Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

Perceval said:
Mr.Cyan said:
angelburst29 said:
Excellent comprehensive article, Joe!

Russia, Syria and the anglo-American existential gas war in the Middle East

Indeed, thanks a million for the excellent and comprehensive article Perceval.

Also share the same view (from your first few paragraphs) that its been awfully "quiet" from the Empire - and short of declaring outright war with Russia now, there are few options left for them. They can off course continue the proxy wars through the liver-eaters in Syria/middle east, but i suspect this is not enough for the psycho's. As discussed in a few posts, i think they could go for the "nuclear" option and crash the global economy to "reset" things - as they are also probably "feeling" the need to react cause by the accelerating Earth changes. Also read a few articles lately alleging ISIL getting material to make dirty bombs...maybe they are preparing the masses for something along these lines ? not sure

Im sure Putin & China are aware and have prepared for the economic meltdown options as evidenced by the purchases of physical gold, and allowing their currencies to devaluate - it clearly shows that Putin was preparing for this for a few years now. Truly he is taking a stand on behalf of humanity, and i think its an honour and privilege to be alive to witness a true leader, his actions, and feel great hope.

I guess whats coming could be a "perfect storm" one way or the other, as i recall the quote from the C's "Nothing however will stop the balancing" - maybe what is going on now is all part of the balancing....just some thoughts fwiw

Yeah, there's a lot more shenanigans going on behind the scenes than I detailed in that article, but I wanted to try and place the current situation in its proper context: history and the "Great Game" which was military and political machinations in Central Asia between the Russian Empire and the British Empire, and the"scramble for Africa" both of which never ended but just developed and expanded as the West consolidated its strangle-hold on the most of the world.

It's actually pretty depressing that this rather basic, if massively destructive, insane desire to attain and hold power for its own sake is what has driven most events on the political stage for so long. For the same amount of time, the entire world has been bamboozled and fed endless nonsense about "commies" and "terrorism" to justify it all.

Of course, we suspect there is a "higher' means to the end here; that of 'containing' the human population, keeping us divided by fear and distraction and 'corralled' into a very limited mindset or belief system. It's almost as if the real purpose is for the main powers that be on this planet to pursue a destructive, inhuman, criminal enterprise but convince the world that they are doing the opposite. The extent to which they can meet with success in that is the measure of their success from that 'higher' level.


I think you have really summed up the situation. I am in the middle of reading The Gods of Eden by William Bramley and the history, especially the secret organization history, points out the constant dialectic problem/reaction/solution tactics. The creation of factions even under the umbrella of supposedly the same basic organizations under different names with different ideologies to gather us into useful tools for the greater purposes of destruction goes on and on. It is a destruction on all levels for us as you point out.

I have honestly had to wrap my head around the idea that Putin would be able to be a positive force that could make such an important difference. But more and more I see that his strength is what many respect and admire. I also think that it is the kind of strength he is displaying which includes a sense of conscience and justice that is gradually convincing me that the Cs gave us an accurate clue about his character. After all I have not completely escaped the programming that you mentioned for "commies" and "terrorism".

Putin is definitely "doing what it doesn't want to do" as far as the predator mind I think. :/
I am in the middle of reading The Gods of Eden by William Bramley and the history, especially the secret organization history, points out the constant dialectic problem/reaction/solution tactics. The creation of factions even under the umbrella of supposedly the same basic organizations under different names with different ideologies to gather us into useful tools for the greater purposes of destruction goes on and on. It is a destruction on all levels for us as you point out.

goyacobol - I love that book, and so did my mum when she borrowed it from me. So much so that she contacted William Bramley and had a long chat with him! I am glad he was so amenable. Mum said what a charming fellow he is. But for me I think it was that particular book that put everything into perspective for mum so we are on the same hymn-sheet to a certain extent. She even came with me to the Barcelona conference to hear Laura and Ark!
goyacobol said:
Perceval said:
Mr.Cyan said:
angelburst29 said:
Excellent comprehensive article, Joe!

Russia, Syria and the anglo-American existential gas war in the Middle East

Indeed, thanks a million for the excellent and comprehensive article Perceval.

Also share the same view (from your first few paragraphs) that its been awfully "quiet" from the Empire - and short of declaring outright war with Russia now, there are few options left for them. They can off course continue the proxy wars through the liver-eaters in Syria/middle east, but i suspect this is not enough for the psycho's. As discussed in a few posts, i think they could go for the "nuclear" option and crash the global economy to "reset" things - as they are also probably "feeling" the need to react cause by the accelerating Earth changes. Also read a few articles lately alleging ISIL getting material to make dirty bombs...maybe they are preparing the masses for something along these lines ? not sure

Im sure Putin & China are aware and have prepared for the economic meltdown options as evidenced by the purchases of physical gold, and allowing their currencies to devaluate - it clearly shows that Putin was preparing for this for a few years now. Truly he is taking a stand on behalf of humanity, and i think its an honour and privilege to be alive to witness a true leader, his actions, and feel great hope.

I guess whats coming could be a "perfect storm" one way or the other, as i recall the quote from the C's "Nothing however will stop the balancing" - maybe what is going on now is all part of the balancing....just some thoughts fwiw

Yeah, there's a lot more shenanigans going on behind the scenes than I detailed in that article, but I wanted to try and place the current situation in its proper context: history and the "Great Game" which was military and political machinations in Central Asia between the Russian Empire and the British Empire, and the"scramble for Africa" both of which never ended but just developed and expanded as the West consolidated its strangle-hold on the most of the world.

It's actually pretty depressing that this rather basic, if massively destructive, insane desire to attain and hold power for its own sake is what has driven most events on the political stage for so long. For the same amount of time, the entire world has been bamboozled and fed endless nonsense about "commies" and "terrorism" to justify it all.

Of course, we suspect there is a "higher' means to the end here; that of 'containing' the human population, keeping us divided by fear and distraction and 'corralled' into a very limited mindset or belief system. It's almost as if the real purpose is for the main powers that be on this planet to pursue a destructive, inhuman, criminal enterprise but convince the world that they are doing the opposite. The extent to which they can meet with success in that is the measure of their success from that 'higher' level.


I think you have really summed up the situation. I am in the middle of reading The Gods of Eden by William Bramley and the history, especially the secret organization history, points out the constant dialectic problem/reaction/solution tactics. The creation of factions even under the umbrella of supposedly the same basic organizations under different names with different ideologies to gather us into useful tools for the greater purposes of destruction goes on and on. It is a destruction on all levels for us as you point out.

I have honestly had to wrap my head around the idea that Putin would be able to be a positive force that could make such an important difference. But more and more I see that his strength is what many respect and admire. I also think that it is the kind of strength he is displaying which includes a sense of conscience and justice that is gradually convincing me that the Cs gave us an accurate clue about his character. After all I have not completely escaped the programming that you mentioned for "commies" and "terrorism".

Putin is definitely "doing what it doesn't want to do" as far as the predator mind I think. :/

I read Bramley's book a few years ago goyacobol, and had the same thoughts, the same pattern happening over and over again, really great book, I can see why some people in the alternative community can see it as a "Big Conspiracy" ie Icke, Jones etc, because of it's consistency throughout history, and I'm sure as joe alluded to that there is a "higher" reason to it all, but on the level we're dealing it looks fairly mechanical, I like Laura's quote who needs aliens when you have Psychopaths, Ultimately at least the way I see it people believing in the "Big Conspiracy" can't see the wood's from the trees, and when someone like Putin comes along, they can't see him for the Great man he is, because it's all just a "Big Conspiracy".
Yeah, that was a great SOTT Focus article I read this morning, Joe. The news is coming in fast and furious lately, even harder to keep up with it all than usual. But it's quite exciting to watch how things are changing and opening new possibilities for a more sane world.

Keeping the "Higher" level of why humanity has been put into this loop for so long in mind, I often remind myself of the things the C's have said about the ending/beginning of the Grand Cycle; and that the 4th Density STS will fail in their desperate attempts to keep the planet locked down, etc. Well, it's an exceptionally dangerous and exciting time - we are witnessing something very unique in history. Can't keep away from the major developments pretty much every day (it's quite engrossing, even more in these recent developments).
Insightful article Joe. Thanks, made me especially wonder how the world would have looked like without British Empire/ US Hegemony dragging whatever it can touch down to poverty and instability. Only to make sure they stay on top. Exporting chaos around the globe is and has been their only course of action.

The third world or rather the whole world would be completely unrecognizable without psychopaths steering the wheel.

- Considering the predictions of Cayce ''sitting’’ remarked upon earlier. How about this:

On Russia’s religious development will come the greater hope of the world. Then that one or group that is the closer in its relationship [with Russia] may fare the better in gradual changes and final settlement of conditions as to the rule of the world. (Edgar Cayce, c.1932)

Russia’s acts in alignment of mutual interest and respect of sovereignty. Building it’s own community of countries (EuroAsian Union, BRICK) who are equal and treat each other with this understanding.

It’s hegemonic opposition. Aka Western Empire is kept together by intimation and blackmail. Its foundation is conquest.

Both life by a set of conclusively different rules and are opposites. Hence Cayce Prediction. Those who are closer in its relationship with Russia may fare better in the final settlement of conditions as the rule of the world.

alkhemst said:
It seems to me that this is precisely the plan all along. The only way to consolidate power when Wall St implodes completely resulting in the impending world wide economic catastrophe is an all out world war

Absolutely, The survivability of the status quo can only be quarantined if they are capable of steering the angry masses away from their ivory towers. Those truly responsible of economic Armageddon will use every inch of their influence to blame another.

Would it be Russia? Didn’t they make enough fools of themselves already to paint Russia as the aggressor and agitator in the Syria conflict? The majority of populace rejects it and public opinion is steered favorable to Putin at the moment. Which is a real accomplishment but who knows how many more lies can switch attitudes? Russia’s real ‘war on terror’ coalition success would depend on how soon they can wipe out ISIS. If this drags on more fabricated stories can follow.

If the US pushes for war either by forcing Russia’s hands like they did in Georgia or just plain attacking them in a lie of ‘self defense’ betting that NATO would stand united on the issue than we may see a split in the alliance. Intimidation and blackmail is one thing to keep another in line. Ordering them to commit suicide is something else.

Europe would need cheap Russian resources to recover from economic meltdown. The US has nothing to offer. It may find itself all alone.

With only their instigated ''race-war’’ at home to keep the masses divided. If its not Russia or China they can rally against. There would not be much they can fall back on now do they.

- I am fearful for one scapegoat actually working. Hatred and prejudices have taken over. I mean if you life in Europe and did not take notice of the widespread racism covered in ''observation’’ than you are truly asleep in your interaction with creation.

Nothing makes the populace more aroused than the Islamic community of which they only ‘met’ through the SMS. When was the last time you saw people actually revolt with violence against the authorities? It’s expanding and happening right now. Those fleeing from regions destabilized through their tax money can be met with violence who indirectly contributed to them fleeing in the first place.

If you have plenty of time to express hatred and racism but not to inform yourself correctly. What does that make of you.
happyliza said:
I am in the middle of reading The Gods of Eden by William Bramley and the history, especially the secret organization history, points out the constant dialectic problem/reaction/solution tactics. The creation of factions even under the umbrella of supposedly the same basic organizations under different names with different ideologies to gather us into useful tools for the greater purposes of destruction goes on and on. It is a destruction on all levels for us as you point out.

goyacobol - I love that book, and so did my mum when she borrowed it from me. So much so that she contacted William Bramley and had a long chat with him! I am glad he was so amenable. Mum said what a charming fellow he is. But for me I think it was that particular book that put everything into perspective for mum so we are on the same hymn-sheet to a certain extent. She even came with me to the Barcelona conference to hear Laura and Ark!

I really am learning much from this "gem from the crack in the road". I have become a pack rat for reading material and I am still reading and reading. :lkj:

It is really good to know you and your mum benefited from this one.

The Laura and the Cs gave us a clue here so I couldn't pass it up:

Session 16 October 1994

A: Divide and conquer as inspired by those referred to as Brotherhood in Bramley book you have read.
Q: (L) Is this the Brotherhood of the snake Hermes formed in rejection of unity?
A: Hermes did not form it; it was long since in existence.
Q: (L) Who was the originator of the Brotherhood of the Serpent as described in the Bramley book?
A: Lizard Beings.

Seaniebawn said:
I read Bramley's book a few years ago goyacobol, and had the same thoughts, the same pattern happening over and over again, really great book, I can see why some people in the alternative community can see it as a "Big Conspiracy" ie Icke, Jones etc, because of it's consistency throughout history, and I'm sure as joe alluded to that there is a "higher" reason to it all, but on the level we're dealing it looks fairly mechanical, I like Laura's quote who needs aliens when you have Psychopaths, Ultimately at least the way I see it people believing in the "Big Conspiracy" can't see the wood's from the trees, and when someone like Putin comes along, they can't see him for the Great man he is, because it's all just a "Big Conspiracy".


I saw the same old "loop" going on over and over as I read this book. Joe's article really brings the "shenanigans" up to date for us. I am really seeing Putin in a whole new light and how even one good man might make a huge difference.

Thank you both for reinforcing my thoughts on Bramley's book. :)
According to this german mainstream article:


At least 10000 people are demonstrating against Erdogans government because of the bombings in which they are apparently involved.
And thousands of people in many other cities of turkey as well.

It could be that the situation in Syria has something to do with it IMO.

I'm still not sure what role Erdogan and his government really play.
Hi Redfox. Thank you so much for your inspirational posts! Can you let me know who wrote the poem/lyrics below? Thanks,. I shared it and others are asking! The more we can get out there atm the better. Even if a single post inspires someone to wake up or do something, then nothing is ever in vain. We have to do whatever we can do in these times!

I have been quite amazed by responses from people to things I posted that personally didn't click with me, however, we are all different
So - I just keep on keepin' on! Like all of us here. Also I am tending to post more esoteric comments now too. Not sure if that is good or bad in sharing the big picture, as it can turn many away, but as always, everything is an experiment.


Choking on headlines
struggling to breathe
no god to turn to
no faith to believe
I started praying to someone
felt them praying back at me
looking upon me
with their future eyes to see..
‘Hows it looking down there love?
Hows it feel to be free?
Hows it looking down there love?
saying ‘what will be will be’

Free in the slipstream
waves dancing in my ear
I was hoping for answers
I was open to hear
‘Hows it looking up there son
now all the sorrow’s done
Hows it looking up there son
now all them wars been won?’

I heard them say..
“If you could see what I’ve seen
If I could show you my view
You would pick up the fight now
Just like you’ve got to do
If you had seen what I’ve seen
If I could show you my world
You would pick up the fight now
Just like you know you should”

Stuck in the middle
caught in the time
one life got to live it
say I, me, mine
how’s it looking out there child
way across the sea
how’s it looking out there child
living so far away from me

I heard them say..
“If you could see what I’ve seen
If I could show you my view
You would pick up the fight now
Just like you’ve got to do
If you had seen what I’ve seen
If I could show you my world
You would pick up the fight now
Just like you know you should”

Bonds to be broken
Minds to be won
I picked up my pen
I drew the gun
Corvinus said:
I started reading them in 2008.

Hi Corvinus,

Thank you for your reply.

I began reading them at around the same time as well. And I tell you it made a huge impact on me. And my outlook. This material came to me at the "right time" in my life. I had done much preparatory work in the years prior, delving deeply into a wide range of topics. With the central question being "what's REALLY going on in this world?"

There are so many hidden gems in this material. I continue to find them today -- after first reading them years ago. The process of discovery is endless, and rewarding.

What I find is a most inspiring message within. But not one without challenges. It's really what we ourselves make of it. I hope in your own ongoing search, you too will see glimmers of same.

I wish you the very best going forward.
Maintenance or up-grade?

US pulls aircraft carrier out of Persian Gulf as Russian ships enter

The United States has pulled the USS Theodore Roosevelt – a massive, nuclear-powered aircraft carrier – out of the Persian Gulf as Russian warships have entered the area.

For the first time since 2007, the US Navy has now no aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf,
according to NBC News.

The warship was withdrawn from the Persian Gulf on Thursday, a day after Russia fired 26 long-range cruise missiles from its Caspian Flotilla against terrorists in Syria, Pentagon officials said.

US military officials claimed that the aircraft carrier, which houses about 5,000 sailors and 65 fighter jets, was withdrawn because it needed to undergo maintenance.

The Pentagon announced on Wednesday that the United States had adopted measures to ensure a safe distance from Russian fighter jets flying over Syria.
angelburst29 said:
Maintenance or up-grade?

US pulls aircraft carrier out of Persian Gulf as Russian ships enter

The United States has pulled the USS Theodore Roosevelt – a massive, nuclear-powered aircraft carrier – out of the Persian Gulf as Russian warships have entered the area.

For the first time since 2007, the US Navy has now no aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf,
according to NBC News.

The warship was withdrawn from the Persian Gulf on Thursday, a day after Russia fired 26 long-range cruise missiles from its Caspian Flotilla against terrorists in Syria, Pentagon officials said.

US military officials claimed that the aircraft carrier, which houses about 5,000 sailors and 65 fighter jets, was withdrawn because it needed to undergo maintenance.

The Pentagon announced on Wednesday that the United States had adopted measures to ensure a safe distance from Russian fighter jets flying over Syria.

It could also be that the US is planning something more sinister and prefers to be out of harms way, so that they are less of a target for retaliatory attacks such as anti-ship missiles.
Hmm, that could be something to keep in mind, Aeneas. I read about it this morning, and I've not made up my mind yet what it could be about. Wait and see, I guess. Another thing that came to mind is: are they repositioning for the provocations against China in the South China Sea, etc.?
SeekinTruth said:
Hmm, that could be something to keep in mind, Aeneas. I read about it this morning, and I've not made up my mind yet what it could be about. Wait and see, I guess. Another thing that came to mind is: are they repositioning for the provocations against China in the South China Sea, etc.?

Hmm, there could be something in that.

America can't do a thing in Syria atm, but because the territory of the South China Sea is so disputed and overlapping between the nations down there, and the US see the area as international waters, maybe they're going to go in there and stir up trouble with China. If China was to defend itself... the stuff could really hit the fan.

Also, if one reads Joe's recent article and looks at the US involvement in the Middle East over the last 100 years from a resource perspective, well it's postulated that there are vast untapped natural resources under the SCS that haven't been explored due to the territorial disputes. So maybe they're looking to hedge their bets regarding gas and oil?

Sigh... maybe Russia's example of diplomacy and international law can set an example for all the countries involved over there and they can sort something out before Team America show up and start policing the area. But it's pretty late in the day for that.
angelburst29 said:
Maintenance or up-grade?

US pulls aircraft carrier out of Persian Gulf as Russian ships enter

Or maybe they're running with their tail between their legs, realizing that their overly bloated military budget can't actually best (or perhaps even match) Russia's technology.
I thought about that, but Russia wouldn't have any reason to attack, would they?

Maybe you're right, simply because they're projecting what they'd do themselves.
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