Rice Milk (Gluten and Sugar Free)

Bo said:
Laura said:
I have good news and bad news and a question.

The bad news first: it seems that, in addition to lectins, rice has gluten.

The good news: now we can all save money by not eating rice or drinking rice milk!

The question: what do we use as a substitute?

:cry: does that also apply to the brown rice protein?

Brown rice is even worse, I fear, due to lectins.
Laura said:
Bo said:
Laura said:
I have good news and bad news and a question.

The bad news first: it seems that, in addition to lectins, rice has gluten.

The good news: now we can all save money by not eating rice or drinking rice milk!

The question: what do we use as a substitute?

:cry: does that also apply to the brown rice protein?

Brown rice is even worse, I fear, due to lectins.

Is the gluten problem true for all species of rice? White rice is one of the ways I treat IBS, and with good results. (Though I have cut down and tend to eat it when the IBS is flared up only)
Psyche said:
I been having a tooth pain related to a receding gum problem. In the past, I have had these gum problems associated with gluten. Since I cut out gluten, the problem subsided. But then it started to re-occur during the last months. I was clueless as to what it could be and finally decided to go to the dentist for some gum treatment since I was unable to take care of the problem with diet and supplementation. The dental work relieved the pain for the first few days, and then it came back again. Then, on Tuesday we interviewed Dr. Peter Osborne who told us that rice (both white and brown) has gluten. I stopped drinking rice milk since yesterday and now I just realized that the tooth pain, is gone. Another lesson! I was not having any rice to cut lectin intake. But I was oblivious (or in self-denial) to the fact that I was increasing my rice milk intake as of lately :whistle:

We'll be covering this subject of gluten in grains in our next issue of the Dot Connector Magazine. Dr. Peter Osborne from glutenfreesociety.org gave us lots of compelling information on gluten sensitivity. He does know his stuff!

Very interesting (and sad!!!) news. I rarely/never drink rice milk, but I do have white rice now and then. It does explain the light headaches I sometimes get from it, thought it was the sugar or something. Dang... what now :S
Gimpy said:
Is the gluten problem true for all species of rice? White rice is one of the ways I treat IBS, and with good results. (Though I have cut down and tend to eat it when the IBS is flared up only)

It applies for white rice and brown rice. It seems that it doesn't apply for wild rice.
Gandalf said:
Laura said:
I have good news and bad news and a question.

The bad news first: it seems that, in addition to lectins, rice has gluten.

The good news: now we can all save money by not eating rice or drinking rice milk!

The question: what do we use as a substitute?

Hemp milk or pumpkin milk. Those milks are a lot better than rice milk.

And you can use Quinoa instead of rice in many recipes.

This sounds good. Perhaps the hemp milk will do. I already tried the hemp protein and I liked the taste.

Galatea said:
Well, there's always Coconut cream and milk for those who can tolerate it. Tastes good in Hot Cocoa!

I wonder if I can tolerate coconut milk :)
Psyche said:
I been having a tooth pain related to a receding gum problem. In the past, I have had these gum problems associated with gluten. Since I cut out gluten, the problem subsided. But then it started to re-occur during the last months. I was clueless as to what it could be and finally decided to go to the dentist for some gum treatment since I was unable to take care of the problem with diet and supplementation. The dental work relieved the pain for the first few days, and then it came back again. Then, on Tuesday we interviewed Dr. Peter Osborne who told us that rice (both white and brown) has gluten. I stopped drinking rice milk since yesterday and now I just realized that the tooth pain, is gone. Another lesson! I was not having any rice to cut lectin intake. But I was oblivious (or in self-denial) to the fact that I was increasing my rice milk intake as of lately :whistle:

We'll be covering this subject of gluten in grains in our next issue of the Dot Connector Magazine. Dr. Peter Osborne from glutenfreesociety.org gave us lots of compelling information on gluten sensitivity. He does know his stuff!

Thanks Psyche for this info.
I've also been having gum and teeth problems but didn't associate them with gluten. So it could have something to do with that also. Another reason to cut it out completely.
Since cut out all diary I've been using rice milk instead and noticed that in last few weeks, as I've increased it's intake, gum pain also increased.
Sometimes it's a little bit painful, but learning is still fun. ;)

Well, need to try hemp, pumpkin and coconut milk (thanks Gandalf and Galatea for pointing in that directions).
Laura said:
I have good news and bad news and a question.

The bad news first: it seems that, in addition to lectins, rice has gluten.

The good news: now we can all save money by not eating rice or drinking rice milk!

The question: what do we use as a substitute?
Woah! That's a surprise. Explains why I stopped eating white rice again....it just didn't feel right (even though it was settling my stomach).

As a substitute.....how about buckwheat milk? I've never tried it but it looks interesting
Some are suggesting you don't need to sprout it for 12 hours, just soak/rinse for 30/60 minutes.

Using quinoa for milk might be interesting too.

Gimpy said:
Is the gluten problem true for all species of rice? White rice is one of the ways I treat IBS, and with good results. (Though I have cut down and tend to eat it when the IBS is flared up only)

Hi gimpy...have you tried enteric coated live probiotics (the non-enteric coated ones don't seem to do anything for me)?? All my 'IBS' symptoms cleared up using those and caprylic acid (its probable I had a mild candida infection with very few symptoms other than something like 'IBS'/gall bladder problems....the weight loss may be related but not sure yet), including being able to tolerate eating fats (thank the DCM!). Kept thinking of you after clearing those problems up, so would be interested to know if they work for you.
I've also been cooking with coconut oil.

*edited to add more*

Psyche said:
I wonder if I can tolerate coconut milk
After reading about candida and cocnut oil/caprylic acid I made myself a desert of hot coconut milk and bananas (just nuke it for 5 minutes, but make sure the milk doesn't boil over).....next day I read that coconut milk has a large amount of sugars in, so I dropped that for the moment. Its possible however that the caprylic acid can keep candida in check dispite the sugar content....I did experience a sugar rush after eating it....but I had eaten half a tin with bananas.... :rolleyes:
Go easy on it because it is very rich/sweet.
It is lovely though!!
That's interesting about wild rice, I read that it's not a member of the rice family, but is a grass. Which might explain it. I'll be testing it out and see what dishes I could make with it. Thanks for sharing.
I have to say that it was a blow to have rice taken away from me... I don't eat it a lot (because it did tend to bother me, but I thought it was the carbs), but it was nice now and again. And so was a little rice milk with cocoa and xylitol.

So, basically, those of us who are really sensitive are left with buckwheat, quinoa, meat and veggies. So, what did I do?

Last night I made Southern Fried chicken thickly coated with blini batter and well-seasoned buckwheat flour, deep fried in duck fat! And then, pepper gravy... and we had mashed sweet potatoes and green beans sauteed with garlic and onions. Afterwards, a buckwheat vanilla cake and assorted fruit sorbets!

It doesn't matter if I only have three things I can eat, they are going to be combined in different ways, cooked in different ways, and nobody is going to tell me that a gluten/dairy free diet can't be delicious and satisfying!!!!
Laura said:
Last night I made Southern Fried chicken thickly coated with blini batter and well-seasoned buckwheat flour, deep fried in duck fat! And then, pepper gravy... and we had mashed sweet potatoes and green beans sauteed with garlic and onions. Afterwards, a buckwheat vanilla cake and assorted fruit sorbets!

It doesn't matter if I only have three things I can eat, they are going to be combined in different ways, cooked in different ways, and nobody is going to tell me that a gluten/dairy free diet can't be delicious and satisfying!!!!

That surely sounds delicious!
You made me drooling all over place here! ;D
Laura said:
I have to say that it was a blow to have rice taken away from me... I don't eat it a lot (because it did tend to bother me, but I thought it was the carbs), but it was nice now and again. And so was a little rice milk with cocoa and xylitol.

So, basically, those of us who are really sensitive are left with buckwheat, quinoa, meat and veggies. So, what did I do?

And chia is very good too and quite nutritious.
RedFox said:
Using quinoa for milk might be interesting too.

I have tried it and it is very good indeed. However, my favorite milk is hemp milk. Totally delicious and if you want you can add a bit of pure chocolate cacao (100%) in it.
Laura said:
I have to say that it was a blow to have rice taken away from me... I don't eat it a lot (because it did tend to bother me, but I thought it was the carbs), but it was nice now and again. And so was a little rice milk with cocoa and xylitol.

So, basically, those of us who are really sensitive are left with buckwheat, quinoa, meat and veggies. So, what did I do?

Last night I made Southern Fried chicken thickly coated with blini batter and well-seasoned buckwheat flour, deep fried in duck fat! And then, pepper gravy... and we had mashed sweet potatoes and green beans sauteed with garlic and onions. Afterwards, a buckwheat vanilla cake and assorted fruit sorbets!

It doesn't matter if I only have three things I can eat, they are going to be combined in different ways, cooked in different ways, and nobody is going to tell me that a gluten/dairy free diet can't be delicious and satisfying!!!!

Agreed! Last saturday I got myself a salmon fillet, coated it in buckwheat batter and shallow fried it in coconut oil (deep fried in duck fat sounds much better though!), followed by frying some thinly sliced sweet potatoes. Fish and chips! (it was closer to fish and crisps).
If you've never had battered salmon I recommend it (especially if you can deep fry it)!
I've been having buckwheat pancakes with blueberries and sliced banana on (heated in the microwave for about 4 minutes) for desert too. Add the ultra simple soup (broth with all the veg mashed up) and you've got yourself a three course meal :D

Gandalf said:
RedFox said:
Using quinoa for milk might be interesting too.

I have tried it and it is very good indeed. However, my favorite milk is hemp milk. Totally delicious and if you want you can add a bit of pure chocolate cacao (100%) in it.

I'll be trying all the milks mentioned I think. My parents recently switched from dairy to rice milk.....a vast improvement, think I'll wait for the next magazine to point them towards rice containing gluten. I hadn't got round to adding any kind of milk back into my diet yet though (still keeping things simple)

Psyche said:
Gimpy said:
Is the gluten problem true for all species of rice? White rice is one of the ways I treat IBS, and with good results. (Though I have cut down and tend to eat it when the IBS is flared up only)

It applies for white rice and brown rice. It seems that it doesn't apply for wild rice.

I had wild rice recently and that seemed pretty good actually....no 'off' feeling afterwards.
Laura said:
I have to say that it was a blow to have rice taken away from me... I don't eat it a lot (because it did tend to bother me, but I thought it was the carbs), but it was nice now and again. And so was a little rice milk with cocoa and xylitol.

So, basically, those of us who are really sensitive are left with buckwheat, quinoa, meat and veggies. So, what did I do?

Last night I made Southern Fried chicken thickly coated with blini batter and well-seasoned buckwheat flour, deep fried in duck fat! And then, pepper gravy... and we had mashed sweet potatoes and green beans sauteed with garlic and onions. Afterwards, a buckwheat vanilla cake and assorted fruit sorbets!

It doesn't matter if I only have three things I can eat, they are going to be combined in different ways, cooked in different ways, and nobody is going to tell me that a gluten/dairy free diet can't be delicious and satisfying!!!!

Sounds delicious. Ah yes the list gets shorter.

Laura said:
Gandalf said:
And chia is very good too and quite nutritious.

Is chia a seed? I'm VERY suspicious of seeds nowadays, knowing about lectins.

Have been making a tahini dip lately. Seems sesame seeds have been tolerable for me.
It is made from sesame paste in equal parts of water, some organic garlic powder & fresh lemon juice plus sea salt. Been dipping organic sweet potato chips and green olives (soaked in water). It is very filling and yummy.

Had not been eatting grains for a week following a candida elimination diet and had some brown rice yesterday and today woke up feeling very heavy and achy. Minds in a fog again. Could be from die-off though.
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