First of all Thank You, Laura, The Crew and The C's!
This time I have decided to not try to do so many quotes and links but I probably will do a few. I just have felt a great chakra connection with the replies. I first of all think that we should not underestimate the enemy of truth which is even still in our genes and has to be worked on to eliminate (the predators mind?).
After reading THE CROWD A STUDY OF THE POPULAR MIND BY GUSTAVE LE BON I have no trouble believing that we will see much more of "I am Charlie" mentality spread from similar false-flag activities. But this session tells us that there are secret projects that are also using technology frequency weapons against humanity as well. I don't think it is limited to France either.
I just happened to see Glenn Beck on a news channel that had been replaced by him and heard him stir up anti-muslim sentiment. He is predicting that 9-11 will seem insignificant to what may happen in the US in the immediate future. He was so smug in his manner while two fellow commentators backed him up as he went along that I switched channels shortly after that.
What if similar events are planned all over the planet as has been mentioned to activate all at once? That means not just France but most of the big players in the show. But the C's hint that "help is on the way" and it was talked about that the plans could be slightly interrupted if natural frequency events trigger Manchurian candidates prematurely. I really hope that Cosmic help will come even as serious as it could be. I don't see much happening to break the "frequency" manipulation the technology is providing the PTB unless a Cosmic Wave changes some FRVs.
I have many puzzle pieces and C's hints floating around in my mind and I am sure most of you guys do too. I will just try to mention the pieces that stand out to me and you can give me some feed back and we can continue to try and put all our pieces together. Of course this is only the latest session so I don't mean it's over after this post but here goes.
I have been thinking about GENETICS a lot how does this fit into all the anti-semitic events? Or just genetics period? I have been pondering the 353535 code and after reading one of Ark's posts I think he was on to a genetic connection. Then there is GMO food contamination (that's what I call it anyway). Then the C's seem to say there are genetic factors to the soul's incarnation choice. And the Arian race is supposed to be closer to the Nephalim tendency for aggression and domination. I see a pattern of manipulation of genetics that just continues even after birth.
Then back to religion which is for some reason the main focus of the conflicts used to incite the division and hatred. We see also "secret" religions/organizations. I see that there are just more and more connections with many of the the "secret" and mainstream religions. I was going to give an example link but realized it only goes deeper into a rabbit hole and may be biased. The link was titled "The Judeo-Masonic Tradition of Mocking the Victim". I do think the concept of "Mocking the Victim" whether it is linked to these groups (I do not know for certain) is what seems to be a trait of psychopathy. I have read different authors where the "Mocking the Victim" ceremony/ritual was described. Of course I think the Mayans and other ancient civilizations/religions had elements of the same idea. Actually I think this psychopathic trait may have been in our genetics for thousands/millions of years. Maybe some ardent sports fans can relate? Circus Maximus anyone?
Here is a link that illustrates some of the ways we impose cruel mocking upon our fellow humans: _
I do not endorse or deride piperpost but I think this might be relative.
I guess what I am saying is that I think much of what we are now seeing
is "Mocking the Victim" and it sadly involves religions, secret societies, secret governments, black-ops etc.. But now to sum it up my latest take on the situation without going into more detail is that there are these are the issues I think we may be facing:
1. Genetics and a possible link to psychopathy
2. Technology being used to affect genetics (GMO)
3. Psychopathy and the use of Technology gone wild
4. Pre-disposition to certain genetic tendencies
5. Technology that may include time travel to affect future possibilities
6. Technology to affect us on an emotional/mental level infra-sound
7. Technology to that may also to a degree affect or at least upset the natural weather patterns
8. Natural cycles that may affect us in the near future (i.e. The Wave, moving into a 4th density period)
If many of us may be reincarnations of the Atlantan civilization we have not given up on using our technology unwisely it seems to me. So I guess I have just been seeing all of this chaos as a choice between STS and STO. I now look at STS as psychopathic at least in the extreme sense of it. The drama of it is difficult to watch for me but I guess I just want to see how it all turns out.
I do want to quote Whitecoast's comment:
With the exception of Ashkenazi Jews, aren't the genetics of Israeli and Arabs basically identical?
I was lying in bed last night, and the thought struck me that perhaps there's a reason the Jews are being encouraged by Israel to "come home". Mossad's support of antisemitic groups in Ukraine and elsewhere seems part of a strategy to scare Jews into emigrating to Israel. On top of this we have islamophobia being stroked to deport Muslims (since they can't do that with Jews anymore post WW2... I guess the Aryan racial agenda had to get rid of as many as possible during that small historic interval.
My point is, why are all these carrots and sticks being used to move all these Semites to ONE REGION of the world??? Is the plan to get the Jews to destroy the non-Jews, while the cosmos destroys Israel at the height of its genocidal triumph? Are the Aryans exploiting the human cosmic connection to get the Semites to destroy themselves ultimately, removing some of the 4D activated DNA that could oppose them?
I think this is at least a possibility that I hadn't thought about.
Thanks for all your inputs,
Joy to the Tribe (STO candidates that is)