Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

Syrian inventories have the potential to totally transform and tremendously expand the armoured warfare capabilities of Ukraine’s conscript army, with the furnishing of over 3000 tanks being possible. After decades of T-72 acquisitions, Syria was delivered T-90 and modernised T-62M tanks as aid by Russia in the 2010s . The T-55 which forms the backbone of Syrian armoured divisions, although older, has been deployed by both Russia and Ukraine. Those in Syrian service have notably been more heavily modernised, and benefit from improved North Korean fire controls such as laser rangefinders. Overall the Syrian tank force is estimated at well over 4000 vehicles, including over 1000 each of the T-72 and T-62.

Alongside main battle tanks, Syrian artillery inventories, and perhaps most significantly as large arsenals of Soviet and North Korean ballistic missiles could be highly coveted by Turkey and Western Bloc states to equip the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Syrian MiG-29 and Su-24 fighter aircraft, too, are classes that currently form the backbone of the Ukrainian fleet, making the Syrian inventory ideal to replenish Ukraine’s losses. Syrian inventories of 152mm artillery rounds, firearms, and other equipment, could also provide key support to Ukraine’s war effort
Simplicius has a new post out with focus on Syria and it is well worth reading. It has some good clips and input from different sources which add to the nuances of what happened. He mentions that it appeared as if the 'rebel's didn't have the intention to take all of Syria, but only some foothold in the north and then due to no resistence they simply moved on.

The link is here, and it is not one of the paid subscriber articles, thus free for all.

Added: The article is called Syria's Fall: In-Depth Analysis
Erdogan has probably burned his last get out of jail free card with Putin. That said, it’s not Russia’s responsibility to play army for Syria. They offered help for a while. A possible pipeline was in the offing, but all these western journalists banging about saying Russian inactivity was a sign of Russian weakness just don’t get it. Assad was in Moscow a week before this went hot.

The real tell is in the Biden administration working hand in glove with the same head choppers who did 9/11. That’s not going to track well for any egoist legacies.

I do get a good belly laugh reading about how the head choppers are “reformed”. It’s amazing that credit America gives to non-Americans. If they’d been born in Wyoming, they’d be dropped in a hole with no representation. It’s like the Mujahadeen all over again. Russians and all. And “Greater Israel” gets another chunk of the map.
One curious view of the current situation in Syria:
- They tried to drag Russia into a new war in Syria, but Putin understood everything and avoided it.
Russia did not lose anything in the end, while getting rid of unnecessary functions like guarding the demilitarized zone on the Golan Heights or on the border between Syria and Turkey.
- The Idlib bandits have a lot of troops and weapons that were planned to be "utilized" in a new war with Russia. But now they (the WEST) do not know where to put all these bandits, who need: money, food and clothing. (Israel, it seems, is beginning to guess what is going on, they will have big problems, bigger than Hezbollah).
- The bandits from Idlib are not able to somehow manage and finance an entire country that SUDDENLY ended up in their hands. Managers and financiers are needed (they don't have any). Either they will have to negotiate with the old Assad government, or Syria will face complete collapse and chaos. - In any case, Syria will face terrible times and the only country that could selflessly help with food and money is (SUDDENLY) Russia. The Arabs know very well that the West (USA, Britain, France) or Turkey will plunder and abandon Syria at the first opportunity, they don't care about anyone except themselves.
I just came over this video. I have not watch until now but read the description and I think it is interesting.

The description says:
"Did Russia Just Set a HUGE Trap in Syria? Alex Krainer on CapitalCosm
Cynthia Chung
Dec 10, 2024
I have just finished watching an insightful interview by Alex Krainer on his thoughts as to how Syria could have fallen in a matter of days without what appears to be any significant resistance. Alex makes some interesting points as to how things may not appear to be as they seem and that this could all very well have been a trap with the plan to attrition the enemy, a new Afghanistan scenario except this time it is the Zionist/Anglo-American forces who have walked into the sinking sand rather than the Russians et al. Only time will tell, but I think Alex’s points are important since, if he is correct, it shows that things are not as insane or incompetent as they seem to be right now, at least concerning the Shanghai Corporation Organization, and thus all of this strategizing to be free from the Zionist/Anglo-American stranglehold over decades has not been for nought.
I highly recommend people watch Alex’s interview which can be viewed below!"

If my memory is serving me well.
The main goal of the Illuminati ( or was it somebody's else ) is to keep us in line with prophecies. Damascus destruction is important part of that narrative, and probably unavoidable. Regardless how logical all this is, I failed to see it coming due my bias.
Sorry if I am duplicating somebody's observation.
They will put them in Ukraine, together with all those tanks and other arsenal. It's early Christmas for NATO!
It's one thing to transport weapons and ammunition, but an army of tanks? Either they will do a big convoy from Syria to Ukraine of hundreds (or maybe even thousands?) tanks (just imagine how much fuel that would chug), or they need US planes to transport them there. That's such a big logistical endeavor that Russia will surely notice far in advance. And on top of that, it might take several months to do it (depending on how quickly and stealthily it is being done - the more in the open, the faster it can be done).

However, if those tanks stay in Syria, to be used against Iran... all these problems solve themselves! (that includes the problem of Israel not having enough tanks to invade Iran)
Judge Napolitano hosts Scott Ritter, who describes the past of Syria that led to the current situation.

Video summary:
In 2000 Assad took over a rotten structure. He was not even nearly able to clean Syria as successfully as Putin cleaned Russia. Equivalent of corrupt oligarchs in Ukraine were and still are corrupt - self-enriching - generals and governors in Syria organically tied to the sensitive economy, which wasn't a real economy to begin with.
When Assad shut down the corrupt general that was running the Syrian Operation in Lebanon - to move the troops out - that almost cost Assad his life. In doing so Assad disrupted not only the economy of the corrupt generals and governors but the dodgy economy of Syria as well.

Assad in 2014-2015 during the Russian-Iranian liberation had to let these corrupt military and local leaders continue to enrich themselves in order to preserve his power base. When Syria was liberated by Russia, this corruption kept going on. Western sanctions only made Syria's dodgy economy ruled by the black market more corrupt. Nobody focused doing their job in government, but concentrated on enriching themselves. They stopped training their military, they stopped organizing. Assad was doing all the tours this summer in Arab states to collect money to rebuild Syria and it went to the usual corrupt pockets.
-- Here Scott risks mentioning his personal assumption about the possibility that exact money influx - maybe - was CIA controlled. These corrupt Syrian officials and generals possibly assured Assad that:
- Don't worry, everything is going smooth!
..Yeah, smooth for their pockets! --

Russians pointed out Syrian army corruption to Assad in 2018, but he didn't have the power to reform and take the Syrian corrupt generals out, so he pushed the Russians back.

{Therefore the excellent Russian geopolitical chess move planners already must have seen, where the Assad government & Syria was going: down the drain.}

So Assad was essentially a puppet president of a House of Cards country and corrupt military of 200K "troops" that just collapsed on its own - without crucial Iranian help -, when it was hit by ISIS last week. That's why the only thing powerless Assad could say:
- Don't fight. Peaceful transition please..

The majority of the Syrian population, the Sunnis, didn't like where things were going with Iran pushing its national aims in Syria in the past years anyway. Sunnis didn't like Russians that much for the same reason. Russia stated they aren't in Syria to do the work that Syrians should be doing themselves.

((My personal opinion:
Everybody in Syria probably was used to the Black Market Economy, which was running "just good" in past years. But utterly missing brick-wall strong unity and incapable to defend itself.))

The Western propaganda about the reason why Syria fell so fast is that Putin let it go, is utter BS.
Same why US had to leave Afghanistan.

Corruption like this is rampant in the Middle-East and everywhere. You just have to clean your own house, like Russia did.

((Assad & Family now will rest and learn. When The Multipolar World Order develops and allows, then populist Russia may urge Syrians to vote. If they want Assad in a Stabilized New World, they can have him back.))

In the meantime, let's see how Syria's Black Market loving population loves their Headchopper ISIS government: The True Nightmare.

1. Isolated Hezbollah in Lebanon - fighting Israel - now doesn't have the supporting land bridge to Iran. Israel's major threat was Hezbollah, until now..

2. Russia and Iran [MAYBE with the recent new Iranian leadership MAYBE] want zero US-sponsored chaos spreading in the region.

3. ISIS allegedly captured Russian Pantsir air defense system. Will they give it back to Russia without the hardware getting into US hands?

4. Israel is destroying Syrian military infrastructure and - SCUD missiles - right now, because they don't want it to fall into the hands of ISIS.

5. ISIS wasn't bombed by Western jets in the past, but instead was supported by jets doing Air Drops of critical supplies.

6. Loyal Syrian Army soldiers, who weren't able to get out of Syria now will be executed / beheaded. Christian villages will now be pillaged and raped, priests killed. {Like 2000 years ago.}

7. In stark contrast to corrupted Syria, Iran was able to clean house to an enough extent so they can call themselves unified. Including the Snakes in Politics there, who murdered General Qasem Soleimani. Will Iran's new leadership ditch BRICS and go with Trump now??

8. Trump will have achieved two major victories by the time he comes into power: Over Syria - "I regret we didn't take THE OIL" (Trump said) - and over the new situation with Iran-Hezbollah.
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It's one thing to transport weapons and ammunition, but an army of tanks? Either they will do a big convoy from Syria to Ukraine of hundreds (or maybe even thousands?) tanks (just imagine how much fuel that would chug), or they need US planes to transport them there. That's such a big logistical endeavor that Russia will surely notice far in advance. And on top of that, it might take several months to do it (depending on how quickly and stealthily it is being done - the more in the open, the faster it can be done).

Yes, it will probably take several years to do that. That is why they will let the Trump sign a treaty with Russia and rearm Ukraine during those 4 years of his presidency.

However, if those tanks stay in Syria, to be used against Iran... all these problems solve themselves! (that includes the problem of Israel not having enough tanks to invade Iran)

Yes, they could do that, but if they do that, they would leave Ukraine in pretty bad shape for another offensive. Plus, the question is how powerful would these rebels in Syria be against Iran, even with all those tanks? They are experts with Toyotas, but with tanks?

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