That is for laughing, Joe why don't you just try to be objective, you could give some arguments, and it almost seems like you are biased. I was watching you on the podcast, of course if that was you, and you seem like you could have 35-38 years, maybe more, I expected more objective stance from you. Things are not always black and white. I understand if you do not like so called "west" or better to describe it as elites ruling Europe and North America and if you do not like Islamic way of life or political and practical Islam -Sharia, where you have certain rules you most follow or you get punished like death for woman or man who "sleep" with others if they are married, but that maybe does need to be window through which you look on things ? Does it ?
I do not believe in free elections in Syria. I have several reasons for that and I will present them.
- First of all elections are probably valid in my opinion especially from 2011 up until now because Assad regime did not control huge amount of country and huge amount of people during this time, for all people to participate. Even today he does not control whole country. Also you had during this time like 5 000 000 of refugees or something by 2016, from that number around 3 000 000 + in Turkey. And at some points Assad controlled maybe 15-20 % of the country and we can estimate 50% of the population.
- Secondly during these elections he won 95.19 % of the votes in 2021,
2021 Syrian presidential election - Wikipedia
in 2014, 92.20 % of the votes
2014 Syrian presidential election - Wikipedia , which obviously shows that elections could be rigged. However they maybe made an attempt to make it look a little bit real when we compare it to elections from :
2007 where Assad won 99.82 % of the votes
2000 where Assad won 99.7% of the votes.
However his father is different story and could be some saint higher than Jesus if it is true that he won
100 % of the votes in 1999
1999 Syrian presidential election - Wikipedia, because I am not sure that even if Jesus would come to Syria right now, that he would win 100% of votes from those who vote.
99.99% in 1991
1991 Syrian presidential election - Wikipedia
99.99% of the votes in 1985
1985 Syrian presidential election - Wikipedia
99.9 % in 1978
99.2 % in 1971.
Also it is important to mention that he came to power with military coup and that he is Alawite, who are minority and should not rule over majority of Sunni Muslims, if we are looking for justice.
Also, I do not hear too much about evil Assad and his government in the west, especially lately, for the Western imperialists, it seems to me that their position is modified a bit since 2015 or 2016.
Also, do you remember that Trump regime was also bombing Syrian regime, because of the Khan Sheykhun chemical attack in 2017 ?
And, did your discontent for so called Western govt. propaganda blur your mind so you can not look at things objectively ? What is wrong with emergence of ISIS ? I think have their roots in Iraq, because of the situation which emerged after US invasion of Iraq, and later on they used Syria to spread.
I just wonder if these videos are small groups of people Joe ?
Syrian Revolutionary Dabke
Look at the TESTIMONY of the soldier, does he have long beard and knife in his mouth ?
VETO -Extremely Powerful Film About "SYRIAN REVOLUTION"
From 0:58, what do you think happened to those people ?
Syrian Revolution - Brutal attack on civlians in Barza - suburb Damascus June 24 2011 24/06
Syria, Damascus - November 2, 2011 (part1)
Even RT was showing FSA demonstrations
Civil war in Syria: Damascus on fire
I will say also this, when you think about Israel - Palestine issue, there could be people who say we need to slaughter all Jews or push them to the sea, on the other hand there could be Jews supporting Israel no matter what, turning blind eye on illegal settlements or other unjust things. But there are those who look at the situation objectively. Left, middle, right.
We can apply that on Syria.