Session 10 January 2015

Starting with sourcing from the BBC (because of the irony).



After the failure to invade Britain in 1940, with Göring's Luftwaffe decisively checked in the Battle of Britain, Hitler switched his attack and invaded the Soviet Union on 22 June 1941.

The anti-Bolshevik motif was central to the Nazi Weltanschauung ('world view'). The movement had created an environment in which Communists, together with Jews, formed the main target of Nazi propaganda and violence. Russia figured not only as the centre of world Communism, but also as the repository of international Jewry.

The anti-Bolshevik poster above proclaims that Germany has destroyed Great Britain (depicted as one graveyard, with Churchill's grave symbolically prominent), and shows how the mailed fist of Germany is turning its attention to the east - threatening a knock-out blow for Stalin and the Soviet Union. The justification in the poster for the invasion of the USSR (in violation of the Nazi-Soviet non-aggression pact, 1939) is security (baby in a cradle) and prosperity (living space for Germans).

In propaganda terms the message would return to haunt the Nazi leadership when, in 1943, an undefeated RAF began to bomb German cities.

Well right there we have the current anti-Russia sentiment (even before taking into account the Cold War).



By the late 1930s, the increasingly fanatical tone of Nazi propaganda reflected the growing radicalisation of the regime's anti-Semitic policies. The Jewish stereotypes shown in such propaganda served to reinforce anxieties about modern developments in political and economic life, without bothering to question the reality of the Jewish role in German society.

In November 1937 'The Eternal Jew' exhibition opened in Munich, and ran until 31 January 1938, claiming to show the 'typical outward features' of Jews and to demonstrate their allegedly Middle Eastern and Asiatic characteristics. The exhibition also attempted to 'expose' a world-wide 'Jewish-Bolshevik' conspiracy.

The striking poster for the exhibition contrasted Jewish individualism and 'self-seeking' with the Nazi ideal of a 'people's community'. It did this by revealing an 'eastern' Jew - wearing a kaftan, and holding gold coins in one hand and a whip in the other. Under his arm is a map of the world, with the imprint of the hammer and sickle.

The Eternal Muslim?

Richard Barsam writes the film's "essential contrast is between myths and stereotypes of Jews and the Nazi ideal of a 'master race,' between the alleged inferiority of the Jews and the superiority of the Germans."[20] According to Stephen Fritz, Goebbels' intent was to create a film that would serve as "both a demonstration of the parasitical nature of the Jews and a justification for drastic measures against them."[9] Maria Tatar writes that the Nazis were able to use Hippler's film to "position the victims of their genocidal project as dangerous aggressors who had to be exterminated."[21] Similarly, Barsam describes the film as arguing that "Jews are criminals;... they have no soul;... they are different in every way;... killing them is not a crime, but a necessity—just as killing rats is a necessity to preserve health and cleanliness."[22]

See FoxNews _

Unser Wille und Weg, a Nazi Party monthly publication aimed at propagandists provides a rationale for why The Eternal Jew was made. The author of the essay “The Film of a 2000-Year Rat Migration,[23]” who remains anonymous, believes the film shows “a full picture of Jewry,” and provides "the best treatment of this parasitic race." The author connects the Jews' migration from the Middle East to Egypt and their following of German colonists to rats traveling as a group, who "even then displayed the same criminal traits that they still displayed". The film is complimented for "its portrayal of the Jews' vulgar methods and the brutality and all-devouring hatred they exhibit when they reach their goal and control finance."[23] The slaughtering method causes the author to question the "so-called Jewish religion", as butchers do their work with grins on their face.[23] In closing, the author states the film will be a valuable tool in the struggle to break the Jews' "power over us. We are the initiators of the fight against world Jewry, which now directs its hate, its brutal greed and destructive will toward us. We must win this battle for ourselves, for Europe, for the world."[23]

Jews as an uncivilized and parasitic people[edit]


Photographs such as this served to record the horrors of life in the Lodz ghetto for posterity


Ghetto children


A child dying in the streets of the Warsaw Ghetto September 19, 1941

Gaza is the new Ghetto (not to mention the association of Muslims to Ghetto's in France) - my understanding of the Isrealy narrative: obviously the 'Muslims don't care about their children', or they'd stop attacking Israel. They bring it upon themselves.

Richard Taylor describes the basic tenet of the film as arguing that "the Jew is an oriental barbarian who has insinuated himself cleverly into European society, and now exploits it parasitically."[24] This point is emphasized throughout the film, starting from the very opening lines of the film's commentary:

The "civilized" Jews that we know in Germany give us only an incomplete picture of their racial character. This film shows genuine shots of the Polish ghettos. It shows the Jews as they really are, before they conceal themselves behind the mask of the civilized European.[24]

Following this commentary, the film provides a succession of scenes in which Jews are portrayed as an uncivilized, parasitic people with low social standing. The images were mostly shot on site in the Warsaw Ghetto and other Polish ghettoes, showing subjects who were deliberately chosen to be poorly dressed, dirty and who had partially toothless grins. The locations shown are dirty and infested by vermin. Robert Reimer asserts that a central theme of the film is the assertion that "Jews have always lived in the ghettos and in fact they choose to live this way." According to Reimer, the film asserts that ghettos are "ordinary [and] normal" aspects of Jewish life. Reimer charges that what the film is actually showing is not the normal life of Polish Jewry but rather the "effect of the Nazi administration and the disruption of the lives of millions of Polish Jews."[16] Erik Barnouw describes the Warsaw Ghetto after the Nazi conquest as a place where "hundreds of thousands of Jews were herded by the [Nazi] conquerors into pockets of indescribable misery." He describes footage shot there as showing "half-starved, unshaven creatures caught in pathetic acts of barter - a pair of socks for a scrap of food." It is scenes such as these that the film presents as showing Jews "in their natural state."[19]

For example:
According to UNRWA, some 689,000 of the West Bank’s 2.4 million Palestinians and 1.1 million of Gaza’s 1.5 million Palestinians are refugees. Thus, aside from the 2.9 million Diaspora refugees, a whopping 45 percent of the new state’s residents will also remain stateless, deprived of both citizenship and services by the country the world fondly imagines is being created to serve their needs. But of course, the PA doesn’t want a state to serve its people’s needs; it wants a state to further its goal of destroying Israel. Hence the refugees can’t be given citizenship; that would undermine its demand to resettle them in Israel, thereby destroying the Jewish state demographically. And if the price is leaving half its people in stateless squalor for the next several decades or centuries, it’s a perfectly acceptable one to pay for the goal of killing the Jewish state. Just like Latifa Abu Hmeid thinks one son dead and four in jail is an acceptable price to pay for the goal of killing Jews.

"We said they need to choose between the path of Hamas and the path of peace," he said, but concluded that Palestinians had chosen to embrace "terrorist organizations that call for Israel's destruction."

Back to the wiki:
The film utilizes a montage that juxtaposes these images of ghetto Jews with images of rats to draw an analogy between the migration of Jews from Eastern Europe with the migration of rats. For example, one of the shots shows a pack of rats emerging from a sewer, followed by a shot of a crowd of Jews in a bustling street of the Łódź Ghetto. Close-ups of those in the crowd reveal sickly, malformed facial features. The narrator states that, as rats are the vermin of the animal kingdom, Jews are the vermin of the human race and similarly spread disease and corruption. Unlike rats, however, the narrator continues, Jews have the uncanny ability to change their appearance and blend into their "human hosts." A scene depicts four bearded men in traditional religious Jewish clothing, then shows them shaved and in modern business suits, while the narrator explains that only a "trained eye" can distinguish their Jewish features.

The high numbers of people who come into contact with medical professionals, mean that the health sector is “critical” to the Prevent strategy.
“The key challenge is to ensure that health care workers can identify the signs that someone is vulnerable to radicalisation, interpret those signs correctly and access the relevant support,” the document will say.

It is surely reasonable for Dame Stella Rimington, the former director general of MI5, to call for people to inform on neighbours they suspect of extremism. To a very limited extent, it happens already. But for the sake of all of us – Muslim communities in particular – it needs to happen more.
Also reasonable, on the face of it, is the Government’s desire to do more to discourage the process by which disaffected individuals turn themselves into people-butchers – the job of the proposed task force on Prevent, the counter-radicalisation strategy.
In fact, we already know all we need to know about radicalisation. What the task force needs to focus on is what to do and – equally important – what not to do.
Studies show that it can happen to anyone, that there is no single identifiable profile. That said, the great majority of Islamic extremist terrorists in Britain, unsurprisingly, have been Muslim males aged 16-34, a third to a half of whom were unemployed and a significant portion of the rest under-employed. Most were unmarried. Where women were involved, it tended to be in a supportive role, although in Iraq and Chechnya female suicide bombers were radicalised by the deaths of relatives.
On Fox's "Outnumbered" Wednesday, the cast got into a discussion about how Paris police didn't have enough weapons, which enabled - they claimed - the Islamic extremist terrorists to massacre 12 people.

Enter Fox News anchor Shannon Bream, a former corporate attorney and graduate of Jerry Falwell's Liberty University.

Bream, speaking unscripted, wondered how police would be able to identify "bad guys" if they had ski masks and couldn't "even know what color," what "the tone of their skin was?"

"That's my question about these guys because if we know they were speaking unaccented French and they had, you know, ski masks on, do we even know what color they were?," Bream asked. "What the tone of their skin was," she tried to clarify - as if that were less racist. "I mean what if they didn't look like typical bad guys?"

Back to wiki:
"Where rats appear, they bring ruin by destroying mankind's goods and foodstuffs. In this way, they spread disease, plague, leprosy, typhoid fever, cholera, dysentery, and so on. They are cunning, cowardly and cruel and are found mostly in large packs. Among the animals, they represent the rudiment of an insidious, underground destruction - just like the Jews among human beings. "[25]

Where they trying to label Jews as psychopaths? Talk about projection!

Cruelty is a key component of the ISIS brand. The group has managed to conquer large parts of Syria and Iraq with a systematic and efficient plan. Like everything else it does, broadcasting barbarism is a calculated strategy.
But why?
Brutality has psychological, strategic and ideological objectives. That's why other fighting forces have resorted to cruelty to achieve their objectives. History is replete with examples that we see echoed today.
As we avert our eyes from the carnage, from beheadings, mass executions and crucifixions; as we try to avoid looking at the worst of the online videos, it is apparent that the strategy has the potential to create a huge and powerful backlash. That cruelty is turning much of the world, including Arabs and Muslims, against ISIS. And the atrocities against American and other Western citizens are all but inviting the world's most powerful armies to take on the Islamist militias.
And yet, by showing its fighters massacring the enemy without mercy, by flooding social media with the gruesome images, ISIS sends several messages that its leaders believe bring benefits that outweigh the risks.
Long before we heard what happened to James Foley, months before we learned that ISIS had killed hundreds of men, women and children of Iraq's Yazidi minority, burying some of them alive, the people of the Middle East had become acquainted with the mass executions, the brutal persecution of minorities, the killing of Christians, of Shiites, and of Sunnis or anyone else who posed a challenge, hesitated to follow its religious dictates, or resisted the ISIS advance in Syria and then Iraq.
Cruelty communicates fearlessness, and fearlessness, coupled with battlefield success, is an irresistible draw. It's no wonder ISIS has attracted large numbers of men eager to fight, including hundreds from Europe. They share the goal, as one defector told CNN, of establishing an Islamic state in the Arab world and then taking the campaign to other countries.
Beheading the enemy is an effective recruiting appeal to a small but not insignificant segment of the population that is enticed by the brazenness and ideological fervor. To them, mostly young Muslim men, the barbarism resonates with their own brand of hatred and lust for revenge: revenge over real or perceived slights against Muslims.
The religious justification for the executions, described by ISIS as part of its jihad -- a war to return the reign of an Islamic caliphate and impose the Quran's dictates -- gives the killings moral, theological clearance, all but precluding empathy toward non-members.

Economic impact[edit]
See also: Economic antisemitism
The film asserts:

"At the beginning of the twentieth century, Jews sit at the junction of the world financial markets. They are an international power. Only one percent of the world's population, with the help of their capital, they terrorize the world stock exchanges, world opinion, and world politics."[26]

The movie blamed Jews for inflation and unemployment in Germany. It charged that they had crept into all professions and through usury, racketeering and crimes on German assets.

"Out of a thousand workers in Berlin, only two were Jews. For the start of 1933, out of one hundred prosecutors in Berlin 15 were Jews. Out of a hundred judges were 23 Jews. Out of a hundred lawyers 49 Jews. 52 Jews out of a hundred doctors. And out of every hundred of businessmen 60 Jews. The average wealth of Germans was 810 marks each. The average wealth of each Jew amounted to 10,000 marks."

The evidence for these assertions is unstated in the film. However, the occupational information is similar to that found in Germany by subsequent non-Nazi researchers for the time periods before the Nuremberg laws systematically excluded Jews from educational and professional opportunities.[27][28][29]

In 1933, 5,600 Jewish doctors and 3,030 Jewish lawyers were practicing in Germany, which matches the percentages given in the movie.[30] An exceptionally large number of successful lawsuits over equal citizenship and rights had been filed in the Weimar Republic, most of them by Jewish lawyers.[29] The Nuremberg laws specifically forbade German judges from citing any precedents by Jewish jurists, and cut off Jewish doctors from reimbursement under public health care insurance.[30]

In contrast, during the economic crisis between the end of World War I and the implementation of the Nuremberg laws, Jews were disproportionately likely to be laid off from the labor market, to the point that 1 out of every 4 Jews had been laid off by 1935.[30] The original set of layoffs also had the effect of concentrating Jewish employment during this period into the professional and self-employed sectors, while post-1933 delicensing and other Nuremberg legislation gradually pushed Jews completely out of professional occupations and into positions such as street peddlers.[30]

Simultaneously victimizing everyone and blaming all the troubles (they did it!) on the chosen (minority) victim.

It is puzzling that so many minorities voted for Barack Obama over Mitt Romney considering how disproportionately they have suffered economically during Obama's presidency. Black unemployment under Obama increased at a higher pace than whites, from 12.7% to 14.1%, ending at almost twice the unemployment rate of whites. Now, one out of every seven blacks is unemployed. White unemployment barely increased under Obama, from 7.1% to 7.4%.

According to anti-immigrant groups such as the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), every immigrant worker who enters the U.S. labor force is stealing a job from a native-born worker. In this view of the world, employment is a zero-sum game in which immigrants and the native-born compete for a fixed number of jobs. So it should come as no surprise that CIS has been gradually releasing a series of state backgrounders which seek to demonstrate that all of the net increase in employment in a given state since 2000 went to immigrants. Over the past couple of months, CIS has targeted Tennessee, then Florida, then North Carolina, then Georgia. The arguments are the same for each state, as are the flaws in reasoning.

Immigration to Britain from outside Europe is linked to unemployment in depressed economic times, according to an explosive report from the government's own expert advisers.

The migration advisory committee research published on Tuesday suggests that for every extra 100 non-European migrants who come to Britain, 23 fewer British residents are employed.

The finding directly challenges the established academic consensus that there has been little or no direct link between immigration and employment levels in Britain. It flatly contradicts research from the National Institute of Economic and Social Research published on Monday, which found that even in the recent recession there was no direct impact.

The official research confirms that migration has had no impact on average wages but says that it has increased wages at the top of the wage scale but has lowered wage rates at the bottom.

The reference to average wealth probably used the wealth of the Jewish Rothschild family as the basis for its calculation. The Rothschild banking family is still believed to have had the largest private fortune in the world during the 19th century, as well as the largest fortune in modern world history.[31][32][33] Although the Creditanstalt debts were assumed in part by the Austrian branch of the Rothschild family, its bankruptcy was later used by Hitler as an example of how the Jews were responsible for all the economic and social troubles of Germany and the world.[34] None of the Austrian branch of the Rothschild family remained in Austria while Austria was under the Nazis, and their bank was nationalized.

The movie goes on to assert that

"The most common expressions in the jargon of international gangsters and criminals, stem from Hebrew and Yiddish words."

According to the movie, Jews are likewise disproportionately plentiful in organized crime, where they represent 82% of international crime organizations, and 98% of international prostitution. This Jewish influence is seen as well in the international language used by criminals (see also Rotwelsch). The evidence for these blatant assertions is nowhere produced. Insofar as "organized crime" represents lawbreaking other than that forced by the Nuremberg laws, it has not been corroborated by subsequent research.

So interestingly you can see pretty much every argument leveled at minorities in this (not just Muslims), so parallels to what's going on with the African American population as well as Muslims.
They've also taken the 'they (the one you should hate) run the economy' out of the equation - presumably that was a little too close to home, but left the 'they steal our jobs/are responsible for your lower wages'.
This sort of racism has been alive and well for a very long time.

The reason homegrown terrorism is worth worrying about isn’t that there are many American Muslims prone to commit it—there manifestly aren’t. The danger is that even a few such attacks could create a backlash (anti-Muslim bigotry and violence, more oppressive surveillance of Muslims, etc.) that could create more homegrown terrorism, which would lead to more backlash, etc: this would be a positive feedback cycle of a very negative kind.

Again, I’m not saying that the prospect of homegrown terrorism, or even of blowback in general, is by itself a killer argument against Obama’s de facto declaration of war (though I do think that, all told, the declaration was a mistake). I’m mainly saying that America’s national-security discourse is in need of repair. When we face a crucial foreign-policy decision, it fails to factor in glaringly obvious considerations.

And so the blow back begins in earnest, even if they have to manufacture it to create the image of 'All Muslims are vile rats'.

Well that's a starting point for the Parallels at least.

Archives of German Propaganda here: _
If we talk about "heros" made as martyrs and to promote hate propaganda there is this soldier Horst Wessel that was assassinated by nobody knows who but the Nazis said the communists did it. He was made an hero. Like today the caricaturists of Hebdo are becoming more and more "heros" for the freedom of expression.

Ok here we have the hate against communists but don't forget that communist and jews for the nazis had to be put in prison.

Maybe the example is not good but we can see some relations: victims that are assassinated by the power that become heros assassinated by an external force and become symbols to reinforce the Power. Charlie Hebdo is becoming a symbol. You will see!

On 14 January 1930, Horst Wessel, a young and ambitious member of the SA was shot at close range at his home in Berlin. Although the crime was never completely solved, the murder was most likely committed by a group of communists with close ties to the city's gangland. Wessel later died from his injuries. Joseph Goebbels, whose attention had already been drawn to Wessel as a possible future Nazi leader, was the first to recognize the propaganda potential of the case. 'A young martyr for the Third Reich' he wrote in his diary on 23 February 1930 immediately after receiving the news of Wessel's death. This was the beginning of the myth-making that transformed an ordinary individual into a masculine role model for an entire generation. Two months later, thousands of people lined the streets for Wessel's funeral parade and Goebbels delivered a graveside eulogy. In the years that followed - and as Nazi power increased - Horst Wessel became the hero of the Nazi movement - with his elaborate memorial quickly becoming a site of pilgrimage.

The song Die Fahne Hoch for which Wessel had written the lyrics (and which subsequently became popularly known as the Horst Wessel Song) became the official Nazi party anthem and the Berlin district of Friedrichshain, where Wessel was murdered was renamed Horst-Wessel-Stadt in his honour. Numerous biographies and films followed. Using previously unseen material, Daniel Siemens provides a fascinating and gripping account of the background to Horst Wessel's murder and uncovers how and why the Nazis made him a political hero. He examines the Horst Wessel 'cult' which emerged in the aftermath of Wessel's death and the murders of revenge, particularly against Communists, committed by the SA and Gestapo after 1933. At the same time, the story of Horst Wessel provides a portrait of the Nazi propaganda machine at its most effective and most chilling.

Thought this would a useful reminder for people if you are feeling the shock of this situation:,35463.0.html
(L) Well, since we have a pretty good idea of who did it, we know the answer to that. Okay, so that leads me to a question that's been on my mind for the last day or so. I noticed that the "Black Hats", the bad guys, the whole pathological community seem to be quite well-organized and unified to some extent in their public activities. For example, Israel is able to get all these students, the Hasbara program; the Pentagon has hired all of these people to engage in cyber warfare; there are trolls that go all over the internet swaying public opinion and writing commentary. Edward Snowden has come out and explained exactly how it's done. I mean, they have a HUGE, elaborate cyber warfare program and train people to get out there and work for the control of people's minds. It's just absolutely staggering. So, one thing about it that really gets me is that first of all, even with this revelation of Snowden that has hit all the major media, people don't stop and think that EVERYTHING that's going on could be part of that disinformation program! The second thing is, why is it that people with peaceful, world-benevolent opinions and approaches - people of conscience - can't get together in the same way that evil does? Evil seems to coalesce, and people of conscience seem to... it's almost like their conscience forces them to fight with each other! I mean, assuming they even have a conscience. What's the deal here? I want to know.

A: First of all notice that the STS side uses two hooks: money and promises of power. It is not so much "unity of purpose." Secondly, just as you have learned from your studies of psychology and from the work of Gurdjieff, people with the genetics for "soul" or conscience are very wounded by the programming of family and society.

Q: (L) So, it's their wounds, their programming, their buffers as Gurdjieff says, that keeps them all pointing in dozens of different directions with different opinions, ideas, wounds, fears, and so on. And that prevents unity. Is there anything that can change that?

A: Sure!

Q: [laughter] (L) What?

A: Work or a huge shock!

Q: (Perceval) A huge shock like a giant fireball? Giant meteorite or an earthquake?

A: Some cosmic activity might do it provided the seeds of knowledge have been planted as you have been doing for years now. As we once said, from the fire comes light. There are several levels of meaning there.

Q: (L) Cosmic fire, maybe?

A: Yes!

Q: (Pierre) Cosmic activity can help this seed to grow?

(Chu) No, I don't think that's what they're saying.

(L) I think they're saying that that's the shock. And if there is a seed there, and if there is any potential in the individual, if the shock doesn't kill them, then...

(Pierre) So the shock due to cosmic activity is what will make the seed grow?

(Ark) No!

(Chu) The seed of knowledge has to be there for people to interpret it, right?

(L) I think they already have to have it inside them, then they get a shock, and then afterwards...

(Pierre) Yeah, the shock makes the seed of knowledge grow...

(Ark) No! The knowledge cannot grow by shock. The knowledge can grow only if you get more truth. Shock may only cause the seed to do some job.

(L) Like what?

(Ark) I mean, because you may know things, know things, know things... and do nothing! And then, there comes shock, and then you realize that your knowledge - you were not using your knowledge!

(Perceval) It seems to me that this might apply to a lot of forum members who have been just quietly absorbing the information, but unable to do anything with it because of all this programming and stuff. The seed of knowledge has been planted in those people, but they haven't actually done anything with it.

(L) But when it becomes real...

(Perceval) When they realize that, "Holy shit, this isn't just theoretical! A fireball just blew the crap out of Washington, DC!"... God willing... [laughter] Suddenly it's true for them, and it may activate the knowledge that they've been growing slowly inside.

(L) In other words, it will kind of like blow the fear away because what's really holding people back is fear: these programs, these buffers. That's what Caesar said last week. He said to be true to your inner nature, and fear nothing. You have to get to the point where you fear nothing. You have to get to the point where you can say “It’s a good day to die” like Black Elk said before going into battle.

(Chu) But there's also the other side of the coin in people who think that things don't apply to them, or they can learn that tomorrow, or...

(L) Or it's happening over there, and not here... That’s why working on SOTT is so important; it provides LOTS of shocks!

(Chu) I was telling people this morning in the kitchen that I watched a video. It's really shocking. It's a meteorite that fell in Argentina. People saw the light, the crater. The authorities covered it up really quick. And you see a hundred people at least, protesting that the authorities are lying, and that it wasn't a gas stove burning the house down. But NONE of them was able to say it was a meteorite because none of them had the frame of reference. And it was SO frustrating hearing these people saying, "People are lying to us! We want the truth!" They were shouting. But none of them, it never occurred to them... They thought it was like a missile, or an attack...

(L) Well, it's like the chemtrails issue. They KNOW that the government is lying to them, and so they create this elaborate conspiracy theory that the government is spraying masses of chemicals in the upper atmosphere. Every single plane that makes a contrail is automatically a chemtrail producer.

(Chu) And it's usually the cosmic connection that is not in people's minds. It has to be the government, it has to be some kind of force or whatever, so it seems to me they're saying it has to be...

(L) Aristotle still holds sway.

(Pierre) The question I wanted to answer is, those shocks due to cosmic activity... Is it because on the psychological level, there is this fear and people are thinking, "Oh, it's real!" And/or because cosmic activity might modify the electromagnetic environment and stimulate shifts in some people?

A: A little of both. And for now Goodbye.

What can be done?
Pay attention to reality (both globally and in your daily life) to keep up the shocks - do what is in front of you to do. Plant seeds in others (social media, the forum, daily life etc with a mind to strategic enclosure). Till the soil.

A: See what happens when we plant the seed, then encourage you to "Till the soil?"
Moroccan-born mayor of Rotterdam tells fellow Muslims who do not appreciate the 'freedoms' of living in the West to 'pack your bags and f*** off' on live TV

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The "First they came", fuse might now have been lit from a manufactured tradgedy (Germany history), so sad.

“First they came …” is a famous statement and provocative poem attributed to pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984) about the cowardice of German intellectuals following the Nazis' rise to power and the subsequent purging of their chosen targets, group after group. There is some disagreement over the exact wording of the quotation and when it was uttered; the content of the quotation may have been presented differently by Niemöller on different occasions.

"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."


  • reichstag911-2.jpg
    60.6 KB · Views: 265
A: Activation of inner earth energies in response to events elsewhere. We have noted that your planet responds to activities on the surface. Often this is expressed as heat which results in earthquakes and/or volcanic eruptions. But it can also call forth other types of frequencies. There is another aspect that you should consider: the use of infrasound machines by secret projects to control human emotional states. Such instruments can evoke even more devastating responses from the planet and thereby the solar system.

I'll offer some 3D thinking on this:
So 'events elsewhere' and 'activities on the surface' of the Earth 'activates inner earth energies' that generates heat and frequencies. The heat is expressed as volcanoes and/or earthquakes, and the frequencies generated somehow interfere with human activities and maybe FRV. This sounds like a vicious cycle, especially if the infra-sound machines amplify through resonating frequencies.
I recall reading years ago that the first sound weapon was developed in France in the 19th century.
This came through on my Facebook feed:


Anti-Islam ads back on S.F. Muni buses — this time featuring Hitler

They’re back.

Controversial ads splattered on the sides of Muni buses, purchased by blogger Pamela Geller’s American Freedom Defense Initiative, are again all over San Francisco.

This time, the ads equate Islam with Nazism.

The newest round of vitriolic banners, 50 of which went up Jan. 9, feature an image of Adolf Hitler and Haj Amin al-Husseini, a 20th Century Palestinian Muslim leader who opposed Zionism, with the words, “Islamic Jew-Hatred: It’s In The Quran.”

The ads are already attracting attention on social media.

City leaders have already been through rounds of debate over ads purchased by the far-right anti-Islamist organization — most recently in 2013. Back then, the ads were posted on 10 buses and featured photos of Osama bin Laden, a victim of the Fort Hood mass shooting and others, with incendiary quotes linking them to Islam.

One quote attributed to “Hamas MTV” read: “Killing Jews is worship that brings us closer to Allah.”

City leaders, including Mayor Ed Lee, District Attorney George Gascón and several supervisors, condemned those advertisements as racist and Islamophobic.

Even so, they are protected by freedom of speech. So in years past, Muni the sent the ad revenue to the city’s Human Rights Commission.

In 2012, the American Freedom Defense Initiative unrolled an ad campaign saying, “In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat Jihad.”

Muni also gave the money from those ads to the Human Rights Commission.

“We understand and apologize that people could be offended by these ads,” Muni spokesman Paul Rose said Tuesday. “Neither the city nor Muni endorse the content of these negative ads. However, the First Amendment protects freedom of speech, including speech that is considered offensive.”

You can see pictures of the adds in the original link above. Maybe a good article to put up on SOTT if it hasn't already.
Eos said:
romochar said:
Thank you! Wow absolutely explosive information once again!!
It is a great honor to be privy to such astounding truth, thank you group!
How do you know this is 'truth' ?
May be close to it, but nothing is granted with the Cassiopaean transcripts AFAIK.

By the way, there is one thing to consider together with the mass manipulation about the 'Je Suis Charlie' hysteria, which is that many of the people who went demonstrating wanted to show their solidarity and their willingness for an union going beyond French, Muslim, Jewish or whatever identities, mostly in order not to let those who want hatred and violence recuperate the event by their ideology...

Anyway, thanks for the session.

How do we know that "many of the people" wanted to show their solidarity and their willingness for an union going beyond French, Muslim, Jewish or whatever identities?

While I think it may be true to an extent "nothing is granted" AFAIK.

In romochar's expression of "such astounding truth" I tend to think he is talking about not just about the transcripts but the information presented on the forum as a whole. If we do not sense any "truth" or truthfulness here why even bother posting comments about the sessions?

Episimology is according to one dictionary definition as:

the theory of knowledge, esp. with regard to its methods, validity, and scope.
Epistemology is the investigation of what distinguishes justified belief from opinion.

I struggle all the time with the effort to perceive the "validity" to reach "justified" belief which I think what the C's are talking about as a difference between belief and faith. I think the C's were saying we should not just have belief or "Blind Faith" but confidence or faith in what we have learned is necessary to grow and move on. Once they said after you learn your ABCs why keep trying to re-learn them (to paraphrase).

I just think we don't always know what comprises another's sense of the "truth" and I am still kind of doing the "wait and see" method myself.
Maybe we will all get a better sense of the "truth" in the near future. I liked what Redfox posted in this current session about Session 19 July 2014.

Redfox's post of excerpt from Session 19 July 2014:

(Ark) I mean, because you may know things, know things, know things... and do nothing! And then, there comes shock, and then you realize that your knowledge - you were not using your knowledge!

(Perceval) It seems to me that this might apply to a lot of forum members who have been just quietly absorbing the information, but unable to do anything with it because of all this programming and stuff. The seed of knowledge has been planted in those people, but they haven't actually done anything with it.

(L) But when it becomes real...

(Perceval) When they realize that, "Holy shit, this isn't just theoretical! A fireball just blew the crap out of Washington, DC!"... God willing... [laughter] Suddenly it's true for them, and it may activate the knowledge that they've been growing slowly inside.

(L) In other words, it will kind of like blow the fear away because what's really holding people back is fear: these programs, these buffers. That's what Caesar said last week. He said to be true to your inner nature, and fear nothing. You have to get to the point where you fear nothing. You have to get to the point where you can say “It’s a good day to die” like Black Elk said before going into battle.
This might prove very useful:

Propaganda was central to Nazi Germany. This page is a collection of English translations of National Socialist propaganda for the period 1933-1945, part of a larger site on German propaganda. The goal is to help people understand the great totalitarian systems of the twentieth century by giving them access to primary material. The archive is substantial

I'm looking through it now, and it contains speeches (over 80 of Goebbels alone), cartoons, and more. Great archive.

Mod note: Link activated. Deactivated links are only for known disinfo sites or blatant propaganda articles you wish to quote or make reference to.
"For reasons of religious tolerance from British textbooks will disappear mentions about pork."

So what about their "freedom of press and speech"? about Jews is strictly prohibited, but about Muslims - is encouraged. and where disturbance and crowds of people? so why not to remove mentions of beef - because in unGB there are many Hindus, right? so to respect their religious feelings - is intolerant?

Mod note: Link activated. Deactivated links are only for known disinfo sites or blatant propaganda articles you wish to quote or make reference to.
Fiddling with the law:
- There was the "Enabling Act", that gave the German Cabinet – in effect, Chancellor Adolf Hitler – the power to enact laws without the involvement of the Reichstag.
- The Reichstag Fire Decree nullified many of the key civil liberties of German citizens. With Nazis in powerful positions in the German government, the decree was used as the legal basis for the imprisonment of anyone considered to be opponents of the Nazis, and to suppress publications not considered “friendly” to the Nazi cause. It was was improvised on the day after the fire (28 February).
- The Patriot Act removed right from US citizens. The USA PATRIOT Act is an Act of Congress that was signed into law by President George W. Bush on October 26, 2001 - a little bit more than a month after the September 11 attacks.
- Let us see if there is something similar in France and or Europe after the "Charlie Hedbo attack".

False flag events:
- The Reichstag fire had consequences for people in Germany:
The day after the fire Hitler asked for and received from President Hindenburg the Reichstag Fire Decree, signed into law by Hindenburg using Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution. The Reichstag Fire Decree suspended most civil liberties in Germany[9] and was used by the Nazis to ban publications not considered "friendly" to the Nazi cause. Despite the fact that Marinus van der Lubbe claimed to have acted alone in the Reichstag fire, Hitler, after having obtained his emergency powers, announced that it was the start of a Communist plot to take over Germany. Nazi newspapers blared this "news".[9] This sent the Germans into a panic and isolated the Communists further among the civilians; additionally, thousands of Communists were imprisoned in the days following the fire (including leaders of the Communist Party of Germany) on the charge that the Party was preparing to stage a putsch. With Communist electoral participation also suppressed (the Communists previously polled 17% of the vote), the Nazis were able to increase their share of the vote in the March 5, 1933, Reichstag elections from 33% to 44%.[10] This gave the Nazis and their allies, the German National People's Party (who won 8% of the vote), a majority of 52% in the Reichstag.
- The September 11 attacks had consequences for Muslims globally and in different countries (Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, ...).
Somes comments : a lot of french politicians already said , no to a french patriot act like Badinter the justice minister during Mitterrand who had suppressed death penality .

A muslim helped jewishs to hide themself in the kocher grocery.

2 muslims died during charlie attack
Charlie journalists will not let some politicians to betray their peace message.
for all those reasons It will be hard for sts to succeed.
A last remark , one of the two brothers wife said he never gone to training camp in Yemen he was an absolute normal husband loving her . He gone to see his brother the fatal day who was sick. He was not nervous. Strange...
I would guess that the UK would be expected to suffer as much if not more collateral damage, if we are going to infer how much damage as a consequence of how much support given to Israel. Not to mention the US of A...
The Cs then said "Help is on the way". I wish the timing is good and that it mitigates the collateral damage. :shock:
Laura said:
The pool thing WAS weird as heck. I mean, I look out the window at it every day since it was put there in July, under all kinds of conditions, weather, etc, and this was just utterly bizarre and inexplicable. I called Ark to look at it and we stood there watching it for about five or ten minutes, and then I got up to look at it again a couple of times and it was still doing it. It was almost like it was alive or something, just swelling up and down, up and down. Not a breath of wind, not a leaf on any tree moving, NOTHING.

I was thinking about this pool incident today and took a look around the internet and found this video. Is this similar to what you saw?

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