Role of Crypto/Cybercurrencies in the PTB's loss of control?

Remember how they used 9/11 to pass the hilariously named "Patriot Act" that stripped Americans of our 4th & 6th Amendment rights to Privacy and Habeas Corpus ?

The World Government is now working to pass this treaty to strip of us our right to private financial transactions. Of course they are using Terrorism, CSAM, and Drugs to justify it.

You will comply because you "Care About the Children"™.

Trump to Launch New Crypto Platform

Since Trump owns up to $5 million in ETH, I bet this will be some kind of Ethereum spin that makes high-interest payday loans to poor people via their cell phones to hoover up their HUD rent and EBT food stamp funds.

Whitney Webb warned they are trying to tokenize every natural resource on this planet. Poor People are our most abundant natural resource.

Cell Phone Micro-Loans can squeeze even more Juice out of them. Don Jr. and Jared will be absolutely swimming in filthy lucre.

This guy's recent interview on Monero Talk was really good. Really.

He speaks honestly about how Evil has turned teh Innerwebz and technology to its advantage, and more importantly, how we can Resist.

Amir Taaki

· OG BTC developer 2010

· created 1st coinjoin+stealth implementation

· founded darkwallet w/ Vitalik & Cody

· fought against ISIS

· cryptographer + dev

I am all about using this Technology to defeat the Evil Empire.

Fast-forward to timestamp 3:33

Taaki's website and manifesto...

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I'm searching for "The One to Rule Them All" best crypto blockchain for data storage, social, privacy, web hosting, marketplace, DM, chat, and video hosting.

ARweave is looking good. This video they made about their Odysee video platform was amusing and slick.

Made me laugh. 🙂

The Evil Empire does this "We cracked Monero!" gaslighting thing about every six months.

It's always the same. The User screwed up, and they blame Monero.

The gaslighting works wonderfully because most people won't investigate. They will only remember the headline.

In this case, the victim did not use their own Monero node. He connected to and broadcast a transaction using one of Chainalysis' malicious nodes with his clean IP address. He then used a centralized swapping service (MorphToken) which collaborates with Chainalysis/Law Enforcement.

Isn't it interesting how so many alt-finance commentators with their so-called "more unbiased" take on things end up walking a huge circle and predicting scenarios that result in a new dominance of the USD, rather than its collapse? Exactly the position the banksters and deep state envision. So curious.

Regarding what Webb writes specifically, such as:

There's a massive assumption here: how exactly is Bitcoin going to be "united" to the dollar? The monetary policy that governs Bitcoin is essentially sovereign. Even if the developers are bribed or bought into making code changes that benefit a particular group of participants over another, this will immediately result in a hard fork (ie. separate copy but with identical history) of the coin and each separate group will use that fork.

So, in a situation with two 'sovereign' currencies (USD and Bitcoin), the type of exchange that describes the dynamic between them is a little more complicated than sell/buy; it's more like an import/export market. A rate of exchange between the two currencies has to be decided upon, and the monetary policy of each currency affects the other only indirectly. In a hypothetical genuine 'free market' scenario, if two countries are trading goods and one country suddenly inflates their currency massively, the currency exchange rate between the two countries will adjust in order to keep the purchasing power of each consistent.

As Webb correctly points out, the US is aiming to maintain the previous arrangement that has given them imbalanced purchasing power relative to the rest of the world, fuelling the US' standard of living at everyone else's expense. However, simply creating a Bitcoin strategic reserve won't accomplish this. It would be no different to the US suddenly creating a platinum strategic reserve and beginning to buy up platinum.

What the US can achieve is to create a sort of 'buffer' against the future shock of USD collapse by purchasing as many assets as possible while they still retain an unearned purchasing power advantage (UPPA). Enter Tether/Circle, which is what Webb and hlat (I think) have been trying to point out. Tether and Circle act as USD proxies in the crypto world, providing a way for the US to leverage its UPPA in the crypto markets in the same way as in other markets. However, that cannot affect the supply/demand dynamics of Bitcoin itself. It can only push up the price in USD terms, as axj pointed out.

What we are looking at in the very near future is a huge collapse of the USD as the rest of the world unwinds their USD holdings in response to the stark reality that the US will never repay the debt it has been 'borrowing' from the rest of the world. As this process accelerates, USD exchange rates will become uncoupled from the political considerations that have been artificially influencing them, and the USD will plummet against most of the rest of the world's currencies (although more slowly against its immediate vassal states like Japan and the 'Five Eyes'). This will drastically change trade flows in the real economy (raw materials, energy etc), but it's likely that a period of adjustment will precede this as well, and is in fact already taking place vis a vis events such as the Saudi petrodollar abandonment.

The question around Bitcoin is whether other countries decide that the system is sufficiently secure and impartial enough to allow the US to have a smaller "unfair advantage" in purchasing power as result of advance currency stockpiling, while the system balances out in the future. As has been mentioned regarding mBridge, it would appear that the BRICS nations are not convinced, or at very least are going to ensure there is a "backup" currency amongst themselves should any problems emerge at Bitcoin's protocol level, which is not impossible given its likely origins. In the case of El Salvador, there are bold, young countries willing to take a risk that Bitcoin could form one important part of a multi-polar world economy; a risk that might pay off given China's large BTC holdings. In both scenarios, the prognosis for the USD is dire, with the pro-Bitcoin one giving them a little extra slack.

So regardless of Ms Webb's generally impressive journalistic form, I think she's completely off track regarding this.

She's released another article since this post, and will release another one tomorrow, explaining her point more.

The biggest banks and a cadre of spooky currency speculators have funded and now control most of the infrastructure underlying Bitcoin (energy, chips, ISPs, + general crypto infrastructure), with the openly stated goal of having it be only an asset you don’t and can’t spend. The US government and this small elite faction hold most of the Bitcoin, and once their financial control grid is complete, inflate its price through the roof.

As Catherine Austin Fitts has said of the elite’s plans: “once you steal everything, you want to move to a disflationary system.” These elites, who have a LOT of ties to the Epstein network, hold so much Bitcoin collectively and when currencies implode (which is something the currency speculators who back so much key crypto infrastructure have provably done in the past) pumping gold and silver, etc. instead would make too many other actors (incl other govts like China and Russia) very wealthy, while pumping Bitcoin will make only a specific, largely US-based cabal very wealthy. When they collapse currencies, they will buy up everything they didn’t manage to buy up during Covid and then install their new and beyond Orwellian financial surveillance grid in place, using Bitcoin as a reserve asset.

The US government, Silicon Valley and Wall Street bankers – who have economically and sometimes militarily waged war against much of the world – are using Bitcoin for this and are buying up media influence to manufacture consent. As a consequence of the purchase of Bitcoin media, most bitcoiners, instead of being up in arms about it and putting momentum behind any potential workaround, are spending time shilling Tether and explaining away their overt partnership with the US National Security State, shills for dollarized debt posing as anti-state and anti-bank. UH's series The Chain, by myself and @markgoodw_in, has been exploring these issues and more, new installment (and the spiciest thus far) drops tomorrow.

My basic understanding is that she thinks that once the PTB's control grid is complete, they will pull the plug on the financial system and destroy the world economy, one effect of which will be that currencies implode. This will translate into Bitcoin holders, the majority of whom are PTB agents and agencies, experiencing a huge bonanza while the real economy burns. Then the PTB will enjoy the chaos and buy up everyone and everything that has just gone bankrupt.

They have a lot of options for the black swan trigger event - maybe a real pandemic via releasing a lab-generated virus or something. Soon after, they could always set off the derivatives time-bomb, making it look like a tragic consequence of said pandemic. Derivatives are currently sitting at 10x the total world economy.

Covid19 escaped too early, although they made as much use of it as they could by turning on the money printers and experimenting with global tyranny. The SMO is basically on life support, so their grand war plans are not going to get them where they want to go. Taiwan isn't on the cards. They won in Argentina, not in Venezuela. Trump had too many prayers behind him to be assassinated. Etc. So because they're not exactly doing well in their game of Risk, I think this route outlined by Webb (or some other similarly apocalyptic route) is more likely than the PTB just watching the USD decline, or collapse, in the face of BRICS+ ascendancy. The Great Reset is still on the cards, I think, but maybe its much more destructive than I imagined. Eventually the group in the PTB arguing for economic collapse will gain ascendancy.

So yeah, to my untrained eye, this does look like a plausible direction for an economic collapse plan by those in the higher echelons of world power. Mostly because if they were to collapse it all, I think they'd want to be sure that they will profit from it in addition to causing untold misery.

But I still don't really understand what Webb is saying, tho. How would the PTB could cause currencies to implode and also at the same time profit from a skyrocketing value of Bitcoin? The last couple of times the economy took a dive, with the Japanese situation and also when the SMO started in Ukraine, the crypto market followed that. So I don't get it. If their world planning by and large still revolves around the Mackinder geopolitical considerations of taking down mainly Russia and China, I just don't see how this economic collapse plan would pan out for them. I guess I'll have to wait for her next article.
How would the PTB could cause currencies to implode and also at the same time profit from a skyrocketing value of Bitcoin?
I think the idea is that initially the Bitcoin price would plummet like everything else, but then recover quickly as a still functioning alternative to the collapsed traditional currencies.

How China and Russia relate to these globalist takeover plans is one of the big open questions, in my opinion. In some ways they seem to resist, while implementing pretty much the same control grid at home.

Catherine-Austin Fitts thinks that the Russian central bank is largely controlled by Western oligarchs. If we look at history, it would not be the first time that mortal enemies cooperate on "higher" financial levels, eg. German, British and American central bankers meeting at the BIS in Switzerland even during WW2.
But I still don't really understand what Webb is saying, tho. How would the PTB could cause currencies to implode and also at the same time profit from a skyrocketing value of Bitcoin?

Generally speaking, Bitcoin runs counter to the U.S.Dollar because the supply of Bitcoin is fixed at 21 million and cannot be inflated.

When Wall Street fires up their money printer again to inflate the Dollar (like they did with printing 4 trillion new ones for Covid), the value of each Dollar drops like a rock.

Prices for food, medicine, rent, etc. skyrocket because it now takes more Dollars to purchase those things because every individual Dollar is now worth far less.

How China and Russia relate to these globalist takeover plans is one of the big open questions, in my opinion.

China and Russia have been furiously spending state funds to set up Bitcoin mining operations.

They have also been cracking down on any private person caught mining Bitcoin on their own.

The largest holders of Bitcoin are Wall Street and the U.S. Government.


Source: Top 100 Richest Bitcoin Addresses and Bitcoin distribution
Your phone will now be your Universal I.D.

You will soon need to use it for permission to buy a beer at a restaurant, start your car, and be granted access to the Internet.

Here it is, with crypto-currency built right in:

Your phone will now be your Universal I.D.

You will soon need to use it for permission to buy a beer at a restaurant, start your car, and be granted access to the Internet.

Here it is, with crypto-currency built right in:

"Make sure you trust this site with your data." 🤭
The system falls apart if you stop trusting the government and the big 'bulldog' corporations!
Trump's pandering to Crypto Bros gets more hilarious by the day. 🙂

Lie: Trump made a Bitcoin transaction.

Reality: Someone used a third-party custodial app (Strike) to do a Lightning Network transaction (not Bitcoin) in front of Trump using an app that is illegal for the people in this New York bar to use.

Blockchain technology can be used for Good...

Guatemala used Bitcoin to prevent election tampering.

Imagine if the U.S. had less election fraud than Guatemala.

Republican/Democrats will oppose this with all their might.

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