Russian astrologer Svetlana Dragan

This theory of time being the fourth dimension is now outdated. From my rudimentary understanding it is at least being strongly debated amongst physicists.
I understand time to exist as a measurement of the relative movements and positions of objects in space. Time does not exist as a dimension separate to the position of the objects it is measuring.
In other words it is a scale that our 3D brains use to make sense of the cause and effects of the things around us that are interacting.
Time is not considered to be a dimension.
Hm, in layman words, space-time is actually 4D (3+1 dimensions), and in strictly 'scientific' (physical) jargon, all calculations/integrations (especially in gravitational and high energy physics, and 'usual' quantum field theory; at least to my knowledge) are done over 4D - lagrangian density and consequently action, when 'calculating' with them, all contain something like:


where n (number of overall dimensions; or D in some notation) is usually 4.

Or Einstein-Hilbert action explicitly, used in Einstein equation (general relativity):


That's not to say the above is correct description of Reality, just that people, when speaking about our everyday world, commonly consider spacetime to be 4D.
Hm, in layman words, space-time is actually 4D (3+1 dimensions), and in strictly 'scientific' (physical) jargon, all calculations/integrations (especially in gravitational and high energy physics, and 'usual' quantum field theory; at least to my knowledge) are done over 4D - lagrangian density and consequently action, when 'calculating' with them, all contain something like:


where n (number of overall dimensions; or D in some notation) is usually 4.

Or Einstein-Hilbert action explicitly, used in Einstein equation (general relativity):


That's not to say the above is correct description of Reality, just that people, when speaking about our everyday world, commonly consider spacetime to be 4D.
I see your point of most people are familiar with time as the fourth dimension and so automatically consider the next step to be the 5th.
This theory of time being the fourth dimension is now outdated. From my rudimentary understanding it is at least being strongly debated amongst physicists.
If it is outdated, or strongly debated, I honestly don't know about it, and moreover, this 4D stuff described above is still taught at most (if not all; to my knowledge) Universities - at least in (exact) physics classes/courses (unfortunately).

I understand time to exist as a measurement of the relative movements and positions of objects in space. Time does not exist as a dimension separate to the position of the objects it is measuring.
In other words it is a scale that our 3D brains use to make sense of the cause and effects of the things around us that are interacting.
What about cycles and waves (periodicity in general; and the Wave in particular), do they still 'contain' time (not one-dimensional though as we 'perceive' it) even if nobody (consciousness as we know it) is observing/measuring it?

It's quite late here (again 1D time :-D) and my brain is half asleep already so I'll call it a night.
However, maybe some answers to these questions about 'time' can be found in Ark's talks/videos from last year:
Has there been any update?
There was a lengthy interview with her recently where she basically reiterated her earlier predictions for Russia like increasingly grim situation up until the end of this year and beginning of "cosmic" changes next April. She mentioned that she did palmistry before and switched to astrology by a pure chance. It means she relies on her interpretation talent rather than on some kind of system in her work, and it goes in agreement with latest Cs' words.
Has there been any update?
I wrote out briefly what she said in the last video.

Autumn 2021 is tough. She predicted a deterioration in Russia from October 19.
In November, Russia will see a complete lack of interaction between the apparatus of power, to the point of absurdity.
And just around October 20, the government decided on a big weekend, and to this there were also additional restrictive measures (QR codes for trips to large shopping centers, increased enforcement of vaccinations, intimidation of the media, etc.)

In December 21-January 22, the plans of the elite will begin to collapse, the loss of their financial assets (both in Russia and in the world), splits within the Rockefeller funds, the World Bank. From this they will become even more cruel.

By the way, I recently saw on social networks that just in mid-December, bankers will hold meetings:

12/15/2021 Meeting of the US Federal Reserve System
16.12.2021 Meeting of the Bank of Switzerland
16.12.2021 Meeting of the European Central Bank
December 17, 2021 Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia at the key rate
12/17/2021 Press conference of the Governor of the Bank of Russia

In the spring of 1922 there will be an increase in the pressure of the authorities on people, but the authorities themselves will be in despair, as they will face big problems and upheavals.
In March 22, a radical change of power in Russia at the very top (probably the president), a sweep. Both the authorities and the people will shake the whole year. Transmutation of Russia. It will be tough.

2020-2022 years are years of torment, but from 2022 years the priority of spirituality, interaction between people, a change in worldview increases. The beginning of spring 22 - the theme of God appears, miracles can happen.

In April 2022, some wonderful story takes place. Illumination, enlightenment. A clear psychological effect, a new religious reading. Higher powers can manifest themselves in a more materialized form. She believes that there will probably be some kind of natural disaster.

The acuteness and eventfulness will be local. Natural disasters will be more common where there are no hazardous industries.

All 2023 years - reformatting economic and energy relations. In 2024 - the transition of civilization to another financial system (not the dollar).

It was conceived in such a way that a part of the people living on Earth now would be pulled into higher layers. There is a separation of the grains from the chaff. There is a restructuring of the earth and space. It is important for everyone to see their own Lighthouse! Each person should find himself, focusing on real human qualities, and not on external guidelines. We must remain human.

The agenda will be completely changed in the spring of 2022. It will no longer be covid and vaccines, but cataclysms with water and viruses, a change in people's perception, a new religious reading.

But this forecast was more about Russia. And I wrote out only theses. Because she usually speaks a lot, choosing her words carefully.
Svetlana Dragan gave some interesting predictions on WHO in her latest interview:
  • December 4 — climax of medical pressure on people, WHO is in "overdrive" mode.
  • January 7 — start of self-destruction processes inside WHO.
  • March — an attempt to backpedal on pressure level.
  • May 23 — total internal collapse (I guess it may not be so obvious to outsiders).
  • August — another futile attempt to reestablish control.
Also she spoke about Tedros Adhanom, WHO director. One particular point was that he had Algol star in his base planet (literal translation). This is a very "poisonous" combination. Such people tend to be very power hungry and ruthless. She says that people who are influenced by this star often die from decapitation or throat trauma.

Again in her interview there was a lot of small "gems", which shine if you are familiar with Cassiopaea material. I'm glad to point out that I still haven't find any "red flags" in her perspective. In the end she was very reassuring which reminded me C's words: "It's like having a baby: blood, water, pain, but joy when it is over."
Svetlana Dragan gave some interesting predictions on WHO in her latest interview:
  • December 4 — climax of medical pressure on people, WHO is in "overdrive" mode.
  • January 7 — start of self-destruction processes inside WHO.
  • March — an attempt to backpedal on pressure level.
  • May 23 — total internal collapse (I guess it may not be so obvious to outsiders).
  • August — another futile attempt to reestablish control.
Also she spoke about Tedros Adhanom, WHO director. One particular point was that he had Algol star in his base planet (literal translation). This is a very "poisonous" combination. Such people tend to be very power hungry and ruthless. She says that people who are influenced by this star often die from decapitation or throat trauma.

Again in her interview there was a lot of small "gems", which shine if you are familiar with Cassiopaea material. I'm glad to point out that I still haven't find any "red flags" in her perspective. In the end she was very reassuring which reminded me C's words: "It's like having a baby: blood, water, pain, but joy when it is over."
Let's hope that many heads will roll, it's time! Let them decapitate each other, like the snakes they are. And too bad the video is only in Russian. Thanks for the information!
Can you make a written summary, as I find it difficult to translate orally? Thank you very much.
In a nutshell: the wave is coming, lots of good energies coming so keep the frequency, meditate, connect with nature, focus on the world you want to see materializing, it will be hairy for a while but make an effort not to get sucked into drama - help is on the way
Really liked this. A bit wishy washy but nevertheless uplifting
Yeah, photon belt, shedding light left and right, etc, etc, a mishmash of everything from new-age to astrology. In contrast to Svetlana Dragan, whose talks are more resonating with me (I use youtube's subtitles with auto-translation as my Russian is very basic), Pam Gregory seems to be focusing on wishful thinking and naive hope that sending light will somehow transform evil in our world.

She's referring to the same astrological events and she's interpreting them almost identical to SD but her translation of them into our reality and her attempts of visualizing them as possible future events is very odd.
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