Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

[quote author=Windmill Knight]That is all good from a military point of view, but my concern is that some within NATO seem to want a larger confrontation, so what's stopping them from sending aircraft into Syria/Russia's no-fly zone in the hope that they'll be knocked down?[/quote]

Same concern here, difficult to trick or find such obedient pilots I suppose but there are different ways of achieving this aim, F16 airplanes can modified in a such a way that it enables them to be flown remotely without a pilot.

They might want to attempt a limited war with Russia but not full scale. Whatever they will try, surely more and bigger provocation will follow. Maybe war is inevitable? Would it be limited only in Syria? And who would participate? The Gulf and Erdogan might just be crazy enough to go all in considering their recent moves. Only to find themselves back-stabbed by the US later on. Limited war can only happen without the US or NATO. Nobody wants to risk going full scale. Sometimes some pawns need to be sacrificed ?
Laura said:
Well, hopefully, all of you will remember to send VV letters of support now and again.

A news item from today seems to confirm that Putin does indeed read correspondence sent to him:
Heimdallr said:
A news item from today seems to confirm that Putin does indeed read correspondence sent to him:

I think that Putin pays special attention to such requests because he loves animals. And because he also recognizes the importance of giving the future of Russia (children) moral support, especially if living circumstances of their parents are difficult.

Here's a video where in September Putin came to Khakassia (a region that suffered greatly from wildfires) to personally inspect the new homes that were built to those who lost them. And he also managed to pet a kitty!
angelburst29 said:
Moscow Court Bans Church of Scientology

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – During the inspection the Russian Ministry of Justice found out that the word 'scientology' had been registered as a trade mark owned by the US Religious Technology Center.

The court backed the Russian Justice Ministry's claim that the organization's activity did not comply with the federal law on freedom of religion.

Will Belgium Follow Russia’s Example and Ban Scientology?

12.12.2015 - A nearly two-month trial of the Church of Scientology’s branch in Belgium is coming to a close, with a final verdict on whether the controversial organization will be banned in the country to be announced early next year.

The most recent charges against eleven members of the church and two affiliated bodies include allegations of running a criminal organization and violating privacy rights. If the Church is convicted of the offences, it could face a total ban in the European nation.

Federal prosecutor Christophe Caliman has asked the court to completely dissolve the Belgian branch and to levy a fine against it. The court heard final arguments on Friday, with a verdict expected in February.

A Moscow court in November banned the local branch of the Church, backing the Russian Justice Ministry's claim that the organization's activity did not comply with federal laws on freedom of religion.
3D Student said:
Laura said:
Well, hopefully, all of you will remember to send VV letters of support now and again.

I just sent mine by email. I missed the first round early this year. And I've been meaning to send one these past few weeks. I need a little nudge sometimes. It felt good to give back and just say how well he's doing. Note the limit is 2000 characters. I had to trim mine a little. Here's the link:
Thank you for this link 3D Student :)
Russian Captioned Only - Aucune interprétation en anglais
Annual extended board of the Defense Ministry December 11, 2015
Streamed live on Dec 11, 2015


11/12/15 Live hosted the annual expanded board of the Ministry of Defense. Attended by Russian President and Supreme Commander Vladimir Putin and Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu.
The results of the activities of the Russian Armed Forces in 2015. The main tasks of military construction and the main activities of the military department in the coming 2016.

Ruptly TV
Streamed live on Dec 11, 2015
LIVE: Putin takes part in Defence Ministry Board meeting - English Audio
Quote from: c.a.
11/12/15 Live hosted the annual expanded board of the Ministry of Defense. Attended by Russian President and Supreme Commander Vladimir Putin and Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu.

The results of the activities of the Russian Armed Forces in 2015. The main tasks of military construction and the main activities of the military department in the coming 2016.

Putin: "I order you to act very harshly"

The main theme of the extended board meeting of the Ministry of Defense, which was conducted on Friday by President Putin, became Russian VCS operation in Syria. Putin warned that "those who will try again to organize provocation" that orders destruction that threatens all of the Russian military, and said that the Russian aviation supports not only the army of Syria, but also some opposition.

Speaking on Friday at the board of the Ministry of Defense, President Vladimir Putin warned the leaders of some countries, without naming names, that the actions of the Russian aircraft in Syria are covered in all directions, and any forces that threaten the military, must be destroyed.

"I want to warn those who will try again to organize any kind of provocation against our troops. We have taken additional measures to ensure the security of Russian troops and air bases. It is reinforced by new jets and air defense ", - Putin said, to RIA" Novosti ".

"All actions of strike aircraft will be carried out under cover of fighter planes. I order you to act very tough. Any targets that threaten Russia's groups or our ground infrastructure will be destroyed immediately, "- he said, urging both to develop cooperation with States that are interested in the elimination of terrorists.

The Head of State announced that the Russian military have caused serious damage to infrastructure of "the Islamic state" in Syria and will change the situation in the country.

The President also said that the Russian Air Force at this stage supports not only the Syrian government forces, but also the "Syrian Free Army", which also leads actions against ISIL. "The work of our aviation group promotes joint efforts of both government forces and the" Free Syrian Army ". Now some of its parts total of more than 5 thousand. People, as well as regular troops, conduct offensive operations against terrorists in the provinces of Homs, Hama, Aleppo and Raqqa. In addition, we support them from the air, as well as the Syrian army, assisting them in arms, munitions and material resources "- quoted the head of state on the Kremlin website.

Explicit threats

Putin stressed that the operation in Syria is not dictated by geopolitical interests and the desire to test new weapons, and the fact that the ISIL directly threatens Russia. He noted that the representatives of different ethnic Russian living in groups, "not only from the North Caucasus, but also from other regions, not only to take an active and open part in the hostilities, but also flaunt their participation in the punitive actions."

"All of this - a direct threat to Russia, and our troops in Syria primarily to defend their country. Our actions were not dictated by whatever and unclear abstract geopolitical interests, the desire to use and test new weapons systems. It is not the main thing, the main thing si - to prevent the threat to the Russian Federation ", - Putin said.

"Do you know what dictated our decision to provide military assistance to the Syrian Republic and begin to work actively in the country against international terrorism. Militants, including immigrants from Russia, Middle East countries, who created in this country a real foothold. Their plans were clear - to strengthen and move their expansion into new regions, "- he said.

"The actions of our armed forces have been synchronized with the work of our law enforcement agencies and special services on the territory of Russia. You see, dear comrades, that the organs of the FSB work virtually throughout the country there, here they reveal camouflaged cell various terrorist organizations, including the notorious ISIL "- said the president.

Preliminary results

Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu reported to the president that in the past few months the Russian air force carried out about 4 thousand sorties, destroying more than 8 thousand of military infrastructure of terrorists in Syria. "As a result, ISIL gangs suffered significant damage," - said Shoigu.

He also said that the drones proved to be indispensable in the conduct of operations in Syria. "If in 2011 the armed forces had only 180 systems, now we have a 1720 modern unmanned aerial vehicles," - he said.

Shoigu also said that by "expanding the zone of influence of the" Islamic state. " Militants captured about 70% of the territory of Syria and most areas of Iraq. The number of terrorists is more than 60 thousand people. There is a threat of transfer of their operations to Central Asia and the Caucasus. "

Referring to Putin, Shoigu said: "Comrade Supreme Commander, the results will be announced on Syria after the completion of the work, they are invited to consider at the meeting under your leadership with representatives of the industry."

Special attention

Talking about the development of the Armed Forces, Putin stressed that the Ministry of Defense and other departments should monitor the military and political situation in the world and, if necessary, make changes to the plan for the defense of the country. "Ministry of Defence, together with other agencies are to monitor the development of the military-political situation and, if necessary, to make the documents in the Russian defense plans and clarify the necessary adjustments," - he said.

"Particular attention should be paid to strengthening the combat potential of the strategic nuclear forces, implementation of defense space programs. It is necessary, as provided by our plans to equip all the components of the nuclear triad by the new weapons systems to improve the efficiency of missile warning and aerospace defense, "- said the president.

According to him, it is necessary to develop the infrastructure to protect the strategic nuclear forces. Putin explained that he meant positional areas of the United RVSN, points-based strategic missile submarines, long-range aviation airfields.

"The troops should be organized in step with high-quality work on the development of training and combat use of modern technology. Particular attention should be paid to strengthening the combat potential of the strategic nuclear forces, implementation of defense space programs. It is necessary, as provided by our plans to equip all the components of the nuclear triad of new weapons. Increase the effectiveness of the missile attack warning and aerospace defense, "- he said Friday, speaking at the College of the Ministry of Defense.

"Over the past year, much has been done to build the capacity of our armed forces. We have reached a new level of operational use of troops. The quality of performance of combat training missions. A sudden inspection, passed almost in all military districts, have confirmed the high combat readiness of units and formations "- he said at a meeting of the expanded board of the Ministry of Defense of Russia.

"We need to continue technical re-equipment of the army and navy. Consolidate the positive trends that have been achieved as a result of the state program of armaments ", - Putin said.

Shoigu said that Russia is completing the update storage of missiles and ammunition. "Radically change the conditions of storage of missiles and ammunition enter the army as part of the state defense order. During 2014-2015, 390 vaults built, "- said Shoigu.

According to the Minister of Defense, in 2016 it is planned to complete the construction program, and is now to replace the 300 obsolete bases and warehouses are under construction the first of 24 modern production and logistics facilities in Naro-Fominsk.

Checks justified

Putin summed up the unannounced inspections, which are conducted in the army three years. "We have reached a new level of operational use of troops," - he said and instructed to continue this practice in the armed forces.

"First of all it is necessary to apply one of the most effective forms (raising of the level of operational and combat training of troops) - unannounced inspections. That is to continue to hold them in the course of their pay special attention to the transfer of troops over long distances, creating groups in threatened areas, working out tasks of strategic deterrence, defense with practical lift aircraft, with maneuvers anti-aircraft missile and radio-technical units, "- said the president.

Putin also stressed the need to actively involve visits to federal and regional authorities. "In its entirety must be worked out questions of territorial defense. It should be as soon as possible to eliminate the shortcomings that we talked about at the meetings in May and November of this year in Sochi, "- said Putin.

He noted that the teachings of the "Caucasus-2016" have to make a special emphasis on the training of the military to work in difficult conditions, including in mountainous areas.

In turn, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that the department does not go beyond the funds allocated from the budget for these purposes.

Putin called for a separate military carefully control costs. "I ask carefully monitor the use of funds allocated under the state defense order, be effectively used to this new system of financial monitoring. It has been repeatedly said, and I want to emphasize once again - the extra money we have. And all that is conceived, should be implemented within the terms that are indicated in our plans, and within the previously allocated budget, budget allocations, "- he said. IZAKOVIC
All-Seeing Eye: Russia to Deploy 1,500 km-Range Radar
(updated 19:13 12.12.2015)
Russia’s Radio-Technical Troops will soon deploy radar units capable of detecting targets 1,500 kilometers away, the RTF’s deputy commander said in a radio interview on Saturday.
“We already have radar units which can “see” targets 1,200 kilometers away and 150 kilometers high. We now want to have ones to detect targets 1,500 kilometers away and up to 600 kilometers above. In fact, we already have such units available to us,” Colonel Vladimir Filippovich told Echo Moskvy radio on Saturday.


The Radio-Technical Troops (RTT) is a subdivision of the Russian Air Force.
Their objective is to carry out radar reconnaissance of enemies in the air and report radar information to the command-and-control elements of the Air Force and parts of the Russian Armed Forces.
On August 1, 2015, the Russian Air Force, along with the Aerospace Defense Forces and the Air Defense Troops, was merged into a new branch of the Armed Forces – the Russian Aerospace Forces commanded by Col.-Gen. Viktor Bondarev

RAW: Intercontinental missile launched in Russia
Published on Dec 12, 2015
An intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), dubbed 'Sineva,' was fired from the missile submarine, Verkhoturye, in Barents Sea on Saturday. The ICBM was directed to the combat landfill, Kura, which is located on the Kamchatka Peninsula. The missile launch was carried out from an underwater position and was successful.

Putin hails cruise missiles fires against Daesh (ISIL) in Syria
PressTV News Videos
Published on Dec 9, 2015
Vladimir Putin made the statement during a meeting in the Kremlin with Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu. Putin hopes the cruise missiles won't need to be armed with nuclear warheads. The Russian submarine-fired cruise missiles against two Daesh strongholds around the Syrian city of Raqqah on Tuesday. The defense ministry said the Water-to-surface missiles damaged ammunition warehouses and a mine production plant. Earlier in late November, Russian warships based in the Caspian and Mediterranean seas also fired missiles at ISIL's positions in Syria. Moscow has also been conducting airstrikes against terrorists in Syria since September 30. The air campaign began on a formal request from Damascus.

Note to the Coalitionist: :evil:
You've Brought Way Two Too Many lie's to the table.
Time to pay the piper. :cool2:
US Navy’s newest ship breaks down 20 days after commissioning, towed to emergency repair

The US Navy’s brand new littoral combat ship, the Milwaukee, broke down on Friday and had to be towed for emergency repair just three weeks after commissioning. The warship’s troubles came after several days of propulsion system problems.

The USS Milwaukee was traveling from Halifax, Canada to Mayport, Florida, on its way to its homeport in San Diego when it suffered an engineering failure, the Navy Times reported.

The salvage ship Grapple towed it more than 40 nautical miles to the Joint Expeditionary Base in Little Creek, Virginia, where the cause of the failure will be traced and repairs carried out.

Initial indications point to metal filings in the lube oil filter as the cause of the shutdown, the report said. The ship experienced propulsion problems after leaving Halifax. Engineers cleaned out the metal debris and locked the port shaft as a precaution, but it appears the fix wasn’t enough to keep the Milwaukee running.

"Reporting of a complete loss of propulsion on USS Milwaukee (LCS 5) is deeply alarming, particularly given this ship was commissioned just 20 days ago," Senator John McCain, the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said in a statement to the Times.

The USS Milwaukee is the third ship of the Freedom class, Lockheed Martin’s contribution for the Navy’s Littoral Combat Ship program. The Navy couldn’t choose between this design and the rival contender from General Dynamics, the Independence-class LCS and contracted a dozen of each class. Three of each has been commissioned so far.

The LCS program was designed to produce a multipurpose warship for patrolling littoral zones, waters close to shore. It suffered from an overblown budget and concerns over the warship’s ability to survive actual combat.
angelburst29 said:
US Navy’s newest ship breaks down 20 days after commissioning, towed to emergency repair

The US Navy’s brand new littoral combat ship, the Milwaukee, broke down on Friday and had to be towed for emergency repair just three weeks after commissioning. The warship’s troubles came after several days of propulsion system problems.

The USS Milwaukee was traveling from Halifax, Canada to Mayport, Florida, on its way to its homeport in San Diego when it suffered an engineering failure, the Navy Times reported.

The salvage ship Grapple towed it more than 40 nautical miles to the Joint Expeditionary Base in Little Creek, Virginia, where the cause of the failure will be traced and repairs carried out.

Initial indications point to metal filings in the lube oil filter as the cause of the shutdown, the report said. The ship experienced propulsion problems after leaving Halifax. Engineers cleaned out the metal debris and locked the port shaft as a precaution, but it appears the fix wasn’t enough to keep the Milwaukee running.

"Reporting of a complete loss of propulsion on USS Milwaukee (LCS 5) is deeply alarming, particularly given this ship was commissioned just 20 days ago," Senator John McCain, the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said in a statement to the Times.

The USS Milwaukee is the third ship of the Freedom class, Lockheed Martin’s contribution for the Navy’s Littoral Combat Ship program. The Navy couldn’t choose between this design and the rival contender from General Dynamics, the Independence-class LCS and contracted a dozen of each class. Three of each has been commissioned so far.

The LCS program was designed to produce a multipurpose warship for patrolling littoral zones, waters close to shore. It suffered from an overblown budget and concerns over the warship’s ability to survive actual combat.

Poor senator McCain is feeling "blue" I guess. ;)
On the other hand...

Russian nuclear sub successfully test-fires strategic Sineva missile

Published time: 12 Dec, 2015 17:59
A Russian missile submarine has successfully test-fired an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), dubbed the “Sineva” in the Barents Sea in the latest of a series of tests of the country’s nuclear weapons arsenal, the Defense Ministry said.

“Today, the crew of Captain Dmitry Zelikov on the nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine Verkhoturye (NATO: Delta IV) of the Northern Fleet made a successful launch of the ‘Sineva’ intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) from a designated area in the Barents Sea,” the ministry said in a statement on Saturday.

The ICBM was directed towards the Kura rocket test range in Kamchatka in Russia’s Far East and was launched from an underwater position.

It was the fourth test of a strategic sub-launched missile Russia has conducted this year. In September and again in October, two Bulava missile tests were conducted. In November, a Delta IV-class submarine, the Tula, successfully test-fired a ‘Sineva’ strategic missile.
angelburst29 said:
US Navy’s newest ship breaks down 20 days after commissioning, towed to emergency repair

The US Navy’s brand new littoral combat ship, the Milwaukee, broke down on Friday and had to be towed for emergency repair just three weeks after commissioning. The warship’s troubles came after several days of propulsion system problems.

The USS Milwaukee was traveling from Halifax, Canada to Mayport, Florida, on its way to its homeport in San Diego when it suffered an engineering failure, the Navy Times reported.

The salvage ship Grapple towed it more than 40 nautical miles to the Joint Expeditionary Base in Little Creek, Virginia, where the cause of the failure will be traced and repairs carried out.

Initial indications point to metal filings in the lube oil filter as the cause of the shutdown, the report said. The ship experienced propulsion problems after leaving Halifax. Engineers cleaned out the metal debris and locked the port shaft as a precaution, but it appears the fix wasn’t enough to keep the Milwaukee running.

"Reporting of a complete loss of propulsion on USS Milwaukee (LCS 5) is deeply alarming, particularly given this ship was commissioned just 20 days ago," Senator John McCain, the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said in a statement to the Times.

The USS Milwaukee is the third ship of the Freedom class, Lockheed Martin’s contribution for the Navy’s Littoral Combat Ship program. The Navy couldn’t choose between this design and the rival contender from General Dynamics, the Independence-class LCS and contracted a dozen of each class. Three of each has been commissioned so far.

The LCS program was designed to produce a multipurpose warship for patrolling littoral zones, waters close to shore. It suffered from an overblown budget and concerns over the warship’s ability to survive actual combat.

Ah, yes, good ol' US exceptionalism at its finest!
Yeah, it's become so common now for the Defense Dept. to buy overpriced lemons that no one in the general US tax paying public seems to take notice....
Wonder, if Blackwater/Acamedi were operating in Syria, too?

A new report says mercenaries and military advisers from the infamous US security firm, formerly known as Blackwater, are replacing UAE troops in the Saudi war in Yemen.

'Blackwater troopers replacing Emirati forces in Yemen'

The Beirut-based al-Akhbar newspaper said on Thursday UAE forces are being gradually replaced by recruits from the US-based private military contractor, which now goes by the name, Acamedi.

The move came after the UAE evacuated some of its military sites in Yemen following its failures in several operations, the Lebanese daily added.

According to al-Akhbar, UAE’s move to involve the private military contractor in the Yemen conflict has raised objections among some members of the Saudi-led coalition.

On Wednesday, Yemen’s Arabic-language al-Masirah news website said the commander-in-chief of Blackwater mercenaries in the country was killed in the al-Omari district of Ta'izz Province.

Some Australian, British and French advisers and commanders, plus half a dozen Colombian soldiers, were reportedly among the dead. The mercenaries are part of the Emirati forces that help Saudi Arabia in its war against the impoverished nation.

Blackwater has had to change its name several times due to its ill fame around the world. The company which went by the alias Xe Services before its current name is one of the most notorious private security firms in the world for killing scores of civilians in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Yemen.

Yemen has been under military attacks by Saudi Arabia since March 26. The Saudi strikes were launched to undermine Yemen's Ansarullah movement and bring fugitive former president Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi, a staunch ally of Riyadh, back to power.

15 Blackwater mercs, including commander, killed in Yemen since Tuesday

The chief of Blackwater mercenaries in Yemen has been killed in clashes with Houthi Ansarullah fighters and allied forces in the country’s southwest, reports say.

Yemen’s Arabic-language al-Masirah news website reported that the commander-in-chief of the private security firm in the country, a Mexican national, was slain in the al-Omari district of Ta'izz Province early on Wednesday.

According to the report, the recent fatality has brought to 15 the number of foreign forces with the Blackwater killed in clashes in Yemen since Tuesday. Some Australian, British, and French advisors and commanders -- plus half a dozen Colombian soldiers -- were among the dead. The mercenaries are part of the UAE forces that help Saudi Arabia in its war against the impoverished country.

A US security services training company, Blackwater Worldwide, which is now known as Academi, is one the most notorious private security firms in the world and is responsible for killing of scores of civilians in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Yemen.

Sukhoi su-35 Flanker forbids Turkish F-16 to support ISIS

In a recent event on Dec. 12.

Russian Sukhoi su-35 has brought a new mission in Syrian Border (airspace) and Sukhoi su-35 Flanker forbids Turkish F-16 to support ISIS. Turkish F-16 gives aerial support to ISIS fighters.

After a radar detection warning made from Russian airbase command center two SU-35 Flanker (multi-role aircrafts) took-off from 60 miles inside Syrian Border to intercept Turkish Airforce f-16 patrolling over Syrian border.

Mr. Pres. Vladimir Putin said that kind of provocation has negative impacts for the coalitions forces to fight IS terrorists.
The United States is “pushing the envelope” with its “insane” policies towards Russia, setting the stage for a military confrontation with the rival nuclear power, says a former US Senate candidate in Texas.

US pushing envelope on Russia: Ex-Senate candidate

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu warned Friday that “about 200 US nuclear bombs are currently deployed in Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands, Germany and Turkey.”

Russia does not look favorably upon the deployment of nuclear weapons in NATO states near its borders. Russian President Vladimir Putin said in June that if NATO threatens Russia, Moscow will respond to the threat accordingly.

“When we look at this whole [issue of] Vladimir Putin’s Russia and NATO, the United States has broken a series of explicit promises to Russia… that the United States would not move American and NATO military assets closer to Russian borders,” Mark Dankof said in an interview with Press TV. “We have broken that promise.”

“We promised that we would not recruit former Eastern Bloc countries to join NATO, we have broken that promise,” he continued.

“And then of course, we have proceeded in what we have been doing against Russian interests in Ukraine, where we supported the illegal coup d'etat there in February 2014,” Dankof noted.

“And of course, what the United States has been doing in conjunction with Israel and Saudi Arabia and Turkey and the [Persian] Gulf Cooperation Council states in supporting ISIL and supporting al-Qaeda affiliates in Syria in an attempt, among other things, to marginalize the Russian position in that part of the world, we have really been pushing the envelope,” he said.

The analyst said that “these policies are wrong, they’re evil, and they’re immoral. But beyond that, they are simply insane.”

“Because Russia is a proud nation, Russia is a legitimate military power. Russia is a nuclear power,” he added.

Dankof said these reckless policies have caused the United States to lose its “prestige” in the world.

“Look at what the United States has been doing for the last 14 years; we have been involved for three times the length of time that we were involved in the Second World War, floundering in Iraq, floundering in Afghanistan, creating new tragedies and new disarray in Libya, and in Syria, and in Yemen, and in Somalia, and in Pakistan with no end in sight,” he noted.

“Does any sane person really believe that the United States needs to add a political and military confrontation with Vladimir Putin’s Russia to what it has been doing for the past 14 years?” Dankof asked.

The crises in Ukraine and Syria have plunged the US-Russian relationship to its lowest point since the Cold War.

Russia: Still no agreement among global powers on list of Syrian opp. terrorist groups

Published on Dec 10, 2015

Russia’s Foreign Ministry says there is still no agreement among global powers on the lists of the Syrian opposition and terrorist groups.

Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said the list of the opposition which could be presented in talks with the Syrian government as well as the list of terrorists is not ready. She criticized the so-called US-led coalition for failing to develop common understanding on the issue. The ministry official also said that these two lists are the key elements for the Syrian peace process and no progress is possible without them. Russia, the United States and the United Nations are to hold talks on Syria in Geneva on Friday.
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