cathy Chapman was just free online course for short time.
My understanding new-age was that....
Some teaching is - How to receive God's blessing by asking for it. (I thought that is up to God)
Some is about - How to talk to God, Angels, and Higher-self. ( when I heard some creepy voice inside my right ear, I stop and didn't care to listen, it happened few more times)
Some- About how to heal self and others (I believe most case body cure it self, beside no matter what, human die eventually)
Some- How to read Akashic Records (It doesn't matter to me, what happened my past was or future will be I am doing my best now, that is all, and search for information that worthy to follow, this was my only one interest)
Some- How to make mer-ka-ba. Drunvalo said when person stimulate back of throat using tip of tongue, eventually will make mer ka ba, some people do that exercise every day few years. (I did about 10 minutes in workshop and stop, I thought then there have to be natural way)
Some- How to generate sexual energy to use for Enlighten ( I have lived alone last 15 years, so this was not for me)
Some- DNA changes, activation( I just wanted to see what's all about and beside that was fee course from Cathy Chapman, later I was thinking there is nobody recovered full DNA in this earth right now)
Some- There are lots books about life story of Jusus, Mother Mary, Jusus GrandMother Anna, Mary Magdalen.(Now, I wonder where they got all the stories from)
Some teaching about how to stay in present moment, and there's few books that Laura mention about, which is good but lacking in universal knowledge.
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