It always comes as a shock to see people so blatantly mind-programmed in such large numbers. Even today in my city a horde of poor deluded people holding "Je Suis Charlie" placards marched through the streets, a few of whom I briefly conversed with. "Not even wrong" does not even cut it.
Luckily, there seem to still be some more level-headed people that can see Islamophobia for what it is. However, we are beginning to see a theme. Starting with the rise of right-wing parties in the EU that were primarily driven by worsening economic conditions, continuing with the Nazification of Ukraine, and now moving into Gladio territory.
The elites seem determined to push through this agenda, and we're just gonna sit here and "study the reality that they create" once again, completely powerless to stop it or get away from the ripples of madness and suffering that it creates. Even when it comes to the cosmic changes, it still seems to be only the innocents getting killed by natural disasters, plane disappearances, etc. Where is the JUSTICE?
If we weren't all in this together, it would be far too easy to lose all sanity and hope. Here's to all of you who choose to wrestle with the truth this insane world rather than shut down or hide away.
Thank you for the session.
Luckily, there seem to still be some more level-headed people that can see Islamophobia for what it is. However, we are beginning to see a theme. Starting with the rise of right-wing parties in the EU that were primarily driven by worsening economic conditions, continuing with the Nazification of Ukraine, and now moving into Gladio territory.
The elites seem determined to push through this agenda, and we're just gonna sit here and "study the reality that they create" once again, completely powerless to stop it or get away from the ripples of madness and suffering that it creates. Even when it comes to the cosmic changes, it still seems to be only the innocents getting killed by natural disasters, plane disappearances, etc. Where is the JUSTICE?
If we weren't all in this together, it would be far too easy to lose all sanity and hope. Here's to all of you who choose to wrestle with the truth this insane world rather than shut down or hide away.

Thank you for the session.