The Hydrogen and Growth of the Higher Bodies
from- In Search of the Miraculous. The Fourth Way chapter 9.
The human organism represents chemical factory planned for the possibility of a very large out put, but never reaches the full production possible to it.
All the substances necessary for the maintenance of the life of the organism, for psychic work, for the higher functions of consciousness and growth of the higher bodies are produced by the organism from the food which enter it from outside.
The center of gravity of the average intelligence of physical body of man is 'hydrogen' 96.
The center of gravity of the astral body will be 'hydrogen' 48.
The center of gravity of the third body will be 'hydrogen' 24.
The center of gravity of the fourth body will be 'hydrogen' 12.
A scale of matter in relation to man and the human body, every level represents a certain density of matter and certain rate of vibrations, it is called density of vibrations.
Roughly 96% of the mass of the human body is made up of just four elements: Carbon, Oxygen, Nitrogen and Hydrogen.
All matters from hydrogen 6 to 3072 are to be found and play a part in the human organism.
Hydrogen 768 is defined as food which can serve as food for man.
Hydrogen 384 will be defined as water.
Hydrogen 192 is the air, which we breathe.
Hydrogen 96 is play a very important part in man's life and further, this is the matter of animal magnetism, of emanations from the human body, what is regarded as matter by our physics and chemistry.
Hydrogen 48, 24, 12, and 6 are matter unknown to physics and chemistry, matters of our psychic and spiritual life on different levels.
Hydrogen 12 corresponds to the hydrogen of chemistry, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen, have 12, 14, and 16.
The 'Hydrogen' is three substance,
Carbon-active force.
Oxygen-passive force.
Nitrogen- neutralizing force.
When a substance is taken without relation to the force manifesting of forces, every substance appears as it were in four different aspects or 'states matter' and is called 'hydrogen.'
But, in order to understand any further, it is necessary to know about the Octaves.
The Law of Octaves/The Law of the Seven/The Law of the Shocks
The seven-ton scale is the formula of a cosmic law which was worked out by ancient schools applied to music.
The law of octaves in vibrations of other kinds are, light, heat, chemical, magnetic, and other vibration are subject to the same law as vibrations.
The ascending octave, suppose, that this octave begins with one thousand vibrations a second.
Let, designate these thousand vibration by the note Do, and vibrations are growing at the point where they reach two thousand vibrations a second, there will be a second Do.
The period between one Do, and the next Do, is divided into seven unequal parts(because the frequency of the vibrations does not increase uniformly)
The difference in the notes or the differences in the pitch of the notes are called intervals or retardation.
In the musical seven-tone scale, only between Mi,- Fa, and Si,- Do are called intervals.
Do, re, mi,- fa, sol, la, si,- Do.
The moment of the 'interval' of vibrations, a deviation takes place from the original direction and the line begun changes, and continue until the second 'interval' occur, and then a fresh deviation change its direction, and so on.
Law of octaves of another property is the 'inner vibrations'; Each note of these inner octaves again contains a whole octaves and so on for some considerable way but not infinitum.
And each note of any octave and inner vibrations proceed simultaneously in 'media' of different density, interpenetrating one another, they are reflected in one another give rise to one another.
Now, we study man as a chemical factory and see what role matter play in human body.
Man can receives raw materials from outside and transforms them into other materials, of a finer quality, is governed by the law of octaves.
The three kinds of material which man gets from outside are,
1. The ordinary food we eat- hydrogen 768.
2. The air we breathe- hydrogen 192.
3. Our impressions, for standard impressions-hydrogen 48, represents just ordinary colorless impressions without any character. If I see a piece of paper, this is impression 48.
Every external impression, whether it take the form of sound, or vision, or smell, we receive a certain amount of energy/vibrations, this energy which enters the organism form outside is food,
In existence, the organism must receive all three kinds of food, cannot exist on one, or even on two kinds of food. All three are required.
Neither air nor food can be changed, but impressions, that is, the quality of the impressions possible to man are not subject to any cosmic law.
So, the most important for us is impressions, not only for the life, but also for the creation and growth of higher bodies.
Thus, man can improve his impressions to a very high degree, and in this way introduce fine 'hydrogens' into the organism.
From the three kinds of material, the man machine produces all the matters needed for ordinary life, but there is no extra energy to growth higher bodies.
But the man is created to a self-developing organism that can only develops by conscious effort.
The three-story factory represents the universe in miniature and is constructed according to the same law and on the same plan as the whole universe.
So, lets take the human organism in the form of a three story factory.
1st stage, the physical food hydrogen 768, enters the organism, it is an ascending octave, so these stages represent the notes Do, everything start to do can be called the beginning of octaves, so that 'Do' is starting sound.
The digestion of matter proceeded until pass Mi, after mi, there is an 'interval' and the octave cannot develop any further by itself.
As it is known from the law of octaves mi, that vibration/frequency/ray/musical note, cannot pass independently into Fa, in an ascending octave.
And the point when mi, cannot develop any further, another kind of food enters-air(it enter as oxygen) and one part of it developed and transform to Mi 48, and stops there, because the whole impression is not working for ordinary normal man, but other part of it developed and transform into Si 12, and stop.
2nd stage, the Mi 48 can develop further by 'conscious shock,' if given at right place, then one part develop and transform to 'Sol 12' and even small quantity of hydrogen 6 and stop. but the other part stopped at middle of development and stops there.
3rd stage, if second conscious shock is given, then the rest of octave transform to 'Mi 12.'
So altogether, two conscious shock are necessary to develop three kinds of higher hydroens for person's three centers.
Mi 12- emotional center.
Sol 12- instinctive center.
Si 12- sex center.
If we could bringing the production up to its possible maximum, we should then begin to save the fine 'hydrogens,' then it will be enough for growth of the higher bodies. Then gradually bring the whole organism onto a higher level, onto a higher plane of being.
This is our inner alchemy, the transmutation of base metals into precious metals. But all this alchemy is inside us, not outside.
How to create a Special Kind of 'artificial shocks'
In an ordinary psychic state, when person look at a street, there is no impression.
But, if a person, is self-consciously looking at a street, there are two impressions, one is looking self, and same time looking at street.
If conscious at the self -observation, the line of attention will be directed on the thing you observe and same time observe on your self, as two arrows different direction.
Same method can be use for Sound and Smell.
More information about divide attention is on reply#129.