to mariowil7 :
Yes,I think you are on to something. See my post above regarding CERN, ITER. The videos I linked reference using these machines as
scalar weapons.
I don't know if your source : is legit or not, I did look at the page but it looks like a number of similar sites , probably run by an older male, US Veteran, I would guess. The source I used is "Zionistic , icendiary and histrionic", in my words. I've learned that , even so, they may from time to time spout truth. One needs be vigilant and question everything, but don't dismiss just because it comes from a source that is tainted. Question all.
But , yes, in spite of "No Comment"
yet from the scientists in our midst , I think CERN and ITER and HAARP are linked to the "Oilly swell" in the pool at the Chateau as well as laying the emotional/psycological ground for the MURDERS by Mossad/USA, et al, in Paris. And I think , based on the videos, which are timestamped data from satellites for the most part, that BPEARTHWATCH opens a discussion about these machines' affect on our Magnetosphere itself. PoleShift anyone ?
The reason we need to explore this is singular: Ok that exists and they are using it on us and the planet; so what do we do about it in order to protect ourselves and escape?? I am an Architect/Artist , more an engineer into beautiful function , not a hard scientist like some others we have in the group. Hopefully, the hard scientists will engage on this topic and let us know what the "take away" is from their more informed point of view.
We are on the periphery of the group, Mariowil, with few posts; a little mouse voice,
sans the "delusions of grandeur"... more like the tiny workings of a mechanical clock.... tick and tock... ;D.. This is my second post on this topic. Keep posting on this, Mariowil, because we at least need to determine the exact nature of the threat before we can act intelligentlly.
Now , where does that pesky mouse fit in ??

He makes a "Matrix like" appearance, like the black cat in the movie, which served to tip Neo that he was in a constructed TIME loop.
It brought attention to the CLOCK...tick tock. To me its like , "get the lead out" and get going on making a place to be safe, time is of the essence. That's for me personally, but can also be for the group. I don't know on the latter, just my 2cents.