thank you very much for the session!

Me, along with s-kur is expected that you will do it after the disaster with another Asian plane, and he suggested that there should be another some event after that to make the session, and here it happened.
all these last few days I watched how the world really becomes even more crazy because of this attack on "CH", every minute all the news was only about this, and nothing more, just an endless stream of "world sensation", kind of "incredible shock" and mass insanity of people because of it. a few days after the attack I was really just beginning to enrage me of this madness, as if there came the Apocalypse!I was angry at all those hypocrites who made a universal tragedy of murder REALLY are not innocent people, while all of them do not care about tens and hundreds of killed every day REALLY INNOCENT in the Middle East, Africa, the Caucasus and the Donbass. what the hell ?! I felt such a state as "people, you crazy!" you're just or really stupid flock of sheep, or nobodies, and all these ribbons and banners with the hashtag is a complete crap.
I do not understand how you can justify the abuse of other nationalities as "freedom of speech". what if the Arabs will draw any bosh about Western Catholic Jeez, these Europeans will be flipping it, laugh and say "cool, well, you did a great job, dudes!", yeah?
they would be immediately pelted with stones in every sense of this expression.
to insult Muslims - it is excellent and freedom of press, and then they blame the Muslims for what they are bad guys. and they equate them to ISIL, which they themselves have created, and are partly composed of the Europeans themselves, while special services that are so diligently watching every man allegedly not aware of where and how the Europeans are recruited and come into this grouping - this is rubbish. Inability to add 2 to 2, in the words of Oleg (s-kur). it all the same what to judge all Germans according to Hitler (there is the Russian saying).
But for EU's can do it with Muslims - at least foment ethnic discord with their stupid caricatures, it is even honorable, it is necessary, and even after this punishment of employees of printing house, they said they will continue to do it! dammit, you are not human beings, you just degenerate freaks.
and really a NORMAL human, a person in senses and who having the heart to be on side of Arabs, and I do not know how others feel it, but if I was a Muslim, I would wish to make a real attack, but not on clowns type workers of idiotic magazine, but on presidential administration - because it is not madness, not hate - it is indignation at all this ubiquitous schizophrenia, injustice and doublethink - a system of double standards.
and now these or other talking heads /PTB's/ "shake" masses of people about new "terrorist attacks", programming herd dance to their tune again to exercise its agenda, and among those millions of "sympathizers" there was no one who could at least something to start to think or guess than it might be in reality.
and about that machines for manipulating human emotions, I also thought, how millions of people INSTANTLY came out and realized what happened, and pinned themselves this stigma "I'm an Charlie-idiot".
yesterday before going to bed I read small translation of Laura's "Amazing Grace", and there's a snippet:
"At the same time, I was very well known pain and suffering on the planet, and it seemed that I was cursed by the exigencies" Settings "in the sense of this cosmic pain. I suffered with every starving child, each parent grief, with excruciating pain of the victims of violence man in relation to another person. I always prayed for pain relief in the world. But everywhere I looked, it was only the misery."
(This is a rough reverse translation from Russian, because I can not find this fragment in the original.)
So I have that too. I understand everything that it is lessons, direct or indirect selection of soul and all that, but nevertheless it is not an excuse for everything growing and growing madness and destruction.
and it pains me to see all this, I have empathy for my nature from birth, and I feel these people around the world with whom there are these terrible things, and that no one needs, they are no one will ever tell on TV and no one will remember them, they are thrown out broken and crushed.
There was a German doctor-volunteer, Albert Schweitzer, who devoted his life to serving others, I liked his phrase "while suffering from at least one living being, a man with a heart can not be happy."