Role of Crypto/Cybercurrencies in the PTB's loss of control?

Developers are easier to control, while the miners around the world are not - or at least not a sufficient number of them.

True. My video above talks about how Developers are compromised.

Now Banksters are working to consolidate the Mining into their control.

They do this with publicity campaigns characterizing Mining as bad for the environment, and in need of more government regulation.

Regulatory Capture is how Banksters control most industries. They make the regulations so burdensome it drives out small competitors who cannot afford the huge fleets of Lawyers necessary to maintain legal compliance. That expense for a mega-corporation is inconsequential. Monopoly is soon achieved.

All the Bitcoin Mining is currently being bought up by Wall Street-owned corporations. In Texas where I live, it's Riot, Inc.

You are exiting bitcoin, so that answers your questions about currency and store of value.
I apologize. I misspoke because I can type a lot faster than I can think due to many years in I.T. but now entering my dotage.

When I said "I'm exiting out of Bitcoin, but the calculation of when, and at what speed to get out is super-difficult."

I meant to say "I will exit...".

Now you can help both of us achieve harmonic balance by acknowledging all the things you asserted above that were in error. 🙂
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