Session 10 May 2014

meta-agnostic said:
Thank you for the great session! Wish I could've been there! Last year I opted to try networking with family & friends back in the middle of the US rather than toughing it out on the East Coast. It seems to be working for me and it seems like you all are doing well out there still, but I still wish we could meet up once in a while!

Regarding soda, it's been years since I regularly drank any kind of sugar soda and I always thought the aspartame stuff was completely disgusting. Recently I've been indulging in this Zevia (dot com) stuff that I've been seeing popping up in grocery stores everywhere. It's stevia-sweetened soda that is really not half bad. I know it's probably not beneficial but it can't be as bad as sugar and/or aspartame and the other artificial sweeteners. Any thoughts on whether this is okay? It comes in an aluminum can :( but they do have a more expensive variety available in glass bottles. Drinking only purified water all the time gets boring!
I read through the FAQ's and the product doesn't appear to have any harmful ingredients at all. I think it is probably ok to have some of this soda brand occasionally as a change of pace. With all the other thousands of chemicals, hormones, antibiotics and other junk in our air and water bombarding us all the time something relatively benign we enjoy should not be any problem I think.

Added: You might want to avoid the flavors that contain caffeine.
Laura said:
Q: (L) Let me give a specific example. We have 108 editors on SOTT. We have 108 people who volunteered to work on SOTT. How many actually do? (Mr. Scott) Not very many. (Chu) 15 or 20? (Mr. Scott) I haven't checked lately, but probably about 15 or 20. But the people who post the most, it's usually like 3 or 4 people. (L) And the people who do the most are usually 3 or 4 people. And the same with some of the other languages. We have millions of readers, and this is a platform for people to actually be creative and say things and do things, and get messages across, and begin that creative process. But they can't do it because - and I know why - because it's so freaking depressing! I mean, you read the news, and you say, "Oh Geezus! Why don't I just go out and jump off a cliff because everything is so awful?!" I mean, I understand that...

A: See previous answer and do not underestimate the cumulative effect over time. All of you should just remember where you were five years ago, or ten years. The changes did not happen overnight now did they?

For all those SOTT editors who haven't been posting, and any potential SOTT editors, maybe think about it this way. If everyone were to just post ONE article a day, SOTT would have more daily articles than it currently does. It's that easy. Once you're familiar with the system, that means 5-10 minutes a day to put up a high-quality article, maybe with a comment. But editing SOTT is so fun, it's hard to just post one article! Picture in your mind how awesome SOTT currently is. Now imagine how much awesomer it could be!
Thank you for another amazing and very informative session. :thup:

Laura said:
A: Service to others. Notice that the people with the most problems that always talk only about themselves and their troubles, are the ones who do and give the least. They do not have confidence in the universal law of LIFE: Get things moving and you create a vacuum in your life into which energy can flow.

Q: (L) So, basically what you're saying is that people should think of it as a kind of a law that when you... maybe like the old biblical expression: "Cast your bread on the waters, and after many days, it will return to you" sort of thing? Just do it, and keep doing it without anticipation?

A: Absolutely! And it is true and works. Just notice people who do and give a lot: Are they spending time focused on the self? No!

Q: (L) Yeah, but everybody's got wounds and issues and all that kind of thing to work on. I mean...

A: [letters come very quickly] Balance! A portion of a day can be spent on reflection, but not too much. This is the Wetiko Virus: obsession with the self and subjective personal issues. The next time you feel yourself slipping into despair, just tell others how you are feeling and think of something you can do for another to prevent them from suffering the same feelings. [letters come more slowly now:] Thus you will witness the birth of true empathy.

This actually pretty much reflects my present state. Until a year ago or so I was quite involved with the Work. I used to post regularly, strictly following the diet, doing EE, donating and all that but I have since gone in a downward spiral where I hardly network or contribute but more importantly I've noticed that I have become very selfish and have lost confidence in myself. I even feel I may have some kind of strong negative attachment going on. While I was aware of this inner change, I always tried to hide it but by not dealing with it I have gone off the track so to speak. Sometimes I feel like a completely different person. :/

This is a big wake up call for me. Maybe I just need to stop worrying about my unimportant issues and start spending time networking and giving more.
When the Body Says No and The Wetiko Virus are now at the top of my reading list. :)
Laura said:
Session Date: May 10th 2014
A: If you know about something that can act against you, then you have won half the battle assuming that your heart is in the war.

An example of higher emotion - compassion/empathy - impelling spontaneously flowing creative movement (doing)

Like Laura has said creativity is key

Moving out / away from individuated self for sharing / helping others / Universe creates more room for energy reception (connected to receivership capability?) from others / Universe

(spontaneous interpretation thus far)

Gaby said:
Genius session! :guru: :wizard:

Thank you for the energy invested and for sharing :flowers:

I second this emotion :flowers: Thank You All :hug2: :wizard: :guru:
Concerning involving people and enlarge the group I was thinking why don't you organize seminars or workshops with networking between members in order to give to people the possibility to get involved (and maybe donate something in order to participate)?
Just an idea.

Approaching Infinity said:
Laura said:
Q: (L) Let me give a specific example. We have 108 editors on SOTT. We have 108 people who volunteered to work on SOTT. How many actually do? (Mr. Scott) Not very many. (Chu) 15 or 20? (Mr. Scott) I haven't checked lately, but probably about 15 or 20. But the people who post the most, it's usually like 3 or 4 people. (L) And the people who do the most are usually 3 or 4 people. And the same with some of the other languages. We have millions of readers, and this is a platform for people to actually be creative and say things and do things, and get messages across, and begin that creative process. But they can't do it because - and I know why - because it's so freaking depressing! I mean, you read the news, and you say, "Oh Geezus! Why don't I just go out and jump off a cliff because everything is so awful?!" I mean, I understand that...

A: See previous answer and do not underestimate the cumulative effect over time. All of you should just remember where you were five years ago, or ten years. The changes did not happen overnight now did they?

For all those SOTT editors who haven't been posting, and any potential SOTT editors, maybe think about it this way. If everyone were to just post ONE article a day, SOTT would have more daily articles than it currently does. It's that easy. Once you're familiar with the system, that means 5-10 minutes a day to put up a high-quality article, maybe with a comment. But editing SOTT is so fun, it's hard to just post one article! Picture in your mind how awesome SOTT currently is. Now imagine how much awesomer it could be!

And I want to add that working on SOTT for me, is the best way to get out of negative thought loops and transmute some of my crazy energy (which sometimes feels it's too much and I don't know what to do with it). Eg. when I realize that I am in the midst of a negative thought loop I try to engage myself in a task that forces my mind to concentrate on something else. And for me the BEST task for that, is posting articles on sott. As soon as I find my thoughts are out of my control and I am suspicious of their authenticity (basically, I am working myself up for nothing, based on subjective evaluations of a situation) or I am feeling angry/depressed/anxious and I am not sure why, posting sott articles has been the best task to help me out of it.

I have to focus my attention on what I am reading, what it reminds me of from previous news, apply my memory on doing everything correctly AND fast, and apply whatever angry/depressed/hopeless emotional energy into a proper comment or title if one is asked for. Article after article. At the end, I have used up all that crazy energy on doing something productive, my emotions have calmed down, and I can can go back to my previous thoughts (if I want to, sometimes the need for it goes away) and see them more objectively without the emotional coloring. Plus, I feel I have been useful, if nothing else, I can put an article or more up on sott, some person out there might read them and change their life, help them awaken.

Seriously, working on sott has helped me the most with controlling my emotions and my thoughts (I used to be worst! :shock: ). So use it as a tool to help you too, while helping in such a small but important way. Plus you get to know what is going on in the world, at any given moment, increasing our awareness of reality. And it's there, user-friendly and available to all of us. :cool2:
Thank you very much C's, Laura and the whole team for the session,inspiring and motivating. :flowers:
Alana said:
Approaching Infinity said:
Laura said:
Q: (L) Let me give a specific example. We have 108 editors on SOTT. We have 108 people who volunteered to work on SOTT. How many actually do? (Mr. Scott) Not very many. (Chu) 15 or 20? (Mr. Scott) I haven't checked lately, but probably about 15 or 20. But the people who post the most, it's usually like 3 or 4 people. (L) And the people who do the most are usually 3 or 4 people. And the same with some of the other languages. We have millions of readers, and this is a platform for people to actually be creative and say things and do things, and get messages across, and begin that creative process. But they can't do it because - and I know why - because it's so freaking depressing! I mean, you read the news, and you say, "Oh Geezus! Why don't I just go out and jump off a cliff because everything is so awful?!" I mean, I understand that...

A: See previous answer and do not underestimate the cumulative effect over time. All of you should just remember where you were five years ago, or ten years. The changes did not happen overnight now did they?

For all those SOTT editors who haven't been posting, and any potential SOTT editors, maybe think about it this way. If everyone were to just post ONE article a day, SOTT would have more daily articles than it currently does. It's that easy. Once you're familiar with the system, that means 5-10 minutes a day to put up a high-quality article, maybe with a comment. But editing SOTT is so fun, it's hard to just post one article! Picture in your mind how awesome SOTT currently is. Now imagine how much awesomer it could be!

And I want to add that working on SOTT for me, is the best way to get out of negative thought loops and transmute some of my crazy energy (which sometimes feels it's too much and I don't know what to do with it). Eg. when I realize that I am in the midst of a negative thought loop I try to engage myself in a task that forces my mind to concentrate on something else. And for me the BEST task for that, is posting articles on sott. As soon as I find my thoughts are out of my control and I am suspicious of their authenticity (basically, I am working myself up for nothing, based on subjective evaluations of a situation) or I am feeling angry/depressed/anxious and I am not sure why, posting sott articles has been the best task to help me out of it.

I have to focus my attention on what I am reading, what it reminds me of from previous news, apply my memory on doing everything correctly AND fast, and apply whatever angry/depressed/hopeless emotional energy into a proper comment or title if one is asked for. Article after article. At the end, I have used up all that crazy energy on doing something productive, my emotions have calmed down, and I can can go back to my previous thoughts (if I want to, sometimes the need for it goes away) and see them more objectively without the emotional coloring. Plus, I feel I have been useful, if nothing else, I can put an article or more up on sott, some person out there might read them and change their life, help them awaken.

Seriously, working on sott has helped me the most with controlling my emotions and my thoughts (I used to be worst! :shock: ). So use it as a tool to help you too, while helping in such a small but important way. Plus you get to know what is going on in the world, at any given moment, increasing our awareness of reality. And it's there, user-friendly and available to all of us. :cool2:

Totally agree with AI and Alana.

Not only when you are working on sott (either in english, french, spanish or german), you are helping people out there looking for the truth and a safe place to read their news but you are working on yourself too.
Thanks to all involved for having and sharing this session. Much appreciated. :rockon:

What strikes me most in this latest batch of sessions --especially those with skype attendance-- is how completely different they each are in atmosphere. I find it difficult to put into words exactly how they differ from each other and from the preceding 'standard' sessions but I definitely sense different underlying 'moods' blooming into the open each time. Certainly something to keep an eye on while this series develops further, I think.

Q: (Nuke) Thank you. (Jerry) Was Josephus actually Saint Paul from the New Testament?

A: No.

Thanks Jerry for posing this question, as I'm currently reading the works Flavius Josephus for the database project. I'm not surprised with the answer but anyway, always good to know their take on this one. :cool:
Approaching Infinity said:
For all those SOTT editors who haven't been posting, and any potential SOTT editors, maybe think about it this way. If everyone were to just post ONE article a day, SOTT would have more daily articles than it currently does. It's that easy. Once you're familiar with the system, that means 5-10 minutes a day to put up a high-quality article, maybe with a comment. But editing SOTT is so fun, it's hard to just post one article! Picture in your mind how awesome SOTT currently is. Now imagine how much awesomer it could be!

That's a good way to think about it. And if 100 people were posting just one good article a day and practicing making comments, freeing up those 15-20 editors who usually do most of it, there could be some potentially amazing results for everyone. The editors who have been posting for a while might have some extra time to write more themselves, then the personal benefit to everyone who is involved in doing something helpful and creative AND the amount of original SOTT content showing the results of our work could grow by leaps and bounds!

If we're all on a ladder together trying to move upwards, a stepping up is as necessary to us all as pulling up.
Approaching Infinity said:
For all those SOTT editors who haven't been posting, and any potential SOTT editors, maybe think about it this way. If everyone were to just post ONE article a day, SOTT would have more daily articles than it currently does. It's that easy. Once you're familiar with the system, that means 5-10 minutes a day to put up a high-quality article, maybe with a comment. But editing SOTT is so fun, it's hard to just post one article! Picture in your mind how awesome SOTT currently is. Now imagine how much awesomer it could be!

Yep, and even if it may take you more than 10 minutes to think about a creative title or to look for appropriate quotes for the comments, it's still ok. Maybe it will leave you time for only one article, but that's ok too, since what is important is quality, not quantity through mechanical posting. Energy that comes from dedication and attentiveness is never wasted. But it IS important to be consistent, if only for a reason that it keeps your mind sharp when it comes to spotting the signs.

Also, C's said: "As Yoda said, no try, just do, if only a little. That will break the logjam." It means that if you are hesitant, have all kind of thought loops, fears, etc., just open the SOTT page, hit the new article button and start typing. That's it. :)
Well in the spirit of participating,

Q: (ankhepiphan) Okay, I have one more question. My question is am I totally lost [???]

A: You still think you can think your way out of your problems and issues. You can't. When are you going to give up your FEAR and ANGER?

Q: (ankhepiphan) Fear and anger for what?

A: For life not being the way you want it to be.

That part hit me like a train. Ugh...

Thank you for sharing the session.
A: See previous answer and do not underestimate the cumulative effect over time. All of you should just remember where you were five years ago, or ten years. The changes did not happen overnight now did they?

It is true guys, for the longest time I didn't participate on the forum, and at the begging for me I wasn't even part of the forum. Strangly enough I came across it 5 years ago, and it truly changed everthing for me. Still not perfect but you try your best. very much what I was looking for, there were a lot of situations I would have not survived with out this.
And I personaly thank your efforts and everyone elses.
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