Role of Crypto/Cybercurrencies in the PTB's loss of control?

Here is recent Russian example, even though it is not about currency, but the principle inherited from covid terror. People got so angered by the covid QR codes for the last 2 years, that mark of the beast, so the Fan Id (contains QR and whole personal data on confirmed electronic account on federal data base called Gosuslugi) till stands out. It is obligatory to be able to buy tickets to visit football matches even for children. In order to ‘fight’ it-people simply started ignoring matches and as we can see below, empty tribunes makes capitalists think twice....

The chairman of the Communist Party Gennady Zyuganov supported the initiative to repeal the law on Fan ID

The chairman of the Communist Party Gennady Zyuganov supported the initiative to repeal the law on Fan ID. He wrote a post about this in Telegram.

"We need to stop trying to put an electronic tag on our citizens under various pretexts and repeal the Fan ID law. It is important to hear and listen to the voice of the people, in this case football fans, who are unequivocally against such innovations," he said.
Zyuganov recalled that the Communist Party was the only party that voted against the introduction of a fan passport, and now remains the only one who has introduced a bill to abolish it.

On March 8, State Duma deputy from the Communist Party Sergei Obukhov said that he had sent a request to Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin to cancel the Fan ID. He added that the Communist Party will also consider other options for canceling fan passports.

Silicon Valley Bank has failed, and crypto "stablecoin" USDC had billions in Silicon Valley Bank, so USDC is no longer stable and has gone below $1 to 95 cents. USDC is the 5th largest crypto. How was crypto supposed to be outside the system?
Massive rebound on the BTC price today, despite large short positions taken out and the three largest "crypto friendly" banks in the US in administration. Something not going according to plan?



Given the size of the 'bailout' plans announced by the US govt, and the repeated statements by Biden and officials that the "banking system is safe", and the massive trading halt on bank stocks in the NYSE, it's looking increasingly probable that the intended "takedown" of the crypto market backfired spectacularly and the western financial system has been destabilised significantly à la 2008.

So there is guy who has been posting quite a lot of info online (reddit and Godlikeproductions). He has some interesting views.
I don't see how crypto mining can be used as an AI control system. To me it looks like this guy simply does not understand what crypto mining is.
USDC is the 5th largest crypto. How was crypto supposed to be outside the system?
Stablecoins are not really cryptocurrencies which are completely decentralized and not “backed“ by holdings at any banks.
Stablecoins are not really cryptocurrencies which are completely decentralized and not “backed“ by holdings at any banks.
Cryptos are not decentralized. Otherwise all the forks couldn't have been possible because the big boys couldn't get together to force forks. How many versions of bitcoin are there now? What are the price of those compared to the one version the big boys control? Centralized.
Otherwise all the forks couldn't have been possible because the big boys couldn't get together to force forks.
I don't know what you mean by that.

How many versions of bitcoin are there now? What are the price of those compared to the one version the big boys control? Centralized.
It's entirely possible that something like Bitcoin Cash may one day overtake Bitcoin in popularity. How much Bitcoin is controlled is also debatable. The miners are all around the world and you cannot really control that, even though there are some large mining pools.

The Bitcoin development team is one aspect that is more centralized and easier to control, but their developments also have to be accepted by the majority of the miners.
Similar goal of PTB around the globe-impose totally controlled electronic money...

ECB Head: digital euro will be the key to Europe's payment autonomy

Christine Lagarde drew attention to the fact that the tools that Europeans use today for payment transactions do not always have a local origin

The digital euro should play a key role in preserving European payment autonomy, ECB President Christine Lagarde said at a virtual discussion on central bank digital currencies (CBDC) organized by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), Bloomberg reports.

"When you look at your wallet, look at your phone and see the apps you use for payments, or the cards you use for payments, you very soon realize that these payment instruments are not necessarily European," Lagarde said.

Therefore, according to her, one should be careful in matters concerning means of payment. Lagarde noted that some call it sovereign autonomy, but she prefers to call it "sustainability."

In January, the ECB published a presentation of the digital form of the European currency. The authors of the report also emphasized that the issue of the digital euro will strengthen the strategic autonomy of the eurozone, increasing its independence from non-European payment solutions.

The presentation was published after a meeting of the finance ministers of the eurozone countries, where the political aspects of digital national currencies were discussed. The ministers stated that they support the continuation of preparatory work for the introduction of the digital euro.

In the autumn of this year, the first stage of the project implementation may already begin. The final decision on the issue of the digital euro will be made no earlier than 2024.

more on rbc:

Bitcoin whitepaper found hidden in macOS with unknown 'Virtual Scanner II' app​

Satoshi Nakamoto's Bitcoin whitepaper can be found in any Mac running macOS Catalina or newer, but no one knows why.

There are a lot of hidden files on macOS that won't appear unless the user is performing a specific function or test. However, most of these files are not meant to be discovered by average users.
Andy Baio, a blogger with an extensive history in the tech community, shared an odd discovery on his blog Waxy — the Bitcoin whitepaper can be found on any Mac running recent versions of macOS. It can be discovered via a simple Terminal command or by navigating Finder.
On any Mac running macOS Catalina or later, enter the following command into Terminal:
open /System/Library/Image\ Capture/Devices/

Can confirm that this document is present on macOS Ventura 13.2.1. CIA left it when they were busy backdooring macOS? ;-)
Can confirm that this document is present on macOS Ventura 13.2.1. CIA left it when they were busy backdooring macOS? ;-)
Anecdotal: back in the day, I struck up a conversation with an interesting character on a plane. He was coming from DC. I had my laptop out and he mentioned (in a freaky paranoid hushed sort of comment) that everyone in the GW Bush admin we’re required to use Macs; That it was CIA related. So this probably goes WAY back.

Can confirm that this document is present on macOS Ventura 13.2.1. CIA left it when they were busy backdooring macOS? ;-)
Yes, it's still there on my Mac up to today. However, its origin can be easily explained. It's there, because some developer included resources for testing purposes (scanning, document processing, etc.) but has forgotten to strip certain files from the final build. Its name is also “simpledoc” which clearly indicates its purpose.
Cryptos are not decentralized. Otherwise all the forks couldn't have been possible because the big boys couldn't get together to force forks. How many versions of bitcoin are there now? What are the price of those compared to the one version the big boys control? Centralized.

I think it's more to do with computing/mining power having votes to change, or fork code, although I still don't fully understand how this works in practice. Do they do this through their mining? Like, process this block for yes, or this for no? Or is there some forum they all vote on?

In terms of decentralisation, it depends on who is processing/mining.. essentially verifying the transactions.

If someone is mining 90% of the blocks, then we wouldn't call this decentralised. However there are crypto's that are built upon protocols that reward decentralisation. I haven't seen any of these do very well in terms of price, funding and development, so go figure I guess?

I often wonder if the concept of crypto, i.e. currency/energy, trust, networking (verifying together).. could be useful in a different world. In this one though, I think the C's are spot on about it being a 'road to nowhere'.

Also, I am almost certain that if we could chart the posts on this thread that were promoting crypto almost daily, to the price of the crypto markets, we would find that the peak promotion corresponds to peak price. Meaning everyone who bought into the hype likely ended up losing money.

It all looks like a very crafty trap imo. It baits in people who are anti-establishment, against central banks printing money etc, with promises of riches.
Otherwise all the forks couldn't have been possible because the big boys couldn't get together to force forks. How many versions of bitcoin are there now? What are the price of those compared to the one version the big boys control? Centralized.
I think it's more to do with computing/mining power having votes to change, or fork code, although I still don't fully understand how this works in practice. Do they do this through their mining? Like, process this block for yes, or this for no? Or is there some forum they all vote on?

In terms of decentralisation, it depends on who is processing/mining.. essentially verifying the transactions.

If someone is mining 90% of the blocks, then we wouldn't call this decentralised. However there are crypto's that are built upon protocols that reward decentralisation. I haven't seen any of these do very well in terms of price, funding and development, so go figure I guess?
Some forks are done to improve protocols - the changes are considered incompatible with the main chain, so they fork it and start a new one. Litecoin is one example. Sometimes there are disagreements on development pathways eg. Ethereum Classic vs Ethereum. It's not that "big boys forced the fork." Forks happen even on chains with very low market capitalisation - were those caused by the "big boys" too? Interpreting everything that happens in crypto through a "crypto is a scam" lens is nothing but a cognitive bias.

Centralisation of public blockchain projects, where it exists, is mainly done through economic means: controlling developer funding and/or buying up of tokens. It's possible to argue that Bitcoin and Ethereum are centralised not via protocol consensus, but via token ownership.

Also, I am almost certain that if we could chart the posts on this thread that were promoting crypto almost daily, to the price of the crypto markets, we would find that the peak promotion corresponds to peak price. Meaning everyone who bought into the hype likely ended up losing money.
Of course, but this happens in all markets. As the C's said, the global economy is "entirely manufactured".

It all looks like a very crafty trap imo. It baits in people who are anti-establishment, against central banks printing money etc, with promises of riches.
Possibly, but if crypto was entirely a trap, would we be seeing headlines like this?

Watcher Guru said:

US Treasury Says Decentralized Crypto Markets Threaten National Security​

The US Treasury Department has released a press release on the 2023 DeFi illicit finance risk assessment. The report was released after a proper analysis of the decentralized finance sector. Additionally, the report speaks about how the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), cybercriminals, thieves, scammers, and ransomware attackers use DeFi services to launder and move their illicit proceeds.

Also read: India’s CBDC Rollout Strategy: Target One Million Users, Prioritize Offline Transactions

The Treasury has stated that decentralized cryptocurrency markets are threatening national security.
Perhaps the US Treasury also mentioned that it needs greater oversight against money laundering activities.

US Treasury highlights how DeFi is used by illicit actors​

Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, Brian E. Nelson, said: “Our assessment finds that illicit actors, including criminals, scammers, and North Korean cyber actors, are using DeFi services in the process of laundering illicit funds.”

The Treasury mentioned in the report that DeFi allows users to transact without the necessity of an intermediary. This, according to them, poses a risk of money laundering. The report also highlights measures to implement necessary assessments and actions to mitigate the risks associated with DeFi.

In addition, the report highlights that the US government should ramp up regulatory supervision and also consider additional guidance for DeFi services.

Also note that China has recently "re-legalised" crypto via the setup of a crypto hub in Hong Kong. So, perhaps China and Russia are starting to see crypto as one way to counterbalance the US as part of their de-dollarisation strategy, and thus the recent panic from the US establishment about crypto?
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