Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

Небольшой примерчик российской пропаганды
На саммите НАТО, прошедшем в Польше в начале июля, альянс решил отправить свои батальоны в Латвию, Литву, Эстонию и Польшу. При этом численность этих формирований составит от 800 тысяч до 1,2 млн человек. Этим подразделениям и предстоит «сдерживать» Россию
миллион солдат в Латвию!? Ведь они же местных затопчут, латышей там меньше осталось! :scared:
Как бы понятно что это опечатка, но...:nuts:

A small example of Russian propaganda
At the NATO summit held in Poland at the beginning of July, the Alliance decided to send their battalions in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Poland. The number of units will range from 800 thousand to 1.2 million people. These units have to "contain" Russia.
a million soldiers to Latvia!? After all, they are trampled local, Latvians there is less left! :scared:
As would be clear that it's a typo, but...:nuts:
So how exactly it is an example of "Russian propaganda"? :huh:
Не будьте так серьезны, это же шутка. :) Цифры эти опубликованы не вчера и не только этим источником, поэтому я с ними конечно знаком.
С другой стороны, как говорится, " в каждой шутке есть доля правды".

As would be clear that it's a typo, but...:nuts:
Вот этим "но..." я предлагаю Вам посмотреть на это с другой точки зрения. Пропаганда может быть не только внешняя, но и внутренняя. Канал "Звезда" это сми министерства обороны и я сомневаюсь, что многие за границами России смотрят, слушают, читают его. Очевидно аудитория этого канала в основном внутри страны и скажу больше- внутри армии. По моему опыту службы еще в Советской армии в распорядке дня военных в казармах было два обязательных мероприятия. Ежедневный просмотр вечерней новостной программы " Время" на главном ТВ канале и просмотр программы "Служу Советскому Союзу" по утрам в воскресенье. Думаю что принципиально в Российской армии это не поменялось, ведь воспитательную работу в армии никто не отменял (раньше называлась политико-воспитательная работа). Все это вместе с тем, о чем я писал несколько раньше (круглогодичная трансляция фильмов военной тематики), по прежнему наводит меня на мысль о некотором искусственном (помимо того что объективно происходит) нагнетании определенных настроений внутри страны. Я не говорю что это плохо или хорошо- просто это есть и каждый даст себе в этом отчет сам.

So how exactly it is an example of "Russian propaganda"? :huh:
Don't be so serious, it's a joke. These figures are published not yesterday and not only this source, so I'm certainly familiar with them.
On the other hand, as the saying goes "in every joke there is truth".
As would be clear that it's a typo, but...:nuts:
This "but...", I suggest You look at it from another point of view. Propaganda can be not only external but also internal. The channel "Zvezda" is a media Ministry of defence and I doubt many outside Russia watch, listen, read him. Obviously the audience of this channel mainly in the country and I will say more - within the army. In my experience of service in the Soviet army in the daily routine of the military in the barracks there were two mandatory events. The daily viewing of the evening news program "Vremya" on the main TV channel and watching the program "I Serve the Soviet Union" on Sunday mornings. I think that fundamentally in the Russian army is not changed, because the educational work in the army has not been canceled (used to be called political-educational work). All this, however, as I wrote somewhat earlier (year-round stream of war films), still makes me think about some artificial (in addition to what is objectively happening) the discharge of certain sentiments within the country. I'm not saying it's bad or good - it's just there and everyone will give in this report itself.
youlik said:
All this, however, as I wrote somewhat earlier (year-round stream of war films), still makes me think about some artificial (in addition to what is objectively happening) the discharge of certain sentiments within the country. I'm not saying it's bad or good - it's just there and everyone will give in this report itself.

Yeah, that's kind of logical, as there are all kind of people living in the country. Some of them lean more toward extremes, either toward left or toward right. Some of them are probably hoping for a war, and some of them maybe in positions of power. Luckily Putin and his team keep best interests of Russian people at heart.
The United States has imposed new sanctions on Syria, targeting the arms and financial networks of the government of President Bashar al-Assad.

US imposes new sanctions on Assad government

The Department of the Treasury on Thursday included eight individuals and seven entities to its sanctions blacklist, which aims to cut them out of the global financial system.

The Treasury said the Syrian firm Hesco Engineering and Construction is operating energy production facilities in Syria, and added its Russia-based representatives to the sanctions list.

The Treasury also claimed that Yona Star International and T-Rubber are supplying the Syrian defense ministry, air force and other military bodies from their international offices and slapped sanctions on them.

Sanctions were also imposed on many individuals and businesses involved in international money transfers.

Adam Szubin, Treasury Acting Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, said the Assad government is engaged in “destabilizing behavior.”

Syrian forces on Friday took control of a strategic town in the Wadi Barada region near the capital Damascus amid ongoing battles against Takfiri terrorists in the country.

Syrian forces take control of key town near Damascus

The Syrian army restored security to the town of Harira, northwest of Damascus, a military source told Syria’s official news agency SANA.

The Syrian army and fighters from the Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah have been engaged in fighting against Takfiri militants in the northwestern countryside of Damascus since Thursday afternoon.

Terrorists of the al-Nusra Front and Ahrar al-Sham are present in a number of villages and towns in Wadi Barada, SANA said.

Levi Jonathan Shirley from the US state of Nevada who fought against the Daesh terrorist group alongside the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG), was killed on July 14 in Minbic, Syria.

US Citizen Killed Fighting Daesh With Kurdish Forces

Levi Jonathan Shirley from the US state of Nevada died last week while fighting with Kurdish fighters against the Daesh, the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) said in a Facebook message on Thursday.

"We offer our condolences to the family of martyr Agir Servan [Levi Jonathan Shirley] and to all the Martyr’s families," the message stated.

The message added that Shirley was killed on July 14 in Minbic, Syria.

The Dwight D. Eisenhower carrier strike group with embarked Carrier Air Wing 3 began mission in the support of the US-led coalition against the Daesh from the Persian Gulf.

US Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group Begins Anti-Daesh Operations

The Dwight D. Eisenhower carrier strike group with embarked Carrier Air Wing 3 carried out its first mission in support of the US-led coalition operations against the Islamic State (ISIL or Daesh) from the Persian Gulf, the US Navy said in a press release on Friday.

Between June 28 and July 8, Carrier Air Wing 3 completed 116 sorties from the Eastern Mediterranean Sea in support of coalition operations, the Navy noted.

On July 12, the Eisenhower strike group moved from the Eastern Mediterranean to the edge of the Arabian Peninsula.

The strike group is deployed in support of Operation Inherent Resolve, maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the US 5th Fleet area of operations.

The US-led coalition of more than 60 nations has been carrying out airstrikes against the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq since the summer of 2014.

France will send artillery to Iraq and its Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier to assist the US-led coalition’s efforts in Syria and Iraq in the coming months, but will not deploy its troops in these countries, French President Francois Hollande said Friday.

France to Send Aircraft Carrier to Aid Coalition Fight Against Daesh

France will also send artillery to Iraq in August to help the Iraqi army fight Daesh terrorists, the President added.

"The Defense Council and I made a decision this morning to provide Iraqi forces with artillery as a part of anti-Daesh efforts. The artillery will be delivered in August," Hollande said.

The French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle will be sent to the region in September, the President added.

"The Charles de Gaulle airacrft carrier will arrive in the region by the end of September. It and our Rafale aircraft will allow to intensify our strikes against Islamic State positions in Syria and Iraq," Hollande said in a televised statement.

However, France "will not deploy ground troops," Hollande said.

A US-backed militant group in Syria has given Daesh jihadists 48 hours to leave the key northern city of Manbij, US media reported on Thursday.

Syrian Militant Group Gives Daesh 48 Hours to Leave Syria’s Manbij

The so-called Syria Democratic Forces said in its statement, cited by the New York Times newspaper, that Daesh fighters would be allowed to take only light weapons with them.

The ultimatum came two days after reports of civilian killings by US-led coalition airstrikes near the Daesh stronghold. On Wednesday, National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces called on the anti-Daesh coalition to halt the airstrikes amid the alleged killing of "over 125 civilians."

In a gesture reflecting the kinship felt between the diverse array of military men and women tasked with saving Syria, a Russian serviceman from the Hmeymim air base presented a Syrian soldier with Icon of the Resurrection and a ribbon with a prayer inscription, according to Sputnik Arabic.

Two Faiths, One Mission: Syrian Soldier Gets Gift From Russian Serviceman

A Syrian soldier has received an unusual gift from a Russian serviceman stationed at Hmeymim air base in Syria: an Icon of the Resurrection and a ribbon with an Orthodox prayer inscribed in it.

The move underscored the fraternity that often exists between Syrians determined to free their country from sadistic extremists and the Russian servicemen who have come to their assistance.

The names of the soldiers were not revealed due to security concerns, Sputnik said, adding that this is not the first example of friendly ties between enlisted men serving in the Syrian and Russian forces fighting terrorism in the region.

In late January 2016, a prominent Syrian sculptor created a bust of the late Russian pilot Oleg Peshkov, whose warplane was downed by a Turkish jet fighter over Syria last year

Eyad Albelal said that by creating the bust, he was extending his condolences to the family of the deceased pilot and expressing his gratitude to Russia for its fight against Daesh terrorists in Syria.

He told Sputnik at the time that it took him a month and a half to finalize the bust, which is made of clay and bronze.

The Pentagon removed from its manual threat of punishment for independent journalists who cover hostilities from both sides of the conflict line.

Pentagon to No Longer Label Independent Journalists as Spies

The Pentagon revised its Law of War manual on Friday to remove threat of punishment for independent journalists who cover hostilities from both sides of the conflict line.

The update came a year after the US military faced a barrage of criticism from press organizations for labelling journalists as potential spies and saboteurs, in its first ever legal handbook released for personnel last June.

The Department of Defense said changes had been made to enhance protections of journalists under the law of war. The update is based on input from news media.

The Committee to Protect Journalists, a US nonprofit that advocated the review, said the revised edition allowed journalists to contact enemy forces for journalistic purposes and shifted responsibility for distinguishing between a reporter and a combatant to commanders.

The Pentagon also removed a passage on journalism and spying, which gave the military permission to capture and punish journalists for alleged spying.

Christine Lagarde, the head of the International Monetary Fund, will have to stand trial over her potential involvement in a multimillion-euro government payment to businessman Bernard Tapie, a French court ruled Friday.

IMF Chief Lagarde Will Have to Stand Trial in Tapie Case

Lagarde was put under investigation in August 2014 for authorizing the payment of 403 million euro ($434 million at the current exchange rate) in an out-of-court settlement to Tapie.

Lagarde is accused of failing to block an arbitration process that ended the longstanding dispute between former state-owned bank Credit Lyonnais and Bernard Tapie, a supporter of then French President Sarkozy.

It is known that the businessman walked away with an initial award of about 285 million euros ($314 million).

At the time, Lagarde served as finance minister in the government of President Nicolas Sarkozy. In December 2015, a French court ordered Lagarde to stand trial for alleged negligence in the affair.

An Indian Air Force plane (AN-32) flying from Tambaram to Port Blair has been missing for more than one hour.

Indian Air Force Jet Disappears From Radars With up to 29 on Board

The plane took off at 9 am from Chennai's Tambaram air base. It was on a routine weekly flight for Air Force personnel, local media report.

The Indian Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard have all launched a search operation to locate the missing jet.

India has launched a massive search operation in the Bay of Bengal for a missing AN 32 Indian Air Force plane. A dozen ships have been launched to look for the aircraft.

Massive Search Operation Launched for Missing Indian Air Force Jet

According to the Ministry of Defense, "a full scale search and rescue operation has been launched to look for IAF AN 32, overdue [for arrival] at Port Blair since 11.30 IST."

​According to an official statement, Indian Naval Ships Shayadri, Rajput, Ranvijay, Kamorta, Kirch, Karmukh, Kora, Kuthar, Shakti, Jyoti, Gharial and Sukanya have been deployed as part of the search and rescue mission.

​Meanwhile, one C 130, one AN 32, two P8 I and two Dornier aircraft have been launched to look for the missing jet.

The AN 32 aircraft reportedly lost contact just 16 minutes after it took off at 8.30 hours (IST) in the morning from Tambaram in Chennai. The search area is some 200 nautical miles east of Chennai. Participants include 29 persons who were on regular courier flights, one person from the coast guard, 11 navy personnel, 3 Air Force pilots and 2 from Andaman command.

This is the second aircraft to have gone missing from Chennai in two years. Last year, the Indian Coast Guard also lost an aircraft in mysterious circumstances.
Russian soldier who was critically wounded in a roaside bomb while accompanying humanitarian convoy in Aleppo provice died, according to official statement of Russian Defense Ministry.

Russian Serviceman Killed in Syria's Aleppo

A Russian serviceman has been killed in Syria while escorting a humanitarian convoy in Aleppo province, the Russian Defense Ministry said Friday.

According to the ministry, Nikita Shevchenko was in a vehicle escorting a convoy of trucks carrying food and water supplies to local residents when an improvised roadside bomb exploded at the entrance to a settlement.

"Russian doctors treated him on site, but failed to save his life due to grave injuries that he had suffered," the ministry's press service said in a statement.

Three men from Palm Beach County, Florida have been charged with trying to support Daesh, according to the US Justice Department.

Three US Citizens Charged With Trying to Support Daesh

"Three Palm Beach County, Florida, residents were charged with conspiring and attempting to support the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant [IS], a designated foreign terrorist organization," the release stated.

Gregory Hubbard, a 52-year-old man also known as Jibreel, Darren Arness Jackson, a 50-year-old man also known as Daoud, and 31-year-old Dayne Atani Christian, also known as Shakur, tried to provide material support to IS.

Hubbard bought a plane ticket to Germany where he planned to board a train for Turkey, and then head to Syria, according to the Justice Department. Officials arrested him at Miami International Airport prior to his departure. Jackson drove Hubbard to the airport, and was arrested after he left the airport.

A detention hearing for the three IS supporters is scheduled for July 27, and an arraignment is set for August 5. The defendants face up to 20 years in prison, if convicted.

The Russian Federation on Friday morning appointed Lieutenant General Aleksandr Zhuravlev as the new commander of their military forces in Syria.

Russia Appoints New Commander of Military Forces in Syria

Lt. Gen. Zhuravlev’s prior military experience, other than the fact he has played an integral role in the training of the Syrian Armed Forces, has been a major contributor to his appointment, Interfax reported.

The newly appointed Russian commander also helped plan the Syrian Arab Army’s Palmyra offensive, which resulted in the ancient city’s liberation from the ISIL terrorist group.

Lt. Zhuravlev is expected to take over the command post of the Syria operations immediately.

Provincial sources said differences intensified among Ahrar al-Sham and Jund al-Aqsa terrorist groups in the Southern countryside of Idlib after the killing of an Ahrar commander in the region.

Syria: Rifts Widening among Terrorist Groups in Idlib Province

"Ahrar al-Sham, in a statement, vowed to avenge assassination of the group's commander by the Jund al-Aqsa rivals near Ariha," the sources said.

"Ahrar in its statement gave only 24 hours to Jund al-Aqsa to have over those behind the killing of its commander," they said, adding, "Ahrar al-Sham has started to abduct Jund al-Aqsa's fighters near Ariha."

Earlier this month, al-Tahrir Army, affiliated to the Free Syrian Army, said in a statement that one of the senior field commanders of the group and his brothers were abducted by the al-Qaeda-affiliated al-Nusra Front in the city of Idlib.

"Mohammad Abdolhay al-Ahmadi al-Ghaabi alongside his two brothers were captured and transferred to an unknown place by al-Nusra fighters," the group said in statement, adding, "Al-Nusra militants stormed the house of al-Ghaabi's father, and abducted al-Ghaabi and his brothers."

"Fierce clashes erupted between the fighters of al-Nusra and al-Tahrir Army after the abduction of the latter commander.

Al-Tahrir said also in its statement that al-Nusra has thus far abducted nearly 40 of its forces.

Syrian fighter jets carried out several combat flights over ISIL-held districts in the Eastern city of Deir Ezzur and targeted two command centers of the terrorists.

Syrian Army Aircraft Bomb ISIL's Command Centers in Deir Ezzur

Syrian warplanes hit ISIL's command center in the village of al-Baqaliyeh six kilometers to the West of Deir Ezzur, which ended in destruction of the center and killing of several militants.

In the meantime, ISIL's command center in al-Rushdiyeh neighborhood was targeted by the Syrian bombers.

The ISIL's military vehicles also were targeted by the Syrian fighter jets in al-Huweija and al-Hamidiyeh neighborhoods.

Reports said earlier today that Syrian army's artillery units and Air Force, in a fresh round of attacks, pounded ISIL's bases and gatherings in different parts of the Eastern province of Deir Ezzur, inflicting major losses on the militants.

Syrian tanks opened fire at ISIL's concentration centers near al-Thardah mountain that overlooks the Deir Ezzur airport, which ended in the killing of 4 terrorists and wounding of several more.

The Syrian Air Force, for its part, continued to target ISIL's positions around al-Thardah mountain, Wadi Villat region, the village of al-Hosseiniyeh, and al-Ardi districts in Deir Ezzur city, which not only claimed the lives of several militants but destroyed their military equipment and vehicles.

Five civilians including a child and a woman were killed and 27 others were injured due to a rocket shell fired by terrorists on the Public Park in Aleppo city, according to a source at Aleppo Police Command.

Five civilians killed, several others injured by terrorist rocket attacks in Aleppo, Damascus Countryside, Idelb

The source told SANA’s correspondent that some of the injured civilians are in a critical condition, and that the attack caused material damage to the park and its facilities.

Meanwhile, a number of citizens were injured due to terrorist rocket attacks on the besieged towns of al-Foua’a and Kafraya in Idleb, in a new breach of the cessation of hostilities agreement.

Local sources told SANA reporter that terrorists, positioned in Binnish and Maaret Masrin towns, targeted al-Foua’a and Kafraya towns with a number of rocket shells, injuring a number of citizens and causing material damage to citizens’ properties.

In Damascus Countryside, a citizen was injured due to a terrorist rocket attack on Harasta Suburb in Damascus Countryside.

A source at Damascus Countryside Police Command said that terrorist groups fired three rocket shells on Harasta Suburb, injuring a citizen and causing material damage to public and private properties.
The Syrian army tanks opened heavy fire at the ISIL terrorist group's military hardware and construction machinery and equipment while they were constructing new fortifications in the Northern part of Palmyra (Tadmur) silos, killing and wounding a number of the militants.

Homs: Syrian Army Tanks Hit Hard ISIL's Fortifications in Northern Palmyra

The Syrian army and its allies engaged in Tough battle in Sanisel front in Northern Homs.

Meantime, the Syrian fighter jets hit hard the terrorists' military positions in al-Rastan region in Northern Homs.

In a relevant development on Thursday, field sources in Palmyra reported heavy clashes between the Syrian army and the ISIL terrorists near Arak oil field, the Eastern parts of al-Sawwama region, silos and the hills of Northeastern Palmyra in Homs province.

"The army and its allies targeted the ISIL terrorists' positions and gathering centers in Palmyra by artillery fire and airstrikes which killed several non-Syrian ISIL members and destroyed tens of military vehicles, some of them equipped with machine guns and other equipment," the sources said on Thursday.

US-backed Nouralddeen al-Zinki terrorists, in heavy missile attacks, targeted a gathering of people in residential areas of the Northern city of Aleppo, leaving scores of civilians dead.

Syria: Several Civilians Die in Shelling of Aleppo Neighborhoods by Terrorists

Nouralddeen al-Zinki movement, backed by several Arab countries in the Persian Gulf as well as the US, targeted a large civilian gathering in a park in Western Aleppo, killing a total 10 people and wounding 44 others.

A video showed on Wednesday that Nouralddeen al-Zinki Movement, named by the US as a moderate group, arrested, tortured and severely executed a very young boy on charges of cooperating with the Syrian government forces.

A video released by militants near Handarat refugee camp showed that the terrorists of Nouralddeen al-Zinki tortured a kid on charges of assisting Syrian soldiers and beheaded him in front of the people over a truck.

Nouralddeen al-Zinki is affiliated to the Free Syrian Army which receives US financial supports as a moderate group.

The Takfiri group has been using US-made TOW anti-tank missiles in Aleppo battlefields.

More than a dozen civilians are dead or injured after US warplanes launch fresh airstrikes in Syria’s northern province of Aleppo.

US airstrikes leave over a dozen civilian casualtis in Syria

Local sources said warplanes hit targets in al-Nawajah village east of of Manbij on Saturday, leaving at least 15 people dead or injured.

Some of the wounded victims are said to be in a critical condition, the so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said in a statement from London.

The fresh attack comes shortly after at least 140 civilians were killed in French and US airstrikes in Manbij on Tuesday and Wednesday.

A US military spokesman says Daesh terrorists have been using thousands of Syrians as human shields in the battle in the northern city of Manbij, where dozens of civilians were killed this week in the US airstrikes, which were carried out despite reports of civilian presence among the terrorists.

Deash uses Syrians as human shields in Manbij: US official

The Baghdad-based spokesman for the US-led coalition, Colonel Chris Garver, said on Friday that the terrorist group "used civilians as human shields and as bait" in an effort to draw the fire of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) toward the people.

The SDF, a coalition of Kurdish and Arab fighters, has moved “slowly and deliberately” through western Manbij and toward the city’s center, where at least “a couple thousand” civilians remain trapped by the terrorists, he said

Garver said the coalition received both internal and external reports "that there may have been civilians in the area who are mixed in and among the Daesh fighters." He said that the presence of the civilians has complicated the operations to capture the strategic town of Manbij.

The Syrian fighter jets pounded the convoys of Jeish al-Islam (Army of Islam) terrorists who had withdrawn from clashes with the Arab country's army in Howsh al-Farah region in Damascus countryside.

Jeish Al-Islam Terrorists Sustain Heavy Losses in Syrian Air Raids in Damascus Countryside

The Syrian air force hit the Jeish al-Islam's convoys in Hauz Nasri and al-Shifouniyeh regions.

Meantime, the army's artillery units destroyed the terrorists' mortar launchers in farms located between Douma and Harasta regions. The terrorists used the mortar launchers to hit Zahiya al-Assad region.

In a relevant development earlier on Saturday, the Syrian fighter jets, in a fresh round of combat sorties, pounded concentration centers of the terrorist groups in Eastern Ghouta, inflicting major losses on the terrorists.

Clashes have erupted between the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and Daesh in the northern city of Manbij after the terrorists ignore an ultimatum to leave.

Kurds, Daesh clash in Syria’s Manbij after terrorists ignore ultimatum

Daesh has "not responded" to the SDF’s offer to leave and have instead attacked positions held by our forces, said an SDF commander on Saturday.

"The 48-hour period is over, and there will be no more opportunities like this one for Daesh," added the commander, while vowing to "intensify our attacks on their remaining positions."

According the so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, SDF forces are currently advancing inside the city, while a field commander said that the main fighting is "near the security quarter in the center of the town."

The ISIL's Hasaba (monitoring-security system) forces robbed the Takfiri terrorist group's properties and cash in Raqqa province.

Syria: ISIL Members Stealing Terrorist Group's Properties, Cash in Raqqa

The ISIL has intensified its patrolling operations across the capital of its self-proclaimed Caliphate to arrest its own Hasaba forces.

Many Hasaba forces have transferred the ISIL's properties and money abroad which has made the ISIL to set up another monitoring system to supervise over Hasaba's performance.

The ISIL increased its Hasaba operations across the capital of its self-proclaimed Caliphate in late June to prevent civilians' access to any information about the Syrian army advances in the battlefields, informed sources said.

"The ISIL Hasaba forces storm public places, including coffee shops and other centers of this kind, and check the civilians' mobiles to find out anybody is receiving up-to-date news about the Syrian army's advances, battlefield development and the Takfiri terrorists' failures," the sources said.

Opposition groups in Syria have called on the US and allies to suspend airstrikes following the deaths of some 140 civilians in Aleppo in French and American air raids.

Syria opposition urges suspension of US-led airstrikes after civilian deaths

The so-called Syrian National Coalition (SNC) on Thursday called for a temporary halt to the aerial campaign while an investigation is completed into the civilian deaths in the northern city of Manbij.

“It is essential that such investigation not only result in revised rules of procedure for future operations, but also inform accountability for those responsible for such major violations,” SNC president Anas al-Abdah said.

According to the Syrian Foreign Ministry, French warplanes targeted the village of Tukhan al-Kubra in Manbij on Tuesday, killing 120 civilians. The fatalities came a day after a US airstrike killed 20 civilians in Manbij, it said.

Some local reports have put the death toll at around 200.

At least four people were killed and seven injured by terrorists’ shelling of Syrian cities of Aleppo and al-Baath on Saturday, local media reported.

Terrorists Shell Syria’s Aleppo, Al-Baath Killing 4, Injuring 7 – Reports

At the Aleppo’s residential neighborhood of al-Khalidiye terrorists killed a child and injured five other people with a rocket shelling, SANA news agency reported citing a source at the Aleppo Police Command.

Another shelling took place in al-Baath, the province of Quneitra, where the Nusra Front terrorists opened rocket fire hitting a family of five people. A father, a mother and a son were killed while another son and a grandfather sustained severe injuries.

The Syrian army units, backed by popular forces, attacked the al-Nusra Front terrorist group's positions in Hama, killing two notorious commanders.

Two Al-Nusra Front Commanders Killed in Hama

The army launched an offensive against the al-Nusra Front's gathering centers in the road linking Zara and Hor Benafsa towns on Saturday, killing a number of terrorists, including two of their commanders.

After the attack, the Syrian air force targeted Jund al-Aqsa's base in Murak town in Northern Hama which killed and wounded tens of terrorists.

According to the field sources, the fighter jets' airstrikes completely destroyed the terrorists' headquarters in Murak.

US State Dept Kirby gets upset for being grilled over dozens of civilian deaths in Syrian airstrikes
Russia Insider
Published on Jul 22, 2016
US-Backed Forces in 'Fight Like We Haven’t Seen' Against Daesh in Manbij
(updated 10:55 24.07.2016)
The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), composed of joint-efforts by the Syrian Kurdish YPG and certain factions of the so-called Free Syrian Army, penetrated the town one month ago, but have been unable to seize the territory and remain locked in a blood-stained struggle against the terrorists.


Russian Tu-22M3 Strategic Bombers Strike Daesh Targets in Syria
Published on Jul 21, 2016
Six Russian Tu-22M3 long-range strategic bombers strike Daesh targets in Syria's Palmyra, Arak, As Sukhnah and At Tawbah, the Russian Defense Ministry stated on July 21, 2016

Anna News
Блокада Аллепо. Лерамун. Aleppo blockade. Leiramun.
Published on Jul 23, 2016
Агентству ANNA-News удалось получить уникальные кадры наступательной операции сирийской армии в районе Лерамун, Алеппо. В этом ролике вы своими глазами можете увидеть каким образом блокируется трасса Кастелло, а так же происходит зачистка промышленной зоны Лерамун
ANNA-News Agency managed to obtain unique images offensive Syrian army in Leramun district, Aleppo. In this video you can see with your own eyes how the route is blocked Castello, as well as industrial cleaning occurs Leramun zone

AMN News
Turkey: pilots who downed Russian jet were coup attempters
Turkish Deputy Prime Minister, Mehmet Simsek, blamed putchists for being responsible for the downing of a Russian jet last November.

“I would like to make it clear for the Russian public opinion that the pilots who downed the Russian aircraft were later involved in the military coup attempt. Thus, we have faced a certain secret plan,” the Deputy Prime Minister said on Saturday.

This is contradicted considering the Turkish regime vehemently defended the downing of the jet as it had “violated” Turkish airspace.

Then-Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu claimed that the policy was “fully in line with Turkey’s rules of engagement.”

Simsek further said the downing of the Russian aircraft “was not political.”

“We are happy that friendly relations between Russia and Turkey are restoring. Russia is a major neighbor and trade partner. We pay special attention to all-out Russo-Turkish relations, not just trade, mutual investment and tourism,” Simsek said.

Gulf-backed rebels massacre civilians in Aleppo public park (Very Graphic)
The Gulf-backed rebels of Nouriddeen Al-Zinki struck again on Friday after their forces brutally beheaded an unarmed teenager in Aleppo City earlier this week.

However, this time, the former US-backed rebel group targeted a large civilian gathering in west Aleppo, killing a total of 10 people and wounding 44 others while they hosted a picnic in a public park.

Nouriddeen Al-Zinki massacred these civilians by firing several missiles into this public park in west Aleppo, where there was no military presence whatsoever.

Gruesome photos were released by local citizens after the attack, causing outrage amongst the people of Aleppo as they deemed this missile strike as a targeted assault by Nouriddeen Al-Zinki.

The aforemntioned rebel group has not issued a statement regarding this blatant attack against civilians.

ISIS downs Syrian jet in east Hama: Al-Amaq

The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) reportedly downed another Syrian fighter jet in the Al-Salamiyah District’s eastern countryside on Sunday morning.

The Islamic State’s official media wing “Al-Amaq” claimed their terrorist forces were able to down this Syrian fighter jet, as it was flying over the Al-Salamiyah District of east Hama.

This latest ISIS claim has not been confirmed by the Syrian Armed Forces nor the government.

ISIS launched a massive offensive to capture the key town of Mafraq Sharqi on Saturday night, resulting a violent battle with the Syrian Armed Forces in east Hama.

Syrian War Report July 22, 2016
Brett McGurk, a Special Envoy for the US-led coalition against Daesh radical group, also known as the Islamic state or IS, has claimed that Washington does not trust Moscow and will not allow it to join the 45-country military alliance.

Washington Bans Moscow From Joining US-Led Coalition Against Daesh in Syria

McGurk is now on a visit to the United Arab Emirates to discuss with the country’s authorities the “cooperation and engagement to further the [US-led] coalition’s campaign to ensure a lasting defeat of ISIL [Islamic State] in Iraq and Syria.”

The anti-Daesh military alliance was created in 2014 and consists of 45 member-countries. Russia, who has operated outside the coalition, launched a separate military campaign last September after Daesh claimed to have down the Russian passenger Airbus A321 over Sinai Peninsula. Since then, the sides have continuously attempted to coordinate their actions in the Middle East.

Talking with Sky News Arabia on the issue, the envoy said that the US has ruled out Russia’s participation in the ongoing campaign. He explained that Washington “does not trust” Moscow, as it supports Syrian government “materially and militarily” in the conflict.

Meanwhile, Americans back so-called “moderate” rebels, armed factions that have struggled to oust the legitimate Syrian President Bashar al-Assad since the breakout of hostilities in the country in 2011.

McGurk noted that Americans do coordinate airstrikes with Moscow including on positions of the al-Nusra Front militant group, labeled as terrorist organization by a number of countries including Russia.

However, he went on, Russia must press the Syrian leadership to obey the ceasefire agreement that is now in effect. According to the envoy, the government forces of the country violate the truce on a regular basis.

The ceasefire was brokered by the US and Russia on February, 27, 2016. Daesh and al-Nusra Front have not agreed to observe the silence regime, routinely attacking heavily populated residential areas in the country.

In a briefing report, NATO’s former European chief suggested that the Alliance must “significantly increase the troop presence in Poland” or else Russia will catch the West by surprise with a sneak attack.

Former NATO Chief: Russia to Invade Poland, Start World War III ‘Overnight’

On Sunday, NATO’s former Deputy Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, General Sir Richard Shirreff, offered a chilling albeit absurdist warning claiming that Russia has troops ready for a lightning takeover of Eastern Europe and that President Vladimir Putin may be willing to set off World War III in a matter of hours.

"It is clear that Russia is capable of surprising the West… with potentially devastating implications for eastern Poland and fatal consequences to the Alliance," warned General Shirreff.

In a briefing document entitled "Arming for Deterrence" for the Atlantic Council think-tank the former military commander said that Putin could easily “artificially generate any pretext that suits his propaganda narrative” to justify war with the West in a matter of hours.

"Even if Moscow currently has no immediate intent to challenge NATO directly, this may unexpectedly change overnight and can be implemented with great speed, following already prepared plans," said the General. "The capability to do so is, to a large extent, in place."

"The biggest threat for NATO today is a miscalculation by Russia that it could outmaneuver the Alliance by creating a quick fait accompli inside NATO’s borders," states the General. "This is based on the Russian assumption that it has a significant time advantage over NATO and that the allies could, through intimidation, uncertainty, and disinformation be influenced not to escalate a limited conflict into a full-fledged one."

The fantastical scenario holds at a premise that the Kremlin somehow ignorant of the legal requirements of the NATO treaty that would require the United States to intervene immediately if a partner nation was under siege by a foreign threat – something that Russian President Vladimir Putin has long assured he is well aware of.

"I think that only an insane person and only in a dream can imagine that Russia would suddenly attack NATO. I think some countries are simply taking advantage of people’s fears with regard to Russia. They just want to play the role of front-line countries that should receive some supplementary military, economic, financial or some other aid," Putin explained near a year ago.

Yet the mystical threat of 'Russian aggression' seems to be a favorite fantasy within the echo chambers of the Western defense establishment that continues to provoke Russia by engaging in a series of massive war games – over 30,000 in the Anaconda War Games not so appropriately timed during the 75th anniversary of the Nazi invasion of the former Soviet Union – which led President of the former Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev to question whether NATO’s activities are a pretext to an invasion.

Moscow has responded with its own military drills including several mass mock mobilizations along its border with eastern Europe – a proportionate response to the threat that Russia faces as a result of needless NATO saber rattling. It is this, almost ironically, that raises a parallel concern for General Shirreff as was raised by former President Gorbachev of a sudden attack.

"Turning one of these exercises into an operation against one or several of the Baltic states would give very little warning time to NATO," said the General. "Russia’s forces in the Western Military District can be quickly and substantially reinforced by units and formations from other parts of Russia under the cover of planned or snap military drills."

In a bout of absolute absurdity, General Shirriff’s prescription to remedy the concern facing NATO in the Baltic region I to significantly bolster permanent troop numbers in Poland – the presence of which has been the primary source of escalation in the fabricated conflict.

"There is an urgent need to strengthen Poland’s defense capacity in order to reduce the temptation for Russia to spring a surprise attack," the General’s report concludes.

While completing his final year in the office, US President Barak Obama said Sunday that at the moment he is a better president than has ever been.

US President Obama Thinks He Better President Now Than Ever Been

Obama also named qualities he thinks people in the United States should be looking for in the next president. According to the current US president, he or she needs to be a team builder, to have a sense of "discipline," have a "vision" for the country, and truly care about the American people.

"I feel as if I'm a better president than I've ever been… That the experience has made me sharper, clearer, about how to get stuff done. My team is operating at a peak level. And we're really proud of what we're going to do, and we're going to run through the tape." he said in an interview with CBS broadcaster.

Next week, the Democratic National Convention will take place in the US city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to nominate a candidate to represent the party in the 2016 November presidential election.

An explosion occurred at the US embassy in Yangon, the capital of Myanmar, on Sunday, Xinhua reported. A tear gas bomb test allegedly was the cause of the incident.

Explosion Hits US Embassy in Myanmar

The US embassy has not confirmed the incident.

UPDATE: The small explosion was happened during training with tear gas inside the US embassy in #Yangon #Myanmar , no injuries reported

A shelling of the central neighborhoods of Damascus left six people dead and more than 10 wounded.

Six People Killed in Shelling of Central Damascus – Hospital Staff

Six people were killed and over 10 were injured in a shelling of the central neighborhoods of Damascus on Sunday, a hospital staff told RIA Novosti.

"As a result of today’s shelling, six people died and over 10 citizens have been hospitalized," the hospital staff said.

Two shells exploded in the Shaalan district in the city center, a few others blew up in the area of the old town and near Thawra Street, a RIA Novosti correspondent reported.
Putin: "I am not your friend, I am the President of Russia" (Video)

When German journalists asked the very simplistic question on whether Putin considered himself a friend or a foe to the West- he answered neither.

There is the simple concept of national interests, which may or may not be at odds with other countries. Diplomacy is the art of being able to reconcile your national interests, alongside those of other States, compromising on certain aspects along the way.

However, the Atlanticist world view (EU/US/NATO) has shown not to allow for mutual respect, nor for cooperation. Through a number of covert means, they ask for nothing less than for Russia to no longer ascertain its national interests, which makes President Putin #1 Boogeyman in the world today.

Various news outlets have confirmed reports that last month, Russian air-forces destroyed a US and UK military base in Syria. Within moments of the first bombing run, US liaison offices contacted their Russian counterparts, warning them that in fact they had hit a US run installation. Russian air-forces responded by flying a second sortie and hitting the same facility again.

Massive: Russians bomb US base in Syria

Katehon reports: According to The Wall Street Journal, a month ago, the Russian air-forces destroyed a top-secret military facility, used by Special Forces of the USA and the UK in Syria. The Government and military in all three countries, according to the newspaper, ignore this fact.

On June 16 Russian planes in Syria hit a remote military installation at "Al-Tanf" in the south-east of the country. As the publication of The Wall Street Journal, citing military sources states, the aim was a secret base of the US and the UK. Coincidence or not, but the strike occurred after the base was left by the 20 people of the UK military personnel.

The US military states, that some cluster bombs were dropped on the base. After that, the representatives of the US Central Command in Qatar called Russian colleagues in Latakia, explaining that the facility that was bombed is a part of the American infrastructure. But a second blow was delivered some 30 minutes after this.

Katehon experts comment on this: "US is known for its official support of the so called "moderate opposition" and the secret support of the ISIS extremist group. US uses its bases not to fight terrorism as they claim, but to overthrow Assad’s Government. The US-UK base has been created illegally and as a violation of both the sovereignty of Syria and International Law."

The Wall Street Journal reports: An outpost near the Jordanian border that is used by U.S. and British special forces was hit by the airstrikes last month.

When Russian aircraft bombed a remote garrison in southeastern Syria last month, alarm bells sounded at the Pentagon and the Ministry of Defense in London.

The Russians weren’t bombarding a run-of-the-mill rebel outpost, according to U.S. officials. Their target was a secret base of operations for elite American and British forces. In fact, a contingent of about 20 British special forces had pulled out of the garrison 24 hours earlier. British officials declined to comment.

U.S. military and intelligence officials say the previously unreported close call for Western forces on June 16, and a subsequent Russian strike on a site linked to the Central Intelligence Agency, were part of a campaign by Moscow to pressure the Obama administration to agree to closer cooperation in the skies over Syria.

Twice Targeted Russian aircraft bombed a remote outpost in Syria used by U.S. and British special forces in June, and then in July hit a camp housing families of Central Intelligence Agency-backed Syrian fighters.

A Thursday incident in the government-held half of Aleppo has left at least 38 soldiers dead, as rebel faction Thuwar al-Sham claimed responsibility for a massive explosion that destroyed a building full of the soldiers.


The attack appears to have been a case of undermining, as Thuwar al-Sham released a video showing their forces tunneling under the site of the attack and packing the tunnel under the building with a large amount of explosives. The group is on a list of “CIA vetted” rebels eligible to receive US weapons.

Thuwar al-Sham had merged with the Shamiya Front earlier this year to try to fight against al-Qaeda’s Nusra Front as it attempted to advance into Aleppo from Idlib. That advance has largely been successful at this point, and the rebels instead seem to have shifted their focus to fighting the government again.

At present, the city of Aleppo is split roughly in half between the government and Nusra, though Nusra’s half has had its lone supply road cut off by a military offensive. The province also has several other rebel factions, including the Kurdish YPG and ISIS, and Thuwar al-Sham obviously wants to remind everyone they are still in the mix.
Несколько не своевременно тетеньке мозги перезагрузили.
Штаб Трампа опубликовал видео с конвульсиями Клинтон
В штабе миллиардера считают, что экс-госсекретарь США страдает "падучей".

Some are not timely Auntie brains rebooted.

Headquarters trump posted a video with convulsions Clinton
At the headquarters of the billionaire believes that the ex-U.S. Secretary of state suffers from "epilepsy".

A pre-election staff of the candidate in US presidents from Republican Donald trump has published a video in which his rival in the presidential race, Hillary Clinton begins to convulse directly during the interview.
The footage also shows that Clinton was trying to wrap everything into a joke, pretending so it was all planned. Thus the reaction of journalists it is clear that the joke was unsuccessful.
Some netizens suggesting that Clinton suffers from a disease that causes pseudobridge.
Putin, Erdogan 'Turn the Page' Ahead of August 9 Meeting in St. Petersburg

The leaders of Russia and Turkey "have managed to turn the page" in relations and have a plenty of topics to discuss, the Kremlin spokesman said.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Russian President Vladimir Putin will meet Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on August 9 in St. Petersburg, where "no shortage of topics" is envisioned on the agenda, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Tuesday.

"As such, the agenda has not yet been discussed, there is an exchange of various proposals. This will be the first meeting for quite a long time, the first after the two leaders have managed to turn the page, so there will be no shortage of topics for discussion, we can say with confidence," Peskov told reporters.

In late June, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in a letter addressed to Russian leader Vladimir Putin, apologized for the downing of the Russian Su-24 attack aircraft by a Turkish jet in November and extended his condolences to the family of the pilot killed in the incident.

By apologizing for the incident, Ankara fulfilled Moscow’s condition for restoring the long-term partnership between the two countries. It was also noted in the letter that a legal case has been opened against a Turkish citizen suspected of involvement in the death of the downed plane’s pilot, which was another precondition for the normalization of relations.

Putin subsequently lifted the ban on charter flights to Turkey and instructed the government to negotiate a revival of trade with Ankara.
Scores of terrorists, including a notorious commander, have thus far been killed in clashes with the Syrian Army troops and Hezbollah fighters in al-Lairamoun and Castello region, informed sources said Tuesday.

Senior Terrorist Commander Killed in Clashes with Gov't Forces in Aleppo

"Abu Ahmad known as Yasin Najjar, the commander of Abu Amarah Special Forces alongside ten of his comrades have been killed and many more have been wounded in the Syrian government forces' anti-terrorism offensives in al-Lairamoun and along Castillo highway," the sources said.

"The Syrian pro-government force are advancing against the terrorists of al-Nusra Front, Nouralddeen al-Zinki and Ahrar al-Sham, and are capturing more buildings and firms in the region," they added.

The ISIL commanders in Mosul have issued orders to stitch the mouths of their critics and opponents by metal wires, media sources said on Tuesday.

ISIL Stitching Mouths of Opponents in Mosul

"The ISIL security elements in Mosul sewed the mouths of 20 young people at a square near Prophet Yunes mosque on Monday, while they were in shackles," Ra'fat al-Zarari, the head of Nineveh journalists network, said.

The ISIL forces then forced the young people to walk through the city with their mouths stitched, he added.

"This is not the first time that the ISIL is doing such a thing. It had sewn the mouth of a young man two weeks ago and then he died of infection a week later," Zarari said.

Earlier reports also said that the ISIL is forcing the civilians in the city of Mosul to go on war with the country's army.

"The ISIL has erected night-time military checkpoints across Mosul city and arrests the people on different pretexts and sends them to the battlefronts near Mosul to fight the army," an unnamed local resident of Mosul said earlier this month.

The ISIL also arrested a boy who was holding a placard reading "Your Are Spending Your Last Days" and after arrested his entire family to put them in jail alongside him.

UN envoy said the talks focused on the necessity of the soonest progress in cessation of hostilities, ensuring humanitarian access, anti-terrorist efforts and conditions for political transition.

UN envoy says Russia-US-UN consultations on Syria yield certain progress

United Nations Syria envoy Staffan de Mistura said on Tuesday the trilateral Russia-US-UN talks on Syria in Geneva have yielded certain progress.

He said the talks focused on the necessity of the soonest progress in cessation of hostilities, ensuring humanitarian access, anti-terrorist efforts and conditions for political transition.

He noted that the Geneva consultations coincided with a meeting between Russian and U.S. top diplomats, Sergei Lavrov and John Kerry, in Laos, who discussed mays of enhancing mutual understanding reached in Moscow and concrete steps on that track.

Despite the certain progress of the Geneva talks, de Mistura said more details are to be looked at in the next several days and hailed Russia’s and U.S.’ role in it.

"Our aim is to proceed with a third round of intra-Syrian talks towards the end of August," the U.N. envoy stressed, adding that there is a "sense of urgency" to resume negotiations amid growing violence in Syria.

Syrian Army troops, tipped off by intelligence agents, traced and targeted ISIL's military vehicles on a road connecting Northeastern Hama to Southeastern Aleppo.

ISIL's Vehicles Destroyed Badly in Syrian Army Attacks Northeast of Hama

ISIL's military vehicles on Ithriya-Khanasser road were raided by the Syrian military forces, which ended in destruction of several vehicles and killing or wounding of militants accompanying the convoy.

Syrian Air Force, for its part, pounded ISIL's positions in the Southern and Eastern sides of the villages of al-Mofaker and Abu Hanaya near al-Salamiyah, which in addition to inflicting heavy casualties on the terrorists destroyed their machinegun-equipped vehicles.

Also on Monday, Syrian fighter jets targeted ISIL positions and gatherings near the town of al-Salamiyah, inflicting major losses on the militants' hardware.

A group of Daesh supporters who were working to recruit new fighters among Central Asian immigrants in Russia's Tver region has been detained, the Russian Interior Ministry said Tuesday.

Daesh Recruiters Detained in Russia's Tver - Interior Ministry

The detained persons were carrying out their recruitment activities from a rented apartment in Tver, where a large volume of extremist materials was found, according to the ministry.

"Employees of the Russian Interior Ministry and the Federal Security Service of Russia <…> detained supporters of the Islamic State terrorist organization, which is banned in Russia," the ministry said in a statement.

Another two Daesh members were detained in the Russian republic of Ingushetia. "Law enforcers detained two residents of the Ekazhevo village in the district of Nazran. The young men had joined Daesh ranks through social media and were planning to go to Syria in the nearest future to take part in hostilities on the side of the terrorists," the ministry said.
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