Session 1 March 2025

Is that even possible to “switch” from one side to another? I would think it takes lifetimes of “work”
I was thinking of some form of "switching teams", for example leaving the "organization"; such a person would find herself at the very start of an STO road. All/some way has to be done, then.

We may imagine (fictive example!), a Zelensky understanding that there is an assassination plot against him. He would seek shelter [in Russia]. Even if he has been a very bad person, he might "behave" - and even help.

Could be that in regard of the Universe, such thing could happen; some STS elements, not 100% polarized.
It boggles my mind to even imagine how much efforts, technological advancements, time and more, that it had taken the creators to enable these processes. That is not a “natural selection” that is responsible for it, don’t you think?
Well, if I look at myself, I am 3D. I think, and "take decisions".

I know that 4D is quite a different mode of existence. But there may be, still, some "basics": feelings, talking, etc. "Decision, in regard of an event", things like that.

They have "existence" as well, survival too, etc. I believe that similar questioning could occur. And work, too. I suppose they could pray. If Laura can channel 6th D STO from 3D, I suppose that 4D could possibly channel 6th D STO too. And so, work, etc.

I believe that you are right with the idea of the STO way requiring extreme focus and work - for example with the idea of building a magnetic center.

But I see as well 4D as having a myriad of possibilities. There seems to exist various densities/dimensions (sorry, I am not skilled enough so as to use the correct term!) and it could be that even without a full integration of 4D STO, some "migration" towards "other worlds" may occur. Some STS elements, eager to change, may become "eligible" for specific destinations. Who knows? It could be there exists a "special department" of "forgiveness" in case of "good deed".

Another idea is that if one of those OP's, possessed by those dark forces, becomes "exorcised" - he would become clean and, in the face of God, he may walk the STO path. The nature selection you speak of would be "when the wave hits". At this moment, the harvest has been done and a new cycle starts. Well, I am not a pro on those topics so let's discuss the above! I hope that at least one thing or two makes sense. 👍 🤔
Thank you for the session!

I wonder why C's used word "mort" instead of word "dead"?
Is it simply because she was French, so they used old french word?

Maybe that word was used because it has two genders:

Or maybe "mort" was used, because that word could be hint that could lead to discover cause of mort.

To honour the deceased person who was ... a guy

In French if the deceased was feminine, it would have been "She is morte". (And so, the English would not offer a perfect match. Did they want to honour the little boy?)

But I am sure there is something there. I found it very emotional. Seems that whole continents are pointing the finger to a poor little kid who left, time and time ago. And that there is this presidential couple simply fooling their citizens with their deviancies. It's of no respect to the little boy, and his soul may require / await some form of "justice".

To honour the deceased person who was ... a guy

In French if the deceased was feminine, it would have been "She is morte". (And so, the English would not offer a perfect match. Did they want to honour the little boy?)

But I am sure there is something there. I found it very emotional. Seems that whole continents are pointing the finger to a poor little kid who left, time and time ago. And that there is this presidential couple simply fooling their citizens with their deviancies. It's of no respect to the little boy, and his soul may require / await some form of "justice".
There is no indication that the real Brigitte was a boy.
Not sure if anyone mentioned this, but when the C's said that the 'wave' or realm border is universal, not just logic/galactic, then that is the original setup before the 'free will' concept or logoi was created, right? Same with our galaxy, and all others one must assume, the thoughts are laid out before the blueprint is drafted then the construction begins, so when they say this 'wave' is moving thru, it's the entire scope of creation it seems. Reminds me of when the concept of the 'veil' was created/thought up and passed thru the many logoi/galaxies or free will fractals of the Creator as I like to refer to them... which then 'go forth and multiply' with the stars or sub-logoi then the planets and us as sub -sub or something like that... which I think the Quo source of LLResearch, previously Ra, spoke of. Did the 'veil' come out of a logoi itself and spread or as a mutual concept of the still connected logoi? As an aside, when someone asked about the logoi, or original fractals, no followup on the number for each was asked. The Quo source mentioned how ours is using its near full energy potential compared to others... high road/low road comparison perhaps fits... high energy/low energy, which could infer the type of galaxy or lessons setup and being explored.
Not sure if anyone mentioned this, but when the C's said that the 'wave' or realm border is universal, not just logic/galactic, then that is the original setup before the 'free will' concept or logoi was created, right?
The Wave is the realm border between densities. Whether densities were created first and then 'populated' by consciousness units or whether it was done differently, who knows. We do not even know how "before" and "after" work without time as we know it.
Hi everyone,
I got a nice message today and a thought occurred to me, it doesn't give me a break but I also thought it might be silly so I will write it here for verification :-) It occurred to me that the Quorum is a kind of form of control and their executive arm in this matter may be the Illuminati, whose lower form is or was the current Elites. The C's in response about the purpose of the Quorum gave a rather enigmatic reference to following prophecies. I thought hey, if I were an insanely intelligent STS being I must have a plan after all right? In my mind I was immediately reminded of C's chronology chart where there was a “time warp” moment as a sort of “save” in the game before an important event or after reaching a milestone point. Then it was mentioned (or probably mentioned - I no longer remember in which session) about the prototype of the Illuminati - the Serpent Society? And the uprising was somehow 5000 years BC . In addition, I thought about the prophecies, Laura's and others' work on the Bible and showing that it was a big lie, creating past prophecies and “facts” that weren't there, etc. and it occurred to me “hey, after all, if STS rules us, why would they bother to create something artificial like they could just interfere with people by causing these events really?” .
Perhaps the creation of a certain timeline with certain possible “prophecies” even for the STS is not so simple and they try to follow the most “optimal” path of human resistance to the goal. The emergence of a material arm in the form of the Illuminati may have been the next phase of the “prophecies” plan. In addition, prophecies are so STS style right?
Quorum, on the other hand, in today's language means the minimum assembly needed to make a binding decision (at least that's the information I found). Probably such a group in order to make decisions that are good for them must understand STO to some degree which brings them closer to STO. (I have read Barbara Taube's books, where the author, during hypnotherapy of patients, talked to high STS beings, who admitted that they see strength in STO and perhaps one day would like to change sides).
And here a question arose in my mind, perhaps a question to the C's, is there an ancient prophecy whose fulfillment they are guarding? If so, what did it sound like and how does it relate to today's prophecies? Is this prophecy the most optimal harvest as Ra understands it?

I apologize if I misspelled or twisted something, today's news gave me such an impulse that I couldn't ignore so even without much time I decided to write :-)
Hi everyone,
I got a nice message today and a thought occurred to me, it doesn't give me a break but I also thought it might be silly so I will write it here for verification :-) It occurred to me that the Quorum is a kind of form of control and their executive arm in this matter may be the Illuminati, whose lower form is or was the current Elites. The C's in response about the purpose of the Quorum gave a rather enigmatic reference to following prophecies. I thought hey, if I were an insanely intelligent STS being I must have a plan after all right? In my mind I was immediately reminded of C's chronology chart where there was a “time warp” moment as a sort of “save” in the game before an important event or after reaching a milestone point. Then it was mentioned (or probably mentioned - I no longer remember in which session) about the prototype of the Illuminati - the Serpent Society? And the uprising was somehow 5000 years BC . In addition, I thought about the prophecies, Laura's and others' work on the Bible and showing that it was a big lie, creating past prophecies and “facts” that weren't there, etc. and it occurred to me “hey, after all, if STS rules us, why would they bother to create something artificial like they could just interfere with people by causing these events really?” .
Perhaps the creation of a certain timeline with certain possible “prophecies” even for the STS is not so simple and they try to follow the most “optimal” path of human resistance to the goal. The emergence of a material arm in the form of the Illuminati may have been the next phase of the “prophecies” plan. In addition, prophecies are so STS style right?
Quorum, on the other hand, in today's language means the minimum assembly needed to make a binding decision (at least that's the information I found). Probably such a group in order to make decisions that are good for them must understand STO to some degree which brings them closer to STO. (I have read Barbara Taube's books, where the author, during hypnotherapy of patients, talked to high STS beings, who admitted that they see strength in STO and perhaps one day would like to change sides).
And here a question arose in my mind, perhaps a question to the C's, is there an ancient prophecy whose fulfillment they are guarding? If so, what did it sound like and how does it relate to today's prophecies? Is this prophecy the most optimal harvest as Ra understands it?

I apologize if I misspelled or twisted something, today's news gave me such an impulse that I couldn't ignore so even without much time I decided to write :-)

If the universe is a school, and the Earth is our classroom, then to me the Quorum would be kinda like the Board of Education or something. They're responsible for setting the curriculum for the lessons to be learned - what is learned, how it is learned, etc.

In this metaphor, prophecy could then be understood as 'a predetermined lesson plan, but given in advance'. Sort of like telling students in Biblical times, "Attention, class! Attention! There will be a final exam in about 2000 years, so it would be a good idea to stop fornicating and study."
The C's have said that no being that is given intelligence to think on its own is completely "soul-less" (9th September 1995). Yet what is the point of using words like "soul" if we apply them in the context of beings who are otherwise utterly reprehensible and evil, or at best live wholly selfish and materialistic lives? It's contradictory, doesn't acchord with common sense, and is generally counterproductive. That's not to say that some equivalent process to individuation can't occur with psychopaths, as the C's refer to "crystallized" psychopaths (22nd October 2022), but again, calling that 'individuation' is probably similar to saying that psychopaths have 'souls': it doesn't describe the reality of psychopathy in an accurate or meaningful way, or so I think.

Perhaps it would not be contradictory if we assume that we are dealing with potentials rather than fixed things. There is a potential for the appearance of a soul and in turn a potential to go to the STO or the STS.

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