Session 10 December 2016

Divide By Zero said:
Sheesh, why can't we just see the cigar for what it is, a cigar? Why do we need to categorize eachother? Is it to cover up that the water around us is boiling? Is this the slow boil of soul smashing???

Divide By Zero,

The jobs = bones symbology I thought was relevant to what has happened to heat up the pot to near boiling. I couldn't pass up the cigar reference that I know you kind of like. I think many times it applies.

Here is a Trump article that has the cigar reference:

Sometimes Trump’s Cigar Isn’t Just a Cigar

Sigmund Freud’s famous quote, “Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar,” was to clarify that not everything a patient said or did was somehow symbolic of a deeper psychological issue. That’s almost never the case with politics, when almost every action is really about what’s behind the act itself.

That’s why I’m presenting this article a “Guide to the Perplexed Liberal” for all the activities they’ve been buzzing about since Donald Trump won the election.

Tweet! Tweet!

Liberals are furious with President-Elect Trump’s tweets. They say it is evidence that he is an unhinged narcissist with his finger of the nuclear button – which you’ll recall, they believe nobody is overseeing anymore.

It’s certainly true that prior to Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway joining the campaign, President-elect Trump’s tweets were utterly undisciplined. Now, since a cigar isn’t just a cigar, they are being used in a unique and powerful way. Tweeting is a way for President-Elect Trump to speak instantly and directly to the American people.

Think about it. Prior to Twitter, responses would have been issued via a press release, statement, or direct address. Now, President-Elect Trump can just tell people to eff-off.

In other words a Tweet is not just a Tweet anymore for Trump but a more powerful tool to by-pass MSM.

As far as "Is this the slow boil of soul smashing???" I don't know but it is starting to send a shiver up my spine. How a slow boil can do that I have no clue. :/ :huh:
WIN 52 and happyliza's (and all prior, just tuning in now) assessment is by all indications correct. A coordinated effort spanned from prior through 2016 got things where they are now.

Those without defenses against such jumping on the bandwagon of vitriol, unaware that their potential correctness in their viewpoint should not be susceptible to spending so much of waking life caught in a kind of emotional prison that is being perpetually reinforced by one another via the stream of digital content sharing, and so forth.

Subtle engineering (memetic engineering, cultural conditioning, the manufacture of consent, or in this case, divisiveness) is exactly that.. subtle. It is extremely easy to obfuscate because any suspicion of it can be written off by naysayers as overly imaginative. It is a perfect crime, in that sense.

Metaphorically, a direct approach kind of response at bringing people back from the brink may not be effective, i.e. shaking someone and trying to get through to them a voice of reason, to decouple their standpoint from the emotional rollercoaster (in this case, exclusively through various kinds of dissonant, low vibratory zones, with no positive swing at all). There are many who seem all-in at this point, which is giving the day-to-day a very uncertain feeling to it for the rest of us.

Instead, leveraging the strength of the core of those seemingly invulnerable, as WIN 52 suggests, is crucial. Amplifying this invulnerability.

Thank's to C's advice in an earlier transcript, preparations are being made to make available media content to help with this. Will be reporting back and sharing what would seem to be the combination of analog and digital signals that help to reinforce and strengthen the invulnerability. With any luck, the sheer contrast of the bandwagoners vs the oasis team will help bandwagons to snap out of it, by wanting something others have that they do not (mental peace at a time of extreme provoked unrest). It's hard to see there being any other realistic way to diffuse the situation.

Hopefully C's will be more revealing of details regarding the nature of the help that is on the way. By all indications it is becoming needed now more than ever.
I see all these women hysteria on the streets as a big and huge distraction of the real problems: poverty, no jobs, solitude, no future, war in the horizon, control of the population, an infinitum of problems and issues that the PTB don't want to take care of. And people who yell on the streets are manipulated to not see the reality. They are like fish that are take by a big tsunami, incapable to see that the tsunami is coming. You remember the pictures of people that were looking, on the beach, the strange beginning of the tsunami, not understanding the danger, not knowing that in one minute the tsunami will come and kill them ? same thing.

It is interesting times to live, yes indeed. Thanks to this forum for all the understanding and insights. This is the best protection we have.
loreta said:
I see all these women hysteria on the streets as a big and huge distraction of the real problems: poverty, no jobs, solitude, no future, war in the horizon, control of the population, an infinitum of problems and issues that the PTB don't want to take care of. And people who yell on the streets are manipulated to not see the reality. They are like fish that are take by a big tsunami, incapable to see that the tsunami is coming. You remember the pictures of people that were looking, on the beach, the strange beginning of the tsunami, not understanding the danger, not knowing that in one minute the tsunami will come and kill them ? same thing.

It is interesting times to live, yes indeed. Thanks to this forum for all the understanding and insights. This is the best protection we have.

I’d like to share some thoughts on this topic, too.

My perception of the world started to change a couple of years ago, influenced by some earnest cleaning up in my private life and some changes in my lifestyle. I noticed as a result that I had to be more careful about how I was talking about certain topics and to whom I was talking. Since then it has only become worse. I fell I can no longer freely talk about topics related to politics or psychology as I do no longer see them as either black or white, a simple “them against us” or “us against them”. There are so many details and aspects to consider that for a real discussion you sometimes have to a least phrase a differing opinion to add some real beef to an argument. But that is not how most people converse anymore. Most people only seek out the news and facts strengthening their point of view. That’s quite comfortable and reading through your daily newspaper you have the reassuring feeling of fitting in, thinking the right thought, sharing in the right opinion. The tribe won’t cast you out. Although you would never go as far as expressing this deeply felt fear.

I was brought up in the knowledge that I can do what ever lies within my capacities, that I am no less or more just because being a girl. My parents were always both fully working, I had strong female role models and never had to fight for my female me. I am deeply grateful for such a privileged upbringing (downsides set aside). When entering the professional world of working adults I experienced male teams choosing male colleagues over female ones, gender-based distribution of tasks and sexist jokes and remarks. But it didn’t hurt. When I felt uncomfortable it was mostly just because I missed opportunities to stand up for myself.

And I think the experiences of most of my old female acquaintances were similar. All highly educated women, suffering not from existential worries but mostly from an incapacity of navigating through a sea of false images and expectations of what life has in stock for us and what is expected of us. I don’t want to be judgmental but what I see and read with regard to the woman marches all over the world leaves me at a loss. I cannot relate. It was the same with Pussy Riot and Femen activists. Resistance and criticism is not about finding the funniest hashtag. Change and improvement won’t follow when being reduced to a talking vagina. When being a feminist today means that I have to go topless or have to wear pink pussy ears and a shirt that has written “ feminist” over it, to prove a point and have to annoy everyone around me with pointing out that free-bleeding is the new shit, then I can’t relate. Awareness and mindfulness are preached from every magazine cover but practicing empathy and commitment in real life is only done when it is worth a fancy hashtag. And it is so difficult to talk about it. As soon as your point in discussions differs from a generally accepted point of view all those drawers open up and you are labeled and become suspicious. Whilst everyone seems to be on the brink of hysteria, swallowed by “marvelous” group dynamics, this collectively felt moment of waking up frightens me and I feel like the blinders are tighter than ever.
You didn’t march with us, you don’t share our opinions? Shame on you.

Those are interesting times to live. Indeed.
Divide By Zero said:
When I see this extremism on both sides today I am reminded of history.

Malcolm X was allowed to be an extremist, when he was associated with the black panthers, etc.
When he left that extremism and started saying it was "US" (people) vs "THEM" (oligarchy/etc) they assassinated him.

Martin Luther King was assassinated when he started to get involved in workers rights, white or black. He got killed as he was planning to support the sanitation workers.

I'm reminded of an economics professor, Richard Wolff, who does a great show Fridays 9am on WBAI 99.5 NYC FM radio called economic update.
I'm paraphrasing here:
What good is democracy, when we don't have democracy in the workplace and the economy.

I see that the extremists only have power when there is a bad economic and social disparity, which is a feedback loop from a stupid dog eat dog type of economy.
Because there is a shortage of decent paying jobs, people are always thinking about survival and how to be chosen over others. You would say this is survival of the fittest, but it is artificially induced, by the powerful bankers who don't actually create or DO anything.

Richard Wolff made an analogy on how this bad job market changes the mentality of people:
You have 100 dogs and 200 bones you bury on a big piece of land. The dogs go out and look for bones. Some dogs get more than 1 bone, some 1 bone, a few find no bones. Those who got no bones should get taught how to find bones better.

But nowadays, its 100 dogs and only 50 bones. A few dogs get more than 1 bone, some get 1 bone, and many get no bones. Our system says, those dogs need more training! But it's not solving the problem and will just make the dogs fight over bones, like we do over jobs- jealousy, infighting, etc.

And I see the same problem when it comes to social justice, investing, and other critical things that we as a society need to live. Keep the game difficulty up, give a lot of failure and you get frustration because of the guaranteed high level of "inhuman" competition for small pools of resources.

Frustration is very interesting and forments violence.
I saw a show "your brain on video games" a month ago.
They found that violent games don't make the gamers have violent/stressful readings in testing.
But one game did, a tetris game that was rigged to make you always get the wrong pieces at the halfway point, making it VERY HARD to finish the stage. This came as frustration, even when the players didn't realize the game was rigged.

So, make people lose, get frustrated, and then you have them running on fight or flight mode spurred by competition and they can and will come up with crazy libtard or tea party right winger narratives to blame a group for the unfairness of the game. We're the frog in the pot of water, not noticing that it's almost at a rolling boil. Those of us who see the game is rigged are labeled as complainers and lumped in with a left or right extreme, despite seeing that both sides had some valid points.

And two small examples: Speaking to an old friend how Trump is not hitler and vaccines may be problematic, he lumped me in with the right wingers. Another friend lumped me in with the left wingers when I mentioned the dangers of Trump attacking labor unions and promoting this deregulation.

Sheesh, why can't we just see the cigar for what it is, a cigar? Why do we need to categorize eachother? Is it to cover up that the water around us is boiling? Is this the slow boil of soul smashing???

I am also sick of this categorization,however people who see only in black and white,who through TMI have been induced to behave like authoritarians are not capable of doing otherwise.I should point out that categorization is a necessary and useful part of life.We on the forum do it all the time.We categorize civilazations and peoples through history,categorize religions and ideologies and categorize authoritarians/psychos and everything in between.It's when categorization becomes an excuse to dismiss opposing thought or a knee jerk reaction to something you don't like instead of being a tool to study the world, that it becomes a problem.

And on the topic of boiling frogs,I wonder,just how symbolic is Pepe?
Hindsight Man said:
And on the topic of boiling frogs,I wonder,just how symbolic is Pepe?
Not sure if this answers your question or is relevant, but on the subject of frogs, Jordan Peterson recently had this interview where they discussed the symbolism of frogs:

This video I'm posting below is the one referenced in the above video, which led to the conversation between Peterson and Pageau:

edit: clarity
maiko said:
And I think the experiences of most of my old female acquaintances were similar. All highly educated women, suffering not from existential worries but mostly from an incapacity of navigating through a sea of false images and expectations of what life has in stock for us and what is expected of us. I don’t want to be judgmental but what I see and read with regard to the woman marches all over the world leaves me at a loss. I cannot relate. It was the same with Pussy Riot and Femen activists. Resistance and criticism is not about finding the funniest hashtag. Change and improvement won’t follow when being reduced to a talking vagina. When being a feminist today means that I have to go topless or have to wear pink pussy ears and a shirt that has written “ feminist” over it, to prove a point and have to annoy everyone around me with pointing out that free-bleeding is the new shit, then I can’t relate. Awareness and mindfulness are preached from every magazine cover but practicing empathy and commitment in real life is only done when it is worth a fancy hashtag. And it is so difficult to talk about it. As soon as your point in discussions differs from a generally accepted point of view all those drawers open up and you are labeled and become suspicious. Whilst everyone seems to be on the brink of hysteria, swallowed by “marvelous” group dynamics, this collectively felt moment of waking up frightens me and I feel like the blinders are tighter than ever.
You didn’t march with us, you don’t share our opinions? Shame on you.

I am constantly finding myself at the same loss these days too. My past years as a leftist feminist liberal are flashing before my eyes, not knowing whether the correct question is "what was I thinking?" or "what has become of these movements?". But this keeps coming to mind: "by their fruits you should know them".

What were the fruits of the first feminism wave? Even if there were some benefits to some women at the begginning (and when we talk about popular movements and ideologies, these always concern the already well-to-do minorities of all the countries, the rights of the poor struggling majorities don't ever change significantly from what I observe) what we see today is the destruction of the family unit (direct and extended) and the effect this had to the structure of communities and our societies in general. A lot of traditions and values that held the actual communities and the sense of community among people, have disappeared. And here we are. All divided.

That's why some people are trying to find this lost sense of true community in new ideologies and values, which unfortunately are not truly nurishing because they are so far away from the reality of humaness (being human). A woman who has a mother a grand-mother and bunch of aunts in her life growing up does not need a female role model in Madonna or Ashley Judd, or even Simone de Bouvoir. It is just so very depressing to see all these lost souls searching for an anchor in the wrong places and the wrong people, who are actually going to get them the exact opposite of what they wish for, with their extreme and hysterical displays. They are not serving the women of the world at all, and they certainly don't speak for me, or the majority of women in the world who really need someone to speak on their behalf, those women who face wars, displacements, utter poverty, and who see their children die unable to do anything to help them because they live in continents, countries and neighbourhoods where all people there just "don't count" :mad: :cry:
truth seeker said:
Hindsight Man said:
And on the topic of boiling frogs,I wonder,just how symbolic is Pepe?
Not sure if this answers your question or is relevant, but on the subject of frogs, Jordan Peterson recently had this interview where they discussed the symbolism of frogs:

This video I'm posting below is the one referenced in the above video, which led to the conversation between Peterson and Pageau:

edit: clarity

Thank you!Will definitely watch when I'm less tired. :)
Laura said:
I've been watching, thinking, taking onboard what others are noticing and yeah, I think we just had a "splitting reality" event again. I swear, I've had to review and re-think everything my liberal heart ever held dear after observing where the liberals have actually gone.


So, yeah, I feel like I'm in a totally different reality and I'm just astonished at the people who cannot see the bait and switch game that has been executed here.

A corollary to the idea of a reality shift - something that happened to me just the other day. About 8 months ago, after i had some concrete laid and unknown to me the contractor left a piece of reinforcing rod in some longer grass in an area where I mow. I am on my ride-on mower, run over this bar and BANG - significant damage to the mower - bent blades and damage to the mowing deck. My local service guy came out took the mower away, replaced the bent blades and panel beat the mowing deck. All was good. Abut 2 weeks later while I was mowing, I hit a very low stump (I'm pretty hard on my mower) and a piece of the panel beaten mowing deck came off. Actually the broken piece hit the stump and that is what broke it off. I picked it up and put it in my shed.

Fast forward to last Wednesday Jan 18. I mowed and had huge issues with the steering not going straight and the engine cowling falling open. I called up the service guy. He came out to collect the mower. Upon examination he told me it looked like I had had an accident with it, hit something quite hard, the front bumper was bent and the cowling had been forced out of its normal position. He took it away and returned it yesterday, all fixed. I asked him if the mowing deck had been replaced, but he told me it had been bent but was not missing a piece was was fine. He told me his workshop guys couldn't figure out how my mower got into its condition if I didn't have an accident.

So, I have a broken piece of my mowing deck, which came off a deck which is intact. I have a mower which had an accident, yet I have never had an accident with my mower. I haver never lent the mower out and it is locked in my barn when not being used. It is all a bit weird - it feels like I experienced a reality change and have a piece of broken deck to validate that suspicion
SeekinTruth said:
It seems that the split is more than into two. Those who are not in a bubble and pay attention to reality / make efforts at finding truths, and those who are living in bubbles - but within the bubble/illusion crowd, there are so many with their own individual bubble; when one can do the psychological contortions to be able to live in a bubble buffered from reality, it's really the next easy step for each of these to have their own personalized anti-reality bubble. Maybe there's not just one la-la land, but a whole bunch of la-la lands with only some overlaps?

FWIW, I also had trouble sleeping Sunday night. My mind just wouldn't settle down and fall asleep. Last night, after EE and other seed meditation in the early evening, I slept quite well.

Hi Seekin Truth,
I spend the 2 last days pondering your idea of individual bubbles within the bubble overlapping each and other. I think you're right. For me, it seems to be a huge pinball game inside the big bubble, every la-la land bouncing in each other. Everybody is going around with his "life" without paying attention outside his life-bubble except if an another life-bubble make an impact with his own bubble. And then it's the clash, the "better" petty tyrant win or the petty tyrant win simply on a kind person who is unaware of all the dynamic in play.

I knew nothing about the term or the concept of "snowflake" before we saw all the "mechanic" around Trump before and now after the inauguration. If we take all of these bubbles and transform them in snowflakes, we now have a snow globe agitated by "the invisible hand", not so invisible for us here! I wonder if the C's were talking about this snowflake invasion when they were talking about chilling.
WIN 52 said:
Another possibility is that 4D STS is using some sort of mind control offensive on people. It seems to be pretty wide spread, this unhinged behavior. But it seems to be affecting only certain people. Others who are grounded in reality using knowledge and correct information don't seem to be affected.

I am thinking about the ones who are not affected. I suppose to 4D STS that could be equivalent to people getting out of control.
I've been thinking about something similar to this. Neoliberals and their "tolerance for everything, anything goes" approach actually destroys values in society because there is no right and wrong, no positive or negative, no goal or aim that can be considered desirable or undesirable, just what *I* want and everything is subjective. The Neoliberal intelligentsia has been preaching the gospel that there is no such thing as objectivity, or good and evil, just your perception of it and you ought to be able to do whatever you damn well please. Taking it to its ultimate manifestation, "good" deeds and "evil" deeds ought to be equally supported by society, because such distinctions only exist in the subjective mind of the perceiver, and if our goal is to be a true democracy with liberty for all viewpoints, we should do away with these outdated ideas so that we can show tolerance to everything/everybody. It is a philosophy that inherently embraces evil, under fine words and eloquent intellectual gymnastics. Even if good isn't explicitly suppressed, evil is encouraged. The attempted normalization of pedophilia is the vanguard for this. Furthermore, Hillary Clinton, a known killer, is supported because she is a predator which thrives in the environment the Neoliberal philosophy has created, and she supports the "anything" goes mantra while convincing people she represents a higher order of society by doing away with rigid interpretations of morality which have plagued it in the past. She fights for us, and since there is no good and evil, just subjectivity, we know that the ends always justify the means because she really wants to build this utopia of tolerance. It reads like a case fit for Hostage to the Devil

Probably 20% of the US population is thoroughly corrupted by this ideology, and many more are infected to some degree. Hillary's supporters and those deeply entrenched in her establishment, after being blatantly shown Hillary's corruption and the hypocrisy of their ideology, simply double down and are openly supporting evil. I wonder what this does for the "realm frequency" of the planet, and whether the point of it all is to increase the amplitude of the STS frequency enough so that 4D can "land" here and just jump into all of these empty shells which have more or less destroyed their consciousness potential by subscribing to a fundamentally nihilistic ideology, disguised as the opposite. Furthermore, it would not be that much of a stretch to imagine that if there were these reptilian guys walking around with some fairly deviant ideas, that we would be coerced to accept them in some way to uphold liberalism's ideal of "tolerance for everything," especially if they possessed techno-wizardry to demonstrate their superiority. Indeed it is just an extrapolation of current trends, although I don't know if it would ever get quite that dramatic. It's all coming together too nicely to be coincidence; there are now large groups of people very close to willing and asking to be assimilated by the Borg.

I still haven't decided quite what Trump represents. My instinct says that he is being set up as a kind of controlled opposition at some level. The democrats tried it and failed, so now he will become the tool of intrigue of some higher authority. They will try to mold him to accomplish the aims of the global totalitarian project, even if he wasn't as efficacious as Hillary might have been, perhaps a break was in the interests of the overall project and as long as he provides a net positive on investment, they will keep him around. I remember Laura talking about the Trump as Hitler scenario awhile back and Trump being "eminently downloadable" and I kind of joked that I couldn't see them turning him into Emperor Palpatine. Instead, it looks like these "libtards" will be partially fulfilling that role using Trump as source of friction to spring off against. I'm not sure that it will work and I'm not worried about the color revolution thing because of what was said here:
session161112 said:
(Joe) What are the chances of success of fomenting a revolution on this Hillary business?
A: Fair, but will likely fizzle.
Q: (Joe) Based on these figures, they've only got 27% of the population to pick for their revolution. And most of those people who voted for Hillary are a bunch of wussy millennial progressives.
{NOTE: If only 58% of the population voted, and 63% of those voted Trump, then if we assume that all other people who voted picked Hillary, that works out to 37% of the 58% who voted - which is max 21% of the total population who voted for Hillary.}
(L) They're mostly precious snowflakes. {laughter}
(Niall) They found themselves on the wrong side of history. They should have the militias all up in arms.
(L) Yeah, but the militias aren't up in arms because they're behind Trump!
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) That's the only way they could have a proper revolution is if they could turn this around, dump Trump out, and get Hillary in. Then they might have a revolution.
(L) Yeah, but then they might lose their heads.
(Joe) Right.
A: Exactly! Between a rock and a hard place!
It is sure to be a dramatic spectacle full of sound of fury, but ultimately signifying nothing. I think there is some chance of assassination if Trump becomes an actual threat to the overall agenda, but that would be risky for the same reasons as a revolution. I think the preferred method will be some type of political castration, either by a higher power acting outside of the political process and making him irrelevant through some sort of black swan event (financial collapse, induced earthquakes, alien invasion, etc.), or the Republicans biding their time until they can stab him in the back. Most of these Republicans with whom he is making alliances and getting to do stuff for him work for the same establishment that Hillary does and have not been changed by Trump's ascent in the least. They are held in place by promises of power and threats of retaliation and dreams of wealth; it is pure STS. As soon as Trump shows a weakness or can't keep them sufficiently bribed, they'll conspire to try and put Pence in charge. Trump is however, not a vapid shell like most politicians, and depending on what energies he is exposed to and cultivates, he may be able to supersede his controlled opposition status. His will makes him a more difficult pawn to control, and that's what makes the game somewhat interesting.

In an ideal society you would have an aim for societal evolution or transmutation, the Work on a grand scale, and your value system would support this aim. Even though it sounds good on the surface, the "tolerance for everything" approach is actually antithetical to this ideal because in the cosmic environment that we inhabit it is pretty much guaranteed to degenerate into what we're seeing with the "libtards."
@Castorette, yeah, it's a very weird psychological landscape where no reality signal seems to get through to these snowflakes. They are just so special, each thinks of themselves as the center of the universe.... But to such an extent that it takes this twisted, narcissistic society to the next level. Or so I think.

Alana said:
maiko said:
And I think the experiences of most of my old female acquaintances were similar. All highly educated women, suffering not from existential worries but mostly from an incapacity of navigating through a sea of false images and expectations of what life has in stock for us and what is expected of us. I don’t want to be judgmental but what I see and read with regard to the woman marches all over the world leaves me at a loss. I cannot relate. It was the same with Pussy Riot and Femen activists. Resistance and criticism is not about finding the funniest hashtag. Change and improvement won’t follow when being reduced to a talking vagina. When being a feminist today means that I have to go topless or have to wear pink pussy ears and a shirt that has written “ feminist” over it, to prove a point and have to annoy everyone around me with pointing out that free-bleeding is the new shit, then I can’t relate. Awareness and mindfulness are preached from every magazine cover but practicing empathy and commitment in real life is only done when it is worth a fancy hashtag. And it is so difficult to talk about it. As soon as your point in discussions differs from a generally accepted point of view all those drawers open up and you are labeled and become suspicious. Whilst everyone seems to be on the brink of hysteria, swallowed by “marvelous” group dynamics, this collectively felt moment of waking up frightens me and I feel like the blinders are tighter than ever.
You didn’t march with us, you don’t share our opinions? Shame on you.

I am constantly finding myself at the same loss these days too. My past years as a leftist feminist liberal are flashing before my eyes, not knowing whether the correct question is "what was I thinking?" or "what has become of these movements?". But this keeps coming to mind: "by their fruits you should know them".

What were the fruits of the first feminism wave? Even if there were some benefits to some women at the begginning (and when we talk about popular movements and ideologies, these always concern the already well-to-do minorities of all the countries, the rights of the poor struggling majorities don't ever change significantly from what I observe) what we see today is the destruction of the family unit (direct and extended) and the effect this had to the structure of communities and our societies in general. A lot of traditions and values that held the actual communities and the sense of community among people, have disappeared. And here we are. All divided.

That's why some people are trying to find this lost sense of true community in new ideologies and values, which unfortunately are not truly nurishing because they are so far away from the reality of humaness (being human). A woman who has a mother a grand-mother and bunch of aunts in her life growing up does not need a female role model in Madonna or Ashley Judd, or even Simone de Bouvoir. It is just so very depressing to see all these lost souls searching for an anchor in the wrong places and the wrong people, who are actually going to get them the exact opposite of what they wish for, with their extreme and hysterical displays. They are not serving the women of the world at all, and they certainly don't speak for me, or the majority of women in the world who really need someone to speak on their behalf, those women who face wars, displacements, utter poverty, and who see their children die unable to do anything to help them because they live in continents, countries and neighbourhoods where all people there just "don't count" :mad: :cry:

That's pretty much it, in a nutshell. And on top of that, there's still one of the core issues that hasn't really gone away: equally qualified individuals / with equal skills and performance on the job getting equal pay. If this problem hasn't become fully nonexistent, then what has the women's rights / feminist movement really accomplished?
Neil said:
WIN 52 said:
Another possibility is that 4D STS is using some sort of mind control offensive on people. It seems to be pretty wide spread, this unhinged behavior. But it seems to be affecting only certain people. Others who are grounded in reality using knowledge and correct information don't seem to be affected.

I am thinking about the ones who are not affected. I suppose to 4D STS that could be equivalent to people getting out of control.

I've been thinking about something similar to this. Neoliberals and their "tolerance for everything, anything goes" approach actually destroys values in society because there is no right and wrong, no positive or negative, no goal or aim that can be considered desirable or undesirable, just what *I* want and everything is subjective. The Neoliberal intelligentsia has been preaching the gospel that there is no such thing as objectivity, or good and evil, just your perception of it and you ought to be able to do whatever you damn well please. Taking it to its ultimate manifestation, "good" deeds and "evil" deeds ought to be equally supported by society, because such distinctions only exist in the subjective mind of the perceiver, and if our goal is to be a true democracy with liberty for all viewpoints, we should do away with these outdated ideas so that we can show tolerance to everything/everybody. It is a philosophy that inherently embraces evil, under fine words and eloquent intellectual gymnastics. Even if good isn't explicitly suppressed, evil is encouraged. The attempted normalization of pedophilia is the vanguard for this. Furthermore, Hillary Clinton, a known killer, is supported because she is a predator which thrives in the environment the Neoliberal philosophy has created, and she supports the "anything" goes mantra while convincing people she represents a higher order of society by doing away with rigid interpretations of morality which have plagued it in the past. She fights for us, and since there is no good and evil, just subjectivity, we know that the ends always justify the means because she really wants to build this utopia of tolerance. It reads like a case fit for Hostage to the Devil

Probably 20% of the US population is thoroughly corrupted by this ideology, and many more are infected to some degree. Hillary's supporters and those deeply entrenched in her establishment, after being blatantly shown Hillary's corruption and the hypocrisy of their ideology, simply double down and are openly supporting evil. I wonder what this does for the "realm frequency" of the planet, and whether the point of it all is to increase the amplitude of the STS frequency enough so that 4D can "land" here and just jump into all of these empty shells which have more or less destroyed their consciousness potential by subscribing to a fundamentally nihilistic ideology, disguised as the opposite. Furthermore, it would not be that much of a stretch to imagine that if there were these reptilian guys walking around with some fairly deviant ideas, that we would be coerced to accept them in some way to uphold liberalism's ideal of "tolerance for everything," especially if they possessed techno-wizardry to demonstrate their superiority. Indeed it is just an extrapolation of current trends, although I don't know if it would ever get quite that dramatic. It's all coming together too nicely to be coincidence; there are now large groups of people very close to willing and asking to be assimilated by the Borg.

Neil, I don't know whether you realized it but it struck me that you gave a fair synopsis here of the 'philosophy' and program proposed and advanced by Aleister Crowley, the Ordo Templis Orientis (O.T.O.), the Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica, and derivative organizations. I searched the forum and found that there's quite a bit around here concerning this program, e.g. for Aleister Crowley alone I found 56 entries.

To me it seems like the root of this ponerization impulse was planted already way back then and only now comes to visible fruition on a notable scale. OSIT.
Meager1 said:
I wonder, if this is somehow the real pole shift, are people what is being polarized to one extreme or another, is the line being drawn with no one noticing there is a line?
It,s just that it is happening on such a massive scale, yet
I don,t think reality has shifted just yet, but it probably will once this polarization, whatever it is, is complete.

I'd guess that, as part of the transition to 4th density, this very "polarization" is one of the intended outcomes. It's certainly frightening to see so many people willfully aligning themselves with delusion and mayhem, but at the same time I see these circumstances really bringing out the best in many people as well, even if I might find myself fleeing in terror from the insanity unfolding out in the world and running into the arms of truth and sensibility.
Hi all,
Thanks for the session and all the interesting posts. Those last 2 vids were good.

Flash; that's FREAKY! ...there was a fork in the road and it looks like you made the right turn but your mower didn't! know mower's are pretty robust and to bend one up that bad would certainly mean injury, or worse...glad your OK.

You know when you look at certain aspects of this it really is perplexing, and yet after really looking at it from some distance, with consideration of all the info I've absorbed in the last 7 yrs. (8?...jeez!) might not be as complex as it seems like some force, or forces, is working on people in a way that...although the force is singular or constant, it releases whatever the reflection of your darkness generates....Hyperkinetic sensate anyone?

Another Ponerology! really does cover whats happened to the left. I was there with the rest of you all....i went left mostly due to my hatred of war....but over time ( starting at least 20 yrs. ago) i slowly became disillusioned with the left..and still had no time for the authoritarian war pigs of the right.

The thing Laura said a long time ago about different "isims" for different sized groups was part of my thinking for a long time... So anyway, they try to make you think there's only 2 choices. This has become fairly easy for them since the people have been dumbed down with an education that eliminates intellectual curiosity and critical thinking, all they have left is the formoratory thinking part, and that leaves them absolutely no understanding of nuance...everything's black and white.

There is another thing I'm feeling is possible, or at least part of the equation ...its kind of a pet theory at this point.. I was doing an Occam's razor kind of thing to see if it ( the snowflake thing) could have a physical underpinning. I was a little surprised when i read in Ponerology about how much character disturbances are purely physical...actual brain damage.

So first, there's that oil in the lamp thing Laura spoke about, and i thought.. "saturated fat"...(something a lot of vegetarian snowflakes avoid)..better cell wall strength...better grounding...better protection from charge fluctuations, etc....also their probably almost all iodine deficient...which means glandular and hormone maladjustment, that leads to 27,000 "genders".....add to that a calcified pienal(?) gland...and wala!..a perfect empty vessel, ready for a walk in :scared: yikes! a nutshell, if Hyperkinetic sensate is some kind of EM fluctuation or change in the charge field, then its effects are going to be most extreme to the least "grounded"......and not just physically/electrically grounded, but intellectually and emotionally as well.'s like a house with a lighting rod...sensate is the lighting, your body is the house, and your properly functioning fat powered cell walls, along with properly functioning iodine corrected emotions, are the lightning you can take a strike and the house is just fine. ...or.....the fat bubble floats on the surface and rides the wave, the watery bubble gets dissolved...

..does that make sense?

Thanks, Dave
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