Session 10 January 2015

Nienna said:
Not to be nitpicky, but the way you have written the bolded part below does not make sense with the rest of what you are discussing about the Celts being better suited to living underground [...] So the Celts/Aryans were less sturdy on the surface on both counts.

No worries, Nienna, and thanks for pointing out the ambiguity. In the sentence you bolded, I had tried to contextualize the C's answer in the sentence immediately following (the phrase "in some way" was meant to indicate that the precise meaning was unclear). But using what you've quoted above from all three sessions, the more elaborated version might read as follows:

The Aryan/Celts who came to this planet from the other one that was destroyed were, when they came, somewhat superior to the humans already here. Physical durability. Blond-haired, blue-eyed people seem to be somewhat more delicate or thin-skinned compared to, say, the blacks -- in this environment on surface. That surface means both surface of their appearance and surface as in underground. The Aryans have been glorified as the "master race" because they are more suited to living underground (close). All types there are "Aryan."

It's still a bit ambiguous due to the fact that "surface" can be meant literally, or it can be used to mean "superficially"; also, "surface" is a bit of an odd way to refer to a subterranean location. All things considered, though, it probably makes more sense that the Aryans/Celts are better adapted to living underground, like you said.
Laura said:
Session Date: January 10th 2015


(Galatea) On the David Attenborough documentary, he shows some fish swimming along a stream and just going around in circles. They don't do it to mate or to do anything else like feed. There's a mouse crawling up the wall behind that painting!

(Perceval) Spidermouse!

(Pierre) It's a channeling mouse.

(Galatea) So, they just swim in a circle and they have absolutely no idea why they do it. So, I was wondering why do the fish go there to swim in a circle?

A: Generating energy.

Q: (Galatea) Oh, so they generate energy. Interesting. So the fish are like witches.

(Chu) Do you want to ask about that weird thing you saw in the pool?

(L) Oh, yeah. What day was it? Was it Wednesday? It was the same day that this Charlie Hebdo thing happened, so that was Wednesday. So I was looking out the window at the guys who...

(Galatea) The mouse is crawling down.


Maybe this will sound a little wired , but since the first time i read about the mouse i remember one thing that my grandmother was telling me. Its that it you see mouse somewhere or you dream about it or there are wave of mice or rats in some place , that i means that there will be some detriment.
This idea just pop out in my memory when i read the transcripts for the first time. And maybe some kind of detriment actually happened. France get the wrong dark way and freedom of speak was also vanished.
I know that this looks like fairy tales but i feel that i need to share this.
Konstantin said:
Laura said:
Session Date: January 10th 2015


(Galatea) On the David Attenborough documentary, he shows some fish swimming along a stream and just going around in circles. They don't do it to mate or to do anything else like feed. There's a mouse crawling up the wall behind that painting!

(Perceval) Spidermouse!

(Pierre) It's a channeling mouse.

(Galatea) So, they just swim in a circle and they have absolutely no idea why they do it. So, I was wondering why do the fish go there to swim in a circle?

A: Generating energy.

Q: (Galatea) Oh, so they generate energy. Interesting. So the fish are like witches.

(Chu) Do you want to ask about that weird thing you saw in the pool?

(L) Oh, yeah. What day was it? Was it Wednesday? It was the same day that this Charlie Hebdo thing happened, so that was Wednesday. So I was looking out the window at the guys who...

(Galatea) The mouse is crawling down.


Maybe this will sound a little wired , but since the first time i read about the mouse i remember one thing that my grandmother was telling me. Its that it you see mouse somewhere or you dream about it or there are wave of mice or rats in some place , that i means that there will be some detriment.
This idea just pop out in my memory when i read the transcripts for the first time. And maybe some kind of detriment actually happened. France get the wrong dark way and freedom of speak was also vanished.
I know that this looks like fairy tales but i feel that i need to share this.


That is an interesting story about the symbolism of the mouse. I don't think it is weird personally just an interesting interpretation. It made me think of mice "coming out of the woodwork". That is an expression we sometimes use. I have been thinking that as things heat up or get worse we will see more psychopaths for what they really are and it will be like the rats/mice/vermin "coming out of the woodwork for all to see.

I hope that the positive side of at least some people will also be more obvious through all of this too, like you have done sharing your grandmothers mouse story. Thank you. :)
Thanks Shijing for the compilation, it is very helpful as I had the picture but only formed from the random transcripts. So glad you were able to put it all together. This knowledge really does protect!
Another hit for the C's!

Looks like the vortex comment was precisely what happened:
Indonesia's meteorological agency has said bad weather may have caused the crash, and investigators are analysing the data from the jet's black boxes before releasing a preliminary report.

Just moments before the plane disappeared off the radar, the pilot had asked to climb to avoid the storm. He was not immediately granted permission because of heavy air traffic.

"In the final minutes, the plane climbed at a speed which was beyond normal," Transport Minister Ignasius Jonan told reporters, citing radar data.

"The plane suddenly went up at a speed above the normal limit that it was able to climb to. Then it stalled."

Earlier at a parliamentary hearing, he said radar data showed the Airbus A320-200 appeared at one point to be climbing at a rate of 6,000 feet (1,800 metres) a minute before the crash. There were several other planes in the area at the time.

"I think it is rare even for a fighter jet to be able to climb 6,000 feet per minute," he said. "For a commercial flight, climbing around 1,000 to 2,000 (feet) is maybe already considered extraordinary, because it is not meant to climb that fast."
Perhaps 'climb' should be replaced by 'lifted'? or 'sucked up and then down'? or are they trying to avoid using words that might actually explain what they think happened per the recordings?
Wow! This is brilliant! Thank you for the work involved and fair play to you for not falling into the fear trap. This is such a powerful statement of intent coming from SOTT, you guys amaze me! WE WILL NOT BE OVERCOME BY FEAR, we will overcome... Great lesson! Thank you again.
Laura said:
(L) Oh yeah! Repeatedly they mention it in the ancient texts before the destruction of the Roman Empire that various scientists have determined was cometary/asteroidal. There are numerous mentions of plants blooming out of season; it seems to be part of the whole cataclysmic scenario where everything crazy is going on, and...

Very interesting. Last week, one of the local hunters here told us that for the last years/decades, the beeches (trees) here in Germany are having fruits ("Mast") every 5 years, whereas normally, this happens only every 10-15 years. This is one of the reasons for the overpopulation of the wild boars.

He also said that the scientists cannot really explain it - some say it's because of climate change and some say that plants do this because they expect to die and try to put out as much of their seeds as possible! Very interesting...
Speaking of plants blooming early, I was down in osoyoos working yesterday, and saw leaves popping out on some small lilacs, as well as other lilacs in the yard with their buds greening up. Very unusual for a shrub in canada in January, regardless of whether osoyoos is Canada's warmest clime.
Beside my house (NW-europe), there's a giant hogweed, flowering since christmas..
Don't think i've ever seen that before.

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