Session 10 January 2015

suelarue said:
Laura said:
The pool thing WAS weird as heck. I mean, I look out the window at it every day since it was put there in July, under all kinds of conditions, weather, etc, and this was just utterly bizarre and inexplicable. I called Ark to look at it and we stood there watching it for about five or ten minutes, and then I got up to look at it again a couple of times and it was still doing it. It was almost like it was alive or something, just swelling up and down, up and down. Not a breath of wind, not a leaf on any tree moving, NOTHING.

I was thinking about this pool incident today and took a look around the internet and found this video. Is this similar to what you saw?

Well, that was certainly bizarre! And close. In the above video, it's like a donut movement. Ours was similar, but rolling from side to side.

That IS creepy.
Laura said:
suelarue said:
I was thinking about this pool incident today and took a look around the internet and found this video. Is this similar to what you saw?

Well, that was certainly bizarre! And close. In the above video, it's like a donut movement. Ours was similar, but rolling from side to side.

That IS creepy.

Had an idea to search for a significant event that possibly happened on 20th of July, 2012 (the date of the video) in the US, and it was the date of the Aurora shooting. Granted, Colorado isn't exactly close to Alabama, but I guess it's not about physical distance.
Keit said:
Laura said:
suelarue said:
I was thinking about this pool incident today and took a look around the internet and found this video. Is this similar to what you saw?

Well, that was certainly bizarre! And close. In the above video, it's like a donut movement. Ours was similar, but rolling from side to side.

That IS creepy.

Had an idea to search for a significant event that possibly happened on 20th of July, 2012 (the date of the video) in the US, and it was the date of the Aurora shooting. Granted, Colorado isn't exactly close to Alabama, but I guess it's not about physical distance.

I was going to do that but you beat me to it.

It still remains one of the weirdest things I've ever seen/experienced.
Thanks for another great session.

I've noticed that these days the C's more or less only have to confirm what the network has already sussed. It's very rare to get "open" as an answer. This shows how the network has grown in knowledge - kudos to all of you who contribute to the forum and Sott!.

Nonetheless I sense a danger.........the Charlie Hebdo saga has changed the whole equation for France and the world. Slowly the grand plan is unfolding and the clock ticks closer and closer. There's nowhere left to run or so it seems. Indeed we live in interesting times.

Kinyash said:
Thanks for another great session.

I've noticed that these days the C's more or less only have to confirm what the network has already sussed. It's very rare to get "open" as an answer. This shows how the network has grown in knowledge - kudos to all of you who contribute to the forum and Sott!.

Nonetheless I sense a danger.........the Charlie Hebdo saga has changed the whole equation for France and the world. Slowly the grand plan is unfolding and the clock ticks closer and closer. There's nowhere left to run or so it seems. Indeed we live in interesting times.


Oh, boy, can you say that again! But, as you say, hopefully, most readers/members have gotten to the point that, if push comes to shove, they will be able to figure stuff out and read the signs and navigate on their own if need be.
Kinyash said:
Nonetheless I sense a danger.........the Charlie Hebdo saga has changed the whole equation for France and the world. Slowly the grand plan is unfolding and the clock ticks closer and closer. There's nowhere left to run or so it seems. Indeed we live in interesting times.


It looks like the economic/financial system is being tripped by events as well:

- Oil and copper continue to plunge
- Russia's decision on natural gas to Europe
- Russia decision on buying Rubles with their reserves
- Swiss take off there peg from the Euro
- Pretty big stock market volatility worldwide the last few months, especially the last few weeks
- Gold and Silver jumping today on the Swiss news

to name a few. So this is all going in the background of the whole CH change in France and the world.
Meanwhile, breaking news:

President Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron will take questions soon from reporters at the White House. The meeting comes against the backdrop of the terror attack on the Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris, an ongoing terror threat across Europe and the cyberattack on Sony Pictures.

The two are expected to announce new cooperation on combating cyberattacks.

The news conference will be the first time Obama is questioned about the Paris attacks, and his failure to attend a unity march held in the French capital last weekend.

Watch live coverage on CNN TV, and CNN Mobile.

Oh, brother.
Laura said:
Watch live coverage on CNN TV, and CNN Mobile.

Here's the live link on RT

Added: Don't forget to bring a sick bag. :barf: Did you know that there is a severe terror threat to the Jewish community in UK? Yep, UK is apparently next.
MORE breaking news:

Russian journal interview with Le Pen here:

Google translation:

Special correspondent of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" Daria Aslamova talked to prominent European politicians - the founder of the "National Front" in France

This 86-year-old politician - the legend of France. The founder of the party "National Front" and MEP Jean-Marie Le Pen. As a teenager, participated in the resistance movement. He fought in the airborne troops in Indochina and Algeria. Old man with difficulty rising from a chair and politely declined my hand. He damaged his left eye in a street brawl, but he was perfectly right eye sees women. The Frenchman has a Frenchman. "The beauty, who came to us from the Russian frost" - courtesy he tells me. Flattery, of course, but what woman does not melt the compliment?

- Monsieur Le Pen you first made the statement "I do not Charly" . How Come?

- I do not Charly Ebdo. This anarchist rag was a direct enemy of our party "National Front", and a few years ago its journalists were collecting signatures on a petition demanding the closure of us. And all these politicians who came to the demonstration - is not Charly and Charlot! (So-called French clowns, comedians. - DA) They can organize a show with a strong media attack and the slogan "I Charly" temporarily mobilize the nation, but they are not able to protect the country from the influx of immigrants from the south. I would like to be Charly Martella. (So named battleship naval forces of France after the French military leader Charles Martel. - DA) Martell, this brilliant French soldier in 732 stopped the Arab invasion in Poitiers.

- But now in the court in 2015!

- Yes, and live in France from 15 to 20 million Muslims. All French governments, left or right, allow immigration and even encouraged it. Every year comes three hundred thousand people and not looking for work. On social benefits in France live from 6 to 8 million people, which suggests that this immigration - not gastarbayterskaya, working and aggressive. This is the result of a common Christian and European decadence. Europe has banned the borders within the EU. And now from the south, which nobody protects us in France leak hundreds of thousands of people. It looks like the intra-European betrayal.

- But France itself partly to blame for this. People are fleeing from war and chaos. After all, France has turned Libya into ruins!

- It was a real crazy - to get involved in a war with Libya. French planes bombed Gaddafi's tanks at a time when he was preparing to take Benghazi - the main stronghold of the Salafis (Wahhabis). Today in Libya reigns complete anarchy. From there, arms spreading across North Africa and French leaders such as Sarkozy, are directly responsible for it.

- What do you think about the Ukrainian crisis , the division of Europe and Russia?

- It provoked NATO Ukrainian crisis, trying to get closer to Russia's borders. The position of our party is this: the conflict between the Russian and Ukrainian - a family quarrel. After all, Russia was born in Kiev. And neither Europeans nor the Americans do not need to interfere in this family drama. Russian and Ukrainians themselves will understand each other. But there is no doubt that the United States continues to treat Russia as the Soviet Union and try to shake your government and with Georgia and Ukraine.

- You are a member of the European Parliament on the situation with the Malaysian downed Boeing. What do you think about this crime?

- The surprising fact is that all investigations are conducted in an atmosphere of great secrecy. I'm no expert, but it is clear to make this kind of attack requires military professionals of the highest level and high-precision weapons, which have militias was not simple. And the obvious question: why civilian aircraft flying in a war zone? Who let this happen?

- This year will be signed transatlantic partnership between the United States and the European Union. What are the benefits it promises Europe?

- Yes, no. It would be a disaster! We turned into an economic colony of America. The EU is moving in the wrong direction - to the west, and it is necessary to turn to the east, Russia. We need a united Europe - from the Atlantic to the Pacific, but Europe of sovereign nations. In Russia's demographic problems, and it increasingly difficult to keep Siberia. However, Siberia - a geo-strategic location, it is absolutely necessary for the survival of the whole of Europe. Needs a strong alliance between Europe with its high technology and Russia, with its resources. Our commitment to history. If we do not, then our continent with its demographic depression in the cultural and economic sense simply disappear.

All French government encouraged the influx of migrants, and now live in the country from 15 to 20 million Muslims. According to Le Pen, this migration of labor has long become a conquest. Photo: AP

Look at Germany: it's a gold-plated coffin full of dead bodies. The Germans - a dying nation. How many children give birth in Europe? Per woman on average 1.3 children. And just to keep the previous level of the population requires 2.5. And now look at the world around us. Muslim countries, India - per woman between 3 and 5 children. I've said nothing about China. If he cancels the rule of "one family - one child" population explosion will happen, that will shake the entire planet. But Europe must be saved individually, without relying on bureaucrats in Brussels. France should withdraw from the EU to limit immigration and to solve economic problems on their own. We need to get the French to understand that our salvation - to national sovereignty.

- But your party "National Front" is not even invited to the general demonstration against terrorism!
- Because we are the defenders of the national idea. We had to be at the forefront, as it is the "National Front" spoke of the urgent problems of immigration for many years! On the possibility of Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism.

- However, in "Charly Ebdo" too many white spots.

- I agree. These forgotten passport brothers Kuashi remind me falling out of the burned aircraft September 11, 2001 and miraculously survived a terrorist passport. New York burned, but the passport was neat. We now say that the terrorists - idiots, that's why, they say, they have left the documents in the car. The shooting of "Charly Ebdo" has handwriting operation of the secret service, but we have no proof. I do not think that the organizers of the crime - the French authorities, but they allowed this crime is committed. This is only a guess.

- Why "Charly Ebdo" constantly insulted Muslims and Christians, but hardly touched the Jews?

- Because the Jews know how to defend themselves. Pay attention to the "Femen". They can run around naked in front of the Pope, naked in the Cathedral of Notre Dame, but they never put it in the synagogue.

- Europe mourns the dead cartoonist, but does not see the death of Russian journalists in the Donbass .

- Because it's real journalists, not the Trotskyists and anarchists of "Charly". Even if I killed their colleagues from the French newspapers, "Charly Ebdo" with pleasure "joking" about other people's deaths would.

- In France, on the background of the tragedy now rapidly gaining ground especially unpopular president Hollande. What are the chances of your daughter Marine Le Pen in the next presidential election?
- Yes, she can win, but I'm afraid it will get to the ruins of this country. France economically irresistibly heading for the abyss.

"National Front" - the far-right party in France. Founded by Jean-Marie Le Pen in 1972, many years consistently struggles with immigration from non-European countries, advocates for traditional values and independent policy of Paris, without the dictates of Brussels. Currently firmly opposes anti-Russian sanctions.

In 2002, Jean-Marie Le Pen received second place in the presidential election with nearly 18% of the vote, but eventually lost to Jacques Chirac.

In 2011, the party headed by his daughter Marine Le Pen, and a year later in the presidential election Marine gets almost 20% of the vote, and the "National Front" is held in the lower house of parliament. Great success at the party in the European Parliament: elections 2014 "National Front" received 22 mandate instead of three.

Recent polls have shown that the next presidential election in 2017 in Le Pen has all chances to win.


Afterword to "Charly"


How fortunate that I do not live in France. In the center of my city at the iconic buildings, for example, in the Kremlin, is written: "I - church robber, I draw the Christian God the Father and God the Son at the time of sexual intercourse and spit on anyone who does not like it." I translated correctly because laconic "I - Charles' nespa? Or, as there is in Russian - is not it?

Every society has its freaks, fighters with all the world, fans of the scrotum to beat Red Square (ie sick people fixated on genital vulgarization shrines). But when "I also freak! Too crazy! I hurt and ready to insult you! "- Says the whole society, to live in it or near it becomes terrible ( details )

This interview seems to have made the French MSM:
Keit said:
Laura said:
Watch live coverage on CNN TV, and CNN Mobile.

Here's the live link on RT

Added: Don't forget to bring a sick bag. :barf: Did you know that there is a severe terror threat to the Jewish community in UK? Yep, UK is apparently next.

Just incase anybody hasn't seen this (i checked sott):
Jewish patrol cars out in force in London amid fears of copycat attack in wake of kosher store siege in Paris

Extra Jewish security patrol cars are out in force in North-West London
Move made amid fears of copycat attack in wake of Paris massacres
Tributes paid to victims of terrorist atrocities which left 17 people dead
Security cars look [exactly] similar to police vehicles and bear the name 'Shomrim'
Volunteers receive police training and uniforms, including knife-proof vests


10 years in London and passing through those areas, i can't remember seeing one of those cars, but then i may have just brushed it off as normal. Apparently impersonating an officer doesn't apply here.

And considering the threats of removing passports for any outstanding debts (Dubai does this), the internet censorship push and everything else in UK, 'things' are getting real.

And if this is true, the symbolism may be ominous:

ALL planets will be on the same side of the Sun, opposing Saturn for the next 30 days! January 14, 2015.

I checked a simulator and even if it isn't exact, it's fairly weighted to one side. (image attached)


  • Weighted Saturn.png
    Weighted Saturn.png
    171.2 KB · Views: 351
Perceval said:
Didn't think of this before, but this suggests that it wasn't/isn't ALL Jews but CERTAIN semites and "on an individual basis". But if you don't know which ones, you have to destroy them all to be sure.

That's an interesting thought -- it's similar to the biblical story where Herod didn't know exactly where baby Jesus was, so he made a blanket order to just kill all of the first-born sons of the Israelites.

Perceval said:
Also, here the reference is to "Jews" not semites. So I wonder if this "encoding" is still limited to Jews.

I don't think so (see below) -- I've wondered about what exactly the term "encoding" means as well. The only other place it seems to be used this specific way in the transcripts is in reference to Jesus (aka Caesar?). There are other mentions of encodings done during abductions, for example to program people to want to kill themselves. So it doesn't seem to be specifically genetic, but rather some kind of information that's programmed into a soul and meant to remain latent until some kind of trigger activates it -- it can presumably be either positive or negative.

Below I'll quote a few excerpts from my condensed version of the transcripts -- these are essentially entries where I try to strip down everything on a certain topic into a coherent narrative. They are only shorthand for the full material, and any ambiguities should be resolved by searching the original transcripts, which provide full context. The first one is on Jews/Semites (I've not included material on 'Hebrews', which the Cs seem to treat differently):

The Semitic race are not engineered on earth, but in Orion lab as all others. They were “planted” in the Middle East. There was no basic type that was here on the planet and was then taken to an Orion lab and genetically modified and then planted!!! The Jews were genetically engineered and then planted in the Middle East 130,000 years ago. They haven’t managed to retain any racial purity for that long. Semites are partly a mixture of Aryan genetics and Black genetics. Once before we talked about the "mission destiny profile prior encoding" of the Semitic genetic code structure. Of course, we talked about this being done 130,000 years ago, so that's a long time. But, that original code structure was put into the genetic code of the Black peoples to then be spread via their mixture with Aryans - as Semites - into other races -- partly. The other part is genetic tweaking of Semites. There is not really something in the sub-Saharan African genes that makes one tend more toward STO. Regarding the genetic tweak that was made 130,000 years ago to the Semites -- question is what is a Semite? We made a remark that this thing with Hitler goes off planet. This was something that was going on on Kantek before it exploded. The Semites had a significant role in the collapse of Atlantis, indeed! When we're looking at a replay, we're REALLY looking at a replay! The real Semites are the Aryans! Is Semite like Middle Eastern? Was it? The genetic tweak was made in the Aryan Semites. Reason for destruction of Jews of the "Abrahamic" line. Many of the Arabs carry the same anti-Nephilim genes that we once said were in the original Jews. Today, many populations outside of those Jewish and Arab communities carry it as well.

I still don't understand exactly what it is about the Semitic encoding that could negate the original plan for the development of a "master race", but here is part of an entry on that topic:

But, to answer your question about who engineered the Semitic race: there are many reasons both from on and off the planet. Hitler was so determined, beyond all reason, even to his own self-destruction, to annihilate the Jews for many reasons and very complex. The purpose was to create an adequate “breeding ground” for the reintroduction of the Nephalim, for the purpose of total control of the 3rd density earth prior to elevation to 4th density, where such conquest is more difficult and less certain! We mean “breeding ground” in the sense of genetic breeding. Third density. They didn’t accomplish this goal. The creation of the Germanic “Master Race” was what they were going after, to create this “breeding ground.” A Germanic master race couldn’t be created without destroying another group because of 4th density prior encoding mission destiny profile. This means encoding to activate after elevation to 4th density, thus if not eliminated, negates Nephalim domination and absorption. Jews were prior encoded to carry out mission after conversion, though on individual basis. The Nazis did not exactly know why they were being driven to destroy them, because they were being controlled from 4th density STS. But, Hitler communicated directly with Lizards, and Orion STS, and was instructed on how to create the “master race.” We cannot tell you what the plan is now, as you would seek to reveal it prematurely, leading to your destruction!!!!

Aryan genetic types seen to be more desirable for creation of this Germanic ‘master race’ because of both similarity and ancestral link most unblemished from Orion 3rd and 4th density stock. They were essentially trying to breed a group of people like themselves. How would you suggest creation? Obviously this was for the introduction of some other genetic strain. Nephalim. Having an “advance party” makes 3rd density conquest much easier. This Master Race was supposed to get everything ready. Semitic genes would blemish genetic characteristics inclined to ruthlessness and domination. There is something, some genetic tendency or set of genes in the Semitic type that would counteract this (close).

Now, some history... as you know, the CIA and NSA and other agencies are the children of Nazi Gestapo... the SS, which was experiment influenced by Antareans who were practicing for the eventual reintroduction of the nephalim on to 3rd and or 4th density earth. And the contact with the “Antareans” was initiated by the Thule Society, which groomed its dupe subject, Adolph Hitler to be the all time mind programmed figurehead. It was said that Celts are sturdier in some way on the surface. That means both surface as in their appearance, and surface as in underground. The Celts are part of these underground civilizations. They went underground on several occasions, the most recent being, on your calendar: 1941 through 1945. Last episode of mass migration, mostly Deutschlanders. Antarctica. Under there. Entry port. They entered through their constructed base, as instructed, then were assimilated into the population already existent. They did build a base. They were instructed to go there by those identifying themselves as “Antareans.” STS Humanoid Orion linkage -- an STS race from Orion that is humanoid. The Thule Society originated contact. Antareans were the name given by 4th density groups in contact with the Thule Society on third density Earth, before and during World War One. There is no one currently labeling themselves as “Antareans,” in contact with anyone now. This particular group is no longer here. Admiral Byrd saw something over the pole, but he was led to believe he was chasing what amounted to merely an encampment of detached Nazis. Byrd saw something and was then led off the track. This is where “The Master Race” is being developed. Never mind what the timeframe is they have planned for this activity. Too much, too soon, my dear. Curiosity killed the cat. Satisfaction didn’t bring him back in this case!!!

The Aryans have been glorified as the “master race” because they are more suited to living underground (close). All types there are “Aryan.” The underground civilization developed on its own. It is managed or manipulated by Orions as well. These “manager” Orions are from other densities and not. The human types there are “bi-density.” Grays and Lizards are 4th density. They can “visit” 3rd density, but they must keep returning to 4th in order to “regenerate.” The human/Aryan types can exist as long as they want in 4th and 3rd; not with “equal ease,” because 4th density is easier, naturally. “Martians” is easier to understand for the less well-informed, not to mention any discussion of the densities!

The "encoded" Semites are sometimes mentioned as though they are intended to be a counterbalance to the Nephalim, something that will "level the playing field" upon transition to fourth density.

The Nephalim were a group of humanoid types brought here to earth to be enforcers. They are the enforcers of the Grays and Lizzies. The Nephalim are enforcers, slaves of Orion. The Nephalim was a race of beings in the third level of density which came from an actual planet at another point in this particular galaxy also in the third level of density, who were taken, or shall we say kidnapped, reprogrammed and retrained by the Lizard Beings to act as enforcers during a particular era of what you would measure as your past...The name of the planet they came from is Dorlaqua. This planet was located in the Orion complex. From Planet 3C, or 3rd star, 3rd planet. The Nephalim were seeded on a planet called D’Ankhiar as were human beings. The Nephalim currently live in Orion. Don’t have a planet.

Nephalim are not currently on your world, just trace residuals. There are human beings, on Earth, at the present time, who carry in them the Nephalim genes. These Nephalim genetics would be passed down in the natural way, not be the result of genetic manipulation by genetically altering a fetus and then putting it back. One clue: double Y chromosomes. Nephalim were male. Prisons are filled with double Y’s with monstrous personality disorders, almost always Caucasian and over-sized. Also, “bikers” often carry the gene. We suggest you not share this in a general way on the net!!!

There is a large fleet of space-ships riding a wave, so to speak, approaching your planet. These ships are from Zeta Reticuli. They will arrive in 1 month to 18 years; this is such a huge fleet that space/time warping is irregular and difficult to determine as you measure time. These craft are riding a “wave” of some sort. Mass affects electromagnetic transfer within gravity wave, therefore the space/time warp is indefinite in terms of arrival. If there is a large mass you are trying to transfer, the problem is partly because the mass itself spreads out over such a large area of space/time and must be transferred in stages or something along that line (close). Mass affects time cycle: small equals short cycle; large or dense equals long cycle.

There are supposed to be 36 million of them coming with the wave. These Nephalim are coming and there are about 36 million of them. In transit in three vehicles. Each vehicle holds about 12 million. Wave, comet cluster all using same energy to pass through space\time. Without wave they are slower. Wave follows cluster. The realm border wave doesn’t follow the comet cluster in a permanent way. The Nephalim are coming 36 million strong as enforcers for the Lizzies, but as far as the Confederation having a like amount for defense, we don’t operate that way. The 36 million will be against all on the planet when the time comes. Those who have the knowledge and can dispense it to others. None of the Nephalim are going to be friendly toward you. The Nephalim use stun guns to do their “enforcing.” They actually use some kind of material weapon. Behave like gestapo. Gestapo was inspired by Nephalim through Lizard beings’ influence over Hitler. It was a practice run.

The 36 million Nephalim heading this way live in 4D but are 3D. They are as physical as you. They already live there as 3 density beings. Demonstration: When you are abducted you are 3rd density but you are taken into 4th density. The Nephalim die like you do. You can shoot them and they will die, but wrong approach. The right approach is that knowledge protects. If a 15-foot tall guy comes at you and wants to knock you around, you will be in 4th density. Before they get here you will be crossing to 4D. You, and many others. You are still going to have to deal with the Nephalim.

Since the apparent failure of what I understand to be the original plan to coordinate the introduction of the Nephalim with the "master race" while the Earth is still in third density, it has been deduced that the new plan for "softening us up" was the introduction of psychopaths (presumably through alteration of the timeline). Laura has also speculated in her published volume of the 1994 transcripts (p. 174-75) that some of the above information may have been symbolic, and that the Nephalim may not have been transported physically, but either as souls intended to reincarnate into genetically modified humans, or even as virii which modify the human genome (the two ideas are not mutually incompatible). In any case, it's kind of chilling look at the continuity between the attacks on the Jews in WWII and the present demonization of Muslims in the long-range context of what might be though of an "alien/hyperdimensional agenda":

The human race was genetically engineered to be slaves. Lizard beings were the genetic engineers of this slavehood. The Lizzies currently near you. The Lizzies are planning to take over your planet. They are planning on landing and doing this openly (close). They utilize such things as possession by dark energy forms to effect their control. They are in cahoots with Orions. The Lizzies, when they achieved their domination 300,000 years ago, did not just move here and take up residence and be in charge, because there was no desire to inhabit same realm, since you are 3rd level they are 4th level. They are planning to now because they want to rule you in 4th density. Their intention is to move in and take over. That has been their intention for quite some time. They have been traveling back and forth through time as you know it, to set things up so that they can absorb a maximum amount of negative energy with the transference from third level to fourth level that this planet is going to experience, in the hopes that they can overtake you on the fourth level and thereby accomplish several things:

1: retaining their race as a viable species
2: increasing their numbers
3: increasing their power
4: expanding their race throughout the realm of fourth density

To do all of this they have been interfering with events for what you would measure on your calendar as approximately 74 thousand years. And they have been doing so in a completely still state of space time traveling backward and forward at will during this work. Interestingly enough, though, all of this will fail. We are sure it will fail because we see it. We are able to see all, not just what we want to see. Their failing is that they see only what they want to see. In other words, it’s the highest manifestation possible of that which you would refer to as wishful thinking. And, wishful thinking represented on the fourth level of density becomes reality for that level. You know how you wishfully think? Well, it isn’t quite reality for you because you are on the third level, but if you are on the fourth level and you were to perform the same function, it would indeed be your awareness of reality. Therefore they cannot see what we can see since we serve others as opposed to self, and since we are on sixth level, we can see all that is at all points as is, not as we would want it to be.

The Lizzies did not live among mankind, but they did interact directly with human beings, at various points in the past. It was at those points when human beings were ready, willing and able to accept deities appearing directly from outside sources and then worship them. Such things would not have occurred in the recent past. But, beware, it may very well occur very soon.

At one point in a previous transmission it was stated that the Lizard beings altered the human race after a battle for their own “feeding” purposes. It would not be possible for these beings to completely control your existence. If it were you would not be able to do the things your race has done. There has been interference by the Lizard beings in the physical structure of the human beings for their own benefit. Remember what we told you before. They have been interfering with the time cycle experienced on this plane, for quite some time as you measure it. For 74 thousand years they have been interfering in a backwards and forwards time reference manner in order to set up circumstances that they perceive to be beneficial for them in the measure of time that you would consider to be forward, that is, in the future. They have been going backwards and forwards in time to do this. They are suspended in the time cycle as they do this. So what they perceive as being your equivalent of one hour could be as long as 74 thousand years. They originally set up circumstances for their benefit 309 thousand years ago, however, they have been using the particular bracketed period of the 74 thousand year period alter things in all the various ways mentioned earlier.

The Grays are time travelers, therefore, “Time is ongoing.” Do you understand the gravity of last response? It is totally unlimited, is it not? If they were to move back through space time and alter an event in your past, that alteration in the past would instantaneously alter your present as well. Has over and over and over. You just are not yet aware, and have no idea of the ramifications!!! In other words, your only real prayer in this whole damn situation is to get out of this density level (close). You are in a time loop. Time is a control mechanism. There is no way for you to break the control mechanism besides moving to 4th density.

On previous occasions we have discussed the alien plan to manipulate humanity via time travel, creating an infrastructure for taking over the world. We are saying that it will be done in such a way that there is no “outward” sign that it has happened (close). In other words, the world is being taken over gradually, and most people aren’t even aware of it … sort of. Natural processes. You are impatient for a quick, packaged definition. One could call it evolution. Who says such rules apply? Natural processes are not restricted by your preconceived boundaries. Simply allowing the control structure is part of it, but we know you can exceed your programmed ideas if you try. Conquest, or lack thereof is a matter of opinion/perception.

This Top Secret document and the Anna Hayes material to some extent, both talk about many abductions being “yourselves from the future” who have come back to the past, or what is for us, the present, to abduct their own bodies to make genetic adjustments so that they can advance and not make the mistakes they made in another timeline. Very close to the truth! You cannot abduct yourself in an STO manner and help yourself in this way. That is not STO. When that is happening, and if it is happening, it is occurring in the STS parameter. The STO do not concern themselves with such things. You are thinking in STS terms. But that is natural, since human 3rd density is STS. STO individuals coming back from the future into the past concern themselves with answering calls for assistance with knowledge. Infinite number of possible answers to the question of what these STS individuals coming back into the past hope to do by genetically tweaking their ancestors.

Human containers: storage for later use. 94 per cent of all population will be used for total consumption and consumed for ingredients. New race -- new life here. Important. Project will be finished in approximately 13 years. They are used for parts, to reprototype. There is a big effort on behalf of Orions and their human brethren to create a new race and control it as well as the rest of humanity. The project is physical and souls recycled, back here for the most part but some go to other planets. They are using your energy and bodies to create a new race. Theirs is fading out. The Orions and Lizards are synonymous (close). There is an effort on the part of these beings to create a new race. Theirs no longer satisfies them. They are creating some kind of super-physical beings [that] they can then move into and occupy which will have very advanced abilities that would enable them to serve self better, longer and more completely. They are going to enter into the bodies themselves so that they can switch their reality. They will try to prepare a bunch of soulless bodies into which they can enter in themselves. Just because 94 percent may “die” does not necessarily mean success for STS forces. The energy of “containers” can be utilized positively or negatively. Also, notice that the plans were revealed prior to the efforts of the present company. Remember the flapping butterfly wings.

When they sample an abductee’s tissue and take the little scoops or chunks out of them, they take these chunks of flesh for cloning. They have taken twins, or one of a pair of twins, and raised one artificially. This is not done frequently. The purpose of taking one of a pair of twins is to study to determine which is best soul receptacle: one of twins or clone. They raise them on their ships or in their enclave wherever they are. They teach them a great deal. They do this to test the brain capacity of the human being and other reasons. They are trying to decide which is the best receptacle, the clone or the twin, for their future project to switch physical realities.

You read the new book by Dr. David Jacobs, professor of History at Temple University, concerning his extensive research into the alien abduction phenomenon. [Dr. Jacobs wrote his Ph.D. thesis on the history of the UFOs.] Dr. Jacobs says that now, after all of these years of somewhat rigorous research, he KNOWS what the aliens are here for and he is afraid. David Jacobs says that producing offspring is the primary objective behind the abduction phenomenon. Part, but not “the whole thing.” Another dominant reason is replacement. Of you. Mainly creating a race to replace human beings. You see, if one desires to create a new race, what better way than to mass hybridize, then mass reincarnate. Especially when the host species is so forever ignorant, controlled, and anthropocentric. What a lovely environment for total destruction and conquest and replacement... see?

A lot of people are writing to you about dreams lately. They seem to be having a lot of dreams about beings in the sky, entering your reality. All kinds of strange things. Beings come and go at will always, it is the awareness that is expanding. Another trend of the dreams is being pursued, attacked, split up from their families, being put in concentration camps - just all kinds of things. All are possible futures, just wait and see. There is an alien race that has plans to replace your physical vehicles with a new “model.” They (Orion STS) are going to “retire” the old models. This is essentially what happened with Neanderthal! For a period of time some continued to exist on the planet alongside the new model, cro-magnon. Neanderthal existed side by side with the “new model” for 233 years. Time references have been miscalculated by science. Neanderthal appeared on the planet 5.3 million years ago. When science says that modern man appeared 35 to 40 thousand years ago, and Neanderthal disappeared at the same time, the real time frame was 70 to 80 thousand years ago -- in other words, a factor of 2 error (close). You can’t depend on any of the dating methods because of metamorphosis and genetic manipulation. We have said that those who transition into 4th density in the body will go through some kind of rejuvenation process or body regeneration or something. That means that these present “Neanderthal” type bodies that you presently occupy will morph into something more in line with the new model -- it is genetically encoded into some of them to do so -- something like that.

There is no way we can prevent Orion abductions, because it would interfere with universal law of free will and service to self. They have more power than you. We can’t help you because it would interfere in natural progression of your race and theirs. The Jews called upon us to save them and we could not. And, natives of your land called upon us and we could not save them from your race; we could not stop that either. It is natural progression, see? What makes you think you are special? But it is the soul that matters, not the body. The body dies not the soul.

In his book, Dr. Jacobs says that there is ongoing abductions through particular families [...] We have told you before: the Nazi experience was a “trial run,” and by now you see the similarities, do you not? Now, we have also told you that the experience of the “Native Americans” vis a vis the Europeans may be a precursor in microcosm. Also, what Earthian 3rd density does to Terran 2nd density should offer “food for thought.” In other words, thou are not so special, despiteth thoust perspective, eh? And we have also warned that after conversion of Earth humans to 4th density, the Orion 4th density and their allies hope to control you “there.” Now put this all together and what have you? At least you should by now know that it is the soul that matters, not the body. Others have genetically, spiritually and psychically manipulated/engineered you to be bodycentric. Interesting, as despite all efforts by 4th through 6th density STO, this “veil remains unbroken.” As with all else, it is not what you should do with this information, it is just that you have it. Is there any possibility of defeating the Spanish Conquistadores and the English, French, Dutch and German “colonists?” And you expected a Rose Garden? You chose to “deal with it,” now did you not? No drinking on 5th density! All there is is lessons!! Your experiences never end, only transform. No bodycentrics need apply. We once said something about the transition to 4th density creating a ‘level playing field.’ Then, the people will wake up and there will be a battle between the humans and aliens.... All in the Native American drama were at 3rd density. The rabbits, rats, dogs, etc. are not on a level playing field with you! The aliens know about the upcoming comets and all that sort of thing. And they have the idea that what they are doing, this race they are creating, is going to survive this cataclysmic activity. That is ‘of course’ as in both they ARE going to survive and that they BELIEVE they are going to survive. You are still not seeing the “bigger picture.” Your souls, your consciousness. How long did you expect to “live?” And is 70 or 80 years long? Think about it. Have you had any contemporaries who transited to 5th density? How come? How can this be possible? Because they died. Why? Because that is what bodies do. But is it “fair?” If that is what they choose. And... you seem to be under the impression that only “good” experiences are acceptable. The point is the lesson. Do you not understand still? The lesson, the lessons, that is all there is. They are all immeasurably valuable. That it is ugly is your perspective. You are supposed to just awaken to the fact that you can SEE all this stuff going on. If you know what the script is, you don’t have to watch the movie -- but then you miss out on the experience. Ecstasy, remember? Not so long ago, your face smashed upon the pavement... That was an ecstatic experience. The perspective on 3rd density is that you don’t have faces to smash on pavements! Neither will/do you/us. Knowledge protects against many things. One example: post transformational trauma and confusion. We mean both transformation from 3rd to 4th density and 3rd to 5th density, i.e. death. If one does not have the shock and trauma and the confusion and so forth, one is then able to function better. If a person transitions directly from 3rd to 4th density without cycling through 5th density via dying, that implies that persons can transition directly from 3rd to 4th density without dying. That experience is like Alice through the looking glass. Trauma is a lesson, but if you have foreknowledge, you are learning that lesson early, and in a different way. If you learn the lesson in a different way, that mitigates the need or the way or the process of the way of learning at the time of transition. Smoother. You can convey this information, but suggest it be done in a subtle fashion. It is not all “munch, crunch, yum yum”, and you know it! Most are not eaten, just manipulated. Knowledge protects in the most amazing ways.

Suggest a review of the transcripts relating to the situation in Nazi Germany for better understanding here. We wish to review some things first. The concept of a “master race” put forward by the Nazis was merely a 4th density STS effort to create a physical vehicle with the correct frequency resonance vibration for 4th density STS souls to occupy in 3rd density. It was also a “trial run” for planned events in what you perceive to be your future. With a strong STS frequency they can have a “vehicle” in 3rd density. Frequency resonance vibration! Very important. You do not have very many of those like walk-ins present yet, but that was, and still is, the plan of some of the 4th density STS types. Last session we brought up the subject of Frequency Resonance Vibration. We suggested that there are certain STS forces who are developing or creating or managing physical bodies that they are trying to increase the frequency in so that they will have bodies that are wired so that they can manifest directly into 3rd density, since that seems to be the real barrier that prevents an all-out invasion, the fact that you are in 3rd density and they are in 4th. STO tends to do the process within the natural flow of things. STS seeks to alter creation processes to fit their ends.

Over 11 years ago we said that the Nazi master race idea was for the purposes of creating a breeding ground for the reintroduction of the Nephilim for total control of 3rd density prior to elevation to 4th, and that this failed. At the time Laura asked what their plan was now, and we said that we could not say because she would seek to reveal it leading to her destruction. You already figured it out. The new plan is to introduce the psychopaths in order to effect the total control of the planet along certain lines, and “culling” the non-psychopaths.

Regarding this invasion that was supposed to happen this year [2012]: In case you forgot, we once explained to you about the symbolic nature of communications between densities. Also, in case you have forgotten your own words: Who needs aliens when you have psychopaths? And how many clues have you been given? The bottom line is that you have already been invaded! When we talked in 1994 about an invasion, we really were talking about the takeover or imposition of psychopathic ideas. 9/11 was indeed kind of like the invasion, and even using super-secret tech. They become more visible during a time of transition because it is difficult to control matching frequencies when the frequencies of the multilevel environment keep changing.

No comment on when the aliens are gonna arrive!
Shijing, thanks for the well done condensed version. It connected some more dots for me with what the C's say to pay attention to the signs.

I am reminded of "30 Years Among the Dead" , "A dead Presbyterian is still a Presbyterian"

In the last section of your notes, the C's talk about going to 4d and 5d. The death part connects to the idea above, that if we don't take care of our karmic lessons here NOW, we might be confused/lost after that transition brought upon by disasters/comets/etc.

Just today a friend was shocked about what happened to Diudonne. I reminded her that we have lost the right to free speech and thought years ago but she didn't want to hear it then, so I didn't go into detail then.

It reminded me of this Nephalim invasion as an analogy for psychopaths infecting this planet. Sad, depressing- but the C's have said that they will fail, due to this wishful thinking. It seems that these extremes of twisting (violating?) free will on earth are pretty much bringing the disasters which will destroy them (which they think they can survive underground- but will not- as the underground will be more dangerous to collapse!).
Thank you for condensing all of that and posting, Shijing. As Divide by Zero stated, many new dots were connected, what with all that we've learned. Many thanks!
Hesper said:
Thank you for condensing all of that and posting, Shijing. As Divide by Zero stated, many new dots were connected, what with all that we've learned. Many thanks!

Yes, it is very good to have such a summary in one place. Thank you very much!
Not to be nitpicky, but the way you have written the bolded part below does not make sense with the rest of what you are discussing about the Celts being better suited to living underground.

Shijing said:
Now, some history... as you know, the CIA and NSA and other agencies are the children of Nazi Gestapo... the SS, which was experiment influenced by Antareans who were practicing for the eventual reintroduction of the nephalim on to 3rd and or 4th density earth. And the contact with the “Antareans” was initiated by the Thule Society, which groomed its dupe subject, Adolph Hitler to be the all time mind programmed figurehead. It was said that Celts are sturdier in some way on the surface. That means both surface as in their appearance, and surface as in underground. The Celts are part of these underground civilizations.

If the Celts were "sturdier on the surface" they would not do well under the surface. So I looked back through the older sessions and found this:

Session 941018 said:
Q: (L) Are the Aryan/Celts who came to this planet from the other one that was destroyed, were they, when they came, in any way superior to the humans already
A: Somewhat.
Q: (L) What was the nature of this superiority?
A: Durability.
Q: (L) Physical or mental?
A: Physical.
Q: (L) Well, blond haired, blue-eyed people seem to be somewhat more delicate or thin-skinned compared to, say, the blacks.
A: In this environment on surface.

This is clarified in other sessions such as this session:

Session 960831 said:
Q: (L) Question, this may take us somewhere. I noticed when I was redoing these transcripts for Ark to read that when we were discussing the origin of the Celts, that the question was asked, by me, were they in any way superior to the indigenous people of this planet? And the remark was, that they were sturdier in some way. And then I commented that they didn't appear to be sturdier than, say, some of the big Black people, because Celts are very fair, and very thin- skinned looking, and very delicate. It just seemed to me to be kind of an odd remark to make. However, the response that I received, which I didn't pick up on at the time, which blew me out of
the water, was that they were sturdier, but not necessarily on the surface of the planet... (J) No, they didn't say on the surface of the planet. They just said, on the surface.
(L) On the surface... Uh huh. So, does that surface mean surface of their appearance, or does that surface mean surface as in underground? That's my question.
A: Both.

And this:

Session 961123 said:
Q: (L) Now, wait a minute. I remember that when they said the Aryans were brought from Kantek and that they were "sturdier or something like that, and I remarked that it seemed that they would be less sturdy - and the C's answered "on the surface." Now, that has always bothered me. I don't think they meant "surface appearances." Have the Aryans been glorified as the "master race" because they are more suited to living underground?
A: Close. All types there are "Aryan."

So the Celts/Aryans were less sturdy on the surface on both counts.

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