Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

Kerry meets with Putin about cooperating against Islamic State in Syria

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry met with Russian President Vladimir Putin about boosting military and intelligence cooperation against Islamic State and al Qaeda in Syria and told him that without "concrete, near-term steps," diplomatic efforts to end the war could not go on indefinitely.

Kerry met Putin for three hours at the Kremlin and their talks lasted until 1 a.m. local time on Friday.

The State Department said Kerry expressed concern about repeated violations of a cessation of hostilities by the Moscow-backed Syrian government. It said the two also discussed the need to need to increase pressure on groups like Islamic State and the Nusra Front, al Qaeda's affiliate in Syria.

Kerry "emphasized that absent concrete, near-term steps, diplomatic efforts could not continue indefinitely," a statement said, adding that discussions between Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Friday were expected to explore initiatives in more detail.

On Thursday, the Washington Post published a "leaked" document it said Kerry would put forward in Moscow calling for intelligence sharing to identify leadership targets, training camps, supply lines and headquarters of the Nusra Front, al Qaeda's affiliate in Syria.

It said strikes against those targets could be carried out by U.S. or Russian jets and expanded coordination would be channeled through a Joint Implementation Group based in the vicinity of the Jordanian capital, Amman.

The extent of cooperation proposed in the document would represent a major U.S. shift after years of rivalry between Washington and Moscow, which support opposing sides in Syria's five-year civil war, but the idea has raised doubts among U.S. defense and intelligence officials.

Kerry declined to comment when asked about the document before leaving for Moscow.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said he would refrain from comment until Russian officials heard from Kerry, but that Russia in general favored cooperation with the United States over Syria.

Putin said at the start of his meeting with Kerry that his last conversation with U.S. President Barack Obama had convinced him that both sides were sincere in their efforts to find a solution in Syria.

"I hope after today's consultations you'll be able to advise him of the progress made and possible headway for us to make," he told Kerry.


U.S. officials described the visit as a test of Moscow's willingness to use its influence on the Syrian government to help revive the country's peace process.

Under the leaked plan, the United States and Russia would establish separate headquarters and a shared coordination office, where they would deploy senior officials, intelligence personnel and experts in strike planning and targeting.

They would decide on a date to simultaneously begin strikes against Nusra Front targets and to stop all Syrian military air activities in designated areas, except for non-combat purposes and against areas where Nusra Front has acquired territory.

The proposal also allows for Russia to use air power to defend Syrian forces from attack from Nusra Front within a designated area, if agreed in advance with the United States.

A senior U.S. official said before the talks that expectations were "very low", but added: "Either we find a way to do something about it or not.

"And if we don’t, the entire things breaks down. That would be an end of the cessation of hostilities and that would not be a good thing for Russia, or the United States, or the world, or, most importantly, for the Syrian people."

U.S. officials said there were two major problems leading to the breakdown of Syria's cessation of hostilities - the failure of the Syrian government to respect it and Nusra Front activity.

"We are here to test in what is pretty much close to the end stage of whether this is going to work, to take a shot with the Russians at whether we can solve those two major problems with the cessation of hostilities and get this back on track," a second senior official said.

Kerry faces some strong opposition to his efforts to woo Russia from U.S. defense and intelligence officials who say Washington and Moscow have diametrically opposed objectives in Syria.

Kerry's trip, his second to Moscow this year, comes amid a worsening of U.S.-Russian ties due to tit-for-tat diplomatic expulsions, U.S. allegations of aggressive Russian maneuvers toward U.S. aircraft and vessels and what Washington has said is a disregard for a cessation of hostilities in Syria, where Russia has bombed U.S.-backed rebels.

Relations also remain strained over Ukraine and what the Kremlin considers NATO’s unjustified activity along its borders.

That has raised fears that disagreements could escalate into confrontations, either accidental in Syria or the result of miscalculations in the air and naval encounters elsewhere.

Putin, Kerry express hope for progress in Russian-US talks

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, whose talks with his American counterpart are scheduled for Friday, July 15, also took part in the meeting

MOSCOW, July 15. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin and US Secretary of State John Kerry, during the open part of their talks in the Kremlin on Thursday evening, expressed hope for progress in bilateral talks on Syria and other issues.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, whose talks with his American counterpart are scheduled for Friday, July 15, also took part in the meeting.

"Distinguished Secretary, dear colleagues, allow me once again to welcome you to Moscow. I’d like to note our mutual efforts to settle and resolve the conflicts that we believe are of importance and should be resolved," Putin said at the start of the meeting as quoted in a translation on the State Department’s website.

"And my last phone conversation with President Obama makes me convinced that it’s our sincere desire not only to pursue the process but to yield tangible results. And I hope that after today’s consultations - and please, by the way, give my regards to President Obama - I hope after today’s consultations, you’ll be able to advise him of the progress made and of a possible headway for us to make," the Russian leader said.

Kerry said: "Well, Mr. President, thank you very much for taking time. I appreciate the opportunity to be able to meet. President Obama sends you his regards."

"He thought it was a constructive conversation, and hopefully we will be able to make some genuine progress that is measurable and implementable that can make a difference to the course of events in Syria. So I look forward very much to a serious conversation this evening and again tomorrow with Sergey. And we have a lot of work to do," the US top diplomat said.

"The president and I both believe - this president - that the United States and Russia are in a position to make an enormous difference in the course of events - not just in Syria, but obviously Ukraine, and even in other potential areas of cooperation. So we’re anxious to get to work. We’ve done a lot of ground work, but we’re not where we need to be yet. We hope to be able to get there," Kerry said. "So I’m ready to work, and I know you are. Let’s go."


In conclusion of the part of talks open for the press, Putin said: "President Obama drew my attention to the fact that the Russian Federation helped release one of the American citizens [in Syria]."

"And I’ll tell you that at your behest we’ll keep working in this way, and I really hope that if need be, the American side will reciprocate in efforts and would accommodate our request as well," the Russian president said.

Kerry said in response: "Mr. President, well aware of your request. Let me say that we are all grateful for Russia’s help. You made a difference - the difference - and we’re very grateful for that. And we are indeed aware of your request for reciprocation."

Kerry Says Moscow Talks With Putin 'Very Frank and Very Serious'

US State Secretary John Kerry said Friday his talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin were frank and serious.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Putin and Kerry met in Moscow on Thursday.

"That conversation last night was very frank and very serious," Kerry told reporters.

Kremlin: Talks between Putin and Kerry constructive, honest and detailed

The topic of direct interaction between the Russian and the US military in Syria was not discussed at the meeting of the top officials

MOSCOW, July 15. /TASS/. Talks between Russian President Vladimir Putin and US State Secretary were constructive and detailed, but questions remain on cooperation between the two countries on Syria, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Friday.

"Talks were continued, they were rather constructive, rather honest and detailed," Peskov said adding that the meeting ended well after midnight.

However, "many questions remain connected with real cooperation during the operation in Syria," he noted.

John Kerry has confirmed his talks with Vladimir Putin were "extremely frank and very serious."

Direct cooperation of Russian and US military

The topic of direct interaction between the Russian and the US military in Syria was not discussed at the meeting of the top officials.

"They discussed different cooperation formats, but the topic of direct cooperation between the military in combating terrorism in Syria was not mentioned," Peskov said.

According to him, the exchange of information in this area "is present, but still, unfortunately, we are not much closer to real cooperation in order to increase the effectiveness of efforts to combatting terrorism in Syria."

Russia’s stance on Assad’s fate

According to Peskov, Russia’s stance on the fate of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad at the talks with John Kerry has remained unchanged.

"As for Assad’s fate, Russia’s well-known position has not undergone any changes," he said.

Peskov noted that Russia favors the continuation of the talks on the Syrian settlement, adding that the political solution to this crisis is only possible by means of continuing the Geneva process.

Peskov declined to comment on whether the two sides had made any progress at the talks. "I said everything I wanted on the issue," he said. "The main assessments will be made by [Russian Foreign] Minister [Sergey] Lavrov and [US] Secretary of State [John] Kerry."

START treaty extension

The sides held no discussions over the extension of the START treaty.

"No," Peskov said answering the question whether Kerry had raised this issue during yesterday’s talks with Putin.
US Warship Mount Whitney Departs Poland for Baltic Sea Deployment - Navy

The US 6th Fleet command and control ship Mount Whitney returned to deployment in the Baltic Sea after a scheduled port visit in Gdynia, Poland, the US Navy said in a press release on Friday.

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — Mount Whitney is one of two seaborne US Navy joint command platforms and is forward deployed to Gaeta, Italy.

"Mount Whitney’s presence in the Baltic Sea is a demonstration of our continued commitment to the collective security of NATO under Operation Atlantic Resolve," the press release stated.

The ship operates with a combined crew of US Navy and civil service mariners. The military personnel support communications, weapons systems and security missions.

The US 6th Fleet, based in Italy, conducts operations with allied, joint and interagency partners to advance US interests in Europe and Africa, according to the US Navy.

Lithuania asks US help in strengthening the region's air defense

VILNIUS, July 15 -. RIA Novosti Lithuania asks US for help in strengthening the air defense facilities in the region, said the Lithuanian Defence Minister Juozas Olekas at a meeting with the US Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James.

"We have strengthened ground forces by military battalion group, now we are talking about what needs to be strengthened at the same time and air protection", - said Olekas during the meeting.

Earlier, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that NATO leaders decided to create four multinational battalion in the Baltic States and Poland on a rotational basis. The Secretary General said that the soldiers in Latvia send Canada to Lithuania - Germany, Estonia - Great Britain and Poland - the United States.

According to the head of the defense department of Lithuania, dislocating other air defense elements in the country will achieve the absolute operating power. However, he added, about the specific capacities that can be deployed until the conversation is not conducted.

"We are asking Americans to make an examination in the study of our regional architecture air defense medium-range, and I think we waited a solid promise that this will happen the second, we have a short-range system, some of them from the United States, some from other countries. - is the total integration of air defense well and exercise, in which our troops could master such technologies ", -. added defense Minister after the meeting.

The minister also said that a meeting stipulated the issue of the transition from air policing mission in the airspace of the Baltic countries in air defense.

In May, the Lithuanian Ministry of Defense has decided to negotiate with Norway the issue of purchase of air defense systems of medium-range missiles.

Russia to deliver S-400 antiaircraft missile system to Crimean grouping in August

The S-400 Triumf is Russia's newest long-range antiaircraft missile system that went into service in 2007

MOSCOW, July 15. /TASS/. A new regiment set of the S-400 Triumf antiaircraft missile system will be delivered to Crimea in August after trials, Chief of Staff, Deputy Commander of the 18th Air Defense Missile Regiment within the 31st Air Defense Division Lieutenant-Colonel Yevgeny Oleinikov said on Friday.

"Upon completion of initial live-firing exercises on the ground of the Air Defense Research and Testing Center of the 4th State Central Combined Arms Practice Range in August 2016, the missile system is set to be loaded for dispatch to its permanent location ... the city of Feodosiya," Oleinikov said on Single Military Output Acceptance Day.

The regiment set of the S-400 Triumf surface-to-air missile system has been manufactured and delivered by Almaz-Antey Group under state defense order for arming the 18th air defense missile regiment, he said.

"The regiment’s personnel have successfully undergone training at the educational center of air defense missile forces of the Air Defense Military Academy in the city of Gatchina," Oleinikov said.

The S-400 Triumf is the newest long-range antiaircraft missile system that went into service in 2007.

It is designed to destroy aircraft, cruise and ballistic missiles, including medium-range missiles, and can also be used against ground objectives.

The S-400 can engage targets at a distance of 400 km and at an altitude of up to 30 km.

Website for Islamic State militants matchmaking blocked in Russia’s Tatarstan

The site offered information about preferences of potential ‘bridegrooms’ in terms of age, appearance, etc. In some case, the site had second-wife marriage proposals

MOSCOW, July 15. /TASS/. A mail order brides website for Islamic State militants has been blocked in Russia’s mostly Muslim republic of Tatarstan, the Russian prosecutor general’s website said on Friday.

"The website had posts with marriage proposals from Islamic State ‘mujahids’ engaged in the ‘sacred war against the infidels,’" the prosecutor general’s office said. The site offered information about preferences of potential ‘bridegrooms’ in terms of age, appearance, etc. In some case, the site had second-wife marriage proposals. It also offered assistance for those willing in reaching Syria. The website was popularizing Islamic State and justifying terrorism.

"’Marriage adds’ contained calls on female users to join illegal armed groups in the territory of a foreign state," the prosecutor general’s office said.

"Tatarstan’s prosecutor’s office issued a resolution on July 14, 2016 to refer corresponding materials to the republican department of the Russian Investigations Committee over the existence of signs of a crime under part 1 of article 205.2 of the Russian Criminal Code (public calls for terrorist activities or public justification of terrorism)," the prosecutor general’s office said, adding that such crimes carry a punishment of a prison term of up to five years.

Russian Defense Ministry helps Syrian army to restore military capabilities

The Russian Defense Ministry is also training Syrian servicemen

MOSCOW, July 15. /TASS/. The Russian Defense Ministry is training Syrian servicemen and restoring their military capabilities, Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said on Friday.

"In the framework of Russian Defense Ministry’s purposeful work to strengthen Syrian Armed Forces, events are held to restore their military capability and train units to perform combat tasks," Shoigu told the military-scientific conference "Military and political results of using Armed Forces in Syria and main strategic conclusions."

Russia takes an active part in the Syrian settlement effort. It helps Syria's authorities fight terrorists and has conducted mine clearing work in the ancient city of Palmyra. Russia’s Aerospace Forces started delivering pinpoint strikes in Syria at facilities of the Islamic State and Jabhat al-Nusra, which are banned in Russia, on September 30, 2015, on a request from Syrian President Bashar Assad.

On March 14, 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered to withdraw the main part of the Russian Aerospace Forces’ group from Syria. Putin said the tasks set before the military "have been fulfilled on the whole." Russian Deputy Defense Minister Nikolay Pankov said strikes on terrorists will continue to be delivered.

Russia’s Syria experience to strengthen Armed Forces, create new weapons — minister

According to the Russian defense minister, "the situation in Syria was critical" by the start of the Russian military operation in that country while terrorists controlled over 70% of the country

MOSCOW, July 15. /TASS/. The Russian military contingent’s experience gained in the struggle against terrorists in Syria will help strengthen Russia’s Armed Forces and develop new-generation weapons, Defense Minister, Army General Sergei Shoigu said on Friday.

The Russian defense minister spoke at a military and scientific conference on the military and political results of using the armed forces in Syria and basic strategic conclusions.

"At the military and scientific conference today we’ll generalize the experience of using the Russian grouping in Syria and also analyze the problems of conducting warfare and making supplies for it," the Russian defense minister said.

"This will help elaborate proposals on further developing the Armed Forces and raising their combat capabilities and developing new-generation armaments," Shoigu said.

According to the Russian defense minister, "the situation in Syria was critical" by the start of the Russian military operation in that country while terrorists controlled over 70% of the country and continued to develop an offensive in all the directions.

"The state’s resources were being depleted. Most experts predicted the events would further develop under the Libyan scenario and the state would inevitably disintegrate," the Russian defense minister said.

The recently prosperous country "was becoming a source of the spread of the terrorist threat," Shoigu said.

"A clear threat to Russia’s national security was emanating from that Middle East region," the Russian defense minister said.

Russia Urges US to Join Ceasefire Efforts Around Syria's Aleppo - Shoigu

The Russian defense minister called on the US-led coalition to join ceasefire efforts near Syria's city of Aleppo.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu called on the US-led coalition to join efforts with the Russian military aimed at normalizing situation around Syria's city of Aleppo where the number of suicide-bombing attacks on the Syrian army increased significantly in past three days.

"We are urging the United States and their partners in anti-IS coalition to jointly take serious measures and use to a full extent their influence on all armed groups backed by them in this area, to convince all those ready to do so to join the ceasefire and normalize the situation in Aleppo," Shoigu said at a military-scientific conference in Moscow dedicated to the analysis of military action in Syria.

According to Shoigu, at least seven vehicles filled with explosives attempted to attack positions of the Syrian army near Aleppo two days ago.

"Six of the vehicles were destroyed but one managed to break through defenses and exploded, killing a large number of Syrian soldiers," the minister said.

At least seven suicide-bombers have attacked Syrian army positions using motorcycles, Shoigu said, adding that three of them succeeded.

Russian Delegation Visiting Lebanon to Improve Cooperation

A Russian delegation has arrived in Lebanon to discuss ways of deepening bilateral cooperation, Lebanese Agriculture Minister Akram Chehayeb told Sputnik on Friday.

BEIRUT (Sputnik) — According to him, the Russian side had expressed its willingness to import a number of agricultural products from Lebanon.

"The Russian delegation is currently on a visit to Lebanon in search for new ways of developing bilateral cooperation," the minister said.

He added that the two sides were in talks at various levels to increase the export of livestock products from Russia.

In June, Chehayeb visited Russia but no bilateral agreements were signed.

Earlier this month, Lebanese Ambassador to Moscow Chawki Bou Nassar told Sputnik that the two countries may sign a memorandum of understanding on bilateral agriculture cooperation before the end of the year.

'We Will Fight for Our Lands': Syrians Living Near the Front Line

Several villages to the east of Homs are situated very close to the front line where the battle against Daesh terrorists rages in full swing. The civilians living there are impoverished, their homes destroyed and yet many of them do not want to leave their households.

The civilians believe that the Syrians Army will soon destroy all of the Daesh militants. An RT correspondent visited these villages and met with some of the civilians.

Syrian government troops backed by the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) managed to remove the militants from many areas east of the city of Homs, but the terrorists are trying to win back some territory on the contact line with the Syrian army.

Despite the fact that the Syrian Army was able to drive Daesh from the eastern suburbs of Homs and Palmyra to al-Qaryatayn, the terrorists are still trying to keep up the offensive, firing at peaceful settlements.

“Recently we were shelled by the militants of Daesh. The missiles hit the house. Look, here we had 12 sheep. All of the animals were killed,” local resident Rihab Al-Khudri, told RT.

“Our suffering continues for five years now. We are constantly being shelled. The terrorists are just a kilometer away. But we are holding up,” continues the other resident.

Talking about living conditions in these villages, civilians said that some of the houses are empty and those who did not want to leave can barely make ends meet. The farmers cannot cultivate their land, as the land is constantly shelled by the militants.

“Here nearby is my land. It used to feed me. But for five years now, I do not know what is happening there. I used to have almond and olive trees growing there. Now these territories are all in the hands of the militants and I cannot go there because terrorists kill and kidnap people who try to get to their lands,” a Syrian man spoke in an interview.

According to Farouk al-Jahan a representative of the militia forces, “We have created militias and help the army regularly. We will fight for our lands. We will defend it. Our children and wives live here. There are fierce battles raging right now and our village was badly damaged. Hopefully, the government will help us.”

Volunteers have stood up to defend the nearby villages. Despite the constant shelling and food shortages, the locals refuse to leave. They believe that soon the militants will be destroyed.

Over 150 Syrian towns have been liberated from Daesh terrorists due to Russian air support, the Russian Defense Minister said Friday.

"This allowed 264,000 refugees to return to their places of permanent residence," Sergei Shoigu said.

The minister further mentioned the return of three oil fields and the liberation of the key cities of Palmyra and Quaryatayn over the course of the Russian operation.

But most importantly, the expansion of terrorist group’s activity into surrounding areas has been stopped. Recently, major numbers of terrorists were defeated in Syria's Hama, Homs, as well as in Latakia and near Damascus.

VIDEO: Syrian Democratic Forces seize ISIS weapons during heist in Manbij

Footage emerged today showing spoils of war after the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) seized an Islamic State ammunitions depot in Manbij, a besieged ISIS bastion in northeastern Aleppo.

This happens only days after the SDF took control of the Shariat Neighbourhood, along with the majority of the Bustan al-Haddad and Hazawani districts.

Meanwhile, Amaq Agency released footage of an ISIS suicide bombing in the city.

Syrian Army Storms Column of Terrorists Heading to Southwestern Damascus from Eastern Dara'a

"The Syrian Army, tipped off by its intelligence agents in the region, found out that a large number of militant have headed toward the town of Darayya to join their comrades there to assist them to resist against the army's advances," the sources said, adding, "The army stormed the column of terrorists as soon as finding them in good distance."

"The terrorists suffered a heavy death toll and their military hardware sustained major damage in the army's attacks. The militant could not continue their way toward Darayya," the sources went on to say.

Reports said earlier today that the Syrian Army troops struck the positions of the al-Qaeda-affiliated al-Nusra Front in Dara'a districts, while other units of the Syrian military hit the Takfiri group's strongholds near a town East of the city.

The Syrian soldier engaged in heavy fighting with al-Nusra terrorists in al-Nazehin camp in Dara'a al-Balad in Southern Syria, which ended in the killing or wounding of tens of the militants.

Meanwhile, dozens of al-Nusra terrorists were killed or wounded in army attacks on their positions in al-Maasara in the Southern side of al-Naima.

Syria: Terrorists Fail to Prevail over Army in Quneitra

The Syrian soldiers and popular forces fended off terrorist groups' offensives near Tal Qarin and Tal Ayoun Alaq in death triangle near the border with Dara'a, which left tens of the militants dead or wounded and destroyed their weapons and ammunition.

In relevant developments in the province on Thursday, the Syrian army and its allies killed a group of Takfiri terrorists from al-Nusra Front that were trying to enter al-Samadaniyeh al-Sharghiyeh village in Quneitra countryside.

According to a source, the Syrian soldiers in cooperation with popular forces clashed with a group of al-Nusra Front Takfiri terrorists that had arrived in al-Ajraf region towards al-Samadaniyeh al-Sharghiyeh.

Most members of the Takfiri terrorist group were killed during the clashes while others fled away towards al-Samadaniyeh al-Gharbiyeh.

Also in the same region, the Syrian army attacked the al-Nusra Front terrorists stationed in the road linking al-Hamidiya and al-Horiya in the Western parts of al-Ba'ath city in Quneitra with missiles and killed and injured tens of them.
Syrian Army Gains Full Fire-Control over Al-Lairamoun-Castillo Road in Northern Aleppo

"The Syrian Army troops won back more building blocks and firms in al-Lairamoun industrial region and Bani Zeid, which enabled the army to gain full fire control over al-Lairamoun square toward Castillo highway,' the sources said.

Reports said earlier today that the Syrian Army troops launched a fresh round of attacks on the strongholds of the terrorist groups of al-Nusra Front and Ahrar al-Sham in the Northern districts of Aleppo city and pushed the militants back from more building blocks and firms.

The Syrian soldiers hit the terrorist groups' concentration centers and gatherings hard in Khalediyeh districts, and the road connecting al-Lairamoun to Bani Zeid and captured more building blocks and firms in the region.

The terrorist groups suffered a heavy death toll and their mortar launchers and weapons sustained major damage.

Syrian Army Wins Back Strategic Kinsibba at Lattakia Border with Turkey

"The Syrian Desert Hawks forces and navy commandoes attacked on defense lines of the terrorist groups from six fronts in the Southern, Southeastern and Southwestern flanks of Kinsibba," the sources said.

"The Syrian military forces at first liberated the villages of Shillif, Toubal, Ra'as al-Hossein, al-Raqem, Ruweisa al-Kaniseh, Wadi Basour and the entire heights around these villages, then they stormed the positions of terrorists near Kinsibba and captured the town in short-time but tough battle," the sources added.

"The Syrian government forces are now fortifying their positions in the Northern, Northeastern and Northwestern sides of the town," the sources went on to say, adding, "Last night coup in Turkey has decreased Ankara-backed terrorist groups across Northern Syria."

Reports said on Sunday, the Syrian military forces continued to push militant groups back from more strongholds in Northern Lattakia and captured three strategic positions in the mountainous region.

The Syrian government forces stormed defense lines of militant groups in the Southern side of the key town of Kinsibba and forced the terrorists to retreat from the Forts of shillif and Toubal and the passage of Basour.

The militant groups suffered a heavy death toll and their militant hardware sustained major damage in the attacks.

Syria: Turkey Evacuating Own Intelligence Officers from Aleppo Battlefield

"Suicide attacks of al-Nusra front and Nouralddeen al-Zinki on the government forces' position to reopen Castillo supply line to Northern part of Aleppo city have thus far failed and the Syrian army forces' advances in different battlefields in Northern Aleppo have continued," the sources said.

"On the other hand some of the terrorist groups have no intention to partake in Aleppo battles against the government forces. All these have forced Turkey to start evacuating its trainers and intelligence officers from Aleppo," they added.

"Over 500 terrorist have been killed in the last four days in Aleppo. Ahrar al-Sham is accusing the Free Syrian Army and al-Qaeda-affiliated groups of treason through refusing to send more fighters to battlefields in Aleppo. Turkey and other foreign backers of terrorist groups have come to this conclusion that their affiliated terrorist groups in Aleppo can not resist against the waves of government forces in Aleppo city" the sources went on to say.

On Thursday, a spokesman of Ahrar al-Sham underlined that the terrorist group was not participating in clashes in al-Malaah farms in Northern Aleppo against the Syrian army and popular forces, saying those who take part in this battle were doomed to experience crushing defeat.

Writing on his twitter page on Wednesday, Abu Yousef al-Muhajer voiced surprise at certain groups' participation in Malaah battle, and said Ahrar al-Sham did not send its forces to the region given the weak possibility of victory against the government and popular forces and the fear of sustaining a major toll and damages.

Media sources said that terrorists of Nouralddeen al-Zanki Movement and al-Nusra Front and a number of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) militants participated in the battle.

Syrian Arab Army retakes town northwest of Homs city

Around noon today, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and National Defence Forces (NDF) were able to fully recapture Khirbet Al-Sodah (Khirbet al-Sawda) along with three previously lost checkpoints near the town.

This area was infiltrated by rebel forces of Jabhat al-Nusra and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) overnight and still held by insurgents during the morning.

Effectively, due to its recapture, government troops were able to reopen the Homs-Masyaf highway which runs northwest of the provincial capital of Homs.

The Islamist offensive was intended to reach rebel fighters still held up at Al-Waer, the last district inside Homs city which still maintains an insurgent presence.

Other rumours claim it to be retaliation over the SAA pushing an offensive to capture the Darayya suburb in the Syrian capital, a symbolic stronghold for the Syrian Opposition.

Russian Air Force attacks jihadist rebels along the Turkish border

Latakia (11:00 A.M.): During the wee hours on Saturday morning, the Russian Air Force began launched a powerful series of airstrikes against the jihadist rebels of Jaysh Al-Fateh (Army of Conquest) in the northern countryside of Latakia.

These Russian airstrikes reportedly targeted several sites along the Turkish border with the Latakia Governorate, paving the way for the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) offensive near the strategic town of Kinsibba this morning.

A military source told Al-Masdar News on Saturday that the Russian Air Force reportedly struck the northern and eastern axes of the Kurdish Mountains (Jabal Al-Akrad), inflicting heavy losses on the jihadist rebels.Latakia (11:00 A.M.): During the wee hours on Saturday morning, the Russian Air Force began launched a powerful series of airstrikes against the jihadist rebels of Jaysh Al-Fateh (Army of Conquest) in the northern countryside of Latakia.

These Russian airstrikes reportedly targeted several sites along the Turkish border with the Latakia Governorate, paving the way for the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) offensive near the strategic town of Kinsibba this morning.

A military source told Al-Masdar News on Saturday that the Russian Air Force reportedly struck the northern and eastern axes of the Kurdish Mountains (Jabal Al-Akrad), inflicting heavy losses on the jihadist rebels.

Over the last two hours, the Russian Air Force has shifted its focus to the jihadist controlled towns of Kabbani and Kinsibba, conducting over 30 airstrikes while the Syrian Armed Forces attempt to advance against Jaysh Al-Fateh.

The Russian Air Force played a pivotal role in the Syrian Army’s successful Latakia campaign during the winter months; however, due to peace talks, the Russian Federation has decreased the number of airstrikes around the country.
Mainwhile at the F35 camp ...

Russia Tests Parts of 6th Generation, Railgun Equipped Near Space Warplane

Russia’s largest radio electronics manufacturer gave a glimpse into the future of Russian air superiority confirming on Monday that components for a sixth 6th generation fighter jet are being tested on the 5th generation PAK FA T-50 prototype.

Russia has begun testing hardware elements designed for a future 6th generation fighter jet, heralded as the first combat aircraft that will be able to engage targets from near space, on a 5th generation prototype that is currently undergoing flight trials according to a TASS news agency report.

Vladimir Mikheyev, advisor to the First Deputy Director General of Concern Radio Electronic Technologies (KRET), a subsidiary of Russian Technologies State Corporation (Rostec), revealed that various components of the new jet have been tested on the Sukhoi PAK FA (Prospective Airborne Complex Frontline Aviation) T-50 prototype.

"Standalone solutions that will be applied in the sixth-generation fighter are now being tested on the fifth-generation jet as well as on the ground-based equipment. Separate elements of the flight and navigation system have already been installed on PAK FA," Mikheyev told TASS news.

The PAK FA is a 5th generation multi-role, single seat, twin-engine air superiority/deep air support fighter slated to enter service in the Russian Air and Space Forces in 2018. It also serves as the prototype for the joint Indo-Russian Sukhoi/HAL Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA) project that has tormented the US military and industrial complex that now fears New Delhi will look to Moscow for its weapons procurement needs.

The sixth generation fighter jets planned to be unveiled by 2025 will consist primarily of swarms of unmanned aircrafts flying at hypersonic speed with developers saying that the jets would be able to transit through space.

The aircrafts will be equipped with electromagnetic cannons – much like the Navy’s railgun – which can force an enemy’s radio detector out of operation at a 10km range. The super-high frequency weapons is so powerful, however, that it will not be installed on piloted aircrafts as it can harm the pilot.

"In particular, the electromagnetic impulse, with which the SHF’s weapon will be hitting the targets, will be so powerful that it will be extremely difficult to protect a human, a pilot from his own weaponry," explained Mikheyev.

The sixth-generation fighter jet has not yet been commissioned by Russia’s Defense Ministry, but there are hopes to finish the research and development part of the work until 2020 so that KRET can produce the first sixth generation aircraft by 2025 upon the ministry’s order.


Ukraine, July 18th - September 30th - The “Sea Breeze” Ukrainian-American military exercises on the territory of the Odessa and Nikolaev regions as well as the North-Western Black Sea will be held. 2,000 servicemen of the USA and other NATO member states will participate with weapons and military equipment as well as with up to 15 ships, 5 submarines, 12 planes and helicopters, and up to 100 wheeled vehicles.

Donetsk, Donetsk People's Republic (ex-Ukraine) - Candidates will begin to be nominated for participating in primary elections to local organs of authority in the Donetsk People’s Republic.


Romania, July 18th - 22nd - The “Sea Shield” international military naval exercises will be held in the Black Sea. 2,000 Romanian servicemen and military sailors from Bulgaria, Greece, Canada, Poland, the US, Turkey, and Ukraine will participate involving 22 ships and 9 aircraft.

Brussels, Belgium - The EU Council on Foreign Affairs will be in session with the participation of US Secretary of State John Kerry.

London, United Kingdom, July 18th - 19th - US Secretary of State John Kerry’s visit.

London, United Kingdom - Parliamentary vote on the modernization of the country’s nuclear arsenal. The government intends to purchase four nuclear submarines equipped with Trident missile systems.

North America

New York, USA - Session of the UN Security Council on the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons. The nuclear deal with Iran will be discussed.

New York, USA - The UN Security Council will hold consultations to discuss the situation surrounding the use of chemical weapons in Syria.

Cleveland, Ohio, USA, July 18th - 21st - The Republican National Convention

Islamic world

Ankara, Turkey - Visit by the co-chairmen of the OSCE Minsk Group from Russia, the USA, and France. The event includes a meeting with the Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs Mevlut Cavusoglu.

Pacific region

Singapore, July 18th - 19th - Visit by Prime Minister of Sri Lanka Ranil Wickramasinghe

Tuesday, July 19th


Ulyanovsk, Russia - First meeting of the Council on Interregional Cooperation between Russia and China in the “Volga-Yangtze” format under the chairmanship of the Volga Federal District’s plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation, Mikhail Babich, and Chinese State Councilor Yang Jiechi.

Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan - Meeting of the Council on Interregional and Border Cooperation of CIS participating states.


Sweden - Toughened law on the reception of refugees comes into force. Migration management will gain the right to grant temporary (for 3 years) rather than permanent residence to those receiving asylum. Opportunities for the arrival of refugees’ family members will be restricted and social benefits will be reduced.

Vienna, Austria - Session of the Joint Commission of Iran and “the Six” International Mediators (US, UK, France, Germany, Russia, and China) dedicated to the realization of atomic deals.

Madrid, Spain - The first session of both houses of parliament since early elections held on June 26th.

Warsaw, Poland - The country’s parliament will consider the resolution on recognizing July 11th as National Day of Remembrance for Victims of the Genocide against Poles committed by Ukrainian nationalists during the Second World War (the Volyn massacre).

Portugal - Visit by French President Francois Hollande.

North America

Washington, USA - Meeting of the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund at which the crises in Greece, Ireland, and Portugal are planned to be examined.

Pacific region

Seoul, Republic of Korea - Planned special session of the National Assembly (parliament) on the question of THAAD American missile defense systems being stationed in the country.

Tokyo, Japan, July 19th - 20th - Visit by Russian Minister of Economic Development Aleksey Ulyukaev. Meetings are planned with representatives of the government as well as a speech to be delivered before the business community entitled “Relevant Tasks in Developing Russian-Japanese Trade and Economic Relations.”

Wednesday, July 20th


Austria, Slovakia, Czech Republic - Visits by French President Francois Hollande.

London, UK, 12:00 - New Prime Minister Theresa May’s first appearance in parliament for a Q&A session.

Paris, France, July 20th - 21st - Parliamentary examination of the law on extending the state of emergency rule in the country for three months.

London, UK - Meeting of the Board of Directors of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

North America

Maryland, USA, July 20th - 21st - Meeting of defense ministers of the countries participating in the international coalition fighting the terrorist grouping known as the “Islamic State.”

Pacific region

Hanoi, Vietnam - Opening of the first session of the National Assembly (unicameral parliament) formed by elections on May 22nd.

New Zealand, July 20th - 21st - Visit by US Vice President Joe Biden scheduled to meet with Prime Minister John Key.


Shanghai, China, July 20th - 21st - First annual meeting of the management of the BRICS New Development Bank.

Thursday, July 21st


Ireland - Visit by French President Francois Hollande.

Warsaw, Poland - Meeting of the heads of governments of the Visegrad Group (Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, and Czech Republic).

Frankfurt-On-Main, Germany - Meeting of the Board of the European Central Bank.

Islamic world

Lahore, Pakistan, July 21st - 24th - Meeting of border service leadership with colleagues from India to coordinate efforts on maintaining peace in border areas.

Pakistan - planned elections to the Legislative Assembly of the Azad Kashmir territory which, although officially recognized as a self-governing state, is de facto part of Pakistan.

North America

New York, USA - First preliminary vote in the UN Security council for the organization’s General Secretary. 11 candidates are running for the post.

Pacific region

Vientiane, Laos, July 21st - 25th - 49th meeting of the foreign ministers of the member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian States.

Friday, July 22nd


Paris, France - The Court of Cassation will adopt a decision concerning IMF head Christine Lagarde, against whom a case could be brought accusing fraud for the benefit of the businessman Bernard Tapie.

Norway, 09:30 - Commemorative events dedicated to the 5th anniversary of the terrorist attacks in Oslo and the island of Utoya as a result of which 77 people were killed.

North America

Washington, USA - US President Barack Obama will meet with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto.

Saturday, July 23rd -


Chengdu, China, July 23rd - 24th - Meeting between the finance ministers and central bank heads of the G20.

Sunday, July 24th


Bratislava, Slovakia, July 24th - 25th - EU Council meeting on general affairs.

Pacific region

Vientiane, Laos, July 24th - 25th - Meeting of foreign ministers in the Russia-ASEAN format.

US, Ukrainian, Russian Pilots to Fly Over Russia, Germany Under New Treaty

The US and Ukrainian pilots will perform a joint observation flight over Russia, while the Russian observers will fly over Germany's territory under the Open Skies Treaty this week, Sergei Ryzhkov, head of the Russian Defense Ministry's Nuclear Risk Reduction Center, said Monday.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — He added that the Russian experts will carry out the flights on the Antonov AN-30B over Germany's territory with German observers on board to monitor the use of the equipment and compliance with the treaty.

"From July 18 to 23б 2016, as part of the international Open Skies Treaty, a joint US-Ukrainian mission will perform a flight over Russia's territory on a US OC-135B observation aircraft," Ryzhkov said.

"The group of Russian inspectors plans an observation flight on a An-30b plane over Germany's territory. The observation flight with a maximum range of 1,300 kilometers [807.8 miles] will be carried out between July 18 and 22 2016," Ryzhkov said.

The Treaty on Open Skies was signed in March 1992 and became one of the major confidence-building measures in Europe after the Cold War. It entered into force on January 1, 2002, and currently has 34 states parties, including Russia and most NATO members.

Iran receives the missile part of S-300 defense system from Russia: Tasnim

Russia has delivered the missile part of S-300 surface-to-air defense system to Iran, Tasnim news agency reported on Monday, moving to finish the delivery of all divisions of the system to Tehran by the end of this year.

"The first shipment of missiles of S-300 missile system has recently entered Iran that shows Iran's determination to equip its air defense circle with this system," Tasnim news agency, which is close to the Revolutionary Guards, reported.

Russia's agreement to provide Iran with S-300 has sparked concern in Israel, whose government Iran has said it aims to destroy.

Russia says it canceled a contract to deliver S-300s to Iran in 2010 under pressure from the West.

President Vladimir Putin lifted that self-imposed ban in April 2015, after an interim agreement that paved the way for July's full nuclear deal.

Russia delivered the first parts of S-300, the missile tubes and radar equipment, to Iran in April.

Pyongyang Dismisses ASEM Criticism Over Missile Tests

Pyongyang refuted criticism of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) leaders over its missile tests and blamed the United States for the Korean conflict escalation, the country's Foreign Ministry said on Monday.

TOKYO (Sputnik) — On Saturday, a statement adopted at the ASEM summit strongly condemned North Korea's missile tests and called for vigilance against assistance to Pyongyang's nuclear program.

"Raising chances of a conflict on the Korean peninsula, the U.S. continues to carry out joint military drills and brings nuclear-powered submarines, bombers and other strategic weapons, including the Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missile defense system, into South Korea," the ministry's spokesman said, as quoted by Yonhap agency.

On July 8, Seoul disclosed that it was going to station the THAAD missile defense system in the southern Seongju County. The governments of Russia and China protested the decision, stating that the agreement to deploy the THAAD system will have a highly negative impact on global strategic stability.

The THAAD system is designed to intercept short, medium and intermediate ballistic missiles at the terminal incoming stage.

Counter-terrorist operation underway in Kazakhstan

Earlier on July 18 an unidentified man opened fire at police officers in the Kazakhstani city of Almaty

ASTANA, July 18. /TASS/. The counter-terrorist operation is underway in the Kazakhstani city of Almaty, the city’s department of interior said on Monday.

"The counter-terrorist operation has been declared on the territory of the city of Almaty," the department said. The police ask people "not to leave their homes, to avoid crowded places, immediately report to law enforcement agencies about any suspicious persons and treat with understanding the actions of law enforcement agencies and special forces," it added.

"The society will be additionally informed about any changes in the situation," the department noted.

Earlier today an unidentified man opened fire at police officers near the building of the department of interior of Almaty’s Almalinsky district, tried to stop a car, and then ran down the street and continued shooting. Several areas were cordoned off by the police, gunfire is heard in the city. According to unconfirmed reports, three police officers were injured in the shoot-out.

China announces military exercises in South China Sea

China has announced that it is closing off a part of South China Sea to conduct a series of military drills this week.

China's maritime administration said Monday that an area off the east coast of the island province of Hainan would be closed from Tuesday to Thursday.

The area of the sea identified is some distance from the Paracel islands and even further from the Spratlys, with both chains claimed by Beijing and several other neighboring states.

No further details have been released about the nature of the maneuvers.

The navy and Defense Ministry had no immediate comment in this regard.

The announcement comes days after the Hague-based Permanent Court of Arbitration ruled against Beijing’s claims to islands in the Spratly Islands, and sided with the Philippines that had filed the complaint.

China rejected the July 12 verdict, calling it unlawful and an attempt to deny Beijing’s territorial sovereignty and maritime rights.

Beijing claims nearly all of the strategically vital South China Sea, which is also claimed in part by Taiwan, Brunei, Vietnam, Malaysia and the Philippines. The contested waters are believed to be rich in oil and gas.

The dispute has at times drawn in trans-regional countries, particularly the US, which says the court ruling is “final and legally binding.”

Beijing accuses Washington of meddling in regional issues and deliberately stirring up tensions in the South China Sea.

The US, in turn, accuses China of carrying out what it calls a land reclamation program in the South China Sea by building artificial islands in the disputed areas.
Polish FM Says Up to 10,000 NATO Soldiers to Be Deployed in Country

As many as 10,000 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) soldiers will be deployed in Poland as part of the Alliance's expanded military presence on its eastern flank, Polish Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski said Monday.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — A NATO summit was held on July 8-9 in Poland's capital and focused on relations with Russia. During the summit, the Alliance decided to strengthen its military presence in Eastern Europe on a rotational basis with four battalions in Poland and in the Baltic nations.

"We are not talking only about a few battalions — we are adding…[ultra-fast response] forces, the US brigade and missile shield base in Redzikowo. During different periods of time, even 10 thousand NATO soldiers could be placed in Poland. This is significant military support. For us, this is a geostrategic shift in the balance of forces in the East," the minister told the weekly Do Rzeczy.

Since 2014, NATO has been building up its military presence in Europe, especially in Eastern European countries neighboring Russia, using Moscow’s alleged interference in the Ukrainian conflict as a pretext. Moscow has repeatedly denied the claims and warned NATO that the military buildup on Russia’s borders is provocative and threatens the existing strategic balance of power.

Russia ready to respond to any provocation in Black Sea — lawmaker

A Russian lawmaker comments on the beginning of the Sea Breeze - 2016 manoeuvers, involving ships from the United States and other countries

MOSCOW, July 18. /TASS/. Chairman of the Defense Committee of the Russian State Duma lower house of parliament, former Commander of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, Admiral Vladimir Komoyedov said on Monday he did not consider it necessary to react to each act of demonstration near the Russian borders, but warned about the Russian Armed Forces’ readiness to respond to any provocation in the Black Sea. He thus commented at TASS’ request on the beginning of the Sea Breeze - 2016 manoeuvers, involving ships from the United States and other countries.

"They have long been following this anti-Russian path, conducting these manoeuvers since 1997", the parliamentarian said. He recalled that the Black Sea is the "zone of responsibility of Russian Black Sea Fleet" and any exercises that are held near the Russian borders without Russia’s participation "should be regarded as a potential threat".

"With regard to our response - I don’t think that we should do something in response to every demonstration act near our borders. Have no doubt, Russia's armed forces are thoroughly monitoring the situation in the region and are ready to respond immediately to any provocations, using all available means", Komoyedov said.

On Monday, the Sea Breeze - 2016 military exercises that involve warships from the United States and other countries began in the northwestern part of the Black Sea, in the Odessa and Nikolayev regions of Ukraine.

Russia’s Varyag missile cruiser returns from 9-month voyage

The warship was involved in the Indra Navy naval exercises in the Bay of Bengal and provided air defense cover to Russia’s Hmeymim airbase in Syria

VLADIVOSTOK, July 18. /TASS/. The Guards missile cruiser Varyag, the flagship of the Russian Pacific Fleet has returned to Vladivostok port after a nine-month voyage during which it was involved in the Indra Navy naval exercises in the Bay of Bengal and provided air defense cover to Russia’s Hmeymim airbase in Syria, the press service of the Primorsky Territory administration told TASS on Monday.

"On behalf of the Pacific Fleet Military Council, on behalf of the Eastern Military District troops commander, Colonel General Sergei Surovkin, I thank you for the successful completion of responsible missions in the remote area of the World Ocean. The crew has fulfilled all the set combat tasks. What is more, after the return the crew members took part in large-scale Pacific Manoeuvers in the Sea of Okhotsk, demonstrating the highest combat readiness degree, successfully coped with the difficult combat exercise tasks. We are certain that you will never disgrace the guards flag on your flagstaff," the administration quotes Pacific Fleet Commander Sergei Avakyants as saying.

The Russian pacific Fleet flagship was met at the quay by the command of the Primorskaya Flotilla of Multiple Forces, Pacific Fleet veterans, representatives of the Primorsky Territory administration, Vladivostok officials, as well as the crew relatives. According to the fleet’s tradition, the Varyag cruiser Commander, Captain 2nd Rank Alexei Ulyanenko was presented with a roasted piglet. An award ceremony was also held: Alexei Ulyanenko was awarded a Certificate of Merit and the Russian President’s Commendation, and a number of officers, warrant officers and contract servicemen were handed the "Participant in Military Operations in Syria" Medals.

The Guards missile cruiser Varyag has returned from a nine-month long voyage. The warship’s crew has successfully fulfilled its tasks during the Indra Navy naval exercises conducted in the Bay of Bengal in collaboration with the Indian Navy. After that, the Varyag, replacing at the coast of Latakia the flagship of Russia's Black Sea Fleet - the missile cruiser Moskva, provided the air defense cover for Russia’s Hmeymim airbase in Syria.

A ceasefire regime is currently in effect in Syria. Russia takes an active part in the Syrian settlement effort. It helps Syria's authorities fight terrorists and has conducted mine clearing work in the ancient city of Palmyra. Russia’s Aerospace Forces started delivering pinpoint strikes in Syria at facilities of the Islamic State and Jabhat al-Nusra, which are banned in Russia, on September 30, 2015, on a request from Syrian President Bashar Assad.

On March 14, 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered to withdraw the main part of the Russian Aerospace Forces’ group from Syria. Putin said the tasks set before the military "have been fulfilled on the whole." Russian Deputy Defense Minister Nikolai Pankov said strikes on terrorists will continue to be delivered.

Kremlin alarmed over turbulence at Russia’s borders

The Kremlin comments on the developments in Turkey, Armenia and Kazakhstan

MOSCOW, July 18. /TASS/. Russia is worried over political turbulence in neighboring countries but is confident in due security level at its borders, Russian president’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov said on Monday.

"Naturally, turbulence at our borders is alarming and we have to keep a close eye on the situation, analyze it," he told journalists when asked whether Russia plans to enhance control at its borders following aggravation of the political situation in a number of neighboring countries, such as Turkey, Armenia and Kazakhstan.

"The country’s security along its border perimeter is ensured at a proper level. However necessary measures are being taken in view of the latest reports," Peskov said.

At the same time, he noted that the situation in Turkey, Armenia and Kazakhstan cannot be considered in the same way. "Each concrete case should be analyzed individually," he added.

"In one case, it was an attempt at a state coup which resulted in numerous human casualties. In another case, it was about criminal activities. But, naturally, we would like to see our neighbors as stable, prosperous and predictable states. And in this case, we have all the grounds to believe that our neighbors have all the potential to be such," the Kremlin spokesman said.

A state coup was attempted in Turkey overnight to July 16. Biggest clashes were reported from Ankara and Istanbul. Turkey’s leaders said later on Saturday the coup was crushed and the government regained control in the country. According to the latest reports, a total of 290 people were killed and about 1,440 were injured in clashes.

A group of armed supporters of the radical opposition broke into the territory of a patrol and inspection police regiment in Yerevan, Armenia, in the small hours on July 17 having rammed its gates in a truck. As a result of the shootout, there are persons injured from both sides. The armed men took hostage both the patrol and inspection police personnel and police officials who had arrived at the scene for negotiations. The situation has not yet been settled, with the terrorists still keeping the hostages and refusing to surrender to the authorities.

Unidentified persons attacked early on Monday the building of a district police department in Almaty, Kazakhstan, and a department of Kazakhstan’s National Security Committee. A red terror alert has been declared in the city, security forces are conducting an operation to detain those involved in the attacks. Reports say that two law enforcers were killed in a shootout. No casualties among civilians have been reported.

Russia ready for serious work with NATO on security — Lavrov

The minister stresses Russia will be always able to protect its interests and nationals

MOSCOW, July 18. /TASS/. Moscow is always ready to protect its security in the wake of NATO’s further expansion and the build-up of the alliance’s activity near Russian borders, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Monday.

"Interaction in the struggle against terrorism does not contribute to the build-up of NATO’s activity on our borders and the expansion of its military infrastructure to the Russian borders. This is what we also discussed at the Russia-NATO Council," the Russian foreign minister said.

"I want to stress that Russia will always be able to defend its interests and ensure the security of its citizens," Lavrov said.

The minister said Moscow ready to work with NATO to ensure security in Europe and to address the problem of terrorism.

"Russia is interested to have relations with the all countries of Europe and the European Union based on principles of equality, mutual respect and mutual benefit and oriented towards common strategic interests of all countries of our common continent," he said. "We uphold the same positions in our relations with NATO."

"We are ready for a serious joint work on issues of military political security in the Euro-Atlantic zone and, naturally, in Europe. We are ready to bring closer our potentials to find answers to real, not deliberately created threats," he said.

"Naturally, terrorism and everything linked with feeding terrorist activities is such a common threat," Lavrov stressed. "Obviously, NATO’s building up at our borders, deployment of its military infrastructure closer to the Russian territory in no way promotes cooperation in combating terrorism and in other areas. We spoke about it at the Russia-NATO Council meeting as well. I would like to stress in this respect that Russia is always be capable of defending its interests and ensuring security of its citizens."

Countering terrorism in Europe has become absolute priority — Lavrov

The Russian foreign minister says he plans to discuss global developments, terrorism with his Portuguese counterpart

MOSCOW, July 18. /TASS/. The fight against terrorism, especially in Europe, has become an absolute priority, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Monday.

"We are planning to discuss the situation in the world, Europe and the fight against terrorism which has become an absolute priority," Lavrov said opening talks with his Portuguese counterpart, Augusto Santos Silva.

Lavrov: Russian Aerial Campaign in Syria Unaffected by Turkish Coup Attempt

The situation in Turkey, following a coup attempt in the country particularly at the Incirlik air base will not have an impact on the missions of Russian Aerospace Forces in Syria, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Monday.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Late on Friday, Turkish authorities said that an attempted coup is taking place in the country. On Saturday, Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said that Turkish airspace was closed due to the coup attempt in the country.

"In this regard, [Russian aerial operation in Syria] in terms of our agreement with Syrians, there will not be any problems," Lavrov said at a press conference.

Russia has conducted an aerial campaign in Syria since September 2015 after the official request by the country's president, Bashar Assad. On March 14, 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered to withdraw most of the country's military aviation after accomplishing its objective in the fight against terrorism.

Russia Tests Hydrogen-Powered Drones in Syria - Senior Military Source

The Russian Aerospace Forces tested new hydrogen-powered unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) in Syria that allowed for longer flight times, a high-ranking Russian military official told RIA Novosti on Monday.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The source said all the tested drones have safely returned to Russia for studies on their use in hot climates and sandstorms.

"The drones that have been used in Syria, not all, but there were quite a lot, flew on hydrogen fuel. In other words, they can stay in the air for a long time, allowing the propulsion to replenish energy," the source said.

According to the source, all UAVs have returned to Russia for analysis of combat data, including performance in sandstorms.

French Senators No Longer Back Immediate Resignation of Assad

Following the terrorist attack in Nice on July 14 which left at least 84 people dead, France is considering closer cooperation with Russia and no longer insisting on the immediate resignation of Bashar al-Assad as president of Syria, according to Izvestia newspaper.

“The main contradiction between the EU and Russia in Syria is the position on Bashar Assad. However, after what happened in Nice, many in the Senate are in favor of temporary supporting him for uniting the coalition with Russia in fight against Daesh,” French Senator and a member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defense and Armed Forces, Yves Pozzo di Borgo told Izvestia newspaper.

He further said that it is time to stop saying that the problem is with Assad and focus on developing relations with Russia in Syria and generally in all international operations against terrorism.

“It is necessary to coordinate closer ties between Europe, the US and Russia because now it is clear that the phenomenon of Daesh is an international problem. We need solidarity and expertise in the fight against radical militants,” di Borgo.

According to the senator, Paris may soon begin to coordinate actions with the Peshmerga forces and Syrian government forces.

“Inside coalition (France is part of coalition of countries under US leadership) there is no single opinion on the need for ground operations. Nevertheless, we are ready to cooperate with the Iraqi Kurdish Peshmerga troops and Syrian forces. Although we must understand that we may not find a solution to the Daesh problem after the disappearance of militants from Syria and Iraq, it is a global issue that requires deliberation,” the officer said.

Currently, the total number of French soldiers involved in the operation, is 3,500. What exactly is France going to do after Nice attack, remains unclear. However, French President Francois Hollande said that the country will expand the military operation in the fight against Daesh.

Former adviser to the Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Internal Affairs of France, Colonel Alan Korvez also believes that Paris has to start cooperating with Syrian forces to better deal with the militants.

“Foreign policy must change; diplomacy does not work anymore, because this is not the first time that France is faced with real threats. EU leaders must objectively respond to what is happening. The reality is that without coordination with Russia and the Syrian army, we will not be able to defeat the terrorists,” Korvez told Izvestia newspaper.

He said that it is vital to work more closely with both the Russian army in Syria and the Syrian government forces to exchange relevant information because according to him Syria's secret service is actually better aware of all that is happening on the battlefield and beyond and has the information regarding who and from which countries has joined the terrorists.

“France must change its policy, because we are really faced with the strongest threat of terrorism. Russia is making great efforts to deal with the radicals; it has experience in combating terrorism. If we join forces, we will be able to crush the militants,” Korvez told the publication.

On July 14, a truck rammed into a large crowd celebrating Bastille Day in the city of Nice. At least 84 people, including children, were killed and hundreds of others were injured. The French investigation found that the person behind the attack was 31-year-old resident of Nice of Tunisian origins Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel.

On July 16, media reported that Daesh, which is outlawed in many countries, including Russia, claimed responsibility for the attack.

Iran Navy keeps watchful eye on foreigners' moves: Commander

Iran's Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari says Iranian naval forces are keeping a watchful eye on all moves by foreign military units whether at sea or onshore.

Sayyari made the remarks on Monday in a ceremony held to welcome the 41st fleet of the Iranian Navy upon its homecoming and see off the country's 42nd flotilla to high seas to safeguard maritime routes used by Iranian vessels operating in international waters.

He added that the Iranian naval forces are prepared to counter any threat anywhere in regional waters.

“We know the enemy very well and are monitoring and controlling all its moves,” he said, adding that the Iranian naval forces are closely scrutinizing all the movements of extra-regional countries.

Sayyari said Iran’s Navy dispatches flotillas to high seas to convey the message of peace and friendship to other countries, counter efforts to spread Iranophobia, display the country’s might, safeguard maritime routes and monitor all moves by regional and extra-regional countries in the north of the Indian Ocean, particularly the Gulf of Aden and Bab-el-Mandab.

The 41st flotilla, consisting of Lavan logistic warship and Alborz destroyer, arrived in the country’s southern coasts on Monday after sailing over 5,130 miles in 48 days.

During its presence in high seas, the fleet managed to escort 46 Iranian merchant ships and oil tankers.

In recent years, Iran’s Navy has increased its presence in international waters to protect naval routes and provide security for merchant vessels and tankers.

In line with international efforts against piracy, the Iranian Navy has been also conducting patrols in the Gulf of Aden since November 2008 in order to safeguard merchant ships and oil tankers owned or leased by Iran or other countries.

Iran’s Navy has managed to foil several attacks on both Iranian and foreign vessels during its missions in international waters.

Moscow Opposition Group Waiting For Assad's Official Stance on Deputies

The Syrian Moscow-formed opposition group is waiting for Syrian President Bashar Assad's official reaction to its proposal to appoint several deputies, after which it may put forward new ideas for the war-torn country's reconciliation, group's leader Qadri Jamil told Sputnik on Monday.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — The Moscow-Cairo group, particularly its Moscow platform led by Jamil, proposed the idea of appointing several deputies for Assad, and delegating his full powers to them.

"The appetite comes with eating. When he [Assad] officially states his stance on our proposal [to appoint five deputies] then we will give additional proposals [on Syria's settlement]," Jamil said.

The Geneva talks on Syrian reconciliation were put on hold in early June until the end of the holy Muslim month of Ramadan after the latest round ended in April.

The participants of the UN-mediated talks in Geneva include the Syrian government representatives and three opposition groups — the Riyadh-formed HNC, the Moscow-Cairo and the Hmeimim groups. At the latest round of talks in Geneva, the HNC walked out of negotiations, citing the continuous fighting in Syria and the lack of progress on humanitarian issues.

3 US Soldiers Killed in Manbij, Aleppo

The dissident-affiliated news website, Smart News, quoted a special source as saying on Monday that another US military man was also wounded in the missile attack.

On Sunday, another US soldier was also injured near the village of Sareen in Aleppo's Kobani region and was transferred to a hospital in Qamishli.

On Sunday, the SDF, in several hours of non-stop battle, pushed the ISIL back from more neighborhoods in the town of Manbij and took full control of more key streets and building blocks.

The Kurdish-led SDF fighters continued their advances against the ISIL in al-Hazavaneh district in Eastern side of Manbij and captured al-Rabet street.

ISIL left behind scores of dead and wounded members and pulled the remaining pockets of is forces back from the battlefield.

The SDF fighters have started demining of the newly-liberated positions, local sources said.

80 ISIL Terrorists Killed in Failed Attacks on SDF's Positions in Northeastern Aleppo

"The Kurdish-led SDF fighters repelled ISIL's heavy attacks from three flanks on SDF positions near the al-Sajour river and the villages of Qora'a al-Kabireh, Qora'a al-Saghireh, Owsah Jeli and the Western side of Um Adseh, killing around 80 militants, and destroying their armored vehicles and mortar shells and launchers," the sources said.

On Saturday, the SDF, after days of non-stop battle and inflicting heavy casualties on the ISIL terrorists, won back the general hospital of the town of Manbij in Northeastern Aleppo.

"The SDF, mainly comprising of Kurdish fighters, pushed the ISIL back from the town's hospital and after seizing a vehicle carrying a large volume of arms and ammunition moved towards the town's center," the sources said.

"The ISIL suffered a heavy death toll and its military equipment also sustained major damage in the SDF's attacks,' the sources said.

Syrian Army begins important military operation inside Darayya

Minutes ago, the Syrian Arab Army’s 4th Mechanized Division, backed by the Republican Guard, began a new military operation inside war-torn Darayya that targeted the central district of this key town in the West Ghouta.

An Al-Masdar field correspondent in Damascus City reported that the Syrian Armed Forces began their assault by firing a dozen missiles towards Darayya’s central district, paving the way for a new government advance.

Heavy clashes are ongoing at the moment; furthermore, the Islamist rebels of Ainad Al-Sham are on the verge of retreating to the Darayya Association Quarter, as the Syrian Army presses their positions.

Prior to tonight’s offensive, the Syrian Armed Forces were limited to military operations inside the Al-Alaya District, which is located at the southern axis of Darayya.

The Syrian Arab Army’s High command is attempting to force Ajnad Al-Sham to reconcile with the government in order to avoid anymore casualties from the battle of Darayya.
Airstrikes by US-led coalition fighter jets have killed at least 21 civilians in northern Syrian territories held by the Daesh Takfiri terrorists, a monitoring group says.

21 civilians killed in US-led coalition attacks in northern Syria

The so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said Monday that at least 15 people were killed as the coalition carried out raids in a northern district of Manbij city.

The UK-based group, which advocates the Syrian opposition, said six more people lost their lives in a village near Manbij after similar attacks by coalition fighter jets.

The so-called multinational task force against Daesh started its controversial mission in Iraq in late 2014 after Daesh seized control over territories west and north of the country. The air campaign was later expanded to cover areas in northern Syria despite criticism from the Syrian government that the attacks violate the sovereignty of the Arab country.

The United States claims the attacks are carried out to assist Syrian Kurds and Arabs fighting against Daesh in areas along the Turkish border in the province of Aleppo. However, the attacks have led to numerous deaths among the civilians and Syrian military forces.
Lukashenko urges KGB to prepare for coup: "Look at Ukraine, NATO, Turkey, Armenia, and Kazakhstan!"

July 18, 2016 -
PolitRussia -
Translated by J. Arnoldski

Commenting on the situation in Turkey, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko expressed concern over the situation in his state and called upon the head of the KGB to defend his country from a possible coup. This has been reported by local media.

Lukashenko stated that the conflict in Donbass, NATO’s expansion to the East, the coup attempt in Turkey, and attacks on police in Armenia and Kazakhstan are worrying him.

“I cannot but be disturbed by the situation surrounding Belarus. Thank God that we have so far managed to contain all sorts of negative manifestations….”

Lukashenko accordingly instructed the head of the KGB to more attentively follow the situation in Belarus in order to defend the state when need be.

“The situation is very difficult. We should therefore maintain peace and calm in the country no matter what it takes,” the Belarusian president added.

Germany Blocked Flying NATO’s Flag During E. Europe Military Drills

NATO has not flown its white-on-blue flag during the course of its massive Anaconda-2016 war games aimed at demonstrating European solidarity and unity in the face of a purported “Russian threat,” suggesting that there are deep divisions within the alliance over the portrayal of Moscow as an enemy.

The drills, with over 30,000 personnel from 24 nations participating, are the largest event of its kind since the end of the 20th-century Cold War. Following Kremlin observances that the maneuvers near Russian borders threaten regional security, the US called for a bigger military buildup.

US Army Europe Commander Gen. Ben Hodges lamented that the war games were not big enough, saying that all the troops involved in the drills would not fill an average soccer stadium.

Another party that has consistently called for an aggressive military posture against Russia is Poland, according to Lisa Sawyer Samp, an analyst for the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), speaking with Defense News. Warsaw pushed for NATO flags to be flown in exercises held on Polish soil, despite that the alliance did not “have a consensus” on the issue.

The recent CSIS report revealed that NATO members cannot agree on a line that separates “credible deterrence” from “escalatory provocation,” resulting in a “micromanagement of decisions,” with regard to Russia.

A group within NATO, consisting largely of Western European nations headed by Germany, opposes any military buildup against Russia. According to former NATO Supreme Allied Commander Gen. Philip Breedlove, Berlin has consistently struggled to downplay the importance of the war games.

“There were those voices in the alliance that were worried about that signature being too big,” Breedlove revealed to Defense News. “The political leadership of the alliance chose to keep them separate, so as not to be too bellicose.”

Voices calling to downgrade tensions between NATO and Russia have more often been heard, recently.

At the July NATO summit, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, French President Francois Hollande and former German Air Force and armed forces chief of staff Gen. Harald Kujat, called for the restoration of relations with Russia, the executive editor of Intelligence Review, Jeff Steinberg, told Sputnik.

"Kujat told German media that Russia should be viewed as a friend and even an ally. [Russian President Vladimir] Putin, he said, should have been invited to Warsaw," Steinberg said.

According to Sarah Wagenknecht of Germany's Left Party, NATO should be replaced with a new collective security system that includes Russia.

“Russia should become a member of this new structure. In addition, the focus should be placed on the peaceful resolution of conflicts through dialogue and discussions, something that runs counter to the policy on Russia pursued by Western countries in recent years," she told Sputnik.

British parliament authorizes modernization of country's nuclear deterrent

The government's plans to build four new nuclear submarines fitted out with Trident missile systems received 355 votes, with 117 MPs voting against them

LONDON, July 19. /TASS/. British parliament voted on Monday to overhaul the country's nuclear deterrent.

The government's plans to build four new nuclear submarines fitted out with Trident missile systems received 355 votes, with 117 MPs voting against them.

The Tridents are three-stage solid-fuel submarine-based ballistic missiles manufactured in the U.S. While purchasing them from Washington, the British install their own warheads on them.

Russia’s TVEL, US Nuclear Operator Sign First Contract on Fuel Operation

Russia’s TVEL fuel company and a US nuclear operator signed a first contract on the pilot production of Russian fuel, TVEL’s parent company, the Rosatom national nuclear corporation, said Tuesday.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – TVEL confirmed signing a licensing, marketing and fuel fabrication for Pressurized Water Reactors (PWRs) in the United States with US Global Nuclear Fuel-Americas (GNF-A, subsidiary of GE-Hitachi) last May.

TVEL developed TVS-Kvadrat (FA-Square), a new fuel type for PWR plants of Western origin, with its pilot batch fabricated in 2014.

South Korea to Strengthen Anti-Missile System Near Seoul by 2018

South Korea will strengthen anti-missile system near the capital city of Seoul by 2018 to counter possible attacks from North Korea, local media reported Tuesday, citing the country's Defense Ministry.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — The Yonhap agency reported that the ministry was in the process of upgrading the PAC-2 Patriot anti-missile system at a military base in Gangwon Province into more effective PAC-3 Patriot system.

"Once the upgrading process for the Gangwon-based missiles is completed in 2018, the PAC-3 missiles there will be relocated to a base near Seoul," the ministry official said as quoted by the media.

Earlier in the day, it was reported that North Korea fired off three ballistic missiles. They were launched from North Hwanghae Province and flew around 600 kilometers (373 miles).

North Korea launches 3 ballistic missiles

Earlier this month, the DPRK launched a submarine-based ballistic missile

SEOUL, July 19. /TASS/. Democratic People’s Republic of Korea launched three ballistic missiles on Tuesday morning in what South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) saw as a response to the decision by Seoul government to deploy an advanced U.S. antimissile missile system in the country, Yonhap news agency said.

Seoul and Washington decided to deploy the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system before the end of 2017.

Earlier this month, the DPRK launched a submarine-based ballistic missile.

Tuesday’s launch took place in Hwanghae Province. The missiles flew 500 km to 600 km, the military on the JCS told the news agency. This range is thought to be enough to reach any hypothetical target in the south of the Korean Peninsula.

Philippines rejects China offer of ‘conditional’ talks on sea dispute

The Philippines has rejected China’s call for bilateral talks on the South China Sea dispute after a recent court ruling challenged Beijing's claims to the disputed waters.

Philippine Foreign Minister Perfecto Yasay said Tuesday the proposal was put forward by his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi during their meeting on the sidelines of a summit of Asian and European leaders on the weekend.

Yasay said the Chinese side wanted the talks to be only on issues “outside, or (in) disregard of, the arbitral ruling,” adding that Manila turned down the offer as it was not in its national interests.

The Philippines, he said, wanted to enforce the points of the ruling by The Hague-based tribunal. “They said if you insist on the ruling, discussing it along those lines, then we might be headed for a confrontation.”

Last week, The Hague-based Permanent Court of Arbitration ruled against Beijing’s claims to islands in the South China Sea, and sided with the Philippines that had filed the complaint.

China had made clear from the start that it would not comply with any decisions by the court, arguing that the tribunal had no jurisdiction over the territorial row.

Beijing has also slammed the ruling as an attempt to strip China of its historic sovereignty and maritime rights.

The Philippine minister further expressed hope that the court’s judgment will push other countries which have overlapping claims in the South China Sea to cooperate with Manila and issue a joint statement on the case.

“We are not yet engaged in bilateral talks with anyone,” Yasay said. “But I would like to see how we can pursue certain provisional arrangements so that it would lead to the opening of bilateral or multilateral engagements should that be necessary.”

The dispute has at times drawn in trans-regional countries, particularly the US.

Beijing accuses Washington of meddling in regional issues and deliberately stirring up tensions in the South China Sea.

The US, in turn, accuses China of carrying out what it calls a land reclamation program in the South China Sea by building artificial islands in the disputed areas.

Russian Military Delivers Two Tonnes of Aid to Syrian Provinces

Russian military delivered two metric tons of humanitarian aid to the Syrian Provinces of Hama and Homs, the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement Monday.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Ministry also noted that Russia's Abakan Air aviation company has dropped 15 metric tons of UN humanitarian cargos on the city of Deir ez-Zor, which had been besieged by terrorists.

"Low-income families of Suwayda (Hama province) and a camp for internally displaced persons near Wadi al-Daab in the Homs city have received two tons of humanitarian cargos with flour, rice, canned meat and fish," the ministry said in a daily bulletin posted on its website.

The ceasefire in Syria brokered by Russia and the United States, took effect on February 27 to facilitate humanitarian access to all besieged areas in the country, among other purposes.
Russia Insider
Theresa May Says She's Ready to Nuke 100,000 People (Video's)
Reality check media 2 hours ago
But the new British PM insists Russia is the country the world should fear
Well, Britain's new prime minister Theresa May is off to a great start.

I have noticed that she frequently carries a handbag, though female politicians in today's post-feminist world are never seen with one. The subtle imitation of Mrs. Thatcher, who also carried a handbag (though it was far less unusual then) is clear.

One Of Three

Thatcher was known for being a lady and also being tough - the "Iron Lady." But I don't recall that Mrs. Thatcher ever promised to mass-murder the world's population and destroy the planet.

Ignoring the report of her own government that nuclear weapons are not needed to ensure the UK's security, Ms. May pushed through a bill in parliament to build 4 new submarines capable of launching nuclear missiles.

When a Scottish MP asked her if she was actually prepared to launch a nuclear weapon and to kill 100,000 people, she replied,

Why does Britain still need a nuclear deterrent? After all, through NATO they are covered by the US nuclear deterrent the same as America's other "allies."

Well, that's because of the enormous threat to world peace posed by Russia, May says:

May claims Putin has threatened to use nuclear weapons. I have never seen any such statement. The most Putin has done is remind the West that Russia possesses nuclear weapons.

And it appears such reminders are necessary, given the reckless propensity of US and UK politicians to threaten nuclear attack. Vladimir Putin has never told the world he would kill 100,000 people.

Who's really responsible for the nuclear arms race?

The Soviet Union proposed the total abolition of nuclear weapons several times during the cold war. The last time was by Gorbachev at his meeting with Reagan at Reykjavik in 1986. But Reagan refused to give up research into SDI - a proposed spaced-based missile defense system.

At any rate, the military industrial complex in the US would never allow a US president to agree on total nuclear disarmament. SDI never even existed and research into it was a joke. But it was a convenient foreign policy tool against the Soviet Union - and a convenient excuse to continue the arms race.

Today it is principally the United States which is driving a new arms race with its aggressive foreign policy and you guessed it - missile defense.

It should be mentioned that missile "defense" is actually a misnomer, since the systems can never hope to stop a full nuclear strike by Russia. Instead, they could be employed to enable a nuclear first-strike by the United States - the idea being the missile shield would be enough to stop any stray Russian nukes not killed by the US first strike.

But since a large number of Russian ICBMs are deployed on mobile launchers, which could be anywhere in Russia, the idea of destroying even most of Russia's nuclear weapons on the ground is insane.

Russia and China have both pledged never to use nuclear weapons offensively. The USA and UK adamantly refuse to do likewise, reserving the right to initiate a nuclear war if they choose.

At a conference with western media in June, Vladimir Putin desperately pleaded with journalists to tell the truth about the threat to Russia's security posed by the missile shield the US in building in Eastern Europe. There is little indication they were listening.

And there is little indication Washington's puppet politicians like Theresa May in London are listening either. It was the United States which started the aggression in Ukraine by inundating the country with Russophobic propaganda for decades by means of its NGO fronts and CIA-backed extreme nationalists. And the United States backed the overthrow of Ukraine's elected constitutional government.

Even if Theresa May follows through on her promise to bring the UK out of the EU, it is clear that she will continue Britain's status as a once great power now reduced to a mere American vassal - that is, a vassal to the "world order" of which the USA serves as the foundation stone.

If Britain's new PM is willing to threaten to unleash radioactive destruction on the world so easly, I hope her wanna-be Thatcher handbag has a lead lining.

The EU Council of Foreign Ministers finished meeting in Brussels. The meeting was also participated in by US Secretary of State John Kerry. A key issue on the agenda was the situation in Turkey. The ministers also discussed the fight against terrorism after the terrorist attack in Nice.

Cooperation with China and the implementation of the global strategy for EU foreign and security policy wre also on the agenda. Also, it is obvious that the UK’s exit from the EU wase discussed. After the Council meeting, John Kerry moved to London.

Alarming Atlanticism

The participation of the US Secretary of State in the meeting of the council which defines European foreign policy is evidence of the US’ concern over Continentalist trends in the EU following the referendum in the UK. John Kerry is seeking to personally monitor the situation, despite the fact that top EU officials like Federica Mogherini are devoted Atlanticists.

The United States also intends to re-use the problems of combating terrorism in order to promote their initiatives in the Middle East. Finally, the failure of the US-backed coup in Turkey could affect the country's relations with both the US and the EU, as a number of mutineers have requested political asylum in Greece, an EU member country, and Fethullah Gülen mastermind of the failed coup dwells in the US.

US and EU against Erdogan

The Turkish problem is of serious concern to Washington and Brussels. Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and the President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, have opposed further persecution of the pro-Atlanticist politicians in Turkey involved in the coup. Under the pretext of preserving democracy and the rule of law, they want to prevent the total eradication of Gulen’s parallel state and other pro-Western institutions. Earlier, a similar statement was made by John Kerry. Obviously, the Atlanticists fear the elimination of their entire network of influence and a strengthening of Erdogan, who can continue the sovereign policy of rapprochement with Russia.

During the event in Brussels Mogherini and Kerry threatened Turkey to frozen its process of joining the EU and claimed to made it an outcast in the frames of NATO if the suppression of subversive elements continues. Kerry even threatened to oust Turkey from NATO. This thoughtless statement was lately denounced by the State Department.

Rockets for the United Kingdom

The next item on John Kerry's European tour was his visit to London. The US is striving to maintain close relations with the United Kingdom against the context of Brexit. It is also clear that Kerry had a decisive influence on the Parliament of the United Kingdom’s vote on upgrading its Trident nuclear force.

Coup Attempts & Sultanates: EU in Disarray Over What to Do Next in Turkey

The attempted military coup in Turkey has left the European Union in a difficult position over how to proceed in its relationship with Ankara, says Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

The failed military coup attempt in Turkey has left European countries in a predicament, FAZ contributor Reinhard Muller wrote. "Erdogan, master over the Europe-bound flow of refugees, guardian of the gateway to the Bosporus, has climbed even higher toward Olympus. No European or North American politician of the past decades can boast of having put down an armed rebellion with the help of the people."

But that's what happened in Turkey: "Erdogan called people onto the street, and more than a few citizens paid with their blood. But for what? For democracy?" To be safe, Muller recalled, "the international community supported the democratically-elected head of state – and the storming of bridges and armored vehicles by his people is the most immediate and romantic form of legitimacy one can imagine."

Nevertheless, the journalist added, Turkey is also a member of the Council of Europe and of NATO, and has been a candidate of the EU for many years. And these organizations have formal demands regarding the observance of human rights and the rule of law.

Crucially, the columnist emphasized, "even a large, cohesive majority, fused by blood and tears and led by their rescued leader has no right to persecute minorities, to go after thousands of judges, or to send journalists doing their jobs to jail."

Erdogan's announcement of a merciless purge is a mistake which the European Union will not be able to tolerate, Muller added, noting that the suppression of the coup must not mean an automatic license for Turkey's government for arbitrary rule.

"But what will the EU do?" the journalist pondered. "Erdogan has already implied that he has no need for membership in the bloc, and indicated that Turkey would not ask anyone's permission to reintroduce the death penalty. "In turn, German Chancellor Angela Merkel considers the 'steeled ruler of the Bosporus' a reliable partner who has kept his word in resolving the migration crisis and on security issues."

Ultimately, Muller suggested, those European leaders who offered their full support for Erdogan amid the coup attempt will find out what their words are worth. If Turkey continues to keep refugees off of continental Europe, but simultaneously executes the alleged coup conspirators by firing squad, the EU is unlikely to endure this state of affairs.

"Europe is once again at a crossroads: on the one hand, it must support Turkey; on the other, it cannot allow itself to become dependent on a despot," the journalist concluded.

On Monday, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier told reporters that "from a legal point of view…the death penalty is incompatible with European principles." For her part, EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini was even more adamant, insisting that "no country can become an EU member state if it introduces the death penalty."

European officials also called on the country to observe its constitutional order and respect human rights and democracy, and marked concerns over other measures taken since the coup attempt, such as the mass arrest of judges suspected of being involved in the plot.

After Friday's failed coup attempt, the Erdogan government rounded up some 3,000 military personnel and another 3,000 judges and prosecutors suspected of involvement in the plot.

Speaking to Sputnik, Austrian MEP Georg Mayer suggested that the European Union must immediately halt all discussions regarding Turkey's entry into the EU, and even consider introducing sanctions against Ankara. Turkey, the lawmaker stressed, cannot not be a partner to the supranational bloc so long as it does not uphold the standards of democracy and the rule of law.

However, amid the ongoing refugee crisis facing Europe, it appears doubtful that the EU will introduce sanctions against Ankara, or issue anything but verbal reprimands over the ongoing crackdown. On Tuesday, EU border security agency Frontex reported that the number of migrants arriving to Europe through the eastern Mediterranean has recently declined by 95% compared with the same period last year. The EU-Turkey deal reached in March to counter the refugee crisis helped account for the decline, according to the agency.

Russian Western Military District commission starts Baltic Fleet inspection

Serious shortcomings in combat training and distortion of real situation in reports were exposed in the Baltic Fleet by an inspection, which took place from May 11 to June 10

MOSCOW, July 19. /TASS/. A special commission headed by Commander of the Russian Western Military District troops Andrei Kartapolov has started an inspection to check progress in eliminating shortcomings in the Baltic Fleet that had been exposed by a Defense Ministry inspection, the district spokesman Igor Muginov said on Tuesday.

The commission will check the "organization of combat training in the formations and units of the coastal defense troops, naval aviation and ship forces." Also, the commission will check the preparation of the ranges for an international seaborne assault naval competitions stage that to be held in the Baltic Sea in August.

"The commission's work will be completed by the weekend", Muginov said.

The Defense Ministry reported previously that serious shortcomings in combat training and distortion of real situation in reports were exposed in the Baltic Fleet by an inspection, which took place from May 11 to June 10. On June 29, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu dismissed the Commander of the Baltic Fleet, Viktor Kravchuk, and the Chief of Staff of the Fleet, Sergei Popov, for the shortcomings in combat training and distortions of reality in reports.

He ordered an urgent elimination of the shortcomings and a new inspection of the Baltic Fleet before the end of this year.

Vice-Admiral Alexander Nosatov and Vice-Admiral Igor Mukhametshin will perform the duties of the Baltic Fleet commander and chief of staff.

Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu gave orders "to take exhaustive measures to remedy the situation and establish order in the Baltic Fleet", which will be inspected again at the end of the year.

Lattakia: Terrorist Groups Retreat Near Syria-Turkey Border

The Syrian government forces fended off the militant groups' attacks near Kinsibba, inflicting large casualties on the militants.

The government troops later carried out a rapid counter-attack and forced the militants back from Sir al-Qobou'a and al-Hamrat.

Military sources announced that fierce clashes are underway in al-Shillif region, Shillif fort, Toubal passage and the village of Ta'ouma, where the Syrian army has gained upper hand against the terrorists.

"Missile attacks and advanced traps have been continuously used in Kinsibba region to hunt more fleeing terrorists,' the sources further added.

Reports said earlier today that the Syrian military forces won more battles against the terrorist groups in Northern Lattakia and forced them to retreat from more territories in mountainous regions near the border with Turkey.

The Syrian army men not only fortified their positions in Kinsibba and it surroundings but gained fire-control over two villages of Ruwiesa Shekareh and Ein al-Qantara in the Northeastern side of Kinsibba, which reinvigorated the key town's security.

Syrian soldiers also ended cleansing operation in Ruweisa al-Shams successfully and stormed the terrorist positions in the village of Nahsha.

Local sources said that hundreds of Ahrar al-Sham militants fleeing Kinsibba battlefield toward Turkish border.

The terrorist groups, meantime, withdrew from their strongholds in part of Turkmen mountain under the heavy attacks of the Syrian government forces, who captured the heights 485.19, 531.45, 442.5, 428.5, 417.5.

Also, the Syrian military forces beat the terrorists back form regions of Beit Janavar, Ein al-Qazal and Marj al-Zaviyeh between Kurds mountain and Turkmen mountain.

The army also inflicted major losses on the militants and liberated the regions of Shir al-Zaba'a, Ein al-Beidha and al-Qarmin height in Turkmen mountain.

20,000 Terrorists, Tens of Suicide-Attackers Attack Syrian Army to Break Siege of Aleppo

"I have not thus far seen militant groups so ready as today, when they intended to launch an attack to end the Syrian army's siege on their comrades in Aleppo," Jeish al-Fatah's religious judge Adbollah al-Moheiseni, who is Saudi national, wrote on his tweeter account.

Religious decrees of this kind and the strategic importance of the main supply line of the terrorists connecting Northern Aleppo to the border regions with Turkey caused the terrorist commanders to call for more fresh forces and suicide attackers to take part in Castillo operation, but they failed to advance against the government forces along Castillo highway, al-Lairamoun, Bani Zeid and al-Malaah region in Northern Aleppo due to the Syrian army and popular forces' preparedness.

Military sources said on Monday that militants from Jeish al-Fatah failed in their strong attack on government forces' positions in the newly-liberated farms in the Northern side of Aleppo city.

"The Syrian army and popular forces repelled attacks of the Jeish al-Fatah terrorists on their strongholds in the three newly-liberated farms in the Western side of Castillo highway, and forced the remaining pockets of the militants to retreat from the battlefield," the sources said.

The sources further denied any advances of the terrorist groups in the battlefields of Castillo, al-Lairamoun, al-Malaah and Bani Zeid.

Syria: 25 Infamous ISIL Inmates Escape Jails in al-Mayadeen

The sources said that the ISIL has deployed its security forces at all city gates and entrances and has launched a serious chase after the fugitives in al-Mayadeen and the nearby villages.

The prisoners were kept in the house of Sheikh Ghanim al-Mohanna in al-Mayadeen which was occupied by the ISIL forces in 2013 and turned into prison.

The ISIL had decreased its guards around the prison to go unnoticed in the Syrian air force reconnaissance flights.

In a relevant development on Monday, the Syrian warplanes carried out several combat flights over ISIL's concentration centers and gatherings in eight different regions, leaving scores of the terrorists dead or wounded.

The Syrian fighter jets bombed ISIL's positions in al-Baqaliyeh West of Deir Ezzur, near al-Jafreh, in al-Kassarat region, along al-Thardah mountain in Southern Deir Ezzur and areas near the village of Shola Southwest of Deir Ezzur city, the Southern parts of Deir Ezzur Airbase, near Panorama and near the village of al-Mura'yeh East of Deir Ezzur and the Southern banks of the Euphrates River, inflicting large casualties on the terrorists and destroying their military vehicles, mainly those equipped with machineguns.

Also on Sunday, Syrian military forces shot down two spy drones of the ISIL terrorist group flying over their positions in Deir Ezzur's districts.

The two unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) were brought down after they were intercepted over government forces' positions in the neighborhoods of al-Sina'ah and al-Jabaliyeh.

The ISIL's drones were equipped with imaging devices.

Syria: Al-Nusra Terrorists Suffer Major Casualties in Army Offensives in Dara'a

Concentration centers of a group of al-Nusra terrorists between the Eastern neighborhood of Busra al-Sham and Wadi al-Zeidi came under heavy attacks of the Syrian army, leaving most of the group's militants dead or wounded.

In the meantime, al-Nusra Front terrorists’ military vehicles on Khrab al-Shahem in Western Dara'a road were attacked by the Syrian soldiers.

Also, the army's anti-terrorism offensives near a road connecting Meteorology to al-Sa'ad and Tamim Bader farms in Dara'a al-Balad ended in destruction of several al-Nusra's vehicles.

In relevant developments in the province on Monday, the Syrian soldiers hit the strongholds of the militant groups hard in three main districts of the Southern city of Dara'a, slowing down the militants' military-logistic movements across the city.

The Syrian soldiers struck al-Nusra Front's positions in Southeastern side of Busra square in Dara'a al-Balad, which claimed the lives of several militant fighters.

The army men also targeted militants' vehicles near al-Jamrouk al-Qadeem (old customs), which left several militants dead and several more wounded.

Several members of a terrorist group affiliated to al-Nusra Front were killed in army's ambush in Dara'a al-Mahatta.
The United States would reconsider providing aid to Syrian opposition group Nour al-Din al-Zenki if reports are confirmed that members of the faction beheaded a child, US Department of State spokesperson Mark Toner said in a briefing on Tuesday.

US to Reconsider Aiding Syrian Rebel Group if Beheading of Child Confirmed

The United States, Toner noted, understands that the Free Syrian Army (FSA) has appointed a commission to investigate the incident and they have made arrests of those allegedly involved, but referred to Nour al-Din al-Zenki group for further information.

"If we [the United States] can prove indeed what happened and this group [al-Zenki] was involved in it… it would give us pause about any assistance," Toner stated when asked about reports that a US-supported opposition faction in Syria beheaded a child.

Over 100 Syrian civilians have been killed in US-led coalition airstrikes against Daesh terrorist group near the city of Manbij in the Aleppo governorate, a local source told Sputnik on Tuesday.

US-Led Coalition Airstrike Kills Over 100 Civilians in Manbij - Source

The strike was carried out on Tuesday morning, with women and children among the victims, the source said.

Manbij, located between Daesh's de facto capital of Raqqa and the Syrian-Turkish border, is a strategically important area for the terrorist group.

Interim Deputy Director of the Middle East and North Africa Programme at Amnesty International Magdalena Mughrabi stated that the United States should do everything possible to avoid or at least minimize civilian casualties.

US to Increase Efforts to Avoid Civilian Deaths When Bombing Syria

The rights watchdog urged on Tuesday the US-led coalition forces, which are carrying out airstrikes in Syria, to redouble their efforts to prevent civilian deaths amid the recent reports of many men, women and children being killed in the airstrikes.

Earlier in the day, a local source told Sputnik that over 100 Syrian civilians have been killed in US-led coalition airstrikes against the Islamic State (ISIL or Daesh) terrorist group near the city of Manbij in the Aleppo governorate. The strike was carried out on Tuesday morning, with women and children among the victims, the source said.

During a meeting in London US Secretary of State John Kerry explained to UN Envoy to Syria Staffan de Mistura what steps the United State and Russia took last week to establish a nationwide ceasefire and create conditions for peace talks in Syria.

Kerry Briefs Envoy on New US-Russian Measures to Expand Syrian Ceasefire

US Secretary of State John Kerry briefed UN Envoy to Syria Staffan de Mistura during a meeting in London on the concrete steps the United State and Russia took last week to establish a nationwide ceasefire and create conditions for peace talks in Syria, US Department of State spokesperson John Kirby said in a press release on Monday.

"The Secretary thanked Special Envoy de Mistura for his leadership and briefed him on the concrete steps discussed between the United States and Russia last week which are aimed at better securing a nationwide cessation of hostilities, improving the delivery of humanitarian assistance, fighting terrorism, and creating the necessary conditions for political talks to resume," the release stated.

Kerry met with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov and President Vladimir Putin last week in the Russian capital, where they discussed concrete steps to restore the ceasefire and possible US-Russian military cooperation against terrorist groups in Syria.

The authorities seized in an ambush they set up against terrorists a variety of weapons and ammunition that were bound for Takfiri terrorist organizations in Jabal al-Zawia area in Idleb countryside.

Authorities seize weapons and ammunition bound for terrorist organizations in Idleb countryside

SANA reporter in the neighboring Hama province said the confiscated munitions included 14.5 mm machineguns, large amounts of 23.5mm artillery rounds and grenades.

On Sunday, an army unit ambushed a terrorist group affiliated to Jabhat al-Nusra near Wadi al-Ezeib on Salamiyeh-Athrya axis in Hama eastern countryside, seizing large amounts of RPJ shells, anti-tank mines, artillery shells and other types of ammunition, in addition to medium and heavy machine guns.
c.a. said:
Russia Insider
Theresa May Says She's Ready to Nuke 100,000 People (Video's)
Reality check media 2 hours ago
But the new British PM insists Russia is the country the world should fear

Just thought to bump this again with a similar SoTT carried story:

Theresa May says "Yes," she's prepared to kill hundreds of thousands in nuke attack

Iron Lady wannabe, more pathological than the other? Britain needs a Mayexit.
voyageur said:
c.a. said:
Russia Insider
Theresa May Says She's Ready to Nuke 100,000 People (Video's)
Reality check media 2 hours ago
But the new British PM insists Russia is the country the world should fear

Just thought to bump this again with a similar SoTT carried story:

Theresa May says "Yes," she's prepared to kill hundreds of thousands in nuke attack

Iron Lady wannabe, more pathological than the other? Britain needs a Mayexit.
I saw her discuss this in parliament on the tv live during the trident debate. The face/sex of the leader may change but the message certainly doesn't. More money for the military industrial complex on the way. :headbash:
Putin to meet Erdogan in early August — Kremlin

The meeting will take lace in Russia, the date is being considered

MOSCOW, July 20. /TASS/. A meeting between the Presidents of Russia and Turkey, Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, will be held in Russia in early August, Russian presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov told journalists on Wednesday.

"They (Putin and Erdogan) agreed to hold the meeting in early August, it will take place in the Russian Federation, but the city and the exact date are so far being considered," the Kremlin representative said.

Peskov denied the rumors that the Putin-Erdogan meeting may be held in Baku. "No, it’s not true: a trilateral meeting of the presidents of Russia, Azerbaijan and Iran will be held in Baku," he said.

According to the Russian presidential press secretary, "indeed, a meeting between Putin and Erdogan is currently being prepared and worked out through diplomatic channels".

Erdogan Alerted of Incoming Coup by Russia

Several Arab media outlets quoted diplomatic sources in Ankara as saying that Turkey's National Intelligence Organization, known locally as the MIT, received intel from the Russian army that warned of an impending coup in the Muslim state.

The diplomats said the Russian army in the region had intercepted highly sensitive army exchanges and encoded radio messages showing that the Turkish army was readying to stage a coup against the administration in Ankara.

The exchanges included dispatch of several army choppers to President Erdogan's resort hotel to arrest or kill the president.

The diplomats were not sure of the Russian station that had intercepted the exchanges, but said the Russian army intelligence unit deployed in Khmeimim (also called Hmeimim) in Syria's Northern province of Lattakia is reportedly equipped with state-of-the-art electronic and eavesdropping systems to gather highly sensitive information for the Russian squadrons that are on an anti-terrorism mission in Syria.

Khmeimim in Northwestern Syria is the only Russian air force base in the war-ravaged country that provides cover for Syrian army and popular forces in multiple fronts across the country, in addition to bombing missions against terrorist targets. The Russian naval fleet, including its only aircraft carrier, are deployed along the coasts of Lattakia border province to provide logistical aid to the air base in a short time. Meantime, Russia has deployed its highly sophisticated S-400 air defense shield at Khmeimim and announced that it covers the entire Syrian skies with the same air defense system.

Last year, Turkey shot down a Russian Sukhoi bomber over Syrian skies and President Erdogan who was then a staunch enemy of Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad rejected extending an apology to Moscow for about a year, although economic sanctions by Russia as well as growing victories by the Syrian army, popular forces, Hezbollah fighters, Iranian advisors and Russian air force cornered the terrorists in Syria and similar victories against ISIL in Iraq convinced the Turkish president to not just apologize for the Sukhoi incident, but also show signs of a U-turn in foreign policy, saying that he is dropping his opposition to President Assad.

The diplomatic sources said the shift in Erdogan's foreign policy stated only a week before the coup has been "a major cause of several foreign states to provoke and promise support for the army to stage the coup, and the same shift also saved him" as it was not clear if the Russians would provide Ankara with their intel, otherwise.

In Ankara, official sources, including the Army iteself, confirmed that the Turkish army’s top generals had been informed of last week’s coup by the MIT hours before the plot came into action.

A statement issued by the army on July 19 described the events that took place on July 15, saying a majority within the military managed to suppress the coup attempt due to information provided by the MIT some five hours before the coup plot became public, national newspaper Hurriyet reported.

“The information given by the National Intelligence Organization on July 15, 2016, at around 4:00 p.m. was evaluated at the General Staff headquarters with the attendance of Chief of Staff General Hulusi Akar, Chief of the Army General Salih Zeki Colak and Deputy Chief of Staff General Yasar Guler."

In order to counter the coup, high ranking officials within the Turkish army gave orders for all air and ground forces around the country to immediately cease operations including military vehicles such as tanks, planes and helicopters.

A report by Al-Jazeera Arabic suggests the coup plotters initiated the operation six hours ahead of time as they had previously planned to launch the coup at 3:00 a.m. local time on July 16.

While the report does not indicate the reason for the coup being initiated ahead of time, the revelation by the military suggests the coup plotters understood their plans had been compromised and decided to act.

Reports also suggest the coup plotters had orders to kidnap or kill President Recep Tayyip Erdogan as helicopters headed toward the hotel he was staying in at the holiday resort of Marmaris. But Erdogan had left 44 minutes before they arrived, according to Al-Jazeera’s report.

The official statements coming out from Ankara are in full compliance with the Arab media reports quoting the diplomatic sources on the Russian intel.

Only four days after the coup, Erdogan appeared on the media saying that he plans to declare a crucial turn in foreign policy that would "end differences with Turkey's neighboring states".

Less than a day later, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov announced that President Erdogan would visit Russia early in August to meet with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin.

Meantime, Iran rushed to condemn the Turkish army coup only two hours after it started. Several top security and foreign policy officials in Tehran were in constant contact with President Erdogan and his cabinet ministers all throughout Friday.

As July 15 was coming to an end in Tehran, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif was on the phone with his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu, whose government was under the threat of being overthrown by a military coup. Meanwhile, Ali Shamkhani, the secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC), was on another line with security officials in Ankara. All the while, Qassem Soleimani, the commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ Quds Force, Iran’s regional military arm, was busy pursuing and reviewing various scenarios that might emerge.

“It’s not a secret anymore,” an Iranian official told Al-Monitor on condition of anonymity. “Zarif, Shamkhani and Soleimani were executing higher orders. The whole establishment was too concerned. Turkey is a neighboring state. President Erdogan and his government are strong partners of Iran. Our nations enjoy strong brotherly ties, so it’s the least we can do to show solidarity and try to offer any help they might need in such critical times.”

"Another Iranian official saw parallels between the successful coup against Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in 1953 and this year's coup attempt in Turkey," Al-Monitor said.

The official told Al-Monitor on condition of anonymity, “What we know is that this move was triggered by foreign hands. We went through the same in the past, and because Mr. Erdogan is today looking forward to playing a better role in the region, they want him down.” The Iranian official said, “There was a message that was conveyed to Turkish security officials: Don’t leave the streets. This coup might be made up of several waves; it happened in Iran in 1953. When the first coup failed, they had another one ready — and they succeeded.”

In Ankara, the government claims the coup and the generals behind it are loyal followers of US-based Islamic cleric Fethullah Gulen, who was once Erdogan’s key ally before a major fallout in 2012. Many believe that Gulen is the main cause of why Ankara officials have repeatedly accused the US of masterminding the plot.

Gulen is running a multi-billion dollar enterprise in Saudi Arabia and has grown into a serious bone of contention in Ankara-Riyadh ties. Saudi Arabia reserved condemnation of the coup in a suspicious move. Later, reports surfaced the media that the top brass in Riyadh and Abu Dhabi - two strong allies of the US with unbreakably intimate ties with each other in the Persian Gulf - were involved in the coup.

Saudi whistle-blower Mujtahid, who is believed to be a member of or have a well-connected source in the royal family, dislosed that senior government officials in Riyadh and Abu Dhabi had been informed of the coup in Turkey long before it took place.

Mujtahid wrote on his twitter page on Monday that the UAE leaders had played a role in the coup and the Turkish spy agencies have come to decode this involvement, adding that the UAE leaders had also alerted the Saudis about the impending coup.

"Saudi Deputy Crown Prince and Defense Minister Mohammad bin Salman had been informed of the military coup in Turkey," Mujtahid wrote on his twitter page on Monday.

"There are reasons which show that given his intimate relations with Mohammad bin Zayed bin Sultan Al-Nahyan (the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces), Mohammad bin Salman was aware of this coup," he added.

According to Mujtahid, Turkish intelligence agencies have received information about some negative collaboration between bin Salman and bin Zayed, but the Saudis have managed to convince the Justice and Development party to rest assured and be optimistic about Riyadh's measures.

He revealed that bin Salman has been trying to convince the Turks to conceal the UAE's role in the coup and has promised a large amount of cash in reprisal.

The last week coup in Turkey is now growing into a major regional confrontation over Turkey's shift in policy over Syria now.

Artillery units alerted for drills in Russia's Trans-Baikal Territory

The troops will have firing practice with the use of rocket and cannon artillery, mortars and anti-tank guns

CHITA, July 20. /TASS/. Artillery units of the integrated combined arms force of Russia’s Eastern Military District stationed in the Trans-Baikal Territory were alerted on Wednesday to march for drills to the Tsugol range, the district spokesman Colonel Alexander Gordeyev told reporters.

"Some 500 troops and 100 units of armaments and military equipment covered a distance of more than 100 kilometers from their permanent bases. The crews at the training ground practiced fortifying stationary and temporary positions in different types of terrain," Gordeyev said.

The troops will have firing practice with the use of rocket and cannon artillery, mortars and anti-tank guns. They will drill moving barrage and practise hitting separate hardened targets. The anti-tank and mortar units will fulfill tasks to organize "kill zones".

sToRmR1dR said:
Iran receives the missile part of S-300 defense system from Russia: Tasnim

Iran’s ministry confirms delivery of S-300 air defense missile systems

The Iranian defense minister says some of the anti-aircraft missile systems were deployed to their permanent locations

TEHERAN, July 20 /TASS/. Iran’s Defense Minister Brigade General Hossein Dehghan has confirmed the delivery of S-300 air defense missile systems from Russia, Iran’s Tasnim News Agency reported referring to a source in the Iranian parliament.

Dehghan confirmed the delivery of the Russian anti-aircraft missile systems at a meeting of the parliamentary Committee for National Defense and Foreign Affairs on Wednesday. He said that some of them had been deployed to their permanent locations.

Tasnim reported on July 18 that Iran had received the first batch of missiles for Russian-made S-300 systems.

In April 2016, it was reported that Russia had started delivering S-300 surface-to-air missile systems to Iran. Some elements of those systems, in particular, radars, were shown at a military parade in Tehran on April 17.

The contract for delivery of Russian-made S-300 air defense missile systems to Iran was signed in 2007 but the UN Security Council Resolution No. 1929 adopted on June 9, 2010 banned the transfer of modern weapons to Iran, including missiles and their systems.

In April 2015, Russian President Vladimir Putin lifted the ban on the delivery of S-300 systems to Iran. In November, a new contract to supply S-300 systems to Iran came into force.

Sergei Chemezov, CEO of Russia’s state hi-tech corporation Rostec, said that Russia would complete the delivery of all S-300 air defense missile systems to Iran before the end of the year.

Over 100 ISIL Terrorists Killed in Syrian Airstrikes over Hama

The sources said the Syrian air force strikers destroyed a convoy of vehicles armed with machine guns near the city of Salamiyah and killed around a hundred of militants.

Local media also reported that the Syrian Air Force shelled ISIL positions in Raqqa and Deir Ezzur provinces, as well.

The attacks on the ISIL came after the Syrian Army troops and popular forces struck the terrorist group's positions in Eastern Hama earlier on Wednesday and pushed ISIL back from more heights in the region.

The Syrian government forces, beat the ISIL back from a number of key heights along al-Bitrol line to the East of al-Salamiyah city, killing and injuring several militants and destroying their military equipment.

Earlier, Syrian fighter jets carried out several combat flights over ISIL's defense lines in Eastern Hama, inflicting major casualties and losses on the Takfiri terrorists in at least six regions.

The Syrian army aircraft hit heavily ISIL concentration centers and gatherings on Northeastern side of al-Mofaker al-Sharghiyeh, Tal Shammar, Ruweisa al-Hamra, Tabaret al-Deibeh, Abu Hanaya and Quleib al-Thawr, which claimed the lives of several militants and meantime slowed down their military movements across Eastern Hama.

Jeish al-Fatah's Offensive Repulsed by Syrian Forces near Lattakia Border with Turkey

The Syrian army and popular forces' strong defense did not allow Jeish al-Fatah terrorists to prevail over government forces' strongholds near Kassab border-crossing.

Jeish al-Fatah left behind tens of the dead or wounded members and pulled the remaining pockets of its forces back from the battlefield.

In relevant developments in the coastal province on Tuesday, Syrian Army troops and popular forces repelled the terrorist groups' heavy offensives on their positions near Kinsibba, and drove the militants back from two more regions in a counterattack.

The Syrian government forces fended off the militant groups' attacks near Kinsibba, inflicting large casualties on the militants.

The government troops later carried out a rapid counter-attack and forced the militants back from Sir al-Qobou'a and al-Hamrat.

Military sources announced that fierce clashes are underway in al-Shillif region, Shillif fort, Toubal passage and the village of Ta'ouma, where the Syrian army has gained upper hand against the terrorists.

"Missile attacks and advanced traps have been continuously used in Kinsibba region to hunt more fleeing terrorists,' the sources further added.

Syrian Army Seizes Large Arms Cargo of Terrorists in Idlib

The Syrian soldiers, tipped off by the intelligence agents, ambushed Takfiri terrorists' convoy of vehicles heading to Jabal al-Zaviyeh and seized its cargo of weapons and ammunition.

Several terrorists were also killed or wounded in the army's ambush.

14.5 mm machineguns, large amounts of 23.5mm artillery rounds and grenades were among the seized cargo.

In relevant development in the province last week, Syrian fighter jets launched an airstrike and smashed a convoy of terrorists which was moving from the borders of Idlib province towards Hraytan town in the Northern parts of Aleppo.

The offensive killed tens of terrorists and destroyed a large number of their weapons.
Foreign Policy expert Daniel McAdams of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace asks whether an atrocity near the Turkish-Syrian border was an act of reprisal by the French government for last week’s terror attack.

Syrian Bloodbath: Was French Strike Killing Civilians Revenge for Nice?

On Wednesday, the Syrian government demanded that the UN take immediate action against France and the United States, after the US-led anti-Daesh coalition in Syria killed at least 140 civilians, following reports of between 20-65 dead from a US airstrike in Manbij on Monday, and at least 120 dead in the village of Toukhan Al-Kubra, near the Turkish-Syrian border, following a French airstrike on Tuesday.

The Syrian government has called on the United States to remove itself from the country and immediately suspend all airstrikes, following the attack in Manbij, with similar words for the French government.

The government of the Syrian Arab Republic condemns, with the strongest terms, the two bloody massacres perpetrated by the French and US warplanes and those affiliated to the so-called international coalition which send their missiles and bombs to the civilians instead of directing them to the terrorist gangs,” said the Syrian Foreign Ministry in a statement. “Syria also affirms that those who want to combat terrorism seriously should coordinate with the Syrian government and army."

Many in the international community wonder whether Tuesday’s deadly airstrike by the French government was an act of reprisal for the deadly massacre in Nice, France, last week that killed 84 and injured hundreds of others after a 31-year-old French-Tunisian, loyal to the Daesh terror network, drove a large delivery truck through a crowd of people celebrating Bastille Day, a national holiday marking the 1789 French Revolution, and also opened fire on the crowd.

In the wake of the Nice terror attack, French President Francois Hollande vowed for the country to intensify anti-Daesh bombing in an effort to degrade and destroy the terrorist network that has claimed responsibility for a series of gruesome attacks across the country.

On Wednesday, Daniel McAdams, the Executive Director of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity, took Washington and Paris to task for the deadly assault on Syrian civilians, during an interview with Radio Sputnik.

"There has not been any punishment for these types of strikes in the past. This might be a terrible accident rather than a specific strike on the people, but it is part of a broader policy and that is what should be put on trial," stated McAdams. "The entire anti-[Daesh] operation in Syria is illegal. We haven’t been invited by the legitimate Syrian government, so every action we undertake on their soil is illegal."

Why haven’t US-led airstrikes causing civilian deaths received condemnation in the past?

"Unfortunately, the US media, by and large, is propaganda. Where is the reporting on this massive death toll? I have seen the pictures. Even the pro-opposition outlets, like the Syrian Observer, said this is what is happening," said McAdams.

"To many this looks like the French retaliation for Nice. 84 civilians die, so they ramp up strikes so that they can let their citizens know that they are protecting them,” said the analyst. “Then they go and kill 120 or 140 civilians, but the media doesn’t cover it."

"The Intercept is a fine publication, but it is not the New York Times. Who is covering it? And they won’t cover it, because to cover it would be to question the policy. They won’t cover it because the US has been propagandized that they must hit [Daesh] everywhere or they aren’t safe in their beds. It is a big propaganda lie," argued McAdams.

"They are creating a big danger by going over there and bombing in the Middle East and that is the danger of blowback which we are seeing more and more."

Assuming the airstrike was an accident, why do these types of accidents keep happening?

The US is not only at war with [Daesh] in Syria, they are also at war with the Assad government and this entire airstrike has been to the benefit of the US-backed opposition which would be able to take this territory if they are able to run [Daesh] out of it," said McAdams.

"It would be occupied by groups of rebels who are involved with and not all that different than [Daesh] so there is no way to adequately protect these people because the US is at war with the government that could give them the intelligence to stop killing so many people there."

The Syrian National Coalition demands that the US suspend its airstrikes after French warplanes killed more than 120 civilians during airstrikes on Tuesday just a day after US air assaults killed an additional 20 people in Manbij.

Syrian Opposition Urges US to Suspend Airstrikes After Deadly Manbij Attack

The Syrian National Coalition has called on the US to immediately suspend all anti-Daesh airstrikes following a spate of failed airstrikes by the NATO coalition that have left over 140 civilians dead. The first airstrike, conducted by the United States in Manbij occurred on Monday and led to the deaths of at least 20 civilians. On Tuesday, French warplanes killed more than 120 civilians near the Turkish-Syrian border in the village of Toukhan Al-Kubra.

On Wednesday, the Syrian Foreign Ministry sent letters to the UN secretary general and to the president of the UN Security Council, which at present is Japan, demanding immediate action be taken against the NATO mission in Syria.

Damascus called on the UN to look into the atrocities committed by France and the United States in both Toukhan Al-Kubra and Manbij as part of the US-led international coalition.

Amid the intensive fighting for the liberation of the northern Syrian city of Manbij from Daesh jihadists, Rojava-Northern Syria Democratic Federal System Constituent Assembly Co-President Hediye Yusuf tells Sputnik Turkiye that when fully liberated, the city will join the autonomous Rojava - Northern Syria Democratic Federal System.

When Liberated Manbij Will Join Autonomous Federation of Northern Syria

“Manbij will be liberated in a short while. After the liberation it will be integrated into the Rojava — Northern Syria Democratic Federal System,” Hediye Yusuf told Sputnik Turkiye.

“Several members of the city Mejlis (city council) have already joined the Constituent Assembly of the Federation. Many Arabs, Turkmens and Kurds from Manbij are already members of our Mejlis. It is for the people of Manbij to decide when to join the Federation. The city Mejlis will apply to join the Federal System based on the decision of the people of Manbij,” she added.

Hediye Yusuf also noted that the fighting is getting more and more intense as troops advance to the center of the city. She added that with this operation, 90% of the Daesh presence in Rojava-Northern Syria will end and peoples of different faiths and ethnicities will find comfort in the Rojava-Northern Syria Federation.

Also, it will lay the groundwork for the unification of Afrin and Kobane cantons.

The Federation of North Syria-Rojava was declared on March 17 as a de facto autonomous region originating in three self-governing cantons in northern Syria: most of al-Hasakah Governorate, the northern parts of Al-Raqqah Governorate and the northern parts of Aleppo Governorate were arranged into a federation.

Rojava is the Kurdish name for northern Syria.

Its 200-person Constitutive Assembly – composed of Kurds, Arabs, Syriacs, Assyrians, Armenians, Turkmens and Chechens from Efrin, Cizire, Kobane, Gire Spi cantons and the Şeddade, Aleppo and Şehba regions, are presided over by two: co-presidents Hediye Yusuf (a Kurd) and Mensur El-Selum (an Arab).

Meanwhile, on Tuesday, US Central Command’s Combined Joint Task Force announced in a press release that Syrian Arab Coalition forces backed by US airpower had captured the local Daesh headquarters in Manbij.

"The Daesh [Islamic State] headquarters, located in a hospital, was being used as a command center and logistics hub," the release explained.

"The SAC [Syrian Arab Coalition] also seized a significant amount of the city during the operation, which provided civilians with the opportunity to escape."

The capture was preceded by more than 450 coalition airstrikes in and near the mid-sized city close to the Turkish border, according to the release.

However a local source told Sputnik on Tuesday that over 100 Syrian civilians have been killed in US-led coalition airstrikes against Daesh near the city of Manbij.

The strike was carried out on Tuesday morning and women and children were among the victims, the source said.

Airstrikes by the United States and France inside Syria have killed as many as 140 civilians in a northwestern city and on its outskirts over the past two days, the Syrian government says.

US, French raids kill 140 civilians in Syria

The Syrian Foreign Ministry said French warplanes targeted the village of Tukhan al-Kubra in the northern suburb of the city of Manbij in the Aleppo Province, killing 120 civilians.

Scores of other civilians remain unaccounted for following the attack, it added. According to the ministry, the fatalities came a day after a US airstrike killed 20 civilians in Manbij.

The Syrian Foreign Ministry sent a letter to the UN, calling for a Security Council resolution to condemn the deaths, the state-run SANA news agency reported.

In the letter, Syria denounced “illegal” US-led airstrikes and the coalition for pointing their weapons at “innocent civilians and infrastructure, instead of pointing them to terrorist groups.”

“Syria stresses that whoever wants to battle the terrorists, must coordinate with the Syrian government,” read the letter.

US Secretary of State John Kerry said on Tuesday he had urged Russia to use its influence on Syria to halt military attacks on what it regards as moderate groups and "civilians."

Kerry spoke to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov by phone and discussed ways to resolve the Syria crisis, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

The top US diplomat (Kerry) also emphasized the need to end all attempts to besiege the city of Aleppo and other besieged towns, according to State Department Spokesperson John Kirby.

On Sunday, the Syrian army completely cut off the only main road used by foreign-backed militants into Aleppo.

According to a London-based monitor, militant-controlled parts of the northern Syrian city are now completely besieged after the army reached the Castello Road and fully cut it.

Takfiri groups, especially al-Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front, are holed up in Aleppo. Last month, Lavrov said the US had asked Russia to stop conducting airstrikes against Nusra Front terrorists in Syria.

Al-Nusra and other Takfiri terrorists hold most of the northwestern province of Idlib and parts of neighboring Aleppo province.

In May, Britain, France, the US and Ukraine blocked Russia’s request to add Jaysh al-Islam and Ahrar al-Sham militant groups to a UN terror blacklist and sideline them from the Syrian peace process.

In its letter on Tuesday, the Syrian Foreign Ministry said, “The United States, Qatar, France, Saudi Arabia and Britain continue supporting the terrorist groups in Syria, which is a clear sign of the involvement of these countries with the terrorist groups.”

The US-led coalition has been backing the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), an alliance of Kurdish and Arab forces, to capture Manbij since last May.

On Tuesday, the coalition said in a statement that SDF fighters had captured a Daesh “command center and logistics hub” in western Manbij.

It said the fighters also seized “a significant amount of the city during the operation, which provided civilians the opportunity to escape.”

The Drug Combating Department of Homs arrested three drug pushers and seized amounts of narcotics in their possession, a source at the Interior Ministry said on Wednesday.

Three drug pushers arrested, amounts of narcotics and counterfeit dollars seized in Homs

The narcotic substances included 6 kg of hashish and 13,000 Captagon tablets, added the source, noting that 3,800 counterfeit dollars were seized in the persons’ possession.
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