Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

Right after the announcement of the US National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) of the final development phase for upgraded B61-12 thermonuclear bomb came another one about a new intercontinental ballistic missile. One Russian military observer has explained why such ambiguous and vague statements have been made here and now.

Nuclear-Active: The Real Reason Behind Recent Pentagon’s Announcements

On Monday, the NNSA announced the final development phase of the upgraded airborne nuclear bomb B61-12 prior to production, the first version of which is to be completed by 2020.

On Tuesday, Pentagon announced that it “is preparing to approve development and production of a new intercontinental ballistic missile, opening competition between three top defense contractors and rekindling debate over whether the US can afford to modernize its triad of nuclear weapons.”

The announcement was even more ambiguous and vague than the previous one, according to RIA Novosti reporter Mikhail Sheinkman.

“While it is just words, the point is made. If it is not a demonstration of force, then, absolutely clearly, a reminder of it,” the author writes in his article for the RIA Novosti website.

And first of all, it is a reminder for Americans itself, as it seemingly “begins to languish” without evident military technical achievements.

The announcements are of particular importance right now when the only ones who are talking about the US might and superiority are the country’s politicians running for office.

When even the local media are reporting about Russian and Chinese success more often than providing a weather forecast.

“With such announcements Washington has apparently taken a solemn oath that it will be the same as it emerged back in 1945: nuclear. Nuclear-active. Or rather radioactive,” the author states.

And to reach this goal, it doesn’t matter whether Hillary Clinton takes the top job or not, the author states.

The American military and industrial complex needs a new enemy to justify its massive budget and Vladimir Putin is “the right person at the right time,” says Peter Van Buren, former US Foreign Service employee. And here’s why.

'Right Person at the Right Time': Why President Putin 'Dream Candidate' for US (Photos)

“Following the collapse of the Soviet Union and the conclusion of the Cold War (“the end of history,” as Francis Fukuyama called it), there was no global enemy for America to face down,” Van Buren who served in the US State Department for 24 years and the author of several book writes in his article for The Irish Examiner.

“No big nasty to spur weapons procurement, to justify a huge standing military with hundreds of bases around the world, or to pick fights with to allow a president down in the polls to morph into a superhero,” he further explains.

A lot of people had a lot of power and money in play that demanded some bad guys, however all their previous attempts to find “the right candidate” have somehow failed.

An attempt was made in the 1980s to make drug lords the new major threat, but they were too few in number to sustain the media campaign, the author explains.

Similar failures happened with “the terrorists” who were "found" around the world right after the 9/11.

Saddam Hussein, “appointed” by the George W Bush administration as a weapons-of-mass-destruction threat, “turned out to be a bust.”

Tagging Iran and North Korea as members of an “axis of evil” also failed, because neither one “seemed able to do real harm to America” despite “making a lot of noise.”

“Osama bin Laden never launched a second attack on the US, and the Taliban was dragged down by a war that seemed to lose its focus after 15 years,” the author says.

“The US made a good-faith effort trying to label all sorts of others — Gaddafi, Assad, Islamic State — as global enemies worthy of perpetual war, but the Middle East in general has turned into a quagmire,” he further notes, adding that meanwhile “America likes a winner, or at least the appearance of winning.”

So why then President Putin and why now?

“Ahead of the next administration, Washington really needs an arch enemy, a poster-child kind of guy who looks like a James Bond villain. And preferably one with nuclear weapons he’ll brandish but never use,” Peter Van Buren explains.

Secondly, he says, Americans are “already well-prepared by the old Cold War to see Russia again as an evil empire, and Vladimir Putin looks the part.”

Besides, the “Russians are involved in Syria’s civil war, so there is some sense of continuity.”

A new Cold War with Russia, in turn, would require America to buy more expensive military hardware, and find new areas of Europe, such as the Baltic states, to garrison.

“It might even breathe new life into a North Atlantic Treaty Organization that is confused about its role vis-a-vis terrorism.”

The Muslim threat however “has proved to have downsides”: it has inflamed many Muslims, perhaps pushing them toward radicalization.

“In addition, it turns out there are Muslim voters in the US, and people who respect Muslims,” the author noted.

Vladimir Putin however doesn’t vote and not many in the present-day America “think he’s a good guy,” hence “he can be slapped around in soundbites without risk that he will actually launch a war against the US.”

Besides, he can even “be accused, without penalty, of meddling in the US democratic processes.”

All the above make the Russian “a political-military-industrial-complex dream candidate.”

“Expect him to feature heavily in the next administration’s foreign policy,” the author forecasts.

Syrian rebels who were trained and equipped by the US now blame Washington for betraying them and not honoring agreements to pay them to fight in Syria; they're now searching for “other options on the table” thinking of “transferring of loyalties from Washington to Moscow” , according to the US-based news website The Daily Beast.

Left Dissatisfied, Disappointed by Washington, Syrian Rebels Turn to Russia

The US-backed Syrian rebels, trained and armed by Washington, are now blaming their patrons for betrayal.

The leader of one of one of Pentagon-backed brigades stationed in the Syrian Governorate of Aleppo has revealed to the US-based news website The Daily Beast the payment agreements for their fight on the Syrian soil and complained of the US neglect to keep up to its promises.

In an exclusive interview with the website, Mustafa Sejry of the Liwa al-Mu’tasim Brigade stationed in the town of Marea, 25 km north of Aleppo, has revealed why he is considering “transferring of loyalties from Washington to Moscow.”

“When we signed our contract with the Americans, we had initially asked for $500 per fighter in addition to getting support for injured and killed soldiers,” he told the website.

“They agreed to $250 for the first half year, and said that we’d get an additional $250 per man after six months. We only ever got $250 and never any money for our injured or killed. And that’s when they did pay us, which was rare,” the rebel revealed.

“During the entirety of their year-and-a-half enlistment with the United States military, Sejry claims, his fighters have been paid infrequently and sporadically,” the outlet describes.

“We’ve received only one month worth of salaries in the last three months,” it quotes the rebel as saying.

As the town where his brigade has been based was besieged by Daesh in June, the US Central Command (CENTCOM) airdropped ammunition and supplies to the Mu’tasim fighters, “enabling the brigade to break the siege and mount a moderately successful counteroffensive against ISIS (Daesh) in other outlying villages.”

Sejry, the website says, had hoped that 11th-hour bailout, attended also by US airstrikes on ISIS positions around Marea, would set a precedent for more constant and steady support. Instead it appears to have been a one-off.

He also complained that since breaking the ISIS siege two months ago, the Mu’tasim Brigade hasn’t received replacement hardware for what it lost battling the jihadists.

“We lost a lot of vehicles and mounted machine guns. We can’t fix or replace broken ones,” he said.

Meanwhile the rebel, the website says, was among 1,000 other affiliated rebels — then only applicants to the Pentagon’s train and equip program.

And was described by Nicholas A. Heras in a policy brief for the Washington, D.C.-based Jamestown Foundation as a “rising leader within the Syrian armed opposition who has adroitly brokered his contacts both among the anti-Assad insurgents and the anti-ISIS coalition to make the Mu’tasim Brigade one of the most reputable in the country.”

Sejry now claims that he was approached by some “Moscow representative” at the Syrian-Turkish border 10 days ago and was offered “unlimited amounts of weaponry and close air support” to fight both ISIS and Jabhat Fatah al-Sham, (the rebranded al-Nusra Front, an al-Qaeda affiliate in Syria), in “exchange for the Mu’tasim Brigade’s transfer of loyalties from Washington to Moscow.”

Sejry also claimed that he is scheduled to “have follow-up discussions with the Russians” in Istanbul, “quietly facilitated by the Turkish government”.

The rebel says that he is considering “the offer”, but mostly “to leverage more and better support from the Americans”.

And blames this change of his mindset on the Americans.

Meanwhile, he says, there was no response from the two points of contact in the US military, both Army captains, whom he earlier contacted.
The US Air Force bombed heavily two residential areas in the war-hit town of Manbij in Northeastern Aleppo, leaving 43 civilians dead and many more wounded.

Syria: Over 40 Civilians Killed in US Warplanes' Bombardments in Manbij

The US warplanes, for the fourth time in their so-called anti-terrorism operations, targeted al-Haal market, al-Sina'ah district and the only bakery of the town, claiming lives of 23 civilians in al-Haal and 21 others in al-Sina'ah.

Telecommunication building of Manbij was also ruined in the US air attacks.

"Who’s violated the ceasefires in Syria again and again? The very forces that the US supports," said International Action Center Co-Director, Sara Flounders.

ISIL executed a senior commander and sentenced another one to death on charges of earning a lot of money from trafficking civilians from terrorist-held regions to safer territories inside Syria or to other countries.

Syria: ISIL Sentences Commanders to Death on Charges of Trafficking Civilians Abroad

Amar Mahmoud al-Jarrah, who was behind trafficking of tens of civilians from the village of Doybeq in Southern Aleppo to government-held regions, was executed by the ISIL security forces.

In the meantime, Abdul Rahim al-Jaber, one of the notorious propagandists of ISIL in Raqqa, was arrested and sentenced to death penalty on charge of trafficking civilians from Raqqa to other regions.

Trafficking of one person, regardless of his or her age, inside Syria costs at least $700 and from Syrian to other countries costs at lest $2,000.

Informed sources said earlier today that hundreds of civilians fleeing the war-hit cities of Raqqa, Deir Ezzur and Aleppo have been trapped and killed in ISIL's minefields.

The authorities concerned foiled an attempt to smuggle large quantities of arms and ammunition to takfiri terrorist organizations in the northwestern and eastern countryside of Hama.

Authorities thwart an attempt to smuggle arms and ammunition to terrorists in Hama countryside

SANA reporter in Hama said that following accurate intelligence information, the authorities concerned seized a shipment of arms containing what is known as” Hell Cannons” which were on their way to terrorist groups in the village of Qalet al-Madeeq.

Three terrorists who were trying to smuggle the shipment of arms to the takfiri groups in the eastern countryside of Hama were arrested.

The shipment contained a large quantity of shells for BMBs, goggles, bombs, ammunition for PKC machine guns, medium machine guns, thermal rockets, anti-tank missiles, ammunition for machine guns and rifles and tank shells.

Terrorist groups, most of which are affiliated to Jabhat al-Nusra and ISIS are active in some areas in Hama countryside and commit crimes against locals.

Jeish al-Fatah once again failed to prevail over the positions of the Syrian soldiers and their popular allies in Southwestern districts of Aleppo city and retreated from the battlefield after sustaining tens of casualties.

Terrorists' Fifth Phase of Offensives to Break Syrian Army's Siege on Aleppo Repulsed

Syrian government forces fended off Jeish al-Fatah's attacks on their strongholds around al-Taslih university in the Western part of al-Ramousiyeh districts.

Jeish al-Fatah launched its attacks from the three flanks of 1070 residential complex, Mouteh height and the village of al-Moshrefeh and used several bomb-laden suicide vehicles, but the resistance forces deployed to Taslih university opened heavy fire at them and forced them to retreat.

Syrian army sources said the terrorists used missiles with high explosive power in their attacks on al-Taslih university.

Reports said earlier today that More than 300 militants were killed and many more were wounded in the Syrian government forces' offensives on the positions of terrorist groups in Southern and Southwestern Aleppo.

Informed sources said that hundreds of civilians fleeing the war-hit cities of Raqqa, Deir Ezzur and Aleppo have been trapped and killed in ISIL's minefields.

Syria: Scores of Fleeing Civilians Killed by ISIL Minefields

"ISIL has planted thousands of landmines and explosive traps in surroundings of Raqqa, Deir Ezzur and Aleppo to prevent people to leave the cities. ISIL has been using civilians as human shield against Syrian army's attacks and bombardments," the sources said.

"Six civilians were killed by explosive traps in a minefield in the small town of Hajin in Albu Kamal in Eastern Deir Ezzur while fleeing ISIL-held regions in Hasaka province," they added.

"Thousands of landmines have been planted by the ISIL in farms and deserts of Raqqa and Deir Ezzur and Eastern Aleppo," the sources said.

"Based on a report, at least 60 civilian have been killed by landmines or snipers whole fleeing ISIL-held regions in Raqqa, Aleppo and Hasaka," the sources said.

Local sources said in July that ISIL terrorists planted a large number of bombs and landmines in Manbij's houses, shops, schools and other public places to detonate them while retreating from their positions.

The Syrian army targeted the military positions and gathering centers of Fatah al-Sham Front (the newly formed al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorist group previously known as al-Nusra Front), killing several militants, including their notorious commander.

Senior Fatah Al-Sham Commander, 8 Others Killed in Syrian Army Offensive in Hama

Abu al-Bara'a al-Chami and eight other terrorists were killed in the town of al-Tamani'a in the Northern part of Hama province on Saturday, the Arabic-language media quoted an unnamed military source as saying.

Syrian air force destroyed ISIL vehicles, some equipped with machineguns to the East of al-Khanasser town in the Northeastern part of Hama province.

Kurdish sources announced minutes ago that the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), mainly comprised of Kurdish fighters, are pushing ISIL back from the remaining militant-held part of Manbij and are about to complete liberation of the key town in Northeastern Aleppo.

Syrian Democratic Forces on Verge of Full Liberation of Manbij in Aleppo

"ISIL has captured over 500 civilians, mainly children and women, and is using them as human shield. This matter has delayed liberation of central part of Manbij," the sources said.

"The SDF fighters have stormed ISIL positions in Central Manbij, Earth Square and al-Amni Square and have launched an operation to free the captured civilians to decrease human casualties in the battlefield," the sources added.

"Al-Tal neighborhood and al-Thowrah school are under full control of the SDF," they added.

"ISIL has no way out. Liberation of Manbij will be announced very soon," the sources underlined.

Reports said earlier today that the SDF fighters have pushed ISIL back from more than 90 percent of Manbij in Northeastern Aleppo and are now engaged in fierce clashes to take back the remaining 10 percent.

Medical sources announced that the Israeli hospitals are receiving the terrorists who have been injured in clashes with the Syrian forces after Jordan closed its borders to them.

Israeli Hospitals Receiving Terrorists Wounded in Syria after Jordan Border Closure

"Several militants have lost their lives after Jordan closed its borders (since 40 days ago) and field hospitals are also facing a lack of medical personnel," Jamal al-Sayasenah, a medical source close to the terrorist groups in Syria, was quoted as saying by Rai al-Yom news website on Saturday.

"A number of field hospitals operating under the terrorists in Dara'a and Southern Syria have been forced to send the wounded militants to the occupied territories to be treated at Israeli border hospitals and return to Syria again," he added.

The fact that the Israeli-Syria border area along the occupied Golan Heights has remained largely quiet has sparked accusations that the Takfiri operatives are backed by the Zionist entity.
Angelburst, I'm just in awe of your capacity/ability to ferret out the good stuff on several topics. What I would like to know is if you are interested at all in working directly on sott?
Laura said:
Angelburst, I'm just in awe of your capacity/ability to ferret out the good stuff on several topics. What I would like to know is if you are interested at all in working directly on sott?

I deeply appreciate the offer and "YES" I would welcome the challenge and learning to do something new. At the moment, my computer is scheduled to be in the shop - the 1st week of September, for some needed work and upgrades. I will contact SOTT when I get it back. (If - that's OK?)

As for being able "to ferret out the good stuff" the experience has taken on a life of it's own, in the past couple of months, in a manner of speaking.

In the beginning, there was a desire to understand what was going on "over there" in Iraq, Afghanistan and now in Syria. When Russia and Putin got involved in Assad's Syria, things got even more interesting. Yet, media coverage in the U.S. was dismal, at best and rarely matched what was coming out in the War Zone's by news sites (RT, Sputnik, SANA, Farsnews, etc.), close to the action. News coverage in the U.S. tends to be mainly Political, verses what is actually happening on the ground, in the war inflicted areas. Important but only half of the equation. So, there was a need to study and understand both components/sides to get a more rounded understanding of what was really going on.

Why was it important .... because what was happening "over there" was affecting us on our own home turf "over here" in the form of increased immigration, down turn in jobs, stagnation in the economy/cash flow and our Social structure is going completely to hell, before our eyes. On the flip side, the Prez is taking Million dollar vacations and Congress isn't "in Session" unless their on a flight headed to Israel? Who's running the Country, anyways?

Out of personal concern and raw fear for the stability and well being of my own family, and the strong possibility of a "declared war" in the Middle East, closing our Borders and locking us down in a Police State,
I began closely observing the activities in Syria.

A few months back, I was scanning some articles on Sputnik and then switched to Farsnews. It was late in the evening and had been a full day, visiting with family but I wanted to check the news sites before going to bed. Farsnews tends to be mainly "field reports" from the war zones verses articles. As I was going down the list, I selected one on Palmyra and the beheadings. As I was reading the report, I suddenly felt disoriented, like I was in two places at the same time. Physically, I'm aware of sitting in front of the computer, yet I was in a dessert landscape, the air felt dry and there was a strong scent of sweat and urine .... and it was coming from me! Next moment, I was back at my computer and everything was OK?

Since then, I have had some horrific dreams, especially upon waking up in the morning. Some of the them resemble forgotten one's, I experienced as a young child. Many have taken on a quality of possible past life scenarios, with the same events taking place in a different time and space. The clothes and the landscape might be different but the theme is basically the same. Language doesn't seem to be a barrier, for there's an uncanny "sense of awareness" of what's going on and your position in the situation. Not all - are death and destruction, some include basic day to day struggles of keeping food on the table and just struggling to survive. The various themes, through out the dream scenarios, do seem to suggest "History does repeat itself", especially, the war scenarios?

Other than wondering, if I have finally "lost all my marbles" there's some speculation - if the childhood nightmare's we often experience, are "tears in the veil" - bridging the "cup of forgetfulness" of other-self experiences, in a different time and space? Trauma encoded into our cells and DNA?

Is "trauma" introduced, at a very early age, meant to block the normal progression - of remembering "who and what" we really are - our combined Life's experiences? The expression, "Dumbing down the Human Species" - by the elite - comes to mind.

Getting back to the dreams, for they have had a profound effect, there's the on-going theme - of dying and not be accounted for? Either in name or number, for it's been buried in history as a mere burp or any trace of the event or situation has been altered and forgotten. It leaves a feeling - of profound loss. For some reason, this seems very important.

We know from current events, especially in Syria and in Iraq, Historical Sites have been damaged or eliminated (by bulldozer) and cultural relics stolen. It seems to be an on-going theme with the elites?
It's rumored, that Rome and the Smithsonian and private collections have hidden away much of the World's history, under lock and key? What purpose does it serve and WHY? Why - the cover up? Are the elite covering up our history, so we don't have any real knowledge of "who and what they are"? Is one of the keys to that knowledge, "doing the work" and working to eliminate our numerous programs, so it lifts the veil of forgetfulness?

Another theme, which seems prominent through out many of the dream scenario's - the need "to forgive" the perpetuator of a crime - against one's self, in many cases but not all? I'm still not sure - why I get this impression? It seems counter productive and void in some scenario's, like dealing with a true psychopath, while in other's, it seem "to break the ties" that bonded one - to another? Thus, wiping the slate clean - as a lesson learned? I'm still working on this issue.

Getting back to Syria and the wars in Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan - there seems to be "an inner need" to sort through the different information sites, to ferret out the truth and share it by Posting in the Forum. Many innocent Souls have died horrific deaths and are unaccounted for, termed "collateral damage". Acknowledging what's happening and getting the facts straight seems important, so it may be shared.
Countless generations have been witness to the same horrors. Only now, it's more prominent due to instant communication and video feed. Yet, a large portion of the World - are clueless - to what is really happening in the Middle East. Wonder, how they will react, when the same war games, slaughter and destruction lands on their own doorsteps and they become "collateral damage" and just another statistic?

In light of what I have expressed, if the "offer" still stands, I welcome the opportunity.
angelburst29 said:
Laura said:
Angelburst, I'm just in awe of your capacity/ability to ferret out the good stuff on several topics. What I would like to know is if you are interested at all in working directly on sott?

I deeply appreciate the offer and "YES" I would welcome the challenge and learning to do something new. At the moment, my computer is scheduled to be in the shop - the 1st week of September, for some needed work and upgrades. I will contact SOTT when I get it back. (If - that's OK?)


Getting back to the dreams, for they have had a profound effect, there's the on-going theme - of dying and not be accounted for? Either in name or number, for it's been buried in history as a mere burp or any trace of the event or situation has been altered and forgotten. It leaves a feeling - of profound loss. For some reason, this seems very important.


Getting back to Syria and the wars in Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan - there seems to be "an inner need" to sort through the different information sites, to ferret out the truth and share it by Posting in the Forum. Many innocent Souls have died horrific deaths and are unaccounted for, termed "collateral damage". Acknowledging what's happening and getting the facts straight seems important, so it may be shared.

Countless generations have been witness to the same horrors. Only now, it's more prominent due to instant communication and video feed. Yet, a large portion of the World - are clueless - to what is really happening in the Middle East. Wonder, how they will react, when the same war games, slaughter and destruction lands on their own doorsteps and they become "collateral damage" and just another statistic?

In light of what I have expressed, if the "offer" still stands, I welcome the opportunity.

I think you well know it's so much more than a horrible situation, AB, and your courage to stay honed in on the 'other side' of the narratives, to help give faces and names to the suffering is hugely important. All this is, as you say, largely ignored by the West in particular, while in fact these day after day horrors are perpetrated by the West right under the very noses of those that ignore it all, the "clueless". So thank you for what you are doing - I'm in awe, too.
Thanks for sharing angelburst

angelburst29 said:
Another theme, which seems prominent through out many of the dream scenario's - the need "to forgive" the perpetuator of a crime - against one's self, in many cases but not all? I'm still not sure - why I get this impression? It seems counter productive and void in some scenario's, like dealing with a true psychopath, while in other's, it seem "to break the ties" that bonded one - to another? Thus, wiping the slate clean - as a lesson learned? I'm still working on this issue.

That's my understanding of forgiveness - it's about learning the lesson and letting go of the illusions.
Perhaps karma is the tie of one to another from the unlearned lesson?

"I see you and the situation clearly, and accept that what happened, happened".
The need to speak up for and act against injustice tends to spring from that osit.
Forgiveness can also be about 'turning the other cheek', ignoring, shutting out or calming the emotional impact of the lesson - at which point nothing is learned, other than how to shut out reality.

Perhaps then, those that you cannot yet forgive are a sign that you need more knowledge to see the situations more clearly? Maybe even learning what the righteous responce is.

The illusion being - This could never happen! Which becomes How could this happen? And then with knowledge and seeking an answer to How becomes understanding, and forgiveness.
A point I have observed and would like to bring up ...

Russia's involvement in Syria, media wise, has mainly focused on War efforts, in cooperation with Syrian President Assad. Although noted in media coverage, it basically has only received "honorary mention" in the press - I'm speaking of Russia's humanitarian aid and methods of distribution.

In a matter of speaking, Russia is reorganizing and setting "priorities" in the definition of "humanitarian aid" while also adhering to U.N. mandates and provisions for international development assistance. The two key words here are "development assistance".

When there is a disaster and outside assistance is needed, generally, the media will be flooded with the UN sending humanitarian assistance and a donation fund (or several) will be initiated. First thoughts are that food and medical assistance is being forward to the disaster area. Nope! The UN doesn't work that way.

First, a new charitable organization is formed (under the UN precepts) to monitor and manage distribution in the disaster area. Generally, an existing building will be selected near the disaster area - as the main headquarters and staff hired. The first allocation, off the top of "the international development assistance fund" is a generous estimated allocation to cover Staff wages and operating expenses, etc. for a fiscal year and is deposited in a special irreversible escrow account. From there - subcontractors are hired to help the staff with management and distribution. In many cases, local prominent political figures are hired on as subcontractors. By the time everything is set up and distribution finally gets under way to those in need, it is weeks and they generally only receive a small percentage (of the whole original allotment fund) in the form of "food assistance" and medical care. The Red Cross operations on the same format.

With Russia - it's a whole different ball game.

Russia first goes through the proper channels to get approval to distribute aid. Then meticulously organizes staff, food allotment needed and health considerations for the public in need of assistance. Then arranges distribution by it's own transportation, to specific sites. Within 72 hours (not weeks), the process has gone from planning, collection and delivery on site.

Humanitarian food and medical assistance to Ukraine was interrupted at check points but the assistance was delivered (100 trucks or more) and distributed within a 3 day period. First consideration is food aid, then medical assistance and domestic products like blankets and generators, etc. What's even more remarkable, more aid is systematically scheduled by Russia - at 30-45 day intervals, where and when needed. Neither, the UN or Red Cross has ever set up a systematic schedule for offering additional food and health assistance. Ask - Haiti? They never even got the housing they were promised? Yet, Millions were received by Public donations.

Just recently, in Aleppo, Syria - 4 safety corridors were set up. Russia, along with the Syrian Government, set up warm food stations and temporary medical facilities, along with distributing food packages to refugees.

Note in this link:

There is no legal definition of the notion of official development assistance (ODA) in Russian legislation, though the term is used in several international agreements and subordinate regulatory acts

. Moreover similar terms in the field of development assistance used in Russian legislation can have different connotations.

(Then it lists the goals of Russia’s development assistance policy.)

Of note, the Red Cross has been known to set up "warm food stations" in various war situations but "in no way" does it fit the caliber or the enormous undertaking, planning and organization skills - including distribution management and prompt delivery - that has been repeatedly observed by Russia.

As for the U.S., has there been any "humanitarian food assistance" documented in the Middle East in the last 10-15 years? Also consider, many of our own soldiers, stationed in Iraq, have relied on only two meals a day. Where are the priorities?

United States[edit]

USAID and other government agencies in US delivered nearly $385 million of aid items to Syria in 2012 and 2013. On 4 February 2016, US Secretary of State John Kerry announced another $601 million in new humanitarian funding for Syria and neighboring countries, bringing its total contribution to more than $5.1 billion in humanitarian assistance.[10] The US is providing food aid, medical supplies, emergency and basic health care, shelter materials, clean water, hygiene education and supplies, and other relief supplies.[11] Islamic Relief has stocked 30 hospitals and sent hundreds of thousands of medical and food parcels.[12]
(Note - Who benefited from the aid, what type of aid was it and where, how was it distributed?)


In January 2016, Russia delivered 22 tonnes of humanitarian aid to several Syrian cities.[30][31]

In mid-February 2016 Syrian military transport planes with the support of Russian fighters Su-30 brought another batch of the joint Russian-Syrian humanitarian aid to the inhabitants of the besieged militants city of Deir ez-Zor. The cargo parachute attached to the P-7 platform was parachuted in from a height of 4 km in the government-controlled areas of Deir ez Zor - the administrative center of the eponymous province in the north-east of the country. The total humanitarian aid weight dropped on parachute more than 50 tonnes.[32]
angelburst29 said:
I deeply appreciate the offer and "YES" I would welcome the challenge and learning to do something new. At the moment, my computer is scheduled to be in the shop - the 1st week of September, for some needed work and upgrades. I will contact SOTT when I get it back. (If - that's OK?)

Just a note, angelburst29, if that is your concern, that working on SOTT doesn't require any advanced computer knowledge or software. Basically, the same things and on the same level of commitment that you share with people here, including your insightful commentary, could be shared already on SOTT, and with a much wider audience. :flowers:
Keit said:
angelburst29 said:
I deeply appreciate the offer and "YES" I would welcome the challenge and learning to do something new. At the moment, my computer is scheduled to be in the shop - the 1st week of September, for some needed work and upgrades. I will contact SOTT when I get it back. (If - that's OK?)

Just a note, angelburst29, if that is your concern, that working on SOTT doesn't require any advanced computer knowledge or software. Basically, the same things and on the same level of commitment that you share with people here, including your insightful commentary, could be shared already on SOTT, and with a much wider audience. :flowers:

I appreciate the note, Keit.

Over two months ago, my computer automatically (without permission) downloaded Windows 10. I've been having a host of problems with it. A week and a half ago, it automatically downloaded an 18 minute upgrade.

If you notice, I rarely Post anything from RT - mainly because I get a 503 error and if I do get on the site, it freezes. Occasionally, I have problems with other sites. It uninstalled my Printer and messed up video to the point, I can't even watch short clips from local news and these are only some of the problems. I have had to log into my own account on several occasions - just so it can prompt me for a security question.

I wish I had the know-how but I don't. It's scheduled to be worked on, the first week of September.
Putin: the West has no morals

Published on Aug 6, 2016

That which is “freedom” to a liberal, is offensive to a more conservative state of mind. They are two irreconcilable world views. I don’t believe there is a right or wrong, but there are as many opinions on this subject as there are people in the world. However, it is true that many Russians hold Western values in contempt, and resist being subjugated to them. Deserved or not, the West is often perceived as a faithless and individualistic society with an exceptional love of money.

The pop culture that arrives on Russian TV screens is often looked down upon for its over-sexualised content. Cultural phenomena such as ‘twerking’ are not really understood. Further examples can include the often misogynistic rap culture, the overemphasis on all things stupid (are you keeping up with the Kardashians?), the devaluing of the family unit as the foundation of society, the mascularisation of women, the demasculation of men, the ability to have no gender (I mean, what?), and the list goes on.

This is not to feed the opinions of the libertards who scream “Putin banned homosexuality!” He did no such thing and homosexuals live and work in Russia like any other, with no restrictions on any of their civil liberties. What did occur is the ban on “propaganda for homosexuality” to children and teenagers, which is overt and often vulgar. (For example, why is it that a gay parade, for around 1% of the population, can be held on taxpayer money, otherwise known as the majority of the population, but also behave in a way that a group of heterosexual people never could in public?) The point is not that homosexuals should not exist – they can and happily do! The point is that the minority groups should not force their choices on to the majority of the population.

Russia's Roskomnadzor (The Federal Service for Supervision of Information Technologies and Mass Communications) has banned websites such as PornHub, as it violated laws surrounding porn distribution and child protection. Similarly, 136 other adult websites were also banned from being accessed in Russia – all of which can easily be viewed by children in any Western country.

I understand the liberals' concerns about paternalism – but this is about ethics, it is about shutting down profits to a handful of individuals , at the cost of the younger members of society. It is not about consolidation of control.

On August 8, 2016 the BBC published photographs and reported on yet another illegal incursion into Syria by Western NATO forces and yet another violation of Syrian national sovereignty by the United Kingdom. This time, the photographs show British Special Forces operating on the ground inside Syria in al-Tanf, near the Syrian-Iraq border, an area that is also near the Jordanian border.

Photos Confirm U.K. Special Forces Protecting Terrorists In Syria

The pictures themselves date back to June of this year and appear to have been taken shortly after a battle at al-Tanf between the New Syrian Army and ISIS, both Western-backed terrorist organizations. The British soldiers are photographed allegedly setting up a perimeter in order to guard the NSA base from further incursion by ISIS.

As the BBC reports, According to eyewitnesses, they were there in a defensive role. But they are carrying an arsenal of equipment including sniper rifles, heavy machine guns and anti-tank missiles.

If IS attacked again they would have been able to put up a considerable fight.

A New Syrian Army’s spokesman refused to comment on the pictures of the special forces, but acknowledged their help.

He said: “We are receiving special forces training from our British and American partners. We’re also getting weapons and equipment from the Pentagon as well as complete air support.”

Kareem Shaheen and Ewan McAskill of The Guardian added more detail in their own report published on August 9. They wrote,

It is believed to be the first time British forces have been photographed operating inside Syria, where they are engaged in relatively small numbers in wide-ranging roles that include surveillance, advisory and combat.

The images depict British special forces sitting on Thalab long-range patrol vehicles as they move around the perimeter of a rebel base close to the Syria-Iraq border.

The Thalab (Fox) vehicles are essentially modified, militarised and upgraded Toyota 4x4s used for long distance reconnaissance and surveillance missions, which were developed jointly in the middle of the last decade by a state-backed defence company in Jordan and the UK company Jankel.

The vehicle, which has mounted weaponry and is often used for border patrols, has been primarily used by Jordanian special forces.

Al-Tanf, where the vehicles were reportedly photographed, is a border crossing between Syria and Iraq that had been under Isis control, and is also not far from the Jordanian border. It is unclear how many Nato countries have deployed the modified trucks, though Belgium ordered a shipment of modified Fox vehicles earlier this year.

The images seem to show British forces securing the perimeter of the rebel base following an attack by Isis, according to the BBC. The soldiers can be seen carrying anti-tank missiles, sniper rifles and other heavy artillery.

The New Syrian Army is designated as a “moderate” terrorist organization and fights under the umbrella of the Free Syrian Army, another Western-backed “moderate” operation that has committed innumerable horrific acts of violence and atrocities all throughout the Syrian crisis. It should be noted that the terrorist group that beheaded a young child on camera weeks ago, Nour al-Din al-Zenghi, was also considered a “moderate” organization and one that had been “vetted” by the U.S. State Department as worthy of receiving TOW missiles. As Michael Uhler of SouthFront describes the NSA,

Unlike the clear knowledge surrounding American–YPG relations of involvement, much less is known about US ties to the groups operating in the deserts of southern Syria. Two important groups operating in this area are the ‘Forces of the Martyr Ahmad al-Abdo’ (Arabic: قوات الشهيد احمد العبده) and the ‘New Syrian Army’ (NSyA) (Arabic: جيش سوريا الجديد). Although both of the aforementioned groups receive support from the US, the level of involvement differs. The partnership between America and the NSyA can be regarded as tighter than that of the YPG. Even though the NSyA could arguably be one of the smallest groups comprised under the so-called ‘FSA’, the level of training, coordination and equipment surpasses most other groups. Rumors have circulated indicating the possibility of Jordanian special forces within its contingent. (The NSyA has coordinated with the Iraqi government on multiple occasions surrounding the Syrian–Iraqi border). King Abdullah II of Jordan revealed earlier this year that Jordanian special forces were indeed participating with rebels in this area.

The sudden appearance of the NSyA occurred on November 15th, 2015. The NSyA launched its first operation on al-Tanf, which resulted in an attack on ammunition storehouses as well as on a bomb factory. Not much more information other than this video has been released about this raid. Bolstered by Jordan and America, the degree of cooperation can be seen in the group’s operational security (OPSEC). Quite different from the groups which fall under the umbrella of the FSA, the NSyA appears to be very professional and keen on keeping any sort of identification to a minimum.

It is thus noteworthy that a group working so close with UK Special Forces and, perhaps, Jordanian Special Forces would also be the group that is so keen on keeping the identities of its fighters secret. While this may simply be a result of better training by Western Special Forces (despite relatively poor battlefield performance), many might be caused to wonder whether or not the Special Forces troops themselves make up the ranks of the group, making privacy a necessity not present with other terrorist groups across the country.

It is also worth noting that the photographs were taken in June, the same general time frame as when the United States and Russian jets nearly clashed in the skies above al-Tanf.

“The mid-air confrontation occurred between F/A-18 fighters scrambled by the Pentagon and several SU-34s, Moscow’s most advanced bombers,” Ted Thornhill wrote for the Daily Mail. “The Russian jets had struck a 200-strong garrison of Syrian rebels fighting the Islamic State in At-Tanf, near the Jordanian border.”

The Russian military did not deny the bombing raid but it did deny that it targeted Western-backed terrorists (i.e. terrorists publicly claimed by the United States), making the argument that the United States did not make the positions of its proxy terrorists known to the Russian Air Force. Russian Major General Igor Konashenkov, Spokesman for the Russian Defense Ministry, claimed the air strike was more than 300 kilometers (186 miles) away from the areas the U.S. had designated as being “controlled by legitimate opposition forces.”

It was not made clear which terrorist organization was being bombed specifically but, given the time frame and location, it is reasonable to wonder whether or not the NSA was the actual target of the Russian bombers and the reason the bombing mission provoked such a strong response from the U.S.

Regardless, what is known for certain is that both the United States and the U.K. have egregiously violated Syrian national sovereignty and are working alongside terrorists for the purpose of destroying the secular government of Bashar al-Assad. For this claim, no speculation is necessary.

The Redstone Arsenal resident who was found dead Sunday on the installation has been identified as a two-star general who just moved to Huntsville to take the reins of the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command.

New commanding general of SMDC identified as Redstone Arsenal death

Maj. Gen. John Rossi, 55, was found dead Sunday at his new home on the arsenal. He was scheduled to take his new command on Tuesday, replacing Lt. Gen. David L. Mann as commanding general of USASMDC/ARSTRAT.

The cause of death for Rossi, a native of Long Island, New York, remains under investigation, according to Redstone Arsenal officials.

Rossi leaves behind his wife, Liz, three children and a grandchild.

According to KSWO-TV out of Lawton, Oklahoma, where Fort Sill is located, Rossi was anticipated to receive his third star upon his taking command of the USASMDC/ARSTRAT. Before leaving Fort Sill, Rossi was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal for his service.

Just 10 days before his death, Rossi told the television station that he planned on being in the Army until the military no longer needed him.

Rossi graduated from West Point in 1983 and was commissioned in the Army as an air defense artillery officer, KSWO-TV reports. He was a commander at every level, becoming commanding general of the U.S. Army Fires Center of Excellence and Fort Sill in 2014.

Prior to that assignment, according to Redstone Arsenal, Rossi served as the director of the Army Quadrennial Defense Review Office at the Pentagon.

People say they the conflict in the South China Sea is about the resources. I’m not certain that it is true. All the conflicts and wars that America is involved in are said to be about resources, but if you examine what happens, it often doesn’t hold up and sounds illogical. In the case of Iraq they gave a lot of oil concessions away to Russia and China, who never supported the US. That’s just one example. I think there are a lot of issues beyond resources.

The American Kraken is stretching its tentacles to the South China Sea

Apparently, 90% of the wars, waged against China certainly from abroad, went through the South China Sea. So, there is a whole strategic interest in maintaining defensive positions. Regarding the Arbitrage Court in Hague which decided that China had no historic rights to the South China Sea and it had violated the Philippines' economic and sovereign rights, China said it doesn’t recognize its legitimacy. Also we can see that the EU and France in particular are siding with the US, pursuing the line of 'freedom of navigation' in this area of international waters. So, there are parts who want to have presence along with America in Asia to ensure that they have what they call “freedom of navigation”. So, I don’t think there was a fare judgement. The Europeans seems to be quiet partisan.

The US gained access to five military bases in the Philippines to assist in confronting China, although it doesn’t use that terminology, but talks about freedom of navigation instead. But the Philippines have recently gained a new president who seems to be quiet conciliatory to the Chinese. Since president Duterte has been elected he has become very friendly with China and seems to be taking an independent course from the US. I think the Filipino public is probably very tired of the American military presence. It seems that the Filipino military also doesn't want to be pushed into a confrontation with China. Ant it does include the other Asian countries in the region. Vietnam stands alone wishing to confront China.

Cambodia will not stand against China in this area of dispute. China has built a lot of infrastructure projects all over the Cambodia. China is playing it’s cards well - there is a chance of winning the hearts and minds of the people. So, the Cambodian government obviously defends China, because it depends on a lot of foreign aid, unfortunately.

The US indeed has an interest in this region. The Obama administration is shifting concerns from the Middle East to Asia and is going to transfer its military might from the Middle East to Asia. At the same time it is confronting Russia on all its borders and making antagonistic noise against Russia. So, Russia has no other choice but to look towards the East and Asia. Also we see the West is in decline. It seems inevitable that China and Russia are going to support each other. Well, China and Russia have already announced that they will have public military drills together next year in the South China Sea. The secret organization, which is running America, and probably is not the government, certainly is pushing Russia and China together, that is universally accepted.

In the recent times there seems be increasing warning signs coming from Russia and China, that a Hot War is a possibility. We had this strange visit by president Obama to the atomic bombsites in Japan, and he didn’t apologize for them. President Putin has made subtle warnings through innuendo. A nuclear war could be localized. A lot of intelligent diplomats are warning that we are in a dangerous situation, and in a Cold War reenactment, which could lead to a Hot War. There are very few voices of resistance in the West. Some people hold hope for Trump, that he can reconfigure things in the military arena.
Russia’s President submitted an agreement reached with the Syrian Republic to the State Duma for approval that would authorize the placement of a Russian Air Force group in Syria for an unspecified period of time.

Russian President Asks Duma to Ratify Syria Air Base Deal

Vladimir Putin has also tasked Deputy Defense Minister Nikolai Pankov with presenting the agreement to both parliamentary chambers as his appointed representative, RT reported.

The agreement, which was signed in Damask, Syria on August 26 of last year, specifies that the Russian air force group would be deployed at the Hmeimim airfield in Lattakia province to maintain peace and stability in the region. The document emphasizes that the placement is of a strictly defensive character and not targeted against any other state.

The document was published on Russia’s web portal for official government documents on January 14 of this year, when Yevgeniy Buzhinskiy, the former head of the Defense Ministry’s directorate for international agreements, told reporters that this was the first time such an agreement had been declassified and made public so soon after signing. Previously, documents of this type had remained secret for decades.

The committee’s chair, Vladimir Komoyedov, told TASS that the State Duma Committee for Defense intends to give consideration of the agreement top priority.

Israeli officials play hardball, demanding that the Obama Administration pony up more than the record $40 billion ten-year offering made by the US -- by a cool $10 billion.

Obama’s Offering of Largest Military Aid Package Ever Is Not Enough for Israel

Last week, US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph Dunford met with his Israeli counterpart at the Pentagon to discuss the new multi-billion-dollar military assistance package currently in negotiation between the Obama and Netanyahu administrations.

The package, proposed by the White House, calls for an unprecedented $40 billion in military aid over the next ten years, the single largest appropriation of foreign financial aid in world history, and significantly higher than the previous $30-billion agreement signed 10 years ago.

The Netanyahu Administration remains adamant that they will hold out for the best possible deal in light of geopolitical developments in Turkey and Syria that have resulted in a winnowing of America’s regional allies and its subsequent ability to project influence into the Middle East. The Israeli PM expressed unwillingness earlier in the year to accept anything less than $50 billion over the next ten years.

[...] Initial reports claim that Israel believes that the offering by the Obama Administration is still unsatisfactory.

The United States has approved the sale of more than 130 Abrams tanks, 20 armored recovery vehicles and other equipment worth about $1.15 billion to Saudi Arabia.

US approves $1.15 billion sale of arms to Saudi Arabia

The Defense Security Cooperation Agency, which is part of the Pentagon and facilitates foreign arms sales, informed lawmakers on Tuesday that the State Department has approved the deal.

The potential sale to Saudi Arabia still faces approval by Congress, which could block it.

The agency said the sale would contribute to US national security by improving the security of a regional ally.

It added that General Dynamics, an American aerospace and defense corporation, would be the principal contractor.

"This sale will increase the Royal Saudi Land Force’s (RSLF) interoperability with US forces and conveys US commitment to Saudi Arabia's security and armed forces modernization," the agency said on its website.

The US government is expected to authorize more than $40 billion worth of foreign military sales this year, the Pentagon has confirmed.

The potential sale by Washington comes as Saudi Arabia and its Persian Gulf Arab allies launched a military aggression against Yemen in March 2015 in a bid to bring the country’s former president Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, a staunch ally of Riyadh, back to power and undermine the Ansarullah movement.

Yemenis say most of the victims in the Saudi airstrikes are civilians.

A UN report leaked to the Guardian in January found “widespread and systematic” targeting of civilians in the Saudi-led strikes.

The report found 119 strikes which violated international humanitarian law, including attacks on health facilities, schools, wedding parties and camps for internally displaced people and refugees.

There exists a host of reasons why so-called peace talks between Yemen and Saudi Arabia always fail, always: the regime changers are not after peace, else, they would have never invaded the poorest country in the Middle East in the first place.

Good News for Its Oppressed People: Yemen Is Turning Into Saudi Arabia’s Vietnam

[...] It was obvious from day one, and it’s still now after almost 17 months since the start of the conflict, that the inhumane war on Yemen isn’t so much about blunting Iranian power as it is about gaining access to energy resources and preservation of Global West domination in the Middle East. The close relation between the war and energy resources is of long standing too, and this is where International Law and International Humanitarian Law are not compatible with the House of Saud’s bloodline.

On the contrary. The Saudi-led and US-backed campaign of bombing hospitals and deliberate targeting and destruction of private homes, education facilities and basic infrastructure is being driven by regional designs and UN complicity. Yemen bleeds because it has oil and strategic importance for the War Party and vassals.

The US-backed Saudi war crimes will never stop, peace talks notwithstanding. The colonial plan is to subjugate local communities, send a message to their neighbours, control energy resources, sell rights to resources to Western companies, and pocket the money. That perfectly sums up the reasons why the warmongers are not after peace and why they are building military bases there quite the opposite.

Let it be known that the Saudis are trapped in a protracted and devastating conflict and they are in the know too. Yemen is their Vietnam and it wouldn't be their first time. During the 1960s, together with Egypt they intervened in Yemen to stop a dethroned imam from reclaiming power, and quickly found themselves trapped in a quagmire. Afghanistan may be the “Graveyard of Empires,” but Yemen has also bogged down its share of foreign invaders.

Military metaphors aside, Riyadh is losing the battle, unable to find a face-saving way to end the costly conflict. The criminal campaign has actually worsened Saudi security, draining them militarily, financially, politically, and strategically. It is unclear how Riyadh can end its military involvement without coming off as the loser. What a disgrace!

A Patriot missile launching pad of the Saudi army disappeared in the city of Ma'rib, starting row among coalition commanders and pro-Hadi militias, the media reports disclosed on Tuesday.

Report: Saudi Coalition Factions in Row After Patriot Missile System Disappears in Yemen

A Patriot missile system used by Saudi troops has disappeared in Ma'rib city and stirred harsh disputes among the Saudi-led coalition commanders and pro-Hadi militias in Ma'rib province," the Arabic-language media quoted unnamed sources as saying on Tuesday.

The sources also disclosed that the Saudi fighter jets are flying at low altitude in Wadi Obeideh and some regions of Ma'rib and Shabwah provinces to find the platform.

Some Yemeni sources have voiced concern that the launchpad might have been stolen by al-Qaeda terrorists.

The Saudi army has stationed several Patriot missile systems in Ma'rib city.

Contrary to a popular assertion that nuclear bombs used on civilians at Hiroshima and Nagasaki were necessary to end World War II, US government documents have indicated that the atomic-bomb atrocities were "test blasts" to "justify" weapons development expense.

US Won’t Apologize for 'Test Blasts' at Hiroshima, Nagasaki that Killed 226,000

On Tuesday, the 71st anniversary of the US atomic bombing of Nagasaki, a massacre just three days after the annihilation of some 146,000 people in Hiroshima, the White House has again refused to issue an apology to the people of Japan for what some historians call an act of genocide.

Many in the United States believe that, despite the carnage, the use of the weapons was a necessary evil to bring about a quick end to World War II.

Recently, the Obama Administration has set about to increase and make more usable the US nuclear weapon stockpile, budgeting some $1 trillion over the next 30 years toward "nuclear modernization," while Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump states blandly, "why can’t we use them?"

To mark the anniversary of the Nagasaki attack, Loud & Clear’s Brian Becker sat down with Kevin Kamps, an activist with the radioactive watchdog organization Beyond Nuclear.

​Why does the White House refuse to apologize and why is it upgrading nuclear weapons?

"It is a very dangerous time that we are in with these upgrades. The US is upgrading its nuclear arsenal at a cost of $1 trillion over the next 30 years, under the Obama Administration, from someone who, in Prague, who said in 2009, that we need to get rid of these things," stated Kamps.

"One of the historic failures to live up to an opportunity was when Obama visited Hiroshima and talked about the horror of the nuclear bomb — which was good — but the thing he left out, incredibly enough, was the impact of the radioactivity on people from the bombs," said the activist. "He talked about the blast and the fire, but he didn’t mention the radioactivity, which is a huge component of a nuclear weapons, and is why those who survive the bombing are still dying from the bombing to this day, because they have fatal cancers and diseases, including genetic damage."

"There are huge opportunities to try to abolish these things and learn those lessons that are being missed," stated Kamps.

Why was the second bomb dropped in Nagasaki after the horror of Hiroshima?

"The death toll was measured in the tens of thousands of lives lost in the instant of being vaporized at ground zero," said Kamps. "The reason why the [second] bomb was dropped, three days later, was that the first bomb was a uranium bomb and they knew that it was going to work because they had tested it before they dropped it on Hiroshima, killing 100,000 people instantly. The second bomb was a plutonium bomb, a more complicated bomb, and they had to test it to determine if it would really work."

"The US did test the bomb Trinity in New Mexico a few weeks earlier, and it did work in New Mexico, and it did work in Nagasaki, and these were tests actually," said the activist. "An expert actually got his hands on the primary documents from the US government for the committee that was responsible for determining the targets for these bombs, and they spoke in these terms that these were 'test blasts.'"

"Later the Department of Energy provided a list of the test blasts that they had done," said Kamps. "What were the first three? Trinity, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki, and when he called attention to this they quickly changed the documents so that they did not list Hiroshima and Nagasaki as test blasts. That’s what they were."

"The US had spent billions of dollars of 1940s money on these projects, they had spent all of this money, and in their mind they had to justify the expenditure."
Экс-глава ЦРУ: Мы должны убивать русских в Сирии


Ex-CIA chief: We have to kill Russians in Syria
The former head of the CIA, Michael Morell, the TV channel CBS News said that the settlement of the conflict in Syria should "secretly" kill Russians and Iranians.

For this purpose, in his view, Washington should more actively support the militants in Syria.

"When we were in Iraq the Iranians have provided weapons to Shiite militants to kill American soldiers. The Iranians made us pay. We must do so in Syria paid the Iranians, we should be forced to pay the Russian", — he said.

"We will make the Russians and the Iranians to pay for killing them?" "Morella CBS presenter Charlie rose.

"Yes. Secretly," confirmed the former head of the CIA.

About it, according to Morella, do not have to report to the Pentagon, but should "make sure that you know about it in Moscow and Tehran."

Then, in his opinion, the U.S. should "scare" of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, killing his guards and blowing up his office in the middle of the night.

All this, says Morell, will allow to "push" on Damascus, Moscow and Tehran to achieve a "diplomatic solution".

Previously, Michael Morell in an article in the New York Times endorsed Hillary Clinton in her fight for the presidency. Its competitor from the Republican party, Donald trump, Morell called "involuntary agent" of Russia. Trump responded by saying that the former head of the CIA acts at the behest of the White house.
Командование армии США подтасовывало разведданные об ИГ из имиджевых соображений

The command of the army of the United States manipulated intelligence about ISIS from image considerations
Representatives of the Central command of the US army (CENTKOM) falsified intelligence in order to exaggerate the successes in the fight against "Islamic state"*. This is evidenced by complaints analysts CENTKOM noticed distortion in prepared their own reports. In total, the misrepresentation complained about 50 intelligence officers CENTKOM, reports The Daily Beast. Analysts say that the final version of their reports, saw the light, portray a group of ISIS more attenuated than in reality. It is noted that to prevent distortion in the reports could only representatives of CENTKOM.

The complaint has forced the Pentagon's inspector General and a Commission of the U.S. Congress to launch an investigation of these facts. It is expected that the outcome of the investigation in a 10-page report will be published towards the end of the week.

In CENTKOM refused to comment on the investigation, noting that until he got officially charged.
angelburst29 said:
Laura said:
Angelburst, I'm just in awe of your capacity/ability to ferret out the good stuff on several topics.What I would like to know is if you are interested at all in working directly on sott?

I deeply appreciate the offer and "YES" I would welcome the challenge and learning to do something new.

Congratulations! Let's roll! :)


Saint Petersburg hosted the negotiations between Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

V. Putin: Dear Mr. President! Dear colleges!

We all know that in previous years, the relationship between our countries has reached an unprecedented high level and quality. However, after the notorious tragedy in November last year, which resulted in death of our soldiers, they have fallen to very low levels, they have degraded.

At the same time, your visit, which comes amid a very complicated situation in Turkey, indicates that all of us want to revive our dialogue and restore relations for the sake of the Turkish and Russian peoples.

I know that I was one of the first who called the President and reaffirmed support for overcoming the domestic political crisis related to the coup. I want to say once again that our principled position is the fact that we are always categorically opposed to any attempts at anti-constitutional activity.

In this regard, I would like to hope that the Turkish people under your leadership will cope with this problem, thus the order and the constitutional legality will be restored.

Today, we will have the opportunity to talk both in narrow and broad composition on the entire range of our relations, including trade and economic relations restoring, cooperation in the fight against terrorism.

I am very glad to see this opportunity. Welcome!

R. Erdoğan: First of all, I would like to express my gratitude that in this delicate period, you have time and opportunity to invite us here.

As you remember, we planned to have a meeting at the G20 Summit. As you know, due to notorious events, we had to change our plans. I once again express my gratitude to you for this opportunity to be with you and meet with you.

The Turkish-Russian relations started to move towards the positive changes. We know how to define such crucial objectives. I am sure that the steps that we plan to made, will begin to broaden the process.

Indeed, your phone call immediately after the coup attempt pleased my colleagues, our people and me. The fact that our nation stands against all coup attempts and how much it wants the democracy, was clear evidence on Sunday when the democracy meeting was organized.

We are very glad that we will arrange the next regular council on cooperation at the high level. We have the agenda on a lot of key issues of bilateral relations and their development.
We have much to discuss, the region expects a lot from us politically. I believe that our cooperation will solve many problems in the region.

Thank you!

Grand Eurasia - the meaning of St. Petersburg and Baku

August 10th, 2016 - Fort Russ News - - Rostislav Ishchenko - translated by J. Flores

It is difficult to overestimate the significance of Vladimir Putin's meeting with Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in St. Petersburg. However, from my point of view, the Russian president's visit to Baku and talks with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, and Iran's Hassan Rouhani, and the symbolic and practical angles of this, were no less so, and indeed much more important.

Let's start with the fact that Russia currently maintains with Iran more than a good relationship; the countries are military allies in Syria. Iran has been providing the Russian VKS a straight corridor through its territory to Iraq. And it is extremely important not only in terms of a strike-range aviation, but also due to the need to organize an uninterrupted supply of Russian troops in Syria. The most important sea route across the straits has come under threat during the recent sharp deterioration of relations with Turkey. Given the overall instability in the Middle East, the presence of an alternative line of access dramatically increases the stability of the entire Syrian factions.

The Russian president could easily meet with his Iranian counterpart in Tehran - not fly to Baku. But if the two leaders are actively involved in global politics, and considered it necessary to meet in Baku, then there were reasons.

Traditional rivals

Let me remind you that Azerbaijan has traditionally focused on Turkey which is not least Iran's traditional rival in the struggle for influence in the broader Middle East, including the Caucasus.

Even before the emergence of modern Turkey and Iran, Parthia and Rome, Byzantium and the Sassanids were all competing with varying success. Therefore, in the initial stages of the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh, Iran, balancing the influence of Ankara in the region, did a lot to support Yerevan. Even now the Iranian border is a major corridor to break the blockade of Armenia, and in the reign of Saakashvili in Georgia, it was the only reliable way into the world.

It is worth remembering, and that more than half of the territory of historical Azerbaijan is under the sovereignty of Iran, which is also not conducive to the establishment of relations of Tehran and Baku.

In general, the complex tangle of conflicting interests in the area, from the Caucasus to the Suez, until recently appeared inextricable in principle.

It is also easy to understand that if on the eve of a crucial meeting with Erdogan, the Russian President leaves for talks in exactly the opposite direction, it is not because Aliyev and Rouhani were impossible to meet for a couple of days earlier, or a week later, but due to the fact that this format of the meeting and its timing was extremely important: this is how to determine the position of the St. Petersburg meeting, and its global context.

The positions of Moscow and Tehran aligned

Initially, it was clear that for Erdogan, for which Russia has remained virtually the only potential ally, the St. Petersburg meeting was about assisting in the stabilization of the Turkish regime, and such stabilization will be a hard bargain. Turks realize how beneficial a Turkish withdrawal from American influence and its reorientation towards Moscow actually is. Ankara also understand that for Russia, the threat of destabilization or even disintegration of Turkey is a significant threat. Therefore, even with their weak negotiating position, the arguments for a major trade are there.

What does the Baku meeting mean for Erdogan?

Before the meeting, Rouhani said that Russia and Iran may play a role in assisting Turkey in the internal stabilization and the fight against terrorism, including in Syria. This phrase was to demonstrate to the Turkish president that the positions of Moscow and Tehran, on all issues of interest Ankara, are based on their alignment. If Turkey thought it could play one against the other, and and tries to negotiate with each individually and pick up for itself the best deal, will not succeed.

In addition, the fact of the meeting in Baku shows that the Azerbaijani leadership also takes into account the change in the balance of forces in the Middle East, in general, and in the Caucasus, in particular in favor of Russia and Iran.

Ilham Aliyev, of course, will not give up its other commitments to maintain close relations with Turkey (a traditional partner and strategic ally of Azerbaijan). Most likely, he even tried to help Erdogan, probing ahead of the last talks with Putin fully understand the Russian and Iranian positions, checking their strength and consistency.

However, Ilham Heydar oglu Aliyev is one of the most realistic politicians of post-Soviet space. He understands that an alliance with Turkey is no longer able to fully meet the interests of Azerbaijan. It is necessary to enlist the support of the new dominant players in the region. Therefore, Aliyev's aim in Baku was actually for entry the of Azerbaijan into the Russian-Iranian blueprint and not so much as a mediator in the negotiations with Turkey (Erdogan decides everything directly), but as another partner.
The US's position will be weakened.

What is the tendency of Azerbaijan to the Russian-Iranian alliance in terms of regional, and is not unrelated to Turkish interests, but geopolitical?

No more and no less, as the weakening of the US position in the Middle East.

The existence of even an informal union of Russia, Turkey, Iran and Azerbaijan closes (for the current generation of politicians, forever) the question of the direct delivery of Caspian corridor energy to Europe as an alternative to the supply of "Gazprom" and "Rosneft". Now, if they are there and will it, it is only in the framework of the joint (the Russian-Iranian-Azerbaijani-Turkish) project, in which the interests of all stakeholders are taken into account.

It closes the possibility of the US to blockade the Russian lines to Syria.

But for Moscow this does not just open a narrow bottleneck, but all the space from the Balkans to the Caspian Sea.

This makes projects of transport corridors from the Arctic Ocean to the Indian Ocean a reality. A south (Iranian) new branch of the Silk Road is also beginning to acquire the features of reality, that is, internal connection potential to Grand Eurasia (from Lisbon to Kuala Lumpur), diversified, and there it will be more and more difficult to cut.

Even in the Middle East, the recent absolute dominance of the United States is reduced to attempts to retain control over the Arab monarchies of the Gulf, or at least keep them from being hopelessly blown away, which makes these Gulf states following in the wake of US policy to simply feud with Iran.

Of course, the negotiations in Baku and St. Petersburg just have signaled the start of long-term relations, designated the vector and dynamics of the process. But in today's world, changes occur almost instantaneously.

In 2008, in South Ossetia, Russia defended the North Caucasus from NATO attempts at 'Somaliazation', maintaining its credibility in the region. In 2014, Russia blocked a US attempt to gain a foothold in the Crimea, and Kiev launched a self-destruct mode process (even by American and European standards). In 2015, Russia defended Syria against the pro-American Islamist thugs who almost forever plunged the region into chaos.

2016 is not over yet, but we are talking about the fact that Russia and its allies are preparing to restore order in the Middle East.

Erdogan believes Akkuyu NPP project implementation currently lags behind

The Turkish president believes the process can be pushed forward

ST. PETERSBURG, August 10. /TASS/. Implementation of the Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant project currently lags behind, but the situation is mendable, President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday during a meeting between the Russian and Turkish leaders with the representatives of the countries' business.

"At the moment Akkuyu NPP project implementation lags behind. But I believe that if we take the necessary steps, we can add speed up the process," Erdogan said. He added that the volume of investment in the project is estimated at about $22 bln.

The Turkish President also confirmed plans to implement the Turkish stream gas pipeline and focused on other aspects of the Russian-Turkish cooperation.

Erdogan said earlier at a press conference after the talks with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, that Turkey intends to grant the status of a "strategic investment" to the Akkuyu NPP project.

According to him, this way the Akkuyu project will take place among a number of other similar projects in the country and will profit from all the necessary benefits that are given with this status.

The intergovernmental Russian-Turkish agreement on construction of the Akkuyu nuclear power plant was signed on May 12, 2010. This project includes construction of four power units (VVER-1200) with a capacity of 1.2 GW each in accordance with the Russian project "NPP-2006".

Due to tensions in Russian-Turkish relations, the future of Akkuyu NPP project was under question.

In June, Russian Nuclear Agency Rosstom said that the first concreting at Akkuyu NPP was planned in 2018. The first block is expected to be put into operation in 2023.
angelburst29 said:
Over two months ago, my computer automatically (without permission) downloaded Windows 10. I've been having a host of problems with it. A week and a half ago, it automatically downloaded an 18 minute upgrade.

If you notice, I rarely Post anything from RT - mainly because I get a 503 error and if I do get on the site, it freezes. Occasionally, I have problems with other sites. It uninstalled my Printer and messed up video to the point, I can't even watch short clips from local news and these are only some of the problems. I have had to log into my own account on several occasions - just so it can prompt me for a security question.

I wish I had the know-how but I don't. It's scheduled to be worked on, the first week of September.

If you want you can work on the other OS, for example "". You would have everything you need to work, and you wouldn't be disturbed by unnecessary things and events, I hope.

If you install Windows 10, then better if you will do this after format with fresh start with Windows on CD or USB.
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