Ooh, them's fightin' words!Why do you say this? Is there something wrong with being baptised? Coming from people who talk to aliens with a ouija board, I find this line of conversation odd.
I think Russell's doing great work truthifying the news. There's something about the way he's announcing his 'conversion' (which I only put in quotemarks because I'm not sure it's the right word for what he's undergoing, not because I doubt his sincerity) that is a little 'off'... his slowed, somewhat dramatic tone of voice, perhaps? It's a bit icky and perhaps portends a 'holier-than-thou' attitude going forwards.
Faith, as Putin said when fending off a direct question from Tucker Carlson about what he believes in, is a "matter of the heart." Given his background as a 'famous person', will Brand wear his newfound faith like his favourite sports team's jersey?
Maybe. Or maybe it'll make him more humble. Time will tell.
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