It boggles my mind to even imagine how much efforts, technological advancements, time and more, that it had taken the creators to enable these processes. That is not a “natural selection” that is responsible for it, don’t you think?
Well, if I look at myself, I am 3D. I think, and "take decisions".
I know that 4D is quite a different mode of existence. But there may be, still, some "basics": feelings, talking, etc. "Decision, in regard of an event", things like that.
They have "existence" as well, survival too, etc. I believe that similar questioning could occur. And work, too. I suppose they could pray. If Laura can channel 6th D STO from 3D, I suppose that 4D could possibly channel 6th D STO too. And so, work, etc.
I believe that you are right with the idea of the STO way requiring extreme focus and work - for example with the idea of building a magnetic center.
But I see as well 4D as having a myriad of possibilities. There seems to exist various densities/dimensions (sorry, I am not skilled enough so as to use the correct term!) and it could be that even without a full integration of 4D STO, some "migration" towards "other worlds" may occur. Some STS elements, eager to change, may become "eligible" for specific destinations. Who knows? It could be there exists a "special department" of "forgiveness" in case of "good deed".
Another idea is that if one of those OP's, possessed by those dark forces, becomes "exorcised" - he would become clean and, in the face of God, he may walk the STO path. The nature selection you speak of would be "when the wave hits". At this moment, the harvest has been done and a new cycle starts. Well, I am not a pro on those topics so let's discuss the above! I hope that at least one thing or two makes sense.