People in the West are waking up to the fact that we have basically mass migration of people from Syria and the Middle East. We have 4 million people displaced, and 180,000 went to Germany.
Refugees are coming from the Balkan states, the Middle East and North Africa, not only Syria. The semi-official count is 10.000 every day, some say it is up to 30.000.
Lets suppose it is 20.000 people day by day arriving in Germany, it means 60.000 meals per day
extra, plus shelter, plus a bed, plus bathrooms.
Most of the work is shouldered by volunteers. I wonder where the tipping point is.
So far more than 400
projected refugee camps were hit by fire attacks, committed by locals.
A village with 100 “natives” takes 1000 refugees:
And they do not come here to live in empty storehouses, empty caserns, exhibition halls and tents. They have expectations to there new life in Germany. And now the cold season is coming...
6% agents daily that is quite an army and everyone can be triggered by mobile. Their daily fight will be to get access to the few plug sockets available in order to keep the batteries full.
Hopefully someone working for the German intelligence apparatus can shot down the entire mobile grid with a single mouse click.
“First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin.”
Maybe Russia will help us. They can have a few DAX-Blue Chips in return.
Why do they all want to go to Germany? Were they informed in some way by the government, or is this truly a grassroots movement where they just wanted to go to Germany?
There are Twitter-hashtags motivating and guiding the crowd. Some of this hashtags were traced back to the US.
A: Germany is a direct target in case you haven't noticed.
Q: (L) So they want to destabilize Germany and put a total puppet government in charge?
A: Close.
Q: (L) So, Madame Merkel is not quite subservient enough?
Well, from my point of view the Merkel administration already is a total puppet government. 2 or 3 days after the VW exhaust scandal was launched Merkel said the TTIP/CETA treaty should be established till the end of this years.
Yesterday we had a huge demonstration against TTIP/CETA here in Berlin. The official number of participants was 150.000, the organizer said it was more than 250.000.
Maybe the VW scandal is a hint, like the Toyota brake-hose scandal was a few years ago.
But it seems VW is not enough. Now Deutsche Bank is getting the next target.
(L) So, if the USA were to control Germany completely, they'd own Europe.
They do so since WW2, no doubt about. But now they are afraid to lose it.
Thanks for sharing.