Session 10 January 2015

Laura said:
zin said:
thanks for transcribing and publishing.

the spidermouse had something big to say, i can feel it.

Yeah, it was a weird session: a mouse running up the wall and then running down, and then the door of the wood stove falling open with a loud bang.

Hickory, dickory dock,
The mouse ran up the clock,
The clock struck one,
And down he ran,
Hickory, dickory dock.

What can it mean?

Hi Laura,

Just to add, in Hindu beliefs/mythology, the mouse is thought to be the mount, messenger and loyal servant of Lord Ganesha. Ganesha is worshipped as the remover obstacles, and also for new beginnings. A message maybe ?

Interesting how the mouse ran up and then down the wall, similar to the nursery rhyme.
Looked up the rhyme and on wikipedia, found: said:
The rhyme is thought by some commentators to have originated as a counting-out rhyme.[1] Westmoreland shepherds in the nineteenth century used the numbers Hevera (8), Devera (9) and Dick (10).[1]

From there, there was an interesting link to 'Yan Tan Tethera' which is a sheep-counting rhyme/system. Anyway, also clicked on counting-out rhyme and found: said:
A counting-out game is a simple game intended to select a person to be "it", often for the purpose of playing another game. These games usually require no materials, and are played with spoken words or hand gestures.

Many such games involve one person pointing at each participant in a circle of players while reciting a rhyme. A new person is pointed at as each word is said. The player who is selected at the conclusion of the rhyme is "it" or "out". In an alternate version, the circle of players may each put two feet in and at the conclusion of the rhyme, that player removes one foot and the rhyme starts over with the next person. In this case, the first player that has both feet removed is "it" or "out". These are often accepted as random selections because the number of words has not been calculated beforehand, so the result is unknown right up until someone is selected.

A variant of counting-out game, known as Josephus problem, represents a famous theoretical problem in mathematics and computer science.

Thought that the link to Josephus was interesting. The 'Josephus problem' is named after Flavius Josephus and the problem is referenced in Josephus' 'The Jewish War.'

Anyway, tis what caught my attention when looking up the rhyme. An interesting exercise if nothing else.

Thank you all for the session.
Great session, although the talk afterwards about France and Islamophobia has thrown me.

French MPs recognise Palestine as state

Last updated: 2 December 2014

France's lower house of parliament votes 339 to 151 in favour of symbolic motion to recognise statehood of Palestine.

French lawmakers have voted 339 to 151 in favour of a symbolic motion to recognise Palestine as a state.

The National Assembly's vote on Tuesday is likely to raise domestic political pressure on the French government to be more active on the issue.

While the vote is non-binding, Paris has in the past already made known that it plans to recognise a Palestinian nation "when the time comes", arguing that a two-state solution to the Middle East conflict logically implies recognition of Palestine.

The text introduced by the ruling Socialists "invites the French government to use the recognition of the state of Palestine as an instrument to gain a definitive resolution of the conflict".

The vote will likely anger Israel further after similar resolutions were approved by British MPs on October 13 andSpanish MPs on November 18. Sweden also voted to recognise Palestine as a state on October 30.

"Israel believes that the vote in the National Assembly ... will reduce the possibility of achieving a deal between Israel and the Palestinians," the Israeli embassy in Paris said in a statement less than an hour after the motion was passed.

Al Jazeera's Andrew Simmons, reporting from Jerusalem, said: "When Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was asked about the motion, he said it would be a 'grave mistake'."

"Subdued anger is likely to be their response."

Did Netanyahu follow through on the "grave mistake", comment? Is it that hard for the average person to believe he might have something to do with the attack. Come on, these are not Americans we're talking about here. These people are always in the streets protesting.

Hasn't it been said that Arabs and Jews are genetically related?
Biblically, Arabs and Jews are all 'Sons of Abraham'.
If you want to go back even further, everybody on the planet is 'Sons of Noah'.
The difference seems to be whether or not you own a foreskin.
Of course, the C's might clarify that for us.
Thanks for another great session :).

3D student said:
Thank you for the sobering session. We must keep the light shining, the little butterfly wings flapping... It's times like these when you remember that the Wave, comets, and all the Earth changes are for a reason. And it all starts to seem more real.

You took the words right out of my mouth with your "butterfly wings" comment 3D student! These were the exact words I was thinking of, as I was mentally preparing a post while reading through the session posts. I agree, all we can do is keep on playing our part.

While the reality of the state of the world is not lost on me, there have been a few occasions which have given me cause for optimism. Recently my cousin made changes to her diet after finding out through family about my own diet (keto). She has had health problems since her teens, had herself tested and discovered multiple food sensitivities, including gluten. She isn't on keto, but it's a good start. Another bloke who my uncle works for was also curious about my diet. When we met (only see him once a year), he talked for probably a half hour on the subject and I referred him to the books and the basics of the diet. Don't know if he changed his diet, but at least he is now aware and can ask me anytime. All this resulted through other people talking (networking), unbeknownst to me. Another friend of mine in his 60s, has reduced his carbohydrate (mostly sugar) intake and has lost weight.

There has also been a positive response from people who have read the economic articles on sott. My brother, thankfully, has altered his financial situation for the better, should an economic collapse occur.

These are only small things, for sure and don't really change a bleak outlook. But they are encouraging.
Today I found some material that gives some light to what the C's called Secret Infrasound Projects...

Can someone give some light if this is Cointelpro or is Legit?...

Source: _

a) The Pegasus Unit also specializes in the use of algorithms and scalar technology, which attacks elements of the human brain (the Medulla) with electromagnetic radiation waves that use power lines, GWEN towers for ELF, satellites and cell phones as the weapons of attack.

b) In summation, the terrorist attacks in Paris, France have two elements:

1. A huge financial rally in both U.S. and Japanese equity markets took place after the events in France began to unravel.

2. The terrorist attacks in France began within three days after
revelations by former Florida U.S. Senator Bob Graham, Democrat of
Florida, concerning the continued cover up of the 9/11 'Black Op' by
U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder reference his failure to release
Graham's own Congressional 9/11 Report concerning 28 redacted pages
still being illegally classified by Holder as national security.

c) identify the enemy and eradicate it: It is the nation of Yemen (in which the Pegasus Unit operates cells and networks).

The nuclear aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle sets sail tonight.

Objective: Turning Yemen into an ashtray (translation: cendrier)

d) Note: The current Japanese Prime Minister has a close association with the Pegasus Unit.

Accordingly, it is no coincidence that the terrorist attacks in Paris, France took place within hours before the worldwide foreign currency bank derivatives were about to go hybrid.

Is all Disinfo or there is some truth to all the above?... :cool2: :cool2: :cool2:
Infrasound is different than ELF radio waves. This later is electromagnetic waves (used for instance for communication between submarines or what is generated by the power grid at 50-60Hz) while the former are sound waves below 40Hz. Both operate in approximately the same frequency ranges.

SOTT has reported many incidents involving elephants strange behaviour in the recent past, and since elephants communicate in infrasound, it could be that they have been disturbed by infrasound tests before they have been implemented around the French territory.

Added: From Wikipedia said:
Infrasonic 17 Hz tone experiment

On 31 May 2003, a group of UK researchers held a mass experiment where they exposed some 700 people to music laced with soft 17 Hz sine waves played at a level described as "near the edge of hearing", produced by an extra-long-stroke subwoofer mounted two-thirds of the way from the end of a seven-meter-long plastic sewer pipe. The experimental concert (entitled Infrasonic) took place in the Purcell Room over the course of two performances, each consisting of four musical pieces. Two of the pieces in each concert had 17 Hz tones played underneath. In the second concert, the pieces that were to carry a 17 Hz undertone were swapped so that test results would not focus on any specific musical piece. The participants were not told which pieces included the low-level 17 Hz near-infrasonic tone. The presence of the tone resulted in a significant number (22%) of respondents reporting anxiety, uneasiness, extreme sorrow, nervous feelings of revulsion or fear, chills down the spine, and feelings of pressure on the chest.[34][35] In presenting the evidence to the British Association for the Advancement of Science, Professor Richard Wiseman said, "These results suggest that low frequency sound can cause people to have unusual experiences even though they cannot consciously detect infrasound. Some scientists have suggested that this level of sound may be present at some allegedly haunted sites and so cause people to have odd sensations that they attribute to a ghost—our findings support these ideas."[33]
Infrasound is different than ELF radio waves. This later is electromagnetic waves (used for instance for communication between submarines or what is generated by the power grid at 50-60Hz) while the former are sound waves below 40Hz. Both operate in approximately the same frequency ranges.

Thanks mkrnhr... Great explanation.

See how they validate the official narrative that Muslims/Muslim countries are the enemy that needs to be annihilated?

It's disinfo.

Indeed Niall...

Thanks Guys... :cool2: :cool2: :cool2:
to mariowil7 :

Yes,I think you are on to something. See my post above regarding CERN, ITER. The videos I linked reference using these machines as scalar weapons.

I don't know if your source : is legit or not, I did look at the page but it looks like a number of similar sites , probably run by an older male, US Veteran, I would guess. The source I used is "Zionistic , icendiary and histrionic", in my words. I've learned that , even so, they may from time to time spout truth. One needs be vigilant and question everything, but don't dismiss just because it comes from a source that is tainted. Question all.

But , yes, in spite of "No Comment" yet from the scientists in our midst , I think CERN and ITER and HAARP are linked to the "Oilly swell" in the pool at the Chateau as well as laying the emotional/psycological ground for the MURDERS by Mossad/USA, et al, in Paris. And I think , based on the videos, which are timestamped data from satellites for the most part, that BPEARTHWATCH opens a discussion about these machines' affect on our Magnetosphere itself. PoleShift anyone ?

The reason we need to explore this is singular: Ok that exists and they are using it on us and the planet; so what do we do about it in order to protect ourselves and escape?? I am an Architect/Artist , more an engineer into beautiful function , not a hard scientist like some others we have in the group. Hopefully, the hard scientists will engage on this topic and let us know what the "take away" is from their more informed point of view.

We are on the periphery of the group, Mariowil, with few posts; a little mouse voice, sans the "delusions of grandeur"... more like the tiny workings of a mechanical clock.... tick and tock... ;D.. This is my second post on this topic. Keep posting on this, Mariowil, because we at least need to determine the exact nature of the threat before we can act intelligentlly.

Now , where does that pesky mouse fit in ?? :cool2: He makes a "Matrix like" appearance, like the black cat in the movie, which served to tip Neo that he was in a constructed TIME loop.

It brought attention to the CLOCK...tick tock. To me its like , "get the lead out" and get going on making a place to be safe, time is of the essence. That's for me personally, but can also be for the group. I don't know on the latter, just my 2cents.

ljroxark :cool2:
This last session discussed a threat to French nuclear plants in connection with the Mossad/PTB's blackmailing ways. Today in the French media I saw this update to an older event:

AZF : le jugement de cour d'appel annulé, l’affaire va être rejugée à Paris

The report basically says there's going to be a retrial of the condemned chemical plant manager, who was blamed for the 'accidental' explosion of the AZF plant in Toulouse on 21 September 2001. 31 people were killed and some 2,500 injured. I think it's is relevant to the Charlie Hebdo attack because of what the Cs had to say about it here:

(Kniall) My question goes back to the topic of chemical plants: The AZF chemical plant that exploded in Toulouse, was that the result of an overhead explosion?

A: No.

Q: (Ailen) Was it a warning to Chirac?

A: Yes.

Q: (Perceval)Was it a bomb planted by someone?

A: Yes.

Q: (Perceval)Like Mossad or someone?

A: Yes.

Q: (Belibaste)Dropped from a helicopter? {laughter}

A: Who knows!?

Q: (L) I mean, is it important how a bomb got put in there? (Belibaste)Well, there were people seeing two helicopters in the sky just before the explosion. (L) Oh. (Belibaste)Some assumed that they dropped the bomb. (L) I would think it would be more like somebody getting close and pushing a button on a detonator. (Belibaste)But there is this expert who analyzed the shockwaves and deduced that of the two explosions, one was on the ground but the first explosion occurred 3.5 kilometers above the ground. (L) That's bizarre.
MusicMan said:
Biblically, Arabs and Jews are all 'Sons of Abraham'.
If you want to go back even further, everybody on the planet is 'Sons of Noah'.
The difference seems to be whether or not you own a foreskin.
Of course, the C's might clarify that for us.

Thanks Musicman. I keep thinking about the comment from the C's " that Hitlers actions in Germany was just a trial run". I understand that with every terror attack we all lose more of our freedoms and liberties and those in power gain more control, so are we now in mission creep status just to further exalt those in power... or maybe Netanyahu is just a pawn and is being used to help destroy others with similar genetics?.. Then afterwards they will be destroyed if we are allowed to devolve that far... that's kinda what l'm trying to figure out.

"FIRST THEY CAME", statement comes to my mind if the whole world begins to turn on innocent Muslims.
The mouse in the session made me think of the Rat's song in Neil Gaiman's Coraline:

"We are small and we are many,

We are many, we are small,

We were here before you rose,

We will be here when you fall."
In 1997 there was a session where tampering by 3/4 STS was given as an influence that could change the climate. Now with this new session I understand the old information in a new way, because it gives a one more clue, as to how it could come about.
)_ said:
Quote from: 22 Feb 1997 said:
A: Climate is being influenced by three factors, and soon a fourth.

Q: (L) All right, I'll take the bait; give me the three factors, and also the fourth!.

A: 1) Wave approach.

2) Chlorofluorocarbon increase in atmosphere, thus affecting ozone layer.

3) Change in the planet's axis rotation orientation.

4) Artificial tampering by 3rd and 4th density STS forces in a number of different ways. ...

Q: (L) All right, were those given in the order in which they are occurring? The fourth being the one that's coming later?

A: Maybe, but remember this: a change in the speed of the rotation may not be reported while it is imperceptible except by instrumentation. Equator is slightly "wider" than the polar zones. But, this discrepancy is decreasing slowly currently. One change to occur in 21st Century is sudden glacial rebound, over Eurasia first, then North America. Ice ages develop much, much, much faster than thought.

From the above I infer that tampering could include playing around with infrasound machines:

The conclusion is that 3/4 STS fiddling with infrasound could help to upset the system which can help to bring about climate change. Climate change can lead to catastrophes and catastrophes can lead to climate change, it just depends what happens. If a lot of vulcanoes go off, that could reduce the temperature because of dust in the atmosphere.
Perceval said:
Alana said:
Q: (L) And, getting rid of the Jews was significant? Couldn't a Germanic master race be created without destroying another group?

A: No.

Q: Why?

A: Because of 4th density prior encoding mission destiny profile.

Q: (L) What does that mean?

A: This means encoding to activate after elevation to 4th density, thus if not eliminated, negates Nephalim domination and absorption. Jews were prior encoded to carry out mission after conversion, though on individual basis. The Nazis did not exactly know why they were being driven to destroy them, because they were being controlled from 4th density STS. But, Hitler communicated directly with Lizards, and Orion STS, and was instructed on how to create the "master race."

Didn't think of this before, but this suggests that it wasn't/isn't ALL Jews but CERTAIN semites and "on an individual basis". But if you don't know which ones, you have to destroy them all to be sure. Also, here the reference is to "Jews" not semites. So I wonder if this "encoding" is still limited to Jews. As was said in the most recent session, the attack on French Muslims is part of the overall Israel agenda to demonize and destroy Muslims of the Middle East to keep Israel 'safe'.

I've been thinking for a long time why the destruction of Semites (Arabs, Muslims) may be of survival importance for the Zionists. And it suddenly struck me (maybe wrong though). Here is the world map of countries which recognize Palestine as a state and which do not:


So, basically, the Anglo-Zionist part of the world and the rest of it. If we roughly compare those two parts, what would be the major cultural, social or political difference between them? The Anglo-Zionist part of the world is all for promoting individualism and personal goals. The rest of the world is more family and community oriented. The East is either represented by different forms of communism (ex-USSR, China, North Korea) or, in case of Muslims, by large traditional family communities.

A couple of days ago, the Republic of Chechnya suggested a new law according to which the families of the terrorists will also be subject to trial for any support of their guilty relatives. This implies collective responsibility. A controversial law, it is not a given that it will be passed, even if only in Chechnya. But think about the concept: collective responsibility. This means that you cannot afford being a lousy parent who is raising monsters and supporting them in their pathological behaviour.

Communism is quite new for countries like Russia. But this is nothing new for the Muslims. Collective responsibility is a very ancient (genetic?) family tradition of theirs. It has been this way for thousands of years: if your close relative committed a crime, this was a great shame for the whole large family/tribe for a long time (for many generations even).

The world is not black and white, of course. And there are people in the West who are very family/community oriented. As well as there are Asians who dream of Western individualism instead. So, as the C's said: not all of them. But the overall difference seems like this: egoism vs common sense.

Can this be genetic? Am I onto something here or maybe stretching it too much?
Laura said:
Session Date: January 10th 2015

(Scottie) I think I know what the Disturbance in the Force is.

(L) What?

(Scottie) Remember I was telling you the other day that something was up? This seems like a pretty big disturbance in the Force, dontcha think?

(L) Yeah!

(Scottie) It was like a day or two before the Charlie Hebdo thing that I mentioned it.

(L) Oh yeah.

(Scottie) People here were feeling squirrelly, couldn't sleep, having headaches, bad dreams and all that stuff. Something was clearly "off"... And then: KABOOM!

an interesting note in regard to these disturbances is that another tragic event happened in the same period that the western world isn't really looking at and it's the Boko Haram attack.

"...the death toll of Boko Haram's onslaught in Baga and 16 other communities around the Nigerian side of Lake Chad is around 2,000."

this one shocked me as i only heard of it just two days ago. link:
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