Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

US military experts earlier said that Russia can seize the territory of Poland overnight

Kremlin calls US official’s words on Russian possible attack on Poland "madman analytics"

US military experts’ recommendations to Warsaw on what to do if Russia attacks Poland are "analytics of madmen," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Tuesday.

Answering a question on how the Kremlin assesses US military experts’ recommendations to Poland, Peskov said: "As pseudo-analytics of madmen."

US military experts earlier said that Russia can seize the territory of Poland overnight.

Secretary of State John Kerry says he raised the email hack of the Democratic National Committee with Russia's top diplomat but stopped short of making any allegation about who might be responsible.

Russia Foreign Minister Responds To Allegation It Is Behind DNC Hack: "I Don't Want To Use Four-Letter Words"

According to CBS, Kerry told reporters Tuesday he brought the matter up with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov at a meeting in Laos and explained that the FBI was investigating. He did not, however, repeat allegations or echo suspicions that Russia was responsible for the hack and said he would not draw conclusions until the probe is complete. "I raised the question and we will continue to work to see precisely what those facts are," Kerry said. He would not say if Lavrov responded

Earlier, Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov responded to accusations that Russia was allegedly behind the DNC server hack, when he blasted a reporter over her question that Russia was behind the DNC email leaks. Lavrov had a concise reply, stating: "I don't want to use four-letter words."

He was speaking ahead of talks at the ASEAN summit in Laos.

This appears to be a denial of the accusations.

Cybersecurity experts and U.S. officials have said there is evidence that Russia engineered the release of the emails in order to influence the U.S. presidential election.

Earlier, the FBI said it was investigating a cyber intrusion at the DNC, adding that Russia is the leading suspect in the hack.

On Sunday, Clinton’s campaign manager, Robby Mook, claimed in an interview with CNN that “experts are telling us that Russian state actors broke into the DNC, stole these emails, and other experts are now saying that the Russians are releasing these emails for the purpose of actually helping Donald Trump.”

The US and Saudi Arabia have been conspiring with one another to engineer a series of crises that could prompt Iran to pull back its troops in Syria and redeploy them back to the homeland. The modus operandi has been to encourage peripheral insurgencies inside the Islamic Republic’s borderland regions concurrent with a terrorist threat to the interior, all while stirring up Color Revolution commotion. In short, Washington and Riyadh are working hard to wage a multidimensional Hybrid War on Iran, and all indications point to each respective component of this campaign intensifying in the coming months as the US turns up the heat against its decades-long Mideast rival.

The US-Saudi Plan To Prompt An Iranian Pullback From Syria

(Long article - some important quotes.)

The Kurdish Crisis That Nobody Talks About The international media – both Western and alternative – has paid a lot of attention to the Kurds in Turkey, Syria, and Iraq, but practically no established outlet or reliable mainstream media network is focusing on the Iranian Kurds. For those readers who understandably aren’t aware of what’s been unfolding over the past month, the Kurdish Democratic Party of Iran (KDPI) has been waging a vicious insurgency against Tehran on the pretense that the government has reneged on a previous ceasefire and political guarantees. The reality, though, is that the militant Kurdish nationalism that’s been sweeping the Mideast over the past couple of years has finally infected Iran, just as the author predicted would inevitably happen in the scenario forecasting portion of his 2015 book about Hybrid War theory. Furthermore, this group of “Secular Wahhabi” Kurds isn’t fighting for independence, but openly wants a regime reboot that transforms the entire Iranian system from an Islamic Republic into an Identity Federation.

“Political Incorrectness”: The reason that this conflict isn’t being talked about a lot is because it’s “politically incorrect” for both the Western and non-Western outlets to report on. For example, unipolar-supporting information networks seem to have an unspoken agreement to not gloat about this occurrence, despite it obviously being to the US and Saudi Arabia’s strategic interests. [...]

Foreign Invasion: To qualify the specifics of what’s been happening in northwestern Iran it’s not indigenous Kurds that are “revolting”, but Iraqi-based Iranian Kurds that are invading the country from their safe haven in the Kurdish Regional Government (KRG). These cross-border attacks have become so bad and raised such a military-strategic alarm back in Tehran that the government even said that they’ll launch their own retaliatory cross-border strikes and engage in hot pursuits if they found it tactically necessary to defeat these terrorists. Iran knows that these militant incursions are supported by KRG President Barzani, which is another one of the many reasons that it has for supporting the opposition Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) and Change Movement (Gorran) against the Kurdish chieftain’s Kurdish Democratic Party (KDP). Moreover, the oil pipeline that Iran plans to build to Iraq will extend to the KRG PUK-influenced city of Koysinjaq, which will eventually give a long-term boost to that party at the expense of the KDP.

The hostile forces behind this anti-Iranian insurgent war are much bigger than Barzani, and Tehran has actually accused its rival Riyadh of being the mastermind behind this war. [...]

“Lead From Behind”: As could have been expected, the US is playing a very strong “Lead From Behind” role in indirectly funding this insurgency and strengthening its viability. Instead of openly having anything to do with the KDPI and thereby possibly compromising their “independence” and the mythos behind their “organic uprising”, the US chooses instead to syphon money and supplies to the fighters through its KRG proxy. Just the other day Washington clinched an historic deal to provide the KRG with $415 million for ammunition, food, pay, and medical equipment, though it’s highly probable that some of these funds and equipment will be purposely laundered to the KDPI. [...]

The KRG first functioned as a safe haven for the PKK, though this has been changing in recent years as Barzani increasingly makes it known that he’s Erdogan’s main capo in keeping control over the region.
As for the KDPI, their headquarters are located in the KRG and they’re known to be close to Barzani, the recipient of the US’ nearly half-a-billion dollar largesse. For this reason, it’s just as predictable that the KRG will funnel some of its aid to its allied Syrian YPG as it would to its allied Iranian KDPI. [...]

Mideast Mischief: The worst related scenario that could arise with the Kurdish insurgency in Iran is if the KDPI fighters allied with the PKK and began using Turkish territory as a launching pad for their cross-border raids. The two militant groups have previously been at odds with one another, but a mid-2015 meeting was meant to squash their mutual misunderstandings. The only state actors who have an interest in the PDPI attacking Iran from PKK-held territory in Turkey are the US and Saudi Arabia, which would be overjoyed to see observe the deteriorating relations between the two neighbors if Iran reacts by threatening cross-border retaliation and Ankara expectedly vows to defend its sovereignty in response.

Daesh And Sectarian Drama Not to be forgotten, the world’s most notorious terrorist group has long had their sights set on Iran, with their foreign backers eager to use the nominally “Sunni” organization to aggravate the sectarian proxy war with the Shiite-majority Islamic Republic. Daesh has yet to strike Iran, but they were accused of plotting one of the country’s largest-ever terrorist attacks late last month that would have seen them bombing around 50 places in and around Tehran. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) thankfully foiled the attack before it could be carried out, but Iran still remains one of the group’s most sought-after targets, especially if one accepts the thesis that American and Saudi intelligence agents still hold partial influence over some of the group’s members. Washington and Riyadh are dedicated to undermining Tehran as much as they can, and a large-scale terrorist bombing campaign in the capital would have a tremendous effect in producing panic and making some segments of society susceptible to hostile suggestions that the government “didn’t’ do enough” to protect them or that the state’s response is “heavy-handed” and “dictatorial” (e.g. if they enforce curfews, deploy the IRGC/troops in the streets in response, and/or raid terrorist safe houses in Sunni-inhabited areas of the country). [...]

Concluding Thoughts The three interlinked destabilizations enumerated above have the potential to combine in such a way as to generate a serious multidimensional crisis in Iran. At the moment, only the Kurdish Crisis has been visibly activated, though the Baloch Insurgency seems to be gaining ground in recent years. It’s thus most accurate to state that the strategy of externally influenced peripheral destabilization inside of Iran’s borderland provinces is the first step of the three to ‘go live’, and even so, it’s still in its opening stages. Had the Daesh bombings not been proactively dealt with, then the sudden introduction of the second step of sectarian violence could have realistically catalyzed the peripheral conflicts and possibly sped up the implementation of the third step, another Color Revolution or a “Green Revolution 2.0”.

Looking back at the events of the past month and seeing evidence that all three steps are vigorously being promoted in one way or another (the Kurdish insurgent invasion, the attempted Daesh bombings, and the largest-ever anti-Tehran Color Revolution rally in Paris), it should be self-evident to all Iranian decision makers and strategists that their country is explicitly being targeted for Hybrid Warfare and that precautionary defensive actions need to be taken as soon as possible. Just as the US expects, this could realistically take the form of part or all of the IRGC’s redeployment from Syria (and possibly also Iraq) back to the Iranian home front where they’d be much more urgently needed in assisting with internal (border and urban) security. Although ill-intentioned rumors (mostly created by Tehran’s adversaries) have abounded for a while now that Iran will pull some of its troops out from Syria, the recent events expounded upon earlier in this article give credence to the idea that Tehran might actually have a fairly legitimate reason for finally doing so in preemptively defending its own security, even if this means that it’s falling into the US-Saudi trap that was created to induce this very decision. Although there is no evidence that Iran has pulled back its forces from Syria, it could very well be contemplating such a move in the face of what its leadership might consider to be the much more urgent threats afflicting the homeland.

The most ironic aspect of this plot, though, is that it occurs at the exact same time that the US is considering to officially cooperate with Russia in its anti-terrorist operation in Syria through the tentatively proposed “Joint Implementation Group”, though it can be inferred that this possible twist of fate wasn’t at all countenanced by American strategists when they conspired with the Saudis in devising this grand Iranian trap. Instead, it was the surprise Russian-Turkish détente that completely changed the geopolitical dynamics by influencing Ankara to belatedly declare that al-Nusra is a terrorist group and to publicly make outreaches to Syria (despite repeating its ‘face-saving’ refrain that “Assad must go”). This means that while Iran might draw down some of its on-the-ground forces to protect its homeland, Russia might correspondingly increase its own aerospace ones in the battlespace, though Moscow would still be unable to compensate for the strategic withdrawal of Tehran’s much-needed frontline forces unless it takes the very unlikely decision to deploy its own boots on the ground to augment the Syrian Arab Army. Even without this happening, a recommitted Russian aerospace campaign with the political will of seeing the war out to its logical end could be more than enough to restore the military balance that would be temporarily offset by the partial withdrawal of some of Iran’s highly skilled special forces, though a robust combination of Syrian-Russian-Iranian interservice forces would be necessary to ultimately secure whatever gains are made and assist with the probable post-Daesh liberation campaign against the illegal YPG-occupied areas of northern Syria.
Is Putin’s Purge Of Top Russian Commanders An Advance Warning Of Large-Scale Military Action In The Near Future?

In a previous article on the U.S. backing Russia into a corner and provoking a response that can lead to WWIII, we referenced the following report from the Daily Mail: Putin sacks EVERY commander in his Baltic fleet in Stalin-style purge.

The information is important, because the article details the importance of Kaliningrad, the westernmost Russian military staging base on the Baltic and the hub of a tremendous amount of posturing by Russian forces to counter the US-NATO buildup in the area. Kaliningrad is detailed in purpose and history, and this in itself is important to understand in order to follow future movements and deployments by Russia. There is another, subtler reason the article’s information is critical to understand: the mind of a Russian leader who was “brought up” and schooled in the Soviet system of warfare.

Past articles pertaining to Russia have mentioned the work “Inside the Soviet Army,” by Viktor Suvorov, (true name Vladimir Bogdanovich Rezun) who during the 1980’s authored some other works, pertaining to “the Aquarium” (the GRU, the USSR’s-Now-Russia’s version of the CIA), Spetsnaz, and such. Although written in the1980’s, the tactics have not changed in terms of an “evolution” with the USSR’s transformation to Russia post “debridement” of the former SSR’s and becoming leaner and more technologically advanced.

One of the things that Suvorov mentions is that prior to an operation or a large-scale military action, the Soviet command would purge itself of its highest-ranking generals and officers, and emplace those seconds-in-command to each of the “vacated” positions, or those immediately succeeding deemed worthy. The reasoning for this was to limit complete understanding of the entire situation only to what the Kremlin wanted known, and even for the final plan of attack/defense to be released only upon the eve of the actual operation.

In this manner, the Kremlin was assured of handpicked leaders with the loyalty level they wished for and a removal of potential dissenters. Additionally, it also removed the possibility of a “leak” prior to the engagement’s commencement. The actual overall plan was only given out to the highest members of the newly-formed chain-of-command to assure centralized secrecy and control up until the time that the command to move forward with the operation was given.

This policy does not even have its roots grounded in the Soviet Union; it is an ancient technique of restructuring to assure secrecy and centralized command that dates back a thousand years or more in Russia. When on a war-footing, it does not necessarily mean the cashiered officers are “disgraced” so much as that they are reshuffled to other areas to serve in other ways, while this technique is being implemented.

If you should manage to get a hold of a copy of Suvorov’s book, another thing that bears mention is the superb manner that the Russians “stockpile” reserves of equipment, weapons, and supplies. Suvorov mentioned that tanks, for example, were built that had few amenities and creature-comforts: rugged in their simplicity that could be operated with a minimum of training. The doctrine very much followed (and still does) of quick, deep penetration that promotes large gains of territory quickly and manages to instill “shock and awe” in an opponent.

The Russians believe in a good, quick offense that takes ground swiftly. This offense is also defensive in nature in the mindset, because by seizing territory in warfare, it creates a larger buffer and simultaneously keeps an enemy off balance. Speed and deep penetration of armored units into an enemy’s (formerly) rear area is the concept. It follows that simplistic, time-honored tenet: “The best defense is a good offense.”

This is why it is important to understand the effects of the US-NATO encroachment on the “mind” or mindset of Russia. Perhaps the West views the additional troops and units as “routine,” however, this “minimization” of a threat in the West’s eyes is nothing less than an attack posture in Russian eyes, and right in their own backyard. What the former views as nothing, the latter views as a direct provocation and an attack. Then when (or if) Russia responds, the West points a finger and denounces Russian “aggression” when the West’s own actions have provoked a threat response and fulfilled Russia’s “matrix” for actions.

Such is precisely what happened with the annexation of Crimea. The West initiated a coup d’état and ousted the elected President of Ukraine, then inserted Yatsenuk. Some lag time occurred, in which Russia acted decisively rather than lose Sevastopol and its naval base of operations for its entire Black Sea fleet. Such is also why Syria, and now Eastern Ukraine are such flash points, just as the entire region for the Baltic States has now become.

Russians have been famed as great chess players for many decades, and they are smart enough and decisive enough to act and make wise moves when needed that do not necessarily affect a balance of power while protecting their own interests in their sphere of influence. A prime example of this is Syria. ISIS is a creation of the United States, and used as a “vehicle” for the West to try and topple Assad, leader of Syria. Underlying this was the desire for the West to “knock the knees” off of Gazprom (hence Russia’s) importation and sales of natural gas to Europe. The West intended to run a gas pipeline from Qatar through northwestern Syria to do this.

Russia was brilliant. First they “invited” the US to “team up” with them in the war against ISIS. Obama was dumbstruck, as this would mean the US would be fighting its own creation. The Russians then acted decisively: They bombed the daylights out of Assad’s opposition (who we backed), bolstered Assad’s forces, left a token force of their own (largely air assets), and then declared the actions to be “over.” Obama the community organizer was no match for Putin the former Colonel of the KGB. Furthermore (if you notice), all of the West’s actions have been shifted in focus by the media to “protect the refugees/humanitarian aid/defense,” a lying slant to mask the underlying desire of the US to topple Assad and control Syria.

So to conclude, something is definitely happening, with the Russian Vice-Admiral and another 50 or so officers either relieved or removed and shuffled to parts unknown. It may interest you to know that an article appeared entitled Russian Armageddon Convoy Practices for WWIII that details movements and shuffling around of nuclear missiles (ICBM’s) of the Topol and Yars missile systems, which are multiple warhead systems, as well as deploying NBC (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical) units. The article describes how convoys with as many as 400 vehicles have been observed moving around from the European border all the way to Mongolia.

The situation changes by the day, and Putin himself warned the western journalists that they were presenting a picture of the overall situation that was false and misleading…and that we are on the precipice of WWIII. Food for thought, and almost anything can trigger a response in any of the current flashpoints that can easily escalate into a world war.
82 percent of Russians approve of the Vladimir Putin's job as the Russian president, while the Parliament's work was approved by 42 percent of the respondents, according to the poll.

Approval Rating of Putin’s Job as Russian President Reaches 82%

A total of 82 percent of Russians approve of the Vladimir Putin's job as the Russian president, a poll conducted by the Moscow-based non-profit Levada Center revealed on Wednesday.

Approval rating of Putin's job as Russian president was 81 percent in June, while in July 2015 it totaled 87 percent.

The survey was conducted on July 22-25 among 1,600 people aged 18 years and older across 137 settlements in the 48 regions of Russia.

One person has died and six sustained injuries in an explosion and subsequent fire at Rosneft's oil field.

One Dead, Six Injured in Russian Siberia Oilfield Accident

One person has died, another six sustained injuries in an explosion and subsequent fire at Rosneft's Verkhnechonskoye oil field in the Irkutsk Region in Russia's Siberia, a source in the region's emergency service told RIA Novosti on Wednesday.

The press service of Verkhnechonskneftegaz, the operator of the oil field, confirmed the information, adding that the accident was caused by a snapped fuel gas receiver.

Russia will finish building autonomous military bases in the Arctic by the end of this year.

Russia to Finish Building Military Bases Off Arctic Coast by Year-End

"This year, we will finish constructing unique military towns of the closed-cycle type in the archipelagos of Franz Josef Land and New Siberian Islands," Shoigu said at a ministerial meeting.

The defense minister said the military was building networks of airfields and monitoring stations in the Arctic outposts to improve the nation’s air defenses.

Russia's northernmost archipelagos stretch over thousands of miles off its northwestern coast in the Barents and Kara seas, as well as in its Far Eastern maritime territories between the Laptev and the East Siberian seas.

Moscow regards the development of the Russian Arctic as an issue which has long-term strategic importance. New military infrastructure, deployed on the perimeter of the country's northern border will ensure both the security of Artic offshore natural resources and the sovereignty of the state.

Why Russia is Strengthening Its Arctic Northern Periphery

Russia continues to expand its military presence in the Arctic region following the creation of Russia's Joint Strategic Command North (JSC North) back in 2014.

In fact JSC North has become Russia's fifth military district, located within the Arctic Circle, Russian military expert Leonid Nersisyan writes in his article for Regnum.

Russia is building and restoring Severomorsk-1 Airfield on the Kola Peninsula, Nagurskoye Air Base in Franz Josef Land, Rogachevo in Arkhangelsk Region, Tiksi in Yakutia, and Temp Airbases on Kotelny Island.

Furthermore, Russia is carrying out design and survey work aimed at reconstructing Severomorsk-3 Airfield in Murmansk Region, Naryan-Mar in Arkhangelsk Region, Vorkuta in the Komi Republic, Alykel Airfield in Krasnoyarsk Region and Anadyr Ugolny Airport in the Chukotka Autonomous Region.

On July 7 Russian Deputy Defense Minister Timur Ivanov told reporters that Russia's general construction work on defense facilities in the region are expected to be completed by the end of 2016.

"General work in Arctic is to be completed by the end of the current year," Ivanov underscored.

The military expert underscores that although it is unlikely that Russian bombers and jet fighters will be simultaneously stationed at all the airfields, the modernized airports will be able to receive Russian military aircraft in the event of a conflict.

Nersisyan emphasizes that Russia's activity in the region could be explained by the need to protect the rich natural resources of the Russian Arctic, particularly offshore gas and oil fields.

"For instance, Rogachevo and Nagurskoye airfields could serve to ensure the security of [Russia's] infrastructure in the Karsko Sea — it has colossal reserves of oil, which have yet to be extracted," he notes, adding that Norway is currently asserting itself in close proximity to the Russian Arctic.

JSC North includes the maritime, land and air components of the Russian Armed Forces, he remarks.

Journalist Oleg Polevoy of analysis website echoes Nersisyan's stance. The journalist points to the fact that NATO member states — the US, Canada and Norway — are well prepared to conduct military operations in the Arctic region. Moreover, Oslo is deploying a new army unit, consisting of 200 rangers, on the border between Norway and Russia.

In this light, Moscow's activity in the region is completely justified, Polevoy notes, stressing that the Russian military "has no time for relaxation."

"Arctic exercises by NATO countries and their partners have followed one after another," he remarks.

It is worth mentioning that in March 2015 the Russian military force held major drills in the Arctic, seeking to test the country's readiness to counter geopolitical challenges on its northern borders. The exercises involved 110 aircraft, 38,000 soldiers, 41 ships and 15 submarines.

Russian Interior Minister suggested the ASEAN police departments on Wednesday to establish the exchange procedures of personal data.

Russian Interior Ministry Proposes ASEAN Data Sharing Establishment

Russian Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev suggested the police departments of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEANAPOL) on Wednesday to establish the exchange procedures of personal data of those involved in undocumented migration and drug trafficking, which may require respective changes in legislation.

He recalled that the reform of law enforcement agencies was nearing completion in Russia, under which the responsibility for anti-drug and migration operations are due to be managed by the Interior Ministry. Kolokoltsev said that it would solve complex problems, while preserving the dynamic of cooperation development with foreign partners.

ASEAN comprises Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam. ASEANAPOL held its first meeting in 1981. The police chiefs' association aims to harmonize and standardize coordination and communication between the bloc's police institutions.

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has signed a new, updated edition of the country's military doctrine, following deliberations in the country's parliament. Significantly, while the doctrine does not directly identify the countries which serve as a threat to Belarus, it is hinted in no uncertain terms that NATO is the most likely threat.

Belarus's New Military Doctrine: NATO, Color Revolutions Main Threats to Country

According to paragraph 11.3 of the new doctrine, direct military threats to the country include "the expansion (or creation) of military-political alliances in the European region in which the Republic of Belarus is not included," and/or an attempt by such alliances to carry out "global functions."

Paragraph 11.4, meanwhile, alludes to the threat posed by "the strengthening of the offensive capabilities of states (or coalitions of states), including the unilateral establishment of strategic missile defense systems, precision-guided weaponry equipped with non-nuclear warheads for attacks against the military forces and infrastructure of the Republic of Belarus," and other measures "leading to a disruption of the existing balance of forces, as well as the building up of military infrastructure by states bordering Belarus."

Belarus is a member of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, a military alliance consisting of Russia and five other post-Soviet states. Additionally, Belarus and Russia share a joint air defense system. Politically and economically, the two countries are integrated via the Russian-Belarusian Union State and the Eurasian Economic Union.

Alluding to the dangers of 'missile defense' and cruise missiles disrupting the existing balance of forces in the region, the new doctrine is clearly talking about the North Atlantic Alliance, the only other major military bloc in Europe, and the ongoing buildup of NATO forces in Eastern Europe, including US ABM systems in Romania and Poland.

In addition to direct military threats, the doctrine talks about so-called military-political, military-strategic and military-economic threats to the country. The document pays particular attention to the use of color revolution techniques, the use of private military forces, and 'hybrid warfare'.

Ravkov noted that the country's new military doctrine, the first update since 2002, would be sure to take account of a series of new external and internal threats, including those which are formally outside the military sphere, but which significantly affect the country's defense.

The ruling Polish Law and Justice party (PiS) senators want to remove 29 Soviet memorials in Poland under the anti-Communist, according to the statement.

Poland to Spend $377,000 on Removing Soviet War Memorials

The Polish government plans to spend some 1.5 million Zlotys ($377,000) to remove Soviet war memorials in the country, the ruling Law and Justice party (PiS) said Wednesday.

The Eastern European nation has a law that bans what it deems to be propaganda of totalitarian regimes, including Communism. This will now be extended to war-time monuments, erected in commemoration of the Red Army.

There are 229 Soviet memorials in Poland. The Institute of National Remembrance, a government-affiliated body, said earlier that it wanted to move all of them to an open-air museum.

A US aircraft carrying out an observation flight over Russia was forced to make an emergency landing at Khabarovsk's airport due to an apparent landing gear malfunction.

US Surveillance Flight Makes Emergency Landing in Siberia

The aircraft took off from Ulan-Ude, a city to the east of Lake Baikal, and was heading to the Russian city of Yakutsk. However, one of the plane’s landing gears had apparently malfunctioned and failed to retract after takeoff, so the crew decided to make a forced landing in Khabarovsk, RIA Novosti reports.

The Khabarovsk airport administration also confirmed that an aircraft with a stuck landing gear made an unscheduled landing there.

Earlier, Russian Defense Ministry Nuclear Risk Reduction Center officials announced that a US Boeing OC-135B aircraft would conduct an observation flight over Russian territory between July 25 and 30.

Moscow has issued international wanted notices for more than 260 suspected terrorists.

Moscow Issues Int’l Arrest Notices for 260 Terrorists Preparing Attacks

"Russian law enforcement agencies put over 260 people on the international wanted list. Most of them are in foreign countries and continue their intensive organizational and preparatory activities on relocation of terrorism operations to the territory of Russia and several other countries," Alexander Bortnikov said.

He added that the Russian security forces found out in 2015 that over 2,900 people of Russian origin could be involved in terrorist activities in Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq.
Resistance forces in Mosul revealed that the ISIL terrorist group is making surface-to-air missiles based on an Israeli model to target Iraqi, Syrian and coalition fighter jets.

ISIL Building Surface-to-Air Missiles Based through Israeli Technology

According to the Arabic-language Sputnik news website, the plan includes equipping the ISL missiles with cameras similar to the systems used in Rafael Python-5 missiles produced by Israel which can be fired both from surface and air.

The resistance forces also said that the ISIL group which has been entrusted with implementing the plan includes Iraqi and foreign members headed by Nineveh governor called al-Seidali who have equipped and armed the missiles in a region in Wadi al-Akab in Western Mosul and then fled to Raqqa in Syria.

They added that the ISIL group's activity is not limited to the equipment and enhancement of the missiles; "it also produces the chemical materials used in the bombs and mortars, including poisonous gases like chlorine and mustard gas, which were earlier discovered by the Iraqi and Kurdish forces near Mosul and al-Anbar province.

By implementing the plan, the ISIL seeks to equip the missiles with tracking, tracing and controlling systems which include special electronic circuits and a micro computer chip that receives and processes the information and gives digital orders to the control circuit in the engine impellers through 5-volt micro computer chip.

Based on the information gained by the resistance forces, the ISIL uses Sony cameras to equip its missiles.

The reports came after evidence indicated in July 2014 that Japan’s electronics giant, Sony, had assisted Israel in its deadly offensive against the besieged Gaza Strip.

A piece of an Israeli rocket was discovered in Gaza showing that Sony Corporation has provided the Israel regime with cameras and high-tech control boards to equip its missiles.

A camera apparently manufactured by Sony was mounted on the rocket piece to help Israeli warplanes choose their targets in the Gaza Strip.

At least 26 people were killed and over 60 others were injured in a car bombing in a predominantly Kurdish town in North of Syria, local sources said.

Twin Car Bomb Attack in Syria’s Qamishli Kills at Least 26

The twin bomb attack took place in the Gharbi neighborhood of the Kurdish city of Qamishli, Rudaw reported.

The bombing is said to have targeted a neighborhood that is home to offices of the Democratic Union Party (PYD) and some of the autonomous ministerial buildings.

Initial reports say that among the casualties are civilians and members of the security forces.

Syrian state TV said the car blew up on the Western edge of the town of Qamishli, near the Turkish border.

No group has claimed responsibility for the attack, but ISIL has carried out several bombings in Kurdish areas of Syria in the past.

The Al-Nusra Front terrorist group engaged in heavy clashes with rival militants over the distribution of the tax money extorted from the people fleeing from war-hit regions in Northern Aleppo, local sources said Wednesday.

Terrorist Groups' Financial Dispute Sparks Fierce Clashes in Northern Aleppo

"Terrorist groups closed the road from Azaz to Afrin and did not allow the people fleeing from the ISIL-held regions to move to safer destinations," sources said.

"The terrorist groups concluded an agreement based on which the displaced and the refugees would pay tax to be able to move to safer territories in Northern Aleppo," they added.

"The terrorists of al-Nusra and their rival groups clashed with heavy weapons due to their differences over the way of dividing the gained taxes," the sources said.

"The terrorist groups in Azaz have started to target buses carrying refugee," the sources said.

Infighting have been intensified amongst terrorist groups in Northern Aleppo in recent months, inflicting heavy death toll on both sides.

The Syrian army and popular forces in an ambush operation in the Eastern parts of Hama province seized a large amount of weapons and ammunition from the Takfiri terrorists.

Syrian Army Seizes Weapons, Ammo from Terrorists in Hama

The army and popular forces confiscated DshK machineguns, B10 cannons, thermal rockets and tanks as well as artillery, mortar and mortar shells.

Several terrorists were killed in the Syrian army and popular forces' offensives in Eastern Hama.

In a relevant development on Tuesday, battlefield sources said the ISIL has for the first time in Hama province failed to carry out a blast operation by using bomb-laden cars due to new military tactics used by the Syrian army.

"The Syrian army managed to destroy the ISIL's two bomb-laden vehicles near the Mofaker strategic village on Tuesday," the Arabic-language media quoted an named military source as saying.

The source reiterated that it was for the first time in Hama province that the Syrian army destroyed ISIL's suicide vehicles without causing any damage and before they could strike at their targets.

The ISIL terrorists took control of a hospital in al-Mayadeen city in Deir Ezzur province, arresting all the medical staff and executing two civilians.

ISIL Seizes Hospital in Deir Ezzur, Arrests All Medical Team

Media sources in Deir Ezzur said that the ISIL has arrested the medical team of al-Nuri hospital in al-Mayadeen after accusing them of embezzlement and stealing medicine and medical equipment.

They added that the ISIL has asked for money to free the doctors and other members of the medical staff and changed the name of the hospital to Andolus.

Also, the terrorist group executed two civilians after seizing the hospital for unknown reasons.

The crimes were committed after the ISIL suffered a heavy death toll and its military hardware sustained major damage in heavy attacks of the Syrian Army troops and fighter jets in the Southern and Western countryside of Deir Ezzur city.

The Syrian warplanes bombed heavily ISIL's positions near the village of al-Mura'yeh in Eastern countryside of Deir Ezzur, inflicting major damage on the group's vehicles.

In the meantime, the Syrian army troops struck ISIL's gatherings near the village of Ayash in Western countryside of Deir Ezzur, destroying at least seven machinegun-equipped vehicles.

Reports said earlier today that the Syrian military forces discovered a long tunnel of the ISIL terrorists dug under the neighborhoods of the Eastern city of Deir Ezzur and exploded it, leaving dozens of terrorists dead or wounded.

At least fourteen people were set free by the Syrian army forces, in a joint operation with security forces, from an al-Nusra Front prison in a town West of Dara’a province, local sources said Wednesday.

14 Released from Al-Nusra Prison by Syrian Army in Dara’a

Syrian newspaper Al Watan quoted a local source as saying that the prisoners were saved from the terrorist group’s dungeon in the town of Seida in Dara’a Province.

The source said a majority of the prisoners are members of the Syrian Army.

Meanwhile, a London-based group deemed close to Syrian militants confirmed the report and accused some militants in the Copra detention center, located between Kahil and Seida, of helping the Syrian Army forces, in the operation to release the detainees from the al-Nusra Front prison.

The development came as the Syrian military forces ,yesterday, hit the strongholds of the al-Nusra Front hard in Dara'a neighborhoods and near a town in the Western Dara'a Province, leaving scores of the militants dead or wounded.

A security source in Aleppo province announced that the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), mainly comprised of Kurdish fighters, have shot down a drone of the ISIL terrorist group in the Northeastern city of Manbij.

ISIL Spying Drone Shot Down in Manbij

"A spying drone of the ISIL Takfiri terrorists was shot down in the Western parts of Dadat town in Northern Manbij while it was trying to monitor the SDF forces' moves," the sources said on Wednesday.

The SDF forces said they have recorded the downing of the drone, and vowed to release the footage soon.

Terrorists confirmed in their media pages on Wednesday that a senior field commander of the militant groups has been killed in fierce clashes with the Syrian army soldiers and popular forces in Northern Aleppo.

Syria: Another Terrorist Commander Killed in Battle with Gov't Forces in Aleppo

"Commander of Abu Amara Battalions Yassin Najar also known as Khattab was killed in a tough battle with the Syrian pro-government forces in Northern countryside of Aleppo," the sources said.
USAID has frozen some $239 million worth of contracts for providing humanitarian aid to Syria, due to numerous reports of “significant fraud” among contractors.

Significant Fraud’: $239 Million in Desperately Needed Syrian Aid Frozen

According to officials from the US Agency for International Development (USAID), some partners, charged with handling contracts, picked their winners based on the size of a bribe, offering little to no inspection of the contents of supplies. This led, in one instance, to the use of salt as the sole element in a shipment of "food ration kits." In another instance, investigators found a warehouse in Syria containing useless frying pans and tiny tarps too small to be used by adults.

According to USAID Inspector General Ann Calvaresi Barr, the agency has received 116 complaints of alleged abuse and has opened 25 investigations.

USAID insists that no aid was diverted to terrorist group Daesh, though some reportedly ended up with al-Qaeda's Nusra Front. The Government Accountability Office (GAO), however, warned that USAID likely is not aware of how much money has been lost to fraud.

"I don't think they've done the work to address that, nor have they thought about what is their risk tolerance," said GAO International Affairs and Trade Director Thomas Melito.

"Absent assessments of fraud risk, implementing partners may not have all the information needed to design appropriate controls to mitigate such risks," Melito asserted. "In addition, state and USAID officials may not have sufficient awareness of the risk of threat or loss due to theft."

Melito underscored that US humanitarian aid reaches only 4 million of some 13.5 million people in need. Any case of fraud, he said, "is literally taking food out of the mouths of babies."

Russia will continue providing the people of Syria with humanitarian assistance, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said.

Russia to Continue Providing Syrian People With Humanitarian Aid - Lavrov

Russia, which is actively promoting a peaceful solution to the Syrian conflict, has been carrying out regular humanitarian aid deliveries to various parts of Syria amid internal hostilities.

"The Russian government has already sent dozens of flights with humanitarian aid: food, medicine, various equipment needed by schools and hospitals," he added.

He said that the construction of a school in Syria was currently on the agenda.

"I hope it will become one of the most popular education establishments in this country," Lavrov said.

Ewald Stals, the head of mission in Russia for MSF Operational Center in Brussels (OCB) said that MSF is willing to make contact with the Ministry of Defense to get accurate and comprehensive information on the conditions on a joint large-scale humanitarian relief operation in Aleppo.

MSF Ready to Work With Russia to Deliver Aid to Besieged Citizens of Aleppo

Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders, or MSF) is interested in Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu's call on international organizations to take part in Russia-backed humanitarian operation in Syria's Aleppo, the head of mission in Russia for MSF Operational Center in Brussels (OCB) told Sputnik on Thursday.

Earlier in the day, the Russian defense minister said the country and the Syrian government had launched a joint large-scale humanitarian relief operation in Aleppo, establishing three corridors for civilians and one for militants wishing to lay down arms, and said that Moscow offered the international organizations working in Syria to join this operation.

EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini and humanitarian aid commissioner Christos Stylianides called on Thursday for a humanitarian pause in fighting for the contested northern Syrian city of Aleppo.

EU Urges Humanitarian Pause in Aleppo, Calls to Lift Syria-Wide Sieges

"The EU calls for an immediate humanitarian pause in fighting to ensure medical evacuations and the delivery of medicine, food and water from and into Eastern Aleppo," the EU officials said in a joint statement.

They said the eastern areas were facing starvation in a few weeks after the only road into eastern Aleppo was cut off earlier in July. The statement also called for an immediate lifting of sieges across Syria and unhindered country-wide humanitarian access.

Earlier on Thursday, Syrian President Bashar Assad promised an amnesty to militants who would lay down arms within the next three months.

Also earlier in the day, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said Moscow and Damacus had launched a joint large-scale humanitarian relief operation in Aleppo.

As the military commanders of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) issue an ultimatum to the jihadist groups located in Syria’s largest city of Aleppo to lay down arms and leave the city, Russian media points out that the operation on the liberation of the settlement would have been long over if not for the US.

'Battle of Aleppo Would Have Been Long Over if Not for the US'

Meanwhile Russian online newspaper Vzglyad notes that the operation on the liberation of Syria’s largest city would have been long over if not for one problem – namely the US.

[...] Regardless of the intensive military actions in the area, mobile communication is working well in the city and on Wednesday many residents in the jihadist-occupied districts got text messages from the government forces which guaranteed them a safe passage through the checkpoint.

After the exit of all civilians from eastern Aleppo, the government forces will be able to launch the final clean-up of the city from jihadists and other mercenaries.

The situation therefore requires a serious counterintelligence measure to filter the civil population: the jihadists have repeatedly tried to pass themselves off as refugees and tried to send their families into safe zones.

Meanwhile Russian Air Forces have kept striking the targets north of Aleppo in support of the offensive of the 4th Armored Division of the SAA and the Tiger Assault Forces, especially targeting the positions of the Fatah Halab group, which has deployed in a number of small settlements around the Castello road.

[...] Fatah Halab (which means in Arabic “Conquest of Aleppo”, or Aleppo Conquest) is not a unified organization but rather a virtual coalition of about fifty small and medium military factions of the so-called “moderate opposition” which formally united in 2015 as both an “anti-regime” and an “anti-Daesh” force.

The website notes that this group has seriously complicated the situation in Aleppo as they are being supported by the US, which from time to time demands the Russian Air Forces to halt the airstrikes on its allies.

Russia’s Defense Minister said on Tuesday that a fourth corridor for militants wishing to surrender was established in northern Aleppo because the United States failed to provide data on the separation between the al-Nusra Front, Fatah Halab and the Syrian Free Army.

Fatah Halab includes at least 19 units which had previously claimed themselves as part of the Syrian Free Army – the main Pro-American creation designed to represent the “democratic opposition to President Assad.” Yet another 31 group comprised in Fatah Halab could hardly be referred to as Liberals or Democrats. Many of them, along with being part of Fatah Halab, are also part of Ansar al-Sharia Salafist Islamist militia group and it is absolutely unclear how to separate these units from one another.

Al-Nusra formally is not part of Fatah Halab, but only formally, the website stresses. Fatah Halab field commanders just simply indicated to the US that they “have dissociated themselves from al-Nusra.”

In reality, the outlet says, al-Nusra and Fatah Halab are coordinating their operations in Aleppo and it’s simply impossible to identify which particular group is operating at a certain time.

The US is either intentionally “playing games” with the local units, or really does not understand that it is being manipulated, the website says, adding that the latter is quite possible as the CIA and its army intelligence may really be unable to figure out what is happening on the ground.

The website says that due to the stereotypes of the US military, it is enough for the representatives of Fatah Halab to put on European clothes and say something in good English about democracy and free elections and the Americans immediately lose the ability to critically perceive the reality.

Hence there is little chance of being able to identify those deemed allies by the US and those regarded as jihadists, as all of these groups easily swap over and change the colors of their flags, as recently happened with al-Nusra.

And it only remains to be seen what will happen when the government forces create a safe zone around Aleppo and start the clean-up of the jihadists both within the city and all the way further to the East, up to the Palestinian camps, the area, which the website defines as “the most cannibal zone behind the front line.”

Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas has announced his intention to sue the British state for its part in helping to establish the state of Israel and its subsequent crimes against the Palestinian people.

Palestine Announces Plan to Sue Britain for the Creation of Israel

The statement was made at the Arab League Summit this week in Mauritania by Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki in Abbas' absence.

Abbas' statement called on other members of the Arab League to support Palestine in carrying out a lawsuit against the UK over the Balfour Declaration, which paved the way for the creation of Israel in 1948.

Mahmoud Abbas and his government pointed the finger at Britain for facilitating and ultimately supporting "Israeli crimes." He also said that the UK was one of the main parties responsible for the mass displacement of Palestinians in 1948.

Foreign Minister al-Maliki told delegates at the summit that Palestine would be filing a lawsuit against Britain in the international court, but did not specify exactly when the government planned to do so.

The declaration, dated to the year 1917 and over 100-years old, was a document from the United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour to a renowned leader of the Jewish Community at the time, Lionel Walter Rothschild. The declaration made official the British state's support for a Jewish homeland in historic Palestine and facilitated the United Kingdom's mandate for Palestine in 1922.

It explicitly said that the British government at the time, favored the creation of a "national home for the Jewish people in Palestine," Mr al-Maliki said:

"We are working to open up an international criminal case for the crime which they committed against our nation — from the days of the British manage all the way to the massacre which was carried out against us from 1948 onward."

Israel claimed independence in the year 1948 after the British mandate expired. In the subsequent Arab-Israeli war, approximately 700-800,000 Palestinians were displaced, promoting a huge demographic shift in favor of Israel. The British Foreign and Commonwealth Office is yet to issue a statement concerning Mr Abbas' statements.

Whether or not the international community will take Abass' statements seriously remains to be seen, but it marks an unprecedented move in British-Palestine relations over the last decade.
Syrian President Bashar Assad offered an amnesty to militants who turn in their weapons insisting that the amnesty has been virtually in effect in Syria since day one of the terrorist war against the country.

Syrian President Offers Amnesty to Militants Who Lay down Weapons

Answering a question by the Greek ITV channel about whether he intends to issue a general amnesty if he wins the current war, President Assad said: “It is not about my victory…The most important thing is the victory of the Syrian people because it is a war waged against the Syrian people”, SANA reported.

“Speaking about amnesty, it is virtually in effect because since the start of terrorist acts in Syria, we have offered this as an option for terrorists,” he added.

“If they want to return to normal life and lay down arms they will get amnesty…We have been doing this for three years I think…Let alone the country’s win in the war, amnesty is in effect now and is, as I see it, a good option to help those people who took up arms for different reasons to return to normal the political life in case they have their own go to political institutions…to head to the polls…to go for any kind of political measures available in any country,” he added.

The General Command of the Army and Armed Forces has been sending text messages calling on the militants in the Eastern part of Aleppo city to lay down arms and seek a settlement of their legal status, and urging citizens to join national reconciliations and expel foreign militants from their localities.

Many gunmen have benefitted from several amnesty decrees issued by President Assad since the start of the terrorist war against Syria.

A large number of terrorists laid down arms and surrendered to Syrian army in Aleppo province as the soldiers of president Bashar al-Assad are racing towards Aleppo after completing siege of the city and capturing the most vital stronghold of the militants in the region, Bani Zeid.

Terrorists Laying Down Arms in Aleppo as President Assad Offers Amnesty

"Scores of Takfiri militants laid down arms and turned themselves in to the Syrian army in Bani Zeid and al-Lairamoun to be pardoned," a battlefield source said on Thursday.

"The move by the terrorists in Aleppo province came after army troops put the militants to rout in Bani Zeid and al-Lairamoun and completed the siege of Aleppo city in the East," the source added.

Forces loyal to president Assad took full control of Bani Zeid in the Eastern parts of Aleppo on Thursday. They also managed to recapture all building blocks, firms and factories in al-Lairamoun industrial zone in Northern Aleppo province.

The Syria army and popular forces had also managed to cut off all the supply lines and passages used by the terrorists to move from the North to the Eastern neighborhoods of Aleppo city on Wednesday.

Local sources said Thursday terrorists in the besieged districts of Aleppo have blocked the “safe passages” provided by the Syrian Army for the civilians to leave the militant-held districts in Syria’s second-largest city.

Lebanon’s Al Mayadeen TV channel reported the move by the terrorists in Aleppo came after a large number of people, including civilians and militants who decided to lay down their arms abiding new offer of amnesty by the Syrian government, left the city of Aleppo through ‘safe corridors’ provided by Syrian pro-government forces.

Some reports also suggest militants groups have employed snipers to shot many people getting through the 'safe passages'.

Syrian state television quoted the governor of Aleppo as saying that three humanitarian corridors have been established for civilians to leave the city. President Bashar Assad also offered an amnesty for rebels who surrender within three months.

Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu also said a fourth corridor would be set up in the North of the city for militants, near the Castello road which the army recently took over.

The Syrian army said on Wednesday it had dropped thousands of leaflets over militant-held districts in Aleppo, asking residents to cooperate with the military and calling on militants to surrender.

The Syrian army, supported by the popular forces, seized back control of the most important regions and heights in Badiya region in Hama, pushing the fleeing ISIL terrorists to the deeper points.

Syrian Army Regains Control over Strategic Regions in Badiya, Hama

The Syrian army's advance was made in the most important triangle in Central Syria which includes the Eastern parts of Hama, the Western parts of Raqqa and the Northern parts of Homs while the ISIL has not yet succeeded in opening a supply route in the region.

Also, field sources said that the ISIL has started its attacks in the region since one month ago and members of the terrorist group have concentrated in Aqirabat, Abu Hanaya and Qabibat villages which have common borders with Tal al-Tout, Aqarib, Eastern Berry and Western Berry villages.

They added that the Syrian army has retaken the highly strategic districts in the region which are considered as a key along with Tal al-Tout heights to monitor tens of kilometers of regions in which forces, artillery and machineguns are deployed.

The Syrian armed forces liberated the Palestinian refugee camp Handarat south of the Mallah Farms area near the city of Aleppo, according to local media.

Syrian Army Liberates Refugee Camp Handarat North of Aleppo

The Syrian government army took control of the Palestinian refugee camp Handarat south of the Mallah Farms area near the city of Aleppo, media reported Thursday.

According to the Lebanese Al-Mayadeen TV channel, the liberation of Handarat will put an end to the presence of armed militants in one of the areas in Aleppo's north. It is expected that the battles will move further to the region bordering with Turkey, the media added.

The Russian deputy foreign minister slams the US double standard policy toward the humanitarian situation in Syria, saying Washington disregards the condition in government-held regions besieged by the extremists.

Russia official slams US double standards on Syria humanitarian situation

The US has demonstrated "a peculiar approach" to the humanitarian situation in the Arab country, Russia’s RIA news agency quoted Sergei Ryabkov as saying on Thursday.

"Those areas where people are literally besieged by terrorists - there are no humanitarian problems there. Those areas where Syrian forces carry out their operations immediately turn into humanitarian problems," Ryabkov said.

Elsewhere in his remarks, the Russian official called on the US-led coalition allegedly fighting against the Takfiri Daesh terrorist group to exert pressure on all parties to engage in Syria peace talks rather than extending unilateral ceasefires in the country.

“It is necessary to strengthen the regime of cessation of hostilities and exert real pressure on those who are still not ready for talks, including for direct negotiations with the Syrian government - pressure from Washington, from other Western capitals, from Saudi Arabia and Qatar, from all those who are part of the US-led coalition," Ryabkov said.

The cessation of hostilities brokered by the US and Russia went into effect in Syria on February 27, but it does not apply to Daesh and the Nusra Front terror groups.

Despite the truce, fighting rages on in some parts of Syria, particularly around the city of Aleppo.

A detailed investigation has found that at least $1.3 billion-worth of Eastern European weapons and ammunition has been sold to Middle Eastern countries involved in the arming of jihadist rebels in Syria. Speaking to Radio Sputnik, Patrick Wilcken, a researcher in arms control at Amnesty, said he had no doubt whatsoever that the US is involved.

US 'Definitely Involved' in Funneling $1.3 Bln in East European Arms to Mideast

On Wednesday, the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network and the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project published the results of a major inquiry into the flow of weapons from Eastern European countries to the Middle East, finding that since 2012, at least $1.3 billion-worth of weaponry and ammunition has been sold to countries including Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, and Turkey, which then handed them over to militants in Syria and anti-Houthi forces in Yemen.

The project compiled data collected from media reports, the monitoring of air traffic, leaked arms contracts, and other sources. The report also identified Eastern European-made assault rifles, grenade launchers and tanks in photo and video materials featuring Western-back militants and Daesh (ISIL/ISIS) terrorists operating in Syria. The weapons, sourced from countries including Croatia, the Czech Republic, Serbia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Bosnia and Montenegro, have also been found their way into the hands of Saudi-backed Sunni forces operating in Yemen.

Speaking to Radio Sputnik, Patrick Wilcken, an Amnesty International researcher who participated in a review of the evidence collected for the report, explained that what these countries were doing was clearly illegal.

Wilcken noted that "what appears to be going on is that Eastern European countries that had large Cold War arms industries have been retooling these industries for the new conflicts in the Middle East." What's most alarming, he added, is the fact that "there was very limited trade into the Gulf from Eastern European countries before 2012, but thereafter that spiked."

At the same time, the researcher emphasized that it was obvious that these Middle Eastern countries weren't using the weapons to equip their own countries' armies. Eastern European countries have provided regional countries including Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the UAE and Turkey with former Warsaw Pact standard weapons, despite the fact that all these countries use NATO standard weaponry. In other words, "there's a very high risk there of diversion into the conflict zone."

The weapons deliveries are being made despite the fact that some of these groups, including Daesh and al-Qaeda affiliated Nusra Front, are under a UN arms embargo.

Furthermore, in addition to the sale of mothballed weapons stocks left over from the Cold War, Wilcken emphasized that the report has also shown that there are new stocks, "manufactured as recently as 2015."

"This is where I think the [UN] Arms Trade Treaty is very important: we do have a legally binding treaty which says very clearly that those trades, even if they are authorized, open trades, are illegal if they carry that risk."

Asked whether he suspects US involvement in this operation, Wilcken said that "clearly the US has a huge open trade with Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, Qatar, and Turkey. It has also had a covert trade, much of it funneled through Eastern Europe, to armed opposition groups in Syria. The US is [the world's] largest arms producer and exporter and has a massive role in this."

At the same time, the researcher added, "virtually all producers and suppliers of weapons are involved here." For instance, "Iran and Russia have consistently supplied the Assad regime. Over thirty states have supplied Iraq…So while the US and the EU are major players, and I think there has to be far more stringent accountability and oversight mechanisms, many other states are involved."

For the fairness sake, Wilcken did not mention that while Russia and Iran are involved in the supply of weapons to Syria, those supplies are based on state-to-state contracts which are perfectly legal under international law. The trade that these Eastern European countries appear to be engaged in, on the other hand, is the supply of weapons to Middle Eastern governments that then transfer them to anti-Syrian government militias, including Daesh and the Nusra Front.

US Department of Defense inaction to correct contractor deficiencies and seek repayment of funds, resulted in the need for a new Afghan army vehicle maintenance contract that is projected to cost more than $1 billion over the next 5 years, according to a report.

Failed Afghan Army Vehicle Maintenance Program to Cost US Taxpayers $1Bln

Poor oversight by the US Department of Defense (DOD) of an Afghan military vehicle maintenance program will force American taxpayers to pay for a new $1 billion contract, the US Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) said in an audit report released on Thursday.

"DOD’s inaction to correct contractor deficiencies and seek repayment of funds, has resulted… in the need for a new [Afghan army vehicle] maintenance contract that is projected to cost more than $1 billion over the next 5 years," the report stated.

The US-funded project, the report noted, failed to meet the requirements of the original $423 million contract to provide the Afghan military the capacity to maintain its own fleet of vehicles.

According to a SIGAR report in April, after 15 years, thousands of lives lost and $113 billion in US reconstruction funding, prospects for Afghan security remained troubling while the Taliban threat is on the rise.
In Aleppo humanitarian relief - "Russia - does it right!" in establishing humanitarian corridors with the creation of "meal sites" and "first aid centers". That should go down in the Guinness Book of records as a FIRST!

To the U.N. and the Red Cross Relief Organization - take lessons ....

Russian Defense Ministry on Thursday explained to foreign diplomats Moscow's position on humanitarian corridors to assist the civilians in northern Syrian city of Aleppo, the ministry said in a statement.

Russia Explains to Foreign Diplomats Position on Aleppo Humanitarian Aid

Earlier in the day, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said Moscow and Damascus had launched a joint large-scale humanitarian relief operation in Aleppo, establishing three corridors for civilians and one for militants wishing to lay down arms, and said that Moscow offered the international organizations working in Syria to join this operation.

"A special emphasis was put on explanation of Russia's approach to establishing humanitarian corridors, creation of meal sites and first-aid centers to Aleppo's civilians. A call to inform their capitals about the initiative of the Russian defense department and to consider the possibility to provide necessary help to the Syrian population was directed to the foreign military representatives," the statement said.

The military attaches also received information about the preparations to the forthcoming International Army Games competition.

The ministry held a meeting for more than foreign military attaches from 30 countries accredited in Russia at the Russian Armed Forces’ Patriot Park in Kubinka, a western suburb of Moscow.

The Russian Defense Ministry said that Russian military transport plane delivered more than 15 tonnes of UN humanitarian aid to residents of Syria's city of Deir ez-Zor.

Russian Military Delivers 15 Tonnes of Aid on Syrian City of Deir Ez-Zor

Russian military transport plane delivered more than 15 tonnes of UN humanitarian aid to residents of Syria's city of Deir ez-Zor, the Russian Defense Ministry said Thursday.

"Aircraft of Russia's aviation company Abakan Air has delivered more than 15 tonnes of UN humanitarian cargoes to the city of Deir ez-Zor besieged by the terrorists of the Islamic State [Daesh]," the ministry said in a daily bulletin posted on its website.

According to the bulletin, Russian military has also delivered some 10 tonnes of humanitarian aid, mostly food supplies, to low-income families of Syria's provinces of Hama, Damascus, Latakia and Aleppo.

Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu affirmed that the Syrian government and the Russian forces launched on Thursday a large-scale humanitarian operation in Aleppo city to guarantee the safety of the residents of its eastern neighborhoods.

Russian Defense Minister: Large-scale humanitarian operation launched in Aleppo city

The minister pointed out, in statements published by RT website, that the operation aims “to assist civilians taken hostage by terrorists, as well as militants who chose to lay down their weapons,” adding that “three humanitarian corridors will open there.”

The Hmeimim Russian Center for coordination and monitoring the cessation of hostilities agreement has deployed centers in the vicinity of the corridors to provide food and medical assistance to the families who exit the eastern neighborhoods of Aleppo city, adding that the Center issued an order to begin the delivery of food aid and initial supplies by air to the civilians besieged by militants inside the city with special attention to children supplies, the supplies for sick people as well as personal hygiene kits.

The minister stressed the importance of informing the residents of the city about opening the safe corridors by dropping leaflets from the air, loudspeakers and also via text messages.

He noted that since US partners have not provided information on the disengagement between Jabhat al-Nusra and the armed opposition groups in Aleppo, a fourth safe corridor has opened in the north of Aleppo toward al-Castello Road for armed militants.

The Russian military official called on the international community and the international organizations to take part in the humanitarian operation in Aleppo.

-President Bashar al-Assad said the policy of the US administration in the region goes against the interests and values of the American people, adding that they are getting increasingly violent at the expense of logic and common sense.

President al-Assad: US administration’s policies go against interests of US people

During his meeting on Thursday with the US Peace Council delegation currently visiting Syria led by Henry Lowendorf, President al-Assad said the US policies are at a collision course with the interests of the US citizens and the peoples of the world, indicating that the role of the United States as a superpower should otherwise be positive and based on fostering knowledge, science and technology instead of chaos and destruction.

President al-Assad gave a concise review of the events in Syria since the start up until now, indicating that the crisis which later morphed into a war on the Syrian people was prompted by Syria’s rejection to have a regional role that runs counter to the interests of its people.

The delegation members said their visit is aimed at having a close look into the situation in Syria and conveying their first-hand accounts to the US public opinion, vowing to do their best to stop the war and US and Western interference in Syria.

They underlined their vehement opposition to the US belligerent and interventionist policies, pledging to exert efforts to change this policy.

President al-Assad, for his part, praised such visits for their importance in helping governments change their policies if they are willing to.

In a statement to journalists, Lowendorf said the delegation held “fruitful and constructive” talks with President al-Assad.

“We had the honor to meet President al-Assad. He was straightforward and wanted us to be so. We related to him what we saw and he provided rational, accurate and wise answers for our questions…He impressed us with his insight not only about the situation in Syria but also about world powers,” he added.
As the Syrian army advances in the jihadist-ravaged city of Aleppo, Russian political analysts explain why the once-vibrant metropolis, formerly home to 2.3 million people, is of prime importance to all the parties of the conflict and can play a key role in settlement of the ongoing crisis.

Four Reasons Why Liberation of Aleppo Would Mean an End to the Syrian War (Video)

The first group of residents trapped in Aleppo's militant-occupied eastern neighborhoods has started to escape through a humanitarian corridor created with Russia’s help, according to reports broadcast by Al Mayadeen TV.

Leaflets were dropped on Thursday over the city with instructions on how to approach checkpoints and a map showing the corridors.

Those who want to leave are supposed to wave the leaflet with their right hand raised above their head and the other hand either around their head or holding a child's hand, the leaflet reportedly says. While approaching checkpoints the residents are advised to move slowly and to follow the commands of the Syrian military.

Once near checkpoints, they will be required to turn around to demonstrate they do not have explosives on them.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said on Thursday that Russia and the Syrian government have jointly launched a large-scale humanitarian relief operation in Aleppo, establishing three corridors for civilians and one for militants wishing to lay down arms.

Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported on Thursday that President Assad has issued a decree granting amnesty to all militants who surrender within three months. This prompted “scores of terrorists” to turn themselves in and lay down their arms.

Meanwhile, local media reports suggest that the Syrian government forces are ready to retake the desperate city; they've already re-established full control over two more strategic districts along the last access road into opposition-held east Aleppo: the neighborhood Bani Zeid and a second rebel-held district adjacent to Bani Zeid.

A military source told SANA that army engineering units had dismantled the explosives and removed mines from its streets and squares, with the Syrian army establishing full control over the Efrin bus station, youth housing and all the building blocks and factories in al-Liramoun in the northern outskirts of Aleppo.

Meanwhile, Vladimir Shapovalov, the Director of the Institute of Political Science, Law and Social Development has explained to RT why Aleppo, Syria’s most important economic and geopolitical center, might become a key to fully resolving the Syrian conflict.

Aleppo — Syria’s most important economic and trade center with advantageous geopolitical position

“Aleppo is of prime importance to all the parties of the conflict as it is Syria’s most important economic and trade center; the city lies on the crossroad of the country’s trade routes and holds a very advantageous geopolitical position,” he said.

“Full control over Aleppo allows one to control not only all of northern Syria but the whole territory along the border with Turkey, the district inhabited by Kurds, and the territory of northwestern Iraq,” the political analyst explained.

“Aleppo is the dominating center of this whole region. And for the Syrian government forces, for their adversaries, for Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the US it is the key to control over the whole Syrian territory and adjacent regions.”

Hence, Shapovalov said, there’s no wonder that since the very start of the military conflict in the country there has been fierce fighting for this city.

It is the key to control over the whole Syrian territory and adjacent regions

Another political scientist, head of the Center for Middle East and Central Asia Studies Semyon Bagdasarov, also explained that Aleppo is the top strategic point, the economic capital of Syria and its clean-up could be a grandiose victory for Syria and Russia.

“However the liberation of Aleppo without closure of Syrian-Turkish border crossings, first and foremost in the city of Azaz, will be a hard task,” he said.

It is essential for cooperation with the Syrian Kurds

“Azaz — is a Turkish crossing gate and a whole load of arms, ammunition and thousands of militants have got into Syria through this crossing. It must be closed and it could be dome only in alliance with the quasi-state [known as] the Federation of North Syria – Rojava, or otherwise the Syrian Kurds,” Bagdasarov explained.

The political analyst further said why the territory under the control of the Syrian Kurds will play a vital role in the recapture of Aleppo:

“There are over 2,000 NATO servicemen on this territory, including the American special forces and its engineer-sapper battalions and the Danish, UK, French and German units. There is no clear border among them and during an offensive there might be undesirable clashes.”

Vladimir Shapovalov also noted the Kurds, more than anyone else are interested in the liquidation of the jihadists and might become a key ally to President Assad.

“For the Kurds, the most important thing is the fight against the Islamist militants, which are their major adversary in establishing Kurdish autonomy,” he said.

“In such a context, the alliance with the Syrian government is of primary importance to the Kurds, as it is Assad who could ensure the security of the Kurdish areas, not only from the terrorists but from Turkish claims as well,” he added.

Control over Aleppo would allow for the completion of the restoration of the Syrian government’s authority over most of the country

Semyon Bagdasarov also agreed that Aleppo is a sweet spot for Turkey, as it is the gateway to the whole north-west of Syria, including Aleppo Province.

“Turks historically regard Aleppo as their city and think that the population of the city gravitates more towards Turkey, but it is not the case,” he said.

The political analysts agree that the liberation of the city would mean the liberation of Syria and the end of the war.

“Control over Aleppo would allow for the completion of the restoration of the Syrian government’s authority over most of the country, the most densely populated and the most economically developed part of the country” said Vladimir Shapovalov.

“After establishing control over Aleppo, control over the rest of Syria would only take a couple of weeks", he concluded.
BBC Report? Part of the maternity hospital was destroyed after the bombing in Syria's northwestern province of Idlib, however it was still unclear, who had conducted the airstrike, according to local media.

Maternity Hospital Shelled in Syria's Idlib Province

A maternity hospital in Syria's northwestern province of Idlib was partially destroyed in a Friday airstrike, media reported citing a charity organization.

The BBC broadcaster reported citing Save the Children charity that part of the hospital had been destroyed after the bombing, however it was still unclear, who had conducted the airstrike.

According to the media outlet, there are casualties among both staff and patients, but its number is still unclear.

German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier urged Russia on Friday to cooperate with the UN in providing humanitarian corridor for Syria’s Aleppo.

Germany Calls on Russia to Cooperate With UN on Humanitarian Corridor in Aleppo

(Note: Russia is the one who initiated the Humanitarian Corridor Plan in Aleppo - in the first place. The UN is "in cooperation" with the Assad's Syrian Government and Russia's implementation of the Plan. Germany's Steinmeier makes it sound like it was the UN's idea - and Syria and Russia are cooperating? It was Russia who offered international organizations (like the UN) working in Syria - to join this operation. )

German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier urged Russia on Friday to cooperate with the United Nations in providing humanitarian corridor for Syria’s Aleppo.

"We strongly call on Moscow, as opposed to the [Syrian President Bashar] Assad’s regime, to make a pause in hostilities, to start finally cooperating with the United Nations and with international humanitarian organizations to make humanitarian access for people in Aleppo possible," he said in a statement obtained by RIA Novosti.

Without additional details, the United States sees Russian humanitarian initiative in Syria as a demand for the country’s opposition to surrender, the US embassy in Syria stated on its Twitter on Friday.

Russian Humanitarian Initiative in Aleppo Viewed With Suspicion by US

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said on Thursday that Moscow and Damascus had launched a joint large-scale humanitarian relief operation in Aleppo, establishing three corridors for civilians and one for militants wishing to lay down arms. He said Russia offered international organizations working in Syria to join this operation.

“W/o [without] further clarification, Russian announcement on humanitarian corridors appears to be demand 4 [for] surrender of oppo [opposition] grps [groups],” the twitter said.

UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura said on Friday the United Nations welcomed Russian humanitarian initiative in Syria.

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) expressed readiness to provide assistance to the civilians, who decide to leave Syria's Eastern Aleppo. Doctors Without Borders (MSF) said they were interested in this approach, warning that an estimated 250,000 people were still trapped in the east of Aleppo.

UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura called on Russia to leave humanitarian corridors in Syria near Aleppo to the UN surveillance.

UN Special Envoy for Syria Welcomes Russian Humanitarian Initiative in Syria

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said on Thursday that Moscow and Damascus had launched a joint large-scale humanitarian relief operation in Aleppo, establishing three corridors for civilians and one for militants wishing to lay down arms. He said Russia offered international organizations working in Syria to join this operation.

"As humanitarians, we do welcome any initiative aimed at assisting civilian population in war zones, in conflict zones, particularly in Syria today. We are in principle and we are in practice in favor of humanitarian corridors under the right circumstances that allow the protection of civilians. Therefore we have been studying with great attention and interest the Russian initiative that was sketched yesterday," de Mistura told reporters.

De Mistura called on Russia to leave humanitarian corridors to the UN surveillance.

"I have suggestion…to Russia to actually leave the corridors being established at their initiative to us," de Mistura said.

He stressed the need to prevent any violence in the humanitarian corridors.

"It is imperative that 48-hour posts for humanitarian access that were discussed last week in the Security Council be put in place on a sustainable basis, irrespective of the humanitarian corridors, but particularly and especially if a humanitarian corridor is in place," de Mistura added.

The launch of a joint humanitarian relief operation in Aleppo by Russia and the Syrian government has “switched all the trump cards out of US hand”, according to Reuters, and here is why.

Two Major Blows to the US' Game in Syria

Moscow has forestalled the US operations in Syria by launching, together with the Syrian government, a joint large-scale humanitarian relief operation in Aleppo, establishing three corridors for civilians and one for militants with weapons and equipment, according to Reuters.

“US Secretary of State John Kerry's attempt to elicit Russian military cooperation in the fight against Islamic State in Syria suffered two potentially crippling blows on Thursday,” the agency quotes some US officials as saying on condition of anonymity.

The first blow, they reason, is that “the Syrian army had cut off all supply routes into the eastern part of the city of Aleppo — Syria's most important opposition stronghold — and President Bashar al-Assad's government asked residents to leave the city.”

It pre-empted a US demand that Russia and Syria reopen a major road into the northern city before talks could begin on creating a joint intelligence center to coordinate air attacks against Daesh.

The second setback is the announcement by al-Nusra Front, an al-Qaeda affiliate in Syria, that is it is breaking its ties with al-Qaeda and is changing its name to Jabhat Fatah al Sham.

Even those US officials who suggest that it is "a change in name only” still consider it a blow because “the move complicates the American proposal to limit the Russians and Syrians to targeting only [al]-Nusra and IS (Daesh), not other rebel groups supported by Washington and its allies in the coalition against Islamic State (Daesh).”

“By disavowing its ties to al-Qaeda — which, incidentally, it did with al-Qaeda's blessing – [al]-Nusra has made it harder to isolate it from more moderate groups, some of whose members may join it now because it's more powerful than some of the groups they belong to now," said the official.

The West was clearly taken aback by the news about Russia-Syria humanitarian mission in Aleppo.

US Secretary of State John Kerry's demand for ending the siege of Aleppo would have come as a platform for starting negotiations on the larger issues, the officials say.

In the current situation, they say, such a proposal if not “completely dead,” then “seems to be pretty badly wounded,” they finally state.

Terrorist Attempts to Change Image Futile

What Lies Behind Al-Nusra Front's Decision to Break Ties With Al-Qaeda

The non-regional NATO vessels’ presence in the Black Sea is taken into account in Russia’s military planning.

Russia's Military Planning Taken With NATO's Black Sea Presence in Mind

The non-regional North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO) vessels’ presence in the Black Sea does not promote security and is taken into account in Russia’s military planning, the Russian Foreign Ministry’s Director of the Department for Nonproliferation and Arms Control Mikhail Ulyanov said Friday.

“As for the extra-regional NATO presence in the Black Sea, this is factor that is not conducive to the strengthening of security and is of course taken into account in [Russia’s] military planning,” Ulyanov told RIA Novosti.

The naval phase of the US-led multinational Sea Breeze 2016 drills began Sunday near the southern Ukrainian city of Odesa, with the US Navy’s USS Ross Aegis-carrying guided missile destroyer and the USS Whidbey Island dock landing ship entering its ports.

Canadian Frigate Charlottetown Joins US, NATO Exercises in Black Sea

Russia and China condemn US plans to missiles to South Korea, the Russian Foreign Ministry said Friday.

Russia, China Warn Against Placing US Missiles in South Korea

Russia and China condemn plans to deploy US missiles to South Korea, a move they believe will hurt the strategic security in the region, the Russian Foreign Ministry said Friday.

Russian and Chinese foreign affairs officials held a fourth round of talks on security in northeastern Asia earlier in the day in the aftermath of the US-Seoul decision to bring Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missiles to the Korean Peninsula.

A US fighter pilot was killed as a result of an air crash during a training mission in the US state of California, according to official statement.

US Military Jet Pilot Killed in Training Incident in California

A US fighter pilot has died in an air crash during a training mission in the US state of California, the US Marine Corps said in a press release on Friday.

"A Third Marine Aircraft Wing pilot, based out of Marine Corps Air Station Mirimar, was killed as a result of F/A 18C Hornet crash," the release stated.

The incident that happened near Twentynine Palms, California is currently under investigation, the Marine Corps added.

Russian citizen Dmitry Ukrainsky said Friday that his US extradition request from Thailand could be ready within one month.

Detained Russian Citizen Says US FBI Agents Present at His Arrest in Thailand

Ukrainsky, 44, was detained in Thailand on July 21 at the request of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) on suspicion of credit card fraud. Bangkok had not notified Moscow of the detention.

US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents were present during the detention of Russian citizen Dmitry Ukrainsky’s in Thailand, Ukrainsky said Friday.

"During the arrest there were two Americans who said they were FBI staff members and immediately offered me to go voluntarily to the US to stand trial," Ukrainsky told RIA Novosti before showing his written refusal from voluntary travel to the country.

Ukrainsky said he planned to fight his extradition in court, saying "I do not consider myself guilty in the crimes I am ascribed by the Americans."

FBI Gives No Comment on Extradition Request to Thailand for Russian Citizen
Israel and the United States have reportedly staged a joint secret war game in southern Israel amid growing military cooperation between the two sides.

US, Israel forces stage secret military drill

Israeli media said on Thursday that the drill dubbed ‘Noble Shirley’ was held in Negev Desert to improve cooperation between American and Israeli forces.

The drill, which was said to have been conducted during day and nighttime hours over the past week, involved the US Marine Corps as well as special units from the Israeli air, naval and ground forces.

During the exercise, the troops and commandos took part in drills simulating helicopter landings behind enemy lines, and urban warfare above and below ground. They also practiced close-range combat and military takeover techniques.

Israel’s so-called ‘David’s Sling’ missile system, which targets medium to long-range missiles, was also used in the maneuver.

Moreover, forces also simulated both night-time and day-time combat situations at the Ze’elim training facility, which was built to look exactly like a Palestinian city.

The drill comes some three weeks after Israel’s ministry of military affairs and the US Missile Defense Agency completed a test aimed at ensuring Israeli and American missile systems can operate cooperatively in a future war.

During the trial, the physical connectivity between the systems was tested. The test involved sites scattered around the United States, Europe and Israel.

Elisra Group, which is an Israeli manufacturer of high-tech electronic, led the trial, which was designed to see if Israel’s David’s Sling and Arrow systems could link up with American systems.

Also in February, the US and Israel held joint ‘Juniper Cobra’ exercise in Israel. The drill is held every two years between United States’ European Command and the Israeli military.

Israeli and US authorities claim that growing military cooperation is aimed at countering terrorism. However, critics blame the US and its closest ally Israel for pursuing a vicious agenda amid ongoing militancy in the Mideast region.

‘Safe zone’ in Syria Meanwhile, Kamal al-Labwani, a Syrian opposition figure with strong ties to Israel, has confirmed an increased interest in the creation of a so-called safe zone in southern Syria.

On July 11, the Israeli army deployed several bulldozers and a tank 300 meters (328 yards) inside Syrian territory in Quneitra and began digging, threatening to shoot anyone who approached them.

According to Labwani, the zone is supposed to run 10 kilometers deep into Syrian territory and approximately 20 kilometers along the Syrian border.

The developments come as Damascus government says Israel and its Western and regional allies are aiding Takfiri militant groups operating inside the Arab country.

The Syrian army has repeatedly seized huge quantities of Israeli-made weapons and advanced military equipment from the foreign-backed militants inside Syria.

Reports say Tel Aviv has set up field hospitals in the Israeli-occupied side of Syria’s Golan Heights for the treatment of injured militants.

In December 2015, Daily Mail said the Israeli regime had saved the lives over 2,000 Takfiri militants at the cost of around USD 13 million since 2013.

Israel seized the Golan Heights from Syria after the 1967 Six-Day War and later occupied it in a move that has never been recognized by the international community.

According to the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) report, US Missile Defense Agency (MDA) has been spending an increased portion of its limited budget to fund Israeli missile defense systems at the expense of US domestic security.

US Diverts Missile Defense Funding to Boost Israeli Shield

The US Missile Defense Agency (MDA) has been spending an increased portion of its limited budget to fund Israeli missile defense systems at the expense of US domestic security, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) said in a report on Friday.

"Assistant for Israeli missile defense occupies an increased percentage of MDA’s budget," the report stated.

The report’s primary author, Thomas Karako, explained that "US programs tend to get cut as a kind of bill-payer for a larger Israeli program."

The result of MDA’s growing foreign assistance to Israel "puts US missile defense and Israeli missile defense in competition," for the same limited funds, the report noted.

The United States has been assisting Israel in developing and procuring a number of missile defense systems including Iron Dome, David’s Sling, and David’s Arrow.

Between 1998 and 2011, MDA foreign assistance to Israel accounted for 1 to 3 percent of the agency’s budget. By 2014, the Missile Defense Agency was spending 5.5 percent of its budget, or $729 million, on the Israeli systems.

The CSIS report suggested the United States may "renegotiate the terms" of US military aid to Israel when it expires in 2018.

The renegotiation would involve budgeting strategies to shift the financial strain off of MDA, as the agency faces increasing demands amid a shrinking budget.

The MDA came into existence in 2004 following the US unilateral withdrawal of the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty with Russia.
World-Class Douchbag and Head of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg sings 'We Are The World"

I bet the afterparty was some satanic ritual.

Having them all together there makes it easy to round them all up.. Hopefully some other time.

I like how Putin never acts that way. He is always collected and disciplined in everything he does. He knows the importance and joy of being Conscious and in the moment. OSIT.
The joint Syrian-Russian humanitarian operation to save civilians trapped in militant-held territories in Aleppo has struck a severe blow to US policy in the country, says former diplomat and Middle East expert Vyacheslav Matuzov.

Syrian-Russian 'Humanitarian Offensive' Takes US Policymakers by Surprise

On Thursday, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that Moscow and Damascus had launched a massive humanitarian operation in Aleppo, establishing exit routes for civilians and any militants wishing to leave the jihadist-held portions of the city.

Three routes were designated for civilians and militants who decided to lay down their arms and surrender, along with a fourth marked for militants who will be able to leave the city with their weapons and equipment. "We're going to take this step only in order to ensure the safety of the residents of Aleppo," Russian Defense Minister Shoigu said, referring to the exit route for armed militants.

On Saturday, Russian officials also confirmed that 14 metric tons of humanitarian aid had already been delivered to checkpoints in Aleppo, including foodstuffs, medicines and other necessities. The checkpoints have already begun the provision of hot food and medical care for local residents.

At the same time, the analyst noted that unfortunately, he has already observed some problems with the use of the designated exit routes, with civilians attempting to leave eastern Aleppo being blocked off by terrorists who want to continue to use them as human shields.

Meanwhile, the analyst noted, the combined Syrian-Russian 'humanitarian offensive' has plunged US policymakers into a state of disarray.

The decision on a 'humanitarian offensive'…against the positions where the terrorists have taken the local population hostage has also taken the Americans by surprise, leaving them confused as to what their next step might be. Attempting to challenge or deny the humanitarian approach would be pointless."

Furthermore, Matuzov noted that once civilians are successfully evacuated, "the US will stripped of the argument that Russian aircraft are bombing only pregnant women, children and the elderly. Our approach, complete with these humanitarian overtones, serves as a very serious blow to US policy in Syria," the analyst added. The analyst clarified that ultimately, once civilians evacuate militant-held portions of the city, the Syrian Army and its allies will be able to conduct operations to liberate eastern Aleppo without the threat of the loss of civilian life.

Effectively, Matuzov noted, Western countries will be forced to accept Aleppo's liberation by the Syrian army, including from those militant groups which the US and other Western and regional powers have long supported. "I believe that this will be a tremendous defeat not only for the Syrian terrorist groups, but a series blow to the political positions of the US in the region," the commentator concluded.

The Russian-Syrian large scale humanitarian operation in Syria’s Aleppo may trigger the next round of proximity talks in Geneva.

Russia-Syria Aleppo Operation Paves Way for Resumption of Geneva Talks

The large scale humanitarian operation in Syria’s Aleppo held by Russia and Syria creates the conditions for starting the next round of proximity talks in Geneva, a leader of the Syrian Moscow-Cairo opposition platform Qadri Jamil told Sputnik.

This humanitarian operation is a factor speeding the resumption of Geneva talks," Jamil said, adding that "it facilitates the humanitarian situation and changes partially the balance of powers in Syria by creating the conditions to resume the talks in Geneva," Jamil said.

He stressed that Russian suggestion to open humanitarian corridors in the area of military operations is possible only with Russian participation, and the UN would not be able to do it on its own.

NATO's present format and the alliance's continuing expansion eastward is beneficial only to the United States, which seeks to keep Russia and Europe at odds, says retired French Army General Jean-Bernard Pinatel. Accordingly, he suggests the alliance be liquidated or 'Europeanized', and the creation of a European-Russian alliance against terror.

French General Calls for NATO's Liquidation & Anti-Terror Alliance With Russia

Interviewed by Le Figaro, Pinatel, a retired officer who now works as an expert in geopolitics and economic intelligence, recalled that if Russia and the European countries had succeeded in forming an alliance in the 1990s, following the collapse of the Soviet Union, they would have been able to effectively challenge US pretentions to global hegemony.

Now, the retired general emphasized, the threat of radical Islamist terrorism has once against opened a discussion on global leadership, and whether the US truly deserves its hegemonic position in Europe. According to Pinatel, the spate of attacks in Europe has clearly demonstrated to the French, and to other NATO members, that the US-led alliance is helpless in the struggle against the terrorist threat.

Moreover, against the background of NATO's ineffectiveness is the example being set by Moscow, which, according to the expert, is once again forcing the French to consider an alliance with their eastern neighbor.

"This evidence, obtained at the cost of 234 civilians killed and 671 wounded since 2012, should not only jolt NATO, but lead to its total liquidation, or its full Europeanization, since the current policy of the alliance serves only interests which are not those of France," Pinatel noted.

The general also recalled that Russia has repeatedly proposed cooperation with the United States in a coordinated campaign in Syria against Daesh and the Nusra Front terrorists, but has been refused, under the pretext that the so-called 'moderate opposition' still had potential.

As a result, he noted, the Middle East is witnessing the formation of a new equilibrium. "Russia, which has always been present in the region historically, is returning there once again. China, for the first time, is also actively poking its nose in the region. And only France, having once been privileged with the position of mediator, has lost everything under the patronage of the United States."

The officer emphasized that he believes that Russian and French geostrategic and economic interests are "completely complementary" to one another, and that the history of the two countries has shown periods of fruitful cooperation and friendship, most recently during the Second World War.

Ultimately, "the US desire to return the atmosphere of the Cold War to Europe is being carried out through NATO, and serves the interests of the Americans, as well as incompetent and corrupt European leaders," not those of the European people, Pinatel concluded.

Anti-Russia Sanctions Inadequate, Aim at ‘Wrong Enemy' - French Lawmaker

President Vladimir Putin has carried out a major reshuffle of top regional officials, sacked the chief of Russia's Federal Customs Service, dismissed Moscow's ambassador to Ukraine, and merged Crimea into the Southern Federal District. What's the intended purpose of the political maneuver? Sputnik investigates.

Reshuffle in the Kremlin: Understanding Putin's Personnel Overhaul

On Thursday, the Russian president implemented a large-scale shuffle of regional governors, presidential envoys, and other officials. To top it off, he signed a decree to merge the Southern and Crimean federal districts into one enlarged Southern Federal District.

In one fell swoop, the shuffle saw four regional governors, four presidential representatives to federal districts, the head of the Customs Service, and Russia's ambassador to Ukraine removed from office or moved to other posts.

Probably the most important change was the shuffle involving Russia's federal districts. The districts are groupings of federal subjects of Russia, including regions, republics, territories, autonomous areas and federal cities. They were created in the early 2000s by President Putin to get the country's federal institutions into shape after almost a decade of chaotic reforms. Their presidential representatives are formally charged with enhancing the efficiency of national governance, and as guarantors and coordinators of federal policy in the regions.

[...] Along with Kaliningrad and Sevastopol, two other regions saw the appointment of new governors, with the old ones dismissed entirely, rather than shuffled. Nikita Belykh, the disgraced former governor of the Kirov Region, was replaced by Igor Vasilyev, the former head of Russia's federal real estate and cartography service Rosreestr. Meanwhile, Yaroslavl Region head Sergei Yastrebov resigned and was replaced by Dmitri Mironov, former deputy head of the Interior Ministry.

Finally on the domestic front, Andrei Belyaninov, the head of the Federal Customs Service, was also forced to resign from his post following a court-ordered search of his home and offices by the Federal Security Service over allegations of smuggling of high-priced alcohol. Belyaninov, who hasn't yet been charged in the smuggling investigation, was replaced by Vladimir Bulavin, another former Federal Security Service officer. Evidence of Belyaninov's lavish lifestyle made the front pages of the Russian press, leading to a public outcry and calls for his resignation.

In the foreign policy arena, Mikhail Zurabov, ambassador to Ukraine since 2009, was dismissed, his duties temporarily entrusted to charge d'affaires Sergei Toropov until a new ambassadorial candidate can be found and approved by both the Russian and Ukrainian parliaments.

But What Does It All Add Up To? Having gone through the minutia of exactly who was replaced and where, it's time to consider the implications of the shuffle. For their part, Russian political analysts took several things away from the shuffle.

RBK, a Russian business news network, suggested that the shuffle's overall goal "is to eliminate political conflicts in certain areas [such as former governor Menyailo in Sevastopol] and to bringing new blood into mid-level governance roles, whom the head of state considers promising in future election cycles." What's important to keep in mind here is that after a period of time from the mid-2000s until 2012 when governors were appointed by the president directly, the head of state signed a law returning direct elections for regional officials.

At the same time, political scientists and media commentators, both in Russia and abroad, have also made note of the fact that many of the new gubernatorial appointees (specifically in the Kaliningrad, Yaroslavl and Kirov regions) are representatives of Russia's security services.

Bloomberg's story on the reorganization chillingly dubbed it an effort to tighten the Kremlin's "security grip on regions." Meanwhile, The Moscow Times, a liberal-leaning English language newspaper, decided to be even more clever, calling the personnel shuffle "Putin's Game of Thrones: The Men in Epaulets Take Over."

But is that the case? Is the shuffle really an indication that Russia is slouching toward some sort of dictatorship of the security services?

The answer is, not really. According to respected Russian political scientist Alexei Zudin, a member of the expert council at the Moscow-based Institute of Socio-Economic and Political Scientist, there are very good political reasons for placing former security and military officials in high office.

Speaking to the Tsargrad news network on Thursday, Zudin explained that there are two important considerations to remember. "Firstly, politicians with a security or military service background have been the most active forces in the carrying out the government's anti-corruption efforts over the last several years."

"Secondly," Zudin noted, "let's not forget that in the last few years, we have shifted to the electoral model of picking governors, either in direct elections or through elections by regional parliaments. This means that officials with a security or military past cannot by any means be the only component for selection as governors. Of key importance is their political and public competency…Of course, military and security officials remain an important political reserve for the recruitment of regional authorities, but having been recruited, they must also correspond with the demands of political competency – to participate in competitive elections for their post."

In other words, what it all means is that political figures with security and military backgrounds have demonstrated their competency, and are popular among the Russian electorate, who broadly supports candidates promising to crack down on corruption.

Another theme speculated on by much of the Russian media is that the president, having long been forced to focus on the country's foreign policy, has finally turned his gaze to domestic politics, traditionally the domain of the prime minister and other officials.

Zudin suggested that this too was an overstatement. "I'll be frank, I don't like this sort of suggestion, that 'the president has become engrossed in internal politics', or 'has become engrossed in foreign policy'. I'll tell you why: The president is the head of the Russian government. He carries out his duties and makes decisions on a certain range of issues. And in the course of this activity, the focus falls on either domestic or foreign affairs. Here, what's important is not the focus, which as we know constantly changes. What's more important are the tasks that are set."

The analyst explained that " in order to effectively participate in international politics as a truly independent entity, Russia needs an efficient government, with an effective system of state authority, and high quality political institutions. And this is one of the reasons motivating Vladimir Putin, who is engaged in foreign policy, to actively participate in domestic politics as well."

A Special Note on the Ukrainian Ambassadorship Speaking to the RIA Novosti news agency, Andrei Suzdaltsev, the deputy head of the Faculty of World Economy & International Relations at Moscow's Higher School of Economics, emphasized that Zurabov's dismissal was a decision that will have wide-ranging consequences for Russia's foreign policy in relation to Ukraine and its Western partners.

"There are a wide variety of opinions on the very difficult, almost 'frontline' conditions faced by Zurabov in his post, with negative assessments predominating," Suzdaltsev noted.

The negative view of the ambassador's tenure has to do with what experts say was a very passive position at the outset of the political crisis in Kiev in 2014. At that time, while the American, Canadian and European embassies were actively engaged in the support and promotion of the Maidan protestors and their political backers, the Russian embassy remained extremely passive.

On the plus side, Suzdaltsev suggested that "the mere fact that Russia and Ukraine did not enter an open confrontation between 2014 and 2015," at the very height of the crisis, "is doubtlessly an important contribution" made by Zurabov and his staff.

According to the expert, the Russian embassy in Kiev today carries with it a crucial role, comparable to Russia's diplomatic missions in the world's major powers. This has everything to do with Russia's strong connection with Ukraine as a brotherly nation which "will never be considered foreign to Russia."

Commentators have repeatedly pointed to the fact that the former ambassador had a very close personal relationship with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and other members of the political elite.

Zurabov's retirement, Suzdaltsev suggested, is an indication "that Moscow has laid down new priorities in its relations with Ukraine, and with the Western countries supervising Kiev. [The dismissal of the ambassador] is an element of that new line, which we don't fully know the contours of." In any case, according to the analyst, "the Russian leadership looks to be set on selecting people of a new formation for its diplomatic posts."
Russian Foreign Ministry affirmed that Jabhat al-Nusra, however it calls itself, was and still is an illegal terrorist organization, stressing that the fight against terrorist “fanatics” will continue until their complete destruction.

Russian Foreign Ministry: Jabhat al-Nusra still a terrorist organization however it calls itself and war against it will continue

In a statement on Friday, the ministry said “there is no need to prove that all attempts by terrorists to change their image are futile. Jabhat al-Nusra, however it calls itself, was and still is an illegal terrorist organization that has no other purpose than to create a so-called Islamic caliphate with cruel and barbaric methods.”

The ministry called for continuing the fight against those terrorists with the support of the international community until eliminating them completely, noting that the terrorist organization of Jabhat al-Nusra was established in January 2012 as a combat unit belonging to so-called ISIS terrorist organization which is also banned in Russia and other countries and then turned to a branch for al-Qaida after it pledged allegiance to this organization.

The ministry pointed out that the terrorist Abu Mohammad al-Golani the leader of Jabhat al-Nusra thanked in his statement the leaders of al-Qaeda organization for their “understanding” as well as their instructions on best ways of “Jihad” in the new circumstances.

On Thursday, the terrorists Abu Mohammad al-Golani pre-empted the arrangements to hold a crucial meeting between Russian and US experts in Geneva to separate groups of so-called “moderate opposition” and Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist organization by changing the name of the organization and announced it is severing ties with al- Qaeda.

A large number of civilians, mainly women and children, have used the army-established safe corridors to leave the war-hit Aleppo city, military sources said Saturday.

Syrian Army Continues to Evacuate Civilians from Besieged Aleppo City

"Hundreds of civilians have been moved from militant-held districts in Eastern part of Aleppo to Salahuddin neighborhood which has been prepared by the army men to host refugees from Aleppo," sources said.

The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have opened a safe route connecting Manbij's districts to safer destinations outside the town and transferred a large number of civilians to regions under their control, Kurdish sources said on Saturday.

Syrian Democratic Forces Evacuate Hundreds of Civilians from Manbij Battlefields

"Over 1,500 civilians, mostly children and women, have been evacuated by the SDF combatants from the war-hit town," the sources confirmed.

"The SDF fighters were accompanying the groups of civilian to protect them against ISIL's attacks," they added.

Kurdish fighters unearthed more than 6,000 improvised explosive devices belonging to the terrorists, in a major operation in residential areas of Manbij, in Aleppo province. [VIDEO]

Hell-Canon Factory Seized by Syrian Soldiers in Aleppo (Photos)

The Russian Security Service (FSB) says hackers have breached the computer networks of some 20 high-profile organizations.

Hackers breach networks of 20 Russian organizations

“The IT assets of government offices, scientific and military organizations, defense companies and other parts of the nation’s crucial infrastructure were infected,” said the FSB in a statement released on Saturday. It noted that all of the cases are linked and are part of closely-coordinated attack which was carried out with considerable expertise.

The FSB stressed that the malware and programming used in the attacks are similar to a string of previous incidents which have hit the country's "critically important infrastructures."

“The advanced software was tailored for each target individually based on unique characteristic of the computer under attack,” added the report.

The malware permitted the hackers to access cameras and microphones and take screenshots and log keyboard strokes.

“The advanced software was tailored for each target individually based on unique characteristic of the computer under attack,” added the report.

The malware permitted the hackers to access cameras and microphones and take screenshots and log keyboard strokes.

The Russian computer security company Kaspersky Lab said that it is investigating the breaches which were carried out by a “powerful cyber gang.”

“We need some time to confirm the data in our possession. After that we’ll be ready to share the results of our inquiry,” they said.
Syrian army seizes U.S-made weapons Published on Jul 30, 201
Twitter: for Jihadists in Aleppo city

News reports from Aleppo | July 30th 2016

Syrian Army Wrests Control Over Strategic Heights in Al-Badiyah (VIDEO)
10:00 31.07.2016

Vanished guns: Firearms stolen from elite US Army base in Germany
Published on Jul 30, 2016
US officials have revealed that a collection of weapons was stolen from the Panzer Kaserne base near Stuttgart earlier this month and couldn’t be located, leading to concerns that the arms may have ended up on the black market – or in the wrong hands.
Washington and the Tel Aviv regime supply the Takfiri militants in Syria with intelligence obtained from the drones they fly over Syria, an Iranian official says.

US, Israel drones gather data for Syria militants: Iran official

“The US and Israel have a direct ground and air presence amid clashes in Syria. They collect data using drones, provide terrorists with precise intelligence and define specific targets for them,” Hossein Sheikholeslam told Iran’s Tasnim news agency on Sunday.

Sheikholeslam, who is an adviser to Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, further accused Washington of seeking “to divide the region based on nationalities” in an attempt to justify the existence of Israel with a “Jewish nationality.”

Elsewhere in his remarks, the Iranian official stressed that the Islamic Republic will continue its advisory military assistance to the Syrian government until the crisis in Syria is over.

Iran has sent military advisers to Syria to help in the fight against Takfiri terrorists wreaking havoc in the conflict-stricken Arab country.

Russian and Syrian military are going to establish four more humanitarian corridors in the besieged city of Aleppo, in addition to three existing corridors that already helped hundreds to reach safety.

Russian Military: Four More Humanitarian Corridors Will be Opened in Aleppo

According to Lieutenant-General Sergey Chvarkov, the head Russian reconciliation center in Syria, four more humanitarian corridors will be established in the Syrian city of Aleppo in the near future by joint efforts of Russian and Syrian military forces.

Chvarkov said that the existing three corridors have already helped 169 civilians and 69 militants who chose to lay down arms, to escape the besieged city.

"In the areas of those humanitarian corridors we have equipped stations with hot food and medical assistance. The Syrian authorities have prepared six centers of humanitarian assistance, which can accommodate and satisfy needs of more than 3,000 people," he stressed.

Russia has also prepared 14 tons of humanitarian cargo for those fleeing the militants, with 2.5 tons of food and essentials already supplied, he added.

Syrian military forces targeted the terrorist groups' positions at the beginning of a road connecting Dara'a city's in the Southern and Central districts and in the Eastern deserts of Sweida, cutting off the militants' supply route for several hours.

Syrian Army Storms Terrorists' Arms Smuggling Route to Dara'a City

Syrian soldiers hit militant groups' strongholds in Northwest of al-Karak square, the surroundings of post office building, in Northern side of al-Khalil mosque and in Eastern side of electricity company in Dara'a al-Balad and Dara'a al-Mahatta, where most cases of arms smuggling happens.

The US Air Force has solicited industry proposals to build a new fleet of land-based nuclear missiles and also replace its air-launched nuclear cruise missiles in a bid to almost entirely rebuild the country's nuclear arms.

US Air Force, Navy plan near total replacement of nuclear weapons

The Air Force asked industry contractors on Friday to submit their proposals for a new-generation intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) and further announced plans to award the first contracts by next summer, the Associated Press reported Saturday.

It intends to substitute the US military’s existing fleet of nearly 450 deployed Minuteman 3 ICBMs, beginning in 2027 with an estimated cost of $62.3 billion, added the report, citing the spokeswoman for the Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center, Leah Bryant.

Both projects, the report said, are part of a broader modernization plan for US nuclear weapons and are expected to cost hundreds of billions of dollars over 30 years.

According to the report, the air force also solicited contractor proposals for a new-generation nuclear cruise missile to replace the existing AGM-86B cruise missile, which was deployed in the early 1980s.

The US Navy also intends to build new nuclear-missile submarines to replace its aging fleet of Ohio-class submarines, while the air force is planning to replace its B-52 bombers with a new fleet of nuclear-capable long-range bombers.

According to the director of the arms control association, Daryl Kimball, the extensive restructuring of the American nuclear arsenal would be “financially unsustainable.”

"The air force could save billions by refurbishing and extending the life of the existing Minuteman 3 well beyond 2030 rather than building a completely new and more deadly missile," said Kimball.

"The air force does not need a costly new and more capable nuclear-armed cruise missile, especially if the new long-range penetrating bomber is truly penetrating. We are seeing a return to the days of nuclear excess and overkill," he added.

A senior Israeli official will arrive in Washington next week for a final round of negotiations involving the largest military aid package the United States has ever given any country and that will last more than a decade after President Obama leaves office.

Israel and U.S. are close to a deal on the biggest military aid package ever

Brig. Gen. Yaakov Nagel, the acting head of Israel’s National Security Council, has been dispatched with instructions to meet with White House officials in hopes of signing an agreement “as soon as possible,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office said this week.

[...] The Obama administration has said it is prepared to sign a 10-year “memorandum of understanding” that significantly raises the $3.1 billion a year the United States currently grants Israel under an existing agreement that expires in 2018. In addition, Congress has provided additional money for missile defense.

Instances of the United States overthrowing, or attempting to overthrow, a foreign government since the Second World War. (* indicates successful ouster of a government)

Overthrowing other people’s governments: The Master List

(Back dated February 2013)

•China 1949 to early 1960s
•Albania 1949-53
•East Germany 1950s
•Iran 1953 *
•Guatemala 1954 *
•Costa Rica mid-1950s
•Syria 1956-7
•Egypt 1957
•Indonesia 1957-8
•British Guiana 1953-64 *
•Iraq 1963 *
•North Vietnam 1945-73
•Cambodia 1955-70 *
•Laos 1958 *, 1959 *, 1960 *
•Ecuador 1960-63 *
•Congo 1960 *
•France 1965
•Brazil 1962-64 *
•Dominican Republic 1963 *
•Cuba 1959 to present
•Bolivia 1964 *
•Indonesia 1965 *
•Ghana 1966 *
•Chile 1964-73 *
•Greece 1967 *
•Costa Rica 1970-71
•Bolivia 1971 *
•Australia 1973-75 *
•Angola 1975, 1980s
•Zaire 1975
•Portugal 1974-76 *
•Jamaica 1976-80 *
•Seychelles 1979-81
•Chad 1981-82 *
•Grenada 1983 *
•South Yemen 1982-84
•Suriname 1982-84
•Fiji 1987 *
•Libya 1980s
•Nicaragua 1981-90 *
•Panama 1989 *
•Bulgaria 1990 *
•Albania 1991 *
•Iraq 1991
•Afghanistan 1980s *
•Somalia 1993
•Yugoslavia 1999-2000 *
•Ecuador 2000 *
•Afghanistan 2001 *
•Venezuela 2002 *
•Iraq 2003 *
•Haiti 2004 *
•Somalia 2007 to present
•Honduras 2009
•Libya 2011 *
•Syria 2012
•Ukraine 2014 *

Q: Why will there never be a coup d’état in Washington?

A: Because there’s no American embassy there.

Update: Webmaster addition: Also Cuba in 1898 and 1955, Chile in 1973, Philippines in 1899 and 1965, Hawaii in 1893, China 1900, Panama and Honduras in 1903, Mexico 1914, Panama again in 1989, Dominican Republic 1965, Cuba again in 1961 (failed), etc.

Quote from CA:
Vanished guns: Firearms stolen from elite US Army base in Germany
Published on Jul 30, 2016.

US officials have revealed that a collection of weapons was stolen from the Panzer Kaserne base near Stuttgart earlier this month and couldn’t be located, leading to concerns that the arms may have ended up on the black market – or in the wrong hands.

STUTTGART, Germany — Special agents from the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command are investigating the theft of guns and other military equipment from a base arms room in Stuttgart, military officials said.

Weapons stolen from arms room on US military base in Stuttgart

Special agents from the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command are investigating the theft of guns and other military equipment from a base arms room in Stuttgart, military officials said.

“Several semi-automatic pistols, one small-caliber automatic rifle and a shotgun were among the items taken,” said Chris Grey, a CID spokesman.

The Army did not identify all the items stolen or the unit targeted, citing the active investigation. A possible breach of the base fence is also part of the ongoing probe.

“We are looking at all possibilities as the investigation continues, but at this point in the investigation it does not appear that an outside entity stole the firearms and equipment or breached the fence line, but we have not completely ruled it out,” Grey said.

A military official who was not authorized to speak to the media said that the site was Panzer, which also is home to elite units such as Army Green Berets and Navy SEALs, as well as the garrison’s headquarters.

The break-in, which occurred earlier this month, comes at a time of heightened security concerns in Germany in the wake of a wave of high-profile terrorist attacks.

2nd Lt. Michael R. Parros, left, and Spc. Matthew R. Hester are two of three soldiers who died this past week during training. An unidentified soldier at Fort Jackson collapsed Thursday following a two-mile run and later died at the hospital.

3 soldiers die in training this week

Three soldiers have died in stateside training this week, the Army said Friday. A soldier in Ranger school died Wednesday at Fort Benning, Ga., and another died Thursday at Fort Jackson, S.C.

On Wednesday, 2nd Lt. Michael R. Parros, 21, died, two days after his first day of Ranger School at Fort Benning. An Army release said the West Point graduate had been hospitalized with hyponatremia, abnormally low sodium levels in the blood typically linked to excessive water intake. It can be aggravated by other factors, according to the Mayo Clinic. Ranger School is designed to push soldiers to physical and mental limits in a grueling, 61-day course.

A soldier at Fort Jackson collapsed Thursday following a 2-mile run at the end of his physical fitness test and later died at the hospital, base spokesman Patrick Jones said. The name of the soldier has not been released, and the incident is under investigation.

That death is at least the second this week linked to a severe reaction following a morning physical training run. Spc. Matthew R. Hester, 28, died at Fort Carson, Colo., on Monday, shortly after he collapsed, the Army said. Hester, a combat medic, was assigned to the 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team of the 4th Infantry Division.

Investigations into the deaths are ongoing; record heat levels in many parts of the country could have been a factor.

The high in Fort Benning was 95 degrees Monday, with the heat index at 103 degrees, according to the National Weather Service.

“Heat is always in play here this time of year,” Army spokesman John Tongret said of Fort Benning. “I hate to speculate and say heat was a part of it, but I certainly couldn’t argue against it, either. That said, we are not 100 percent certain this was a heat-related injury,” Tongret told the East Bay (Calif.) Times. Parros was from Walnut Creek, Calif.

More than 200 soldiers have experienced heatstroke in each of the past five years, said Maj. David DeGroot of the Army Public Health Center in an Army handout cautioning the effects and dangers of training in hot conditions.

Officials at posts vulnerable to high temperatures, mostly in the south, have regulations to curb heat causalities, said John Boyce, an Army Forces Command spokesman. Commanders typically hold ceremonies and other prolonged events in the morning to avoid high temperatures, he said.

“We take every death seriously and look into the circumstances to determine what may be done to avoid them in the future, for both their families and other soldiers,” Boyce said.

Officials at the Army’s Combat Readiness Center at Fort Rucker, Ala., launched a team to lead the investigation of Parros’s death, said Michael J. Negard, a spokesman with the center. The center provides investigative resources to determine how accidents resulting in deaths or heavy financial or equipment losses have occurred. The findings occasionally are sent up to the Pentagon for review of force-wide changes, Negard said.

As of Friday, the center had not received requests from commanders at Fort Carson or Fort Jackson to activate a team to look into recent deaths there, he said.
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