Sam Vaknin - Narcissist or "I, Psychopath"?

Re: I, Psychopath

Awesome, thanks for sharing! I never got to see the whole thing. Downloaded it fairly quickly and will find time to watch it all soon.
Re: I, Psychopath

Heimdallr said:
Awesome, thanks for sharing! I never got to see the whole thing. Downloaded it fairly quickly and will find time to watch it all soon.

How did you download it? I don't see any download function.

EDIT: Nevermind, I found it.
Re: I, Psychopath

geez, I am really puzzled with this film
what do you think is his agenda
Re: I, Psychopath

Maybe he was just too overconfident.

He actually sounded quite shocked at the result of the last test; like he didn't expect to score so high. Maybe he was blinded by his wishful thinking and thought he could either cheat the test or that he wouldn't be 'proved' a psychopath. Then he could use those results to continue to spread his 'narcissist' agenda, keeping the lines blurred between the two pathologies.

My two cents.

added: The results of the test they did in the brain scanner gave me a really weird sensation. When that line just didn't move at all, I was a bit scared by that.
Re: I, Psychopath

I'm also not so sure about the 185 IQ he claims to have. I think that belongs in the same 'BS bin' as his PHD.

I did notice though when he mentioned changing jobs every 1 1/2 years. That's the case with the psychopath we had at the office as well - doesn't stay anywhere for too long. Cause havoc, move on, cause havoc, move on and so and so forth.

He's with his 3rd company since he left us, and he left us end of 2007...
Re: I, Psychopath

E said:
I did notice though when he mentioned changing jobs every 1 1/2 years. That's the case with the psychopath we had at the office as well - doesn't stay anywhere for too long. Cause havoc, move on, cause havoc, move on and so and so forth.

Yes, that's so true. And the thing is, it doesn't matter where they are, what they move onto. They could live in a mansion and the next minute, they'd be just as comfy living in a dumpster. It's almost like they're stuck in a time loop, or like they're archetypal; they have the same affect on everything they get involved in; same song, just a different verse.
Re: I, Psychopath

E said:
I'm also not so sure about the 185 IQ he claims to have. I think that belongs in the same 'BS bin' as his PHD.

I remember reading somewhere that an 'IQ' is just a measurement of how good someone is at taking 'IQ' tests.

I think the author's point was that a high 'IQ' says nothing about how accurate or integrated the individual's knowledge is or how well any of that is integrated with some common sense.

I kinda liked that. :)
Re: I, Psychopath

I feel the same about IQs and EQs and all that, there's just too many variables.

But what I meant with Sam Vaknin, was that he likely never got an IQ test result back that said his IQ was 185. That's almost off the chart!
Re: I, Psychopath

It's sad to see his wife doing nothing, hurting and beliving that he can change like she is under spell, this is very good information because you can see how they work from the first hand, and from my perspective only defence is to have apsolute control over your emotions(if he is your boss, if not bye, bye).
Re: I, Psychopath

E said:
I feel the same about IQs and EQs and all that, there's just too many variables.

But what I meant with Sam Vaknin, was that he likely never got an IQ test result back that said his IQ was 185. That's almost off the chart!

Yep, I agree - that IQ score was as made up as his PhD - he's obviously not that smart or he wouldn't have allowed his ego to lead him into a movie that unmasks him for all to see!
Re: I, Psychopath

Thank you for posting the link to the movie. This is the second video I've seen on psychopaths and the part that still amazes me is how interesting and normal they can seem most of the time. I'm totally convinced of the core role they play in the destruction of truly human culture. It is painful to see at different times how I've developed some of those traits as well and seeing demonstrations like in the videos helps reinforce the intent to clean the machine and see reality.
Re: I, Psychopath

Dr. Hare and others respond to the film:

You can also leave your own response at the above link.

We hope more of Vaknin's groupies and those ascribing to his message boards see this and find better places to get support than this predator and his enforcers.
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