Role of Crypto/Cybercurrencies in the PTB's loss of control?

So there is also a certain amount (maybe a large one) of Bitcoin backfiring on the cabal by speeding up the waking up of people.

This is what I'm seeing.

It amazes me that in the current year there are still grown adults just now discovering that U.S. Dollars are printed out of thin air.

Every week I see new people showing up on our Crypto forums seeking advice on how to exit the Dollar. They seek confirmation that Dollars really are just printed out of thin air. They have difficulty believing such a thing.

I became a "Monero Bro" 🙂 a couple of years ago after I discovered what the Banksters are doing to Bitcoin. I run a node, and use Trocador (.app) for conversion.

I'm exiting out of Bitcoin, but the calculation of when, and at what speed to get out is super-difficult. I use Fibonacci mostly.

It's true that Monero is what Bitcoin was supposed to be, a weapon to kill the Global Banking Cabal. I'm battle-testing it, and finding no flaws.


US will become ‘global crypto capital’ – Trump​

The former president has pledged to create a bitcoin “strategic reserve” if he wins in November
US will become ‘global crypto capital’ – Trump

US Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has pledged to make America “the crypto capital of the planet” if he returns to the White House. Speaking at this year’s Bitcoin Conference in Nashville on Saturday, Trump said that crypto is essential to his vision of America in the future.
He pledged to ensure that the US government never sells off its bitcoin holdings and creates a bitcoin “strategic reserve,” predicting that the cryptocurrency could one day eclipse gold’s $16 trillion market capitalization.
“For too long our government has violated the cardinal rule that every bitcoiner knows by heart: Never sell your bitcoin… This afternoon I’m laying out my plan to ensure that the United States will be the crypto capital of the planet and the bitcoin superpower of the world, and we’ll get it done,” Trump vowed.
“If I am elected, it will be the policy of my administration… to keep 100% of all the bitcoin the US government currently holds or acquires into the future. This will serve, in effect, as the core of the strategic national bitcoin stockpile,” he stated.
There are no "sanctions on Bitcoin" that "vaporize" its value. It is quite the opposite, the price keeps growing and even the likes of Blackrock are now offering Bitcoin. Trump also changed his stance on crypto, now embracing it. So is Russia, especially in the last couple weeks.
You should do some research too.
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I have extensive knowledge regarding current Department of Justice sanctions on Bitcoin and persecution of Bitcoin Developers.

By "vaporized" do you mean that Bitcoin has no value as a Currency or as a Store of Value ?
When there's 8 kinds of bitcoins already with no limit to how many different kinds of bitcoins there can be, and when you and I don't get to decide or stop any changes to all types of bitcoins, that pretty much answers your question.
When there's 8 kinds of bitcoins already with no limit to how many different kinds of bitcoins there can be, and when you and I don't get to decide or stop any changes to all types of bitcoins, that pretty much answers your question.

True, but saying this means Bitcoins have been "vaporized", or have no value as a Currency or as a Store of Value is simply not true.

In all markets, things have whatever Value someone is willing to trade for the thing.

This morning Bitcoins are trading at 69,487 dollars each.
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Here is Edward Snowden's Keynote Speech at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference in Nashville, TN last Friday

"Snowden delivers a stark warning about the future of privacy in the age of AI and blockchain technology.

Snowden outlines how advanced AI models could soon be used to analyze blockchain transactions"

I contend it's not "could soon be".

The U.S. Department of Justice and Internal Revenue Service are already paying government contracting corporations like Chainalysis millions of dollars to design blockchain tracking software than employs A.I. technology to track all Bitcoin movement.

Here is Edward Snowden's Keynote Speech at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference in Nashville, TN last Friday

"Snowden delivers a stark warning about the future of privacy in the age of AI and blockchain technology.

Snowden outlines how advanced AI models could soon be used to analyze blockchain transactions"

I contend it's not "could soon be".

The U.S. Department of Justice and Internal Revenue Service are already paying government contracting corporations like Chainalysis millions of dollars to design blockchain tracking software than employs A.I. technology to track all Bitcoin movement.

James at InvestAnswers said a while ago that BlackRock and others are developing stock market AIs that can run millions of strategies simultaneously, never have to sleep, etc., and so will take over trading, humans becoming unable to compete.

Current LLMs for public use are not so good, a lot of GIGO, but I can see money-making AI being more carefully programmed in order to fulfill this stock market dominance function.
I can see money-making AI being more carefully programmed in order to fulfill this stock market dominance function.

I've seen it in live, in-action.

You can watch big financial social media influencers live-stream, and the the A.I. will change the price of the stocks they are talking about within 2 or 3 seconds of the Presenter saying something about the stock.

It's so hilarious people do it on purpose just for fun...

Presenter whispers: "Watch this guys."

Loudly: "Well, in my opinion Game Stop is a Loser! You should sell that dog crap today!"

Game Stop immediately, like in 2 seconds, drops 10%, so fast no human can be doing it. A.I. is watching the guy's stream.

Everyone laughs.
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Funny in a sense, I guess, but it’s actually corrupt market manipulation scams taken to the next level at the big casino. Of course the ones who profit most are those who place their bets before telling the shills what to say.

One issue here: is bitcoin subject to the same hanky-panky? To the same up and down manipulation? (I think yes)

The other issue is on-ramps and off-ramps. Until bitcoin can be used directly for payments, it’s always going to be vulnerable to the way it’s bridged into a usable form.
When there's 8 kinds of bitcoins already with no limit to how many different kinds of bitcoins there can be, and when you and I don't get to decide or stop any changes to all types of bitcoins, that pretty much answers your question.
The only problem you are right about is who controls the changes to the original Bitcoin network. In theory there are independent developers who propose changes and then the decision to implement updates is up to all the miners around the world who run the Bitcoin network.

Developers are easier to control, while the miners around the world are not - or at least not a sufficient number of them. And if destructive changes are implemented by developers and miners in the open source code of Bitcoin, it is easy for everyone to see.

Your other claims about the Bitcoin value being currently "vaporized" are the complete opposite of reality. Blackrock, Trump, Russia and many others are embracing Bitcoin and if it is "a road to Nowhere", that is what should concern you.
True, but saying this means Bitcoins have been "vaporized", or have no value as a Currency or as a Store of Value is simply not true.

In all markets, things have whatever Value someone is willing to trade for the thing.

This morning Bitcoins are trading at 69,487 dollars each.
Here's another way to approach what you say. I like to see what people do to see if it lines up with what they say, and in case of disharmony, it is what they do that counts.
I'm exiting out of Bitcoin
You are exiting bitcoin, so that answers your questions about currency and store of value.
One issue here: is bitcoin subject to the same hanky-panky? To the same up and down manipulation? (I think yes)

The other issue is on-ramps and off-ramps. Until bitcoin can be used directly for payments, it’s always going to be vulnerable to the way it’s bridged into a usable form.

It is. I don't even pay regular attention to BTC price because the Banksters smash it up and down wildly all the time.

What I do is build up some cash, then start watching price for a dip based upon a Fib guy I follow. Then I feast to get rid of as many of those those nasty evaporating Dollars as possible.

I use to on-ramp. Then I wash the BTC through Monero so I won't have to pay taxes on it.

I do sometimes use BTC directly to pay for small things like hosting, email, political donations, etc.
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