WIN 52 said:
Another possibility is that 4D STS is using some sort of mind control offensive on people. It seems to be pretty wide spread, this unhinged behavior. But it seems to be affecting only certain people. Others who are grounded in reality using knowledge and correct information don't seem to be affected.
I am thinking about the ones who are not affected. I suppose to 4D STS that could be equivalent to people getting out of control.
I've been thinking about something similar to this. Neoliberals and their "tolerance for everything, anything goes" approach actually destroys values in society because there is no right and wrong, no positive or negative, no goal or aim that can be considered desirable or undesirable, just what *I* want and everything is subjective. The Neoliberal intelligentsia has been preaching the gospel that there is no such thing as objectivity, or good and evil, just your perception of it and you ought to be able to do whatever you damn well please. Taking it to its ultimate manifestation, "good" deeds and "evil" deeds ought to be equally supported by society, because such distinctions only exist in the subjective mind of the perceiver, and if our goal is to be a true democracy with liberty for all viewpoints, we should do away with these outdated ideas so that we can show tolerance to everything/everybody. It is a philosophy that inherently embraces evil, under fine words and eloquent intellectual gymnastics. Even if good isn't explicitly suppressed, evil is encouraged. The attempted normalization of pedophilia is the vanguard for this. Furthermore, Hillary Clinton, a known killer, is supported because she is a predator which thrives in the environment the Neoliberal philosophy has created, and she supports the "anything" goes mantra while convincing people she represents a higher order of society by doing away with rigid interpretations of morality which have plagued it in the past. She fights for us, and since there is no good and evil, just subjectivity, we know that the ends always justify the means because she really wants to build this utopia of tolerance. It reads like a case fit for Hostage to the Devil
Probably 20% of the US population is thoroughly corrupted by this ideology, and many more are infected to some degree. Hillary's supporters and those deeply entrenched in her establishment, after being blatantly shown Hillary's corruption and the hypocrisy of their ideology, simply double down and are openly supporting evil. I wonder what this does for the "realm frequency" of the planet, and whether the point of it all is to increase the amplitude of the STS frequency enough so that 4D can "land" here and just jump into all of these empty shells which have more or less destroyed their consciousness potential by subscribing to a fundamentally nihilistic ideology, disguised as the opposite. Furthermore, it would not be that much of a stretch to imagine that if there were these reptilian guys walking around with some fairly deviant ideas, that we would be coerced to accept them in some way to uphold liberalism's ideal of "tolerance for everything," especially if they possessed techno-wizardry to demonstrate their superiority. Indeed it is just an extrapolation of current trends, although I don't know if it would ever get quite that dramatic. It's all coming together too nicely to be coincidence; there are now large groups of people very close to willing and asking to be assimilated by the Borg.
I still haven't decided quite what Trump represents. My instinct says that he is being set up as a kind of controlled opposition at some level. The democrats tried it and failed, so now he will become the tool of intrigue of some higher authority. They will try to mold him to accomplish the aims of the global totalitarian project, even if he wasn't as efficacious as Hillary might have been, perhaps a break was in the interests of the overall project and as long as he provides a net positive on investment, they will keep him around. I remember Laura talking about the Trump as Hitler scenario awhile back and Trump being "eminently downloadable" and I kind of joked that I couldn't see them turning him into Emperor Palpatine. Instead, it looks like these "libtards" will be partially fulfilling that role using Trump as source of friction to spring off against. I'm not sure that it will work and I'm not worried about the color revolution thing because of what was said here:
session161112 said:
(Joe) What are the chances of success of fomenting a revolution on this Hillary business?
A: Fair, but will likely fizzle.
Q: (Joe) Based on these figures, they've only got 27% of the population to pick for their revolution. And most of those people who voted for Hillary are a bunch of wussy millennial progressives.
{NOTE: If only 58% of the population voted, and 63% of those voted Trump, then if we assume that all other people who voted picked Hillary, that works out to 37% of the 58% who voted - which is max 21% of the total population who voted for Hillary.}
(L) They're mostly precious snowflakes. {laughter}
(Niall) They found themselves on the wrong side of history. They should have the militias all up in arms.
(L) Yeah, but the militias aren't up in arms because they're behind Trump!
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) That's the only way they could have a proper revolution is if they could turn this around, dump Trump out, and get Hillary in. Then they might have a revolution.
(L) Yeah, but then they might lose their heads.
(Joe) Right.
A: Exactly! Between a rock and a hard place!
It is sure to be a dramatic spectacle full of sound of fury, but ultimately signifying nothing. I think there is some chance of assassination if Trump becomes an actual threat to the overall agenda, but that would be risky for the same reasons as a revolution. I think the preferred method will be some type of political castration, either by a higher power acting outside of the political process and making him irrelevant through some sort of black swan event (financial collapse, induced earthquakes, alien invasion, etc.), or the Republicans biding their time until they can stab him in the back. Most of these Republicans with whom he is making alliances and getting to do stuff for him work for the same establishment that Hillary does and have not been changed by Trump's ascent in the least. They are held in place by promises of power and threats of retaliation and dreams of wealth; it is pure STS. As soon as Trump shows a weakness or can't keep them sufficiently bribed, they'll conspire to try and put Pence in charge. Trump is however, not a vapid shell like most politicians, and depending on what energies he is exposed to and cultivates, he may be able to supersede his controlled opposition status. His will makes him a more difficult pawn to control, and that's what makes the game somewhat interesting.
In an ideal society you would have an aim for societal evolution or transmutation, the Work on a grand scale, and your value system would support this aim. Even though it sounds good on the surface, the "tolerance for everything" approach is actually antithetical to this ideal because in the cosmic environment that we inhabit it is pretty much guaranteed to degenerate into what we're seeing with the "libtards."