Session 10 January 2015

Thank you for the session.
The use of infrasound machines by secret projects to control human emotional states- sick stuff! I thought people are like that because of weird weather, but this is so wicked!
I was talking few years ago with my dad (we love to discuss the politics together) about the Muslims being new Jews, but he didn't believe me, and honestly I noticed that people are already brainwashed and all hate Muslims, so god knows what can really happen! Just think about it, the propaganda against Muslims is on since 11/9, they are working 13 years intensively on creating hatred.
Question everything- good advice. Thanks again for everything.
Laura said:
Q: (L) Question all? You mean like everything?

A: Yes

Q: (Perceval) So, there was a story in the news today that on January 1st: apparently, British state botanists or whatever go around and check the number of flowering plants and usually, there are 20 to 30 plants flowering in the beginning of January. There shouldn't be a lot of them. But this year they found something like 300, so like a ten times increase in bloom in the UK. Andromeda was saying that Laura said that there were some kind of historical records where that happens preceding...

(L) Oh yeah! Repeatedly they mention it in the ancient texts before the destruction of the Roman Empire that various scientists have determined was cometary/asteroidal. There are numerous mentions of plants blooming out of season; it seems to be part of the whole cataclysmic scenario where everything crazy is going on, and...

A: A lot of that is due to changes in cosmic environment. Not all that governs plant and animal cycles is related to earth and diurnal cycles.

Q: (Pierre) So it's not always temperature, humidity...?

(L) Yeah, it's not always just the length of light and darkness?

(Perceval) Exactly, but that's what they base it on... They haven't a clue. They're not even wrong in that sense, because the guy was quoted for an explanation was saying that yeah, it's really amazing, and he made reference to warm winters. He said, "We're now in another warm winter". And I'm like, hang on a minute, it was three or four winters ago that the entire UK was covered in ice, basically!

A: Much is determined by the planet's relationship to the sun and related electrical current flow between same plus other planets in the solar system. At the present time, all of that is in flux.

- END -

For me, i've noticed this winter in England has been very odd; from fruit flies in the 'midst of winter' and then this most recent 'storm' (from Friday) which was blowing mild/to warm air - i was on the coast and it would usually have been a bitterly cold wind.

Also, from 'What's the weather where you are?',24332.msg541865.html#msg541865:

itellsya said:
Siberia said:
lux said:
+2,5C in the north of Poland. This winter is warm comparing to previous years. We had a lot of wind recently and felled trees and the like here. This winter reminds me of winters that were 7-10 years ago. Are weather patterns returns or is it calm before the storm?

Same here, in Siberia. :)

We had some temperature turbulence in November (sharp drops from -5C to -30C and then back again), but December was mild and now in January it's -5C today and up to +1C on the forecast. It's unusually warm for this period here. Maybe, as you say, it's just calm before the storm, we'll see.

Same here on the NW coast of England. I've been asking pretty much everyone to confirm whether it really has been a mild winter, and pretty much everyone agrees.

I remember the winter of 2012 in London was snowing for at least a month - on and off. But we've had no snow fall this December, those that did were higher altitude or further north. We've had a bit of rain but nothing to cry about. I keep wondering whether, like other winters, it will kick off big time in January...

and with that in mind, this is what twitter is saying about 5th -9th January Europe... :halo:

It seems this 'mild winter' is being experienced in quite a few different regions, where others are suffering their worst winters on record.

Thanks for the session :flowers:
Thanks for the session. A lot to think about there, especially for those living in France.

There is a chain of "extinct" volcanoes the middle of the country, Massif Central. I have often driven over them and wondered just how extinct they actually are.
Thanks for this interesting session.
It is like looking forward to seeing on TV "natural events in Israel" (hope that civils won't be hurt). I am less enthousiastic with the nuclear program in France...
How to distinguish between ordinary weather disaster of the war being waged using storm?
Precedents in the sharp rise of flowering plants only tell us how we screwed up country.
Watching documentaries fish when they swim in circles doing it to protect themselves from predators (power generation).
Infrasound machines secret project supervised by the human emotional state, perhaps something like Harp's?
If machines can manage our emotions, the body is a container, we have left then what?

The Arab population could never be destroyed in France or anywhere else in the world because they are fanatics on the issue of faith (radicals).
Israelis lead world politics out of the shadows and pull the strings of the world order, to the detriment of the entire planet.
Hardly ever will come to some sort of harmony.

Killing a few people is weak motive for the destruction of the Arab people in France, the water is stirred up, but not enough.
It's gonna be soon forgotten.
Training's are too weak, this is only a small isolated case.

Mossad has a mole in each major global secret service.
Corruption is everywhere in the world (this is already common practice).
Hardly if ever get to the deportations of Arabs because it initiated the whole Arab world in real jihad.

Is it perhaps the same scenario occurred in Australia, because it also did not see the details of the killing?
Good session! I was intrigued by the pool incident and the use of infrasound. I've never seen a pool do something like that before and hearing that makes me wonder what the effects of it on people are like. We discuss these technologies that are out there, but have no idea how often they are being engaged on the populace. We talk about economic destruction which is bad enough, but add in this technology...
It seems like the intelligence community love performing these false flag events. I'm sure more are on the way. Always fascinating to read these sessions and ponder.
Thank you Laura and the crew for this brave new session. It is good to have awareness about this "orchestrated animosity" on Muslims and for how long it was being prepared...
Rabelais said:
Thanks for the session. A lot to think about there, especially for those living in France.

There is a chain of "extinct" volcanoes the middle of the country, Massif Central. I have often driven over them and wondered just how extinct they actually are.

Or maybe a meteorite exploding above a nuclear plant or even hitting it? Now that's a scary thought! Living relatively close to a French nuclear plant makes me feel uncomfortable :/

This new alignment of the French people towards the psychopathic agenda doesn't bode well for the country. In his book, Pierre has written extensively about the human-cosmic connection and how aligning with information that is orthogonal to truth can attract comets.

Also, the infrasound technology being used prior to the attacks to disrupt the emotional state of the population is pretty scary. If they are able to deploy it on a whole country, I wonder if they use something like space-based weapons or HAARP like technology? It seems like infrasound waves disrupt the regulation and production of Cortisol in the body.


However, there is one effect of infrasound that can prove deadly during long-term exposure. Infrasound induces stress and causes the body to secrete the hormone Cortisol. This effect is a medically recognized danger of long-term infrasound exposure (see research paper link above). In fact, exposure to infrasound during sleep also stimulates Cortisol production by the body. Why is infrasound’s’ effect on Cortisol so significant?

The hormone Cortisol, produced by the adrenal gland, plays a vital role in preparing our body for stressful “fight or flight” episodes. “It increases blood pressure, blood sugar levels and has an immunosuppressive action . . . ” that provides needed alertness and energy during stressful experiences. However, during long term stress, or if Cortisol production is prolonged, its effects on the human body can become deadly. It can cause hyperglycemia, brain damage, weakening of the immune system, weight gain, diabetes, high blood pressure, and other complications. It actually begins to shut down immunity, digestion, healthy endocrine function . . . The bottom line is this: Prolonged Cortisol production in our bodies eventually causes death.

No wonder some at the Chateau had trouble sleeping!
Kaigen said:
:) Thanks for the great session! Let's hope everything is going well in France.

I second this. Thanks for the session, and specially many many thanks to be here. In face of what is happening and what will happen, to know that you are here, you members of the chateau and you members of the forum... is a gift. Thanks.
Thank you for sharing! Had same strange sleep problems which i don't have usually that i was asking myself what is that and why. Seems that Europe goes into "dark".
Thank you all again. Very precious understanding of this mass programing going on here in France.
So strange these last days, from now on and overnight, two camps oppose each other, at work and even in families, at least around me, I'm Charlie vs I'm not Charlie, sickening.
Thanks peeps for an incredibly timely and important session. I got the impression the C's were very very serious on this one. Stirring up hate for 'other' can quickly escalate, no matter how much we think people will remember the past and resist this time. Also THIS time they are already using the 'emotion-driving' technology, and you can see how many people have already fallen for it.

I was surprised to even see here in Cyprus and who half page advert taken out in our newspaper yesterday by the World Editors Forum (never seen ads like this here before). Saying 'Stand in solidarity with Charlie Hebdo, show no fear. #JeSuisCharlie #CharlieHebdo #FreeThe Press. We stand together with the global media community in defence of press freedom.

Well North Cyprus is a muslim nation. So basically they are supporting the anti muslim stance under the guise of free press!

I do believe it also includes the intention to attack Russia, to kill two items at once. Although economically maybe ok in France, maybe Russia could well retaliate economically, if they do not wish to be part of starting WW3, which the crazies so so want. Then that 'cushion' has also disappeared.

Volcanos going off all over the place and programmed nut zombies also on the loose, together with comets - we have the usual scenario where nowhere, and noone is 'safe' now. I do hope you guys are ok in France, so near the 'negative' zone. I also hope Putin is not going to be a victim - they so would like to dispose of him there must be loadsa nut jobs programmed to take him out. I do so hope it back-fires, as you suggest it may.

It is a serious time for all of us to network and review our individual situations due to the inevitable upping of the anti and discuss what best we can do within our capacity to still change neg to pos energies and help where we can and are needed most.

Excellent questions. It really spells things out. Guarantee so many will still argue and dispute these 'facts' despite the logical bad-a*s intentions so truly exposed. You must all still be reeling, like I am, at how significant this particular 'false flag' expose was. Although people liken it to the 9-11, I did not think it was the equivalent and that a bigger shock was coming. I don't think the crazies are going to lose this whipping up frenzy and I feel upping the ante will go further very quickly now. Anti muslim chants will play right into their nefarious plans for the middle east, but the scorpion will bite Israel big time.
Thank you very much for that session and the quick transcription! :love:

The pool incident is shocking and the whole explanation of the shooting in Paris, too.

For me something has changed inside. It is like: "Now it is enough!"
But it looks like it was a beginning.

:knitting: :knitting: :knitting:
findit said:
Good session! I was intrigued by the pool incident and the use of infrasound. I've never seen a pool do something like that before and hearing that makes me wonder what the effects of it on people are like. We discuss these technologies that are out there, but have no idea how often they are being engaged on the populace. We talk about economic destruction which is bad enough, but add in this technology...
It seems like the intelligence community love performing these false flag events. I'm sure more are on the way. Always fascinating to read these sessions and ponder.

The pool thing WAS weird as heck. I mean, I look out the window at it every day since it was put there in July, under all kinds of conditions, weather, etc, and this was just utterly bizarre and inexplicable. I called Ark to look at it and we stood there watching it for about five or ten minutes, and then I got up to look at it again a couple of times and it was still doing it. It was almost like it was alive or something, just swelling up and down, up and down. Not a breath of wind, not a leaf on any tree moving, NOTHING.

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