Session 10 October 2020

Many thanks to Laura, Ark, The Chateau Crew and the C's

The end of this year and the start of the next one will be with very unpredictable outcomes...

Wish you Ark to be well, (Piece of paper done, as Laura suggested) Speedy recovery Mate!.:cool2::cool2::cool2:

About the additional Crystals the procedure to request them is still the same Chu?

If so I will send an e-mail requesting some more... Many thanks to all....:cool2::cool2::cool2::cool2::lol:
On a side note, I watched "Real Genius" for the first time in a long, long time. The entire comedic plot is based on an energy beam laser assassination tool for satellite deployment. It would vaporize a target, so not so discrete as a heart attack machine. And I don't mean to be light with the situation with Ark. I wish him a speedy recovery.
Many thanks for this very interesting session. I am happy about the positive information concerning the health of Arky. I was fascinated by the diagnostic clarification by the C concerning the growth on the heart. Medically this was not explainable for me. The conscious use of sound wave or frequency weapons now gets a real face through the visible effect on Arky. That would probably be the rebirth of Rife in negative form. Interesting would be certainly statistically provable numbers, whether there is an increase of cardiovascular diseases in certain times in different countries. How good that we could build up a protection for our life in the last years by this forum.
The American situation will be very interesting and you can really expect everything there. Somehow I have the feeling that they will trigger an artificial natural disaster to take the whole continent into eternal captivity.
Excellent news to hear of Arks recovery, forever reviving the balance against the STS vassals.
Thank you as always for another great session and the shareing of "Knowledge".

(Joe) There's a new UFO documentary that Tucker Carlson was talking about on his show. It has a bunch of current and previous senators, bipartisan, who are interviewed in it about the UFO phenomenon. They're all straight up about how yes, there's something real to this and things are being hidden. It follows on the heels of those military tic-tac videos that were released. Is this building up to some kind of disclosure in the near future?

A: Near enough. But other events may intervene.

Q: (L) So, that doesn't mean immediately near, but...

(Joe) Other events will push that off the front pages.

(Andromeda) Wow. Gotta be something pretty major!

Asteroid (2018 VP1) Impact Earth Risk Approach Day Before US Election Day (2020)
#asteroid #2018 VP1 Nov 9, 2019 / 7:59

Joe) So, martial law in the USA will be short-lived, right?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Why do you think that?

(Joe) Just to put the National Guard out to quell the riots...

(L) I don't think Trump is inclined to be a dictator, but he'd do what needs to be done to restore order.

(Joe) He threatened it once already during the Black Lives Matter protests. He's already set the scene.

(L) But think that whatever he does, he's not gonna get the USA out of the karmic hole it's already in.

(Pierre) Too far gone.

A: Yes

At Pentagon, Fears Grow That Trump Will Pull Military Into Election Unrest
Defense Department officials said top generals could resign if Mr. Trump ordered the active-duty military into the streets to quell protests.

New York Time at it again.

Riled Up: Misinformation Stokes Calls for Violence on Election Day


In a video posted to Facebook on Sept. 14, Dan Bongino, a popular right-wing commentator and radio host, declared that Democrats were planning a coup against President Trump on Election Day.

For just over 11 minutes, Mr. Bongino talked about how bipartisan election experts who had met in June to plan for what might happen after people vote were actually holding exercises for such a coup. To support his baseless claim, he twisted the group’s words to fit his meaning.

“I want to warn you that this stuff is intense,” Mr. Bongino said, speaking into the camera to his 3.6 million Facebook followers. “Really intense, and you need to be ready to digest it all.”
His video, which has been viewed 2.9 million times, provoked strong reactions. One commenter wrote that people should be prepared for when Democrats “cross the line” so they could “show them what true freedom is.” Another posted a meme of a Rottweiler about to pounce, with the caption, “Veterans be like … Say when Americans.”

Tuesday, September 29th 2020
PORTLAND, Ore. - Members of the Portland Police Bureau’s Rapid Response Team deputized as Federal Marshals ahead of Saturday’s planned rally by the Proud Boy group and expected counterprotests will maintain that status through the end of the year.

The U.S. Marshals Service’s Oregon district told KATU News it will renew the status of the roughly 50 officers in 2021 “if necessary.”

Deputizing the officers lets U.S. prosecutors charge anyone suspected of attacking them with assault on a federal officer – a federal crime that often carries harsher punishment.

Oregon State Police Superintendent Travis Hampton previously said, “I want violent individuals thinking about the enhanced penalties they may face if they harm a Portland Police Bureau Officer.”
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Things are really heating up badly. Whoever is behind this satellite-based technology doesn't care about lateral causalities. In order to target one individual, they basically target anyone corresponding to the type of that individual, according to whatever parameters they are using in their profiling. People everywhere are expandable so a civil wars here and there (including in Western cities), mass starvation, genetic manipulation, etc. are all on the table at this junction of time.
Merci pour la session !:Halo:

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Bonjour @Calendula, bienvenue sur le forum 👋 . Comme il s'agit de votre premier message, nous vous invitons à écrire un message d'introduction dans le forum des débutants où vous pourrez nous parler un peu de vous et de la façon dont vous avez trouvé votre chemin jusqu'ici. De plus, comme il s'agit d'un forum anglophone, nous préférons que tous les messages soient rédigés en anglais. Nombreux sont ceux qui trouvent ici un logiciel de traduction très utile :-) .

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Thank you for the session, everyone. It gives me a sense of peace to know that you all are out there, doing what you do. I will pray for Ark's health, morning and evening, with my crystals.

Over the past couple of weeks I have been in a funny mood, regretting not finding the forum and Laura's work earlier. The core group has been preparing for the upcoming mayhem for a decade, or even decades, and I've only been around for a few short years. It feels like there's still so much work to be done and so little time. But at the same time the 2020 sessions have been pretty useful wake up calls becuase there definitely is no time left to waste.

I have a similar feeling about being a 'latecomer' to it all. I've only just finished The Wave and Vol. 1 of SHOTW... but better late than never! We found the C's and this network when we found them. No need for regret. Now that we've connected, and knowledge comes flowing in, there's no time to waste in application. Just like you said. But I remind myself that it doesn't have turn into a mad rush for toilet paper, peanut butter, and canning lids. Preparing can also be a joy and an adventure!

I say that, but I am still in the midst of understanding how to prepare myself. I recall one session where the C's said something about not getting caught in '3D prepper hysteria'. The way I see it, the internal preparations are just as important to me as the external. Both are urgent. But we can still feel great about enjoying the Romance Novel exercise!
Thank you for the session, I admire your ability to keep using humor in this particular hard time for Ark, it is definitely a great health's support ! Ark, I wish you a sweet recovery, and I have to tell that I admire your desire to still gather more and more knowledge while fighting the disease. :flowers:

That sounds like an excellent idea. Just his name and the words "For excellent health and happiness." That covers about everything!
Done too! Our kind thoughts are with you.

A: Consider crystal protection for travel and supplementary spaces.

Q: (L) You mean like the crystals we charged to put in all of our vehicles?

A: Yes
This is funny because crystals have been more present in my mind those later times, like it is especially important this time to do the recitations and to sing to them, more than anytime.

Also keep in mind that in our globalized world, if the US were to 'fall' (so to speak) it would imply serious global repercussions. Also, note that the current harassment of people under the ruse of "covid" is a global phenomenon. In short, we're all in the together, as our wonderful leaders keep telling us. But with our group here, we have a chance to make that a positive rather than a negative thing. So I'd encourage you to not get too identified with any one perspective, national or otherwise.
I totally agree, that's why despite living in France, we still have to keep in touch with US news ! Especially when the majority of our presidents make sure to be good students and do everything the same way as US.

Keep in mind the sessions are not tightly constructed any more. Often there will be conversations that ensue from a C's answer, and also from that the C's will decide to chime in to the conversation. That's how I read the answer that Heather brought up as being "less than objective," the C's adding their take in the middle of a discussion. Sometimes things aren't going to be strictly Q&A like they were in the early sessions. Gonna have to be a little flexible with accepting that bit of change in how the sessions go.
I noticed that and I like the way the sessions are going. There are more exchanges between you all and I can feel while reading that confidence is set with the C's, that they are kind of part of the family, that you are talking with your peers, and it is pleasant.

What is it with the deep state siding with brain damaged candidates? Last elections it was Hillary, and now it's another train wreck of a person.
😂 Too much Greenbaum ! Must be contagious !

Anyway, I've been feeling quite good despite all this weird atmosphere around us. Keeping in mind that things are going to change, be patient, enjoy the show and keep doing what must be done first.

Thank you again for your presence, for keeping assuring the sessions despite everything that's happening and for not keeping secrets ! :hug2:😍
In short, we're all in the together, as our wonderful leaders keep telling us. But with our group here, we have a chance to make that a positive rather than a negative thing. So I'd encourage you to not get too identified with any one perspective, national or otherwise.
Yes yes! That's why the C's always tell us "enjoy the show". Like what is happening it is like a spectacle, a movie, a Comedia del Arte. Aware but not identification. It is the only way to survive this macabre times.
Very interesting session, thank you for sharing! I was happy to read the hopeful message from the C's regarding Ark's health. Continuing to keep him and all of you in my thoughts and prayers. :flowers:

On the Covid-19 situation, it is getting rather depressing and it's likely that there's no end in sight, at least not in the near future. But I'll try to keep in mind to enjoy the show, though it's hard at times!
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