Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

Russians halt search for intelligent life in Washington

A Russian research team which claimed to have detected signs of intelligent life in Washington has now discovered the life there not to be quite so intelligent after all.

A Russian spokesman, who wishes to remain anonymous, told our Moscow science correspondent —who also wishes to remain anonymous— that the Washington atmosphere has been poisoned by huge clouds of putrid hot air belching from the corporate media. He explained that such a hostile environment makes it almost impossible for intelligent life to survive, let alone evolve a sustainable culture. The Russian team believes there may still be small pockets of intelligent life elsewhere on the North American continent but without the necessary conditions they need to thrive they are destined to disappear without trace.

Speaking off the record, the Russian spokesman, who asked us not to disclose his identity, added that hopes of finding intelligent life in London, Paris, Berlin and other Western European locations, where it might be expected to flourish, are fading fast. Though it is believed intelligent life once existed in Occiental Europe, an atmosphere suitable for the maintenance of such life has all but evaporated.

On both the North American and West European continents bodies spewing vast amounts highly toxic material are believed to be responsible for a huge decline in mental faculties. Parasitical in nature, the bodies manage to insinuate themselves into host communities by imitating human characteristics. Once established, instead of breathing life into the atmosphere, the alien bodies attach themselves to previously healthy organs that normally perform the function of transmitting current information vital for the proliferation of intelligence and the survival of the species. The attached parasites corrupt the integrity of the host organ by sucking out all the elements essential to the growth of rational thought. They then convert those elements into a highly toxic material before excreting it onto the host community. The resulting excrement swiftly leads to the asphyxiation of the myriad varieties of media required for the growth of knowledge and ideas on which intelligent life subsists and thrives.

Russian scientists fear intelligent life may already be extinct in vast swathes of the West, creating huge barren areas of empty desert devoid of any discernible culture.
Three militants killed in counterterrorism operation in Dagestan - source

The active phase of the special operation, he said, has been halted until morning

Three militants have, according to preliminary data, been killed in a gunfight in the area of a counterterrorism operation in Dagestan, a source in the Russian North Caucasus republic’s law enforcement told TASS.

"Law enforcers have preliminarily killed three militants in the Suleiman-Stalsky district of Dagestan. The report is being specified," the source said.

The active phase of the special operation, he said, has been halted until morning.

The counterterrorism operation regime in Dagestan’s Suleiman-Stalsky district was imposed on Sunday at 21:45 Moscow Time.

Russia’s law enforcement agencies continue fighting militants in the North Caucasus over 15 years since the battle phase of the second war against Islamist separatists in Chechnya came to an end in 2000. Attacks on security officials and civilians occur from time to time in Dagestan, Ingushetia and Kabardino-Balkaria.

Russian Airborne Troops get new commander

Andrey Serdyukov has replaced Vladimir Shamanov who will now chair the State Duma Defense Committee

Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has presented a standard to new Russian Airborne Troops commander, Colonel General Andrey Serdyukov on Monday and introduced him to the personnel.

"Under a presidential decree of October 4, Colonel General Serdyukov was appointed the commander of the Airborne Troops. He is a competent commander and a skilled organizer. He got the experience of service in the Far Eastern, southern and western regions occupying all command and staff positions - from the commander of a reconnaissance platoon to the commander of 12th reserve of the Southern Military District," the minister said.

A source in the Russian Defense Ministry earlier told TASS that first deputy commander of the Southern Military District Serdyukov would replace Vladimir Shamanov as Airborne Troops commander. Shamanov, for his part, took up the position of the head of the State Duma (lower house of parliament) Defense Committee.

Kremlin continues preparations for Putin’s visit to Paris

Hollande told the TMC television channel on Sunday that he is still deliberating whether the upcoming meeting with Putin would be useful

Russian side continues preparations for the visit of President Vladimir Putin to Paris on October 19 during which the talks with French President Francois Hollande will be held, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters.

"The preparations for the upcoming Putin’s visit to Paris continue, and the talks in the Elysee Palace are scheduled," Peskov said, adding that Putin will also take part in the opening of an Orthodox center.

"We have no other information from our French colleagues, we judge from this," Peskov said.

Hollande told the TMC television channel on Sunday that he is still deliberating whether the upcoming meeting with Putin would be useful. Criticizing Russia’s Syria action and its airforce support to the Assad regime, Hollande said: "I will tell him that it’s unacceptable, it’s even damaging for Russia’s image.".

China's Xi Intends to Meet Putin at BRICS Summit

Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Li Baodong said that Chinese President Xi Jinping intends to hold a bilateral meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of the upcoming BRICS summit in Goa.

Chinese President Xi Jinping intends to hold a bilateral meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of the upcoming BRICS summit in Goa, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Li Baodong said Monday.

The BRICS summit that brings together heads of state of Brazil, China, India, Russia and South Africa is due to be held on October 15-16 in Goa.

"Chairman Xi Jinping will hold a series of bilateral meetings on the sidelines of the BRICS summit, including with Russian President Vladimir Putin," Li told a briefing.

South Korea Ready for Pre-Emptive Strike on North – Defense Ministry

South Korea’s military is ready to launch a nuclear strike against the North in case of an imminent attack, a Defense Ministry spokesman said Monday.

South Korean military officials told local media last week they were on high alert amid what looked like preparations for another nuclear test or a missile launch north of the border.

Defense Ministry’s Moon Sang-gyun told reporters at a press briefing in Seoul that the North appeared to be readying for another provocation as it marks an important public holiday on Monday, as quoted by Yonhap news agency.

North Korea is celebrating the 71st anniversary of the ruling Workers Party. Pyongyang often uses important dates as a pretext for showing off its military power.

Show of Force: US, S Korea Launch Unprecedented Joint Naval Exercises

The Washington-Seoul naval drills which kicked off on Monday will be conducted along the entire length of the coast of South Korea for the very first time, in a show of strength directed against Pyongyang, according to the news agency Yonhap.

The United States and South Korea have started large-scale naval drills. For the first time in the history of the 63-year standoff between North and South, exercises will be held along the entire coast of the peninsular country, in the Yellow and Japan Seas.

The military muscle-flexing is directed at Pyongyang in the wake of continued missile and nuclear testing, the news agency Yonhap reported.

Taking part in the six-day exercises, codenamed Invincible Spirit will be the nuclear-powered US aircraft carrier Ronald Reagan, as well as the destroyers Curtis Wilbur (DDG-54), John S. McCain (DDG-56), Fitzgerald (DDG-62), Stethem (DDG-63) and Barry (DDG-52).

Additionally, "the allies' navies plan to mobilize dozens of warships and submarines for the drills", such as Ticonderoga-class Aegis missile cruisers, P-3 and P-8 maritime patrol aircraft, Apache helicopters and FA-18C Hornet fighter jets, according to Yonhap.

"The 'Invincible Spirit' exercise is aimed at showing the allied forces' strong commitment to counter relentless provocations by the North and improve their maritime interoperability," Yonhap quoted a Navy spokesman as saying.

According to the spokesman, "in waters off the southwestern coast of the Korean Peninsula, the aircraft carrier strike group will conduct anti-submarine, anti-aircraft and precision-guided striking operations."

Yonhap, in turn, specifically drew attention to the fact that the current US-South Korean drills come amid increasing speculation that Pyongyang may conduct a new nuclear test or a ballistic missile launch to mark Monday's anniversary of the founding of North Korea's s ruling Workers' Party.

In this vein, Yonhap mentioned a spate of missile tests that had been conducted by Pyongyang earlier this year in defiance of UN sanctions imposed on North Korea after its fourth nuclear test in January. It was followed by Pyongyang's fifth such test on September 9, which proceeded despite the warnings of the international community, according to Yonhap.

Seoul and Washington staged a massive joint naval exercise also codenamed Invincible Spirit in July 2010, in the wake of the sinking of the South Korean corvette Cheonan, which Seoul claims was the work of North Korea. Pyongyang vehemently denies all the accusations, which it says hold no water.

Earlier this year, Washington and Seoul held what media outlets described as the largest-ever joint exercises of the two countries amid increased tensions on the Korean Peninsula.

As many as 15,000 US troops and about 290,000 South Korean soldiers took part in Key Resolve and Foal Eagle, two joint US-South Korean military exercises that were held between March and April.

The exercise presupposed dispatching the US overseas forces to the Korean Peninsula and practicing the elimination of Pyongyang's weapons of mass destruction.

In August, tens of thousands of US and South Korean soldiers were involved in two weeks of drills that simulated a full-scale invasion by North Korea.

Pyongyang responded by saying that it is ready to launch a "preemptive nuclear strike" at the United States and South Korea at the slightest sign of provocation.

The North Korean military warned Seoul at the time that "the situation on the Korean Peninsula is so tense that a nuclear war may break out any moment," and vowed to "hold their bayonets more tightly."
Final check kicks off in all air units in Russia’s Western Military District

The inspection will involve more than 1,000 servicemen and more than 100 planes and helicopters

A final check has been kicked off in all aviation units in western Russia, Igor Muginov, a spokesman for Russia’s Western Military District, said on Monday.

"All aviation units and groups of the Western Military District are subject to a final check for the 2016 academic year. The district’s command officers will joint special commissions to check the combat and mobilization readiness, piloting and teamwork skills of the air staff," he said.

According to Muginov, the inspection will involve more than 1,000 servicemen and more than 100 planes and helicopters.

Poland says Russian Iskander missiles deployment 'inappropriate response' to NATO activity

The Polish top diplomat says Russia’s decision to deploy Iskander missiles to the Kaliningrad region an inappropriate response to NATO’s activities

Poland considers Russia’s decision to deploy Iskander missiles to the Kaliningrad region an inappropriate response to NATO’s activities, Polish Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski stated at a joint press conference with his Belarusian counterpart Vladimir Makey.

"We believe the Iskander missiles deployment to be an inappropriate response to what NATO does," Waszczykowski said, adding that even if NATO deploys its troops on the western flank according to the decisions made at the recent summit in Warsaw, "this will not change its defensive doctrine in relation to Russia."

"NATO and Poland, in particular, do not have any aggressive plans towards Russia," the foreign minister noted expressing hope that "Russia will return to the path of dialogue."

Russia’s Defense Ministry spokesman Major-General Igor Konashenkov earlier stated that the Russian military had more than once deployed the Iskander tactical ballistic missile systems to the Kaliningrad region and would continue to do so in the future as part of the combat training. "The Iskander tactical ballistic missile system is a mobile one. According to the combat training plan, the Russian missile forces hone their march training year-round, covering long distances in various ways: by plane, water transport and on foot," the general noted.

"The Kaliningrad region is no exception, missile forces have been deployed there many times and will be deployed in the future as part of the Russian military’s combat training," Konashenkov added.

The Iskander is designed to destroy such targets as missile systems, multiple rocket launchers, long-range artillery, aircraft and helicopters at airfields, command centers and communication hubs. The Iskander-M system has a range of up to 500 kilometers.

Russia plans permanent naval base in Syria's Tartus — official

Currently Tartus is being used as a logistics facility for Russian ships

Russia plans to deploy a naval base in Syria’s Tartus on the permanent basis, Deputy Defense Minister Nikolai Pankov said on Monday.

"In Syria, we will have a permanent naval base in Tartus. The corresponding documents have been drafted. Currently they are in the process of inter-departmental coordination. The degree of readiness is rather high. We hope that we will soon ask you to ratify these documents," Pankov said at a meeting of the Federation Council’s international affairs committee.

Pankov earlier said the Russian Defense Ministry was considering the option of deploying military bases to the countries, where they were in the Soviet Union times.

The deputy chairman of the State Duma’s international affairs committee, Aleksey Chepa, has called for restoring Russian military bases in Latin America, Southeast Asia and Africa. He came out with this initiative at a session of the lower house while discussing the issue of ratifying the Russian-Syrian agreement on the open-ended deployment of Russia’s air group in Syria.

Currently Tartus is being used as a logistics facility for Russian ships. And A Russian aerospace group is stationed at Hmeymim, Latakia province.

The State Duma on October 7 ratified a Russian-Syrian agreement on the open-ended deployment of the Russian air group in Syria. The agreement was signed in Damascus on August 26, 2015. Nearly a year later President Vladimir Putin submitted it to the State Duma for consideration. The Federation Council will consider the agreement on October 12.

Russian on September 30, 2015 launched an anti-terrorist operation in Syria at the request of Syria’s President Bashar Assad. Russian planes are based at the Hmeymim airdrome. In March 2016, Putin issued orders to pull out the bulk of the Russian air group form Syria, but the remaining planes continued to deal strikes against militants.

Lawmaker says military base in Tartus will elevate Russian militaries’ status

Russia plans to deploy a permanent naval base in the Syrian port city of Tartus

The opening of a Russian naval base in Tartus, a city on the Mediterranean coast of Syria, will elevate the Russian militaries’ status in the region and improve the quality of implementation of combat tasks, Frants Klintsevich, the first deputy head of the Federation Council Committee for Defense and Security, told TASS on Monday.

He believes that a legal solution on the naval base will make it possible to create all the necessary conditions for the Russian military contingent to carry out the combat tasks assigned to it. "With that base, we will be able to meet our contractual commitments easily. The people, who are doing the military service (at the naval base), will have social guarantees. They will perform their line of duty with a new quality if they enjoy legal protection," Klintsevich stressed.

He noted that Russia would be able to send any number of troops to Tartus dependent on the combat tasks’ nature. Klintsevich said that the base’s legal status would protect the militaries who would serve there under the existing international laws. "It would be extremely difficult for anybody to unpardonably infringe on this right or ignore it complete which has become commonplace in present-day inter-ethnic conflicts," the Russian lawmaker went on to say.

Russian deputies ready to consider agreement on naval base in Tartus as priority

According to Leonid Slutsky, the head of the Russian State Duma Committee for Foreign Affairs, the lower house of parliament is ready to consider an agreement for deploying a Russian military base in the Syrian port of Tartus as a matter of priority.

"As soon as the Duma receives all the documents, we are ready to consider the agreement as a priority. He did not rule out that it might happen in the next few days," Slutsky stressed.

According to him, the agreement’s ratification will contribute to increasing Russia’s presence in the region and will help resolving geopolitical tasks related to struggle against terrorism.

Earlier on Monday, Russian Deputy Defense Minister Nikolai Pankov said that Russia was planning to deploy a permanent naval base in the Syrian port city of Tartus. According to him, all the legal documents are ready and are waiting for approval by various agencies and departments. At present, a logistics support center for Russiam warships is operating in Tartus. In addition to that, a Russian air group is stationed at Hmeymim airfield in Syria’s Latakia province.

US military uses drones every single day

October 10th, 2016 - Fort Russ News -
RT- translated by Inessa Sinchougova

Putin on the use of drones by the USA. Note, that Putin is in no hurry to accuse the US of deliberate targeting of civilians using drones – where-ever that might be, over their 800 military base spread. This is a favour never returned to Russia, on behalf of Western mainstream media and US State Department spokespeople.

Russian Navy Finds Floating Civilian Corpses, Victims of Syria's Terror Groups

Russian ships operating off the Syrian coast have discovered the bodies of civilians murdered by terrorists in northern Syria.

Ships of the Russian fleet operating in the waters of Syria have discovered the bodies of women and children murdered by terrorist groups there, Russian navy servicemen told RIA Novosti in Sevastopol.

"The crew regularly sees the bodies of civilians brutally murdered by terrorists in the waters around northern Syria, the majority of whom are women and children. They take them out of the water and bring them to Tartus for burial, in accordance with Islamic traditions," a source in the navy said.

The serviceman said that the Syrian authorities have asked Russian sailors on several occasions to retrieve the bodies of civilians murdered by terrorists.

"The last time, the ship collected more than ten dead bodies. They were around 200 nautical miles north of Tartus. There weren't bullet wounds on the bodies, they had been killed by cold weapons," he said.

Large parts of northern Syria are under the control of extremist Islamist groups, including the al-Nusra Front, a militant group linked to al-Qaeda that renamed itself Jabhat Fatah al-Sham in July.

On Thursday Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said that al-Nusra Front members have taken advantage of a recent US-Russia peace agreement to regroup near the city of Aleppo in northern Syria.

"In the time that was supposed to be used to implement the agreements, Nusra regrouped, replenished its supplies, including weapons, changed its disposition," she explained.

The spokeswoman explained that the US-Russia peace agreement on Syria reached in September was supposed to ensure that none of the conflicting sides in Syria use humanitarian corridors for weapons supplies.

According to Zakharova, while the Syrian government forces fulfilled the agreements, "on the other side nobody moved a finger" to follow through with the deal.

Syrian opposition member: No-fly zone over Aleppo means repetition of Libya tragedy

One of the leaders of Syria’s opposition says that blocking UN SC resolutions on Syria does not mean end of political process

The French-drafted UN resolution calling for a no-fly zone over Aleppo would lead to a repetition of the Libyan scenario while the Russian proposal envisaging the exit of Jabhat al-Nusra from the city could clear the way for political settlement, one of the leaders of Syria’s opposition Moscow-Cairo group told TASS.

"There was sense in both drafts of the UN Security Council resolutions," Qadri Jamil said. "The meaning of the first draft - the French one - was in the repetition of the Libyan tragedy. The second draft was indeed designed for assisting the political process," he said. "If Jabhat al-Nusra indeed exits eastern Aleppo, this will ease the humanitarian situation and clear the way for further talks."

Blocking the UN Security resolutions on Aleppo on October 8 does not stop the political settlement process in Syria. In this situation it is necessary to intensify efforts to resume the talks in Geneva, Qadri Jamil added,

"This will effectively slow down the pace of the political process, but I am sure this does not cancel this vector," he said. "Therefore, we need to exert even more effort to resume the political process, above all, the negotiations in Geneva."

Jamil added that the Moscow-Cairo group is permanently in touch with the office of UN Secretary General’s Special Envoy for Syria, Staffan de Mistura, regarding the possibility of resuming the intra-Syrian talks. "Contacts with de Mistura’s office have never stopped, we are looking for options in this situation," he added.

On October 8, France submitted a draft resolution to the UN Security Council calling for a ban on flights over Aleppo. However, Russia vetoed it. Then the US, the UK and France came out against the Russian draft resolution, which envisaged, in accordance with de Mistura’s initiative, the withdrawal of Jabhat al-Nusra forces from eastern Aleppo.

Russian Air Force Intensifies Attacks on Terrorists in Hama, Aleppo

"Battlefield and diplomatic developments in recent days, have been the root cause of Russia's intensified airstrikes against terrorists across Syria, mainly in Hama and Aleppo provinces," the sources said.

"A large number of militants, who withdrew from their positions in Hama under continued attacks of the Syrian government forces, have been killed or wounded in the air raids, specially in Russian airstrikes," the sources added.

"Russia, with the cooperation and coordination of Syria, is to increase its combat sorties against terrorists in different parts of the country," the sources underlined.

"Russian and Syrian air forces are to widen their joint combat flights over terrorist-held regions in Hama, Aleppo, Quneitra, Dara'a and parts of Damascus now," they added.

"Russia is to materialize its pro-Syria military objectives, while the international community has rejected any logical plan to end the Syria crisis," the sources said.

Syrian Permanent Representative to UN Bashar Jafari said on Sunday that the countries that voted against the draft resolution proposed on Syria by Russia at the UN Security Council meeting do not want conflict settlement in the country.

"We regret that the UN Security Council was not able to adopt a draft resolution which Russia proposed," Jafari said.

"Blocking the Russian draft resolution confirms for the hundredth time that those who stood against it have no political will to fight against terrorism and to achieve inter-Syrian settlement," he added.

The Syrian diplomat also condemned the mortar shelling of the Russian Embassy in Damascus on October 3 describing it as "a cowardly act of terror."

Jafari said the draft resolution put forward by France and Spain reflects their "nostalgia over colonial past." He stressed that French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault does not have a right to speak on behalf of Syrian people.

"French politicians should be ashamed of what they did in Libya and to Libyan people," the Syrian diplomat said.

Russia has earlier vetoed a draft resolution proposed by France and Spain that called for establishing a no-fly zone over Aleppo.

At the same time, the draft document put forward by Russia did not get nine votes necessary for adoption.

The Russian draft expressed support to the initiative of UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura to pull out Fatah al-Sham Front (formerly known as al-Nusra Front) militants from Eastern Aleppo with the aim of ceasing hostilities.

The document also stressed the importance of implementing the Russian-US agreements on ceasefire in Syria.
Experts from 59 countries to discuss security challenges at Xiangshan forum in China

The Russian delegation to the forum is led by Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov

The 7th Xiangshan Forum on security has started in the Chinese capital on Tuesday. The participants in the forum will discuss the most pressing problems, global situation, challenges to global security, as well as prospects for international cooperation in this sphere.

The motto of the event this year is "construction of a new type of international cooperation through dialogue and interaction in the sphere of security." Discussions at the forum will be devoted to four main topics - role of armed forces in global governance, responding to new security challenges in the Asia-Pacific through cooperation, international in the sphere of security in the sea, and international terrorist threats and countering them.

According to organizers, over 500 high-ranking delegates from defense and other ministries and structures, scientists and experts from 59 countries and regions of the world, as well as representatives of international organizations, will hold several discussions, roundtables and other events on issues of ensuring security and stability in the modern world.

The Russian delegation to the forum is led by Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov.

The Xiangshan forum is organized by the Chinese Defense Ministry, Academy of Military Science and Institute for International Strategic Studies. The first forum was held in 2006. It was then held once in two years. The forum has been held annually since 2015. The forum will end on October 12.

Russia Believes Syrian Conflict Has No Military Solution

Russia is firmly convinced that there is no military solution to the Syrian conflict and is ready to cooperate with the United States and other Western countries on the crisis settlement, Russian Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov said on Tuesday.

On October 3, US State Department deputy spokesman John Kirby announced that Washington was cutting off participation in bilateral channels with Russia on sustaining a ceasefire agreement in Syria.

"It is our firm belief that there is no military solution to the Syrian conflict. It is necessary to give up all political ambitions and sit down at the negotiating table. The sooner Washington realizes that international terrorism cannot be defeated without Russia's help, the sooner the international community wins. We are ready for such work with our US and other Western counterparts," Antonov told a press conference in Beijing.

Russian deputy defense minister says some IS militants were recruited from Asia Pacific

"Emissaries of the Islamic State recruit supporters from local extremist groups to send them to the Middle East and North Africa," Anatoly Antonov said

Some militants from the Islamic State terrorist organization (banned in Russia) were recruited in the Asia Pacific countries, and their return may increase the terrorist activities in the region, Russian Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov said on Tuesday at the Xiangshan security forum in China.

"A considerable part of ISIL militants were recruited from Asia Pacific countries. Emissaries of the Islamic State recruit supporters from local extremist groups to send them to the Middle East and North Africa. There is no doubt that their return home will lead to increasing terrorist activities in the Asia Pacific," Antonov said.

"We consider boosting cooperation in this sphere as one of priorities in ensuring comprehensive security in the region," he added.

Antonov reminded about agreements with ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asia Nations) member countries reached at the Sochi summit. They deal with countering traditional and new security challenges, fighting against terrorism, violent extremism and radicalization. The deputy defense minister said Russia highly assesses these agreements.

Russian Defense Ministry: THAAD deployment not only about deterring 'North Korean threat'

The Russian Defense Ministry is worried some countries might use uneasy situation on the Korean Peninsula to boost their military presence in North-East Asia

Moscow does not accept North Korea’s nuclear ambitions but is concerned about the deployment of US missile defense system in South Korea, Russian Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov said on Tuesday at the Xiangshan security forum in China.

"We do not accept North Korea’s nuclear ambitions and insist on Pyongyang’s firm implementation of relevant UN Security Council resolutions. At the same time, we are concerned about attempts of some countries to use the uneasy situation on the Korean Peninsula to boost their military presence in North-East Asia, to deploy new and clearly excessive types of weapons in the sub-region," Antonov said.

Washington’s decision to deploy THAAD in South Korea "may lead to escalation of regional tensions, creation of additional hurdles for settlement of the whole range of problems on the Korean Peninsula," he noted.

"Deployment of US missile defense systems in South Korea clearly goes beyond the tasks of deterring ‘the North Korean threat’. We do not have any doubts that US, with support of their allies, will continue to build up the potential of the Asia Pacific segment of their global missile system, which will inevitably lead to disruption of established strategic balances both in the Asia Pacific and beyond," the deputy defense minister said.

Antonov noted that US plans on deploying a global missile defense system will undermine strategic stability and negatively affect the fulfillment of commitments in the framework of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, in particular in the sphere of nuclear disarmament.

Oslo, Washington mulling marine deployment on Nordic soil

Norway says talks have begun with Washington over a “long-standing US wish” to deploy marines on the Nordic country’s soil.

“Assessments have taken place within the military to look at the options for additional training, storage and this kind of thing," said Norwegian Defense Ministry spokeswoman Ann Kristin Salbuvik on Monday.

She stressed that the troops will probably be deployed on a rotational basis and that permanent deployment is not a question.

When the plan goes through, 300 marines will be stationed in the Vaernes military base near Trondheim, about 1,000 kilometers from the Norwegian-Russian border.

“The work is underway but the initiative has not yet been debated politically in the Ministry of Defense, so we do not have any more detailed answers at this time. Any concrete proposals will naturally be handled by the government and parliament in the usual way," said Norwegian Defense Minister Eriksen Soreide.

The deployment will strain already tense relations with Russia, as it goes against a vow made by Norway -- while NATO was founded in 1949 -- not to allow the deployment of foreign combat forces on its soil unless the country was under the threat of attack or -- according to a later amendment -- for military drills.

Moscow and NATO have been at odds over an array of issues, including the crisis in eastern Ukraine and the Western military alliance’s buildup around Russia’s borders.

US missile defense in Europe directly threatens Russia – Chinese military

US antimissile shield in Europe directly threats Russia, a senior-ranking Chinese general said.


US Refusal to Work With Russia on Syria Beneficial for Terrorists

Terrorists in Syria win because of Washington's refusal to cooperate with Russia on countering terrorism in Syria, Russian Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov said on Tuesday during the 7th Xiangshan security Forum in Beijing.

He expressed regret over the fact that the agreement, reached with such an immense effort by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and US Secretary of State John Kerry on September 9, was wrecked by Washington.

"Such a move is unfortunate and disappointing. I do not want to believe that Washington determinately abandoned diplomacy and headed for a military solution to the conflict in Syria. Only terrorists win from these destructive actions of Washington. That is why it is important to discard emotions, and again weigh all the pros and cons of the joint struggle against terrorism," Antonov said.

On October 3, US State Department deputy spokesman John Kirby announced that Washington was cutting off participation in bilateral channels with Russia on sustaining a ceasefire agreement in Syria.

Russia Ready for Dialogue With US on Syria Only on Mutual Respect Basis

Russia does not reject dialogue with the United States on Syria, but is ready to build it only on equal basis of mutual respect, Anatoly Antonov stated.

He stressed that Russia would consistently fight against terrorism and prevent escalation of the situation in Syria, despite all allegations.

"We do not reject dialogue with the United States, but we are ready to build it on the basis of equality and mutual respect. We will continue to cooperate with the international community, the United Nations, the Security Council of this organization."

According to the Russian defense official, Moscow did all it could to establish cooperation with Washington on Syria, but has not found the full understanding from the US side.
Psychopaths never give up

Aggressor squadron? Pics of US jets painted in Russian colors spark Syria false flag conspiracy

Photos showing US jets being painted Russian colors have triggered debates and conspiracy theories online, with many saying Washington plans to conduct false flag attacks in Syria and blame them on Moscow.
The pictures of the US jets were posted by a Canadian journalist last week on his Twitter account.

Konstantin said:
Psychopaths never give up

Aggressor squadron? Pics of US jets painted in Russian colors spark Syria false flag conspiracy

Photos showing US jets being painted Russian colors have triggered debates and conspiracy theories online, with many saying Washington plans to conduct false flag attacks in Syria and blame them on Moscow.
The pictures of the US jets were posted by a Canadian journalist last week on his Twitter account.

We should also add that the policy of painting jets in Russian (or other enemy) colors for training purposes is standard policy going back decades. That doesn't mean that these false flag 'Russian' jets could not be involved in something nefarious, but it doesn't necessarily mean that is the plan.

Russia's radar control of Syrian airspace seems to be pretty complete, which means that if some plane that wasn't Russian bombed something, the Russians would be in a position to say so pretty clearly. Of course, that doesn't mean the West wouldn't still blame them and accuse them of lying, but that would be a pretty desperate act. Then again, the West is pretty desperate right now. After all, they shot down a passenger plane over Ukraine in 2014 just to blame it on Russia. So if some kind of 'false flag' is planned, I'd imagine it would be something similar, rather than bombing civilian infrastructure in Syria. Maybe attacking a US ship in the Med? Still, that would be pretty crass and a prelude to open war with Russia.
Joe said:
Konstantin said:
Psychopaths never give up

Aggressor squadron? Pics of US jets painted in Russian colors spark Syria false flag conspiracy

Photos showing US jets being painted Russian colors have triggered debates and conspiracy theories online, with many saying Washington plans to conduct false flag attacks in Syria and blame them on Moscow.
The pictures of the US jets were posted by a Canadian journalist last week on his Twitter account.

We should also add that the policy of painting jets in Russian (or other enemy) colors for training purposes is standard policy going back decades. That doesn't mean that these false flag 'Russian' jets could not be involved in something nefarious, but it doesn't necessarily mean that is the plan.

Russia's radar control of Syrian airspace seems to be pretty complete, which means that if some plane that wasn't Russian bombed something, the Russians would be in a position to say so pretty clearly. Of course, that doesn't mean the West wouldn't still blame them and accuse them of lying, but that would be a pretty desperate act. Then again, the West is pretty desperate right now. After all, they shot down a passenger plane over Ukraine in 2014 just to blame it on Russia. So if some kind of 'false flag' is planned, I'd imagine it would be something similar, rather than bombing civilian infrastructure in Syria. Maybe attacking a US ship in the Med? Still, that would be pretty crass and a prelude to open war with Russia.

That would be the most stupid and desperate step that they could possibly make. But we can expect everything from a desperate wounded beast. I just hope that Russia will closely monitor the situation and have enough evidence if they decide to make such a move.
Very much appreciate a change in the Title to this thread ... the previous title, "He's giving it to the USA with both barrels.........." reflected a specific event and expression at the time of it's Posting. That was just over a year ago. Depending on how you interpreted the title, it gave overtones - of Putin being the aggressive one. As the thread has developed and grown in the preceding months, documentation reveals President Putin to be - very much the Peacemaker, with Diplomatic mentoring to foster a Ceasefire and safety corridors, along with distributing Humanitarian Aid. It's Russia's example that has spurred addition humanitarian aid from other Countries and organizations. It's Russia and the Syrian Government of Assad, who has reached out to the U.N., to hold Session's with the conflicting parties, to bring about a form of stabilization and Peace. Putin and Russia are the only thing standing in the way of a devastating War that could ultimately - set the World on fire! We owe them for our own prosperity and well being. Pray for Peace.

On Monday, Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Li Baodong said that the positions of Beijing and Moscow coincide on the Syrian issue. Speaking to Sputnik, Chinese and Russian analysts confirmed that recent events have demonstrated that the two countries are quickly building a sustainable strategic partnership in their response to the Syrian crisis.

Russia, China Quickly Forming 'Strategy of Synergy' in Syria

Speaking at a briefing in Beijing, Li said that "China and Russia hold the same position on the most important international and regional issues," including the conflicts in Syria and Afghanistan.

"The two countries, being permanent members of the UN Security Council, continue to cooperate closely on international and regional issues," Li added, noting that President Xi Jinping looks forward to meeting with President Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of the upcoming BRICS summit in Goa later this week to discuss the most pressing issues of regional and international politics.

Li's words on Russian-Chinese cooperation in Syria were confirmed in practice on Saturday, when China voted in favor of a Russian draft resolution aimed at resolving the Syrian crisis at the UN Security Council. China justified its vote by explaining that the Russian proposal would be the surest way to ensure a cessation of hostilities, humanitarian access, and a more effective joint fight against terror. Chinese UN envoy Liu Jieyi expressed regret that the Russian proposal was not adopted after being blocked by the US and its allies. China earlier abstained from a French resolution, which Russia ultimately vetoed, on creating a no fly zone over the city of Aleppo, suggesting that the draft did not "reflect the full respect for the sovereignty, independence, unification and territorial integrity of Syria."

Asked to comment on Saturday's diplomatic drama at the UN, Peking University director of the Institute of International Relations Jia Lieying told Sputnik that in fact, Russia and China have always held a consistent position on Syria at the diplomatic level.

"China and Russia always took similar positions in prior UN Security Council votes on the Syrian issue," Jia stressed. "What we are seeing now is just a continuation of this trend of asserting a unified position."

That unity, the analyst noted, stems from the fact that Moscow and Beijing are "unanimous in their opposition to the violent overthrow of political power in any country," with the two countries "working together to ensure that internal problems are resolved" without foreign interference, including "under the pretext of 'human rights.'"

For their part, Russian analysts believe that China has actually been consciously strengthening its role on the Syrian issue in recent years. Political scientist and Asia specialist Stanislav Tarasov suggested that a 'synergy of efforts and interests' is forming between the two powers in the region.

"There is no question that there is correlation, coherence and coordination between Russia and China on the Syrian issue," the analyst emphasized. "The two countries' representatives have demonstrated this synergy at the UN Security Council, not to mention other venues." Effectively, Tarasov added, "the scenarios for settling the Syrian crisis proposed by Russia are backed up by China. Specifically, we're talking about the declaration of the need to preserve the country's territorial integrity." This cooperation also has a broader potential, and can be applied to other countries in the region as well, the analyst explained, "including Iraq, Yemen, Libya and Afghanistan. China takes a multidimensional approach to these issues. For Beijing, as for Moscow, Syria is one of the most important and significant elements of the Middle Eastern mosaic. This is especially true considering the fact that the Daesh terrorists [in Syria] are now attempting to infiltrate Afghanistan, which China considers a zone of its interests."

In another sense, for both Russia and China, the Syrian issue has become an area where the two emerging powers have been able to act more confidently in announcing their new role in the world. "China has begun to become significantly involved in events in the Middle East. In this sense, the Russian-Chinese partnership carries a strategic, pragmatic character. There's no doubt that it will have a sustainable character," Tarasov said.

Finally, CIS Institute deputy director Vladimir Yevseyev told Sputnik that he is absolutely certain presidents Xi and Putin will discuss the two countries' next steps on Syria in greater detail at the BRICS Summit in Goa on October 15-16. The preconditions for this discussion have definitely presented themselves.

Beijing, he stressed, has a broad collection of interests in Syria. "First of all, this includes rebuilding the country's oil production capability, which prior to the war was controlled to a large extent by China. Secondly, this includes receiving valuable combat experience. Syria, factually, is the only place where China can receive combat experience, both for its air and land forces – primarily its special forces. This experience would be invaluable. I think that Chinese pilots may come to work out of the Russian base at Hmeymim. Most likely, the Chinese would also like the opportunity to visit the Tartus port on occasion."

This in turn suggests the possibility of China becoming involved in expanding the (presently limited) capabilities of the Russian base at Tartus, Yevseyev noted. "With Chinese help, particularly through an effort to deepen the seabed around the port and modernize it, would allow us to create a full-fledged base. China would likely want to use it to have a presence in the Mediterranean, something Beijing considers to be of major importance."

Ultimately, the analyst noted that "China is actively positioning itself as a global center of power. From this perspective, it's important for the country not just to discuss the settlement of the crisis in Syria at the political level, but to participate directly in overcoming the crisis, including via the component of military force – that is, for Beijing to position itself as a state that is a party to settling the Syrian crisis.
Total of 95 militants neutralized in North Caucasus in 2016 — FSB

A total of 49 militants have been detained

A total of 95 militants, including 15 leaders of paramilitary groups, have been neutralized in Russia’s North Caucasus in 2016, Alexander Bortnikov, the chairman of the National Anti-terrorist Committee (NAC) and director of the Federal Security Service (FSB), said on Tuesday.

He said that efforts are continued to normalize the situation in the region.

"Over the past period, one terrorist attack has been prevented in the North Caucasus. As many as 49 militants and their 328 accessories have been detained, a total of 95 militants, including 15 leaders of paramilitary groups, with odious leaders of illegal armed groups in Kabardino-Balkaria and Dagestan among them, have been neutralized. Federal executive authorities and anti-terrorist commission have invigorated preventive work geared to reduce the accessory base for paramilitary groups and to eliminate channels of their financing," the NAC press center quoted him as saying at a NAC session in Pyatigorsk.

sToRmR1dR said:
Kremlin continues preparations for Putin’s visit to Paris

No surprise: Putin cancels visit to France amid Syria tensions

Russian MP: Putin’s cancelled visit to France does not mean chill in relations with France

At the same time, the French leader’s hesitation about his meeting with the Russian president could not be ignored in Moscow

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decision to cancel his visit to Paris in no way signals a chill in relations with France, a Russian senior lawmaker said on Tuesday.

"It is not a new phase of deterioration in relations. President Putin respects himself and respects his country," Vladimir Dzhabarov, the first deputy chairman of the international committee of Russia’s Federation Council upper parliament house, told journalists.

In his words, the French leader’s hesitation about his meeting with the Russian president could not be ignored in Moscow.

According to the Russian lawmaker, France’s position on that matter seems to stem from its "resentment" that Russia refused to vote for the France-initiated draft resolution on Syria. "It is a pained reaction of the French," he said.

On Monday, French President Francois Hollande expressed doubt whether his talks with Putin were needed amid the differences with Russia over Syria. Later France’s Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said Hollande would make a final decision on his personal meeting with Putin "taking into consideration the situation in Syria."

Meanwhile, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Tuesday that Putin had decided cancel his visit to Paris scheduled for October 19 to wait for a date that would suit his French counterpart Francois Hollande.

"The president has made a decision to cancel this visit (to Paris)," Peskov said, explaining:

"The case is that certain events linked to the opening of a Russian cultural center and holding exhibitions had been scheduled. Unfortunately, these events fell out of the program and that’s why the president decided that now the visit to the French Republic will be cancelled."

Addressing a plenary session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on Tuesday, Hollande said that dialogue with Russia on Syria is possible but is should be conducted "on firm and clear terms." He demanded Moscow stop its air operation in that country. Earlier in the day, he said he is ready to meet with the Russian leader any time.

Food aid and 480 family tents provided by the WFP arrive in Qamishli

A new batch of food aid and 480 family tents provided by the World Food Program (WFP) arrived on Tuesday in Qamishli International Airport in Hasaka province via the humanitarian air bridge.

In a statement to SANA reporter, head of the WFP officie in Qamishli Afraa Nouh said those tents are for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Qamishli, adding that the food supplies included 2500 food package.

Last week, the relief subcommittee in Hasaka distributed about 11.354 food packages provided by the WFP to beneficiary families.


Rebel rocket attack kills 5 school children in Syria’s Daraa

At least 5 school children were killed, 19 others injured as a homegrown missile fired from rebel-controlled areas hit a school in the southern city of Daraa.

Local sources said that a rocket shell hit a school for elementary education located in al-Sahari neighborhood, leaving 2 girls dead, scores other wounded.

Three of the severely wounded children then passed away at the National Hospital.

A medical source said that the death toll is likely to rise since many are in critical condition.

Meanwhile, one civilian was killed due to rebel rocket attacks in Daraa residential districts. Huge material damage was reported.

Over 200 Militants Surrender to Syrian Authorities in Southwestern Damascus

Over 200 militants in Elhameh region ended fight against the Syrian army and the legal government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and tuned themselves in to the government authorities.

In the meantime, terrorists in al-Qodsiyeh violated national reconciliation and stormed government positions, but faced civilians' demonstrations who called for the expulsion of those militants who do not want to join the peace agreement.

Reports said on Saturday that the Syrian army and its allies regained control of the strategic town of Elhameh in Western Ghouta of Damascus after several days of fierce clashes with the terrorist groups.

The government troops entered Elhameh town, accompanied by the local tribal leaders, and seized back control of the entire town.

The people of Elhameh had been staging protest rallies against the terrorist groups in the past few days, calling on them to lay down weapons or leave the town.

Meantime, the Russian defense ministry announced that the number of the towns and regions joining the national reconciliation plan in Syria has reached 738.

MAJOR DEVELOPMENT: Russia to deploy ZRPK to shoot down US air force in Syria

October 11, 2016 - Fort Russ News -
RusVesna - translated by J. Arnoldski -

Russia is strengthening Syria’s anti-air defense systems with the latest ZRK missile system, Izvestiya has reported citing a source in military-diplomatic circles.

Russian authorities are considering sending a batch of “Pantsir” anti-aircraft rocket missile and gun systems (ZRPK) to Syria. The deal, concluded a few years ago, was only partially realized for financial reasons. Now Moscow has decided to send the remaining Pantsir’s to Damascus without demanding immediate payment.

Interviewed experts believe that Moscow’s decision was influenced by the tense situation in Syria and the Americans’ threat to strike Assad’s troops.

As the director of the Foreign Policy Agency and program director of the Valdai Club, Andrey Sushentsov says, if the now Syrian Pantsir’s shoot down an American plane, then we will find ourselves in an even more difficult political situation than now, because the blame will be put on Russia and thereby bring the US-Russia confrontation to a new level.

However, for now everything is being done to ensure that the Pentagon will not decide to launch such strikes.

Syria: Heavy Infighting Erupts between Terrorist Groups in Homs Province

"Two units of terrorist groups affiliated to Kafr Laha Military Council have been in tough clashes over the distribution of aid cargos," Abu Farouq al-Homsi said.

"Debates over the distribution of aid cargos in the militant-held region in Northern Homs eventually resulted in exchange of fire," he added.

"The clashes left scores of dead and wounded fighters from both sides," the commander went on to say.

Following the recent advances of the Syrian government forces in Eastern and Northern Homs, the supply lines of the terrorist groups have been blocked and militants are faced with a shortage of necessary goods and equipment.

On Monday, Syrian Army soldiers struck the terrorist groups' positions and sites in at least seven regions in Northern Homs, leaving scores of militants dead or wounded.

Terrorists' strongholds on the Southwestern side of Jabal Khanzir, al-Dabour, al-Deik, Kafr Laha, Tal Thahab, Abu al-Anz farms and Um Sahrij came under massive attacks by the Syrian soldiers.

In the meantime, Syrian fighter jets pounded the positions of Fatah al-Sham Front (the newly-formed al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorist group previously known as the al-Nusra Front) in Ezzeddeen, al-Farhaniyeh and Deir Foul in Northern Homs, leaving scores of terrorists dead, including two commanders and destroying several machinegun-equipped and armored vehicles.

Also, the Syrian fighter jets bombed ISIL's centers in al-Talila and to the Northeast of the silos in Palmyra region, destroying a number of vehicles and killing scores of terrorists.
All prerequisites for Syria’s transition to peace already exist, the head of the Russian center for Syrian reconciliation told Sputnik on Tuesday, adding that efforts should be stepped up to assist this process.

Conditions Met’ for Bringing Back Peace to Syria – Reconciliation Center

The Russian official said that Syrian President Bashar Assad’s decrees, which promised militants a presidential pardon if they stopped fighting, enabled transition to peace.

"People are fed up with war. Even militants are: they want to lay down their arms and start living a peaceful life again. All conditions for solving this problem and returning a peaceful life in Syria have been met," Lt. Gen. Vladimir Savchenko said.

"There is a legal base – it allows people to claim their peaceful life back. But efforts should be intensified. Only then, I think, peace will return to Syria," Lt. Gen. Savchenko continued.

Syria has strongly criticized outgoing United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, saying he dealt a blow to the world body’s reputation during his tenure.

Ban Ki-moon dealt a blow to UN's reputation: Syria

A sources in Syrian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Tuesday that Ban undermined the world body by taking sides in global conflicts, official SANA news agency reported.

The statement added that Ban "repeatedly hurt the credibility of the United Nations and its objectivity and made himself a party to problems facing our world."

Ban, 72, is a former South Korean foreign minister who will step down on December 31 after 10 years of service as the UN secretary general.

The source also criticized Ban for agreeing to act in accordance with the policies of Syria's enemies.

[...] Elsewhere in the statement, the source lashed out at the UN chief for “shamelessly” dropping a special report on the violations committed against children in Yemen during the ongoing Saudi aggression, saying this move has done “indelible” historic harm to the world body.

Ban has been criticized by human rights group for dropping Saudi Arabia from a list of children's rights violators after coming under "undue pressure."

Following the recent arrest of a Syrian terror suspect in Leipzig, Merkel's CDU party calls for enhancing the intelligence services' powers on controlling asylum seekers and reviewing their profiles.

German Authorities Likely to Beef Up Security, Change Laws Amid Terror Alert

According to the member of the party, Michael Kretschmer, German intelligence does not have the right to access "the core profile" of asylum seekers.

"This should be changed. We want the German intelligence services to have access to this file as well," Kretschmer said, cited by German newspaper Die Welt.

France will introduce special security measures, including car shields and fireproof uniforms, to protect police patrols against possible attacks in risk zones of the country, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said Tuesday.

France to Boost Security Measures Against Possible Attacks on Police – PM

On Saturday, four police officers were seriously injured in a Molotov cocktail attack, carried out by a group of people in the troubled housing estate of Grande Borne in the Essonne department in France.

"Specifically, [the measures] will include anti-vandal window films for vehicles, or even shields in certain cases. Work on police uniforms will be carried out quickly to ensure that they are completely fire-resistant," Valls said at the Q&A session in the parliament's lower house. The minister also noted that the use of mobile cameras in "real time" would be considered to "remotely view the circumstances of an intervention and the means to deploy reinforcement if necessary." Special security measures will concern general police patrol, serving in sensitive security areas, according to Valls.

Norway says talks have begun with Washington over a “long-standing US wish” to deploy marines on the Nordic country’s soil.

Oslo, Washington mulling marine deployment on Nordic soil

“Assessments have taken place within the military to look at the options for additional training, storage and this kind of thing," said Norwegian Defense Ministry spokeswoman Ann Kristin Salbuvik on Monday.

She stressed that the troops will probably be deployed on a rotational basis and that permanent deployment is not a question.

When the plan goes through, 300 marines will be stationed in the Vaernes military base near Trondheim, about 1,000 kilometers from the Norwegian-Russian border.

“The work is underway but the initiative has not yet been debated politically in the Ministry of Defense, so we do not have any more detailed answers at this time. Any concrete proposals will naturally be handled by the government and parliament in the usual way," said Norwegian Defense Minister Eriksen Soreide.

Russia is in talks with Egypt to lease military facilities in the North African state, including an air base in the town of Sidi Barrani near the Mediterranean, a media report says.

Russia in talks with Egypt to lease military base: Report

If Moscow and Cairo reach an agreement, the military base will be ready for use by 2019, the Russian Izvestia paper reported, quoting a source in the Russian Foreign ministry as saying on Monday.

The daily noted that the facility in Sidi Barrani will be used as a military air base.

The source, who is close to the Defense Ministry, added that the two parties have so far agreed that Moscow provide the base with necessary equipment through shipping, saying, however, that the number of Russian troops deployed there would be limited.

The talks over Russia's participation in the renovation of Egyptian military bases in the city are going on successfully, the source said.

The ex-Soviet Union had a naval base in Sidi Barrani until 1972. It was used to monitor American warships.

Last week, the Russian Defense Ministry said it was examining the possibility of restoring its military presence in Cuba and Vietnam, with the Kremlin stressing that it would take all the necessary measures to protect national interests.

Russia had lowered its flag at the Lourdes signals intelligence base in Cuba and the deepwater Cam Rahn naval base in Vietnam in the early 2000s.

“The global situation is not static, it is in flux, and the last two years have made significant changes to international affairs and security,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told a conference call with reporters.

“Therefore, it's quite natural that all countries assess these changes in line with their national interests and take certain steps in the way they consider appropriate,” he added.
Federation Council to discuss ratification of agreement on Russian air base in Syria

According to First Deputy Chairman of the Defense Committee, Franz Klintsevich, "the agreement is most favorable to Russia and its military contingent without infringing upon Syria’s interests

Russia’s Federation Council (upper house of parliament) will consider on Wednesday the ratification of an agreement with Syria on creating a Russian air base, will hear reports of the head of the Federal Tax Service Mikhkail Mishustin and Presidential Envoy for Cultural Cooperation Mikhail Shvydkoi. A total of 12 issues have been submitted to the upper house’s 398th meeting.

The senators will consider a law "On ratifying an Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Syrian Arab Republic on deploying an air group of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to the Syrian Arab Republic," which envisages the establishment of a Russian air base at Hmeymim airfield in Syria’s Latakia province on a non-repayable and permanent basis. The document was earlier recommended for approval by all members of the Defense and Security Committee and supported unanimously by the Foreign Affairs Committee.

According to First Deputy Chairman of the Defense Committee, Franz Klintsevich, "the agreement is most favorable to Russia and its military contingent without infringing upon Syria’s interests." He also voiced confidence that "the deployment of Russian military aircraft to the Hmeymim airbase for an indefinite period of time is the first but far from the last step" towards consolidating Russia’s positions "not only in Syria and in the Middle East, but also in the whole world."

As part of the "Government Hour," senators will hear a report of the Federal Tax Service head Mikhail Mishustin on steps taken by the Russian Cabinet to establish a uniform system of tax administration, customs duties and insurance payments. Russian Presidential Envoy for Cultural Cooperation Mikhail Shvydkoi will brief members of the upper house on the challenges and opportunities in shaping Russia’s image in the world.

Russian MoD Denies UK Allegations of Involvement in Aleppo Aid Convoy Attack

The Russian Defense Ministry denies UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson's allegations of Moscow's involvement in the attack on a UN humanitarian convoy in Syrian Aleppo, the ministry's spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said on Wednesday calling the accusations "a storm in a glass of muddy London water".

Speaking at the parliamentary debate on Tuesday dedicated to the Syrian issue, Johnson said Russia was responsible for bombing the UN aid convoy in Aleppo deliberately. According to the foreign secretary, the satellite photos available to public indicate that the attack was carried out from the air and in the darkness. He added that, since Syrian President Bashar Assad's troops are not able to carry out an attack in the darkness, all the evidence point at Russia.

"No Russian aircraft were in the area of humanitarian convoy in Aleppo. It's a fact. And all the 'alleged' evidence…will not be worth a penny, if someone is really given access to them," Konashenkov said.

"Mr. Johnson, so would you disclose this 'open access' and show these pictures to someone else?" he added.

The spokesman said that some UK officials' "russophobic hysteria" has not made any impression and called Johnson's speech "a storm in a glass of muddy London water".

Konashenkov said that the Russian Defense Ministry has precise data about the situation when the convoy was attacked and knows the exact reason why "US colleagues' interest in this issue evaporates."

On September 19, a UN-Syrian Arab Red Crescent convoy carrying humanitarian aid for the Aleppo province was hit by a strike, according to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). As a result, 18 of 31 trucks were destroyed and at least 21 individuals were killed.

Western countries have accused Russia and Syria of the attack. Moscow has refuted the allegations and proposed to carry out an investigation of the incident, but the Russian proposal has not been met with interest by the West.

The Russian Defense Ministry, commenting on the attack, said that a US Predator drone operated near Urum al-Kubra area north of Aleppo at the time of the deadly attack and had left the area only a half an hour after it. The Russian Defense Ministry earlier published a video showing a rebel truck with a heavy mortar moving along the convoy.

Syrian Opposition Attacked Gov't 350 Times Amid 7-Day Calm - Russian Envoy

Syrian armed opposition fighters violated the US-Russian-brokered ceasefire some 350 times within one week in a telling episode as to why the cessation of hostilities collapsed, Russian Ambassador to the United States Sergey Kislyak said during a panel discussion at Johns Hopkins University.

Earlier on Tuesday, US State Department spokesperson John Kirby told reporters that the suspended agreement between the United States and Russia on cessation of hostilities in Syria can be implemented again.

On September 9, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and US Secretary of State John Kerry unveiled a new peace plan to address the conflict. The ceasefire deal was later shattered by numerous violations that resulted in intensified fighting between the Syrian government and militants in Aleppo.

"During this period of seven days, the opposition attacked government of Syria forces 350 times," Kislyak stated on Tuesday. "This is very telling as to where we are."

The problem, Kislyak argued, is that Syrian opposition forces are embedded with terrorists, including al-Qaeda, which has been ruling over parts of Aleppo with an "iron fist."

Syrian Rebels Seek ‘Brotherly Countries’ to Supply Anti-Aircraft Weapons

Syria’s main opposition group asked its foreign allies Monday to give them man-portable air defense systems (MANPADS) to repel airstrikes in Aleppo.

The Saudi-backed High Negotiations Committee (HNC) group, after gathering for two days in Riyadh, has blasted what it referred to as the "scorched earth policy" of Syrian President Bashar Assad and his allies.

HNC spokesman Salem al-Meslet said that the opposition was relying on "brotherly countries and friends […] to lift the embargo on sophisticated weapons imposed on the opposition."

The opposition rebels could be supplied with advanced weapons such as the shoulder-fired anti-aircraft MANPADS, effective against slow low-flying helicopters often used by Syrian air forces to drop bombs.

Earlier, State Department spokesman John Kirby urged that, in the event Russia does not halt airstrikes against terrorists in Syria, Moscow will have "to send troops home in body bags, and will continue to lose resources, perhaps even aircraft," implying that the US and the opposition allies will supply the rebels with MANPADS for use against Russian aircraft.

Western states are known to be incapable of controlling the end-users of weapons given to purported allies. "It only takes one stray MANPAD to sneak into Turkey and that would be a very bad thing," a US official told The Los Angeles Times in May, on condition of anonymity, observing that US military authorities must think twice about giving accurate modern weaponry to inexperienced and profit-hungry end users.

Charles Lister, an expert on the Syrian conflict for The Middle East Institute, reported that shipments of MANPADS have been sent to "vetted" Free Syrian Army groups in northern Syria.

Al-Qaeda Prevents People From Leaving Aleppo, Keeps Order With 'Iron Fist'

Militants linked to the al-Qaeda terrorist organization are preventing Syrian civilians and rebel fighters from leaving eastern Aleppo, Russian Ambassador to the United States Sergey Kislyak said in a discussion at Johns Hopkins University.

A cessation of hostilities announced by US Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov failed in part because the United States did not separate the rebels from the terrorists in Aleppo.

"The al-Qaeda that is acting there in this territory…is keeping order [with] what we call in Russia an ‘iron first’," Kislyak stated on Tuesday. "Last week, 26 people who wanted to leave were shot by al-Qaeda."

Kislyak explained that other anti-government fighters in eastern Aleppo sometimes act together with Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, formerly known as the al-Nusra Front. Both the United States and Russia recognize the group as an al-Qaeda-linked terrorist organization.

The United States promised to disentangle other Syrian opposition groups from the terrorists as far back as March, but never delivered on their pledge, Kislyak noted.

Furthermore, Kislyak said he thought Washington would understand the importance of fighting al-Qaeda because of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States.
sToRmR1dR said:
Russian MoD Denies UK Allegations of Involvement in Aleppo Aid Convoy Attack

The Russian Defense Ministry denies UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson's allegations of Moscow's involvement in the attack on a UN humanitarian convoy in Syrian Aleppo, the ministry's spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said on Wednesday calling the accusations "a storm in a glass of muddy London water".

Russia Knows Who's Responsible for Attack on UN Aid Convoy Near Aleppo - Putin

Russia knows who is really behind the attack on the UN humanitarian convoy near Aleppo, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday. It is one of the terrorist groups, he added."We see what's happening. It's just baseless accusations that Russia is the cause of all mortal sins. But we know who attacked this humanitarian convoy. This was one of the terrorist groups. And we know that the US is well aware of this. But they prefer to blame Russia. This won't help," Putin said at the VTB forum "Russia is calling".

[...] Speaking about pressure exerted over Syrian crisis settlement, the president said that "Russia will never be intimidated."

Policymakers in the United States have never been intent on degrading and destroying terrorist groups fighting in Syria, international relations analyst Salman Rafi Sheikh wrote for New Eastern Outlook, adding that Washington's primary goal has remained to remove President Bashar al-Assad from power and Russia is aware of this.

Russia 'Understands the Direction That Washington Wants Syrian War to Go' (Video) (0:40 min.)

Salman Rafi Sheikh turned to recent developments to support his assertions. He pointed to the Pentagon's attack on the Syrian Arab Army's base in the city of Deir ez-Zor that put an end to the fragile ceasefire sponsored by Russia and the US as evidence that Washington wants to escalate violence in the war-torn country, particularly Aleppo.

The new Russia-Syria offensive on Aleppo now, at this particular stage, has the potential to decisively turn the tide of events to their advantage, which would imply a clear defeat for the US, its allies and their jointly-backed proxy groups," he said.

Experts agree that the outcome of the battle for Aleppo could well determine the outcome of the Syrian conflict as a whole. Since US-backed rebels appear to be losing in Aleppo, Washington, according to the analyst, has come to the conclusion that only escalation "can salvage the US and its allies on the ground."

In addition, the US and its allies have engaged in a smear campaign against Moscow and Damascus for their counterterrorism efforts in Aleppo, the analyst added.

Washington is trying to "project Russia and Syria as essentially 'villains' and force them into taking actions that would presumably invite more criticism and, if need be, violence," he explained. "By projecting Russia and Syria as 'brutal,' the US is creating a justification for pumping more jihadi fighters into Syria, sending more weapons and then painting this situation as yet another uprising against Assad's 'brutality.'"

Salman Rafi Sheikh maintained that "Russia understands the direction the US is wanting the war to go to." The analyst warned Moscow against falling "prey to deliberate provocation," but noted that "a measured response" to the US' activities is "a strategic necessity."

The analyst further pointed out that the US will refrain from launching a large-scale ground operation in Syria since President Barack Obama's term will end in four months and the US Congress is highly unlikely to authorize such an operation.

A quick look at the history of Russia’s and the US’ numerous attempts to bring peace to Syria proves that Moscow and Washington had both conceptual and practical differences on the issue.

Timeline of Broken Hopes: How Russia, US Tried to Implement Agreements on Syria

Since February, Russia and the United States have worked out several renditions of an agreement on a settlement in Syria. All of them were aimed to stop violence and decrease the number of civilian casualties in the conflict.

Despite the fact that each new document was preceded by long talks between Russian and American top diplomats, none of the agreements have been completely fulfilled.

How the Process Began The first joint statement by Moscow and Washington on a ceasefire in Syria came on February 22, 2016. At the time, Russia and the United States came to an agreement to establish a ceasefire regime as well as to share intelligence on areas and positions controlled by Daesh and al-Nusra Front.

In addition, the parties agreed to continue airstrikes against terrorists and establish a task group under the International Syria Support Group (ISSG) to coordinate the truce and contribute to a political transition in Syria.

According to available data, Russia and the Syrian government provided their US partners with information on over 40 moderate opposition groups and terrorists’ positions. In addition, the Russian Aerospace Forces and the Syrian Air Force continued airstrikes against the terrorists, carrying out some 150 airstrikes a day. Over 500 residential areas were liberated. Finally, Moscow and Damascus took steps to involve over 65 opposition groups in developing the new Syrian constitution.

At the same time, efforts by Washington and its coalition allies were less intense. In particular, Washington managed to introduce the ceasefire regime, but only for part of moderate groups. The US could not compel moderates to abandon demands for Syrian President Bashar Assad’s resignation.

As for sharing information, Washington was reserved, providing no specific details on terrorists’ positions. The international coalition also did not intensify combat actions against extremists.

Data shows that this year the number of attacks by al-Nusra Front militants has nearly doubled against the previous year. There has been no separation between opposition fighters and terrorists, which resulted in a stalemate for a political transition in Syria.

September Efforts The latest package of document prepared by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and his US counterpart John Kerry was aimed to resume the once-failed peaceful process in Syria.

In particular, the agreement prescribed establishing a humanitarian corridor in Aleppo and coordinated withdrawal of government and opposition forces from the Castello Road. The parties also agreed to establish a Joint Implementation Center (JIC) for coordinated attacks against al-Nusra Front and Daesh.

Moscow and Damascus once again did their best to implement the agreements. For example, the Red Crescent organization deployed humanitarian checkpoints at the western part of the Castello Road. Moreover, checkpoints were set up to let civilians and armed militants leave Aleppo. Russian and Syrian aviation also continued airstrikes against terrorists, up to 50 sorties a day.

In addition, Russia sent its specialists to work with with the US, but the American side finally rejected to cooperate. Meanwhile, the coalition failed to come to an agreement with the moderate opposition. Earlier, however, coalition representatives said they had leverage on the opposition groups.

Finally, opposition groups laid mines at some checkpoints in Aleppo, terrorized resident leaving the city and refused to let UN humanitarian convoys in the city.

The US did not launch airstrikes against al-Nusra Front and failed to separate moderates from the terrorists.

At the same time, Washington repeatedly accused Moscow of violations of its diplomatic obligations and attempts to gain a military victory. The US State Department said that Washington could close bilateral communication channels with Russia on Syria.

Aftermath of the Collapsed Ceasefire Currently, al-Nusra Front militants are still active in Syria. They are often mixed with moderate opposition groups. The terrorists used the ceasefire to regroup and reinforce.

Washington’s ambivalence in Syria resulted in a decrease of Russia’s counterterrorism efforts in the country. Moscow has repeatedly voiced concerns that Washington wants to help terrorists to further use them to topple Assad . US loyalty towards the opposition also resulted in the fact that the moderates took a more hardline stance towards the talks on Syrian settlement.

In the past two decades, Washington has pursued a muscular foreign policy that has led to thousands of civilians dying, sectarian violence spreading in the Middle East and America's national security being afflicted, defense analyst Daniel L. Davis wrote for the American Conservative.

Evidence Confirming 'Failure of US Foreign Policy is Breathtaking in Scope'

"The evidence confirming the totality of our failure is breathtaking in scope and severity," he said. "A change in [Washington's] foreign policy is critically needed."

Davis, who retired from the US Army as a lieutenant colonel after 21 years of active service, listed several implications of Washington's foreign policy failures. Among other things, these include drone strikes and air raids killing civilians, aid workers and most recently the Syrian Arab Army servicemen in Deir ez-Zor.

Each of these mistakes, repeated hundreds of times over the past 15 years, creates more antagonism and hatred of the United States than any other single event," he observed, adding that tactical benefits, if there are any, do not offset negative repercussions.

Washington's military engagement has repeatedly made already complicated situations far worse. For instance, America's assertive foreign policy has helped to turn Afghanistan into "a dysfunctional state that serves as a magnet for terrorists" and Libya into "an 'unmitigated failure' featuring a raging civil war, serving as an African beachhead for [Daesh] and a terrorist breeding ground."

Washington's counterterrorism efforts have also been questionable taking into account that the US military power has "contributed to the expansion of al-Qaeda into a 'franchise' group, spawned a new strain when [Daesh] was born out of the vacuum created by our Iraq invasion and seen major terrorist threats explode worldwide."

Davis further said that the US' military adventures overseas have a "less obvious but more troubling" implication.

The non-stop deployment of the US Air Force, the US Army and the Marine Corps has cut the lifespan of military equipment, increased maintenance requirements and depleted the Pentagon's weapons arsenal. In other words, "perpetual fighting" has dissipated the "fighting strength of the armed forces."

The analyst also lambasted America's civilian and military leaders for their "unhealthy focus" on small-scale threats and small-scale counterinsurgency (COIN) warfare.

"It is discouraging to see the administration, Congress, and the Department of Defense fully tethered to the perpetual application of military power against small-scale threats. Terrorism definitely represents a threat to US interests, and we must defend against it. But the obsession with using major military assets on these relatively small-scale threats has not only failed to stem the threat, it has in part been responsible for expanding it," he noted.
Russia has deployed the S-300V4 "Antey-2500" and the S-400 Triumf to the Syrian port city of Tartus and the Hmeymim airbase respectively to show the bare minimum that Moscow requires to "prevent military hotheads from the other side from making rash decisions," retired colonel Mikhail Khodarenok wrote for

Russia Deploys S-300 to Syria to 'Prevent Hotheads From Making Rash Decisions'

The military expert pointed out that both advanced air defense systems have been installed in Syria in the most basic configuration possible. In other words, the capabilities of the S-300V4 and the S-400 deployed to Syria are largely limited, meaning that the systems have been ostensibly stationed in the war-torn Arab country to send a message.

"A single S-400 air defense missile battalion and a single S-300V4 squadron are incapable of tackling all challenges with regard to efficient fight against modern air assault weapons," he said.

The Russian Ministry of Defense, Khodarenok said, expects that a limited deployment will "sober the West up" and Moscow will not have to send additional defense complexes to Syria.

The Russian military "has all the capabilities to drastically increase the operational strength of its air defense forces in Syria," the analyst noted. "Moscow is currently merely demonstrating its capability to push back a potential adversary. Earlier, the lack of this prospect to a certain extent spoiled our potential partners."

The S-400 Triumf (NATO codename SA-21 Growler) anti-aircraft and anti-missile system was deployed to Syria last November after the Turkish Air Force downed a Russian Su-24 in northern Syria. In service since 2007, the complex is capable of intercepting all types of modern air weaponry, including fifth-generation warplanes, as well as ballistic and cruise missiles at a maximum range of nearly 250 miles.

Last week, the Russian Ministry of Defense confirmed that the S-300V4 (NATO designation SA-23 Gladiator) was deployed to Tartus. The system is meant to track and intercept short- and medium-range ballistic missile, aeroballistic and cruise missiles, as well as fixed-wing aircraft, ECM (electronic countermeasure) platforms and precision-guided munitions.

Bluffing its way through citing the Islamic Sharia, the al-Qaeda Takfiri group has for a while been acting directly under the auspices of the Israeli regime in an attempt to bring down the Syrian government even at the cost of uniting with the Muslim world’s sworn enemy, the Zionist regime.

Israel-Qaeda love relationship in Syria

Being home to Islam’s third holiest site, the al-Aqsa Mosque, Palestine serves as a unifying element among Muslims, whose disgust at the Zionist regime has made them condemn Tel Aviv’s atrocities hand in hand with human rights activists across the globe on a lot of occasions.

Sticking to an anti-Israeli rhetoric, al-Qaeda has also tried to portray itself as an enemy of the regime while today’s realities on the ground in Syria prove the notion otherwise.

Take this 2009 statement by Ayman al-Zawahiri, for example, in which he drums up support for anti-Israel efforts while addressing Palestinians.

"My Muslim brothers and mujahideen in Gaza and all over Palestine, with the help of Allah we are with you in the battle, we will direct our strikes against the crusader-Jewish coalition wherever we can," said the then- second in command and current leader of the Takfiri entity in an audio message.

Osama bin Laden, the Takfiri group’s leader at the time, himself released a message in the same month, tying al-Qaeda’s fate to fighting with the regime in Tel Aviv, as the Gaza Strip was being bombarded by Israeli jets.

But years of war in Syria have now shed light on al-Qaeda’s readiness to shake hands with Israelis.

Not long after war broke out in Syria in 2011 and foreign-backed militants were transferred to the Muslim country to fight President Bashar al-Assad, there emerged reports indicating that the Israeli regime was aiding and abetting the so-called rebels, particularly in the Syrian Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, where al-Qaeda-affiliated Nusra Front (Jabhat al-Nusra, self proclaimed as Jabhat Fateh al-Sham in July 2016) is active.

As the situation became more complicated in Syria later, with different factions rising to power, losing ground, uniting, re-uniting and splitting from others, the inclination between the two anti-Islam entities – Israel and al-Qaeda – was put into a brighter perspective, with Israeli officials coming out in support of the terrorists, citing human rights concerns.

"It's always useful […] to deal with your enemies in a humane way," the former head of Israel's intelligence agency Mossad told Al Jazeera back in May, when asked about why Israel treated Nusra Front militants fighting against the Syrian government.

Efraim Halevy went even further in the interview, asserting that Israel’s motives are not purely “humane,” and there also exist “tactical” considerations.

Asked by Al Jazeera English journalist Mehdi Hasan on why the regime does not equally treat other fighters such as the ones from Hezbollah, Halevy did not shy away from saying that “al-Qaeda has never attacked Israel” unlike the Lebanese resistance movement, audaciously reiterating that Tel Aviv is not afraid of any “blow-back” over its proclivity for al-Qaeda.

The former Israeli spymaster, however, claimed that the regime wants an “independent” government in Syria and supports neither the militants nor Assad.

A ‘sensitive’ Israel! Tel Aviv’s obsession with who is in charge in Syria was shed light upon even further when the military affairs minister, Moshe Ya’alon, commented on the matter two months later.

Ya’alon candidly talked about Tel Aviv’s priorities in Syria, or at least some of them, saying the al-Qaeda militants were being treated under some conditions.

“That they don’t get too close to the border, and that they don’t touch the Druze [in Syria’s Israeli-occupied Golan Heights],” he explained, adding, the al-Qaeda terrorists “on the other side, feel that we’re acting sensitively.”

Cooperation between Nusra and Israel has been used even by Daesh elements to undermine the once-ally and later-opponent faction, with an ISIL big wig going as far as calling Nusra fighters “Jews of Jihad,” to expose the reciprocity.

Abu Maysarah al-Shami, an influential ideologue within Daesh, wrote an article entitled “The Jews of Jihad: Zawahiri’s al-Qaeda,” circulated mostly through the Telegram messaging application in January, to denounce Israel-Qaeda ties.

The Daesh element accused Nusra militants of seeking “to infiltrate the Khilafah [the self-titled Islamic caliphate] to distort its methodology from within,” by referring to their ties with Israel.

His statement also censured those who are “infatuated with [al-Qaeda leadership’s] opinions, compete to attain status and doubt the deviance of” Zawahiri.

Laith Alkhouri, the co-founder and Middle East and North Africa director of research and analysis at US-based internet monitoring group Flashpoint Intel, told Newsweek that this is the first time Daesh is likening its rival group to Israel.

“I have never heard any jihadist [Takfiri] before use this specific term,” he said. “[Shami] has been a very active, pro-ISIS supporter online. He is what I call an influencer in the jihadi [Takfiri] community.”

In December 2015, British newspaper The Daily Mail said Israel had saved the lives of more than 2,000 Takfiri militants since 2013.

The deputy secretary general of Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah, Sheikh Naim Qassem, probably summed up the two enemies' cooperation in the best way, noting, the "central" crisis in the Middle East involves “Takfiri terrorism, which is supported by the Israeli terrorism.”

Syrian sources said Russia plans to respond to the US officials' boastful remarks by intensifying its airstrikes against the terrorist groups in Syria.

Source: Russia to Respond US Braggery by Intensifying Anti-Terror Campaign

"While ordering its troops to respond to any provocative move by the US, Russia has intensified its offensives against the terrorists in Aleppo, Hama and Damascus countryside," Syrian military and diplomatic sources told FNA on Wednesday.

The sources underlined that the regions which are more important to Syria and its allies are the city of Aleppo and its countryside, the city of Hama and its countryside, Damascus countryside and Dara'a province.

"The recent diplomatic dispute between Russia and the Western countries in the UN Security Council as well as the tension between Moscow and Washington made the Russian leadership call on its military officials in Syria to prepare plans for fresh attacks on some terrorist-controlled strategic regions while maintaining their state of alert in a bid to respond to the US braggery by making new military gains," the sources said.

In early October, Russian media reported that the country's defense ministry had devised a preemptive plan to be implemented if the US withdraws from talks with Moscow on Syria and opts for its Plan B.

Izvestia newspaper quoted a high-ranking military source as saying that the plan includes military and political measures. The source didn’t reveal the details of the Russian plan.

Also, Franz Klintsevich, the deputy head of the Unity group in the State Duma, revealed that "if needed, we can highly increase our military support for the Syrian armed forces".

A notorious field commander of Fatah al-Sham Front (the newly-formed al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorist group previously known as the al-Nusra Front) was killed in clashes with Syrian Army troops and National Defense Forces in Northern Homs.

Senior Fatah Al-Sham Commander Killed in Syrian Army Attacks in Homs

Samer Mustafa al-Sheikh, alongside a number of his forces, was killed in Syrian government forces' assaults on Fatah al-Sham's bases in al-Sa'an region in the Eastern side of Talbiseh.

Field sources said on Tuesday that a long convoy of terrorist groups' military and supply vehicles came under heavy attack by the Syrian Army troops in Northern Homs, adding that the column sustained major damage.

"Syrian Army units, tipped off by intelligence agents, stormed a column of terrorists' vehicles carrying arms and fresh forces near the village of Ein al-Hossein in al-Nasr region, inflicting heavy damage on the vehicles," the sources said.

"The convoy was on its way towards Northeastern Homs," the sources said.

"A number of terrorists accompanying the cargo were killed and wounded in the attack," they added.

Some 150 terrorists from Jund al-Aqsa, another militant group called by Washington as moderates, arrived in the city of Raqqa to join the ISIL on Wednesday after the main part of their group expressed allegiance to Fatah Al-Sham (Al-Nusra) Front few days ago.

Syria: Large Numbers of Jund Al-Aqsa Terrorists Join ISIL in Raqqa City

A sum of 150 Jund al-Aqsa terrorists in three groups of 50-strong men joined the ISIL in Raqqa city to fight for the self-proclaimed caliphate.

The move comes after the main part of the group joined Fatah al-Sham Front (previously known as the al-Nusra Front) on Sunday.

The announcement by Jund al-Aqsa came as the differences between Jund al-Aqsa and its rival militant group Ahrar al-Sham intensified and ended up in severe clashes in recent days.

Jund al-Aqsa claimed that its allegiance to Fatah al-Sham is aimed at preventing more clashes with Ahrar al-Sham which is a much larger terrorist group in terms of number.
Russia concerned over deteriorating ties with US — Putin

Russia and the United States should act like partners and respect each other’s interests, Vladimir Putin says

Moscow is concerned as the Russian-US relations have soured but "this is not our choice," President Vladimir Putin told the "Russia Calling!" VTB forum on Wednesday.

"We are also concerned over the deterioration of the Russian-US relations, but this is not our choice, we have never wanted this. On the contrary, we want to have friendly relations with such a great country as the United States, the leading economy of the world," Putin said.

Russia and the United States should act like partners and respect each other’s interests in order to improve bilateral relations, he stressed.

The president noted that it is "very difficult to maintain dialogue" with the current US administration, "there is almost no dialogue at all." According to him, the US administration first says what it wants and then starts insisting that it is done. "But this is not dialogue, this is some kind of dictate, and it happens almost every time. As for Russia, we are ready for dialogue but dialogue is usually aimed at reaching compromise. What should be done to normalize the situation? We should act like partners and take each other’s interests into account. We are ready for that," Putin said.

US attempts to manipulate public opinion

The president believes that by accusing Russia of pressures the US Administration is trying to manipulate public opinion.

"This hysteria has only one task - to distract the opinion of the American people from the essence of the content the hackers have made public," Putin said. "In fact, this is manipulation with public opinion. For some reason nobody says so. Everybody keeps talking about who did that."

Speaking about the accusations against Russia that it allegedly exerts pressure on other countries, Putin said: "Look who’s talking!" "Our partners, namely the US administration, are too busy putting pressure on other countries," he said. "Also on its allies, it eavesdrops and wiretaps on its allies, and uses this information."

Such a picture may be seen - some hackers leaked information that Hillary Clinton’s headquarters are acting improperly during the election campaign, namely by supporting one intra-party candidate at the expense of another. "The hysteria began that this is in the interests of Russia. There is nothing here about Russia’s interests," he stressed.

Russian theme in US

Putin believes that it is utterly impermissible to use the theme "Russia" as "petty cash" in the internal political struggle in the United States.

"It is very wrong to use Russia as petty cash in the internal political struggle, thus harming inter-state relations," Putin noted.

"We are being told all the time that ten years ago nobody recalled Russia’s very existence. Everybody thought it was a second-rate power, a regional country of no interest at all," Putin said.

"These days number one problem in the whole election campaign is Russia. It is being talked about all along. This is very flattering, of course, but only to an extent," Putin said. "All participants in that process overdo it when it comes to anti-Russian rhetoric and spoil our interstate relations."

Putin said it is very bad for the whole international community, because in global terms Russia and the United States bear the responsibility for maintaining peace and security the world over as the two leading nuclear powers.

At the same time, Putin remarked, "Russia is being whispered into both ears it should not pay too much attention to it, that it will come to an end someday and we will be friends again."

"That’s not serious," he said.

New US president

Putin stressed Russia will be prepared to work with any US president, provided the yet-to-be elected head of state displays the wish to cooperate with Russia.

"The people of the United States will make the choice they deem right. Whatever the outcome, we will be working with any US leader, whoever may take the president’s seat," he said. "If the US leader displays the wish to work with our country, of course."

Negotiations to surrender east Aleppo under way

Negotiations to surrender the rebel-held east Aleppo pocket have begun between the Syrian Arab Army's High Command and Islamist groups, a local source told Al-Masdar News on Wednesday afternoon.

The two parties are currently negotiating the possible exit of all Islamist groups from east Aleppo, via the contested Bustan Al-Qasir District.

If the Islamist groups agree to the terms offered in today's negotiations, the Syrian Armed Forces will be in full-control of some east Aleppo neighborhoods.

While the Syrian Armed Forces have found some rebel groups to negotiate with, large Islamist factions like Harakat Nouriddeen Al-Zinki and Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham (formerly Al-Nusra Front) refuse to speak to the government and their Russian allies.

Syrian Army, Popular Forces Continue Bloody Clashes with Terrorists South of Aleppo

The Syrian Armed Forces and their allies stormed buildings near the strategic Sheikh Saeed Hill that resulted in fierce battle with the Jeish al-Fatah.

The clashes, army reports said, have claimed the lives of tens of militants and wounded scores more.

In the meantime, the Russian Air Force carried out over 20 airstrikes against Jeish al-Fatah's centers in Southern Aleppo, pinning down the terrorists behind their defense lines.

Local sources said on Tuesday that the Syrian Army's missile units targeted one of the main bases of the terrorist groups in Southern Aleppo, destroying the base completely and killing a number of militant commanders.

The missile units of the Syrian army and National Defense Forces, tipped off by intelligence agents, targeted a meeting of the commanders of the terrorist groups in Khalasah.

All commanders in the base were killed in the attack.

ISIS launches major offensive in Deir Ezzor

The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) launched a large-scale offensive inside Deir Ezzor today, targeting the Syrian Arab Army's defenses at the strategic district of Al-Haweeqa.

ISIS began the offensive by storming the Syrian Arab Army-held portion of Al-Haweeqa; this resulted in a series of intense clashes that are still ongoing at the moment.

According to an Al-Masdar correspondent in Damascus, the Islamic State has not made any significant gains as of yet; however, they have intensified their assault over the last hour by sending in reinforcements to the front-lines.

In response to the Islamic State attack, the Russian Air Force launched several airstrikes over the Deir Ezzor countryside, targeting the terrorist group's positions at Al-Hamidiyah, Hawija Al-Saqr, Huwlijat Mari'iyah.

Syria: Large Numbers of Jund Al-Aqsa Terrorists Join ISIL in Raqqa City

A sum of 150 Jund al-Aqsa terrorists in three groups of 50-strong men joined the ISIL in Raqqa city to fight for the self-proclaimed caliphate.

The move comes after the main part of the group joined Fatah al-Sham Front (previously known as the al-Nusra Front) on Sunday.

The announcement by Jund al-Aqsa came as the differences between Jund al-Aqsa and its rival militant group Ahrar al-Sham intensified and ended up in severe clashes in recent days.

Jund al-Aqsa claimed that its allegiance to Fatah al-Sham is aimed at preventing more clashes with Ahrar al-Sham which is a much larger terrorist group in terms of number.

Hectic efforts earlier to put an end to the disputes and clashes between Ahrar al-Sham and Jund al-Aqsa failed and resulted in unprecedented fighting between the two terrorist groups over the past few days.

Another "moderate" - in Washington's terms - militant group, supported by the US financially and militarily, joined the Fatah al-Sham Front (formerly known as al-Nusra Front) terrorist group on Saturday.

According to the Lebanese al-Safir newspaper, the group named al-Katiba al-Saniya al-Markazia led by Ahmad Qassoum separated from Liwa al-Soghour al-Jabal terrorist group and joined the Fatah al-Sham Front.

The separation happened after Liwa Soghour al-Jabal joined the Idlib Free Army militant group, the daily said.
Russian Government Officials Told To Immediately Bring Back Children Studying Abroad

In Europe, when it gets serious, you have to lie... at least if you are an unelected bureaucrat like Jean-Claude Juncker. In Russia, however, when it gets serious, attention immediately turns to the children.

Which is why we read a report in Russian website Znak published Tuesday, according to which Russian state officials and government workers were told to bring back their children studying abroad immediately, even if means cutting their education short and not waiting until the end of the school year, and re-enroll them in Russian schools, with some concern. The article adds that if the parents of these same officials also live abroad "for some reason", and have not lost their Russian citizenship, should also be returned to the motherland. Znak cited five administration officials as the source of the report.


The "recommendation" applies to all: from the administration staff, to regional administrators, to lawmakers of all levels. Employees of public corporations are also subject to the ordinance. One of the sources said that anyone who fails to act, will find such non-compliance to be a "complicating factor in the furtherance of their public sector career." He added that he was aware of several such cases in recent months.

It appears that the underlying reason behind the command is that the Russian government is concerned about the optics of having children of the Russian political elite being educated abroad, while their parents appear on television talking about patriotism and being "surrounded by enemies."

While we doubt the impacted children will be happy by this development, some of the more patriotic locals, if unimpacted, are delighted. Such as Vitaly Ivanov, a political scientist who believes that the measure to return children of officials from studying abroad, is "long overdue." According Ivanoc, the education of children of the Russian elite abroad is subject to constant ridicule and derision against the ruling regime. "People note the hypocrisy of having a centralized state and cultivating patriotism and anti-Western sentiment, while children of government workers study abroad. You can not serve two gods, one must choose."

On the other hand, political analyst Stanislav Belkovsky quoted by Znak, believes that such decisions should be approached with more pragmatism. Such a recommendation is more likely to lead to an outflow of officials from the state, rather than allow the return of the children studying at elite foreign universities. He also warned of attempts to recreate an echo chamber such as that experienced after the failed July coup attempt on Turkey's President Erdogan.

But what he said next was more disturbing: "On the one hand, this is all part of a package of measures to prepare the elites for some 'big war' even if it is rather conditional, on the other hand - this is another blow to the unity of President Putin with his own elite" Belkovsky said. He adds that the Western sanctions launched in March 2014, had sought to drive a wedge between Putin and elites. In response, the Kremlin began to act precisely according to the logic of these sanctions. "But while a ban for having assets in the West is one thing, and understandable, when it comes to a ban for offshore health and education services, the blowback will be far greater, as it represents a far more important element of the establishment's life strategy."

Ultimately the motivation behind Putin's decision is unclear: whether it is to show Russia's high-ranking oligarchs who is boss, to boost a sense of patriotism among the nation by sending a symbolic message that the west is no longer a welcome destination for Russia's rich kids, or just a preemptive move of repatriating of any individuals affiliated with Russian politics for other unknown reasons; however it underscores the severity of the ongoing diplomatic crisis and just how significant the upcoming isolation between Russia and the West is likely to become in the coming months - unless of course tensions deescalate dramatically in the very near future - resulting in even greater collapse in global commerce and a further slowdown to world economic growth, which may ultimately lead to an armed conflict, whether regional or global, as the only possible outcome.
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