Interesting, I've seen videos like that before. The way she wrote about it:My curiosity was piqued by the mention of ants in a circle, so I looked it up. Here's a video of it and an explanation that may or may not be accurate.
reminds me of flat earth and other similar "arguments" that seem to suck people into a bizarro world of circular "reasoning" from which there is no escape. IMO there is a certain "flavor" to the "arguments" and "reasoning" that is unmistakable and the flat earth issue is a good and well known example. Every appeal to true reason is met with an "answer" that sucks its adherents back into the "deadly circle". Three guesses for where the energy sucked into the vortex goes....By 25.10 all destructive processes will be reaching high and attempting to create a pole of destruction. Here it is worth remembering that interesting phenomenon where swarms of ants suddenly start walking in a circle and gradually the number of ants in this circle increases. It is a deadly circle, the ants in it eventually perish. But those who approach it are drawn in like a magnet and start walking in a circle too, and then die. So, at a time like this, it is very easy to be drawn into this vortex. And as a matter of fact, one should not get close to it, it is fatal. This time will create such forms of involvement in a destructive environment that many will find it difficult to keep themselves neutral.
Is this one, The April (drop dead)?In fact, by April 2023 mankind will be facing questions of a very different scale, dramatic nature. 20.04.23 will be a sharp turning point, where global questions about the Earth and its relationship with space will become an extremely topical issue.
In the case of Jackowski, at the start of the pandemic felt that those "strange times" will last for 3.5 years, and certainly, there will be no return to the "old world". We are now approaching the last year of his timeline, he stressed many times that the last year will be far the worst. Recently he gave a time period: 16-20 of September for the economic crash to manifest, and soon it will escalate to some big conflict in the Middle East. "Shortly before the great conflict in the world, people in Poland and Europe will be afraid to breathe" was his answer to his daughter in 2008, when she asked about where the economic crisis will lead to. This kind of fits Svetlana's timeline. If the economy will crash by the end of September, surely it'll only be worse during Solar Eclipse. I'm wondering if the great conflict that he senses isn't of cosmic origin? He was once asked to feel what will be happening in 2025 (keep in mind that this could mean "somewhere in the near future" since he told many times that he sees dates only when "something is already decided"):It appears both Svetlana and Krzysztof Jackowski describe similar events judging from reading their predictions. So it is supposing that we must suffer after all. Now how many will believe the lies????
Krzysztof Jackowski predicted: Europe will be amassing large amounts of troops. This does not mean that these troops will go to the front. Europe will amass large numbers of troops in one region or two. It will be very noticeable to all of us. I can tell you that for some time now I have felt that the world will be getting ready for a great conflict. It will happen officially; it will not be hidden. This line of incomprehension is beginning to end. The world will start gearing up later this year, but I'm not saying that she will suddenly get wild at this time, but something like this will happen.
This state of Europe will cause us to do many things on command. We will have to be subjugated, it will not be a state of emergency, but we will understand that there is a discipline, because the world will be preparing for a war that we do not know if it will break out. Nevertheless, it will be very strange, because I see preparations for a conflict, I can see mobilization, but it will happen strangely enough that to some ace there will be no conflict itself, but many things will be required of us as if the war was going on. Many people will find it as disciplined as in a pandemic. Many people will be asking what it is. Is this the appearance of some kind of war? We will have doubts ...
There will be a scary narrative that people will try to sell everything they have in certain places. I do not know if it is about real estate or other goods. But panicked people will want to sell out. They won't be sure where they have their property. But again, it will be a fear, but there will be no real causes for that fear, it will be a narrative.
I have to say it. I have the impression that the issue of causing social fears and fears is and will be more important than actual deeds.
Poland will be extremely important in this, because nothing is happening here, but we will either understand or be told that in Poland these troops will be very active.
Let me tell you: dual power. In our country, these events will give rise to dual power. There will be this government for now, but there will be one more authority. It will not be legislative, but it will matter. And it will happen on behalf of our safety. This is how it will be explained to us.
There are two options that are being considered, what will happen at the end of summer, fall and winter. The first possibility is that there will be narratives of a very serious threat. The second possibility, if the first cannot be introduced, is a return to the "plague", but the "plague" will not be accepted by other countries. It will be mixed with the other, that is, "threat" and "pestilence."
Svetlana states: The beginning of September is a deception on deception, a lot of lies. And by the beginning of October, there is a feeling that the themes of pandemics will soon return, and threats that the construction of transhumanism will be updated again.
By 25.10, all destructive processes will reach high values and will try to create a pole of destruction. This time will create such forms of involvement in a disastrous environment that it will be difficult for many to keep themselves neutral.
By 25.10, the Solar Eclipse will set the tone for financial changes, or rather the trend towards reformatting the entire system. Here, we can talk about the violation of the water balance on the planet. This may manifest itself in the near future, and may immediately make itself felt. The time is catastrophic in appearance.
And the Lunar Eclipse 8.11 will be timed to coincide with colossal financially information stressful situations. The inadequacy of the reaction of the media, financial institutions, stock market trends will be in hysterical mode. Naturally, sharp market fluctuations will become the executioners of the former world economy and there can be a lot of worries. This is a moment of critical transformation of processes. It will seem that the world is collapsing, and the new one has not yet come.
Grim, dramatic and feels like a comet bombardment, but also kinda fits Dragans's timeline. Sorry to hijack the thread, but I doubt that Jackowski is reading her predictions, and his visions also reveal a very turbulent future..."Dry time." It will be a "dry time", "dry" it will be. Not all over the world, but there will be a lot of "dry" places. "Dry" I mean like they are unproductive in nature...
There will be two worlds. There will be the world that survived a major world conflict and there will be the intact world that will try to help people in the world that survived the conflagration.
The people who will be in these "dry places" and who will survive the conflagration, these people will be waiting for help. That help will be modest. The second time I feel that the U.S. will be in all its glory... If there is a world conflict, Asia will be hit hard, the Middle East will be hit hard, and the two European belts. The northern belt - a little bit. The southern belt - more strongly, and the "dryness" will be strongest in Spain. Part of Spain.
If a global conflict starts, it will be the focus of three very serious wars in the world. Either they will be at once, or one after the other. I hate these visions because they sound crazy, and I'm a rational man...
It will be like this, the worst thing will be that people will not feel statehood. Where the conflagration will pass, there will be no rulers, and also no social organization to create something new. That would be a terrible conflagration....
There will be places... People who will live will be there, they will not be able to be taken anywhere for any reason. They're going to be doomed to be in those places because they're going to be a danger as if they were taken into a society or a state where nothing happened.
When this conflagration starts, a lot of people will be nomadic in the winter in the mountains. It will not be in our country. It might be in Kazakhstan, those regions. People will not be able to come down from them.
I thought, reading the last session, that maybe the twin sun is "not too far" from us now and could become visible like Jupiter, Mars and Saturn when the sky is clear. If a new shiny dot appeared in the sky, the media coudn't hide it, and anyone with a good telescope could see that this new object is getting near... That or we will have comets...FWIW.Thanks for sharing this Korzik18! I agree, it is interesting she says that in the future "global questions about the Earth and it's relationship with space will be an extremely topical issue."
What could cause people to start asking questions about the about Earth's relationship with space?
Thank you Keit for sharing. It's very interesting what's happening out there in the outer space and the impact it has one everyone and everything down here.Here's some detailed explanation about the upcoming significant new moon in the end of July. It's not by Dragan, but I am posting it here because mentioned the astrologer (Annie Botticelli) on this and other threads before, and because it correlates with Dragan's forcast.