Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

US Secretary of Defense James Mattis questioned the Russian-sponsored plan on Syrian safe zones saying that Washington is going to study Moscow's proposal.

Pentagon Chief Questions Syria Safe Zones Plan as Russia Saves the Day... Again

The Pentagon chief told journalists on Monday that the Russian plan poses many unanswered questions, including whether it would be effective.

He said that the possible impact of the plan on US-led fight against Daesh in the country is unclear yet. "Will it affect the fight against ISIS [Daesh]? I think the international community is united in the sense of wanting to see ISIS put on its back foot," the defense secretary said.

"Who is going to be ensuring they're safe? Who is signing up for it? Who is specifically to be kept out of them? All these details are to be worked out and we're engaged," Mattis said.

The Pentagon head was cautious enough not to answer directly a question on whether there is hope that the Russian plan will help end years-long violence in Syria.

"The devil is always in the details, right? So we have to look at the details, see if we can work them out, see if we think they're going to be effective," he continued.

US Defence Secretary Jim Mattis said on Monday the United States would closely examine proposed de-escalation zones aimed at easing Syria’s civil war but warned “the devil’s in the details” and that much needed to be worked out.

US reviews Syria de-escalation zones but warns ‘devil’s in the details’

[...] The US State Department has voiced concerns about the deal, saying it was skeptical of Iran’s involvement as a guarantor of the accord and Damascus’s track record on previous agreements.

Mattis, in some of the most extensive remarks by the Trump administration so far, was cautious when asked about the deal’s chances as he travelled to Copenhagen for talks with US allies.

“All wars eventually come to an end and we’ve been looking for a long time how to bring this one to an end. So we’ll look at the proposal and see if it can work,” he told reporters.

He added that basic details were still unclear, including who specifically would ensure the zones were “safe” and exactly which groups would be kept out of them.

Pressed as to whether he thought the de-escalation zones could help end the conflict, Mattis said: “The devil’s always in the details, right? So we’ve got to look at the details.”

Mattis noted that US Marine General Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, spoke about the zones with his Russian counterpart on Saturday.

“This subject was brought up, but there’s a lot of details to be worked out,” Mattis said.

The United States has established hundreds of military facilities all over the globe and will only build more, President of the Brazilian Center for Solidarity and Struggle for Peace (Cebrapaz) Antonio Barreto told Sputnik Mundo, saying that overseas military bases present a threat to global peace and stability and need to be closed down.

Pentagon Has 'Over 800 Military Bases' Across the Globe With More on the Way

"We, peace advocates, urge to close foreign military bases. A large-scale campaign is needed right now since we are on the verge of a major armed conflict on the Korean Peninsula which could see the use of nuclear weapons. US warships, nuclear submarines and troops are already there. They pose a threat to China, all nations in the region and the peace in the world," he said.

These remarks were made during the V International Seminar for Peace and elimination of Foreign Military Bases held in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, on May 4-6. Representatives of approximately 30 countries took part in the event.

Antonio Barreto criticized the United States for carrying out an interventionist foreign policy and investing millions into its overseas military presence.

"These bases present a threat to humanity. American imperialism has promoted them. Right now, the US has more than 800 military bases on all continents. The Trump administration does not intend to reduce their number. Instead they are building new ones as seen in Argentina, Colombia and other nations, primarily located in South America," he said.

Unsurprisingly, the International Seminar has always taken place in the Cuban province of Guantanamo, a place which has become synonymous with torture and unlawful detention.

"Approximately 117 kilometers of the Guantanamo province have been occupied by a US military base, which has turned into a center for torture and horrifying violation of human rights of alleged 'terrorists' kept there for more than a decade," Barreto said.

The US has lost its first soldier in fighting in Somalia since the infamous Black Hawk Down incident 24-years-ago, with the military reporting a military death this in the war-torn East African country.

US Navy SEAL killed in raid on Somalia's al-Shabaab

The US' Africa Command (AFRICOM) said the soldier was killed in fighting with al-Shabaab militants on Thursday close to the capital Mogadishu.

It is believed the soldier was a US Navy SEAL while two other Americans were injured in the raid on an al-Shabaab compound.

"One US service member was killed during an operation against al-Shabaab near Barii, Somalia, approximately 40 miles (65 kilometres) west of Mogadishu," AFRICOM said in a statement.

It comes after the US announced it was sending "a few dozen troops" to Somalia help train and equip Somalia troops to fight Shabaab militants.

US special forces have been deployed in Somalia for years, while Washington has carried out countless drone strikes on Shabaab targets.

The death on Thursday appears to be the US' first military loss in Somalia since 1993, when 18 American servicemen died in what is called the Battle of Mogadishu. This was portrayed in the 2002 Hollywood blockbuster Black Hawk Down.

The battle saw two American Black Hawk helicopters shot down, sparking a desperate rescue mission that resulted in hundreds of deaths, including many civilians and the US personnel.

"We do not believe there has been a case where a US service member has been killed in combat action in Somalia since the incident there in 1993," Mack told AFP.

AFRICOM said the US forces in the raid were on an "advise-and-assist mission alongside members of the Somali National Army".

Two helicopters were involved in the raid, firing missiles before landing to unload soldiers, after which a heavy firefight broke out, Moalim Muhidin, a local source told AFP.

Abdirisak Farah, a Somali military officer, said there were casualties on both sides, with six Shabaab fighters killed.

Shabaab claimed credit for killing the US soldier and said it repelled the raid.

"An air landing operation by US Special Forces was thwarted in Lower Shabelle province and a number of their soldiers were killed and wounded," the group said, according to the SITE Intelligence Group.

A Pentagon spokesman, Navy Captain Jeff Davis, described the raid as a "Somali mission" against a Shabaab compound housing individuals linked to attacks on Somali and US forces.

He said the US team had been "maintaining a distance back" from the Somali troops when it came under fire.

Davis did not identify the US personnel in the team. But he said they were operating "under the same authorities" in place since 2013, suggesting they were US special operations commandos.

"We do have an enduring presence of about 50 US special operations that work in Somalia doing this advise-and-assist mission to the SNA," he said.

Washington has insisted that Shabaab poses a grave threat to US security, and has also launched attacks on nearby Yemen where al-Qaeda have established a stronghold.

A US special forces raid was launched weeks after President Donald Trump took office on a suspected al-Qaeda base in Yemen led to the death of one American soldier and up to 25 civilians.

Somalia has been ravaged by decades of fighting allowing the al-Qaeda linked al-Shabaab group to take over large parts of the country.

An African-led force has helped Somalia push back the militants, but they still pose a potent threat to the country which is only just beginning to establish a stable government in the capital.

An official at the Israel Medical Association says the Health Ministry's order is improper and not customary in other areas of medical ethics.

Israel: Doctors refusing to force treatment on Palestinian hunger strikers must find their own replacement

Doctors who refuse to force treatment on hunger striking Palestinian security prisoners whose lives are in danger must find another physician willing to treat the patients, the Health Ministry ordered.

Over 1,000 Palestinian security prisoners in Israeli prisons, mostly Fatah members led by Marwan Barghouti, began a hunger strike on April 17, demanding additional privileges, and most are still continuing with their strike.

In a letter distributed to Israeli hospitals on Wednesday, the Health Ministry refreshed the regulations and procedures concerning hunger strikers as part of the preparations for treating the striking prisoners, hundreds of whom are still not eating.

A new instruction was added at the end of the letter, saying doctors who think that the patient requires treatment but are unwilling to carry it out against the patient's will – even if the Israel Medical Association has decided that the doctor is allowed to administer such treatment – must immediately transfer the patient to another doctor, who is at least as qualified, and who is willing to carry out the treatment. The doctor must then immediately inform their direct professional supervisor and the hospital management, the letter said.

The new guidelines have led to a great deal of criticism from the IMA. Dr. Tami Karni, the chairwoman of the IMA Ethics Board, says that placing the responsibility of finding a replacement doctor on the physician who refuses to carry out such treatment is improper and not customary in other areas of medical ethics.

In the past, the IMA has strongly objected to allowing doctors to participate in such treatments, including force feeding, and has even petitioned the High Court of Justice against a law permitting the force-feeding of prisoners who go on a hunger strike. The High Court, however, ruled in 2016 that the law is constitutional.

The treatment of hunger-striking prisoners is considered to be particularly sensitive in the medical system and in the Health Ministry. Senior ministry and hospital officials have made great efforts over the years to avoid any actions that could be interpreted as violating medical ethics and human rights, or those of a political nature.

Over the past few years, the health system has had to deal with a number of hunger strikers whose medical conditions seriously deteriorated. In the end, they were kept alive without taking any medical action against their will, because they had either reached an agreement with the government or had received specific medical treatment reaching a level of trust with the medical staff.

Dr. Sigal Liverant, the head of the general medicine division in the ministry, told hospitals that it is best to establish an ethical treatment team to convince the hunger striking patients through dialogue to receive food and treatment. Such a move could prevent the need for the ethics committees in the hospitals to intervene.

The hospital ethics committees are entitled to decide whether to force a patient to receive treatment, including hunger strikers. In 2015, an amendment to the prison regulations took effect, which allows the president of a district court or her deputy to allow providing medical treatment for prisoners on a hunger strike against their will.

The new regulations allow medical intervention for hunger strikers when the patient has ended their objections to treatment; when they no longer refuse treatment; in situations when the patient cannot express such agreement or refusal, such as when they are confused, unconscious, etc; in medical emergencies that pose an immediate danger to the patient's life, or a danger of permanent, irreversible disability exists. Resuscitation, when needed to prevent death, meets all the accepted medical ethics rules, wrote Liverant. No ethical obstacle exists to carry out medical tests, with the patient's agreement or that of the ethics committee.

Karni said the IMA has not changed its position on the matter in any way. Today, when a patient is in a condition in which they lose their ability to express their wishes, doctors will act on their behalf to prevent their death. "So far the doctors have not acted against the ethical rules, and I believe this is what will happen this time too," said Karni.

Israeli authorities have escalated the demolition of Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem, destroying over 66 housing units during the first four months of 2017.

Israel escalates Palestinian home demolitions in Jerusalem

In 2016, Israeli demolitions reached a 10-year high in the occupied territories, with over 1,560 Palestinians displaced by the destruction of homes and agricultural structures, according to UN data.

The current pace of demolitions in 2017 is set to overtake last year's record high.

Since Israel's occupation of East Jerusalem, Gaza, and the West Bank in 1967, over 48,000 Palestinian homes and agricultural structures have been demolished in the occupied territories, the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions says.

In that time, house demolitions and other Israeli policies have internally displaced at least 160,000 Palestinians, according to the group.

Most house demolitions in the West Bank take place in Area C, over 60 percent of the West Bank under full Israeli administrative and security control where most Israeli settlements are located.

In East Jerusalem, demolitions take place in strategic areas to create a geographic reality where Israeli sovereignty cannot be challenged and division of the city as part of the two state solution becomes impossible.

Ministers in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government on Sunday endorsed a controversial bill to enshrine Israel’s character as a Jewish state despite criticism that it would leave the country’s one-fifth Arab minority as second-class citizens.

Israel takes steps to define itself as a Jewish state and demote the status of the Arabic language

Among other things, the bill downgrades Arabic from its current status as an official language of the state to that of “special” language to make government services accessible to the country’s Arab citizens.

Entitled “Israel — The Nation-State of the Jewish People,” the bill declares that “the right to realize national self-determination in the state of Israel is unique to the Jewish people.”

If passed by the parliament, the legislation would become part of Israel’s quasi-constitutional series of “Basic Laws” and require a special majority to repeal.

The purpose of the bill is to “protect the status of Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people,” said a statement from Avi Dichter, a lawmaker from Netanyahu’s Likud Party. Dichter argued that none of Israel’s 11 Basic Laws deals with the identity or definition of the Israeli state.

The bill is a watered-down version of past proposals for a “nation-state” law that were abandoned amid criticism that they would prioritize Israel’s Jewish identity over its democratic values. The adoption of the current proposal by the government’s ministerial committee on legislation gives the bill momentum as it heads to Israel’s parliament, the Knesset.

Efforts to pass such a bill follow demands by Netanyahu in peace talks that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas recognize Israel as a Jewish state.

The bill is a “law to protect the majority while trampling on the rights of the minority,” tweeted Ayman Odeh, the leader of the Joint List parliamentary faction, which represents most of the country’s Arab citizens. “The tyranny of the majority is turning us into second-class citizens.”

The Knesset, Israel’s unicameral legislature, is considering a bill that would define Israel as the “national home of the Jewish people” and remove Arabic as the Jewish state’s second official language.

Israel Considers Bill that Would Downgrade Arabic From Official Language

The bill, sponsored by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's right-wing Likud party, would make Hebrew the sole official language of Israel. Arabic would continue to enjoy a "special status" with "its speakers [having] the right to language-accessible state services," according to Israeli newspaper Haaretz. Government services would be made available in Arabic, an availability which is not universal at this time.

"The State of Israel is the national home of the Jewish people, in which it realizes its aspirations for self-determination according to its cultural and historic traditions. The realization of national self-determination in the State of Israel is unique to the Jewish people," the bill reads. In addition to the issue of official languages, it also touches on Israel's Jewish character, anthem, symbols, and flag.

Avi Dichter, the bill's sponsor, said that the bill was necessary to "set in law our national identity while remaining a democratic state." It would be "a big step toward establishing our identity, not only universally, but mainly toward ourselves, the Israelis, to be a free nation in our land," he added.
The de-escalation agreement for four fighting zones in Syria has come into effect. The battles between Syrian government forces (red) and the foreign supported "rebels" (yellow) has ebbed in the north, in Idleb and north Hama, in the south round Deraa, around the besieged "rebel" enclaves north of Homs and east of Damascus in east-Ghouta. That does not mean that those areas are peaceful or safe. In the north Turkey is scrimishing with U.S. supported Kurds (purple), in Deraa governate ISIS is infighting with other Jihadi "rebels" and in east-Ghouta various "rebel" groups are trying to eliminate each other.

Syria: The New Government Plans For Moving East (Map)

This de-escalation has freed up Syrian government forces which are now repositioning for a large attack through south-east Syria towards Deir-Ezzor and the Iraqi border. One axis of the attack will be from the capital to the east along the Damascus-Baghdad highway towards the Iraqi border. Another one will aim from Palmyra east through Sukhnah towards Deir Ezzor. (Roughly painted as red arrows on the map).

This terrain in-between is largely desert with only a few villages and some oil installations on the way. Large distances can be covert within a few hours. Fighting against ISIS (aka the Islamic State, grey) will be limited to the few build up areas. But the long "lines of communication", i.e. the supply roads, will be under constant danger of raids from roving ISIS militants and possibly U.S. airplanes.

In parallel to the two large attacks smaller operations (sketched as green arrows on the map) will proceed to eliminate ISIS and "rebel" forces near the government held western heartland. The current U.S.-Kurdish operation against ISIS in Raqqa is pushing ISIS elements towards those western government areas. The (green) "secure the realms" operations are designed to surround and eliminate all enemy areas to the west of the line and to prevent further infiltration into core areas.

The south-eastern desert is currently held by the Islamic State. But U.S. supported "rebel" forces and regular U.S. army troops threaten to take the area in a large attack launched from east Jordan towards the north and onto Raqqa. The build up of such a force has been reported several times and likely has some truth to it. (Though recently published photos of a Jordan armor depot some 50 kilometers from the border are probably unrelated. The depot has existed with nearly the same amount of armor since at least 2010.)

It would be quite risky for Jordan to take part or even allow such a large military operation in Syria. ISIS has infiltrated refugee camps in and near Jordan and has a substantial following within the country. But Jordan depends on U.S. and Gulf country money and can only reject their demands to a certain degree.

Should the U.S. military decide to take all of east-Syria by moving in from Jordan it will come into conflict with the Syrian (red arrow) forces pushing east. These Syrian movements will be accompanied by Russian military elements. Any collision of these maneuver groups could lead to serious escalations.

I doubt that U.S. President Trump has a personal interest in any move in Syria beyond the taking of Raqqa, He needs that success together with the taking of Mosul in Iraq from ISIS for propaganda purposes. Taking Raqqa will be difficult enough. The U.S.-Kurdish forces are still skirmishing ISIS around Taqba city and its dam, (some 30 kilometers from Raqqa) and the Kurds want further political concessions before moving on. Any additional "nation building" will hamper Trump's other political aims.

The military hawks in his government and in the Gulf countries led by Saudi Arabia are aiming further. It is now the National Security Advisor General McMaster who is pushing for regime change in Syria. The recent U.S. cruise missile attack on the Syrian Shayrat air base which was predominantly used to fight ISIS was McMaster's plan. But it seems that McMaster is now disliked by Trump and the inner White House circles. There is thus some hope that he will leave soon. The Syrian Foreign Minister already detects some change in the U.S. attitude towards the situation in Syria.

The plans of the Syrian government and its allies make sense. But the large moves towards the east can only proceed if the de-escalation schemes in the west keep the battlefields there relative quiet. This again depends on Turkey's willingness to blockade new weapon flows towards the "rebels" and al-Qaeda especially in north Syria. The Turkish President Erdogan is known for turning on a dime. The Gulf countries will offer him huge bribes to spoil the de-escalation. Russia is offering a pipeline which promises long term profits. It is hard to know which bribe he will prefer and which side he will -in the end- decide to support.

Intelligent agents reported that the US, British and Jordanian forces are preparing for a possible invasion of Syria under the pretext of war on ISIL terrorists.

US, British, Jordanian Forces Readying for Joint Operation in Syria

According to reports, Damascus has gone on the alert after intelligence reports gathered from surveillance drones suggested that the US, Britain and Jordanian militaries may be prepping a massive invasion of Syria.

Nearly 400 American and Jordanian military vehicles have been located at a Jordanian military base near the Syrian desert border, the reports said, adding there is no ISIL terrorists in the region in which the US, British and Jordanian forces are operating.

The reports further added that activities of these three countries at border are aimed at gathering Arab and Western forces in al-Zarqa camp in which there are now almost 4,500 gunmen.

The report went on to say that the gunmen in al-Zarqa camp have gone under training to battle the Syrian army to stretch a belt around Syria, a plan that is nothing more than an occupation.

The intelligence reports also said that the military convoys of the US, Jordan and Britain may launch an assault to help the West-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) around the Al-Tanf border crossing.

Reports also said that the Syrian Army troops, in response to the possible attacks by the US, British and Jordanian forces on their soil, have launched a large-scale operation along the Damascus-Baghdad highway to drive FSA out of the border crossing of al-Tanf.

Earlier this month, the Syrian army advanced towards Badiyeh al-Sham region in Dara'a to defuse the joint plan of the US, Britain, Jordan and terrorist groups to create a buffer zone in Southern Syria.

A military source underlined the importance of the army forces' advance from Tishrin thermal power plant in Eastern Damascus towards Badiyeh al-Sham region in Dara'a, and said the Syrian soldiers established security in the region between Eastern Damascus and Badiyeh.

He said that during the operations, the Syrian fighter jets and helicopters played an important role as they pounded the regions near Tal Dakouh and other regions linking to Dara'a from the South, adding that the operation forced the ISIL to withdraw.

Earlier reports said that the US sought to establish a buffer zone in a large part of Dara'a province and Quneitra so that they would gradually come out of the Syrian government control.

Other reports also said that the Jordanian and British military personnel were preparing for entering the Syrian soil. Also, the Syrian borders with Jordan and Israel witnessed unexpected military moves and measures.

Military sources disclosed on Tuesday that the Syrian Army troops continued their anti-ISIL operation in the Southeastern direction of the ancient city of Palmyra to kill the chance for a US-led plan to access Deir Ezzur.

Syrian Army Continues Operation in Southeastern Homs to Foil US-Led Plan to Invade Deir Ezzur

The sources reported that the army soldiers started a fresh round of operation against ISIL in Badiyeh (desert) al-Sham and managed to retake the region, thwarting a plan led by Washington to reach Deir Ezzur.

The sources went on to say that tough battles are now underway between the US-backed militants and ISIL and also between the Syrian soldiers and the US-backed militants in Badiyeh.

They added that the army units engaged in fierce clashes with ISIL in areas surrounding the protected region of al-Talileh in the Northeastern direction of Palmyra, trying to take control of the region earlier than any other rival.

In the meantime, the army units utilized the opportunity of ongoing clashes between the US-backed militants and ISIL in Badiyeh and advanced in some regions near al-Seen airbase and Kaziyeh Fallahin towards Damascus-Baghdad highway, taking back several positions.

According to reports, the US intends to occupy several regions in the Central part of Syria's Badiyeh to launch military operations to access Deir Ezzur. According to a military source, the Syrian Army is trying to win control of the al-Tanf Border-Crossing with Iraq before the US, Britain and Jordanian military men enter Homs province.

The US-Britain-Jordanian Coalition has increased their presence at the Jordanian border.

Intelligent agents reported earlier today that the US, British and Jordanian forces are preparing for a possible invasion of Syria under the pretext of war on ISIL terrorists.

According to reports, Damascus has gone on the alert after intelligence reports gathered from surveillance drones suggested that the US, Britain and Jordanian militaries may be prepping a massive invasion of Syria.

Nearly 400 American and Jordanian military vehicles have been located at a Jordanian military base near the Syrian desert border, the reports said, adding there is no ISIL terrorists in the region in which the US, British and Jordanian forces are operating.

The reports further added that activities of these three countries at border are aimed at gathering Arab and Western forces in al-Zarqa camp in which there are now almost 4,500 gunmen.

The report went on to say that the gunmen in al-Zarqa camp have gone under training to battle the Syrian army to stretch a belt around Syria, a plan that is nothing more than an occupation.

The intelligence reports also said that the military convoys of the US, Jordan and Britain may launch an assault to help the West-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) around the Al-Tanf border crossing.

Reports also said that the Syrian Army troops, in response to the possible attacks by the US, British and Jordanian forces on their soil, have launched a large-scale operation along the Damascus-Baghdad highway to drive FSA out of the border crossing of al-Tanf.

The Syrian government is to give the responsibility of restoring sustainable security to cities across the country to a large number of experienced well-trained forces called Quick Reaction Units (QRU), informed sources disclosed Tuesday.

Interior Ministry's Special Forces Committed to Restore Security to Syrian Cities

The sources said that the Syrian Interior Ministry has been in charge of training hundreds of forces called Quick Reaction Units in a region near Eastern Ghouta to fight against terrorism.

They added that Damascus has trained the QRU forces in street battle and clashes with terrorists to decrease its' dependence on military or security forces for establishing security in cities.

The sources went on to say that the government intends to give more roles to the police forces and train them in different fields of protecting civilians, attack on terrorists' centers and defusing bombs and landmines.

In the meantime, Russia has equipped the QRU forces with the most advanced personal weapons similar to the army that are used by anti-terrorism units in the western states.

The sources pointed out that almost 500 QRU forces have gone under training in Syria.

Commander of Iran's Basij (Volunteer) force Brigadier General Gholam-Hossein Gheib-Parvar underlined that Israel is orchestrating the terrorist events in Syria with the help of certain regional rulers and Takfiri militants.

Top Iranian General: Israel Key Mastermind of Crisis in Syria

"The sedition in Syria is one of the Zionist regime's plots, and the puppet rulers in the region want to hit a blow at Islam in cooperation with Israel," General Gheib-Parvar said, addressing a ceremony in the Northern city of Sari on Tuesday.

"The Takfiri groups (also) seek to uproot Islam under the name of Islam but they cannot attain their ominous goals," he added.

In relevant remarks in April 2016, Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan warned the world states of the threat imposed by terrorist groups which are supported by the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia.

"We believe that today the entire world is threatened by insecurity, instability and spread of horror resulted from acts of the Takfiri-Zionist terrorist groups which are supported by the US, Israel and certain regional countries, headed by Saudi Arabia," General Dehqan said, addressing the 2016 Moscow Conference on International Security (MCIS).

He also downplayed the effectiveness of the so-called anti-terrorism coalitions by the terrorists' supporters, saying they are not interested in serious and decisive battle against the terrorists and actually reinvigorate and recruit the terrorist groups under the disguise of humanitarian aid, truce, negotiations and deceptive slogans.

The Israeli warplanes carried out several spying flights over the military bases of the Russian forces and Syrian Golan troops, local sources said.

Golan Heights: Israeli Spy Planes Spotted Flying over Syrian, Russian Bases

Members of Fouj Al-Joulan (Golan Regiment) in the government-held town of Hader were quoted as saying by AMN that the Israeli warplanes were seen flying over the Syrian Golan Heights at least half a dozen times on Saturday, and at least four times on Sunday.

The Syrian military believed the Israeli Air Force is attempting to gather information about their forces in the Golan Heights and neighboring areas in Western Ghouta.

In the meantime, Haaretz, claimed that Tel Aviv was spying on the Russian forces at the Humeimim Airbase in Southwestern Lattakia, using satellite technology to gather information.

The Haaretz added that the Israeli military managed to identify the presence of the Russian A-50 jet at the Humeimim Airbase.

A-50 jet has significant capabilities, which includes the detection of other aerial objects from far distances.
Syria on Monday dismissed the idea of foreign forces patrolling four so-called de-escalation zones that are to be established under a deal struck by Russia, Iran and Turkey, suggesting Damascus would agree only to Russian "military police" who are already on the ground.

Syria rejects international forces in safe zones

Syria planned to abide by the agreement signed in Kazakhstan last week, Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem told reporters in the Syrian capital, but he cautioned it was "premature" to say whether the deal would succeed.

"There will be no presence by any international forces supervised by the United Nations," al-Moallem said. "The Russian guarantor has clarified that there will be military police and observation centers." Though he did not specify who the military police would be, he appeared to be referring to Russian observers already in Syria.

Al-Moallem also vowed that Syrian government forces would respond "decisively" to any violation by the rebels.

"There are still logistical details that will be discussed in Damascus and we will see the extent of commitment to this agreement," al-Moallem said.

On another diplomatic track, the United Nations' Syria envoy, Staffan de Mistura, announced plans to reconvene talks in Geneva between representatives of Syrian President Bashar Assad's government and opposition leaders May 16.

A U.S. navy ship has collided with a South Korean fishing boat but there are no reports of injuries.

US navy ship collides with South Korean fishing boat

Yonhap news agency says the cruiser USS Lake Champlain was engaging in training Tuesday when it collided with the 9.8-ton fishing boat off South Korea's east coast.

Yonhap cites an unidentified South Korean military official as saying the incident appears to be a minor collision and that no casualties have been reported.

South Korea's Defense Ministry has confirmed the substance of the Yonhap report but gave no further details.

The cause of the collision wasn't immediately known.

About 28,500 U.S. troops are stationed in South Korea as deterrence against potential aggression from North Korea.
The full article text from the previous post.

Syria rejects international forces in safe zones

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said around 1,500 people were expected to leave the Damascus neighborhood of Barzeh on Monday, and more in the coming weeks. Syrian state TV said some 60 buses and ambulances of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent were on hand for the evacuations.

This may be a true statement but the source has been questionable for many other claims.

The really disturbing part for me is the video at the beginning included explaining their version of the Syrian war. They say after school kids in Darra wrote anti-qoverment graffiti on the walls:
How did president Bashar Aassad respond? The kids were arrested and tortured. Their town and the entire country erupted calling for greater freedom and for Assad to step down.

Same old propaganda over and over. I just wouldn't use ABC news for articles since there are a lot others that are not so biased but that is just me.
goyacobol said:
The full article text from the previous post.

Syria rejects international forces in safe zones

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said around 1,500 people were expected to leave the Damascus neighborhood of Barzeh on Monday, and more in the coming weeks. Syrian state TV said some 60 buses and ambulances of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent were on hand for the evacuations.

This may be a true statement but the source has been questionable for many other claims.

In the case of this particular (abc) news article and it's contents, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights statement above - closely aligns itself with information coming out of Syria by other news agencies like Sputnik, Al-masdar and Fars news outlets. Even the reference to "around 1,500 people" is within reason, due to figures given in other reports and that the evacuation is being done "over a period of days and in three phases".

If you go back to my the previous post, I posted the article and it's link and bolded a part I wanted to highlight.

If you go back "to the abc link" - you will notice a secondary feature, a video they piggy-backed on the article with the title: Watch Explaining the war in Syria. They are two separate entities - although, both the article and the video have "Syria" as their theme.

I did not Post the video and it's minutes which was a secondary feature and had a different title.

The abc article:

Syria on Monday dismissed the idea of foreign forces patrolling four so-called de-escalation zones that are to be established under a deal struck by Russia, Iran and Turkey, suggesting Damascus would agree only to Russian "military police" who are already on the ground.

Syria planned to abide by the agreement signed in Kazakhstan last week, Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem told reporters in the Syrian capital, but he cautioned it was "premature" to say whether the deal would succeed.

"There will be no presence by any international forces supervised by the United Nations," al-Moallem said. "The Russian guarantor has clarified that there will be military police and observation centers."

Though he did not specify who the military police would be, he appeared to be referring to Russian observers already in Syria.

Al-Moallem also vowed that Syrian government forces would respond "decisively" to any violation by the rebels.

"There are still logistical details that will be discussed in Damascus and we will see the extent of commitment to this agreement," al-Moallem said.

On another diplomatic track, the United Nations' Syria envoy, Staffan de Mistura, announced plans to reconvene talks in Geneva between representatives of Syrian President Bashar Assad's government and opposition leaders May 16.

A statement from de Mistura's office late Monday said he hoped the agreement struck in Kazakhstan would be fully implemented, to achieve "significant de-escalation in violence" and help underpin the political talks in the Swiss city.

The cease-fire deal went into effect over the weekend, bringing a general reduction in violence, but clashes continued, particularly in central Syria. There are still questions about how the agreement will be enforced.

Russia and Iran, which support Assad, and Turkey, which backs the rebels, may deploy armed forces to secure the four so-called "de-escalation zones," in what would amount to unprecedented coordination between the three regional powers.

The U.N. Security Council president says Russia wants a vote early this week on a resolution supporting the deal. Uruguay's Ambassador Elbio Rosselli told reporters "there are consultations ongoing" on the text.

Several other council diplomats said a vote Monday or Tuesday — as Moscow is seeking — is highly unlikely, explaining that they need details on the zones.

The United States is not party to the de-escalation agreement. U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said the U.S. would take a close look at the proposal for "safe zones" in Syria, but he said the plan poses many unanswered questions, including whether it would be effective.

"We'll look at the proposal, see if it can work," Mattis told reporters traveling with him to Copenhagen, where he will attend a meeting of the U.S.-led coalition battling the Islamic State group. "Will it affect the fight against ISIS? I think the international community is united in the sense of wanting to see ISIS put on its back foot."

Al-Moallem, Syria's foreign minister, said he hopes the agreement will, as a start, achieve a separation between Syrian armed opposition groups and extremist groups such as al-Qaida, saying the former must force the latter to leave the de-escalation zones.

But even if the agreement is enforced, it is unlikely to end the conflict. Despite several rounds of U.N.-mediated negotiations in Geneva, the government and opposition remain at odds over Assad's future role in Syria.

Al-Moallem suggested government forces' next target is Deir el-Zour, where IS militants are besieging parts of the eastern city that are under government control and are home to tens of thousands of people. He said the government aims to regain control of all of Syria, adding that areas bordering Iraq will be a priority.

Al-Moallem said the government's alternative to stalled negotiations has been the implementation of "reconciliation agreements" around the country.

Such agreements have seen the surrender of rebel-held areas to government forces and their allies, often after a prolonged period of siege, in exchange for safe relocation to opposition-held areas elsewhere in the country.

As the foreign minister spoke to reporters, hundreds of rebels and their families left aboard buses from a besieged opposition-held neighborhood of Damascus for rebel-held areas in the country's north, according to state TV and opposition activists.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said around 1,500 people were expected to leave the Damascus neighborhood of Barzeh on Monday, and more in the coming weeks. Syrian state TV said some 60 buses and ambulances of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent were on hand for the evacuations.

Barzeh came under siege last month, after government forces captured a major road near the area, separating it from rebel-held eastern suburbs of Damascus.

Tens of thousands of people living in besieged areas around Damascus, Homs and Aleppo — Syria's largest city — have surrendered under similar agreements in recent months, agreeing to relocate in what critics have said amounts to forced displacement.

From Fars News:

Hundreds of Gunmen, Family Members to Leave Northern Damascus

TEHRAN (FNA)- Local sources said that hundreds of gunmen and their family members will be evacuated from Barzeh district later today in line with the implementation of an evacuation deal concluded between the Syrian Army and the militants.

The sources confirmed that almost 2,000 gunmen and their family members will leave Barzeh district for Northern Syria and militant-held region in Eastern Ghouta on Wednesday.

Syria and militant-held region in Eastern Ghouta on Wednesday.

They added that the third phase of the evacuation deal will be done next Sunday.

Local sources said on Tuesday that 568 gunmen and 454 of their family members left Barzeh district in Northern Damascus after handing over their heavy weapons in line with the implementation of the first phase of the evacuation deal with the army.

They added that simultaneous with the implementation of the first phase of the peace agreement with the army in Barzeh district, the first phase of the evacuation of gunmen and their family members started in the Yarmouk Palestinians Refugee Camp in the Southern countryside of Damascus.

The sources added that in line with implementation of an evacuation agreement between the army and militants in the towns of Fua'a and Kafraya in Idlib and al-Zabadani and Madhays in Western Damascus, 25 gunmen of Al-Nusra Front (also known as Fatah al-Sham Front or the Levant Liberation Board) along with their family members also left the Yarmouk camp in seven ambulances via Rama passageway.

In the meantime, 170 Al-Nusra gunmen and 30 of their family members will leave the camp next week next week in the second phase of the evacuation deal.

Local sources in Idlib reported, meantime, that ambulances of Syria's Red Crescent entered Fua'a and Kafraya to evacuate five patients and 14 of their family members.
angelburst29 said:

In the case of this particular (abc) news article and it's contents, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights statement above - closely aligns itself with information coming out of Syria by other news agencies like Sputnik, Al-masdar and Fars news outlets. Even the reference to "around 1,500 people" is within reason, due to figures given in other reports and that the evacuation is being done "over a period of days and in three phases".

If you go back to my the previous post, I posted the article and it's link and bolded a part I wanted to highlight.

If you go back "to the abc link" - you will notice a secondary feature, a video they piggy-backed on the article with the title: Watch Explaining the war in Syria. They are two separate entities - although, both the article and the video have "Syria" as their theme.

I did not Post the video and it's minutes which was a secondary feature and had a different title.

goyacobol said:
This may be a true statement but the source has been questionable for many other claims.

The really disturbing part for me is the video at the beginning included explaining their version of the Syrian war. They say after school kids in Darra wrote anti-qoverment graffiti on the walls:
How did president Bashar Aassad respond? The kids were arrested and tortured. Their town and the entire country erupted calling for greater freedom and for Assad to step down.

Same old propaganda over and over. I just wouldn't use ABC news for articles since there are a lot others that are not so biased but that is just me.


I went to the article and watched the video before reading the article and that just flavored my whole view of ABC for the day. Sorry to have gone on a rant. Your points make sense. If the content is consistent with other sources then I think it is fine to include them. Others do that some I notice like even on SOTT once in awhile.

I know you didn't post the video so you were not interested in that part and consider it a "secondary feature". I often go to the links and read the whole article before Tweeting them on Twitter.

Watching the video I just got sick of the Assad tortures children, gasses his own people and Assad must go schtick. :(

And I probably lied/exagerated about "I just wouldn't use ABC news for articles". Splitting is a painful thing to do, wasteful and annoying, sorry. :(
goyacobol said:
I went to the article and watched the video before reading the article and that just flavored my whole view of ABC for the day. Sorry to have gone on a rant.


Watching the video I just got sick of the Assad tortures children, gasses his own people and Assad must go schtick. :(

I see this "set-up" in a lot of the main stream news in the American Press. The UK has a habit of doing this, but only on occasion and not as often.

You'll notice - that when you clicked on the link to the (abc) article - when the article comes in view - the video takes center stage and instantly begins to play grabbing your full attention. (Sneaky little buggers - aren't they?) Generally, the video clips are about 2-3 minutes long, just enough time to make you forget why you clicked on the link, to begin with ...... but also enough time ..... "to plant suggestions" in a certain direction.

Few will notice the script to the left and at the bottom of the video screen that states: Watch Explaining the war in Syria Well, they really didn't give you an option, now did they? Kind of a-switch-er-roo and a slight of hand because the link you clicked - had this title, "Syria rejects international forces in safe zones" with this directly below and also to the left, By bassem mroue, associated press ·BEIRUT — May 8, 2017, 5:53 PM ET but they inserted the video below this - giving the impression, the video is directly related to the contents in the article. The article and the video might have a few common denominators (like it's about Syria) but the points of view expressed in one - might be opposite or a completely different topic in the other? In this case, the video was pure propaganda (Shock and Awe) that was meant to distort and throw into question, the contents in the article. The article, itself, expressed views and information coming from reliable news sources in the Middle East. Unfortunately, the majority will remember the video and dismiss the main message in the article, which is "There will be no presence by any international forces supervised by the United Nations" meaning the U.S. policing in the safe zones.

This situation reminds me of the time I clicked on a local weather channel, to check how much snow they were predicting for my area and a video instantly came on - showing the after mat of an avalanche in Alaska? What does that have to do with weather in Pennsylvania? I guess, I was to be thankful that the forecast only called for 2-3 FEET of snow?

So, I can understand your reaction to the video and how it distorted the contents in the article.
angelburst29 said:
goyacobol said:
I went to the article and watched the video before reading the article and that just flavored my whole view of ABC for the day. Sorry to have gone on a rant.


Watching the video I just got sick of the Assad tortures children, gasses his own people and Assad must go schtick. :(

I see this "set-up" in a lot of the main stream news in the American Press. The UK has a habit of doing this, but only on occasion and not as often.

You'll notice - that when you clicked on the link to the (abc) article - when the article comes in view - the video takes center stage and instantly begins to play grabbing your full attention. (Sneaky little buggers - aren't they?) Generally, the video clips are about 2-3 minutes long, just enough time to make you forget why you clicked on the link, to begin with ...... but also enough time ..... "to plant suggestions" in a certain direction.

Few will notice the script to the left and at the bottom of the video screen that states: Watch Explaining the war in Syria Well, they really didn't give you an option, now did they? Kind of a-switch-er-roo and a slight of hand because the link you clicked - had this title, "Syria rejects international forces in safe zones" with this directly below and also to the left, By bassem mroue, associated press ·BEIRUT — May 8, 2017, 5:53 PM ET but they inserted the video below this - giving the impression, the video is directly related to the contents in the article. The article and the video might have a few common denominators (like it's about Syria) but the points of view expressed in one - might be opposite or a completely different topic in the other? In this case, the video was pure propaganda (Shock and Awe) that was meant to distort and throw into question, the contents in the article. The article, itself, expressed views and information coming from reliable news sources in the Middle East. Unfortunately, the majority will remember the video and dismiss the main message in the article, which is "There will be no presence by any international forces supervised by the United Nations" meaning the U.S. policing in the safe zones.

This situation reminds me of the time I clicked on a local weather channel, to check how much snow they were predicting for my area and a video instantly came on - showing the after mat of an avalanche in Alaska? What does that have to do with weather in Pennsylvania? I guess, I was to be thankful that the forecast only called for 2-3 FEET of snow?

So, I can understand your reaction to the video and how it distorted the contents in the article.

Yes, angelburst29. That's what I noticed too. Even though the article was fairly straightforward the seeds of the propaganda are already planted for the average person who isn't following other sources. It works well for them I think. Almost 6 years after Putin and Russia have tried to clean up ISIS and the rebels they are still pushing the same old line. I guess we have to "wait and see" how it turns out.

New Movie Tries to Shed the Light on Situation in Syria

A movie was recently shot in Syria and aims to tell the world the truth about the situation in the war-torn country.

Set in the town, besieged by terrorist troops, the plot of the movie revolves around the main character named Ibrahim who is trying to rescue his family and push through the siege along with other people in the town.

Not long after, they are captured by terrorists. The movie follows the tragic destiny of the family in the camp, alongside many other innocent civilians, through their suffering, caused by the savage and inhuman actions of the terrorists.

Directed by Basil Al Khatib, The Father is a typical Syrian survival story.

The movie was premiered on the 2nd of May in the scope of Shaam Film Festival, which is organised by Shaam Group, an Australia-based NGO, created with the purpose to provide a platform for the Syrian cinema to be screened in Australia.

US Department of State has offered a $ 10 million reward on information about the exact location of Muhammad Al Jawlani, leader of Syria’s Al Qaeda branch known as "Al Nusra Front".

State Department Offers $10 Million Reward on Information About Syria's Al Qaeda Chief

Between April and May 2013, Joulani pledged his allegiance to Al Qaeda leader Ayman Al Zawahiri, however, he refused to pledge to Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS in July 2016.

Although Jawlani tried to change the name of his organization several times in the past and even attempted to include elements of other factions of the Syrian opposition, this did not help him as he continued to be designated as a terrorist by the US.

The US imposed sanctions on Jawlani in May 2013 and warned all US citizens and businesses about not doing business with him, while also freezing any of his financial assets left and those of his associates.

A statement, issued by Department of State, reads that Jawlani, the leader of Al Nusra Front carried out multiple terror attacks throughout Syria and often targeted civilians, adding that he also participated in the kidnapping of some 300 Kurdish civilians at a military checkpoint in April 2015 and claimed responsibility for the massacre of 20 Druze civilians in Qalb Lawzah, a town located within the countryside of Syria's north-western province of Idleb.

The statement then goes on saying that although his movement later merged with other opposition groups under the name of "Tahrir Al Sham", it is still using Al Nusra Front elements as its core base. Although Jawlani is not the leader of the new alliance, he nonetheless remains its de facto leader.

The evacuation of 1,632 people, including 260 militants, from the al-Waer neighborhood of the Syrian city of Homs, finished Thursday as part of a deal with the Syrian authorities.

Group of 260 Militants Leave Syria’s Homs as Part of Deal With Authorities

The evacuated people were sent to the northern Syrian city of Jarablus in 41 buses, the SANA news agency reported.

Homs Governor Talal Barazi said that al-Waer would be completely cleared of militants and weapons by May 20. He pointed out that the reconstruction works around the neighborhood had started over 10 days ago.

Nearly 38,000 Syrian nationals have returned to Jarabulus from Turkey after the Syrian border city was liberated from the Islamic State terrorist group, which is outlawed in Russia and many other countries, local media reported Thursday, citing a Turkish migration official.

Some 38,000 Syrians Returned to Liberated Jarabulus From Turkey

According to the official, an average number of 200 people a day, including children and women, have been returning from Turkey to Jarabulus, the Anadolu news agency reported.

The members of the opposition Free Syrian Army (FSA) assisted the civilians in their transition to the Syrian city, according to the agency.

A group of officers from the Russian Defense Ministry's Special Operations Forces was decorated with medals for showing unprecedented courage in the fight against terrorists in Syria; the decree to this effect was earlier issued by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Tactical Superiority: How 16 Russian Special Forces Took Out 300 Terrorists (Video) (6:25 min.)

May 10 saw four officers from the Russian Defense Ministry's Special Operations Forces awarded medals for showing extraordinary courage combatting terrorists in Syria, according to Russia's Rossiya-24 television channel.

The relevant decree was earlier issued by Russian President Vladimir Putin, Rossiya-24 reported.

During an award ceremony, a commander of the group who was awarded a Gold Star and named a Hero of the Russian Federation said that they were part of a 16-strong Russian military unit which managed to successfully repulse attacks conducted by 300 jihadists.

He also heaped praised on the courageous actions of each and every serviceman of the unit who was committed to fulfilling the tasks assigned to him.

Independent Russian security expert Igor Nikolaychuk told Sputnik that the terrorists were defeated also thanks to tactics employed in the preparation and use of Russian Special Forces' groups.

"First and foremost, I would single out the strategies which have been in place since the Afghan war, when the problem of anti-terrorist activity was being resolved with the help of small-size, mobile and well-trained groups," Nikolaychuk said, referring to the legendary Alfa anti-terrorist group.

"This is a very interesting story and much, as they say, remains behind the scenes. In any case, I think that glorious traditions will continue and we see that the work style of the Russian Special Forces was never scrapped," he noted.

"Training is constantly being improved, and the current Special Operations Forces are touted as highly professional and elite troops," Nikolaychyuk concluded.
Over 15,000 Organ Trafficking of Syrian Children in 6 Years

source - May 13, 2017

Director-General of the Syria Coroner’s Office Hossein Noufel disclosed that the body organs of thousands of Syrian civilians have been sold in the international black markets over the past six years.

“We have accurate information that over 25,000 surgical operations have been conducted in the refugee camps of the neighboring countries and in the terrorist-controlled areas in Syria since 2011 to take out the body organs of 15,000 Syrians and sell them in the international black markets,” Dr. Noufel said.

He pointed to the high prices of human body organs in the black markets, and said, “A kidney is sold $10,000 in Turkey while the same kidney is sold for $1,000 in Iraq, but in Lebanon and Syria the price of each kidney is $3,000.”

Dr. Noufel said that other human body organs such as spleen and cornea are also sold in the black markets.

According to latest reports, the children who have been rescued from the camps of Abdullah Muhammad al-Muhaysini, a senior al Qaeda-linked cleric and the religious leader of Jeish al-Fatah terrorist group, are now threatened with the danger of trafficking their body organs by the terrorists.

Local sources in Idlib province told al-Akhbar newspaper that during the past two weeks, 15 people have been kidnapped from different districts, most of them children.

Also, social media activists have released tens of messages and warned the Idlib residents of the possibility of abduction of their children and trafficking of their body organs by the terrorist groups, saying that most of the kidnapped children have been transferred to Turkey.

Local sources in several districts of Idlib have reported that over 10 children have been abducted in different parts of the province, including Kafarouma, Jidar Bekalfoun, Atma, Jisr al-Shaqour and al-Fayqa by the militants.

Also, a local source in Sarmada town North of Idlib said that “a number of militants driving a white van abducted a 10-year-old child but they faced the residents’ resistance and were arrested but sources said that they were freed from Fatah al-Sham (formerly known as al-Nusra) prison the same day”.

Comment - What fake "hero's" do we know that drive "white van's"?

According to reports, the exacerbation of security situation in Idlib has forced the residents to flee to Hama province in fear of their children’s lives.

Meantime, a media source said on Wednesday that the ISIS has set up a market in Turkey which sells human body organs stolen from the mutilated bodies of the Iraqi people who have been kidnapped by the terrorist groups.

A media source said that the ISIS transfers the frozen body organs from the Iraqi city of Mosul to Tal Afar in Nineveh and then to Raqqa in Syria. The cargo then is sold to the Turkish mafia, FNA reported.

Warning and Caution


This video shows a room where Turkish males are surrounded by children's body parts. These men were taking apart another child's body...when the camera pans to a crying female child being led down the hall by a man in a uniform into the operating room. The 3 or 4 year old is crying for her mother ... the males ignore her cries while leading her to an operating table and place her on the table. Some type of tray is placed under her body, then the film shows pieces of black cloth on a side table with arms and legs sticking out ... you can still hear the little girl crying in confusion - then the film ends.

Organ trafficking from Syrian children refugees in Turkey
_ (0:55 min.)

An unnamed and unverified “military and diplomatic source” told State-run Sputnik a fabricated chemical weapons attack has been filmed by State-run Al Jazeera News — with dozens of civilian and emergency personnel participating in the staged-for-video event.

Bodies of 23 Dead Kids Allegedly Stolen for Use in Film of False Flag Chemical Attack in Syria

23 bodies of deceased children have been stolen from a hospital in Idlib.

Local sources in the town of Saraqib said terrorists along with members of the White Helmets Organization have again embarked on making one more fake video clip to accuse the Syrian Army troops of carrying out attacks on civilians in Eastern Idlib.

Idlib: White Helmets Make another Fake Clip to Accuse Syrian Army of Attacking Civilians

A little-known video has surfaced of Tahrir al-Sham (al-Qaeda in Syria) leader Abu Jaber, praising the White Helmets as the “hidden soldiers of the revolution."

VIDEO: Al-Qaeda Leader Praises White Helmets As “Hidden Soldiers Of The Revolution”

Thank you for hanging in there. Sometimes I don't know what to think that not many seem to be following the war in Syria, the military coup in Ukraine or the obliteration of Yemen etc..not to mention the aftermath in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya.

It has made the German Nazis look like a "trial run" to me. Even remembering all the WWII pictures of what the Nazi's did doesn't hold a candle to what is going on right now day in and day out.

The organ harvesting of Syrian children is like what the Cs talked about in some of the earliest sessions. It happening right now in 3D.

Session 16 July 1994
Q: (L) Bob Lazar[5] referred to the fact that aliens supposedly refer to humans as containers. What does this mean?
A: Later use.
Q: (L) Use by who? How many:
A: 94 per cent.
Q: (L) 94 per cent of what?
A: Of all population.
Q: (L) What do you mean?
A: All are containers; 94 per cent use.
Q: I don't understand.
A: Will be used. 94 percent.
Q: (L) Used for what? You mean eaten?
A: Total consumption.
Q: (L) What do you mean by consumption? Ingested?
A: Consumed for ingredients.
Q: (L) Why?
A: New race. Important. 13 years about when happens.
Q: (L) Why are humans consumed?
A: They are used for parts.
Q: (L) We don't understand. How can humans be used for parts?
A: Reprototype. Vats exist. Missing persons often go there and especially missing children.
Q: (L) Do we have any protection?
A: Some.
Q: (L) How can we protect ourselves and our children?
A: Inform them. Don't hide the truth from children.
Q: (L) How does truth protect us?
A: Awareness protects. Ignorance endangers.
Q: (L) Why tell children such horrible things?
A: Need to know.
Q: I don't know how knowing this helps. This is awful. Why tell children such things?
A: Must know - ease pain with meditation.
Q: Why are you telling us this? It's awful!
A: We love you.
Q: Are we supposed to tell others?
A: Don't reveal to public. You would be abducted.
Q: (L) What is the purpose of this project?
A: New life here.
Q: (L) Are the aliens using our emotions and energies?
A: Correct; and bodies too. Each earth year 10 percent more children are taken.
Q: (L) Do they suffer?
A: Some.
Q: (L) Do they all suffer
A: Some.
Q: What happens to souls? Is this physical only?
A: Physical - souls recycled.
Q: Where do the souls go?
A: Back here - most.
Q: Do some go elsewhere?
A: And go out of planet human.
Q: Who is responsible for this?
A: Consortium.
Q: (C) This is totally sick! I don't want to do this any more!
A: Sick is subjective.
Q: (L) But what you are telling us is so awful!
A: Understand, but all does not conform to your perspective.
Q: Why is this happening to us?
A: Karma.
Q: (L) What kind of Karma could bring this?
A: Atlantis.
Q: (L) What can protect us?
A: Knowledge.
Q: (L) How do we get this knowledge?
A: You are being given it now.
Q: (L) What knowledge do you mean?
A: You have it.
Q: (L) How does the knowledge of what you have told us help us?
A: Gives great defense.
Q: (L) What knowledge gives defense?
A: Just gave it.
Q: (L) What specifically?
A: Don't ask that not important.
Q: We don't understand.
A: Knowing about it gives psychic defense.
Q: How do we tell other people? And who should we tell?
A: Inform indirectly only.
Q: (L) How?
A: Write.

I guess I am indirectly informing whoever needs to know what is happening even now in Syria somewhere.

Here are some links to very visceral and disturbing acts being done by the terrorists in Syria. I had to stop even though there were more enough is enough. They are very similar to WWII concentration camp photos only worse I think. View only if you need to know.















Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov also did not rule out the possibility of US involvement in monitoring these zones.

Moscow to welcome any US contribution to setting up de-escalation zones in Syria

Russia will welcome any contribution by the United States to the memorandum on establishing de-escalation zones in Syria, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told reporters. He did not rule out the possibility of US involvement in monitoring these zones but noted that this should be agreed with all parties concerned and should be acceptable for Damascus in the first place.

"We will welcome any contribution by the United States to the implementation of this concept," Russia’s top diplomat said when asked whether the issue was discussed during the talks in the United States. He recalled that "initially, it was (US President) Donald Trump who spoke about the importance of creating such safe zones where the population can breathe a sigh of relief."

A senior Syrian legislator underlined the necessity for the presence of peace observers to monitor the ceasefire in Syria, but warned that any troops deployed on Syrian soil without prior coordination with the Damascus government will be seen as supporters of terrorist groups.

Syrian MP: All Forces Should Enter Syria with Damascus Permission

Faisal Azouz referred to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov's remarks as the Syrian government's real demand, and said, "Deployment of any forces in Syrian territories should receive the approval of Damascus officials, otherwise they will be considered as supporters of terrorist groups"

He also expressed the hope that Jordan would not take a hostile position against Syria "because any action otherwise will be assumed as aggression against Syria".

Azouz warned Jordan against the dire repercussions of deploying troops in Southern Syria.

On Friday, a handful of Syrian journalists were heavily wounded by an Islamic State attack in eastern Homs and immediately transported to a field hospital for urgent treatment alongside other injured government troops.

Syrian journalists badly injured by ISIS attack in eastern Homs

The guided anti-tank missile scored a direct hit on a National Defence Forces (NDF) convoy, obliterating a forward technical and killing a NDF commander on the spot.

A few meters behind the NDF vehicle was another vehicle full of Syrian journalists who were blasted with shrapnel from the missile upon impact.

In the aftermath of the attack, the journalists were bloodied but reportedly in stable condition. The incident took place near a newly liberated hill in eastern Homs.

ISIS often targets frontline journalists on purpose, claiming them to be propaganda mouthpieces for forces opposed to the self-declared caliphate.

Turkish sources reported that Ankara has warned the US that it will never stop its attacks against the People’s Protection Units (YPG) despite the fact that Washington has equipped them with different weapons.

Sources: Turkey Warns US of Targeting YPG Forces if Necessary

The sources said that a Turkish preparatory delegation has held high-level talks with US officials in Washington ahead of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s visit on May 16-17, when he will meet President Donald Trump.

Turkish Chief of General Staff Gen. Hulusi Akar met his US counterpart, Joseph Dunford, on May 6, while Turkish Intelligence Agency (MIT) chief Hakan Fidan held talks with CIA Director Mike Pompeo.

However, the third official in the delegation, presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin, was specifically in Washington to lay the groundwork for Erdogan’s trip to the White House.

All three officials once again noted Turkey’s appeals and warnings on the US cooperation with the YPG in Syria, which Ankara considers as an offshoot of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and a terrorist group.

The United States, Turkey's ally within the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), announced last Tuesday the approval of its plan to arm Kurdish forces fighting ISIL terror group in Syria despite objections from Turkey.

Erdogan said on Thursday that Turkey expects its allies to support the country and not terrorist groups.

Hezbollah made the decision to hand over most of their Syrian border-posts to the Lebanese Army, the organization’s official media wing reported on Friday.

Hezbollah hands over Syrian border posts to Lebanese Army

According to Hezbollah’s media wing, their forces handed over their Syrian border-posts near the towns Tufayl, Brital, Ham, amd Maaraboun in Lebanon’s Beqa’a Governorate.

This move by Hezbollah came just 24 hours after their leader, Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah, announced the completion of military operations along the Syrian-Lebanese border in the Qalamoun and Zabadani mountains.

Hezbollah’s forces at the border have since moved to northeast Homs and the eastern slopes of the Qalamoun Mountains, where they are participating in the Syrian Army’s ongoing offensive against the Islamic State (ISIL) and jihadist rebels.

A massive blast hit, this morning, a base for rebels near the northern city of Azaz, leaving scores dead and injured.

Huge explosion rocks rebel base in northern Syria

According to rebel sources, the explosion was caused by an unidentified surface-to-surface missile, and targeted an ammunition depot for the rebel group known as Liwa al-Fateh.

Azaz has been frequently targeted with waves of suicide attacks by the Islamic State. The last attack has killed 6 and wounded 18 others at the Interim Government headquarter in the city.
Russia, Turkey and Iran, the guarantor states of the Syrian ceasefire, which coordinated the memorandum on establishment of four safe zones in the country, consider that in the future this practice will be spread across the whole Syrian territory, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said.

Russian FM Says Syrian Safe Zones Could Be Stretched Across Whole Country

Commenting on the recent meeting with US State Secretary Rex Tillerson and US President Donald Trump, Lavrov noted that "this initiative was at the center of the agenda, which had been proposed by Donald Trump at the early stage of his presidency — the idea of creation of safe or de-escalation zones, where there will be no hostilities, except against terrorists."

"As you know… several days ago, at the meeting in Astana, Russia, Turkey, Iran, the Syrian government and the armed opposition coordinated the memorandum, which sets such zones in four Syrian districts, meaning that this practice will be then extended to the rest part of the Syrian territory," Lavrov said in the air of Channel One on Sunday.

The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) plan to significantly expand the de facto autonomous region they administer in northern Syria once they liberate Raqqa, raising questions as to whether these ambitions would undermine Russia's peacebuilding efforts in the war-torn country.

Kurdish Expansion Plans Risk Undermining Russia-Sponsored Safe Zones in Syria

The Kurds are intent on creating a corridor between areas under their control and the Mediterranean Sea. They also want to push Daesh out of Raqqa and Deir ez-Zor, subsequently offering both cities a chance to become part of their federal system.

Kurdish post-Raqqa objectives were unveiled earlier this month by Hediya Yousef, co-chairperson of the executive committee of the Rojava, a de facto autonomous region in northern Syria, administered by the Kurds. It consists of three self-governing cantons, namely Afrin, Jazira and Kobani.

The news came soon after Moscow, Ankara and Tehran reached an agreement aimed at establishing four so-called safe zones in Syria.

"The memorandum on de-escalation in Syria which Russian, Turkish and Iranian representatives signed in Astana on May 5 has de facto outlined the spheres of influence of these three nations. This has contributed to limiting hostilities in the country plagued by a six-year-long war. The Kurds are unhappy with the memorandum since the document does not reflect their interests," said. "Their key ally, the United States, is also not part of the agreement."

The Kurdish plans are likely to upset other stakeholders intent on bringing the devastating conflict to an end.

In addition, "clashes between [the Syrian Arab Army] and the People's Protection Units (YPG) could intensify at a time when government forces and radical groups supported by Turkey are less involved in fighting each other," the newspaper suggested.

This would be inevitable should the Syrian Kurds decide to move to the west. Hediya Yousef explained that Rojava needs access to international trade routes. In her view, the corridor to the Mediterranean is the only option since the self-administered region does not have economic relations with Turkey to the north, Iraqi Kurdistan to the east and radicals to the south.

Ankara maintains that the Syrian Kurds are affiliated with the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), which Turkey views as a terrorist organization. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his supporters have also said that the Syrian Kurds are fighting for greater autonomy, if not independence, which could fuel unrest in southeastern Turkey, mostly populated by the Kurds.

In Iraqi Kurdistan, the ruling Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) has "hampered the free movement of people and goods to the Syrian Kurds," the media outlet said. "Although this has never been made official, the KDP has de facto introduced an embargo with regard to its western neighbor."

Relations between Damascus and the Syrian Kurds have largely remained neutral. But this is likely to change if the SDF decides to advance to the Mediterranean since they would move into territories in the provinces of Idlib and Latakia populated by the Arabs, not the Kurds.

Washington's ties with the SDF are also a major factor.

The United States is not intent on cooperating with [President] Bashar al-Assad. Moreover, Yousef openly said that the Democratic Federal System of Northern Syria would rely on Washington's assistance in its advance westward. The US is unlikely to agree to its allies cooperating with the Syrian government, even if the cooperation would be limited to economic issues," the newspaper said.

The Syrian Kurds will not attend the next round of Geneva talks on Syrian settlement due to Turkey's anti-Kurdish sentiment.

Kurds Not Attending Geneva Talks Amid Turkey's Stance - PYD Party Co-Chair

The Syrian Kurds will not be attending the next round of Geneva talks on Syrian settlement due to Turkey's anti-Kurdish sentiment, co-chairman of the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) Saleh Muslem told the Firat News Agency, adding that the group was in contact with the talks' UN mediators.

"We do have a relationship with the people who administer the talks, but there is no advance in our attendance… Even though we are not in Geneva, we are not the loser in this process," Muslem said Sunday, as quoted by the news agency.

He specified that that PYD is in communication with people on UN Special Envoy to Syria Staffan de Mistura’s team.

Muslem noted that a political solution could not be adopted without the participation of Kurdish representation in the talks. While the Syrian Kurds abstain from negotiations "due to Turkey’s approach," Muslem stressed that they did not consider Ankara as an enemy.

A US Navy reconnaissance plane was spotted flying a few kilometers away from Russia's naval base in Tartus port and the Humeimim airbase in Lattakia province in Eastern Mediterranean Sea, media outlets disclosed on Sunday.

US Spy Plane Spotted again Flying over Russian Bases in Syrian Waters

The sites that are monitoring flights reported that a P-8A Poseidon aircraft with tail number 168440 took off from the Naval Air Station Sigonella in Sicily Island and flew for several hours close to Syria’s Mediterranean coast where Russia’s naval task force operates in Tartus and their airbase in Humeimim in Lattakia.

Observers believe that the US spy planes have recently increased their flights over Syria to gather intelligence on the Syrian army and the Russian forces' moves in the region.

According to reports, on August 30, September 2, September 17 and in November 2016, the United States' P-8A Poseidon spy planes were also spotted flying toward the vicinity of the Russian airbase.

A LR-2 reconnaissance aircraft from the Japan Air Self-Defense Force (JASDF) has crashed on the Hokkaido Island with 10 people suspected on board, local media reported Monday.

Japan Reconnaissance Plane Crashes on Hokkaido Island

The aircraft’s debris were found near the dam in Assabu, a town in the island’s southern region. The plane was flying to the nearby city of Hadodate from the island's Okadama airport in Sapporo with an ambulance patient before disappearing from the radars, the NHK broadcaster reported.

According to the broadcaster, the LR-2 aircraft is a turboprop plane with a crew of 10 people used for emergency transportation of patients as well as for the aerial observation and reconnaissance.

Russia's Tu-154M LK-1 aircraft will conduct an observation flight over the United States under the Treaty on Open Skies on May 15-20.

Russia to Carry Out Observation Flight Over US Under Open Skies Treaty

Russian experts will carry out an observation flight over the United States on May 15-20 under the Treaty on Open Skies, head of Russia's National Nuclear Risk Reduction Center Sergei Ryzhkov said.

"The surveillance flight with a maximum range of up to 4,250 kilometers [2640 miles] will take place in the period between May 15 and May 20 from the Open Skies airfield Travis (California)," Ryzhkov said.

The flight on board Russia's Tu-154M LK-1 aircraft will follow an agreed route, and the US specialists will be on board to ensure that the plane and the survey equipment used are in compliance with the treaty, the official stressed.

This will be the fourteenth Russian observation flight under the Treaty on Open Skies in 2017, Ryzhkov added.

The Treaty on Open Skies was signed in March 1992 and became one of the major confidence-building measures in Europe after the Cold War. It entered into force on January 1, 2002, and currently has 34 states parties, including Russia and most NATO members such as the United States.

Sources affiliated to the terrorist groups reported that the Syrian Army has forwarded a large number of forces and a large volume of military hardware to a desert region at the country's border with Iraq and Jordan.

Syrian Army Dispatches More Forces with Heavy Equipment to Borders with Iraq, Jordan

The sources said that hundreds of the army soldiers and their allied popular forces equipped with a large number of tanks and heavy military hardware have been dispatched to the town of al-Saba'a Bayar in a desert region near the borders with Iraq and Jordan.

According to field sources, the militant groups backed by Washington are ready to capture the regions as soon as ISIL starts retreat.

Local sources revealed on Thursday that the army dispatched hundreds of its forces stationed in de-escalation zones to the Southern borders of the country near Jordan.

Local sources in Sweida reported that the Syrian government deployed its forces, stationed in the province, in regions near the Jordanian border after the recent moves by the US, British and Jordanian military men and terrorists.

Meantime, heavy clashes continued between the Syrian army forces and the terrorists in Zaza and al-Saba'a Bayar regions in the Southeastern Badiyeh (desert) of Homs near the borders with Jordan after a major offensive by the militants two days ago.

Army sources also said that the air force, artillery and missile units pounded the conflict zones.

The Syrian Army troops, backed up by the country's Air Force, continued their anti-ISIL operations around the newly-liberated Jarah airbase to stretch their chain of security around the military airport in Eastern Aleppo, informed sources said Sunday.

Syrian Army Expanding Buffer Zone against Terrorists' Threats to Jarah Airbase in Aleppo

The sources said that the army soldiers continued to hit ISIL's positons and managed to take control over the last hill overlooking the Jarah airbase.

They added that the army men, meantime, fortified their positions in the villages of Khirbet Aqleh, Jarah al-Kabirhe and Jarah al-Saqirah, advancing towards the rest of the villages that are still under ISIL's control.

In the meantime, the warplanes pounded ISIL's concentration centers in areas surrounding Jarah airbase and the town of Maskana, the sources reported, adding that other units of the army engaged in heavy fighting with ISIL near the recently-freed town of Deir Hafer.

One of the defected members of ISIL disclosed that the terrorist group is providing considerable amount of financial support for the families of those fighters who leave Libya for Syria.

ISIL Dispatching More Terrorists from Bases in Libya to Syria

A young Egyptian man that has defected ISIL in Libya revealed that the terrorist group is offering huge sums to the families of those fighters who leave Libya for Syria to fight against the country's army and government. The source also said the ISIL fighters who leave Libya for Syria are never allowed to return home as ISIL executes any fighter willing to get back home and those who escape.

The source further said that the fighters that have left Libya for Syria have been between 15 up to 20 years old, as they are bombarded by Ayman al-Zawahery's preaches.

The director of the Russian Foreign Ministry’s non-proliferation and arms control department, Mikhail Ulyanov, told a news conference in April that terrorists in Syria had the capabilities to produce the chemical warfare agent sarin received from Libya or Iraq. Ulyanov pointed to a number of possibilities explaining where terrorists in Syria may get sarin. Firstly, they can produce it themselves, TASS reported.

"It is known that they acquired the necessary equipment and expertise for that. They have chemists trained at Western universities and the chemists are very good," he said.

"There are two more possibilities that should be born in mind," Ulyanov said, adding that "a couple of years ago Muamar Gaddafi’s brother said in one of the interviews that after the death of the Libyan Jamahiriya’s leader the ISIL and other terrorist groups obtained access to underground storages of chemical weapons, including sarin. According to different sources, five to seven barrels containing sarin were stolen. Whatever the case, the chemical warfare agents emerged on the black market and it should not be ruled out they may have reached Syria."

He added that "the situation involving the well-known chemical weapons that belonged to Libya" is a strong argument against ruling out that possibility.
"A storage facility that had kept 720 tones of chemical warfare agents for a long time remained beyond the control of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons," he explained, stressing that "when OPCW specialists visited that facility at last they found out that only 500 tones of the original 720 tones was left. Some 220 tones disappeared - either evaporated or ended up in the hands of terrorists and then taken to other countries of the Middle East, including Syria."

"Another possibility is quite appropriate in this context," Ulyanov believes, adding that "after the invasion of Iraq the United States and Britain established control of a warehouse of old chemical weapons that belonged to the Saddam Hussein regime. According to their own statements, part of that stockpile was eliminated on site, and another part taken out of the country. That was operation was accompanied by crude violations of the Chemical Weapons Convention. The elimination of chemical weapons is permitted only with OPCW experts overseeing the process."

Apparently, these two countries do not quite trust the OPCW and preferred to dispose of all amount on their own. Now nobody can swear that all chemical weapons were eliminated then," Ulyanov said, adding that "both possibilities should be probed into, but such an investigation is precisely what the Western partners have been trying to upset."

Local sources in Eastern Ghouta confirmed that continuation of fierce clashes among terrorist groups has caused a large number of gunmen to call for relocation to militant-held regions in Idlib.

Terrorists Ask for Evacuation from Eastern Damascus as Infighting Intensifies among Rival Groups

The sources said that following the escalation of a fresh round of infighting among rival terrorists and the Syrian Army's control over al-Nour tunnel that links the township of Arbin in Eastern Ghouta to al-Qaboun district a large number of militants intend to leave the battlefields for safer regions.

The sources went on to say that if the terrorists of Faylaq al-Rahman that have control over the end of al-Nour tunnel in Arbin issue the permission, a large number of gunmen can use the tunnel or a corridor established by the army to leave Eastern Damascus for Idlib province.

They added that Faylaq al-Rahman is preventing gunmen from leaving Eastern Ghouta for al-Qaboun.

The sources said that almost 160 terrorists have been killed in clashes between Jeish al-Islam and Tahrir al-Sham Hay'at (the Levant Liberation Board) with Faylaq al-Rahman in recent days.
Syria and Messianic Green Buses of Hope

Instead of heroes, riding on the winning horses, we now see green buses, waiting at the entrance of each area, previously held by terrorist groups. The once brave disciples of NATO’s Mujaheed Playboy democracy, are now desperately awaiting their departure towards Jarablus and places in Idleb province (that have since turned into a garbage dump for all terrorist and extremist groups there are), as the most humble servants.

A recent scene from the embattled Damascene district of Qaboun which just got liberated by the Syrian army, was only one of the many deja vus, previously seen in Moadamieh, Daraya, Khaldiyeh, Rastan, Bab Amro and other places throughout Syria, with the now trademarked “buses of last hope” that eventually come to pick up the jihadists and transport them to Erdogan’s Promised Land in Jarablus in the eastern Aleppo countryside or terrorist-occupied places in the Idleb province.

Right in Idleb, otherwise a final destination for many of the terrorists and their families, there recently was a fierce battle between the terrorists of Erdogan’s Ahrar Al Sham and Joulani’s Tahrir Al Sham near the town of Saraqib city, after Ahrar Al Sham decided to start drawing a red line for Joulani's goons in such strategically sensitive and contested area, with particular importance for many of the global and regional powers, Turkey and United States including. The things will only escalate after more jihadists will arrive from the recently liberated areas. Deciding their own fate will not be easy, as they will be met with a rather tough decision - either to join Erdogan or Joulani.

Speaking about Jarablus, it shall be noted that quite a few of the militants and their families have returned back to where they came from due to alleged mistreatment by Erdogan's goons there, and here lies the greatest paradox of the Syrian conflict: it turns out now that the Syrian government-held areas are a much friendlier place than those, held under the occupation of apostles of Islamo-democratic prophets that have been fueling the sectarian fire for the past several years.

With the recent victories in Al Qaboun and Barzeh, as well as the sudden sacking of Sabaa Biar area near the Iraqi Border, following the news on amassing of thousands of foreign troops at Jordanian border, Damascus has sent a rather strong message that its army will not only hold the fort around Damascus, but elsewhere in the country (and perhaps even beyond) too.

This is a spit in the face, not only for terrorist groups, but their regional backers and supporters, particularly Turkey and Jordan, as well. For the latter and its Atlanticist masters this is especially devastating as their dream of creating a buffer zone in order to keep Syria and Iraq apart at the southern border side, has suddenly turned into their worst nightmare upon realizing that the strong and successful anti-ISIS Syrian and Iraqi cooperation will not cease to exist anytime soon.

The boldness of the message is further evident from how the deputy special UN envoy for Syria Ramzi Izz Al Din Ramzi, who not long ago visited Damascus, literally begged the Syrian government to participate in the forthcoming round of Geneva talks. Once again, a thank goes, first and foremost, to the victories of the Syrian Army.

Aside from that, the success of the new Russian initiative on creating the four de-escalation zones within Syrian territory, shall also be mentioned. Not only this is having a rather positive effect on civilian population, living in those areas and which is now relatively safe from the threat of war, it also eases things for the Syrian Army that now no longer needs to waste its precious time, weapons and manpower on terrorists, in addition to also standing in the way of Atlanticists and their dream of partitioning Syria.

The success of the safe-zones agreement, brokered during the last talks in Astana, encouraged Russia to take the initiative even further and invite even more regional and international players to cooperate.

However, right now it is too early to speak about the long-term effects about the latest Russian efforts as they have only been in place for a short period of time.

For the time being, majority of the terrorists still have two main options available: either to board the green buses to “paradise”, heading towards Idleb and Jarablus or descend to hell by shaking their hands with an Angel of Death, wearing a camouflage uniform and carrying a scythe with two green stars.

Units of the Syrian Army made new gains in the eastern countryside of Homs province on Tuesday.

Syrian Army Makes New Gains in Homs Countryside, Erdogan's Ahrar Al Sham Instructs its Fighters on how to Enslave Women (Video)

According to the field reports, complete control was established over the eastern and north-western hills, surrounding the village of of Al Tafha, located 20 km north-west of the fourth oil transporting station in the eastern countryside of the central province of Homs.

Scores of ISIS terrorists were killed and several of their armored vehicles and machine-gun-equipped cars, were destroyed.

In Aleppo province, army units responded to a provocation, made by the terrorist group Ahrar Al Sham when its members tried to attack the Syrian Army checkpoint in Al Zahraa quarter, located in western Aleppo. It is noteworthy that particular area falls under ceasefire agreement, meaning that Ahrar Al Sham made one more violation, this time amid the negotiations on settlement of the Syrian crisis in Geneva.

Ahrar Al Sham is a terrorist group that is in strong relations with Erdogan regime. The group is notorious for its crimes against Syrian civilians.

Recently, members of the group made publications on how to enslave women. (Facebook video)

US Central Command spokesperson Maj. Josh Jacques said that a new artillery unit of the US Marine Corps has arrived in Syria to assist partnered forces on the ground with isolating the city of Raqqa.

New US Marine Unit Arrives in Syria to Aid Raqqa Isolation

"They are providing support, on a temporary basis, across the combined joint operations area that the commander needs to ensure a lasting defeat for ISIS [Daesh],"

Jacques told the Marine Corps Times.

However, Jacques declined to say how long the unit will be deployed in Syria.

The unit has replaced some 400 Marines from the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit who deployed to Syria in March to establish an outpost in support of the ongoing operation to liberate Raqqa from Daesh terrorist group.

Central Command head Gen. Joseph Votel said the Marines were aiding with all-weather fire support for Syrian Democratic Force partners and assisting with the logistics capability in Syria.

A new artillery unit of the US Marine Corps has arrived in Syria to assist partnered forces on the ground in Raqqa province in Northeastern Syria, US Central Command Spokesperson Maj. Josh Jacques said.

New US Marine Unit Arrives in Syria to Aid Partners in Raqqa

"They are providing support, on a temporary basis, across the combined joint operations area that the commander needs to ensure a lasting defeat for ISIL," Jacques told the Marine Corps Times.

However, Jacques declined to say how long the unit will be deployed in Syria.

The unit has replaced some 400 Marines from the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit who deployed to Syria in March to establish an outpost in support of the ongoing operation against ISIL in Raqqa.

Central Command head Gen. Joseph Votel said the Marines were aiding with all-weather fire support for the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Force partners and assisting with the logistics capability in Syria.

A well-informed military source said on Wednesday that the Syrian Army forces will not allow the US and its western or regional allies to create a buffer zone in the Southern part of the country as a safe heaven for militants' activities.

Syrian Army Ready to Foil US-Led Plan to Create Buffer Zone in Southern Part of Country

The Russian-language Izvestia daily quoted a field source as saying that the Syrian pro-government sources are getting ready to take control over a chunk of Damascus road to Baghdad to restore sustainable security to the main supply line of importing arms and other military equipment from Iraq.

In the meantime, Mohammad Abbas, a retired army general and military expert, said that terrorist groups and the US as their main backer intend to create a buffer zone in parallel with the Golan Heights and borders with Jordan and Iraq in Southern Syria, but the Syrian Army is to prevent them to do their plan.

Intelligent agents reported last week that the US, British and Jordanian forces were preparing for a possible invasion of Syria under the pretext of war on ISIL terrorists.

According to reports, Damascus went on the alert after intelligence reports gathered from surveillance drones suggested that the US, Britain and Jordanian militaries might be prepping a massive invasion of Syria.

Nearly 400 American and Jordanian military vehicles were located at a Jordanian military base near the Syrian desert border, the reports said,
adding there was no ISIL terrorists in the region in which the US, British and Jordanian forces were operating.

The reports further added that activities of these three countries at border were aimed at gathering Arab and Western forces in al-Zarqa camp in which there were almost 4,500 gunmen.

The report went on to say that the gunmen in al-Zarqa camp went under training to battle the Syrian army to stretch a belt around Syria, a plan that was nothing more than an occupation.

The intelligence reports also said that the military convoys of the US, Jordan and Britain might launch an assault to help the West-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) around the Al-Tanf border crossing.

Reports also said that the Syrian Army troops, in response to the possible attacks by the US, British and Jordanian forces on their soil, launched a large-scale operation along the Damascus-Baghdad highway to drive FSA out of the border crossing of al-Tanf.

A military source disclosed that the Syrian Army has dispatched hundreds of its commandos to a region in Southwestern Damascus near the Golan Heights to take part in an imminent operation against terrorists.

Hundreds of Syrian Special Forces Dispatched to Southwestern Damascus, Fresh Operation Expected

The sources reported that elite forces of the Syrian Army that were operating in the newly-freed al-Qaboun district in the Northeastern outskirts of Damascus city have been forwarded to the town of Beit Jinn near the Golan Heights border to join their comrades to launched a fresh round of anti-terrorism operations in the region.

The sources reported that elite forces of the Syrian Army that were operating in the newly-freed al-Qaboun district in the Northeastern outskirts of Damascus city have been forwarded to the town of Beit Jinn near the Golan Heights border to join their comrades to launched a fresh round of anti-terrorism operations in the region.

The sources underscored that liberation of Beit Jinn is of significant importance for the Syrian Army troops because it is the last main bastion of Tahrir al-Sham Hay'at (the Levant Liberation Board) in Western Damascus.

A local official confirmed on Tuesday that the entire gunmen and their family members left al-Qaboun district in Eastern Damascus in the second and final phase of an evacuation deal concluded between the Syrian Army and the militants.

Damascus Governor General Bashr al-Saban said that 3,377 people including 1,604 gunmen left al-Qaboun district on Sunday and Monday within the framework of the second and final phase of the evacuation deal between the army and the militants.

He further said that a large number of militants, who laid down arms and joined peace with the army, received government amnesty and retuned to normal life, adding that the gunmen that had links to foreign countries, including Turkey and Saudi Arabia left the region for Northern Syria.

The Governor stressed that the area of al-Qaboun was completely clear of terrorists after the completion of the second and final phase of the evacuation of the armed groups.

He affirmed that the engineering units started to comb the area to dismantle Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) and landmines which the armed groups left behind before leaving the region.

The Syrian Foreign Ministry lashed out at the US-led coalition for its repeated air raids on civilians, including in Raqqa and Deir Ezzur, calling on the UN to force the coalition to halt the air attacks that are blatant violation of the country's sovereignty.

Syria Condemns Strongly US-Led Coalition Air Raids against Civilians in Raqqa, Deir Ezzur

The ministry, in a statement, described the US-led coalition airstrikes on civilians in al-Ekirshi village in Raqqa province and the town of Albu Kamal in Deir Ezzur as blatant aggression against people and flagrant violation of the country's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

“On May 15th, 2017, the illegal US-led coalition killed more than 26 people in al-Ekirshi village in Raqqa province,” the ministry said in two letters addressed to the Secretary General of the United Nations and Chairman of the UN Security Council, adding that the death toll is expected to rise due to the number of severely injured civilians and the huge destruction caused by the US-led coalition air attack to the residential units.

The Ministry referred to the US-led Coalition airstrikes against civilians in Albu Kamal which claimed the lives of more than 31 people, the majority of whom were children and women, indicating that many civilians were severely injured while others are still trapped under the debris as the attack caused the collapse of several residential buildings with inhabitants inside.

In its letters, the ministry noted that the international coalition forces admitted in a statement last week that hundreds of innocent civilians were killed by mistake during their operations in Syria, adding that the formal acknowledgement of committing massacres against thousands of innocent children and women leaves no room for doubt about the catastrophic consequences of the coalition on the Syrian people.

The coalition forces’ continued crimes against women picking cotton, not to mention the killing of children, elderly people and innocents set evidence that these acts were committed according to a certain course that cannot be morally justified or accepted, it added.

The ministry condemned in the strongest possible terms the coalition forces’ repeated attacks, that are denounced by the international law and the UN Charter, as they do not target the terrorists and the parties which support them rather they enabled those terrorists to commit more crimes against Syria.
NATO Builds Infrastructure for Permanent Military Presence Near Russia’s Borders

15.05.2017 - A group of about 50 combat engineers based at Canadian Forces Base Gagetown were deployed to Latvia on April 29 as part of Operation Reassurance. The mission is to build a town for 500 soldiers. According to commanding officer Lt.-Col. Chris Cotton, the installation will have «everything you would expect in a small town, from its kitchen to its quarters, its electrical distribution system, water distribution system, internet, gym facilities that would allow people to survive over the long term in Latvia». Obviously, this is an element of vast infrastructure to provide for a long-term commitment.

In early April, a US-led battle group of 1,350 soldiers for NATO’s Enhanced Forward Presence in Eastern Europe arrived at its base near Orzysz in northeastern Poland. It took place just a few days after a NATO-Russia Council meeting took place on March 30. Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg called the talks with Moscow «frank» and «constructive». Then the usual song and dance followed under the slogan of Russian threat.

British RAF fighters are scheduled to be stationed to Romania this May. In March the first of 800 UK troops arrived in Estonia supported by around 300 armed vehicles. Along with French and Danish forces they’ll be stationed there on what NATO leadership calls «rotational basis». In January, German and Belgian forces arrived in Lithuania near the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad.

The UK leads the Estonia Battlegroup while other NATO members are deploying forces to Latvia, Lithuania and Poland as part of the bloc’s Enhanced Forward Presence battalion. All in all, 4,000 NATO troops with tanks, armored vehicles, air support, and high-tech intelligence centers deployed to Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia.

In accordance with the fiscal year 2017 European Reassurance Initiative budget proposal, the US Army is reopening or creating five equipment-storage sites in the Netherlands, Poland, Belgium and two locations in Germany.

Last September, the service began to assemble more Army Prepositioned Stocks (APS) for permanent storage in Europe. Those stocks will be sufficient for another armored brigade to fall in on. The rotating brigade will bring its own equipment. The move will add hundreds of the Army’s most advanced weapons systems to beef up the US European Command’s combat capability. It will also free up an entire brigade’s worth of weapons currently being used by US forces training on the continent to enable more American troops to be rushed in on short notice.

An armored brigade combat team comprises about 4,200 troops and includes approximately 250 tanks, Bradley Fighting Vehicles and Paladin self-propelled howitzers, plus 1,750 wheeled vehicles. The proposed budget increase includes a $1.8bn outlay on 45,000 GPS-guided smart bombs and laser-guided rockets to boost the precision strike capability.

Also last month, more than 1,200 troops from 12 countries, including the non-bloc participant Sweden, took part in two-week NATO military drills in Latvia dubbed Summer Shield. «This deployment is, of course, a threat to us», Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Aleksey Meshkov said, arguing that the large-scale drills at Russia’s doorstep are bound to «gravely increase the risk of incidents». He vowed a proportionate response. «They always have one thing on their mind: the ‘Russian threat’ myth, ‘Russian aggression’ slander and endless mantras about the need to confront it collectively», the Russian Foreign Ministry said in March following a NATO foreign ministers’ meeting.

The Baltic States and Poland will have to shoulder the financial burden of maintaining the military facilities. The Baltic States incurred significant expenses in rebuilding Ämari and Zokniai airbases. For instance, Estonia has spent 70 million euros in three years to modernize and maintain Ämari airbase. The new base in Latvia built by Canadian engineers is also not a free lunch.

The buildup is viewed by Russia as a provocation and a threat to the entire region’s security and peace. The alliance is trying to whip up tensions in Europe to reinforce its relevance in the ever changing world. It needs a fictional enemy to keep it together.

The deployment breaches the Russia-NATO Founding Act (1997). By signing the document NATO pledged not to seek «additional permanent stationing of substantial ground combat forces» in the nations closer to Russia «in the current and foreseeable security environment». The argument that the forces are being deployed on temporary basis doesn’t stand up to scrutiny. Each army combat unit has an operational cycle, including training events. It will inevitably hold exercises somewhere. The forces are training nowhere else but in the proximity of Russia’s borders.

The Canadian engineers are constructing nothing else but a town. The official used the term «town» in his statement. Towns are not built to enable army units to hold exercises and then go. A town for the military is an element of permanent infrastructure. Once the expenditure is approved, it means the living quarters and facilities are to remain in Latvia for many years.

The announced plans are nothing else but a permanent military presence of substantial forces. With the Founding Act invalid, the Russia-NATO military relationship will be left without a legal basis to go upon. The document has played a very important role in the relationship for 20 years. Now this fundamental document appears to be dead as a result of NATO’s provocative activities near the Russia’s territory. The war preparations greatly reduce European security and the chances for revival of constructive dialogue between Russia and NATO. It leads to the conclusion that the alliance is preparing for a new Cold War with unpredictable results.
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