Session 10 January 2015

A big thank you Chateau Crew for the stunning session with such amazing truth :)! Thank you the the C's as well !

As 2015 was approaching, i was feeling slightly optimistic and had hope, considering the moves Putin had been making, and the Russia+China+BRICs partnership vs the Empire of Chaos - that we may indeed have different outcomes for humanity with the arrival of the wave...

Then on 28th December flight QZ 8501 happened, and the sinking feeling at the pit of my stomach started, then the Charlie Hebdo False flag attacks, and yesterday 3 Million people marched in Paris for "Unity" - the sinking feeling is not going away and it feels like Groundhog Day again...

Reading this session and thinking of the current situation, i imagine the scene in the LOTR movie - Return of the King; where prior to the start of the battle of Pelennor Fields, Gandalf was standing on a balcony in Minas Tirith looking out towards Mordor with Pippin, when the gates of Minas Morgul open with a big searing flash of lightning as the huge Orc army walks out; and he mentions softly " We come to it at last...the great battle of our time".

Also, as mentioned by happyliza the C's seemed really "serious" in this session, almost as if they wanted the truth about the Charlie Hebdo false flag attacks to get into the Information field as soon as possible...

Im relieved that "Help is on the way" :)! Best wishes to the Crew and hoping all will be well with the impending events in France
Perceval said:
Alana said:
Q: (L) And, getting rid of the Jews was significant? Couldn't a Germanic master race be created without destroying another group?

A: No.

Q: Why?

A: Because of 4th density prior encoding mission destiny profile.

Q: (L) What does that mean?

A: This means encoding to activate after elevation to 4th density, thus if not eliminated, negates Nephalim domination and absorption. Jews were prior encoded to carry out mission after conversion, though on individual basis. The Nazis did not exactly know why they were being driven to destroy them, because they were being controlled from 4th density STS. But, Hitler communicated directly with Lizards, and Orion STS, and was instructed on how to create the "master race."

Didn't think of this before, but this suggests that it wasn't/isn't ALL Jews but CERTAIN semites and "on an individual basis". But if you don't know which ones, you have to destroy them all to be sure. Also, here the reference is to "Jews" not semites. So I wonder if this "encoding" is still limited to Jews. As was said in the most recent session, the attack on French Muslims is part of the overall Israel agenda to demonize and destroy Muslims of the Middle East to keep Israel 'safe'.

So, this "semitic people" doesn't refer to a religion, country, believe or anything of that sort but of an special encoding into their DNA/ karma/ spiritual development/spiritual goal choosing that make them able to fight back at moment of 4D elevation? If this is so, who are they? And most important where are they genes?
I'm wondering if the idea of following certain diet, the cold baths and all that is related too.As if the idea where to wake up those strains encoded somewhere into our DNA...

Thank you Mr.Premise and Alana for the quick responses, greatly appreciated it :D
A very lucid session, even though everything has to be "buffered."

I'm beginning to put together many little pieces (finally) in many pictures around the Forum.

I've not been an active contributor here because I've been very busy reading reading reading. When I don't understand something my first line of action has been to go back and read something again. The picture is multidimensional, full of details of course, and yet, as in a good story, there is one main question out there somewhere which keeps changing in my mind. "Is there a god?" "Is there intelligence?" "Yes, and can all of creation be imbued with intelligence and can something in the All focus energy where the hurt is, where the bad intention is?" "Yes."

Right now I'm reading Eliade's Eternal Return, and from the left-hand sidebar on the Cassiopaea page The Grail and Human Destiny Parts I through XVI.

It might seem strange to some but I have a very optimistic expectation of the outcome, allowing even for the mess our leaders seem bent on making of it all on their way out the door.
Thanks for the session!! Much appreciated!!! :)

Interesting discussion on all fronts!

It is mind boggling what is happening here, and what it is is becoming clearer by the day. So many see this as a religious war and are incapable of noticing the ponerization seeping into every facet of our lives. This event at Charlie Hebdo really is quite a significant coup for the ptb that seek to reinforce the daemonization of Islam, and serves further to galvanize support against the entire global population of Muslims. When you analyze who is the biggest purveyor of violence and suffering it is clear to us here, but so many are blinded by the rhetoric.

In recently asked a question of my friends who I would count as the more open minded liberals on a Facebook thread whether they see the US as a free country, when the supposed freedoms enjoyed require the direct suffering and enslavement of others and were built on the backs of imported African slaves and crushed underfoot indigenous populations. It seemed too much to ask, for that moment of reflection, as no one answered; the question was avoided altogether.

Not a good start to 2015, to say the least.
On Paul Craig Roberts' page (former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy) are published some interesting articles on why Hebdo attack is a clear false flag operation. One of them, written by two authors Thierry Meyssan and Kevin Barrett, is linking it with Boston Marathon bombers Tsarnaev..

Charlie Hebdo and Tsarnaev’s Trial: Cui bono?

The Roman question is always: Who benefits? The answer is: Not France, not Muslims, but US world hegemony. US hegemony over the world is what the CIA supports. US world hegemony is the neoconservative-imposed foreign policy of the US....
“National security” has nothing to do with national security. It has only to do with protecting the criminals in the US government from accountability for their crimes. Every time you hear Washington invoke “national security,” you know for a 100% fact that the government has committed yet another crime. National security is the cloak for Washington’s criminal operations. “National security” prevents the government’s crimes from coming to light and, thereby, protects government from accountability....
...One wonders what role “national security” will play in the trial of alleged Boston Marathon Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. Tsarnaev has been in custody since April 2013 and under indictment since April 22, 2013. Yet jury selection is only now beginning in January 2015. Why this long delay? The guarantee of a speedy trial no longer means anything, but with all sorts of charges in addition to the bombing for which the government claims eye witnesses and confessions and with the Tsarnaev brothers already convicted in the media, the long delay is a puzzle. Yet, we have not heard from Dzhokhar Tsarnaey himself. It is difficult to push away the thought that Dzhokhar’s trial has been delayed in order to compete his conditioning and acceptance of his guilt and in order for the many questions raised by alternative media to be forgotten.
The print and TV media have dished up the government’s explanation without investigation. However, the alternative media have taken great exception to every aspect of the case. As the US government has taught us since the Clinton regime, the safest assumption is that everything the government says is a lie....
...Even today a majority of the US population believes Washington’s propaganda that Russia invaded Ukraine and annexed some provinces. Neither judgement nor intelligence are strongpoints of the American public and juries.
Government tells Americans whatever story the government puts together and sits and laughs at the gullibility of the public. ..
Today the US public is divided between those who rely on the “mainstream media” and those who rely on the alternative Internet media. Only the latter have any clue as to what is really happening.
The stories of Charlie Hebdo and the Tsarnaev brothers will be based not on facts but on the interests of government. As in the past, the government’s interest will prevail over the facts.

The whole article:

Hello thanks for the session, I was waiting for and it answer my questions. Since the 1st january I suffer from a lumbago but it was supportable since the 5 of january, then it suddenly became very bad :cry: I couldn't move anymore and the suffering was so strong that i have to be taken to the urgency at 6 january and the osteopathe the 7. I really never go to the doctors and don't take medication normally but this time it was'nt "normal"; Today its better, I can move a little bit. The muladdhara and sacred chakras were touched and I was thinking that something's going on in a bigger sens than just myself . A friend of mine had symptoms too in the same area at the same day, less stronger but it was a strange co-incidence=symbolic.
I was thinking too that today the israelis are the nazis and the palestinians the judes. Its not a question of words but of souls. Semitic souls ever purchased by the same predators. So its like an attak against the foundation of human.( My origines slave tzigane-jude by my mother ). Also inside of me because my grand father(german) was ss in tchecoslovaquia ,but at the end he understood the manipulation and he save my grand mother( pregnant of my mother) in 1944 who was in a transit camp (little one). He had mens under his order and he surrounded the camp with them and give an ultimatum for 1/4 hour to let her(my grand mother) come out with their children. He had nothing more to loose. He succed and they disapear all in the forest until the end of war. After, he had so much regrets of all he has done during his secrets ss missions, before save his wife and children (sure he has killed a lot of innocence people and bring a lot to the camps),he suffers from hallucinations and loose his two legs by gangrène. At the other side all the family of my grand mother who was tsigane from yougoslavia
were killed . If my grand father hadn't a little"high" position by nazi he never could have save my grand mother ( he had thousands mens under his orders,,,) . (Maybe he do this to save her, to cover her origins) Of course we pay the price... and nobody in my family until now reach an harmony with is partners. always reappered the psychopathic ones and the victim ones too. So I hope you understood that story . Thanks for reading. B.
romochar said:
Thank you! Wow absolutely explosive information once again!!
It is a great honor to be privy to such astounding truth, thank you group!
How do you know this is 'truth' ?
May be close to it, but nothing is granted with the Cassiopaean transcripts AFAIK.

By the way, there is one thing to consider together with the mass manipulation about the 'Je Suis Charlie' hysteria, which is that many of the people who went demonstrating wanted to show their solidarity and their willingness for an union going beyond French, Muslim, Jewish or whatever identities, mostly in order not to let those who want hatred and violence recuperate the event by their ideology...

Anyway, thanks for the session.
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