Jedi Council Member
Here is recent Russian example, even though it is not about currency, but the principle inherited from covid terror. People got so angered by the covid QR codes for the last 2 years, that mark of the beast, so the Fan Id (contains QR and whole personal data on confirmed electronic account on federal data base called Gosuslugi) till stands out. It is obligatory to be able to buy tickets to visit football matches even for children. In order to ‘fight’ it-people simply started ignoring matches and as we can see below, empty tribunes makes capitalists think twice....
The chairman of the Communist Party Gennady Zyuganov supported the initiative to repeal the law on Fan ID
The chairman of the Communist Party Gennady Zyuganov supported the initiative to repeal the law on Fan ID. He wrote a post about this in Telegram.
"We need to stop trying to put an electronic tag on our citizens under various pretexts and repeal the Fan ID law. It is important to hear and listen to the voice of the people, in this case football fans, who are unequivocally against such innovations," he said.
Zyuganov recalled that the Communist Party was the only party that voted against the introduction of a fan passport, and now remains the only one who has introduced a bill to abolish it.
On March 8, State Duma deputy from the Communist Party Sergei Obukhov said that he had sent a request to Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin to cancel the Fan ID. He added that the Communist Party will also consider other options for canceling fan passports.
The chairman of the Communist Party Gennady Zyuganov supported the initiative to repeal the law on Fan ID
The chairman of the Communist Party Gennady Zyuganov supported the initiative to repeal the law on Fan ID. He wrote a post about this in Telegram.
"We need to stop trying to put an electronic tag on our citizens under various pretexts and repeal the Fan ID law. It is important to hear and listen to the voice of the people, in this case football fans, who are unequivocally against such innovations," he said.
Zyuganov recalled that the Communist Party was the only party that voted against the introduction of a fan passport, and now remains the only one who has introduced a bill to abolish it.
On March 8, State Duma deputy from the Communist Party Sergei Obukhov said that he had sent a request to Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin to cancel the Fan ID. He added that the Communist Party will also consider other options for canceling fan passports.

Зюганов поддержал инициативу об отмене закона о Fan ID
Председатель КПРФ Геннадий Зюганов поддержал инициативу об отмене закона о Fan ID. «Важно слышать и слушать голос народа, в данном случае футбольных болельщиков, которые однозначно против таких новшеств», — заявил он и напомнил, что КПРФ была единственной партией, голосовавшей против введения...